What is fairy tales about animals. Fairy tales about animals

Elena Mikhalenko

Fairy tales about animals. Chick

There was a little yellow yellow fluffy chicken. He was veryaquestion, he was all interestbut. Chickens dreamed of seeing the forest, river, field and much more, what I heard from the elders. But Mom always told him: "Be a coolestwomen, do not come out from the yard. Sunshine lives in the forest fox who loves there is little chicklie, and highly behind the clouds lives evil korshun,some can grab you with sharp claws and wear. " Once a chicken still do not holdputting and went to walk far from home. Kakoy huge I. amazing world he opened! How everything was interesting! And so when the chicken already walked home, he suddenly saw over huge black shadow.

Baby immediately before it was guessing that this was a terrible Korshun. Bedpicker rushed to flee from all legs butkorshun quickly approached. SPA seemedno hazing. Suddenly, the chicken saw a bigpolyana, on which yellow dandelions grew.

"These flowers are the same yellow and fluffy as me. And I will not be seen among them, "thought chicken and quickly whitched in the thicket. Oh, how his little heart pounded! When he haughtily and realized that the danger passed that thought: "What are these wonderful flowers! They are like small sun and the same Laskova ".

Meanwhile, evil Korshun flew over the clearing and thought: "Where did this chicken be suited? After all, he could not flush away. Around one demonskinny dandelions. Soon they will turn into pooh, and the wind will take them. "

And golden dandelions quietly swung heads and thought: "We will soon become Pushinkami and fly unknown where. But still we are not in vain lived in the world - we saved the life of this pretty little chick. "

Good fairy tales about animals. Hedgehog

He lived yes was a hedgehog. Ordinary: Mal.rye, gray, spiny. And he is was awesome becauseseven one. There was no native hedgehog, norzey. Brought up his old grandfather Yozh, who punished grandson firmly remember a fewvil. First: it is necessary to take care of yourself and do not count on anyone. Second: it is impossibletake time back. And the third: Nobody you -ry yes spiny - not needed.

That's the rules of Hedgehog and lived. He is not playingwith other beasts and did not go to visit. With neighboringmi talked only in the case. And in the forest justso did not walk - because it was necessary to care about myselfsmiling. Hedgehog knew that after a warm summer and godso fruits of autumn will come cold snowwinter. And in winter the worst thing is to stay withoutfood. So everyone free time He spent onto make more reserves. Hedgehoghe studied best of all in the forest to collect mushrooms and yagody, finding them even in the most secluded corners.

At home he dried them on the thread and foldedon the shelves. Sometimes brought wild apples from one hundredrogo garden, wheat grains from the field. Stocksincreased with each day. And oncehedgehog was surprised to discovered his storewaives full. "Now I am not a dream in winter," -he thought. But just in case decided to dostocks also in the room. It's a littletime and soon became clear - nothing elseit is not necessary to store, and there is no place to store.

"What now to do?" - thoughthedgehog. He began to sort out his wealth and underread them, but soon he became terribly boredbut. And then Hedgehog went to walk.
It was very strange - to go through the forest withoutall things. Hedgehog with interestshaped bright flowers, birds and butterflies and differentfashionable bugs, listened to the singing of birds and stracat grasshoppers. "Well, walk, it turns out,nice, "he thought, going fartherpath. And suddenly hedgehog saw the old protein,sitting on a huge spruce.

"Good afternoon," Hedgehog said politely.

Is he kind? - Sad askedsquirrel.

Did you happen to you?

It happened? Probably not. Just cameold age.

This is bad? - asked Hedgehog.

Good little. I can't jump onbranches, collecting nuts. Yes, and gnaw them already workbut. Mushrooms collect too hard, because I am badi see. So I think that winter will come soon, andit can be seen, you will have to starve.

Hedgehog was amazed, he never thoughtthat someone may be hard that he delal without any effort.

You do not have to be sad, I will try youhelp, "he said to Square.

Hedgehog ran home, took a basket and sendhaving rushed in Yelnik. He knew that there could always befind strong bursts. And indeed, tothe in the evening the basket was full. On the way backhedgehog gathered some more ripe blueberries.

Old protein is still sad sitting onhis place.

Here, it's you, "said Hedgehog.

To me? - Surprised squirrel. - But this isloeful wealth!

Well, you are just a basket of mushrooms, -smiled Hedgehog.

No, baby. For me it's not justsinking mushrooms. You saved me from hunger and from sadnessthoughts that old people do not need anyoneus.

And hedgehog saw from the eye of the squirrel to showtraveled tears.

I don't want you tokali, "he said. - Peri will come again toyou.

Come. I will wait for you very much.

Hedgehog walked along the path, he was very excited.For the first time, Jesni O.learned that mo it can be needed by someone that he is waiting for him. It wasso unexpectedly and so happily! When the hedgehog is alreadysent to the house, he saw a neighbor-bunny.

She was something very concerned.

Good evening, - Hedgehog said, -did something happen?

Yes, yesterday I saw near the wolf, and thosefeather I'm afraid to move far and leave will be engagedsome. But they want to eat, but I really do not knowfeed them.

Nothing to feed? - Hedgehog was amazed. - W.you do not have the house of the supplies?

What are the supplies here! When so manyyoung children, no time to walkin the forest, I find the food onevery day to feed them!

Hedgehog ran home and brought the hauntedlukoshko berries and several ripe apples, whichrye easily fit on his back.

Here, take and tie the race. Nowit's too late to go to the forest. And tomorrow I canbring you more.

You just want to give us it? -surprised by the bunny.

She got used to see the hedgehog always soserious and uncommunicative. Beasts even domali, that he is misfortune.

Of course, because it is not difficult for merail berries, mushrooms and other delicious things.

Go to visit us, - invited the haunted.

Hedgehog went into a small house. She was theretero tiny will mean - cute, fluffy, totonic. First they frightened him a littlecrowded needles, but then quickly mastered.The evening flew unnoticed, because it was very,fun. Especially hedgehog, because he was first inguests from friends!

Nutro Hedgehog, as usual, went with the corering in the forest. Now he worked harderthan always. It turned out that we care about someonevery nice. When he brought the mushrooms oldpriest, she was already waiting for him. She prepared Dustrong herbal tea. Protein lived for a long timethose knew many amazing stories.The hedgehog was so interesting to listen to them! Laterhe went to the garden for apples to engage, and theyagain fun played a whole evening.

Now the life of the hedgehog has completely changed.He had friends, he gladlycould have it. And they also tried to pleasehis barbed buddy. Squirrel storytale tree tales, taught to distinguish forestmETs. She loved the little hedgehog very much!Bunny tried to cook his arrivaldelicious lunch, and watched everything butyou play.

Soon, hedgehog met with a forty,the Torah was injured wing, and began to bring herbread grains. There was a lot of live in the forestteles who needed help. And now W.hedgehog was as much as he is sometimes not evengrabbed time. But he never missedand not sad, hedgehog opened a lot of new importantrules. He realized that when they take care only aboutto yourself, it does not bring joy. Still hedgehog found outwhat to do good is very nice, and most importantly -house is so necessary to love him.

Good fairy tales about animals. Piggy

Water ordinary rustic courtyard housingnot at all ordinary piglets. With sighthe was like everything: small, pink, withfun swirling tail and cute fivetackle. But it was a very neat pointnok. His sword was pink, clean,because he washed every day. Eatpiglery knew so that he did not shed a caplee, A. when I went for a walk, then I went around all the puddles,to not blocked. But no one is substitutedchal, because everyone got used to think that piglets -dirtped. He and then heard the dog gowragged her puppy: "You eat like pigs!Again turned the bowl! " And the chicken shouted onchickens: "Do not climb into a puddle, and you will be dirtymi, as piglets! " And what is the most hidden: so domali all the inhabitants of the yard.

But one day the owner brought a new cow.It was very important and solid. Cowslowly went around the whole yard, looking around him
residents. Everyone wanted her to paythey are attention. When the cow came torosoyna, she suddenly stopped and lookedrelated on him with his big surprisedeyes: "Mu-ya, what pure and tidypigs. Never met such. POS.come me with your mom, mmmm, wesweep ... "

Piglets and slave from unexpectedti. He saw that everything was surprised athis. The pigs were embarrassed and ran into a barn.
He sat there and pondered what happened, Kogyes, he heard a dog strictly telling a puppy:"You are so dirty that you shame with you
outside. That's when you learn to eat exactlybut, as our piglet, then let's go for a walk! "

And here the little pigs understood that it wasthe happiest day in his life.

Good fairy tales about animals. Duckling

A water-wetbed pond lived a duck withwith your ducklings. And next to the oxnest Sparrow family. Mama-duck andmama-Sparrow was shone for all days thatwould feed your chicks and teach everythingwhat is needed in life.

Children quickly smasted. Practice already onchinali to fly a little. And duck up allguo loved to swim. They got very muchgreat. And only one duck
i did not want to plunge. Fairspeaking he was just afraidduck in cold water. First, Mama-duck persuaded himtry, and then began to be angry. "You are bycall our family, all normal ducksthey float red, "she said. And brothers I.the sisters teased his pant. It wasso offend!

Still, the duck could not overcome hisfear.

Once, when he was sitting on the bar and he walked onsun, small grooves got out ofnests and began to fly and nerepay from the bump on the hammer. But his wings
were still very weak. Sparrow is not a handfound and fell into the water. He began to dust andsink. And then the duck jumped off the place, jumpedin the water and quickly floated to the sparrow. Itgrabbed a poor chick with a beak for peppers andpulled out on the bump, and he fell nearby, chokingfrom fatigue. When the spokes aroundfear, he said:

What are you bold, drowning. I did not know thatyou can swim so cool!

I myself did not know, - answered the duckling and a smokeloans.

Good fairy tales about animals. Flagsonok

Frogs lived aqueous swamp. All of themthere were green, smooth and screaming.

Among them, three small lahushonka. Two seniors were terribly lazy andbindless. They slept all day, basking onsunshine. These frogs lazy even ohofor mosquitoes and midges, because I'm going tomom's power. Old frogs often scolded them:

As you do not intend, lazy, reallyshould feed such big children?! You are solazy, that you can not even flush from heron!

In response, careless frogs only laughedand shouted: "Kva-ha ha, kva-ha ha, it's justpooh! "

But the third, the smallest frog,it was fast, inquisitive and clever. Italready managed to learn every corner in your bolothose who knew how to get meals and knew more settwo useful things.

Once, returning from the walk, he seethings that a huge long-legged heron came upvery close to their home. Frog very Is.scared for his brothers. He quickly crushed tohouse and shouted: "Rather, rather! Sawn! "

Lazy frogs did not even have time to understand thathappens - so quickly they hid underhuge leaves of water lily. Only nowlittle lazyware realized what dangerthey threatened. Several hours have passed. Langushashe calmed down and hungry. Home init was dangerous to rotate. Little frogsaid:

Mom will not find us here. You will have tohaugh for mosquitoes themselves.

We do not know how - the brothers answered confusedly.

But it's very easy! See, - skathe toddler's hall and began to teach them how to jump andgrow mosquitoes.

Of course, at first nothing turned out. Langshata jumped clumsily and ridiculousabdomen back to the swamp. But graduallythey learned how to catch mosquitoes. They even ponmissed to hunt.

When everyone was saturated, lazy frogs of a hundredwhether to thank and praise your littlebrother.

You saved us from death! You are the smartest andthe most brave frog in the world, - saidthey are.

A little frog has become so awkward thathis green brushes blushed. He is confusedsmiled and chewed fun:

Quad ha ha, kva-ha ha, it's just nonsense!

Russian folk fairy tale "Teremok"

There is a mouse over the field. Sees - stands teremok:

Nobody answered. Occashed the door of the mouse, entered - began to live.

Rides a frog. Sees - teremok:

- Who lives in Teremchka, who lives in a low?

- I, Mouse-Nomushka, and who are you?

- I'm a frog-cuckoo. Let me in.

And they began to live together.

Run a bunny. Sees - teremok:

- Who lives in Teremchka, who lives in a low?

- I, Mouse-norushka.

- I, frog-cuckoo, and who are you?

- I'm a bunny-blind, the ears of debts, the legs are short. Let me go.

- OK Go!

They began to live threesome.

Fassel runs, asks:

- Who lives in Teremchka, who lives in a low?

- I, Mouse-nowood.

- I, Piglet-Kubashka.

- I, bunny-blind, ears debts, the legs are short, and who are you?

- I'm chanterelle-sister, lizavet-beauty, fluffy tail. Let me go.

- Go, Lisushka.

They began to live fourwise.

Runs on the field of the wolf. Sees - teremok, asks:

- Who lives in Teremchka, who lives in a low?

- I, Mouse-norushka.

- I, frog-cuckoo.

- I, chanterelle-sister, lisuette-beauty, fluffy tail, and who are you?

- I am a wolf-wolf, big mouth. Let me go.

"Okay, go, just livenly live." They began to live in fist.

The bear is wandering, wrecking Kosolapiy. I saw the teremok - zared:

- Who lives in Teremchka, who lives in a low?

- I, Mouse-norushka.

- I, frog-cuckoo.

- I, bunny-blind, ears debts, the legs are short.

- I, chanterelle-sister, lizavet-beauty, fluffy tail.

- I, wolf-wolf, big mouth, and who are you?

- I am a bearish, Truppy-Flap!

And I did not ask for teremok. In the door, he does not pass, climbed up.

Hardened, slept - and the terems collapsed. Already managed to run out - the mouse is a newer, a frog-cuckoo, a bunny-blind, the ears of debts, the legs are short, chanterelle-sister, lizethet-beauty, fluffy tail, wolf-wolf, big mouth.

And bearish, Truppy-Lyapysh, went to the forest.

Fairy Tale "Rumor Rumor"

Lived grandfather yes babe

And they had a rockey rush.

Demolished the chicken egg:

The egg is not simple, gold.

Grandfather beat, beat - not broken;

Baba Bila, Bila - did not break.

Mouse fled,

The tail waved:

The egg fell

And broke.

Grandfather and Baba cry!

Chicken bitch:

- Do not cry, grandfather, do not cry, babe.

I demolish the Egg Other

Not golden - simple.

Fairy Tale "Repka"

Santa Republic was planted - a big-pre-gracious repka rose.

He became a grandfather from the ground to drag.

Pulls, pulls, can't stretch.

I called my grandfather to help the grandmother.

Grandma behind the grandfather, Dage for a repka.

I called grandmother granddaughter.

Granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for a rep.

Tent-pulled, can't pull out.

Click granddaughter bug.

Bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for Rust.

Tent-pulled, can't pull out.

Crack cliking cat Masha.

Masha for a bug, bug behind his granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for a repka.

Tent-pulled, can't pull out.

Cat clikled Masha mouse.

Mashka for the Masha, Masha for a bug, bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, Dedka for a repka.

Pull-pull -

pulled out

Fairy Tale "Kolobok"

There were an old man with an old woman.

So asks the old man:

- Cook me, old, bun.

- Yes, from what bake something? No flour.

- Eh, old woman. On the barn, they feel sowed on the borders - so it will go.

The old woman did it: you walked, scored two flour, kneading the dough on sour cream, rolled the bun, frohed it into the oil and put it on the window.

She was tired of a bun - he rolled down from the window to the bench, from the shop on the floor - yes to the door, jump through the threshold, in Songy, from Seine on the porch, from the porch to the courtyard, and there is behind the gate, further.

Rolling a bun on the road, and towards him hare:

"No, you don't eat me, oblique, and better listen to what I sleep to you."

The hunger of the ears raised, and the bunkelock was singing:

- I am a kolobok, bun,

On the barn

Scraped on bubkes

On sour cream bumps,

In the stove of Sazhen,

On the window is waving.

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother,

From you, hare,

Do not sce go.

Rolls a bun on a path in the forest, and towards him a gray wolf:

- Kolobok, Kolobok! I will eat you!

- Do not eat me, Gray Wolf: I'll sleep a song. And bunkelocks:

- I am a kolobok, bun,

On the barn

Scraped on bubkes

On sour cream bumps,

In the stove of Sazhen,

On the window is waving.

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother,

I went from the hare,

From you, wolf,

Do not sce go.

A bunker rolling over the forest, and the bear comes to meet him, the brush is breaking, the bushes to the ground neut.

- Kolobok, Kolobok, I eat you!

- Well, where you, Kosolapoy, eat me! Listen to my song better.

Kolobok soldered, and Misha and ears spend:

- I am a kolobok, bun,

On the barn

Scraped on bubkes

On sour cream bumps,

In the stove of Sazhen,

On the window is waving.

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother,

I went from the hare,

I left the wolf,

From you, bear,

Halong to leave.

And rolled Kolobok - the bear just watched him.

Rod rolls, and to meet him Lisa: - Hello, bun! What kind of fitting, rumbling!

Kolobok is glad that he praised him, and sang her song, and Lisa listens and even closer to sink:

- I am a kolobok, bun,

On the barn

Scraped on bubkes

On sour cream bumps,

In the stove of Sazhen,

On the window is waving.

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother,

I went from the hare,

I left the wolf,

From the bear gone

From you, fox,

Do not sce go.

- Nice song! - Lisa said. - Yes, it is a misfortune, a dove that is old, I began to hear badly. Sit down to me on the muzzle Yes, it is still sudden.

Kolobok was delighted that his song praised, jumped fox on the face and soldered:

- I am a kolobok, a bun ...

And fox him - gam! - And ate.

Fairy tale "Cockerel and leggings".

There were cockerels and chicken.

The rooster was in a hurry, everything was in a hurry, and the chicken knew himself:

- Petya, do not hurry. Petya, do not hurry.

Kleval somehow the rooster legumes, and in love and stifled. Eashed, does not breathe, it does not hear, as if the dead lies.

The chicken was frightened, rushed to the hostess, shouts:

- Oh, the hostess! Give the Maslitsa Maslitsa Petushka to smear: Pokhok the cockerel of a bean grain.

The mistress says:

- Fuck speed to the cowhrum, ask her milk, and I soak by my Maslitsa.

Rushed chicken for a cow:

- Korovka, Golubushka, give Milk soon. From milk, the hostess will somete the Maslitsa, Maslitsa, Lazhka, the rooster of the neck: Powered by a cockerel bean.

- Go back to the owner, let him bring me fresh herbs.

The chicken is running to the owner:

- Master, owner! Give soon a cowhole of fresh herbs, the cow will give a milk, the hostess will knock out of the milk, Maslitsa, Maslitsa, I smear the rooster of the neck: Pokhok the cockerel of a bean grain.

- Fuck speed to the blacksmith for oblique.

With all the legs, a chicken snap rushed:

- Blacksmith, Kuznets, give a good braid soon. The owner will give a cowhide of herbs, the cow will give milk, the hostess will give me a maslice, I am a gaze of the crested Cherry, fed to the cockerel of a bean one.

The blacksmith gave the owner a new braid, the owner gave a cowhow of fresh herbs, the cowman gave milk, the hostess knocked the oil, gave Maslian a church.

Skilled chicken chicken crook. Bean grave slipped. The rooster jumped up and shouted to all the throat: - Ku-Ka-Re-ku!

Fairy Tale "About a fox with a rill"

I picked up somehow chanterelle on the road Rock. He came to the village with her and knocks on the extreme hut:

- Tuk!

- Who's there?

- This is me, chanterelle! Stop overnight, good people!

- We have so closely.

- Yes, I am not a loan. Spot on the bench, tail under the bench, a rolling pin under the stove.

- Well, if so, come in.

The fox lay down to sleep, and in the morning I got up before everyone, burned the ringer in the stove and the owners wakes up:

- And where is my rolling rollers? Give me now for her chicken!

What to do - I gave the owner to her chicken.

Here is chanterelle on the road and sings:

I found a chanterelle a ringer,

He took her chicken in return.

By evening came to another village and again to the first hut:

- Let the good people, spend the night!

- We are lacking place for us.

- And I do not need to be places: under the window a break, the tail will put it, the chicken in the corner will put.

Let her And in the morning, nor the light either dawn, the fox rose, ate the quarrels of the chicken and the cry raised:

- Who thieved my chicken? I will not take less clarification for it.

Gave it the clarification. And again she goes yes sings:

I found a chanterelle a ringer,

He took her chicken in return.

Chanichell came with chicken

Lisher left with a clarification.

And in the third village, under the evening he knocks.

- Knock Knock! Stop spending the night!

- We have so seven along the beings.

- So I am not a stya. He herself near the wall, the tail under the head, the opener of the stove.

- Okay, arrange.

Fastened fox. Again in the morning jumped up, the cuisine was ate, the pynes in the stove burned and squeezed:

- Where is my favorite duck? Give me for her at least one girl.

And in a man, though a lot of children, but sorry for him to give the fox. I planted then he was in a bag of a dog.

- Get, redhead, the best girl!

Pulled out a fox bag on the road and says:

- Well, a girl, a girl, sighing a song!

Hears - someone grieves in the bag. She was surprised, untied the bag. And how to pop up - and well, you tremble!

Rushed the cheating to run, and the dog behind it. And he drove red off from the village.

Tale "Masha and Bear"

There were grandfather and Baba, and they had granddaughter Masha. Girlfriends gathered on the berries, call with them Masha.

"Go," the grandfather and grandmother said, "Yes, look, do not fall behind where everything is there and you."

Masha went.

Suddenly, from where neither take is a bear. I was afraid, turned Masha. Grabbed her bear and brought.

And girlfriends came running to the village and told that they lost Masha.

I was looking for-looking for her grandfather with my grandmother, but did not find, they began to cry, began to grieve.

And the bear brought Masha to his home and said:

- Do not cry, do not eat you! I am bored for me, you will stay with me.

I can't help with tears, I began to think Masha, how to leave the bear. She lives at the bear. The bear ran to her honey, berries, peas - everything. Not glad Masha.

- What are you not happy about anything? - asks the bear.

- What should I rejoice? How I do not grieve! Grandpa and grandmother think you ate me. Graduating from me a hotel - body with cakes. Let learn that I am alive.

Bearing a bear flour, mad to Masha Pirogov - a big dish. Found a bear body where the pies fold.

Said Masha Bear:

- You will not eat dear. I will look from the slide - I will see.

While the bear was going, Masha was hended time, climbed into the body and covered himself with the cakes.

He took the bear body, poured on his back and bent.

Going along the trails past the Christmas tree and birch, where in the ravine descends, up rises. Tired - says: - What a heavy body!

Sad on Penoska

Feed the pobe.

Masha heard and screamed:

- See see!

Not far to Grandfather Yard.

Grunted the bear:

- Vish, what's the eye!

Highly sits

Far looks.

Going, goes, says again:

- Sadie on Pozook,

Feed the pobe.

And Masha shouted again:

- See see!

Do not sit on Pozook, do not eat a cake -

Very close to the grandfather of the courtyard!

The bear did not sit on Penos, did not eat the pie, went further. I got to the village, I found the house of the house. Tuk-Tuk in the gate! Lailed a dog. And others came out from everywhere. Such a bang raised!

Only grandfather and grandmother opened the gate, the bear threw off the body - and the southwer. And dogs behind him, catch up, bite. Barely ran away.

Grandfather and grandmother saw the body, approached closer, the granddaughter got out of him, lively and healthy. The eyes of their grandfather and grandmother do not believe. Hug her, kiss. And about Masha what to say! So I was glad!

Steel grandfather, grandmother and Masha live in an old, kind, well, and bad forget.

Fairy Tale "Goat Dereza"

We lived - the grandfather yes babe da granddaughter Masha. They did not have a cow, no pig, no cattle - one goat. Goat, black eyes, foot curve, sharp horns. Grandfather this goat loved very much. Once the grandfather sent the grandmother goat to graze. She grazed, grazing and drove home. And the grandfather sat down at the gate and asks:

"I didn't eat, I didn't drink, my grandmother was not grazing." As I ran through the pavement, the maple leaves grabbed, - that's all my food.

The grandfather was angry at the grandmother, revealed and sent the head of the goat's goat. She grazed, grazing yes home drove. And grandfather sat down at the gate yes asks:

- My goat, goat, black eyes, curve leg, sharp horns, what did you eat, what did you drink?

And the goat in response:

"I didn't eat, I didn't drink, my granddaughter was not grazing." As fled through the pavement, the maple leaves grabbed, - that's all my food.

The grandfather was angry with his granddaughter, dreamed, went the goat himself. Paz, Paz, Having fed and hit home. And he himself ran, sat down at the gate and asked:

"My goat, goat, black eyes, a foot curve, sharp horns, did it eat well, did I drink well?"

And goat and says:

- I did not eat, I did not drink, but I fled through the pavement, grabbed the maple leaf, - that's all my food!

The grandfather was angry with a cheater, grabbed the belt, let's get it on sides. I barely rushed and ran into the forest.

In the forest, I came running and climbing the hatch, the door locked the door, climbed the stove. A bunny in the garden cabbage eating. Came a bunny home - the door is locked. I knocked a bunny and says:

- Who, who my Hutku takes, who does not allow me to go to the house?

- I am a goat-deres, black eyes, a curve leg, sharp horns! I am the top-top legs, burst you with horns, tale notice!

Bunny scared, rushed to run. Sits under the bush, crying, the paw of tears wipes.

Walking past gray wolf, drain side.

- What are you, Zainka, cry, about what tears are poured?

"As I, Zaineka, don't cry, like me, gray, don't grieve: I built myself a hut on a forest edge, and I climbed into her goat-deresses, I didn't let me go home.

Gray wolf came to the hut and shouted:

- Stay, goat, from the oven, free the bunny hut!

And the goat to him in response:

- How to jump out how to emphasize how to score legs, bury the horns - they will go bulls on the Zakolem!

Wolf scared and away ran!

Sitting bunny under the bush, crying, tears sails with a paw. There is a bear, a fat leg.

- What kind of zainka, cry, about what, sulfur, tears are poured?

"As I, Zaineka, don't cry, like me, gray, don't grieve: I built myself a hut on the forest edge, and the goat-deresses climbed to me, I didn't let me go home.

- Do not burn, Zainka, I will save her.

I went to the hut bear yes let's roar:

- went, goat, from the oven, free the bunny hut!

And the goat to him in response:

- How to jump out, yes, how to emphasize how to score legs, burst into the horns - they will go bulls on the Zakolem!

Bear frightened and well run!

Sitting bunny under the bush, crying, tears sails with a paw.

There is a cockerel, a red scallop, on the legs of spurs.

- What are you, Zainka, cry, what are you, ceremony, are there tears?

- How I do not cry, how not to grieve: I built a hut, but I climbed the goat-deresses in it, I don't let me go home.

- Do not burn, Zainka, I will save her.

- I chased - I did not kicked out, the wolf driven - did not drive out, the bear was driven - did not drive out where you, Petya, expel!

- Well, let's see!

Peter came to the hut Yes, how to shout:

"I go, I go soon, on the legs of the spurs, I carry the sharp braid, to demolish the goat! Ku-re-ku!

The goat was frightened yes how it slam down from the furnace! From the oven on the table, from the table on the floor, yes on the door, yes in the woods run! Only her and saw.

And the bunny again lives in his hut, boats carrot, it is bounted.

Russian folk fairy tale "Fox-sister and Wolf"

Lived grandfather da Baba lived. Grandfather says Baba:

"You, Baba, Peka Pies, and I feed Sani let's go for fish."

I caught fish and drove a whole WHO. Here he is going and sees: the chanterelle rolled out with a camber and lies on the road. Grandfather tears from the war, walked to a chanterelle, and she would not worry, lies herself as the dead.

- That will be a gift to his wife! - said his grandfather, took a chanterelle and put on WHO, and he himself went ahead.

And the chanterelle immediately impeded the time and began to throw it away from the war, everything is fish and fish, everything is fish and fish. Raised the whole fish and left herself.

- Well, the old woman, - says grandfather, - What collar brings you to your fur coat!

- There, on the car, - and the fish, and the collar. Baba came to Vasu: no collar, nor fish, - and began to scold her husband:

- Oh, you, such a fucking! You still upheat!

Here the grandfather cooked that the chanterelle was not dead. Growned, chapped, but there is nothing to do.

And the chanterelle gathered all the scattered fish in a handful, sat on the road and eats himself. Gray wolf comes:

- Hello, sister!

- Hello, brother!

- Give me fish!

- Naoul himself eat.

- I can not.

- Eka, because I caught up! You, brother, go on the river, lower the tail in the hole, Sydi Yes, say: "Fish, fish, and small, and great! Fish, fish, and small, and great! " Fish to you on your tail sticks out. Yes, see Siti a little longer, otherwise you can't catch!

The wolf and went to the river, lowered the tail in the hole and began to sentence:

Caught a fish,

and Mala and Great!

Caught a fish,

and Mala and Great!

Following him and Lisa appeared; It goes near the wolf and draws:

Clear, clear in the sky stars,

Murzni, Murzni,

wolf tail!

- What are you, chanterelle-sister, say?

- I help you.

And herself, the cheating, hesitantly says:

Murzni, Murzni,

wolf tail!

For a long time, the wolf was sitting at the hole, the whole night did not go from the place, the tail of it and boosted; I tried to raise - it was not there!

"Eka, how many fish took - and do not pull out!" - He thinks.

It looks, and women go beyond water and shout, enjoying gray:

- Wolf, Wolf! Bates him, beat him!

They came running and began to bang the wolf - who is a rocker who is a bucket who did what. The wolf jumped, jumped, tear off his tail and got started to run away.

"Good," thinks, "I will repay you, sister!"

Meanwhile, while the wolf fade his sides, a sister chantechka wanted to try: Would you be able to pull something else? He climbed into one hut, where women baked pancakes, but got his head in a tub with a dough, smeared and runs.

And the wolf towards it:

- So you teach you? I felt all myself!

- Eh, Wolf-brother! - says chantech-sister. "You even made the blood, and I have a brain, I betrayed me with your own way: I will rush.

"And that is true," says Wolf, "where are you, sister, go, sit on me, I will take you."

The chanterelle sat on his back, he is her and led.

Here is a dead sister sits yes slowly sings:

Broken unbound lucky

Bitted Nebitant luck!

- What are you, sister, say?

"I, BRATCH, I say:" Bate of the broken lucky. "

- So, sister, so!

    1 - about a baby bus that was afraid of darkness

    Donald Bisset

    A fairy tale of how Mama-bus taught her baby-bus not to be afraid of darkness ... about a baby-bus, which was afraid of darkness to read live-was in the light of the baby-bus. He was bright red and lived with dad and mom in the garage. Every morning …

    2 - three kitten

    Suteev V.G.

    A small fairy tale for the smallest about three fidget kittens and their fun adventures. Little children love short stories With pictures, so, Tales of Süteev are so popular and loved! Three kitten read three kids - black, gray and ...

    3 - Hedgehog in the fog

    Kozlov S.G.

    The fairy tale about the hedgehog, as he walked at night and got lost in the fog. He fell into the river, but someone delivered him as shore. Magic was night! Hedgehog in the fog read thirty komarikov ran into the glade and played ...

    4 - About Mouse from the Book

    Gianni Rodari

    A small tale about a mouse that lived in a book and decided to jump out of it in big world. Only he did not know how to talk in the language of mice, but he knew only a strange book language ... about a mouse from the books to read ...

    5 - Apple

    Suteev V.G.

    The fairy tale about hedgehog, hare and crows that could not share the last apple. Everyone wanted to assign him to himself. But a fair bear reasoned their dispute, and everyone got into pieces of delicacy ... An apple to read later ...

    6 - Black Out

    Kozlov S.G.

    The fairy tale about a cowardly hare, which in the forest was afraid of everyone. And so he is tired of his fear, which decided to be drowned in the black pool. But he taught the hare to live and not be afraid! Black outer read lived - there was a hare ...

    7 - about hippo, who was afraid of vaccinations

    Suteev V.G.

    The fairy tale about the cowardly hippopotamus, which escaped from the clinic, because I was afraid of vaccinations. And the jaundice fell ill. Fortunately, he was taken to the hospital and cured. And the hippo has become very shameful for his behavior ... about hippo, which was afraid ...

    8 - Mammoth Mammoth

    Unmumbered D.

    The fairy tale about Mammoth, who pulled out of ice and went to look for mom. But all the mammoths have long died out, and the wise uncle Morzha advised him to swim in Africa, where elephants live, which are very similar to Mammoths. Mom for ...

Goat and ram in a deaf grass forest to pinch, take a walk on the attorney. We went, went, got lost in the Dark Forest. Located in a deaf cup, watching the wolves under the tree dinner cook. Goat Baran Tikhonechko says: - What are we going to do, Baran friend? Seen, we disappeared. We will eat us lighted wolves ...

I lived - there was Kuma Lisa; Tired of the fox at the old age of himself to industrial about himself, so she came to the bear and began to ask for a jericial: - Let me, Mikhail Potapich, I am a fox old, a scientist, a lot of loan, not the volume, not like, except after you I live, bones reckon ...

Flawed fox in the forest, saw Tetherieva on the tree and tells him: - Terente, Terente! I was in the city. - bu-boo, bu-boo! It was so. - Terente, Terente! I got a decree. - bu-boo, bu-boo! Has minima mined. - To you, totoethers, do not sit on the woods, but everything would walk on green meadows ...

I flew owl - a cheerful head. Here she flew, flew and sat down, and the tail was turned the tail, and he looked around and again flew - flew, flew and sat down, the tail of the turnover yes on the sides looked and flew again - flew, flew ...

We lived - the grandfather yes babe da granddaughter Masha. They did not have a cow, no pig, no cattle - one goat. Goat, black eyes, foot curve, sharp horns. Grandfather this goat loved very much. Once the grandfather sent the grandmother goat to graze. She grazed, grazing and drove home ...

Meets with the fox of the crane: - What, Fox, can you fly? - No I do not know how. - Sit down on me, teaching. Lispsy village on the crane. Her crane is highly high. - What, fox, you see the earth ...

There was once an old woman-taller, and she had a goat with kids. In the morning, people will stand up, they will take care for work, and the old woman all walks on the stove. Only to dinner will rise, will take, go go - and let's talk. Says, says, says - and with neighbors, and with passersby, and with himself ...

I was angry with sparrow on Sparrow: Loe to the stove, does not eat, does not drink, I do not behave with anyone. They bored the neighbors without sparrow. Rooster came: - Tuk-Tuk-Tuk! Is home, Kuma, Sparrow? - Houses, sick lies, - Sparrow says ...

There were an old man with an old woman. They had the granddaughter of Alyonushka. Gathered girlfriends to go to the forest on the berries and came to call her. Long old men did not let his granddaughter. Then they agreed, only ordered her to keep up with girlfriends. Girls walk through the forest, collect berries. The village behind the village, Kostik for Kostik - Alyonushka and lagging behind the girlfriends ...

He lived, she had one peasant sheep. Nevalubil her owner, nagged nagging! She decided to leave the house. She went, went. She met Lisa: - Where are you, sheep, go? ...

Lived chicken with a kochet. They came to the forest by nuts. Kochechok climbed on the nuts of the nuts to tear, and he ordered the church on the ground. Kochechok throws, and he picks the chicken. That threatened the nacifics of the nut and hit the church in the eye. The chicken went - crying ...

Once it was sitting in the forest under the tree a man and ate bread. I saw his wolf and asks: - What do you eat, man? - His bread, - the one answers. - Give me a bread to try. Man cut off the scruff of bread. The wolf ate, littered: Delicious was bread ...

There were an old man with an old woman. They sowed repka. Here the bear was sought to steal repka. The old man went to see and sees: a lot of turnips narrated and scattered around. He looked home and tells the old woman ...

Fox with Zhuravl made friends. Here the fox thought to treat the caravel, went to call him to visit him: - Come, Kumanyuk, come, dear! I'm treated! I went crane on a sought feast. And Fox headed manna porridge and smeared on a plate ...

Lived, there were fox yes hare. The fox was an icy, hare - Lubyana. Spring has come Red - the fox is melted at the fox, and the hare stands in the old way. Here is a fox and asked him to spend the night, yes, it is from the election and kicked out. Going dear bunny, crying. He meets the dog. - Toffee, etc., etc. What, bunny, cry ...

Lived, were on the same yard the goat yes Baran; They lived together: hay block, and that in half. And if the forks in the side - so one cat Vaska! He is such a thief and a robber, every hour on the fishery, and where what is bad lies, so his belly hurts ...

In some kingdom, some state, namely, in which we live, there was a landowner. The landlord had a cat, called His Vaska Muska. The landowner loved Vaska Muski, and the cat worked his cat is good - in the bread labases caught rats and mice ...

There were lived cat, Drozda and Cockerel - Golden Grab. They lived in the forest, in the hut. A cat yes Drozd go to the woods of firewood to chop, and the cockerel is left. Going away - strictly punish: - We will go far, and you stay home, but do not give voices when the fox comes, do not look in the window ...

Read in 20 minutes

Fox-sister and Wolf

Baba in the hut sculpt the cake and puts it on the windowsill so that he is born in the sun, because they have no stove with their grandfather - so poorly they live. Fox pass with a wolf and steal a pie. Lisa secretly eats all the filling, and the blame dumps the wolf. He swars out that he did not even touch the pies. Then Lisa offers him a test: it is necessary to lie in the sun, and who from the heat will perform on the body wax, he ate a honey filling. The wolf falls asleep, the Lisa, meanwhile, cuts his honey cells at the apiary, eats it, and the carriage fascins the skin of the wolf. So the cheating is achieved: the wolf is forced to admit the fact that he did not, because he does not even remember how and when he ate filling from the pies. Ashamed wolf promises the fox at the very first mining to give out its share.

Lisa is pretending to be dead, and passing past the men pick it up and thrown onto the WHO with fish. The tricky fox dumps the fish from the war, collects prey and tells the hungry wolf, as she caught so many fish. He, having obeying her advice, goes to the river and buses the tail in the hole. Fox waits, when the wolf tail will completely take off, runs to the village and convenes the people to beat the wolf. He managed to escape, jumped into someone's sleigh, but he remains without a tail. Lisa, meanwhile, runs into the hut, is buried in the dough, runs for the village and falls on the road. When the wolf passes by, she complains to him: she was so badly beaten that even the brain came out of the bones. The trustful wolf sympathizes her, and Lisa is arranged in Sanya. As soon as the wolf goes into the woods to seize firewood, Lisa is a meant of the horse all the insides and stuffing her belly alive sparrows and straw. When the wolf notices that the horse is flowing, he himself has to take the fox in Sanya himself, and she slowly says: "The batty is not lucky!"

For laptops - a chicken, for a chicken - Guschka

Fox finds a lap and suggests the house to the man to re-spend the night, and asks her find to put in a chicken coop. At night she secretly throws the lap, and in the morning, when he could not find him, demands a chicken instead. In other houses, she gets a goose in the same way for a chicken, the roaster, for a lamb - bull. Relaxing his prey, she hides meat, stuffing the skin of a bull with straw, puts on the road and asks the bear and wolf to steal sleigh and clamp to ride. But the straw bull is not moving from the place. Lisa jumps out of the sleigh, laughs over a wolf and a bear and runs away. Those pounce on the bull, but nothing to get started.


The wolf and fox live in the hut near the village. When men and women go to the haymaking, the wolf cuts the oil from the cellar from the cellar and puts it on a high shelf in Song, to keep the oil to the holiday, while the fox did not eat everything. Then Lisa goes to the trick: three nights in a row, she tells the wolf that her name is in the obstacles, and herself sneaks into the Song, puts the ladder to the wall and eats oil. The holiday is approaching. Wolf and Fox are going to call guests and prepare a treat. When the loss of oil is detected, the wolf accuses the fox, but the cheating all denies and dumps the wine to the wolf. Lisa offers him a test: you have to lie next to a melted stove and wait: who, who has an oil from the belly, he ate it. The wolf falls asleep, and Lisa decesses him the belly with oil residues. He wakes up, sees that he has everything belly in oil, angry on the fox and leaves the house.

Fox, hare and rooster

Fox lives in an ice hut, and the hare is in Lubyana. In the spring, when the fox of the hut melts, she asks to get sick to the hare, and herself kicks himself. He complains of her first by dogs, then bear and bull. Those are trying to drive out the fox from the holy hut, but she shouts them from the furnace: "How to around, how to emphasize, go bulls on the Zakolem!" Beasts in fear are running out. Only the rooster is not afraid of the fox, he rubs her oblique and remains to live with a bunny.


Hungry Fox comes to the yard to the peasant and climb on the sister. But when she is going to grab a chicken, in all the throat of Cook-Rake Rooster. With fellis felling falls from the volatile and extensive. The rooster comes to the woods to walk, and Lisa is already waiting for it. She comes up to the tree on which he sat down, and loses his cunning speeches. The jacket repays the rooster in the fact that he, having a fifty wives, never been to confession. Lisa promises to let him go all the sins if he gets away from the tree and will shown in her all. The rooster goes down and falls fox in the paws. Fox is gloating: now she is pissing with a rooster who did not give her to begun a church when she was hungry! But the rooster promises her to persuade the bishop, who will soon have a feast so that the foxes entrusted the furnace of cloaks, and then they climb together. Lisa, hearing, releases a rooster, and he flies away from her.

Guy, Bear and Fox

He sows a man's back, the bear comes and threatens to kill the peasant, but he promises him to give him a breeze, and he agrees to take roots. Bear agrees. Time comes to dig up a turnup, the bear takes myself the tops, and the man collects the turnip and takes to sell to the city. The bear meets him on the road and tries, what are the taste of the roots who took a man. Having guessing that he deceived him, the bear threatens to rebuild a man if he thinks to go to the forest along the firewood. Fox promises to help the peasant and the cunning trick. A man goes to the forest and chopped firewood, Lisa raises noise. Bear resorts and asks a man that this is noise. The man replies that the hunters catch wolves and bears. The bear persuades a man to put it in Sani, Zaki-give firewood and tied up with ropes: then hunters will not notice him and pass by. The man agrees and kills the connected bear. Fox comes and wants a man to treat her for helping him get rid of the bear. He calls her to her home, and himself raishes dogs to her. Fox has time to hide in Nore and asks his eyes and the ears that they did when she flew away from the dogs. Eyes answer that they watched, no matter how she stumbled, and the ears say they listened to whether the dogs were far from. The tail says that he only dangled under his feet so that she was confused and hit the dogs in his teeth. Lisa is angry at the tail: she is chatting him out of the hole and shouts by dogs so that they felt the lisus tail, and they pull her around the tail from the hole and tear.

Beasts in the pit

The old man with the old woman lives in poverty, there are only the bors. He goes to the forest to eat acorns and meets a wolf who asks to take it with him. Borov tells him that where he goes, a deep pit and a wolf did not jump. But everything is not necessary, and he goes for Borov. When they come to the pit, the wolf jumps and falls into it. The same happens with a bear, a hare and fox: they all fall into the pit.

In order not to die with the famine, Lisa proposes to pull the voice: who will not pull out, in addition. First eat the hare, then the wolf. Sunshine Lisa gives the bear not all of his share and hides the remaining meat. When his reserve ends with his reserve and he starts to starve, insidious fox teaches him that she had to push the paw in the rib. That next to her advice, breaks his belly and sniffers, and Lisa eats him. When Medbatina ends, the fox threatens a thrush, which is a nest on a tree, standing over the pit that eats his children if he does not feed it. Drozd feeds and sew the fox, and then it mogs her to get out of the pit, if only she did not touch his children. Fox demands that he also laugh at her. Drozd flies to the village, sits on the gate and shouts: "Grandma, bring me a piece of sala!" Dogs pop up on his cry and tear the fox.

Fox and Zhuravl

Fox friendly with a caravel and invites you to visit. He comes, and she treats his semolina, which smears on a plate. The crane pecks-keens, but nothing falls into the beak. So it remains hungry. And Lisa eats the whole porridge itself and says that there is nothing more treatable. The crane is also calling the fox to visit. He prepares around and serves it on the table in a jug with a narrow neck. The fox does not manage to eat around, because the head in the jar does not break! And the crane grinds the whole okroshka. Fox in the annoyance leaves, and their friendship comes an end.

Cat, Baran, Rooster and Fox

Cat, ram and cockerel live together. A cat with a ram from the house of the Lyki is to drag, and the fox is selected under the window and sings to put out the root. He peeps, Lisa grabs him and takes into the forest. The cockerel shouts, and the cat with a ram will help him out. When they leave again, they warn the cockerel so that he does not look out from the window but Lisa sings so sweetly that the cockerel in no way; Can not lose! And again the Lisa is enough and takes it into the forest. The cat with a ram come home, see that there is no cockerel, they make a hussley and go to the forest to foxes. And the fox - seven daughters. A cat with a ram is played and singing, Lisa sends his daughters, so that those who watched who is so nice to hobs. A cat with a ram on one catch all the foxes, and then the Lesu itself. They plant them in the box, enter the hut, take their cocks and come back home.

Cat and Lisa

The man relates a shock cat in the forest and throws there. Cat is set up in the hut, in which the forester lived, hunts on birds and mice and lives - does not fade. Fox first sees a cat and surprised: what a strange beast! The cat also tells her that he was a burmistrome from the Siberian forests to them from the Siberian forests and name to His Kotofee Ivanovich. Fox invites the cat to visit, and they will soon become husband and wife. Lisa is sent for surpluses and meets wolf and bear. They are trying to play with her, but she says that now she is Burmistra's wife, Lizaveta Ivanovna. The wolf and the bear are asked by the fox of the permission to look at her husband, and the fucking fox demands that they bring him to the bull bowl and the ram and hid, it will not be thin. The wolf and the bear bring bull and ram, but they are not solved to approach Lesa Nore and ask the hare to call the fox with his spouse. The bear with a wolf is hiding in order not to get on the eyes: the wolf breaks into the dry foliage, and the bear climbs on the pine.

Fox and cat come. The cat with greed tears the teeth to the carcass of the bull and meows. The bear is might seem like a cat grumbling that he is not enough. The wolf is trying to look at the cat, rustles with leaves, and the cat thinks that this is a mouse: he rushes on a bunch of foliage and joining the wolf in the face. That falls in fear, and the cat, frightened, climbs on a pine, at which a bear sits. He falls on the ground, beats off all the liveries and starts running, and Fox with the cat is rejoiced that now they have enough supplies for the entire winter.

Frightened bear and wolves

The old man has a cat and a ram with an old woman. The old woman notes that the cat was sidelled to eat sour cream in the cellar, and persuades the old man to kill the Skoddy cat. The cat managed to overhear their conversation, and he deceives the ram, told him that they were going to kill both. They run out of the house and pick up their heads on the way.

Twelve wolves warm in the fire in the fire. A cat with a ram join them and gather to dine. The cat reminds Baran that they have twelve wolf heads with them, and asks him to choose from them the one that is eager. Baran pulls out a wolf's worship from the bushes, which they found on the road, wolves are frightened and trying to sleep under the only pretexts. And a cat with a ram and glad that got rid of them! Wolves meet in the Bear forest and repent of him about the cat with a ram, who ate twelve wolves. Bear with wolves agree to invite a cat and a ram for lunch to die them, and send a fox to them. The cook puts a groundhog, and one wolf orders to climb on a high stump and watching. But the cat with a ram notice the guard. Baran runs up and stifles him with stump, and the cat rushes onto the wolf and scratches him all over the face. Wolves are missing in fear, the bear climbs on a pine tree, the brown is hiding in Nouro, and the fox is clogged under the cololine.

The cat notices that from the hole sticks the tumble's tail, frightened and climbs on the pine. The bear thinks that the cat noticed him, and jumps from De Ryva, almost crushing the fox. They run together together. Lisa complains that the bear hurts badly when he fell from the tree, and he answers her that if he did not jumped out of his pine, the cat would have a long ago!

Wolf and goat

The goat makes himself a hut in the forest, and her baby is born. When she leaves the house, the goat is locked and do not go anywhere. The goat, when he returns, sings his thin voice a song, and a goat, having learned the voice of the mother, unlock her door. The wolf erupts the goat's song, waits until she leaves, and sings a rude low voice, but the goat does not unlock him and tell the mother of all. When the goat next time leaves the house, the wolf comes again and sings with a thin voice. The goat unlock the door, thinking that this is their mother, and the wolf eats them all except one who has time to hide in the stove.

Going home comes home, there is only one goat and crying bitterly. A wolf comes, she swear to her that he did not touch her children, and his calls to walk into the woods. In the forest finds the goat pit, in which the robbers cooked porridge, and sees that the fire in it is not dead. She offers a wolf jump over the pit, and he falls right into the fire. From the heat, the wolf bursts belly, and from there they jump into the goats - alive and disadvantaged.


Lives the man's man, serves as the owner faithfully, but when old age comes, the dog shakes, and the man takes him to the forest, binds to the tree and throws. The wolf comes and it is going to revenge the ps for all the former insults, but he persuades not there, because he has an old and hard meat: let him give it a little fattening it, and when the meat he becomes delicious, then let him do with him anything. The wolf agrees, but when the dog is eaten, he rushes onto the wolf, and that barely takes his legs.

The wolf, angry with the fact that the dog was so slyly spent him, smys in search of mining, meets the goat on the mountain and is going to eat him. But the tricky goat suggests him not to waste the power, and just become under the mountain and get the mouth, and he will then eat and jump into the mouth of the wolf. The wolf agrees, but the goat so hit the wolf in his forehead that he could not come to himself for a long time.

The Village Wolf wants to grab the piglet, but the pig does not give him and says that the piglets have just been born and need to wash them. They go to the mill, and the pig trickle lures the wolf into the water, and herself leaves the piglets home. A hungry wolf finds near the gum of Padal. At night, he comes to Gumna, but a hunter who has long been wing a wolf, shoots him from a rifle, and the wolf comes to an end

Winter animals

There is a bull in the forest, meets the ram, then a pig, goose and a lap and invites them to travelers - from the winter of the summer to search. Bull suggests building a hut so that it is where to live when it is good, but no one wants to help him: Baran discourages that he has warm wool, a pig says that it will go to the ground and gets warm, and goose and roosters are going to climb into Yelnik, one wing to raise under itself, and to others to cover and so winter. There is a bull to build a house alone.

Winter comes with light frosts, and everyone is asked to the hut, and the bull does not allow. Then the ram threatens to knock out a log of a wall, a pig - to undermine the pillars, goose - pluck the moss from the walls, and the rooster - to unload the land on the roof. There is nothing to do, the bull lets them all in the hut. Lisa hears how the cock sings a rooster in a warm hut, comes to the bear with a wolf and tells them that I found the prey for them - the bull Yes, the Baran Bear opens the door, Lisa rushes into the hut and wants to grab the rooster, but the bull with a ram kill her. Then the wolf comes there, but he is waiting for the same fate. One bear managed to leave alive, but also his bull with a ram as follows the beamed!

Dog and woodpecker

Lives a dog with a woman with a woman, feeds them and will eat, and when it becomes old, they drive it from the yard. Flyman flies past. He offers a dog wrapped his kids, and he will feed it for it. The woodpecker comes up with a trick: when the women go to the field and bring their husbands to the pots in the pot, he will pretend that he can't take off and will flit a little on the road, so the women will begin to catch him and put his pots, and the dog in the meantime will be

So they did. They are going home and see the fox. The dog is chasing the fox, and at this time the road rides a walking barrel. Fox rushes to the cart and slipping through the wheel knitting, and the dog is stuck, and the end of it comes. The woodpecker sees that the dog is dead, and begins to take revenge on the thing that he crushed the dog. He is hammering a hole in the barrel, and the whole race is poured. Then the woodpecker hammered his head, the man is trying to nail it with a purul, but inadvertently kills the horse. Woodpecker flies into the huts to the peasant and starts to peck the child, and when the mother wants to hit him with a stick, then she accidentally covers the child

Death Petushka

The cockerel fed to the bean grain, the chicken asks the river of water, but the river says that he will give her water if the leaf gives her a sheet. The lipping also sends a chicken to the girl so that she gave threads, then for these threads she will give a leaf church. The girl demands that the chicken goes to the cow, and when the cow gives milk chicken, then the girl will give a melt jacket for the milk. But the cow sends a chicken to the Kosts behind the Saint, and the kosps send it to the blacksmiths so that they focus on the Blacksmiths need coal for the forge. Finally, the chicken brings to all what they need, and in a hurry with water to the cock, but from that breath of breath.


An old man has a chicken with an old woman. He blows the chicken egg, put it on the shelf, but the mouse waves his tail, the shelf falls, the egg rolls and smashes. The old man is stupid, granddaughter imposes hands. It goes past the width, and, having heard about trouble, breaks all the coscils and throws. The decek asks for a seniority, why she broke all the cloisonel and disadvantaged. Learning what was the matter, he runs to the bell tower and interrupts all the bells. Pop asks Dyachka, why he interrupted all the bells, and when he tells him, pops up all the books.

Terem Mukhu

Muha-Torry builds Terem. They come to her live-in-foam, fleech-packed, Komar Dolled, Muscular-Tyutyruyushka, Lisa Patriyevna, Sherochka Lizard, Sayushko from under a tender, Wild Gray tail. The latter comes a bear Tolston and asks who lives in the terme. All the inhabitants call themselves, and the bear says that he is Truppy-Lyapysh, all feeds to all, hit the paw and breaks it.


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