Project School Supplies in the Dow Presentation. Project "From the history of school supplies

Irina Savchuk
Project "From the history of school supplies"

Short project

Subject: «»

preparatory group "Malinka"

Madou "Children's Development Center Children's Garden number 79"

Educators: Savchuk I. V.

Age group: Preparatory

View project: Information and creative

Subject project: History of school supplies.

purpose project: To form interest in school. Choose children with destinations and functions school supplies forto B. school Children did not play with them, but were used to appoint educational process as a tool for implementing certain purposes

Duration project 10 days: from 05/15/18 to 05/20/18.

Relevance project: our preschool The institution is working on the problem of continuity between kindergarten and school. Thus, the question of familiarizing future first graders with school supplies is an part of This question.

Analysis pedagogical experience Teachers and research results indicate that the child is preschool childrenBy doing B. schoolhas an insufficient idea of \u200b\u200bdestination and functions school supplies.

If in preschool the age of the leading activity is the game, then in school Age of such a role in the life of a child acquires educational activities.

For former preschooler and already a first-grader schoolchildren, school suppliesFirst of all, act in the role of toys and both with any toy, you need to teach the child to "play."

Long before schools It is necessary to form elementary self-organization skills in learning activities. These skills will continue for the child "assistants" in training activities.

Also in preschool Years the child is necessary assimilate: Any activity - a game, work, classes - requires a certain preparation. Therefore, it is important to provide that, for example, it will be necessary for drawing, modeling for playing or labor, where and how it is better to sit down, whether everything you need at hand, as it is better to place the materials and benefits needed for classes.

Joint activity of adult and children. Enrichment of the developing environment interaction with parents with social partners.

knowledge book.

Why need school supplies?

How the first letters appeared. (Papyrus book) Suggest to view encyclopedia and books with writing history. Tips for parents in the corner

"First Books"



What did you write before?

- History of the arms of the handle.

What are used now.

Di "Help the screw gather a handle"

It is proposed to collect one handle.

Exhibition "Ball handles" Consultation for parents and educators on the topic "Pencils"

As for the penalties, since none of the existing structures can cause any harm to the health of the child.


Eraser, clips.

What subjects can still be in the penalty?

- history of origin.

Di "Fast eraser"

The child should remove unnecessary details of the pencil drawing as quickly as possible.

Di "Help the tongue gather a closure chain"

Development of small motility.

Children are invited to collect a chain of clips. (who quickly)

Children are offered strokes school supplies. Folder- movement: "Requirements for Penali".



Creation. Pencils (colored and simple, sharpener.

How appeared pencils.

Why do you need pencils?

How to use a sharpener?

Di "Pencils of pencils"

Development of small motility.

Di "Help to collect Pencils Malvina"

Teach to distinguish between colored and simple pencils.

Painting "Rainbow".

Development of creative abilities.

Coloring. Parental Corner Information "Preparation of your hand to the letter"



O. Riddles school supplies.

Learn a few riddles.

Scene-role game « SCHOOL» TARGET:

Learn to select the attributes necessary for the game;

Learn to distribute roles and act according to accepted role;

Learning to carry out game action on speech instructions;

Teach modeling role dialog;

Expand and deepen kids about school and school supplies.

EQUIPMENT: school supplies Necessary for study, pointer, attributes, tasks, call. Who came up with a ballpoint pen?

(Information for the Parent Corner)


labor scissors, paper.

From where the paper came.

Paper making.

Careful attitude to paper.

Instructions for working with scissors.

Applique "Figures"

Using scissors and paper cut any items from school supplies And glue on the cardboard in the form of a portfolio. Exhibition different species Paper. "Taking care of a child, do not forget about him ..."

Ideal schoolbag(information for parents)

Cognition. FAMP. Rule, squares.

Di "Help Pinocchio measure items"

Secure object measurement skills using a ruler.

Drawing of segments of a certain length. Exhibition of various types of lines and squares, transport, milestone. Suggest parents at home.

Reading a poem "Briefcase"

V. Danko



paint creativity, gouache, tassels.

Views tasty.

Appointment, use in the life of people.

Painting "IN school» Exhibition tasty(for drawing, for glue, paint brushes, wide-narrow, thin-thick) "How to teach a child to draw", "Develop creative personality» (information in the corner)


catia "Secrets school portfolio» (generalization)

Rebuses, puzzles, crosswords about school supplies.

D / and on the development of "toys, school, sport "

If you hear a word that relates to toys, slamming hands; If you hear the word related to school supplies- put your hands on the table as in school; And if the word refers to sports accessory - Arrot your arms aside. Cutting pictures with the image school items.

Suggest parents to visit school In which the child is going to go to the first class.



"Secrets school portfolio» (generalization)

Quiz « School. School supplies» . EQUIPMENT: school supplies Necessary for study. Tips for parents in the corner "just collect a child in school "

Furue school threshold, recent preschoolers begins new, very important period of formation of personality. This is a new lifestyle that suggests a new system of relations with the surrounding people, the implementation of new activities, performing new tasks, changing the regime in order to adapt to school Passed painlessly.


Aizman R. I. Preparing the child to school / R.. I. Isman. M., 1991.

Arnautova E. P. Pedagogue and family. M.: 2001.

E. Arnautov. Premie Control Communications schools and parents of future first graders. - M.: Sphere. 2006.)

Arkhipova I. A. Preparation of the child school. - Ekaterinburg, 2004

Belessless M. M. Steps to school: KN. For teachers and parents. M.: Drop, 2001.

Upbringing a positive attitude to school In children prepared to school of Group in the project; Soon B. school; (From the experience of the work of Almetyevsky Dow No. 48 October 2006)

Gavrina S. E. et al. Tests for preschool children. - M.; 2008.

Gavrina S. E., Kutyavina N. L. and others. Develop attention. - M., 2003.

Golneva L A. 365 verification tasks and exercises to prepare for school / L.. A. Golnev. St. Petersburg., 2000.

Dubrovina I.V. Willingness of the child to school / I.. V. Dubrovina. M., 1995. 80 s.

Kabanova M. N. Preparing for school / M.. N. Kabanova. St. Petersburg., 2001.

Karkacheva N. A. In a box with pencils. // Our holidays. No. 1 for 2008.

Nefedova E. A. Preparing for school / E.. A. Nefedova, O. V. Perezodova. M., 1999.

Design activities in kindergarten.

Age grouppreparatory

Project type: information and creative

Project topic: The history of school supplies.

Objective of the project: To form interest in school. To familiarize children with the purpose and functions of school supplies so that the children did not play with them at school, and used to be destined in the educational process as a tool for implementing certain purposes.

The duration of the project is 10 days.

Project relevance: Our preschool institution It works in the problem of continuity between kindergarten and school. Thus, the question of familiarizing future first-graders with school supplies is an integral part of this issue.

Analysis of the pedagogical experience of teachers and research results suggests that a child is a preschooler, acting to school, has an insufficient idea of \u200b\u200bthe purpose and functions of school supplies.
If in before school age The leading activity is the game, then at school age, an educational activity acquires such a role in the child's life.
For former preschooler And already a first-grader's schoolchildren, school supplies, first of all, perform in the role of toys and both with any toy, you need to teach the child to "play."

Long before school, it is necessary to form elementary skills of self-organization in training activities. These skills will continue for the child "assistants" in training activities.
Back in preschool years, the child needs to learn: any activity - the game, work, classes - requires a certain preparation. Therefore, it is important to provide that, for example, it will be necessary for drawing, modeling for playing or labor, where and how it is better to sit down, whether everything you need at hand, as it is better to place the materials and benefits needed for classes.

Joint activity of adult and children.

Enrichment of the developing environment

Interaction with parents with social partners.

1 day


"School portfolio secrets"(Talk about the history of school supplies) book.

Why do school supplies need?

How the first letters appeared. (Papyrus book)

Suggest to view encyclopedia and books with writing history.

Tips for parents in the corner

"First Books"

2 day




"School Penal Secrets"

What did you write before?

The history of the appearance of the handle.

What are used now.

D / and " Help the screw gather a handle "

It is proposed to collect one handle.

Exhibition "Ball Handles"

Consultation for parents and educators on the topic "Pencils"

As for the penalties, since none of the existing structures can cause any harm to the health of the child.

3 day



"School Penal Secrets" (continued) Eraser, Clips.

What subjects can still be in the penalty?

The history of the emergence.

Di "Fast eraser"

- the child should remove unnecessary details of the pencil drawing as quickly as possible.

D / and "Help the tongue collect a chain of a closure"

Development of small motility.

Children are invited to assemble a chain of clips. (Who is faster)

Children are offered school supplies.

Folder-moving: "Requirements for Penals".

4 day





"School Penal Secrets" (continued) Pencils (Colored and Simple), Sharpener.

The history of the emergence.

Why do you need pencils?

How to use a sharpener?

D / and "Pencils"

Development of small motility.

D / and "Help to collect Pencils Malvina"

Teach to distinguish between colored and simple pencils.

Drawing "Rainbow".

Development of creative abilities.


Information in the parental corner "Preparation of the hand to the letter"

5 day





Riddles on school supplies.

Learn one of the mysteries.

Scene-role game "School" TARGET:

Learn to select the attributes necessary for the game;

Learn to distribute roles and act according to the role assigned;

Learning to carry out game action on speech instructions;

Teach modeling role dialog;

Expand and deepen the knowledge of children about school and school supplies.

Equipment: School supplies Necessary for study, pointer, attributes, tasks, call.

Who came up with a ballpoint pen?


for parental corner)

6 day



"School portfolio secrets" (continued) Scissors, paper.

From where the paper came.

Paper making.

Careful attitude to paper.

Instructions for working with scissors.

Applique "Figures"

Using scissors and paper cut any items from school supplies and glue on cardboard in the form of a portfolio.

Exhibition of various types of paper.

"Taking care of a child, do not forget about him ..."

Perfect School School (Parent Information)

7 day

"School portfolio secrets"Rule, squares.

D / and "Help Pinocchio Measure items"

Teach object measurement skills using a ruler.

Drawing of segments of a certain length.

Exhibition of various types of lines and squares, transport, milestone.

Suggest parents at home.

Reading a poem "Briefcase"

V. Danko

8 day




"School portfolio secrets"paints, gouache, tassels.

Types of brushes.

Appointment, use in the life of people.

Drawing "to school"

Tassel exhibition (for drawing, for glue, paint brushes, wide, narrow, thin-thick)

"How to teach a child to draw", "develop a creative person" (information in the corner)

9 day




"School portfolio secrets" (generalization)

Reburs, puzzles, crosswords about school supplies.

D / and on the development of attention "toys, school, sport"

If you hear a word that relates to toys, slamming hands; If you hear the word related to school supplies - put your hands on the table, as in school; And if the word refers to sports accessories - ruffles hands aside.

Cutting pictures with the image of school items.

Suggest parents to visit the school in which the child is going to go to the first class.

10 day




"School portfolio secrets" (generalization)

D / and "Help to collect a portfolio is minted"

- cranulate careful attitude towards school property and personal school supplies.

D / and "divide the words to syllables" (speech development)

Equipment: School supplies necessary for study.

Tips for parents in the corner "Just collect a child to school"

Steadfasting the school threshold, recent preschoolers begin a new, very important period of the formation of a person. This is a new way of life that suggests a new system of relationships with the surrounding people, the implementation of new activities, the implementation of new tasks, changing the regime to ensure that the school adaptation takes place is painless.


Aizman R. I. Preparation of a child to school / R.I. Aizman. M., 1991.

Arnautova E. P. Pedagogue and family. M.: 2001.

E. Arnautov. Preferably relations of Dou, schools and parents of future first-graders. - M.: Sphere. 2006.)

Arkhipova I. A. Preparation of a child for school. - Ekaterinburg, 2004

Bezless M. M. Stairs to school: kN. For teachers and parents. M.: Drop, 2001.

Upbringing a positive attitude to school in children prepared for school group in the framework of the project; Soon to school; (From the experience of the work of Almetyevsky Dow No. 48 October 2006)

Gavrina S.E. and others. Tests for preschoolers. - m.; 2008.

Gavrina S. E. , Kutyavina N. L. and others. Develop attention. - M., 2003.

Golneva L A. 365 test tasks and exercises to prepare for school / L. A. Golovnev. St. Petersburg., 2000.

Dubrovina I. V. The readiness of the child to school / I.V. Dubrovina. M., 1995. 80 s.

Kabanova M. N. Preparing for school / M.N. Kabanova. St. Petersburg., 2001.

Karkacheva N. A. In a box with pencils. // Our holidays. No. 1 for 2008.

Nefedova E. A. Preparing for school / E.A. Nefedova, O.V. Pattern. M., 1999.



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Project "History of school supplies"

Project type : Information and creative.

Project participants : Children preparatory group, educators, parents of pupils.

Deadline: 10 days.

Problem question:

The relevance of the project : our pre-school institution is in-depth working on the problem of continuity between kindergarten and school. Thus, the question of familiarizing future first-graders with school supplies is an integral part of this issue.

Analysis of the pedagogical experience of teachers and research results suggests that a child is a preschooler, acting to school, has an insufficient idea of \u200b\u200bthe purpose and functions of school supplies.
If in preschool age leading activity is the game, then at school age, an educational activity acquires such a role in the child's life.
For a former preschooler and a first-grader's schoolchildren, school supplies, first of all, perform in the role of toys and both with any toy, you need to teach a child to play.

Long before school, it is necessary to form elementary skills of self-organization in training activities. These skills will continue for the child "assistants" in training activities.
Back in preschool years, the child needs to learn: any activity - the game, work, classes - requires a certain preparation. Therefore, it is important to provide that, for example, it will be necessary for drawing, modeling for playing or labor, where and how it is better to sit down, whether everything you need at hand, as it is better to place the materials and benefits needed for classes.

A child, acting to school, has an insufficient idea of \u200b\u200bthe purpose and functions of school supplies, and ask the question "What are they needed for?"

Objective of the project: To form interest in school.To acquaint children with the purpose and functions of school supplies so that in school children not played with them, but used to be destined in the educational process as a tool for implementing certain purposes.

Integration of educational areas: Cognitive development, Socio-communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, Speech development.

Tasks: expand the ideas about school;form the motivation of teachings and interest in the process itself; Removing the feeling of anxiety and doubts from preschoolers before meeting with the school; promote the development of mutual understanding and friendliness; form elementary self-organizing skills in training activities; Increase parental competence in pre-school issues.

Children's knowledge area: During the conversation "What is school supplies", we obtained the following results:

Estimated result: formed in children of ideas about the purpose and functions of school supplies.

Stages of work on the project:

Preparatory stage:

Prepare in the group the necessary material for cognitive and productive activity (Development of abstracts directly educational activities, conversations, selection of wall-printed and didactic games);

Prepare homework For parents, collect necessary information and arrange it;

Help from parents in the selection of literature and table games for school themes;

Basic Stage:

Project implementation:

1 day

Cognitive development

"School portfolio secrets" (conversation about the history of school supplies) book.

Why do school supplies need?

How the first letters appeared (book papyrus)

Suggest to view encyclopedia and books with writing history.

Tips for parents in the corner

First books "

2 day

Cognitive development

Socially communicative


"School Penal Secrets"

What did you write before?

The history of the appearance of the handle.

What are used now.

Di« Help the screw gather a handle "

It is proposed to collect one handle.

Exhibition "Ball Handles"

Consultation for parents and educators on the topic "Pencils"

As for the penalties, since none of the existing structures can cause any harm to the health of the child.

3 day

Cognitive development

"School Penal Secrets" (continued) Eraser, Clips.

What subjects can still be in the penalty?

The history of the emergence.

Di« Fast eraser "

- childi must remove unnecessary details of the pencil drawing as quickly as possible.

Di "Help the tongue gather a closure chain"

Development of small motility.

Children are invited to assemble a chain of clips. (Who is faster)

Children are offered school supplies.

Folder-moving: "Requirements for Penals".

4 day

Cognitive development

Artistic and aesthetic development

"School Penal Secrets" (continued) Pencils (Colored and Simple), Sharpener.

The history of the emergence.

Why do you need pencils?

How to use a sharpener?

D / and "Pencils"

Development of small motility.

D. / and "Help to collect Parades Malvina"

Teach to distinguish between colored and simple pencils.

Drawing "Rainbow".

Development of creative abilities.


Information in the parental corner "Preparation of the hand to the letter"

5 day

Speech development

Riddles on school supplies. Presentation.

Learn one of the mysteries.

Scene-role-playing game "School" Goal:

Learn to select the attributes necessary for the game;

Learn to distribute roles and act according to the role assigned;

Learning to carry out game action on speech instructions;

Teach modeling role dialog;

Expand and deepen the knowledge of children about school and school supplies.

Equipment: School supplies Necessary for study, pointer, attributes, tasks, call.

Who came up with a ballpoint pen?

( Information

for parental corner)

6 day

Cognitive development

Artistic and aesthetic


"School portfolio secrets" (continued) scissors, paper.

From where the paper came.

Paper making.

Careful attitude to paper.

Instructions for working with scissors.

Applique "Figures"

Using scissors and paper cut any items from school supplies and glue on cardboard in the form of a portfolio.

Exhibition of various types of paper.

"Taking care of a child, do not forget about him ..."

Perfect School School (Parent Information)

7 day

Socio-communicative development

"School portfolio secrets"Rule, squares.

D / and "Help Pinocchio Measure items"

Teach object measurement skills using a ruler.

Drawing of segments defined long.

Exhibition of various types of lines and squares, transport, milestone.

Suggest parents at home.

Reading a poem "Briefcase"

V. Danko

8 day

Cognitive development

Artistic and aesthetic development

"School portfolio's secrets" paint, gouache, tassels.

Types of brushes.

Appointment, use in the life of people.

Drawing "to school"

Tassel exhibition (for drawing, for glue, paint brushes, wide, narrow, thin-thick)

"How to teach a child to draw", "develop a creative person" (information in the corner)

9 day

Cognitive development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Reburs, puzzles, crosswords about school supplies.

D / and on the development of attention "toys, school, sport"

If you hear a word that relates to toys, slamming hands; If you hear the word related to school supplies - put your hands on the table, as in school; And if the word refers to sports accessories - ruffles hands aside.

Cutting pictures with the image of school items.

Suggest parents to visit the school in which the child is going to go to the first class.

10 day

Cognitive development

Socially communicative


Speech development

"School portfolio secrets" (generalization)

D / and "Help to collect a portfolio is minted"

- cranulate careful attitude towards school property and personal school supplies.

D / and "divide the words to syllables" (speech development)

Equipment: School supplies necessary for study.

Tips for parents in the corner "Just collect a child to school"

The final stage:

The presentation of the project is the design of the exhibition of children's work.

Creating an album with children "Riddles from the portfolio".

Methodical support Project: multimedia equipment methodical manuals, illustration on project, encyclopedia and book with writing stories, coloring, school supplies necessary for study.

Steadfasting the school threshold, recent preschoolers begin a new, very important period of the formation of a person. This is a new way of life that suggests a new system of relationships with the surrounding people, the implementation of new activities, the implementation of new tasks, changing the regime to ensure that the school adaptation takes place is painless.

Description of the new problem : Preparing for school - a difficult period in the life of a preschooler. Admission to school and the initial period of training cause restructuring of the lifestyle and activities of the child. Small man is in waiting. The whole lifestyle of the child is changing radically (mode, change of communication with adults and peers, an increase in the volume of intellectual load). The child's attitude to school is formed before he goes into it. And here is an important role playing information about the school and the way it is submitted by parents and educators kindergarten. Thus, all this can be reflected in the short-term project "Soon to school". School orientation projects contribute to the increase in social and cognitive activity Children, purposeful formation of the integrative qualities necessary for the successful inclusion of children in school life.


    Aizman R. I. Preparation of a child to school / R.I. Aizman. M., 1991.

    Arnautova E. P. Pedagogue and family. M.: 2001.

    E. Arnautov. Preferably relations of Dou, schools and parents of future first-graders. - M.: Sphere. 2006.)

    Arkhipova I. A.Preparation of a child for school. - Ekaterinburg, 2004

    Bezless M. M. Stairs to school: kN. For teachers and parents. M.: Drop, 2001.

    Gavrina S.E. and others. Tests for preschoolers. - m.; 2008.

    Gavrina S. E., Kutyavina N. L. and others. Develop attention. - M., 2003.

    Golneva L A. 365 test tasks and exercises to prepare for school / L. A. Golovnev. St. Petersburg., 2000.

    Dubrovina I. V. The readiness of the child to school / I.V. Dubrovina. M., 1995.

    Kabanova M. N. Preparing for school / M.N. Kabanova. St. Petersburg., 2001.

    Karkacheva N. A. In a box with pencils. // Our holidays. No. 1 for 2008.

    Nefedova E. A.Preparing for school / E.A. Nefedova, O.V. Pattern. M., 2008.

Municipal autonomous pre-school educational institution
"Kindergarten combined type number 3"
Project "Story of School Supplies"

Kolpashevo -2016
Project author: Educator - Lapina Svetlana Yuryevna
Project participants: Pupils of the preparatory group, teacher - Lapina S.Yu.
Age group: Preparatory
Project type: information and creative
Project Topic: Story of School Supplies.
Project goal: to form interest in school. To familiarize children with the purpose and functions of school supplies so that the children did not play with them at school, and used to be destined in the educational process as a tool for implementing certain purposes.
Development of cognitive interests - the appointment of school supplies, their decoration, the history of appearance, change external view and functions.
Development of creative abilities - an essay, drawing, applique, design project "Time Tape"
The development of communicative abilities is a discussion, a statement of hypotheses, the establishment of agreements.
The duration of the project is 10 days.
The relevance of the project:
Our pre-school institution is in-depth working on the problem of continuity between kindergarten and school. Thus, the question of familiarizing future first-graders with school supplies is an integral part of this issue.
Analysis of the pedagogical experience of teachers and research results suggests that a child is a preschooler, acting to school, has an insufficient idea of \u200b\u200bthe purpose and functions of school supplies. If in preschool age leading activity is the game, then at school age, an educational activity acquires such a role in the child's life. For a former preschooler and a first-grader's schoolchildren, school supplies, first of all, perform in the role of toys and both with any toy, you need to teach a child to play.
Long before school, it is necessary to form elementary skills of self-organization in training activities. These skills will continue for the child "assistants" in training activities. Back in preschool years, the child needs to learn: any activity - the game, work, classes - requires a certain preparation. Therefore, it is important to provide that, for example, it will be necessary for drawing, modeling for playing or labor, where and how it is better to sit down, whether everything you need at hand, as it is better to place the materials and benefits needed for classes.
Joint activities of adult and children. Enriccy of the developing environment Interaction with parents with social partners.
1 day
Knowledge "School Portfolio Secrets" (conversation about the history of school supplies) Book.
- Why do school supplies need?
-How appeared first letters. (Book-papyrus) Suggest to view encyclopedia and books with writing history. Tips for parents in the corner
"First Books"
2 day
Socialization "School Penal Secrets"
- What did you write before? - History of the handle.
- What are used now.
D / and "Help the cantico gather a handle"
- It is proposed to collect one handle.
Exhibition "Sharic Handles" Consultation for parents and educators on the topic "Pencils"
As for the penalties, since none of the existing structures can cause any harm to the health of the child.
3 day
"School Penal Secrets" (continued) Eraser, Clips.
- What subjects can still be in the penalty?
- History of the emergence. D / and "fast eraser"
- The child should remove unnecessary pencil details as quickly as possible.
D / and "Help the tongue collect a chain of a closure"
- Development of shallow motility.
- Children are invited to collect a chain of clips. (who is faster)
Children are offered school supplies. Folder-moving: "Requirements for Penals".
4 day
TV-in School Penal Secrets (Continued) Pencils (Colored and Simple), Sharpener.
- The history of the emergence.
- Why do you need pencils?
- How to use a sharpener?
D / and "Pencils"
- Development of shallow motility.
D / and "Help to collect Pencils Malvina"
- Talk to distinguish between colored and simple pencils.
Drawing "Rainbow".
- Development of creative abilities.
Coloring. Information in the parental corner "Preparation of the hand to the letter"
5 day
CommunicationColivation for school supplies.
- learn one of the mysteries.
Scene-role-playing game "School" Goal:
- learn to select the attributes necessary for the game;
- learning to distribute the roles and act according to the role assigned;
- learning to carry out game action on speech instructions;
- to teach model role dialog;
- expand and deepen the knowledge of children about school and school supplies.
Equipment: School supplies Necessary for study, pointer, attributes, tasks, call. Who came up with a ballpoint pen?
(Information for the Parent Corner)
6 day
Labor "School Portfolio Secrets" (continued) Scissors, Paper.
- From where the paper came.
- Production of paper.
- careful attitude to paper.
- Instructions for working with scissors.
Applique "Figures"
Using scissors and paper cut any items from school supplies and glue on cardboard in the form of a portfolio. Exhibition of various types of paper. "Taking care of a child, do not forget about him ..."
Perfect School School (Parent Information)
7 Day "School Portfolio Secrets" Line, Cornels.
D / and "Help Pinocchio Measure items"
- Teach the skills to measure items using a ruler.
- Drawing of segments of a certain length. Exhibition of various types of lines and squares, transport, milestone. Suggest parents at home.
Reading a poem "Briefcase"
V. Danko8 day
TV-in "School Portfolio Secrets" Paints, Gouache, Tassels.
- Types of brushes.
- Appointment, use in the life of people.
Drawing "To School" The exhibition of tassels (for drawing, for glue, paint brushes, wide-narrow, thin-thick) "How to teach a child to draw", "develop a creative person" (information in the corner)
9 day
Communication "School Portfolio Secrets" (generalization)
Reburs, puzzles, crosswords about school supplies.
D / and on the development of attention "toys, school, sport"
If you hear a word that relates to toys, slamming hands; If you hear the word related to school supplies - put your hands on the table, as in school; And if the word refers to sports accessories - ruffles hands aside. Cutting pictures with the image of school items.
Suggest parents to visit the school in which the child is going to go to the first class.
10 day
Communication "School Portfolio Secrets" (generalization)
D / and "Help to collect a portfolio is minted"
- Cranulate careful attitude towards school property and personal school supplies.
D / and "Divided the words to syllables" (Speech development) Equipment: School supplies necessary for study. Tips for parents in the corner "Just collect a child to school"
Steadfasting the school threshold, recent preschoolers begin a new, very important period of the formation of a person. This is a new way of life that suggests a new system of relationships with the surrounding people, the implementation of new activities, the implementation of new tasks, changing the regime to ensure that the school adaptation takes place is painless.

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