Typical exam options for Yashchenko.

All of us at one time went through the final examinations, just like the future graduates of the 9th grade worried and prepared in advance for the exams. Of course, today's youth, boys and girls graduating from 2018, who, after the ninth grade, go to study at a technical school or college, have completely different technical and informational opportunities to prepare for future exams than their parents had.

Free access to all kinds of electronic material at hand, which allows you to calmly prepare for the final examinations, gives an undoubted advantage and great opportunities, well and systematically, and most importantly, in advance, prepare future graduates, students of the 9th grade of Russian schools for exams.

Many of you will go to college or technical school in 2018 after successfully passing the exam tests at a school called the OGE (Compulsory State Exams). A considerable number of you expect to study in technical schools and colleges at the expense of state funding, in other words, free of charge, but not everyone is guaranteed such a place "under the sun", only the best of you can count on it.

We will talk about how to get public funding for training in colleges and technical schools later, further in the text, for now, let's deal with our main topic, which concerns final exams, namely mathematics. We will offer options for solving tasks in mathematics of the OGE in 2018 and 36 options with Yashchenko's answers for 9 grades, you will learn about the scores and exams on compulsory state tests, translating them on a scale into grades, you can learn something else and possibly understand ...

OGE scores in mathematics 2018 - translated into grades

Before proceeding to the presentation of 36 options for solving the mathematics of the OGE 2018 according to Yashchenko, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the scale for translating exam points into grades, including graduation mathematics, you can transfer from the score you received on the exam to the usual mark (grade).

0-7 points in OGE mathematics - grade "2"

8-14 points in OGE mathematics - grade "3"

15-21 points in OGE mathematics - grade "4"

22-32 points in OGE mathematics - grade "5"

Do not forget that passing the final exams in grade 9, you first of all confirm that you have mastered the program school education until the ninth grade, that is, you have successfully studied basic general education and this is very important for you. This gives you the peace of mind to prepare for your college or college entrance exams, so it is imperative that you pass your exams the first time.

Yashchenko mathematics OGE 2018 - 36 solutions

Below the link, you can familiarize yourself with the tests, solutions and answers to tasks in mathematics of the OGE 2018 from the Russian mathematician Yashchenko, check your knowledge online. This program by solving mathematics on compulsory state exams, is a great help in order to test yourself and your knowledge, to test your level of preparation in this exam school subject.

OGE in mathematics for YASHENKO 2018 below ...


The world, as they say, does not stand still, everything around is changing, so there have been changes in the examination tests of Russian schoolchildren, graduates of the 9th grade, which we will now tell you about. They mostly happened in the last school season, but we will remind you of them, refresh the memory of those who forgot about them, so to speak.

Changes in the OGE in mathematics 2018

To date, there is no new information about the innovations of 2018 in the OGE or innovations, all those changes that occurred earlier, including in the last academic season, remain relevant today. We will tell you about the compulsory state exams, the changes that took place last year:

The change in the OGE in 2018 affected the subject of literature, where the assessment criteria for tasks in which detailed answers are provided, in future exams they will be similar to the assessment criteria for the USE, due to which the primary score (maximum) increased from 23 to 29, we remind you that this applies to the subject "Literature";

In the next school season, they will be cumulatively counted as compulsory final exams, and those that the student chooses at his discretion, the result will be the following - in order to receive a graduation certificate, you need to pass all four subjects at least for minimum grades (points);

In the next academic season, it will be possible to make three attempts to eventually pass the OGE;

Unlike the final USE for students in grade 11, exam scores for the OGE, as you know, are translated into grades. Those of you who graduate from grade 9 in 2018 will have to take three modules in mathematics at once. Total for execution examination work the graduate will be able to "earn" 36 points. Including for the module on the subject "Algebra" - 17 points, the subject "Geometry" - 11 points, and for the subject "Real Mathematics" - 8 points.

The recommended minimum threshold in mathematics for the final examinations will be a minimum of 8 points, but provided that for each of the modules ("Algebra", Geometry "and" Real Mathematics "), the student will receive at least 2 points.

The main thing for each of you is to score the minimum 2 points, to reach this threshold. In the event that the mark for the exam in mathematics is lower than the annual mark, then only the annual mark is taken into account when setting it. If the exam grade for mathematics is higher than the annual grade, then both of them are taken into account when putting the final grade in the certificate.

Exams in OGE mathematics 2018

After you graduate from grade 9 and successfully pass the final exams in all school subjects, not only in compulsory Russian and mathematics, but also two others of your choice, you will of course go to some kind of technical school or college, at least a significant part of those who graduate from school in 2018 and will not transfer to grade 10.

Many of you have decided where you will go to study, to which technical school or college, of which there are a huge number in Russia and they are available in almost all even the smallest towns of our vast homeland, therefore, go somewhere far from home to get a special education not particularly necessary.

Of course, many of you are counting on free tuition in the new academic season of 2018, getting a special education at a college or technical school with public funding, and of course some of you will achieve this opportunity, get the coveted place, but not all of this is for sure.

To be among the chosen ones, those who will receive budget place, you need not only to have high graduation scores in exam tests, but also to pass better than your competitors the entrance to the college or technical school in which you intend to go to study, to receive your future profession in the chosen specialty.

Do not forget that among the first applicants for such places who will surely receive a budgetary place in a college or technical school will be school medalists, as well as prize winners and winners. school olympiads in various subjects, of the most varied caliber, from a national scale to republican, regional and regional.

Therefore, it is just extremely important for you to get high passing scores on the OGE in 2018 in order to have a chance to take such a place, including successfully passing entrance tests... Prepare for upcoming exams thanks to modern possibilities it is possible in advance and without leaving their house, it would be, as they say, only your desire, but there are plenty of opportunities.

Where to go to study? Choose below ...

Where to go to study after grade 9 in 2018?

The choice of where to go to study is faced by many future graduates of Russian schools, also an important question is what profession to choose, what specialty to enter a college or technical school in the next academic season of 2018, which one to give preference to.

Of course, most have already decided on whom they will go to study, many have a cherished dream, for example, to become a primary school teacher, teacher of physical education, music or history, someone has long dreamed of learning the profession of a paramedic or pharmacist, and someone sees himself as an agronomist or a veterinarian, but someone likes technical, architectural or construction professions, such as an auto mechanic, a construction technician, a designer, and so on.

For those who have not decided on the choice of a profession, are in thought, which profession to give preference to, which specialty to choose, we will facilitate their task. Next, we will introduce you to practically all technical and humanitarian specialties, as well as the subjects studied at the college and technical schools in 2018, in which you can enter and get your chosen profession.

In conclusion, I would like to say the following - do not forget that the main thing in teaching is not knowledge, but whether you will be able to apply it in practice, that is, to put it into action, a practical plane of application. Do not forget that you need to successfully pass mathematics according to the OGE in 2018, in which problems with solutions and answers by mathematician Yashchenko will help you, and also remember that the guarantee free training in colleges and technical schools, are high passing scores and successful entrance tests.

Prepare in advance, like for the OGE in mathematics and the rest of the exam subjects in 2018, in order to get high passing scores and become one of the applicants for a budget college or technical school place. Good luck to all Russian schoolchildren, 9th grade graduates on exams in mathematics, Russian, physics, chemistry, history and other subjects - let your desires become reality, thanks to your own efforts!

Not all MATHEMATICS , remember this and this is not a problem!

What else I would like to say is that the mathematical mindset is far from all of us, some are more developed logical thinking, creative or artistic direction, so probably those of you who are not inclined to such science and should not choose a profession associated with exact sciences, calculations, figures, etc.

Before choosing a profession for yourself, the specialty for which to enter a college or technical school in 2018, you should understand yourself, pass some tests in order to understand about your true capabilities, to which you are more inclined, because choosing a specialty today and looking down to study it tomorrow, if you make a mistake, you can ruin a lot in your life.

Do not forget that your favorite work is just a vital necessity for a person, when you go to it with pleasure and perform it with the same feeling, which means you have an incentive to grow and further, to improve. It is extremely important for any person to have the opportunity to do in his professional life what his soul is about, remember this, think about it and make the right decision on the choice future profession- Peace to you and success in life!

OGE matematika 9 klass 2018 ekzameni Yaschenko 36 variantov

OGE mathematics 9 class 2018, exams Yashchenko 36 options

Series "OGE. FIPI - school "prepared by the developers of control measuring materials(KIM) basic state exam.
The collection contains:
36 standard exam options, compiled in accordance with the draft demo version of the KIM OGE in mathematics in 2018;
instructions for performing the work;
answers to all tasks;
solutions and evaluation criteria for the tasks of part 2.
Completing tasks of typical examination options provides students with the opportunity to independently prepare for the state final certification in grade 9, as well as objectively assess the level of their training.
Teachers can use sample exam options to organize the control of the results of mastering by schoolchildren educational programs the main general education and intensive preparation of students for the OGE.

Which of the following statements are correct?
1) The area of ​​a triangle is less than the product of its two sides.
2) The inscribed angle in the circle is equal to the corresponding central angle resting on the same arc.
3) Through a point not lying on a given straight line, you can draw a straight line perpendicular to this straight line.
In your response, write down the numbers of the statements you selected, without spaces, commas, or other additional characters.

The first cyclist left the village along the highway at a speed of 21 km / h. An hour after it, a second cyclist left the same village in the same direction at a speed of 15 km / h, and another hour later - a third. Find the speed of the third cyclist if he first caught up with the second, and 9 hours after that he caught up with the first.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book OGE, Mathematics, Typical exam options, 36 options, Yashchenko I.V., 2018 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • OGE in mathematics from A to Z, Problems in geometry, Yashchenko I.V., Shestakov S.A., 2020
  • OGE 2020, Mathematics, 50 options, Typical options for exam tasks, Vysotsky I.R., Yashchenko I.V., Khachaturyan A.V., Shestakov S.A.
  • OGE 2020, Mathematics, 50 options, Typical options for exam tasks, Vysotsky I.R., Yashchenko I.V., Kuznetsova L.V.

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