Decembrists who are the author. Report about Decembrists

History of creation

The story "After Bala" was written in 1903, published after the death of the writer in 1911. The story is based on a valid event that Tolstoy learned when a student lived with brothers in Kazan. His brother Sergey Nikolaevich loved the daughter of the local military officer L.P. Korean and was going to marry her. But after Sergey Nikolayevich saw a cruel punishment who commanded the father of his beloved girl, he survived a strong shock. He stopped to be in the house of Koreish and refused the thought of marriage. This story lived so firmly in the memory of Tolstoy, which many years later he described it in the story "After Bala". The writer thoughtfully over the title of the story. There were several options: "The story of the ball and through the order", "Daughter and Father" and others. As a result, the story was called "after the Bala".

The writer worried about the problem: man and environment, the influence of circumstances on human behavior. Can a person manage himself or is all about the environment and circumstances.

Rod, genre, creative method

"After the Bala" - prosaic work; It is written in the magnitude of the story, since in the center of the narration is one significant event From the life of the hero (shock from what he saw after the Bala), and the text is small in volume. It must be said that on the slope of the years, Tolstoy showed a special interest in the story genre.

The story depicts two eras: 40th years XIX. century, the time of the reign of Nicholas and the time of creating a story. The writer restores the past to show that nothing has changed in the present. He opposes violence and oppression, against inhuman attitude towards people. Story "After Bala", like all the work of Ji.h. Tolstoy, associated with realism in Russian literature.


Tolstoy reveals in the story "After Bala" one of the irregularities of the life of the Nikolaev Russia - the position of the Tsarist Soldier: the twenty-five-year-old service life, a senseless Mushtra, fulfilling a soldier, holding through the order as a punishment. However, the main problem in the story is related to the issues of moral: which forms a person - social conditions or case. The unit incident rapidly changes a separate life ("the whole life changed from one night, or rather," says the hero). In the center of the image in the story, the idea of \u200b\u200ba person who is capable of throwing the estate prejudices at once.


The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story is revealed using a specific system of images and compositions. The main characters - Ivan Vasilyevich and the Colonel, the Father of the girl who was in love with the story, - through the images of which is solved the main problem. The author shows that the society and its structure, and not the case affect the identity.

In the form of a colonel Tolstoy exposes objective social conditions, distorting nature of a person who attaches him false concepts about the debt.

The ideological content is revealed through the image of the evolution of the inner feeling of the narrator, his feelings of the world. The writer makes you think about the problem of human responsibility for the surrounding. It is the consciousness of this responsibility for the life of society, Ivan Vasilyevich is different. The young man from a rich family, impressionable and enthusiastic, faced with terrible injustice, dramatically changed his life Path, refusing any career. "I was asking to such an extent that, not knowing where to look, as if I was expecting in the most infidental act, I lowered my eyes and hurried to go home." He dedicated his life to help to other people: "Tell me better: no matter how many people did not go anywhere, you were not."

In the story ji.h. Thick all contrast, everything is shown on the principle of antitheasses: a description of the brilliant ball and terrible punishment on the field; The situation in the first and second parts; Graceful adorable jam and Tatar shape with his terrible, unnatural back; The father of Varnika on the ball, who caused Ivan Vasilyevich enthusiastic lunizing, and he is an evil, a formidable old man, requiring execution of orders. The study of the overall construction of the story becomes a means of disclosing its ideological content.

Character conflict

The basis of the conflict of this story is laid, on the one hand, in the image of the milkness of the colonel, on the other - in the disappointment of Ivan Vasilyevich.

Colonel was very beautiful, static, high and fresh old man. Affectionate, leisurely speech emphasized his aristocratic essence and caused even more admiration. Varenkin Father was so mil and courtesy that he had all, including the main character of the story. After the ball in the scene, the soldier on the face of the colonel was not a single cute, good-natured feature. There was nothing left of the person who was on the ball, but a new, formidable and cruel appeared. One is only an angry voice of Peter Vladislavovich inspired fear. Ivan Vasilyevich describes the punishment of a soldier: "And I saw him his strong hand In the Suede Glove, it beat the face of a frightened little calm soldier for the fact that he was not strongly lowered his stick on the red back of Tatar. " Ivan Vasilyevich cannot love just one person, he must certainly love the whole world, understand and take it entirely. Therefore, together with love for Vashnka, the hero loves her father, admires them. When he faces in this world with cruelty and injustice, all his feeling of harmony, the integrity of the world, and he prefers not to love in any way, which is partially loved. I am not free to change the world, defeat evil, but I and only I am waved to agree or disagree to participate in this evil - here is the logic of the argument of the hero. And Ivan Vasilyevich deliberately refuses his love.

Basic heroes

The main characters of the story - the young man Ivan Vasilyevich, in love with Varnka, and the Father of the Girls Colonel Peter Vladislavovich.

Colonel, a beautiful and strong man of the age of fifty, attentive and caring father who wears homemade boots to dress and export a beloved daughter, Colonel is sincerely and on the ball when dancing with his beloved daughter, and after Bala, when, not talking like a zealous Nikolaevsky The servant drives through the streak of a runaway soldier. He undoubtedly believes in the need for violence with those who have crossed the law. It is this sincerity of the colonel in different life situations most of all puts in the impasse of Ivan Vasilyevich. How to understand the one who is sincerely good in the same situation and sincerely angry in another? "Obviously, he knows something that I don't know ... If I knew what he knew, I would understand what I saw, and it would not torment me." Ivan Vasilyevich felt that in this contradiction, the society was obvious: "If this was done with such confidence and recognized everyone necessary, then it became, they knew something that I did not know."

Ivan Vasilyevich, a modest and decent young man, shocked scene beating soldiers, is unable to understand why this is possible why there are orders for the protection of whose sticks are needed. The shock, experienced by Ivan Vasilyevich, turned his ideas about the estate morality: he was intended to be disturbed by Moluba Tatar about mercy, compassion and anger, which sounded in the words of the Blacksmith; He himself unwell, he shares the highest human laws of morality.

Plot and composition

The story story is uncomplicated. Ivan Vasilyevich, convinced that the environment does not affect the image of man's thoughts, but all the matter, in the case, tells the story of his youthful love in the beauty of Varnot B. The Hero's Ball meets the father of Varnika, a very beautiful, state, high and "fresh old man" with Ruddy face and luxurious mustache colonel. The owners persuade him to complete the Mazurka with his daughter. During the dance, the couple attracts all the attention. After the Mazurka, his father brings Varnik to Ivan Vasilyevich, and the remainder of the evening young people spend together.

Ivan Vasilyevich returns home in the morning, but can not fall asleep and go to wander around the city in the direction of the house Varnika. From afar, he hears the sounds of the flute and drum, which endlessly repeat the same sighty melody. On the field in front of the B. B. He sees how the soldiers of some Tatar for escape are driven through. Commands a execution father Varnika, a beautiful, static colonel B. Tatarin begs the soldier to "stupidly", but the colonel strictly monitors that the soldiers do not give him the slightest crossing. One of the soldiers "Majet". B. beats him in the face. Ivan Vasilyevich sees Red, Pestry, wet from the blood of the back of Tatar and is terrified. Noticing Ivan Vasilyevich, B. pretension that stranger with him, and turns away.

Ivan Vasilyevich thinks that, probably, the colonel is right, since everything recognize that he comes normally. However, he cannot understand the reasons that were forced by B. Brutally beat a man, and not understood, decides not to enter military service. Love him is declining. So one case changed his life and looks.

The whole story is the events of one night, about which the hero remembers many years. The composition of the story is clear and clear, four parts are allocated in it: a large dialogue at the beginning of the story, suggesting the story of the ball; Bala scene; Scene execution and final replica.

"After the Bala" built as a "story in the story": It begins that the venerable, who who who who who who walked in his life adds a lot and, as the author adds, sincere and truthful person - Ivan Vasilyevich in a conversation with friends argues that the person's life develops anyway at all From the influence of the medium, and due to the case, and in the proof of this leads the case, as he himself admits who changed his life. This is the actual story, whose heroes - Volya B., Her Father and Ivan Vasilyevich himself. Thus, from the dialogue of the storyteller and his friends at the very beginning of the story, we learn that the episode that the speech will be discussed was of great importance in a person's life. The form of an oral story gives events a special realism. The same is the mention of the sincerity of the narrator. He talks about what happened to him in his youth; This narrative is attached to a certain "Name of Starina", as well as references to the fact that the Varena is already old that "she has a daughter married."

Artistic peculiarity

Tolstoy-artist always took care of the work of "all reduced to unity." In the story "After Bala", the contrast was such a unifying began. The story is built at the reception of contrast, or antithesis, by showing two diametrically opposite episodes and in connection with this sharp change of the shootings of the narrator. So a contrast composition of the story and the corresponding language helps to reveal the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, disrupt the mask of goodness from the face of the colonel, show its true entity.

Contrast is used by the writer and when choosing language means. So, when describing the portrait, the Varnika prevails the white color: "White dress", "White Liker Gloves", "White Satin Shopping" (Such artistic reception called coloring). This is due to the fact that the white color is the personification of purity, light, joy, Tolstoy with the help of this word emphasizes the feeling of the holiday and transmits the mental state of the storyteller. About the holiday in the soul of Ivan Vasilyevich says musical accompaniment of the story: Cheerful cadrille, gentle smooth waltz, faded polka, an elegant Mazurka creates a joyful mood.

In the scene of punishment there are other paints and other music: "... I saw ... something big, black and heard the sounds of flutes and drums from there. ... It was ... Hard, bad music. "

The value of the work

The value of the story is huge. Tolstoy puts wide humanistic problems: why some live carefree life, and other wolfes of beggar existence? What is justice, honor, dignity? These problems were worried and worry not one generation of Russian society. That is why Tolstoy remembered the case that occurred during the years of his youth, and put it on the basis of his story.

In 2008, 180 years since the birth of the great Russian writer Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy. Hundreds of books and articles are written about him, his works are known all over the world, the name of his honor in all countries, the heroes of his novels and the leads live on the screens, on the scenes of theaters. His word sounds on radio and television. "Not knowing Tolstoy," said M. Gorky, "you cannot consider my country who knows himself, cannot be considered a cultural person."

Humanism Tolstoy, his penetration into the inner world of a person, protest against social injustice does not become obsolete, but live and affect the minds and hearts of people and today.

With the name of Tolstoy, a whole epoch in the development of Russian classical artistic literature is connected.

Tolstoy heritage great importance For the formation of worldview and aesthetic tastes of readers. Acquaintance with his works, filled with high humanistic and moral ideals, undoubtedly contribute to spiritual enrichment.

There is no other writer in Russian literature, the creativity of which would be so diverse and difficult as creativity L.N. Tolstoy. Great Writer developed Russian literary language, enriched literature with new means of image life.

The global importance of Tolstoy creativity is determined by the formulation of great, exciting social and political, philosophical and moral problems, unsurpassed realism of the image of life and high artistic skill.

His works are novels, stories, stories, players read with unrelenting interest. All new and new generations of people on the globe. This is evidenced by the fact that the decade from 2000 to 2010. UNESCO for decades L.N. was announced. Tolstoy.

Let's analyze the story and consider the features of his composition. In the work you can select two parts. The first is "on the ball", the second - "after the ball" or it is possible to call it more - "at the Place".

Bala scene - the tie action, its development and culmination. Ivan Vasilyevich, young, "cheerful and briskly small", and even "Handsome" and "rich", in love with a beautiful girl Varnot. The feelings of Ivan Vasilyevich developed on the ascending. The hero saw the girl angel like. White color Her dresses seems to emphasize the light image of Varniki and the bright feelings of Ivan Vasilyevich.

Ivan Vasilyevich seemed that love raises him on some unprecedented height. The hero on the top of happiness and it seems that there can be no further feeling. But no, this is not the limit. The dance of Varniki with his father raises in his soul an unknown earlier wave of dignity and happiness. This dance is the culmination of the senses of the hero and the culmination of the plot.

Ivan Vasilyevich's love is unnoticed and easily transferred to the father of Varenki. Father and daughter for him - one. A little later, the awareness of their continuity will cause feelings opposite to the dignification. Having reached its climax, the love of Ivan Vasilyevich and after the Bala remains the same. "My happiness grew and grew up," he will say, spreading his love for the whole world. At the highest note of the senses, the hero ends the first part of the action.

"I saw ... something big, black"

The second part of the story is in many ways the opposite of the first. On the ball dominated white color, and on the place - black. A Mazurka sounded on the ball, which supported the feeling of happiness, and the places "beat the drums and whistles flutes". These sounds woke up alarm. Contrast and figures, on which the attention of the hero is focused. On the ball - the adorable vamraka, and on the platform - soldiers beaten by spiderute. He could only silent: "Brothers, slow down."

"On the ball" and "on the platter" - different scenes, and the contrast between them is quite natural, if it were not for one "but" ... the same person participates in them. Execution on the Place was led by the father of Varniki, Colonel B. Blinded with love, Ivan Vasilyevich saw him earlier, so the shock from what was happening on the fee was the strongest. "The heart was almost physical, reaching nausea, longing ..." and was still very "shameful."

Scene on the Place - the actions of action. Ivan Vasilyevich on a short length of time (from the evening until the morning) went away from blinding to insight. Nice, he realized that in the world of people there are visibility and essence, and not always they are in harmony. In the case of the colonel, everything was like that. On the ball he "pink and white". It turned out that this appearance, and his essence was manifested at the factory.

"If i knew..."

Ivan Vasilyevich also understood that morning that there was some other truth that he did not know. This truth allows you to score to death by the guilty soldier.

Impossibility to understand the other truth, which means to accept it, turned it over Ivan Vasilyevich's life. He, an careless young man, suddenly discovered the unknown earlier feelings: "I was ashamed to such an extent ... as if I was standing in the most defined act ..." he was ashamed for the actions of another.

Dreaming O. military service, Ivan Vasilyevich refuses her. From what? Probably, again, from the impossibility to understand what it is - this service.

Yes, and "Love has declined from this day." But what's the jam? Neither. But if she was in a minute of happiness for Ivan Vasilyevich a single whole with his father, then at a minute of his horror and shame he could not disconnect them in his mind. Evil, emanating from the colonel, contrary to his desire, struck the love of his beloved daughter. This is the only punishment for him.

The story that Ivan Vasilyevich leads, shows events in reverse chronology, which allows you to see his destructive consequences in his fate.

The main features of the story "After Bala":

  • genre - story;
  • at the heart - real events;
  • the plot: one case from the Hero's life;
  • narration: on behalf of the main character;
  • contrast as a composite reception;
  • detail as a way to disclose events and heroes;
  • caution K. inner world hero;
  • the story of the spiritual insight of the hero.

It is widely known that L. N. Tolstoy was not only an outstanding writer, but also a major thinker. Therefore, there is nothing surprising that it is such a small amount of work equipped with a certain philosophical "stuffing". This article will be devoted to the answer to the question of which the story "After Bala" is directed, L. N. Tolstoy.

The answer will assume two levels: general philosophically and moral (human), but first (very short) plot.

Events Work

The narration is conducted on behalf of the main character - Ivan Vasilyevich. He tells one story from his personal, immediate experience that makes a new look at the problem of the ratio of personality and society, as well as self-improvement.

Dotted it looks like this: a long time ago, when Ivan Vasilyevich was still a student, he loved to attend balls. On one of these holidays, he met the girl Warry. She was very beautiful. The hero immediately fell in love with her, he danced with her all the time, not missing a single dance.

It turned out that the girl came with Papane - Colonel Peter Vladislavovich. Sooner or later, but the deserved military had to leave "light" and leaving their affairs. For goodbye, he danced with his daughter, which led to delighted the most honored public.

The main character of the story was in the most benevolent mood, which only you can invent, and imbued with the deceit colonel with the best feelings.

Then the ball ended. Everyone went home. And only the young Ivan Vasilyevich did not sleep. Still, because he was in love! Therefore, Ivan Vasilyevich went to wander around the city. Quite by chance, he came to the house of the Colonel and his daughter Wise and saw that the Soldier of Tatarin-Deserter was allowed on the field next to the house, they beat him merciless sticks. And so that the torture is arranged in all the rules, follows the colonel, recently cutely danced with his daughter.

Ivan Vasilyevich so struck this sight that his love was removed as a hand and, of course, he did not experience a gram of sympathy to the colonel.

General philosophical level. Personality and society

For a long time, probably, centuries from XVIII, there are two camps: some people believe that a person forms a medium, and scientists and philosophers, respectively, just need to find a magic formula or create such a theory that would allow to reproduce an ideal person in its legals. Others are rightly believed that it is impossible to calculate. He, as Nature created him or created God. It has some fundamental, irrational, non-systematized element. It is he who makes us people. In other words, some are on the side of society, others - individuals.

Tolstoy in this work takes the side of the latter, so one of the possible answers to the question about which the story "After Bala" is directed, such: he is directed against the universal averaging of the person and suppress a separate person. She must decide what is good, and what is bad, focusing only on its inner moral feeling, presented by force (Nature or God).

The man, according to L. N. Tolstoy, should not dance on the noodles of the majority, especially if his (most) is vile and disgusting.

The whole family of General believes that it is completely normal after a dietary scene on the ball (dancing with a beauty-daughter) to suffer a person. All, except for the young Ivan Vasilyevich, it does not seem morally low and unworthy. The question is who the right-way or society? L. N. Tolstoy unequivocally answers - personality. This is the specification of the answer to the question about which the story "after the Bala" is directed.

Moral (human) level. Selflessness, borders, worn - here is the target L. N. Tolstoy

The Russian classic is not only asked by global philosophical issues in this work ("after the Bala"), but also will begins the specific human defects specified in the subtitle. For thick, it is not so much that the colonel suits torture over man, how much is that he doesn't find anything reprehensible in this.

For the old guilt, absolutely acceptable insensitivity to human suffering and grief. "But how can it be," L. N. Tolstoy asks, - what a few hours ago on the ball he was a man and suddenly turned into a beast? " Honestly, it's hard to answer this question. The main character was also failed, so he could not fall asleep until the next evening even when he got drunk.

The reader will ask himself again and again about what the story "After Bala" is directed. And he is directed, above all, against such people-isorted. Tolstoy in it pursues the ruthlessness of Human to her fellow.

The purpose of the writer

Probably, Ideally, Lev Nikolayevich wanted to significantly change the balance of strength in relation to good and evil in the world so that people appearing more to the light so that they were humane and tolerate each other and did not turn into beasts even when the position obliges or allows. As it seems, the fat story "After Bala" wrote for this. The minimum goal of the Russian writer, probably, was that at least one reader become a little better.

It is almost all on the topic of articles. It remains only to answer the question of what the characteristic of the story "After Bala". The composition of Leo Nikolayevich is extremely concentrated if we take into account the ratio of the number of moral dilemies set before the main character (and the reader), and the number of letters spent on the fulfillment of this task.

"After Bala", the analysis of the story is the topic, idea, genre, composition and features of the work.

"After Bala" Analysis

Year of writing — 1903

Genre - Story (in the center of the narration is one important event from the Hero's life, and the text is small in volume)

Topic of the story: Love, beating a soldier - Tatar

main characters: Ivan Vasilyevich, Varnka, Peter Vladislavovich

Main problem The story is associated with moral issues: which forms human-social conditions or case.

"After Bala" composition:

Feature composition - story in the story.

The basis of the composition is a contrast, opposition.

The whole story is the events of one night, about which the hero remembers many years.

The work is divided into two semantic parts: on the ball and after the ballet.

The main thing is part of the "after the Bala", despite the fact that it is less in volume. That is why the story and named "after the Bala". Thus, the author avoids the edification, imposing the reader of his position, but turns his eyes in the right direction.

These parts have their own climax: in 1 hour - the execution of the Mazurka by Colonel and his daughter Varnik, in 2 hours - the punishment of the soldier under the guidance of the same colonel. In meaning, these episodes are abruptly opposed to each other, that is, contrast.

The first and last part of the composition are a binding element of the long-lasting and later events - a storyager hero about the case that influenced its life, the composition of the story "Story" is obtained.

"After the Bala" Features of the work

The story is built on the reception of contrast, or antithesis, by showing two opposite episodes and in connection with this sharp change of the experiences of the narrator. Contrast is used by the writer and when choosing language means. So, when describing the portrait of Varnika, white predominates: "White dress", "White Liker Gloves", "White Satin Shopping Shoes." White color - personification of purity, light, joy. About the holiday in the soul of a young man says musical accompaniment of the story: Merry cadrille, gentle smooth waltz, faded polka, elegant Mazurka create a joyful mood.

In the scene of punishment there are other paints and other music: "... I saw ... something big, black and heard the sounds of flutes and drums from there. It was tough, bad music. "

The meaning of the story "After Bala" invaluable. The writer put extensive humanistic problems. What is justice, honor, dignity? These problems were worried and worry not one generation of Russian society. That is why Tolstoy remembered the case that occurred during the years of his youth, and put it on the basis of his story.

The author in the story not only shows the evil and good principles in a person, not only condemns cruelty, but also exposes social injustice, distorting human nature, having false concepts about debt, honor, dignity, and also reveals the true essence of the Nikolaev Russia .. The writer makes us Followers, think about the problem of human responsibility for everything that happens.

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