Love lyrics. Poems and stories Love lyrics of Dostoevsky

/ Poetry / Dostoevsky Fedor Mikhailovich / - Reading (Full text)

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Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Poems and poetic sketches, comic poems, parodies, epigrams

Where did the worldwide trouble come from?

Who is to blame, who starts first?

You are smart people, everyone knows this,

Yes Slavushka went bad about you!

It would be better to live in peace at home

Yes, handle household chores!

'Cause we don't seem to have anything to share

And there is a lot of space for everyone under heaven.

Besides, if you remember everything:

It's funny to scare a Russian with a Frenchman!

Russia is familiar with every misfortune!

It happened to her that did not happen to you.

The Tatar crushed her under the heel,

And he found himself under his feet.

But she's come a long way since then!

Not to measure it to be on a par even with you;

Overseas growth she outgrew,

Do you want to be one with the heroes!

Try to look at us now

If you are not afraid to lose your head!

Russia suffered in internecine battles,

Almost bled out drop by drop,

Languishing in the struggle of their consanguineous;

But holy Russia was tenacious!

You are smarter, but books are in your hands!

To the right you - then your honor knows!

But know that in the last torment

We will have something to endure suffering!

The past stands as an answer to you, -

And your union has long been not terrible to us!

We will be saved in the time of obsession,

The cross, the shrine, faith, the throne will save us!

We have this law in our souls,

As a sign of victory and deliverance!

We did not lose our faith, simply

(Like there was some Western people);

We were raised from the dead by faith

And the Slavic race lives by faith.

We believe that the god above us can,

That Russia is alive and cannot die!

You wrote that you started a Russian quarrel,

Somehow we're acting wrong

That we do not value French honor,

What a shame for you for your allied flag,

What a pity you are very Golden-horned Ports,

What we want to conquer

Something and that ... They gave you a strict answer,

Like schoolchildren, noisy naughty.

If you don't like it, blame yourself

Do not break our hats in front of you!

Not for you to disassemble the fate of Russia!

Its purpose is unclear to you!

The East is hers! Stretch out your hands to her

Millions of generations do not get tired.

And ruling over deep Asia,

She gives young life to everything,

And the revival of the ancient East

(So ​​God commanded!) Russia is coming.

Now again Russia, then the citizenship of the king,

Luxurious dawn of the coming!

Not the opium that corrupted a generation,

What we call barbarism without embellishment,

Your peoples will move towards rebirth

And he will lift up the lowly to you!

That Albion, with insane violence

(Missionary of Christ's meek brotherhoods!),

He spread the disease among the half-witted people,

In a vile hunger for riches!

Or did not the Lord go up to the cross for you

And gave his holy flesh to die?

Look everyone - he is crucified to this day,

And his holy blood flows again!

But where is the Jew, who crucified Christ now,

Sold again the Eternal Love?

He is ulcerated again, he again accepted sorrow and torment,

Again, the eyes are crying with a heavy tear,

God's arms are outstretched again

And the sky is darkened by a terrible thunderstorm!

That is the torment of the brethren to us of the same faith

And the groan of the churches in unparalleled persecution!

He ordered them to be called the body of God,

He himself, the head of the entire Orthodox faith!

Fight against the infidels against the church,

That is a dark, sinful and inglorious feat!

A Christian for a Turk for Christ!

The Christian is the protector of Mohammed!

Shame on you, apostates of the cross,

Extinguishers of divine light!

But God is with us! Hooray! Our deed is holy

And for Christ, who is not happy to give his life!

Sword of Gideons to help the oppressed,

And in Israel there is a strong Judge!

That is the king, you, the Almighty, saved,

Anointed of thy right hand!

Where two or three are ready for the Lord,

The Lord is among them, as he himself promised us.

Millions of us are waiting for the king's word,

And finally your hour, Lord, has come!

The trumpet sounds, the double-headed eagle rustles

And majestically rushes to Tsargrad!


When it came again for the Russian people

The era of the glorious sacrifices of the twelfth year

And mothers, having given their sons to the king,

Blessed them to fight against enemies,

And their land was drenched with sacrificial blood,

And Russia shone with heroism and love,

Then suddenly your quiet, mournful moan was heard,

Like the edge of a sword, he penetrated our souls,

That hour sounded like trouble for the Russian,

The giant was embarrassed and trembled for the first time.

How the morning light goes out in the evening in the blue sea,

Your great husband has departed from the world.

But Russia believed, and in the hour of anguish and grief

A new golden ray of hope flashed at her...

It's over, it's gone! Reverent before him

I dare not call him sinful lips.

Witnesses about him are immortal deeds.

Like an orphaned family, Russia wept;

In fright, in horror, growing cold, she froze;

But you, only you alone, have lost more than everyone!

And I remember that then, in a difficult, troubled hour,

When the terrible news reached us,

Your meek, sad face in my imagination

Appeared to my eyes, like a mournful vision,

As an image of meekness, humility of the saint,

And I saw an angel in tears before me ...

The soul was torn to you with ardent prayers,

And I wanted to express my heart with words,

And, widow, plunging into the dust, before you,

Forgiveness to beg with a bloody tear.

Forgive, forgive me, forgive my desires;

Forgive me for daring to speak to you.

Forgive me for daring to feed a crazy dream

Comfort your sadness, ease your suffering.

Forgive me for daring, despondent outcast,

But God! us a judge forever and ever!

You sent down judgment on me in an anxious hour of doubt,

And in my heart I knew that tears are redemption,

That again I am Russian and - again a man!

But, I thought, I'll wait, now it's too early to remind,

Even in her chest, the wound hurts and aches ...

Madman! Or did I not suffer losses in my life?

Is there really a time for this longing and a limit?

O! It's hard to lose what you lived, what was nice,

Look at the past as if at a grave,

To tear the heart from the heart with blood,

Feed your anguish with a hopeless dream,

Like a prisoner, the clock strikes, drawn out and dull.

Oh no, we believe, your lot is not like that!

Providence prepares great destinies...

But should I raise the coming cover

And tell you your destiny?

Do you remember what you were for us when he lived!

Perhaps without you he would not be what he was!

He is from a young yo yours was influenced;

Like an angel of God, you were always with him;

His whole life is illuminated by your radiance,

Enlightened by the divine ray of love.

You got used to his heart, that was the heart of a friend.

And who knew him like you, his wife?

How do you love him, how do you understand him?

How can you now forget your suffering!

Everything, everything around you is a reminder of him;

Wherever we look, everywhere, everywhere he is.

Is it really not there, is it not a dream!

Oh no! You can’t forget, joy is not in oblivion,

And in the throes of memory there is so much consolation!!

Oh, why is it impossible that I pour out my heart

And expressed it with warm words!

Is there no one who lit up us like the sun

And opened our eyes with immortal deeds?

In whom did the schismatic and the blind believe,

Before whom the evil spirit and darkness fell at last!

And with a fiery sword, having risen, the formidable archangel,

He showed us the age-old path in the future ...

But vaguely understood our multi-threat enemy

And dishonestly slandered with cunning language ...

Enough! ... God will decide between them and between us!

But you, sufferer, rise and be strong!

Live for happiness with our great sons

And for holy Russia, like an angel, pray.

Look, he is all in sons, powerful and beautiful;

He is in spirit in their hearts, lofty and clear;

Live, still live! Great example for us

You accepted your cross meekly and meekly ...

Live as a participant in the future glorious deeds,

Great heart and soul patriot!

I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I dared to say

What dare you to wish, what dare you to pray!

History will take its impartial chisel,

She will draw us your image bright, clear;

She will tell us sacred things;

She will count all that you have been to us.

Oh, continue to be for us as an angel of providence!

Save the one who was sent down to us for salvation!

For his happiness and ours live

And the Russian land, like a mother, bless.

The end of the fierce struggle! ...

To the challenge of the impudent and arrogant,

Offended in the shrine of feelings,

Russia rose, trembling with anger,

To fight a desperate enemy

And the fruit of the bloody sowing

She shook her valiant sword.

Stuffed with holy blood

In a fair fight, their fields,

With Europe, peace won from battle,

Meets the Russian land.

A new era is before us.

Sweet dawn hopes

Rises bright before the eyes ...

God bless the king!

Our king goes on a difficult feat

The path is thorny and steep;

Hard work, meager rest,

To the feat of valor saint,

Like that autocratic giant,

That he lived in work and labor,

And, son of kings, great, glorious,

He wore calluses on his hands!

The power was cleansed by a thunderstorm,

Hearts are bound with misfortune,

And the road is native glory

The one who is faithful to the end.

The Tsar is followed by all Russia with love

And with warm faith will go

And from the soil fattened with blood,

Gather a golden harvest.

Not a Russian one who, the path is wrong

At this hour solemnly choosing

Like a lazy and crafty slave,

Will go without understanding the shrine.

Our king is coming to take the crown...

Making a pure prayer

Millions of Russians are crying out:

God bless the king!

O you who with a moment of will

Give death or live

You keep kings in a poor field

You keep a tender blade of grass:

Create in him the spirit is cheerful and clear,

Live in it with spiritual power,

Create his work is beautiful

And bless the holy way!

To you, the source of forgiveness,

holy source of meekness,

Russian prayers ascend:

Keep love in your native land!

To you, who loved without an answer

Themselves tormentors,

Who doused with rays of light

Blind blasphemers,

To you, our king in the crown of thorns,

Who prayed for their killers

And on the cross, the last word,

Blessed, loved, forgiven!

With my life and blood

We deserve our king;

Fill with light and love

Russia, faithful to him!

Do not punish us with blindness

Give me the mind to see and understand

And with pure and living faith

Heaven's chosen one to accept!

Keep from sad doubt

Enlighten the mind of the blind

And on the day of great renewal

Light the way ahead for us!

I'm flying, I'm flying back

I want to fall back

So everything is wrong in the world:

Check today, checkmate tomorrow.


Describe everything entirely of some priests,

In my opinion, both boring and out of fashion;

Now you write in a seedy way;

Don't fail, L[esk]ov.


The most reckless rubbish is often sent to our Editorial Board, as to any other, along with articles that are satisfactory. Writers are weird. And everyone touchily demands that they be printed with a fee. Rubbish, of course, cannot be printed; but foolishness sometimes reaches genius. We place one of these articles, and even in verse, below, hoping to surprise the reader. In order to be conscientious, we communicated with the author without concealing the truth, that is, that if we publish his work, it is nothing but the height of absurdity. He proudly allowed it - sometimes it gets so passionate to see yourself printed. However, he probably hopes that the public will not agree with our opinion. Let's face it: the lyrics are ridiculous. Thought partly true, but stupidly expressed. There is no reality, for there are no such porticoes anywhere. And yet, something seems to be true. The nihilist explains herself, albeit stupidly, but quite according to Darwin. The officer also maintains his character: he is an esthetician and is distinguished by a shameful weakness for sex (le sexe). So if it weren't so stupid, it would be, perhaps, smart. In general, this is a work of mediocrity, animated by noble feelings. However, here is the whole scene in verse with its retrograde title.

The struggle of nihilism with honesty

(The scene is cleaner than a comedy)


An officer, however retired and from Kostroma, 40 years old, like everyone else; a bit thick With a sword and with his own capital. Wants to keep the law. But he heard about the nihilists and, before choosing a bride, he wants to exterminate them all to the last. For this purpose, he arrived in the capital. I didn't read much, I didn't hear clearly. He has no idea about a fictitious marriage, which is the fate of the article. He destroys himself with excessive nobility of soul, although he is noticeably unwitty. Ardent. Amazed by the mind. At every new idea, he stands like a ram that has seen a new gate; but, having seen through the contradiction, in an instant he blushes all over like an Indian rooster and becomes angry. Generally a silly mixture of mutton and rooster. Likes sweets. Wonderfully kind person.

Nihilist, 22, haircut. Traveling person. Listened to lectures; did the answers, saw the views. Cunning and sneaky. Fanatical. Brunette, slender, not bad at all and knows it. Reminds me of a wasp. Likes bitter. Promotes where horrible, even on the stairs.

The curtain rises

A wretched brick portico, old and painted yellow. Twelve chipped narrow steps. An officer, with his sword still undrawn, runs up the steps, shouting and wishing to exterminate all the nihilists. A nihilist slowly descends towards him. Their eyes meet. The officer is startled; stops.


Where are you going, officer?

I strive to liberate Russia!

nihilist (with twist)

Long time ago, my dear "commander",

Have you fallen into this element?

an officer (with severity)

How long have you cut your hair?

nihilist (half-closing eyelashes)

Ever since the question of women

I knew my first dreams.

an officer (stricken again)

Serving in the countryside

In the midst of natural simplicity

I could not know these questions.

In the whole regiment there is only Nosov,

Lieutenant, "Son" received.

I will ask you as faithful Ross,

What does this woman's question mean?


I don't think you grew up.


But you didn't understand me.

I say you didn't grow up

Only in the sense that he has not grown up.

Your pun didn't get me.


But I'll get through you now.

Imagine that, back to Kostroma

Returning in a fictitious marriage

And not being baptized at the church,

You started with me soon

To spread ideas...

an officer (weak with pleasure)

How? I'm with you in a fictitious marriage!


What needs? Kostroma as an example!

an officer (thoughtfully)

In a fictitious marriage close to a fight.


You lied, my officer!

And propaganda and protest,

We first of all drag

A bag of frogs from all places.

an officer (blushes quickly. He has never heard of frogs)

Frogs? Listen, nihilist:

You laugh at me low!

Look! Do you want "beautiful sex" ...

(shows fist)


What a game you ran!

an officer (putting a finger to his forehead, in complete bewilderment)

In a fictitious marriage apartment

A bag of frogs - for the laugh of the world! ...

To croak with us all summer.

Tell us what this dirty trick is for ?!

nihilist (with quadruple value)

To the fact that all Kostroma women

Pull inaction off the beds!

an officer (struck again)

A! that's what! ... But it should be clearer

Would you express yourself...

(Involuntarily sheathes the sword)


Blushing for your stupid anger

And undeveloped mind

Understand that they cut frogs

And serve this society

More useful than just for cheesecakes

Spending time in the kitchen

Then, having inspired this idea,

And not to waste time

We need it right now, this summer,

Start destroying the family!

Hm, hm! Wait: having aunts,

Uncle and many cousins,

Can I, being short in their houses,

nihilist (with all the ardor of propaganda, which makes it very pretty)

Be ashamed! debt unnecessary burden

You screwed up on yourself!

What were you waiting for, wasting time?

What thoughts did he carry out?

Well, where do you see in nature

Family ties, family oppression?

Who are the bonds of marriage in our kind

Will he find between fish, animals and birds?

Do cows have cousins?

Ile - serving prejudice

Will the goose go to the name day?

an officer (finally smitten)

Yes, it's true, the hedgehog has no aunts!


You are amazed, you are ashamed!

an officer (in a terrible fight with honesty)

Touch ticklish notes

Souls to the fingers of free wives

I won't give it easy! Nonsense and bullshit!!

Quick: how do you look at marriages?

nihilist (getting up in a flash)

But in what? Please summarize!

He bought a house and about apartments

I enjoyed reading

And I understood the fruit of liberalism...

Articles are profitable nihilism!

Especially in the article about marriage

All progress crayfish hibernate!

O nihilist! Listen: you're lying!

Are you inviting me to a fictitious marriage?

But the bed of marriage law

Is it better to be fenced in the "fictitious" one?

Liberty! Get in who wants to!


Oh no, whatever the woman wants.

Here you go! What do I have to do with it?

I'm a husband!...


in a fictitious marriage

Three of us live

Like three dogs!

Enough, listen, nihilist,

Don't come close to me!

Otherwise I'll draw my sword

And I will bury it all in you! ...

nihilist (seeing that you won’t take anything, he takes off his mask)

Aha! retrograde hit!

Oh, serfdom Marat!

You see happiness in "lawful" happiness!

In the "legitimate" all your dreams!

You would only be under the crown,

Aesthetician, rag, lollipop!

Jupiter! Can you listen to it!


Go home, it's time to eat

No, you better listen

Tasty while it's hot:

When to your lawful wife

A friend will come to play pranks,

Is it for you then, with your skewer,

Protect your rights!

Cap! you will become limp, you will not believe;

You will sit here and make sure

Himself, that he saw a dream

What is not they - she and he!

They fall asleep - you close the door yourself

And in order not to wake the dear ones,

You will go, be it night or bad weather,

Dreaming of legitimate happiness

To humbly wander into the yard ...

If you get tired, then sit on a chair.

O nihilist! Guard!

The nihilist runs and, like a tigress, jumps with laughter from the steps of the portico. It was then that the officer wanted to finally stab her, but aesthetics again interfered with the matter: the light-winged grace of the jump and the charming charm of the heel flashing from under the dress suddenly and immediately stop him with a pillar in place and red, like a collar.

The curtain falls

"The collapse of Baimakov's office..."

The collapse of Baimakov's office,

Baimakova and Luri,

Both kovas ripened in harmony,

Two bankruptcies - there will be three!

There will be three and five and eight

There will be a lot of crashes

And for the summer, and for the fall,

And the critic Strakhov writes

In three articles on spiritualism,

Of which two are superfluous,


Kids are expensive

Anna Grigorievna, yes,

Lilya and both boys -

That's our problem!

"DO NOT rob, FEDUL ..."

Do not rob, Fedul,

Don't scream at the top of your lungs

At least you pouted your lips

Yes, you are not drunk, you do not drink vodka.

Do not squeal and you, Lilyuk,

Be a pretty girl

If you are a common friend to all of us,

Not a mean dog.

Do not be angry and you are a mother ...


(I. D. Yakubovich, E. I. Kiyko, I. A. Bityugova)


The department is opened by three poems written in 1854-1855. in the traditional odic genre. With them, Dostoevsky, who had just served a four-year term of hard labor in the Omsk prison and after that, in accordance with the sentence passed on him in the case of the Petrashevites, was serving as a soldier in Semipalatinsk, tried to draw the attention of the government to his fate in order to achieve at least some relief from his fate. Later, Dostoevsky never remembered these poems, caused by a passionate desire to return to literary activity with an almost complete absence of hopes for this until the accession to the throne of Alexander I, who returned the Decembrists and Petrashevists from Siberia.

The poetic ideas and sketches of the 60-70s have a different character.

As evidenced by the manuscripts of the late Dostoevsky that have come down to us, the diary of the writer's wife and the memoirs of his niece M A Ivanova, Dostoevsky liked to improvise comic poetry. The journalistic element inherent in Dostoevsky's talent, the writer's constant glance in the process of thinking over his works at the current topic of the day, at literary friends and enemies, was expressed, along with his narrative artistic creativity and journalism, in polemical sketches of a poetic nature - parodies and epigrams, with which his pages are dotted. notebooks.

Having no independent artistic value (and in this sense incommensurable with the main work of Dostoevsky - the narrator and novelist), his poetic jokes, parodies and epigrams are interesting as a kind of laboratory from which the grotesque-ironic "absurd" poems of Captain Lebyadkin, genetically prepared by them, subsequently came out. "Besakh".

Some sketches-parodies, epigrams, three handwritten versions of the unfinished poetic feuilleton "The Struggle of Nihilism with Honesty (An Officer and a Nihilist)" (1864–1874) expand our understanding of Dostoevsky as a caricaturist, satirist, and polemicist. Poetic epistles to his wife and children are a biographical source, valuable in describing the life of the Dostoevsky family in the 70s.


The poem was written in April 1854 in Semipalatinsk, where, after serving a four-year term of hard labor, Dostoevsky arrived in March 1854 to serve as a soldier in the 7th Siberian linear battalion. It was presented on May 1, 1854 by the battalion commander, Colonel Belikov, to the Headquarters of a separate Simbirsk corps with the author's petition "for permission to place it in the St. Petersburg Vedomosti." In turn, the chief of staff, Lieutenant General Yakovlev, on June 26, 1854, forwarded the poem to the manager of the III department, e.i. v. Office of L. V. Dubelt. Permission from the III department for printing was not followed. The autograph of the poem remained in the case of the III branch "On Lieutenant Fyodor Dostoevsky"

Creating poetry, Dostoevsky pursued primarily the goal of convincing the government spheres of his trustworthiness and making an attempt to get published. They were written in connection with the aggravated conflict between Russia, on the one hand, and England and France, on the other, after England and France declared war on Russia. On April 11, 1854, the official manifesto on the war was published in Russia. The immediate reason for the war was the dispute with Turkey about the "holy places" in Jerusalem and the unwillingness of England and France to support Russia in this dispute. Newspapers regularly covered the course of events, in particular, "St. Petersburg Vedomosti" had a permanent heading "The uprising of Christians in the East." As L.P. Grossman established, when developing the theme of the Eastern War in the poem “On European Events in 1854”, Dostoevsky transferred to it a number of images common to patriotic poetry of 1854. These are F. Glinka’s poems “Hurrah” (Northern bee. 1854. January 4. No. 2), N. Arbuzov "To the Enemies of Russia" (Ibid., January 1. No. 25), N. Levarsheva "Holy War" (Ibid., March 8. No. 54). Later, Dostoevsky spoke favorably of A. N. Maikov's poem "The Clermont Cathedral" from his collection "The Year 1854" (St. Petersburg, 1854), speaking of his patriotic enthusiasm in the era of the Crimean War and the role of Russia "in the moral" liberation of the Slavs (XXVIII, book 1, 208). There is no doubt that the writer was captured by the general patriotic enthusiasm experienced by wide sections of Russian society; it is possible that it was at this time that his conviction about the special role of Russia in the struggle for the liberation of the Slavic peoples from Turkish rule was formed, which later, in 1876-1877, was expressed on the pages of his Diary of a Writer. It may also be noted that Dostoevsky discussed with his brother the possibility of worries about his transfer to the Caucasus (XXVIII, vol. 1, 173).

In his poem, Dostoevsky recalled the political situation in Europe in 1831–1832, the Russian-Polish conflict, about which Pushkin also wrote (“To the Slanderers of Russia”). Thoughts about Slavic-Russian unity, pride in remembering the events of 1812 bring both of these works together. Dostoevsky's desire to imitate the ode "Slanderers of Russia" is especially evident in the second half of the poem. Following the example of Pushkin to Western diplomats and journalists, he answers here the accusations caused by the Eastern policy of the then Russia (“You wrote that a Russian started a quarrel…”).

Slavophile poets in the first months after the outbreak of hostilities were inclined to regard the war as a test necessary for Russia to revive it, and at the same time as a means for the liberation of the Slavic peoples from Turkish rule and for the future triumph of the Orthodox East over the Catholic West.

Soon the attitude of most of the Slavophiles towards the war changed: under the influence of defeats and the surrender of Sevastopol, discontent sharply increased among them, as well as throughout Russian society. military policy Nicholas I.


The poem was written at the end of June 1855 for the birthday of Empress Dowager Alexandra Feodorovna (1798–1860). In connection with the death in February 1855 of Nicholas I, Dostoevsky, according to A.E. Wrangel, “resurrected hope for a change […] of fate – for an amnesty.” In March 1855, in commemoration of the beginning of the reign of Alexander II, the "highest manifesto" was published, giving the right to promote Dostoevsky to the rank of non-commissioned officer. In early July 1855, the Governor-General of Western Siberia and the commander of a separate Siberian Corps, General G. Kh. Gasfort, arrived in Semipalatinsk with an audit. According to the memoirs of A. E. Wrangel, at a dinner at Gasfort's, he spoke with him about Dostoevsky and asked him to present the poems "On July 1, 1855" to the Empress. Gasforth turned him down, adding: “For former enemies of the government, I will never bother; if in St. Petersburg they themselves remember, then I will not oppose. In July 1855, A. E. Wrangel sent the poem to St. Petersburg, and it was transferred to the Empress through Prince P. G. Oldenburgsky. In September at War Department On August 13, a petition was received from G. X. Gasfort for the writer to be promoted to non-commissioned officer; the poem “On July 1, 1855” was attached to the petition. On October 27, 1855, the Inspectorate Department of the Military Ministry "asks" permission from the Minister of War to promote Dostoevsky to the rank of non-commissioned officer and asks: "would it be ordered" the attached verses "to be presented to the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna." At this performance on November 18, 1855, the resolution of the Minister of War, Prince Dolgorukov, “Most graciously commanded: to promote Private Dostoevsky to non-commissioned officers” appeared, the lines of the report relating to poetry were crossed out by Dolgorukov’s hand.

In autumn, rumors spread among writers in St. Petersburg that Dostoevsky had written loyal verses, which caused indignation in radical circles. At the end of 1855, I. I. Panaev’s feuilleton “Literary idols, dilettantes, etc.” appeared in Sovremennik, where Dostoevsky was described in caricatured tones.

M. M. Dostoevsky frankly wrote to his brother about the imperfection of poetry: “I read your poems and found them very bad. Poems are not your specialty.

The poem “On the First of July 1855” was written in the genre of philosophical odes and elegies: Dostoevsky could serve as examples of G. R. Derzhavin’s ode to the death of Countess Rumyantseva (1791), his own poem “On the death of Count Orlov” (1796), elegy of V. A. Zhukovsky "On the death of Her Majesty the Queen of Wirtemberg" (1819). In accordance with the models, Dostoevsky, praising Russia, glorified its future, which he connected with the upcoming political changes. However, the emphasis in the poem lies not so much on the events experienced by Russia as on the personal fate of the author: Dostoevsky reminds the empress of himself, calling for forgiveness for him and other “outcasts” like him in the face of the trials that befell her and all of Russia.


The poem was written in the spring of 1856, when Dostoevsky began the chores of being promoted to ensign in connection with "the highly solemn day of the coronation of the sovereign emperor." In addition, in the petition of Dostoevsky, transmitted by General E. I. Totleben to the Minister of War N. O. Sukhozanet 2nd, there was a request “to allow him literary studies with the right to print, on legal grounds” (see: XXVIII, book 1, 471). A. E. Wrangel informed the writer about the progress of the troubles. In a letter dated May 23, 1856, Dostoevsky wrote to Wrangel: “Oh, God forbid that my fate settles as soon as possible. You write to me to send something. Sending poetry to coronation and peace. Whether they are good or bad, but I sent here to the authorities with a request to allow type[…] To ask officially (by petition) for permission to print without presenting the work at the same time, in my opinion, is embarrassing. That's why I started with a poem. Read it, rewrite it, and try to get it to the monarch.” XXVIII, vol. 1, 232). Further, Dostoevsky discusses with Wrangel the possibility of transmitting the poem in an official way, through G.Kh. Gasfort, who is going to St. Petersburg. The clerk’s copy of the poem “For the coronation and the conclusion of peace” was attached to the letter of G. X. Gasfort to N. O. Sukhozanet dated June 2, 1856. As follows from the documents of the War Ministry, the efforts of Totleben and Gasfort were only partially successful: “His Majesty , agreeing to the promotion of Dostoevsky to ensign, ordered that secret surveillance be established for him until a perfect certification of his trustworthiness and then to petition for permission to print his literary works. Dostoevsky's poem was taken "for note" (XXVIII, book 1, 472), but remained unpublished in the affairs of the military department.



It dates from the middle of 1864, as it was written next to the sketches for "Crocodile" (see this edition, Vol. 4). The epigram was conceived as a parody of poems published in the 1860s in A. A. Kraevsky's newspaper "Voice". Its text is in a notebook among a number of other polemical notes directed against this newspaper. Apparently, the "author" of the epigram was conceived as a type of "Russian abroad" who is "losing the use of the Russian language and Russian thoughts".


The epigram to N. S. Leskov was written in 1873-1874, at the time of his completion or publication of the novel “A Seedy Family. Chronicle of the Princes Protozanovs…” (Rus. Vesti. 1874. No. 7, 8 and 10), mentioned by Dostoevsky in the third line (“now you write in a seedy way”).


Dated 1864–1873. In the middle of 1864, Dostoevsky wrote down in a notebook the title of the future work, the characterization of its heroine - the "nihilist" and outlined some details. Two entries - a pun based on the play on words "Ross - grew up", and an episode indicated by the words "Bare leg" - will be developed in later more detailed developments of this plot, relating - the first to the second half of 1864 - the beginning of 1865, and the second - by the last months of 1873. The attempt attributed to the heroine to rebel against "parental authority" and "punish her with publicity" by sending correspondence to the newspaper "Volos" (to "Voice" by A. A. Kraevsky), combines notes with the story "Crocodile" , in drafts and in the main text of which there are also attacks against the "Voice" and its publisher. Preliminary sketches for "Crocodile" indicate that Dostoevsky was going to include poems about the officer and the nihilist in the story. After the ironic definition of the concept of "nihilism", the essence of which, according to some, allegedly consists in "cutting women's hair", and according to others - "in the denial of everything that exists", the plans for "Crocodile" should be written: "I got the rhymes:" An officer and a nihilist." “I agree with the doctrine” (V, 326). It is possible that in the project of "Chapter 3" (with a description of the meeting of the friend of the swallowed official with his wife and her "hobbies" for this friend), under the title "poems against nihilists", the same "poems" were conceived. At one time it was assumed that the nihilist would appear in the story as a special character: she would come to the crocodile to discuss issues of female emancipation and the question of God with the official. Among the draft notes to the "Crocodile" there is the following: "If geese do not have aunts, therefore, aunts are a prejudice" (V, 327). The meaning of this maxim becomes clear when compared with the corresponding poetic lines of "The Officer and the Nihilist".

Like "Crocodile", the feuilleton "Officer and Nihilist" is woven into the controversy that was waged by the Dostoevsky brothers' magazines "Time", and later "Epoch" with various social and literary trends in Russian journalism of those years, including "Sovremennik" and " Russian word.

At the beginning of the next 1865, in the Epoch, Dostoevsky intended to continue the controversy begun on the pages of the journal, but he did not complete the work on the feuilleton, and the publication of the Epoch soon ceased.

Dostoevsky remembered his plan again in the second half of 1873 or at the beginning of 1874, at the time of his participation in The Citizen. In those years, in connection with the opening of higher courses for women in St. Petersburg and Moscow, interest in women's issue. Since 1866, under the editorship of G. E. Blagosvetlov, the magazine “Delo” began to appear, continuing the traditions of the “Russian Word” and also popularizing the works on natural science and physiology by T. G. Huxley, J. Moleschott, M. Faraday, D. Tyndall, A. Barker and others. The well-known publicist V. O. Portugalov repeatedly wrote about Ch. Darwin and his teaching in the late 60s and early 70s in the "Case". The magazine also often published a “chronicle of women’s affairs” - a topic that received special development in Blagosvetlov’s articles “What do we need women for?” (Case. 1869. No. 7), “Women's labor and its reward” (Case. 1870. No. 2), in a series of articles by S. S. Shashkov “The historical fate of women” (Case. 1869. No. 9-12; 1871. No. 1-4), in the work of A. P. Shchapov “The position of women in Russia according to the pre-Petrine view” (Case. 1873. No. 4, 6), etc. “Grazhdanin” entered into polemics with democratic journalism on these issues even before the arrival of Dostoevsky. In the articles of V. V. Meshchersky (Grazhdanin. 1872. No. 9, 10 and 31), the thesis was defended that “a woman is called to be the second, inseparable from a man, half of a person, in inseparable unity with him, fulfilling her purpose in society: to give birth and raise children. Dostoevsky’s position, judging by the “Two Notes of the Editor” in No. 27 of Grazhdanin for 1873, the preface to the article by L. Yu. Kokhnova and the correspondence “Our Students” in Nos. 13 and 22 of Grazhdanin for the same year, was different . In the first of these notes, at least, the thesis is defended, according to which "the universal education of women will bring a new, great intellectual and moral force into the destinies of society and mankind."

A new version of the feuilleton arose in the middle of 1873 and was intended for the "Last Page" of The Citizen, but did not appear in it.

[Collapse of BAIMAKOV'S OFFICE…]

Two versions of this poetic sketch date back to December 1876. The reason for their writing was the bankruptcy of two St. Petersburg banking offices, Baymakov and Luri, which occurred at the end of 1876, in particular, the insolvency of the “Company on Faith F. P. Baimakov and K 0” was reported in the "Birzhevye Vedomosti" dated December 4, 1876 (No. 335). The same notebook, in which the second version of the poems is entered, contains Dostoevsky's direct response to the indicated event, marked December 5th. On the projecting of F. M. Baimakov (1831–1907), who was in 1875–1877. tenant of St. Petersburg Vedomosti, wrote in December 1876 in the Internal Review of Fatherland Notes and G. Z. Eliseev, noting that Baimakov, having “no capital of his own”, “calmly and brightly looked into future, did not believe the possibility of his collapse, "because" he did not allow the thought that the government could let his institution collapse, "and" looked at himself [...] not as an exchange swindler, speculator and gambler, but as a benefactor for people with small capitals ”(Otech. Zap 1876 No. 12. P. 256).

As “signs of the times”, along with the “collapse” of Baimakov and Luri, the verses mention the fascination with spiritualism, which swept wide circles of Russian society in the mid-1870s and was reinforced by the authorities of the professors of St. Petersburg University - the zoologist N. P. Wagner and the famous chemist A. M. Butlerova. In the January, March and April issues of the Writer's Diary for 1876, Dostoevsky paid attention to spiritualism. even a dissolute idea, if only the slightest hope of solving something is foreseen in it, can hope for undoubted success.

The verses mention polemical articles by H. H. Strakhov, published under the general title "Three Letters on Spiritualism" in Nos. 41-42, 43 and 44 of "The Citizen" for 1876 of November 15, 22 and 29 (reprinted in the book: Strakhov N. About eternal truths (My dispute about spiritualism). SPb., 1887)


A comic poem of 1876-1877 addressed to the wife of the writer A. G. Dostoevskaya.


Comic verses are addressed to the son, daughter and wife, written on the back of the second sheet of note paper. On the first page of the same sheet there are notes related to the novel "The Brothers Karamazov" and intended for a letter dated December 2, 1879 to the publisher of "Russian Messenger". These verses should probably also be dated to this time.


It would be better - with household chores!- This refers to the domestic policy of Napoleon III, who declared himself on December 2, 1852 Emperor of France.

And your union has long been not terrible to us.- On March 12, 1854, England and France concluded an alliance treaty with Turkey, pledging to support it in the war with Russia, and soon a diplomatic agreement was reached with the governments of Austria and Prussia on their non-participation in the war.

You wrote that a Russian started a quarrel...– The aggravation of relations between Russia and France was provoked by Napoleon III and the government of Austria, Prussia and England, however, the policy of Nicholas I in the East was also aimed at inciting war (see: Tarle E.V. Crimean War. T. 1. S. 117–145).

The Christian is the protector of Mohammed!– Almost verbatim judgment of the official press. See, for example: Sankt-Peterburgskiye Vedomosti. Feb. 4, 1854 No. 28: article "Turkish Affairs".

The sword of Gideons to help the oppressed...- The biblical hero Gideon (translated from Hebrew, his name means brave warrior), who entered into an unequal struggle with enemies (see: Bible. Book of Judges of Israel, ch. 6-8). The expression "the sword of Gideons" symbolizes the struggle for a holy cause.

When it came again for the Russian people~ Then your quiet, mournful groan suddenly rang out.- Nicholas I died on February 18, 1855, at the height of the Crimean War.

He was influenced by you from a young age.- Nicholas I was betrothed to the daughter of the Prussian king, Princess Charlotte, who later (in 1815) took the name Alexandra Feodorovna.

The terrible war has ceased!– The Crimean War ended with the conclusion Parisian world March 18(30), 1856

Like that autocratic giant...- In accordance with the canon of the Lomonosov ode genre, which Dostoevsky followed, he called the new tsar the successor of Peter, thereby prompting Alexander II to act in the spirit of the great reformer.

Our king is coming to take the crown.– The coronation of Alexander II took place on August 26, 1856. Dostoevsky wrote that in Semipalatinsk, as well as throughout Russia, “the day of the celebration of the coronation […] was held both solemnly and cheerfully” (XXVIII, book 1, 264).

They ask you not to confuse it with the editors of Grazhdanin. Sometimes (but not always) the editing of The Last Page is entrusted to another third-party editorial office, respectively intended for that.

The nihilist is explained ~ quite according to Darwin.– In No. 29 of “Grazhdanin” dated July 6, 1873, a review by HH Strakhov was published on the third edition of the Russian translation of Charles Darwin’s book “On the Origin of Species” Noting that Darwin’s work is read “not only by specialists, but by the mass of the public, by people who feed claim to education and enlightenment”, the author emphasizes that the misunderstanding of Darwin’s theory by his followers leads to a distortion of the scientist’s thought, it receives “the most perverse meaning” and in this form is widely distributed among “simple-hearted readers”. Strakhov believed that Darwin's followers proclaimed a mechanical view of nature, while Darwin himself did not adhere to it, "but only tried to reduce the wonderful device of organisms to a random adaptation" (pp. 810-811). Later, in draft plans for The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoevsky will compare the attitude to the teachings of Darwin and to God, considering both as an object of faith (see: XV, 307).

... only Nosov, // Lieutenant "Son" received, // But "Son" was silent about questions ...- "Son of the Fatherland" - a political, scientific and literary magazine, of a moderately liberal direction, published in St. Petersburg in 1856-186l. A. V. Starchevsky.

Be ashamed! debt unnecessary burden ~ Does the hedgehog have an aunt?- In this stanza, one can feel Dostoevsky's parody of Onegin's first explanation with Tatyana ("Eugene Onegin", ch. 4, pp. XIII-XVI).

You taught us needlework ~ to give birth to children every year.- Wed: “We all learned a little ...” (“Eugene Onegin”, ch. 1, p. V).

And retrograde, from idleness, // You give birth to children every year.- G. E. Blagosvetlov wrote in 1869 in the article “Why do we need women?”: “... who, except for an idiot, will dare to assert in our time that the whole earthly purpose of a woman is to give birth to children and be in eternal and unconditional obedience to his despot" (Case. 1869. № 7. Dep. P.S. 3).

I don't believe all this stuff~ believe me!- This passage is associated with Pushkin's poem "The Demon" (1823): "He did not believe in love, freedom ..."

He bought a house and about apartments // Dashed a dashing article.– In a notebook of 1876-1877. Dostoevsky returns several times to the topic of Blagosvetlov's purchase of a house in St. Petersburg at the corner of Nadezhdinskaya and Manezhnaya Streets "for his own liberalism". In The Officer and the Nihilist, the author ironically correlated this fact with the article "The housing problem in the West and with us," published in "Delo" (1873, No. 5, 7-8) and signed with the pseudonym "H. H."

... stop him with a pillar in place and red, like a collar.- The standing red collar belonged to the uniform of police officials: the bailiff, the police officer and the city non-commissioned officer.

... the shadow is shown as would Andrei Kraevsky.– “Shadow of Kraevsky” is a satirical symbol of “glasnost” in its liberal sense.

about general nonsense. H. H. Strakhov in his “First Letter” - “Idols” - wrote “People generally live frivolously, without big requests and reports; but the frivolity with which spiritualism is treated goes out of the ordinary, exceeds the usual measure, and therefore it can be deduced from the properties of spiritualism itself ”(Grazhdanin. 1876. No. 41–42. P. 981).

…and about extra dimes.- In the third letter - "The Limits of the Possible" - Strakhov compared a spiritualistic session with an "experiment" with a bunch of dimes, divided into two in 11 and 19 coins. “Look,” Strakhov wrote, “I mix them in one pile and count how much came out. You think, of course, thirty; turns out to be 31, i.e., one kopeck extra.” He then cited several more examples of similar experiments with kopeck pieces, wittily concluding: “I can refer to many reasons and can give my experiments a great variety. For example, I will arrange music at my place and begin to observe how kopeck coins will be formed and divided to this music ... ”(Grazhdanin. 1876. No. 44. P. 1057).

Where did the worldwide trouble come from?
Who is to blame, who starts first?
You are smart people, everyone knows this,
Yes Slavushka went bad about you!
It would be better to live in peace at home
Yes, handle household chores!
'Cause we don't seem to have anything to share
And there is a lot of space for everyone under heaven.
Besides, if you remember everything:
It's funny to scare a Russian with a Frenchman!

Russia is familiar with every misfortune!
It happened to her that did not happen to you.
The Tatar crushed her under the heel,
And he found himself under his feet.
But she's come a long way since then!
Not to measure it to be on a par even with you;
Overseas growth she outgrew,
Do you want to be one with the heroes!
Try to look at us now
If you are not afraid to lose your head!

Russia suffered in internecine battles,
Almost bled out drop by drop,
Languishing in the struggle of their consanguineous;
But holy Russia was tenacious!
You are smarter, but books are in your hands!
To the right you - then your honor knows!
But know that in the last torment
We will have something to endure suffering!
The past stands as an answer to you, -
And your union has long been not terrible to us!

We will be saved in the time of obsession,
The cross, the shrine, faith, the throne will save us!
We have this law in our souls,
As a sign of victory and deliverance!
We did not lose our faith, simply
(Like there was some Western people);
We were raised from the dead by faith
And the Slavic race lives by faith.
We believe that the god above us can,
That Russia is alive and cannot die!

You wrote that you started a Russian quarrel,
Somehow we're acting wrong
That we do not value French honor,
What a shame for you for your allied flag,
What a pity you are very Golden-horned Ports,
What we want to conquer
Something and that ... They gave you a strict answer,
Like schoolchildren, noisy naughty.
If you don't like it, blame yourself
Do not break our hats in front of you!

Not for you to disassemble the fate of Russia!
Its purpose is unclear to you!
The East is hers! Stretch out your hands to her
Millions of generations do not get tired.

And ruling over deep Asia,
She gives young life to everything,
And the revival of the ancient East
(So ​​God commanded!) Russia is coming.
Now again Russia, then the citizenship of the king,
Luxurious dawn of the coming!

Not the opium that corrupted a generation,
What we call barbarism without embellishment,
Your peoples will move towards rebirth
And he will lift up the lowly to you!
That Albion, with insane violence
(Missionary of Christ's meek brotherhoods!),
He spread the disease among the half-witted people,
In a vile hunger for riches!
Or did not the Lord go up to the cross for you
And gave his holy flesh to die?

Look everyone - he is crucified to this day,
And his holy blood flows again!
But where is the Jew, who crucified Christ now,
Sold again the Eternal Love?
He is ulcerated again, he again accepted sorrow and torment,
Again, the eyes are crying with a heavy tear,
God's arms are outstretched again
And the sky is darkened by a terrible thunderstorm!
That is the torment of the brethren to us of the same faith
And the groan of the churches in unparalleled persecution!

He ordered them to be called the body of God,
He himself, the head of the entire Orthodox faith!
Fight against the infidels against the church,
That is a dark, sinful and inglorious feat!
A Christian for a Turk for Christ!
The Christian is the protector of Mohammed!
Shame on you, apostates of the cross,
Extinguishers of divine light!
But God is with us! Hooray! Our deed is holy
And for Christ, who is not happy to give his life!

Sword of Gideons to help the oppressed,
And in Israel there is a strong Judge!
That is the king, you, the Almighty, saved,
Anointed of thy right hand!
Where two or three are ready for the Lord,
The Lord is among them, as he himself promised us.
Millions of us are waiting for the king's word,
And finally your hour, Lord, has come!
The trumpet sounds, the double-headed eagle rustles
And majestically rushes to Tsargrad!


When it came again for the Russian people
The era of the glorious sacrifices of the twelfth year
And mothers, having given their sons to the king,
Blessed them to fight against enemies,
And their land was drenched with sacrificial blood,
And Russia shone with heroism and love,
Then suddenly your quiet, mournful moan was heard,
Like the edge of a sword, he penetrated our souls,
That hour sounded like trouble for the Russian,
The giant was embarrassed and trembled for the first time.

How the morning light goes out in the evening in the blue sea,
Your great husband has departed from the world.
But Russia believed, and in the hour of anguish and grief
A new golden ray of hope flashed at her...
It's over, it's gone! Reverent before him
I dare not call him sinful lips.
Witnesses about him are immortal deeds.
Like an orphaned family, Russia wept;
In fright, in horror, growing cold, she froze;
But you, only you alone, have lost more than everyone!

And I remember that then, in a difficult, troubled hour,
When the terrible news reached us,
Your meek, sad face in my imagination
Appeared to my eyes, like a mournful vision,
As an image of meekness, humility of the saint,
And I saw an angel in tears before me ...
The soul was torn to you with ardent prayers,
And I wanted to express my heart with words,
And, widow, plunging into the dust, before you,
Forgiveness to beg with a bloody tear.

Forgive, forgive me, forgive my desires;
Forgive me for daring to speak to you.
Forgive me for daring to feed a crazy dream
Comfort your sadness, ease your suffering.
Forgive me for daring, despondent outcast,
Raise your voice over this holy grave.
But God! us a judge forever and ever!
You sent down judgment on me in an anxious hour of doubt,
And in my heart I knew that tears are redemption,
That again I am Russian and - again a man!

But, I thought, I'll wait, now it's too early to remind,
Even in her chest, the wound hurts and aches ...
Madman! Or did I not suffer losses in my life?
Is there really a time for this longing and a limit?
O! It's hard to lose what you lived, what was nice,
Look at the past as if at a grave,
To tear the heart from the heart with blood,
Feed your anguish with a hopeless dream,
And count your days insensibly and sickly,
Like a prisoner, the clock strikes, drawn out and dull.

Oh no, we believe, your lot is not like that!
Providence prepares great destinies...
But should I raise the coming cover
And tell you your destiny?
Do you remember what you were for us when he lived!
Perhaps without you he would not be what he was!
From a young age he experienced your influence;
Like an angel of God, you were always with him;
His whole life is illuminated by your radiance,
Enlightened by the divine ray of love.

You got used to his heart, that was the heart of a friend.
And who knew him like you, his wife?
And could anyone, like you, read in his chest,
How do you love him, how do you understand him?
How can you now forget your suffering!
Everything, everything around you is a reminder of him;
Wherever we look, everywhere, everywhere he is.
Is it really not there, is it not a dream!
Oh no! You can’t forget, joy is not in oblivion,
And in the throes of memory there is so much consolation!!

Oh, why is it impossible that I pour out my heart
And expressed it with warm words!
Is there no one who lit up us like the sun
And opened our eyes with immortal deeds?
In whom did the schismatic and the blind believe,
Before whom the evil spirit and darkness fell at last!
And with a fiery sword, having risen, the formidable archangel,
He showed us the age-old path in the future ...
But vaguely understood our multi-threat enemy
And dishonestly slandered with cunning language ...

Enough! ... God will decide between them and between us!
But you, sufferer, rise and be strong!
Live for happiness with our great sons
And for holy Russia, like an angel, pray.
Look, he is all in sons, powerful and beautiful;
He is in spirit in their hearts, lofty and clear;
Live, still live! Great example for us
You accepted your cross meekly and meekly ...
Live as a participant in the future glorious deeds,
Great heart and soul patriot!

I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I dared to say
What dare you to wish, what dare you to pray!
History will take its impartial chisel,
She will draw us your image bright, clear;
She will tell us sacred things;
She will count all that you have been to us.
Oh, continue to be for us as an angel of providence!
Save the one who was sent down to us for salvation!
For his happiness and ours live
And the Russian land, like a mother, bless.


The terrible war has ceased!
The end of the fierce struggle! ...
To the challenge of the impudent and arrogant,
Offended in the shrine of feelings,
Russia rose, trembling with anger,
To fight a desperate enemy
And the fruit of the bloody sowing
She shook her valiant sword.
Stuffed with holy blood
In a fair fight, their fields,
With Europe, peace won from battle,
Meets the Russian land.

A new era is before us.
Sweet dawn hopes
Rises bright before the eyes ...
God bless the king!
Our king goes on a difficult feat
The path is thorny and steep;
Hard work, meager rest,
To the feat of valor saint,
Like that autocratic giant,
That he lived in work and labor,
And, son of kings, great, glorious,
He wore calluses on his hands!

The power was cleansed by a thunderstorm,
Hearts are bound with misfortune,
And the road is native glory
The one who is faithful to the end.
The Tsar is followed by all Russia with love
And with warm faith will go
And from the soil fattened with blood,
Gather a golden harvest.
Not a Russian one who, the path is wrong
At this hour solemnly choosing
Like a lazy and crafty slave,
Will go without understanding the shrine.

Our king is coming to take the crown...
Making a pure prayer
Millions of Russians are crying out:
God bless the king!
O you who with a moment of will
Give death or live
You keep kings in a poor field
You keep a tender blade of grass:
Create in him the spirit is cheerful and clear,
Live in it with spiritual power,
Create his work is beautiful
And bless the holy way!

To you, the source of forgiveness,
holy source of meekness,
Russian prayers ascend:
Keep love in your native land!
To you, who loved without an answer
Themselves tormentors,
Who doused with rays of light
Blind blasphemers,
To you, our king in the crown of thorns,
Who prayed for their killers
And on the cross, the last word,
Blessed, loved, forgiven!

With my life and blood
We deserve our king;
Fill with light and love
Russia, faithful to him!
Do not punish us with blindness
Give me the mind to see and understand
And with pure and living faith
Heaven's chosen one to accept!
Keep from sad doubt
Enlighten the mind of the blind
And on the day of great renewal
Light the way ahead for us!


I'm flying, I'm flying back
I want to fall back
So everything is wrong in the world:
Check today, checkmate tomorrow.


Describe everything entirely of some priests,
In my opinion, both boring and out of fashion;
Now you write in a seedy way;
Don't fail, L[esk]ov.


[From the Editors of the "Last Page"]

The most reckless rubbish is often sent to our Editorial Board, as to any other, along with articles that are satisfactory. Writers are weird. And everyone touchily demands that they be printed with a fee. Rubbish, of course, cannot be printed; but foolishness sometimes reaches genius. We place one of these articles, and even in verse, below, hoping to surprise the reader. In order to be conscientious, we communicated with the author without concealing the truth, that is, that if we publish his work, it is nothing but the height of absurdity. He proudly allowed it - sometimes it gets so passionate to see yourself printed. However, he probably hopes that the public will not agree with our opinion. Let's face it: the lyrics are ridiculous. Thought partly true, but stupidly expressed. There is no reality, for there are no such porticoes anywhere. And yet, something seems to be true. The nihilist explains herself, albeit stupidly, but quite according to Darwin. The officer also maintains his character: he is an esthetician and is distinguished by a shameful weakness for sex (le sexe). So if it weren't so stupid, it would be, perhaps, smart. In general, this is a work of mediocrity, animated by noble feelings. However, here is the whole scene in verse with its retrograde title.

The struggle of nihilism with honesty
(The scene is cleaner than a comedy)


An officer, however retired and from Kostroma, 40 years old, like everyone else; a bit thick With a sword and with his own capital. Wants to keep the law. But he heard about the nihilists and, before choosing a bride, he wants to exterminate them all to the last. For this purpose, he arrived in the capital. I didn't read much, I didn't hear clearly. He has no idea about a fictitious marriage, which is the fate of the article. He destroys himself with excessive nobility of soul, although he is noticeably unwitty. Ardent. Amazed by the mind. At every new idea, he stands like a ram that has seen a new gate; but, having seen through the contradiction, in an instant he blushes all over like an Indian rooster and becomes angry. Generally a silly mixture of mutton and rooster. Likes sweets. Wonderfully kind person.

Nihilist, 22, haircut. Traveling person. Listened to lectures; did the answers, saw the views. Cunning and sneaky. Fanatical. Brunette, slender, not bad at all and knows it. Reminds me of a wasp. Likes bitter. Promotes where horrible, even on the stairs.

The curtain rises

A wretched brick portico, old and painted yellow. Twelve chipped narrow steps. An officer, with his sword still undrawn, runs up the steps, shouting and wishing to exterminate all the nihilists. A nihilist slowly descends towards him. Their eyes meet. The officer is startled; stops.


Where are you going, officer?
an officer

I strive to liberate Russia!
nihilist (with twist)

Long time ago, my dear "commander",
Have you fallen into this element?
an officer (with severity)

How long have you cut your hair?
nihilist (half-closing eyelashes)

Ever since the question of women
I knew my first dreams.
an officer (stricken again)

Serving in the countryside
In the midst of natural simplicity
I could not know these questions.
In the whole regiment there is only Nosov,
Lieutenant, "Son" received.
But “Son” was silent about questions.
I will ask you as faithful Ross,
What does this woman's question mean?

I don't think you grew up.
an officer

But you didn't understand me.
I say you didn't grow up
Only in the sense that he has not grown up.
an officer

Your pun didn't get me.

But I'll get through you now.
Imagine that, back to Kostroma
Returning in a fictitious marriage
And not being baptized at the church,
You started with me soon
To spread ideas...
an officer (weak with pleasure)

How? I'm with you in a fictitious marriage!

What needs? Kostroma as an example!
an officer (thoughtfully)

In a fictitious marriage close to a fight.

You lied, my officer!
But listen further: starting
And propaganda and protest,
We first of all drag
A bag of frogs from all places.
an officer (blushes quickly. He has never heard of frogs)

Frogs? Listen, nihilist:
You laugh at me low!
Look! Do you want "beautiful sex" ...
(shows fist)

What a game you ran!
an officer (putting a finger to his forehead, in complete bewilderment)

In a fictitious marriage apartment
A bag of frogs - for the laugh of the world! ...
To croak with us all summer.
Tell us what this dirty trick is for ?!
nihilist (with quadruple value)

To the fact that all Kostroma women
Pull inaction off the beds!
an officer (struck again)

A! that's what! ... But it should be clearer
Would you express yourself...
(Involuntarily sheathes the sword)

Blushing for your stupid anger
And undeveloped mind
Understand that they cut frogs
And serve this society
More useful than just for cheesecakes
Spending time in the kitchen
Then, having inspired this idea,
And not to waste time
We need it right now, this summer,
Start destroying the family!
an officer

Hm, hm! Wait: having aunts,
Uncle and many cousins,
Can I, being short in their houses,
Do not honor their name day?
nihilist (with all the ardor of propaganda, which makes it very pretty)

Be ashamed! debt unnecessary burden
You screwed up on yourself!
What were you waiting for, wasting time?
What thoughts did he carry out?
Well, where do you see in nature
Family ties, family oppression?
Who are the bonds of marriage in our kind
Will he find between fish, animals and birds?
Do cows have cousins?
Ile - serving prejudice
Will the goose go to the name day?
Well, does the hedgehog have an aunt?
an officer (finally smitten)

Yes, it's true, the hedgehog has no aunts!

You are amazed, you are ashamed!
an officer (in a terrible fight with honesty)

Touch ticklish notes
Souls to the fingers of free wives
I won't give it easy! Nonsense and bullshit!!
Quick: how do you look at marriages?
nihilist (getting up in a flash)

You taught us needlework,
And dance and squat
And retrograde, from idleness,
You give birth to children every year, -
I don't believe all this stuff!
Of us you have made black grouse!
Trust the natural sciences
And believe Blagosvetlov!
an officer

But in what? Please summarize!
He bought a house and about apartments
Dashed the article.
I enjoyed reading
And I understood the fruit of liberalism...
Articles are profitable nihilism!
Especially in the article about marriage
All progress crayfish hibernate!
O nihilist! Listen: you're lying!
Are you inviting me to a fictitious marriage?
But the bed of marriage law
Is it better to be fenced in the "fictitious" one?
Liberty! Get in who wants to!

Oh no, whatever the woman wants.
an officer

Here you go! What do I have to do with it?
I'm a husband!...

in a fictitious marriage
Three of us live
an officer

Like three dogs!
Enough, listen, nihilist,
Don't come close to me!
Otherwise I'll draw my sword
And I will bury it all in you! ...
nihilist (seeing that you won’t take anything, he takes off his mask)

Aha! retrograde hit!
Oh, serfdom Marat!
You see happiness in "lawful" happiness!
In the "legitimate" all your dreams!
You would only be under the crown,
Aesthetician, rag, lollipop!
an officer

Jupiter! Can you listen to it!

Go home, it's time to eat
No, you better listen
Tasty while it's hot:
When to your lawful wife
A friend will come to play pranks,
Is it for you then, with your skewer,
Protect your rights!
Cap! you will become limp, you will not believe;
You will sit here and make sure
Himself, that he saw a dream
What is not they - she and he!
They fall asleep - you close the door yourself
And in order not to wake the dear ones,
You will go, be it night or bad weather,
Dreaming of legitimate happiness
To humbly wander into the yard ...
If you get tired, then sit on a chair.
an officer (not in my voice)

O nihilist! Guard!

The nihilist runs and, like a tigress, jumps with laughter from the steps of the portico. It was then that the officer wanted to finally stab her, but aesthetics again interfered with the matter: the light-winged grace of the jump and the charming charm of the heel flashing from under the dress suddenly and immediately stop him with a pillar in place and red, like a collar.

On the horizon, the shadow of Andrei Kraevsky appears.
The curtain falls

"The collapse of Baimakov's office..."

The collapse of Baimakov's office,
Baimakova and Luri,
Both kovas ripened in harmony,
Two bankruptcies - there will be three!
There will be three and five and eight
There will be a lot of crashes
And for the summer, and for the fall,
And the critic Strakhov writes
In three articles on spiritualism,
Of which two are superfluous,
About the general nonsense
And about extra dimes.


Kids are expensive
Anna Grigorievna, yes,
Lilya and both boys -
That's our problem!

"DO NOT rob, FEDUL ..."

Do not rob, Fedul,
Don't scream at the top of your lungs
At least you pouted your lips
Yes, you are not drunk, you do not drink vodka.
Do not squeal and you, Lilyuk,
Be a pretty girl
If you are a common friend to all of us,
Not a mean dog.
Do not be angry and you are a mother ...

(I. D. Yakubovich, E. I. Kiyko, I. A. Bityugova)


The department is opened by three poems written in 1854-1855. in the traditional odic genre. With them, Dostoevsky, who had just served a four-year term of hard labor in the Omsk prison and after that, in accordance with the sentence passed on him in the case of the Petrashevites, was serving as a soldier in Semipalatinsk, tried to draw the attention of the government to his fate in order to achieve at least some relief from his fate. Later, Dostoevsky never recalled these poems, caused by a passionate desire to return to literary activity with an almost complete absence of hopes for this until the accession to the throne of Alexander I, who returned the Decembrists and Petrashevists from Siberia.

The poetic ideas and sketches of the 60-70s have a different character.

As evidenced by the manuscripts of the late Dostoevsky that have come down to us, the diary of the writer's wife and the memoirs of his niece M A Ivanova, Dostoevsky liked to improvise comic poetry. The journalistic element inherent in Dostoevsky's talent, the writer's constant glance in the process of thinking over his works at the current topic of the day, at literary friends and enemies, was expressed, along with his narrative artistic creativity and journalism, in polemical sketches of a poetic nature - parodies and epigrams, with which his pages are dotted. notebooks.

Having no independent artistic value (and in this sense incommensurable with the main work of Dostoevsky - the narrator and novelist), his poetic jokes, parodies and epigrams are interesting as a kind of laboratory from which the grotesque-ironic "absurd" poems of Captain Lebyadkin, genetically prepared by them, subsequently came out. "Besakh".

Some sketches-parodies, epigrams, three handwritten versions of the unfinished poetic feuilleton "The Struggle of Nihilism with Honesty (An Officer and a Nihilist)" (1864–1874) expand our understanding of Dostoevsky as a caricaturist, satirist, and polemicist. Poetic epistles to his wife and children are a biographical source, valuable in describing the life of the Dostoevsky family in the 70s.


The poem was written in April 1854 in Semipalatinsk, where, after serving a four-year term of hard labor, Dostoevsky arrived in March 1854 to serve as a soldier in the 7th Siberian linear battalion. It was presented on May 1, 1854 by the battalion commander, Colonel Belikov, to the Headquarters of a separate Simbirsk corps with the author's petition "for permission to place it in the St. Petersburg Vedomosti." In turn, the chief of staff, Lieutenant General Yakovlev, on June 26, 1854, forwarded the poem to the manager of the III department, e.i. v. Office of L. V. Dubelt. Permission from the III department for printing was not followed. The autograph of the poem remained in the case of the III branch "On Lieutenant Fyodor Dostoevsky"

Creating poetry, Dostoevsky pursued primarily the goal of convincing the government spheres of his trustworthiness and making an attempt to get published. They were written in connection with the aggravated conflict between Russia, on the one hand, and England and France, on the other, after England and France declared war on Russia. On April 11, 1854, the official manifesto on the war was published in Russia. The immediate reason for the war was the dispute with Turkey about the "holy places" in Jerusalem and the unwillingness of England and France to support Russia in this dispute. Newspapers regularly covered the course of events, in particular, "St. Petersburg Vedomosti" had a permanent heading "The uprising of Christians in the East." As L.P. Grossman established, when developing the theme of the Eastern War in the poem “On European Events in 1854”, Dostoevsky transferred to it a number of images common to patriotic poetry of 1854. These are F. Glinka’s poems “Hurrah” (Northern bee. 1854. January 4. No. 2), N. Arbuzov "To the Enemies of Russia" (Ibid., January 1. No. 25), N. Levarsheva "Holy War" (Ibid., March 8. No. 54). Later, Dostoevsky spoke favorably of A. N. Maikov's poem "The Clermont Cathedral" from his collection "The Year 1854" (St. Petersburg, 1854), speaking of his patriotic enthusiasm in the era of the Crimean War and the role of Russia "in the moral" liberation of the Slavs (XXVIII, book 1, 208). There is no doubt that the writer was captured by the general patriotic enthusiasm experienced by wide sections of Russian society; it is possible that it was at this time that his conviction about the special role of Russia in the struggle for the liberation of the Slavic peoples from Turkish rule was formed, which later, in 1876-1877, was expressed on the pages of his Diary of a Writer. It may also be noted that Dostoevsky discussed with his brother the possibility of worries about his transfer to the Caucasus (XXVIII, vol. 1, 173).

In his poem, Dostoevsky recalled the political situation in Europe in 1831–1832, the Russian-Polish conflict, about which Pushkin also wrote (“To the Slanderers of Russia”). Thoughts about Slavic-Russian unity, pride in remembering the events of 1812 bring both of these works together. Dostoevsky's desire to imitate the ode "Slanderers of Russia" is especially evident in the second half of the poem. Following the example of Pushkin to Western diplomats and journalists, he answers here the accusations caused by the Eastern policy of the then Russia (“You wrote that a Russian started a quarrel…”).

Slavophile poets in the first months after the outbreak of hostilities were inclined to regard the war as a test necessary for Russia to revive it, and at the same time as a means for the liberation of the Slavic peoples from Turkish rule and for the future triumph of the Orthodox East over the Catholic West.

Soon the attitude of most of the Slavophiles towards the war changed: under the influence of defeats and the surrender of Sevastopol, dissatisfaction with the military policy of Nicholas I sharply increased among them, as well as throughout Russian society.

The nihilist is explained ~ quite according to Darwin. - In the issue of Grazhdanin No. 29 of July 6, 1873, HH Strakhov's review of the third edition of the Russian translation of Charles Darwin's book "On the Origin of Species" was published Noting that Darwin's work is read "not only by specialists, but by the mass of the public, by people who claim to be educated and enlightened”, the author emphasizes that the misunderstanding of Darwin’s theory by his followers leads to a distortion of the scientist’s thought, it receives “the most perverse meaning” and in this form is widely distributed among “simple-minded readers”. Strakhov believed that Darwin's followers proclaimed a mechanical view of nature, while Darwin himself did not adhere to it, "but only tried to reduce the wonderful device of organisms to a random adaptation" (pp. 810-811). Later, in draft plans for The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoevsky will compare the attitude to the teachings of Darwin and to God, considering both as an object of faith (see: XV, 307).

I don't believe all this stuff~ believe me! - This passage is associated with Pushkin's poem "The Demon" (1823): "He did not believe in love, freedom ..."

He bought a house and about apartments // Dashed a dashing article. - In a notebook of 1876-1877. Dostoevsky returns several times to the topic of Blagosvetlov's purchase of a house in St. Petersburg at the corner of Nadezhdinskaya and Manezhnaya Streets "for his own liberalism". In The Officer and the Nihilist, the author ironically correlated this fact with the article "The housing problem in the West and with us," published in "Delo" (1873, No. 5, 7-8) and signed with the pseudonym "H. H."

. ... they stop him with a pillar in place and red, like a collar. - The standing red collar was an accessory to the uniform of police officers: a bailiff, a police officer and a city non-commissioned officer.

. ... the shadow of Andrei Kraevsky, as it were, is shown. - “Kraevsky's shadow” is a satirical symbol of “glasnost” in its liberal sense.

. ... about general nonsense. H. H. Strakhov in his “First Letter” - “Idols” - wrote “People generally live frivolously, without big requests and reports; but the frivolity with which spiritualism is treated goes out of the ordinary, exceeds the usual measure, and therefore it can be deduced from the properties of spiritualism itself ”(Grazhdanin. 1876. No. 41–42. P. 981).

. ...and about extra dimes. - In the third letter - "The Limits of the Possible" - Strakhov compared a seance with an "experiment" with a bunch of dimes, divided into two in 11 and 19 coins. “Look,” Strakhov wrote, “I mix them in one pile and count how much came out. You think, of course, thirty; turns out to be 31, i.e., one kopeck extra.” He then cited several more examples of similar experiments with kopeck pieces, wittily concluding: “I can refer to many reasons and can give my experiments a great variety. For example, I will arrange music at my place and begin to observe how kopeck coins will be formed and divided to this music ... ”(Grazhdanin. 1876. No. 44. P. 1057).

See: Grossman L.P. Dostoevsky's Civil Death // Literary Heritage. M., 1935. T. 22–24. pp. 683–692.

| site collection
| Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
| Poems and poetic sketches, comic poems, parodies, epigrams

Where did the worldwide trouble come from?
Who is to blame, who starts first?
You are smart people, everyone knows this,
Yes Slavushka went bad about you!
It would be better to live in peace at home
Yes, handle household chores!
'Cause we don't seem to have anything to share
And there is a lot of space for everyone under heaven.
Besides, if you remember everything:
It's funny to scare a Russian with a Frenchman!

Russia is familiar with every misfortune!
It happened to her that did not happen to you.
The Tatar crushed her under the heel,
And he found himself under his feet.
But she's come a long way since then!
Not to measure it to be on a par even with you;
Overseas growth she outgrew,
Do you want to be one with the heroes!
Try to look at us now
If you are not afraid to lose your head!

Russia suffered in internecine battles,
Almost bled out drop by drop,
Languishing in the struggle of their consanguineous;
But holy Russia was tenacious!
You are smarter, but books are in your hands!
To the right you - then your honor knows!
But know that in the last torment
We will have something to endure suffering!
The past stands as an answer to you, -
And your union has long been not terrible to us!

We will be saved in the time of obsession,
The cross, the shrine, faith, the throne will save us!
We have this law in our souls,
As a sign of victory and deliverance!
We did not lose our faith, simply
(Like there was some Western people);
We were raised from the dead by faith
And the Slavic race lives by faith.
We believe that the god above us can,
That Russia is alive and cannot die!

You wrote that you started a Russian quarrel,
Somehow we're acting wrong
That we do not value French honor,
What a shame for you for your allied flag,
What a pity you are very Golden-horned Ports,
What we want to conquer
Something and that ... They gave you a strict answer,
Like schoolchildren, noisy naughty.
If you don't like it, blame yourself
Do not break our hats in front of you!

Not for you to disassemble the fate of Russia!
Its purpose is unclear to you!
The East is hers! Stretch out your hands to her
Millions of generations do not get tired.

And ruling over deep Asia,
She gives young life to everything,
And the revival of the ancient East
(So ​​God commanded!) Russia is coming.
Now again Russia, then the citizenship of the king,
Luxurious dawn of the coming!

Not the opium that corrupted a generation,
What we call barbarism without embellishment,
Your peoples will move towards rebirth
And he will lift up the lowly to you!
That Albion, with insane violence
(Missionary of Christ's meek brotherhoods!),
He spread the disease among the half-witted people,
In a vile hunger for riches!
Or did not the Lord go up to the cross for you
And gave his holy flesh to die?

Look everyone - he is crucified to this day,
And his holy blood flows again!
But where is the Jew, who crucified Christ now,
Sold again the Eternal Love?
He is ulcerated again, he again accepted sorrow and torment,
Again, the eyes are crying with a heavy tear,
God's arms are outstretched again
And the sky is darkened by a terrible thunderstorm!
That is the torment of the brethren to us of the same faith
And the groan of the churches in unparalleled persecution!

He ordered them to be called the body of God,
He himself, the head of the entire Orthodox faith!
Fight against the infidels against the church,
That is a dark, sinful and inglorious feat!
A Christian for a Turk for Christ!
The Christian is the protector of Mohammed!
Shame on you, apostates of the cross,
Extinguishers of divine light!
But God is with us! Hooray! Our deed is holy
And for Christ, who is not happy to give his life!

Sword of Gideons to help the oppressed,
And in Israel there is a strong Judge!
That is the king, you, the Almighty, saved,
Anointed of thy right hand!
Where two or three are ready for the Lord,
The Lord is among them, as he himself promised us.
Millions of us are waiting for the king's word,
And finally your hour, Lord, has come!
The trumpet sounds, the double-headed eagle rustles
And majestically rushes to Tsargrad!

When it came again for the Russian people
The era of the glorious sacrifices of the twelfth year
And mothers, having given their sons to the king,
Blessed them to fight against enemies,
And their land was drenched with sacrificial blood,
And Russia shone with heroism and love,
Then suddenly your quiet, mournful moan was heard,
Like the edge of a sword, he penetrated our souls,
That hour sounded like trouble for the Russian,
The giant was embarrassed and trembled for the first time.

How the morning light goes out in the evening in the blue sea,
Your great husband has departed from the world.
But Russia believed, and in the hour of anguish and grief
A new golden ray of hope flashed at her...
It's over, it's gone! Reverent before him
I dare not call him sinful lips.
Witnesses about him are immortal deeds.
Like an orphaned family, Russia wept;
In fright, in horror, growing cold, she froze;
But you, only you alone, have lost more than everyone!

And I remember that then, in a difficult, troubled hour,
When the terrible news reached us,
Your meek, sad face in my imagination
Appeared to my eyes, like a mournful vision,
As an image of meekness, humility of the saint,
And I saw an angel in tears before me ...
The soul was torn to you with ardent prayers,
And I wanted to express my heart with words,
And, widow, plunging into the dust, before you,
Forgiveness to beg with a bloody tear.

Forgive, forgive me, forgive my desires;
Forgive me for daring to speak to you.
Forgive me for daring to feed a crazy dream
Comfort your sadness, ease your suffering.
Forgive me for daring, despondent outcast,
Raise your voice over this holy grave.
But God! us a judge forever and ever!
You sent down judgment on me in an anxious hour of doubt,
And in my heart I knew that tears are redemption,
That again I am Russian and - again a man!

But, I thought, I'll wait, now it's too early to remind,
Even in her chest, the wound hurts and aches ...
Madman! Or did I not suffer losses in my life?
Is there really a time for this longing and a limit?
O! It's hard to lose what you lived, what was nice,
Look at the past as if at a grave,
To tear the heart from the heart with blood,
Feed your anguish with a hopeless dream,
And count your days insensibly and sickly,
Like a prisoner, the clock strikes, drawn out and dull.

Oh no, we believe, your lot is not like that!
Providence prepares great destinies...
But should I raise the coming cover
And tell you your destiny?
Do you remember what you were for us when he lived!
Perhaps without you he would not be what he was!
From a young age he experienced your influence;
Like an angel of God, you were always with him;
His whole life is illuminated by your radiance,
Enlightened by the divine ray of love.

You got used to his heart, that was the heart of a friend.
And who knew him like you, his wife?
And could anyone, like you, read in his chest,
How do you love him, how do you understand him?
How can you now forget your suffering!
Everything, everything around you is a reminder of him;
Wherever we look, everywhere, everywhere he is.
Is it really not there, is it not a dream!
Oh no! You can’t forget, joy is not in oblivion,
And in the throes of memory there is so much consolation!!

Oh, why is it impossible that I pour out my heart
And expressed it with warm words!
Is there no one who lit up us like the sun
And opened our eyes with immortal deeds?
In whom did the schismatic and the blind believe,
Before whom the evil spirit and darkness fell at last!
And with a fiery sword, having risen, the formidable archangel,
He showed us the age-old path in the future ...
But vaguely understood our multi-threat enemy
And dishonestly slandered with cunning language ...

Enough! ... God will decide between them and between us!
But you, sufferer, rise and be strong!
Live for happiness with our great sons
And for holy Russia, like an angel, pray.
Look, he is all in sons, powerful and beautiful;
He is in spirit in their hearts, lofty and clear;
Live, still live! Great example for us
You accepted your cross meekly and meekly ...
Live as a participant in the future glorious deeds,
Great heart and soul patriot!

I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I dared to say
What dare you to wish, what dare you to pray!
History will take its impartial chisel,
She will draw us your image bright, clear;
She will tell us sacred things;
She will count all that you have been to us.
Oh, continue to be for us as an angel of providence!
Save the one who was sent down to us for salvation!
For his happiness and ours live
And the Russian land, like a mother, bless.

The terrible war has ceased!
The end of the fierce struggle! ...
To the challenge of the impudent and arrogant,
Offended in the shrine of feelings,
Russia rose, trembling with anger,
To fight a desperate enemy
And the fruit of the bloody sowing
She shook her valiant sword.
Stuffed with holy blood
In a fair fight, their fields,
With Europe, peace won from battle,
Meets the Russian land.

A new era is before us.
Sweet dawn hopes
Rises bright before the eyes ...
God bless the king!
Our king goes on a difficult feat
The path is thorny and steep;
Hard work, meager rest,
To the feat of valor saint,
Like that autocratic giant,
That he lived in work and labor,
And, son of kings, great, glorious,
He wore calluses on his hands!

The power was cleansed by a thunderstorm,
Hearts are bound with misfortune,
And the road is native glory
The one who is faithful to the end.
The Tsar is followed by all Russia with love
And with warm faith will go
And from the soil fattened with blood,
Gather a golden harvest.
Not a Russian one who, the path is wrong
At this hour solemnly choosing
Like a lazy and crafty slave,
Will go without understanding the shrine.

Our king is coming to accept the crown ... was held both solemnly and cheerfully ”(XXVIII, book 1, 264).]
Making a pure prayer
Millions of Russians are crying out:
God bless the king!
O you who with a moment of will
Give death or live
You keep kings in a poor field
You keep a tender blade of grass:
Create in him the spirit is cheerful and clear,
Live in it with spiritual power,
Create his work is beautiful
And bless the holy way!

To you, the source of forgiveness,
holy source of meekness,
Russian prayers ascend:
Keep love in your native land!
To you, who loved without an answer
Themselves tormentors,
Who doused with rays of light
Blind blasphemers,
To you, our king in the crown of thorns,
Who prayed for their killers
And on the cross, the last word,
Blessed, loved, forgiven!

With my life and blood
We deserve our king;
Fill with light and love
Russia, faithful to him!
Do not punish us with blindness
Give me the mind to see and understand
And with pure and living faith
Heaven's chosen one to accept!
Keep from sad doubt
Enlighten the mind of the blind
And on the day of great renewal
Light the way ahead for us!

I'm flying, I'm flying back
I want to fall back
So everything is wrong in the world:
Check today, checkmate tomorrow.

Describe everything entirely of some priests,
In my opinion, both boring and out of fashion;
Now you write in a seedy way;
Don't fail, L[esk]ov.

//-- [From the Editors of the Last Page] --//
//-- 1 --//
The most reckless rubbish is often sent to our Editorial Board, as to any other, along with articles that are satisfactory. Writers are weird. And everyone touchily demands that they be printed with a fee. Rubbish, of course, cannot be printed; but foolishness sometimes reaches genius. We place one of these articles, and even in verse, below, hoping to surprise the reader. In order to be conscientious, we communicated with the author without concealing the truth, that is, that if we publish his work, it is nothing but the height of absurdity. He proudly allowed it - sometimes it gets so passionate to see yourself printed. However, he probably hopes that the public will not agree with our opinion. Let's face it: the lyrics are ridiculous. Thought partly true, but stupidly expressed. There is no reality, for there are no such porticoes anywhere. And yet, something seems to be true. The nihilist explains herself, albeit stupidly, but quite according to Darwin. The officer also maintains his character: he is an esthetician and is distinguished by a shameful weakness for sex (le sexe). So if it weren't so stupid, it would be, perhaps, smart. In general, this is a work of mediocrity, animated by noble feelings. However, here is the whole scene in verse with its retrograde title.

Here is an excerpt from the book.
Only part of the text is open for free reading (restriction of the copyright holder). If you liked the book, the full text can be obtained from our partner's website.

Nekrasov's lyrics are largely autobiographical. In a cycle of poems addressed to his wife, Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva (“Amazed by an irretrievable loss ...”, “I don’t like your irony ...”, “Yes, our life flowed rebelliously ...”, etc.), the poet truthfully reveals their emotional experiences.

In love lyrics, the hero takes the blame for the onset of cooling, painfully repents of the break in relations, tragically experiencing the suffering of the woman he loves.

The poetry of N. A. Nekrasov is poetry deep analysis, strong feeling, lofty ideas. She. makes the reader think, look for something new, protest against untruth. The path of many Nekrasov's heroes is thorny and difficult, but they believe in the rightness of their cause, in the inevitability of the victory of the new over the old.

The poet managed to create such lyrical masterpieces that combine deep reflections, angry satire, and high pathos.

F. I. Tyutchev(1803-1873) is one of the outstanding Russian poets. For a long time his poems were not widely known.

In poetry Tyutchev was reflected both strong and weaknesses his worldview. On the one hand, reactionary traits are noticeable in his socio-political views, Slavophile motives are heard. He was opposed to revolutionary movements. At the same time, it is characterized by humanistic and accusatory tendencies. The poet acutely felt the fragility, illusoryness, disharmony and even the doom of the world in which he lives. Hence the tragedy of the worldview, the feeling of loneliness, the passionate desire to find a way out of this world and despair from the consciousness of the impossibility of this. That is why! the traditional romantic conflict between the poet and the crowd reaches its highest tension. This is how the poem “Silence!”) arises with the famous line: “Thought - spoken is a lie.”

Tyutchev has long been recognized as the brightest poet of thought, a master of philosophical lyrics. Intense and deep reflections on the mysteries of being, the eternal secrets of life and death, on the correlation of a person's personality; and nature are not separate themes or areas of his poetry, but the main principles, the pathos of all Tyutchev's lyrics, defining; tone of all his poems. In Tyutchev, nature is endowed with its own life, usually mysterious and incomprehensible to humans.

Nature at Tyutchev, indeed, not a "cast": she lives, moves, breathes. This is how the famous poem “Spring Thunderstorm” is constructed (“I love a thunderstorm in early May ...”, 1828). With delight, with emotional upsurge, the poet recreates violence, the highest manifestation of the elemental forces of nature. His nature is animated, humanized; and this manifests his conviction in the integrity of the world, and the unity of man and nature. The personifications characteristic of the poet are not just a poetic device, but become a structure-forming principle, expressing one of the basic principles of understanding and depicting life.

Tyutchev's poetry often based on contrasts. Light is opposed to darkness, south - north, day - night, winter - summer or nose pas. But this is not a mechanical opposition. Tyutchev perceives the world in its dialectical unity. That is why he so often refers to transitional states, whether it is about the seasons or the times of the day (“Spring”, “The day is getting dark, the night of Mizka ...”, “Winter is angry for a reason ...”). The dialectical perception of reality gives his poems a truly philosophical depth.

Tyutchev's poems are often imbued with anxiety and gloomy forebodings. Compared with the ever-renewing nature, human life is fleeting.

In Tyutchev's love lyrics, which is one of the top phenomena of world poetry, the central place is occupied by the study of the "dialectics of the soul", the complex and contradictory processes of the human psyche. The researchers singled out a special cycle in Tyutchev, connected with his passion for E. A. Denisyeva and therefore called "Denisyev's". This is a kind of novel in verse, which is of great historical and literary significance and influenced not only the development of Russian poetry, but also the development of Russian psychological prose (Turgenev, Dostoevsky, L. Tolstoy). Love, traditionally (according to "tradition") presented as a harmonic "union of the soul with the soul of one's own", is perceived by Tyutchev in a completely different way: it is a "fatal duel", in which the death of a loving heart is inevitable. The fatal impossibility of happiness depends not only on the “crowd” that rudely breaks into the sanctuary of the human soul, not only on the “immortal human vulgarity”, but also because of the tragic, fatal inequality of people in love.

The innovation of love lyrics Tyutchev is that it is dialogic in nature: its structure is built on a combination of two levels, two voices, two consciousnesses are expressed in it: hers and his. At the same time, her feeling turns out to be stronger, which predetermines the inevitable death deeply loving woman, her fatal defeat. The lyrical hero feels his inability to respond to her with an equally strong feeling. In the "Denis'ev cycle" we also encounter a form of internal dialogue ("Oh, how deadly we love...", 1851), where the inner turmoil of the hero himself takes on a tragic character. Around the same time, Nekrasov created his love lyrics (“Panaev's cycle”), in which the image of a woman was also brought to the fore. Thus, in the work of two great poets, independently of each other, the image of another person arises, another “I”, giving love lyrics the character of not a monologue (as was most often the case in the poetry of the first half of the 19th century), but a dialogue. Instead of a form of confession, a dramatic scene often appears, conveying a conflict clash caused by complex psychological collisions.

For Throughout his creative life, Tyutchev wrote small lyrical poems, the volume of which, as a rule, did not exceed 20 lines. In order to translate into such short form significant problems of a philosophical and psychological nature, he had to use new artistic means: bold metaphorical epithets, personifications, interruptions in poetic rhythm, etc. In a number of cases, his poems are built as an appeal to man or nature, as an excerpt from a conversation. This corresponds to an interrogative or exclamatory intonation, which occurs already in the initial lines of a number of poems.

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet occupies a very special position in Russian poetry of the second half of the 19th century. The social situation in Russia in those years implied Active participation literature in civil processes, that is, the splendor of poetry and prose, as well as their pronounced civic orientation. Nekrasov gave rise to this movement, declaring that every writer is obliged to "report" to society, to be first of all a citizen, and then a man of art. Fet did not adhere to this principle, remaining out of politics, and thus filled his niche in the poetry of that era, sharing it with Tyutchev.

Fet's work is clearly divided into two periods - the 30s-60s and the 80s. These periods differ both in the theme of the poems and in the peculiarities of the poetic manner. Early work is represented by two poetry collections - "Lyrical Pantheon" (1840) and "Fet's Poems" (1850).

In these collections, Fet's special poetic manner was determined - the desire to convey obscure, vague spiritual movements that can only be "inspired by sound into the soul", and not called the exact word.

Fet was considered a poet of serene rural joys, gravitating towards contemplation. The landscape of the poet is distinguished by calmness, peace. Indeed, if you look closely, Fet's lyrics are filled with drama, philosophical depth, which have always distinguished "great" poets from one-day authors. One of Fetov's main themes is the tragedy of unrequited love. Poems on such a subject reveal the facts of Fet's biography, more precisely, that he survived the death of his beloved woman. Poems related to this topic have rightly received the name "monologues to the deceased."

You suffered, I still suffer

Doubt I'm destined to breathe

And I tremble, and my heart avoids

Look for what you can't understand.

Other poems of the poet are intertwined with this tragic motif, the titles of which speak eloquently about the theme: “Death”, “Life flashed by without a clear trace”, “Simple in the haze of memories ...”. As you can see, the idyll is not just "diluted" with the poet's sadness, it is absent altogether. The illusion of well-being is created by the poet's desire to overcome suffering, to dissolve them in the joy of everyday life, obtained from pain, in the harmony of the surrounding world.

Fet's view of nature is similar to Tyutchev's: the main thing in it is movement, the direction of the flow of vital energy that energizes people and their poems. The poem “At dawn, don’t wake her up” demonstrates just such a moment” reflecting the state of the heroine:

And the brighter the moon shone

And the louder the nightingale whistled,

She became more and more pale

My heart was beating harder and harder.

In consonance with this verse - the appearance of another heroine: "You sang until dawn, exhausted in tears." But the most striking masterpiece of Fet, which depicted an internal spiritual event in a person’s life, is the poem “Whisper, timid breathing ...” In this verse - lyrical plot, that is, nothing happens at the event level, but a detailed development of the hero’s feelings and experiences is given, a change in the states of a soul in love, coloring a night date - namely, it is described in a poem - in bizarre colors. Against the background of night shadows, the silver of a quiet stream shines, and the wonderful night picture is complemented by a change in the appearance of the beloved.

Behind these unexpected images are the features of the beloved, her lips, the sparkle of her smile. With this and other fresh poems, Fet is trying to prove that poetry is audacity, which claims to change the usual course of existence. In this regard, the verse "With one push to drive away the living boat ..." is indicative. Its theme is the nature of the poet's inspiration. Creativity is seen as a high rise, a breakthrough, an attempt to achieve the unattainable.

Another super-task of poetry is the consolidation of the world in eternity, a reflection of the random, the elusive (“to feel someone else’s in an instant as your own”). But in order for the images to reach the reader's consciousness, a special musicality is needed, unlike anything else. Fet uses many methods of sound writing (alliteration, assonance), and Tchaikovsky even said: “Fet in his best moments goes beyond the limits indicated by poetry, and boldly takes a step into our field.”

So what did Fet's lyrics reveal to us? He walked from the darkness of the death of a loved one to the light of the joy of being, illuminating his path with fire and light in his poems. For this he is called the sunniest poet of Russian literature (everyone knows the lines: “I came to you with greetings, to tell you that the sun has risen”). Fet is not afraid of life after shocks, he believes and keeps faith in the victory of arts over time, in the immortality of a beautiful moment.

A. Fet's poems are pure poetry, in the sense that there is not a drop of prose. Usually he did not sing of hot feelings, despair, delight, lofty thoughts, no, he wrote about the simplest things - about pictures of nature, about rain, about snow, about the sea, about mountains, about forests, about stars, about the simplest movements of the soul, even about minute impressions. His poetry is joyful and bright, it has a sense of light and peace. Even about his ruined love, he writes lightly and calmly, although his feeling is deep and fresh, as in the first minutes. Until the end of his life, Fetu did not change the joy that pervaded almost all of his poems.

18. Literary movement of the last third of the 19th century. F. M. Dostoevsky. The fusion of social, philosophical and psychological principles. Increased ideology, the desire of Dostoevsky's heroes to "solve the idea." "Great Pentateuch" by Dostoevsky. The novel Crime and Punishment.

The novel by F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" is one of the greatest philosophical and psychological novels. The author told us about moral upheavals and darings that cannot but excite the reader of any era. The writer focuses on the terrible reality of Russia in the middle of the 19th century, with its poverty, lack of rights, oppression, suppression, corruption of the individual, suffocating from poverty and the consciousness of his own impotence and rebellious. The writer penetrates into the depths of the human spirit, intense thoughts about the meaning and laws of being. The novel Crime and Punishment was published in 1866. It was an era when the old moral laws were rejected by society, and new ones had not yet been developed. Society has lost the moral guidelines that were embodied in the image of Christ, and Dostoevsky was able to show the full horror of this loss.

The protagonist of the novel, Raskolnikov, was worried about intractable questions: why should some, smart, kind, noble, drag out a miserable existence, while others, insignificant, vile, stupid, live in luxury and contentment? Why do innocent children suffer? How to change this order? Who is a person - a "trembling creature" or the ruler of the world, "having the right" to transgress moral principles? Not able to do anything or almighty, despising human laws and creating his own?

Raskolnikov is not an ordinary killer, but an honest and gifted young man with a philosophical mindset, carried away by a false theory on a criminal path. Raskolnikov's poverty humiliates his pride. At the beginning of the novel, Raskolnikov does not leave the room, but from the "closet", which the author later compares with a closet, chest, coffin, describes its squalor, emphasizing the extreme poverty of the inhabitant: "... he was crushed by poverty." At the police station, Raskolnikov confesses: “I am a poor and sick student, dejected by poverty ...”

What happens in the soul of the hero, his painful experiences, the author reveals to the reader, describing Raskolnikov's dreams. The dream before the murder thickens the colors, gloomy details appear.

Human nature rebels, and a confession appears: “... after all, I knew that I couldn’t stand it ... I can’t stand it ... it’s vile, disgusting, low ... after all, the very thought made me sick in reality and threw me into horror ... "But, thinking over this dream, Raskolnikov more clearly imagines the motives for the murder. Firstly, hatred for the tormentors of the “nag” is growing, and secondly, the desire to rise to the position of a judge, “to have the right” to punish the presumptuous “masters”, is growing stronger. But Raskolnikov did not take into account one thing - the inability of a kind and honest person to shed blood. Still without killing anyone, he understands the doom of a bloody idea.

A terrible decision, however, continues to ripen in the soul of Rodion. A conversation between a student and an officer overheard in a tavern about the murder of an old woman for the sake of money, which can be used to do “a thousand good deeds and undertakings ... In one life, thousands of lives saved from decay and decay. One death and a hundred lives in return - why, there is arithmetic here! .. ”The phrase about the plurality of sufferers turned out to be very important for Rodion.

Since that time, Raskolnikov's vague ideas about murder have been formulated into a theory about dividing people into the elect, standing high above ordinary people, who resignedly obey strong personalities. Therefore, Raskolnikov is close to Napoleon. The measure of all values ​​for Raskolnikov is his own "I". Later, he will argue that an “extraordinary” person “has the right to allow his conscience to step over ... other obstacles, and only if the execution of his idea (sometimes saving, perhaps for all of humanity) requires it.” Permission "for blood in conscience", but for the sake of "destruction of the present in the name of the best" defines Raskolnikov's position.

Dostoevsky proves how monstrous this worldview is, for it leads to disunity between people, makes a person helpless before evil, turns him into a slave of his own passions, and thereby destroys him. A world built on these principles is a world of arbitrariness, where everything collapses human values and people cease to understand each other, where everyone has their own truth, their own right, and everyone believes that his truth is true, where the line between good and evil is blurred. This is the path to the destruction of the human race.

Raskolnikov's idea is terrible. It divides people into “higher” and “lower”, into “having the right” and “trembling creature”, into people and non-humans. This idea is anti-human: it frees people from moral obligations. Raskolnikov kills not only the old pawnbroker, but also the defenseless Lizaveta. He destroys his mother and himself.

After the murder, a new streak of Raskolnikov's inner being began. There was a fracture in his mind. It was as if an abyss opened up between him and people - such loneliness, such alienation, such hopeless longing he felt: "Something completely unfamiliar to him, new ... never happened, was happening to him." “It seemed to him that he, as if with scissors, cut himself off from everyone and everything at that moment.” Raskolnikov cannot live in the old way. What he did became an insurmountable barrier between him and everyone around him. In woeful loneliness, a painful comprehension of what he has done begins. And the pain, the suffering has no end. He cannot forgive himself that, out of an egoistic desire to assert his strength, he committed an insane act: “... it was necessary to find out then ... am I a louse, like everyone else, or a man? Will I be able to cross or will I not be able to!.. Am I a trembling creature or do I have the right.

Painfully, he comes to a rethinking of moral values: “Did I kill the old woman? I killed myself." Raskolnikov's moral torments are aggravated by the fact that the investigator Porfiry Petrovich suspects his crime, and therefore meeting with him is a new stage in Rodion's self-examination, a source of further transformation. “Suffering is a great thing,” says Porfiry Petrovich. He advises Rodion to gain a new faith and return to a worthy life and points to the only way to self-affirmation of the individual: "Become the sun, and they will see you."

Dostoevsky argues that only through the positive, the lofty, the human can one rise. The true bearer of faith in the novel is Sonya Marmeladova. Sonya is not a spokesman for the author's consciousness, but her position is close to Dostoevsky, because for her the highest value on earth is a person, human life. When Raskolnikov becomes unbearable, he goes to Sonya. Their destinies have a lot in common, a lot of tragedy. Sonya felt the main thing in Raskolnikov: that he was “terribly, infinitely unhappy” and that he needed her. Sonya believes that Raskolnikov committed a crime before God, before the Russian land and the Russian people, and therefore sends him to repent in the square, that is, among people to seek salvation and rebirth. The punishment of his own conscience for Raskolnikov is worse than hard labor. He understands that only in love and repentance can he find salvation. Gradually Sonya becomes a part of his existence. Raskolnikov sees: religion, faith in God for Sonya is the only thing left for her "near the unfortunate father and stepmother, crazy with grief, among hungry children, ugly screams and reproaches."

For Dostoevsky himself, the concept of "God" merged ideas about the higher principles of being: eternal beauty, justice, love. And the hero of Dostoevsky comes to the conclusion that God is the embodiment of humanity, the ability to serve the unfortunate, the fallen. Raskolnikov turns his gaze to the convicts who are next to him, and understands that they need him: the condemned, the outcasts are waiting for his help. This is the first glimpse of happiness and spiritual purification of the hero.

Dostoevsky leads his hero to the idea of ​​the need to live and assert oneself in life not through misanthropy, but through love and kindness, through service to people. Complicated and painful is Raskolnikov's path to knowing the meaning of life: from crime to compassion and love for the very people whom he wanted to despise, to consider below himself.

Roman Idiot. The connection between the image of the central character and the image of the "eccentric" in world literature. Christian Philosophy and Ethics of Prince Myshkin. the "radiant" idea of ​​saving the world by Beauty and the tragic pathos of her collapse in the disharmonious bourgeois world. "Foresights" of the writer, constituting the "remote quest of mankind."

The creative path of Dostoevsky is a path of searching, often tragic delusions. But no matter how we argue with the great novelist, no matter how we disagree with him on some vital issues, we always feel his rejection of the bourgeois world, his humanism, his passionate dream of a harmonious, bright life.

Dostoevsky's position in public struggle his era is extremely complex, contradictory, tragic. The writer is unbearably hurt for a person, for his crippled life, desecrated dignity, and he passionately seeks a way out of the realm of evil and violence into the world of goodness and truth. Searches but does not find. The famous novel by F. M. Dostoevsky “The Idiot”, written in 1869, testifies to how complex and contradictory his social position was.

In this work, it is not society that judges the hero, but the hero - society. In the center of the novel is not the hero's "deed", not a misdemeanor, but "non-doing", the worldly vanity of vanities, sucking the hero in. He involuntarily accepts acquaintances and events imposed on him. The hero does not at all try to rise above people, he himself is vulnerable. But he turns out to be above them as a kind person. He does not want or ask anything for himself from anyone. In The Idiot there is no logically predetermined end of events. Myshkin drops out of their flow and leaves for where he came from, to “neutral” Switzerland, again to the hospital: the world is not worth his kindness, you can’t change people.

In search of a moral ideal, Dostoevsky was captivated by the “personality” of Christ and said that people needed Christ as a symbol, as a faith, otherwise humanity itself would crumble, get bogged down in a game of interests. The writer acted as a deep believer in the feasibility of the ideal. Truth for him is the fruit of the efforts of the mind, and Christ is something organic, universal, all-conquering.

Of course, the equal sign (Myshkin - Christ) is conditional, Myshkin is an ordinary person. But there is a tendency to equate the hero with Christ: complete moral purity brings Myshkin closer to Christ.

Myshkin is conceived as a person who has come as close as possible to the ideal of Christ. But the deeds of the hero were presented as a very real biography. Switzerland is introduced into the novel not by chance: from its mountain peaks Myshkin descended to the people. The hero’s poverty and sickness, when the title “prince” sounds somehow out of place, the signs of his spiritual enlightenment, closeness to ordinary people carry something suffering, akin to the Christian ideal, and something infantile always remains in Myshkin.

The story of Marie, stoned by fellow villagers, which he tells already in the St. Petersburg salon, resembles the gospel story of Mary Magdalene, the meaning of which is compassion for the sinner.

This quality of all-forgiving kindness will manifest itself in Myshkin many times. While still on the train, on the way to St. Petersburg, the image of Natalya Filippovna, who had already acquired the notoriety of Trotsky's concubine, Rogozhin's mistress, would be described to him, but he would not condemn her. Then, at the Yepanchins, Myshkin will be shown her portrait, and with admiration he “recognizes her, speaks of her beauty and explains the main thing in her face: the seal of “suffering”, she suffered a lot.” For Myshkin, "suffering" is the highest reason for respect.

It was important to Dostoevsky that Myshkin should not turn out to be an evangelical scheme. The writer endowed him with some autobiographical features. It gave life to the image.

The writer made sure that the naive, simple-hearted, open-minded prince at the same time was not ridiculous, was not humiliated. On the contrary, so that sympathy for him would grow, precisely because he does not get angry with people: "for they do not know what they are doing."

One of the acute issues in the novel is the appearance of modern man, the "loss of good looks" in human relations.

scary world owners, greedy, cruel, vile servants of the money bag is shown by Dostoevsky in all his dirty unattractiveness. Here is the successful General Yepanchin, vulgar and limitedly self-satisfied, using his position for his own enrichment. And the insignificant Ganechka Ivolgin, hungry for money, dreaming of getting rich in any way, and the refined hypocritical and cowardly aristocrat Trotsky.

As an artist and thinker, Dostoevsky created a wide social canvas, in which he truthfully showed the terrible, inhuman character of the bourgeois-noble society, torn apart by self-interest, ambition, and monstrous egoism. The images he created of Trotsky, Rogozhin, General Yepanchin, Ganya Ivolgin and many others captured with fearless authenticity the moral decay, the poisoned atmosphere of this society with its flagrant contradictions.

Myshkin is the embodiment of Christian love. But such love, love-pity, is not understood, it is unsuitable for people, too high and incomprehensible: “one must love with love.” Dostoevsky leaves this motto of Myshkin without any evaluation; such love does not take root in the world of self-interest, although it remains an ideal. Pity, compassion - that's the first thing a person needs.

Myshkin-Christ is clearly and hopelessly entangled in earthly affairs, involuntarily, according to the most invincible logic of life, he sows not good, but evil. He did not grow up to be an accuser, but, like Chatsky, the unreasonable world called him crazy.

The meaning of the work is in a broad display of the contradictions of Russian post-reform life, general discord, loss of "decency", "plausibility".

The strength of the novel is in the artistic use of the contrast between the ideal spiritual values ​​developed by mankind over many centuries, ideas about the goodness and beauty of deeds, on the one hand, and the true established relationships between people based on money, calculation, prejudices, on the other.

The Prince-Christ could not offer convincing solutions instead of vicious love: how to live and which way to go.

Dostoevsky in the novel "The Idiot" tried to create the image of a "quite a wonderful person." And you need to evaluate the work not on small plot situations, but on the basis of the general plan. The question of the improvement of mankind is eternal, it is raised by all generations, it is the “content of history”.

His smile - where did he get it? —
Warmed all painfully in love,
Humiliated, sick and offended,
Nightmare earthly existence.
harmonized own
In a falling heart is the joy of the doomed,
tormented and frenzied in spirit -
He turned into healing
All flour overturned faces,
All hands forced to fold
In the cross on the chest, all who respect the law,
The only one for the living is Compassion,
All through him knew justification,
And the man is almost deified.

Igor Severyanin

Great genius and prophet
He called himself a slave of the pen.
Each syllable is saturated with pain,
Leaked in a bloody mess.
From the steep bank of the Neva
He looked into the night sky
Don't take your head off Russia
The time will come - enough bread.
For all the poor and sick,
Humiliated and insulted
Demons will come out of the human
Minds dashing and enlightened.
Russia to live and prosper,
Keep an imperishable idea
Which definitely can't be broken
Her neither to hell, nor to the villain.
God will judge by right,
Knowing both sorrow and confusion,
Siberian convict prison
He accepted like Sunday.
From the life of the past and blind,
From former arguments and plans
He went deep with his head
In the whirlpool of novels.
Seeing the sure path,
Waving his hand at the gap in his pocket,
He began to tirelessly bend
Russia to mercy and glory.

Golikov Sergey

Great patronymics were known in Russia.
Take the hem of the old woman, shake it!
Strong-willed people went through storms in growth.
In their names there is a dead bone ...
Plowmen and warriors - this cannot be taken away,
And they went to the seas not a span a span.
And honor was not drowned in the depths of the sea -
Feats and now - around the world miles.
Is it for everyone, patronymic - in the family - fate ...
Humanity has a short age, not an easy one.
There were faithful sons for the fatherland -
The strength of all the merchants is for Russia's rear.
So the country once became sovereign,
We will not touch the truth - the essence of everything and the bottom.
Something was inked, replaced by evil...
The light was opened to us by knowledge - a window.
And Alexander Nevsky got up with the word ...
And above the word with a patronymic -
Fedor Dostoevsky!

Druzhechkov Vyacheslav

In memory of F. M. Dostoevsky

When at the hour of the orgy, at the festive table
Noisy circle of friends, carelessly triumphant,
And over the halls filled with fire,
A sudden thunderstorm will strike, indignantly, -
The voices of jubilant guests are silent,
Faces that have just laughed turn pale, -
And, from the demigods again turning into people,
Belshazzar trembles and the harlot prays.

But the cloud swept by, and fear swept with it ...
The feast comes to life again: the choirs are heard again,
Again, bold laughter sounds on young lips,
And heavy amphorae sparkle with wine;
The impulse of repentance from the heart is driven away,
Everyone tries to ridicule him rather, -
And the feast of youth, the longer the night goes on,
Everything becomes more depraved and vulgar! ..

But there is another power over human vulgarity,
And this power is love! .. Creations of art,
In which the fire of her saint glimmers,
Sweep away shameful feelings from the soul;
Like a blessed light, in a selfish age
Love shines on everyone, heals all ulcers, -
And a man does not tremble before her with fear,
And the edge of her clothes enthusiastically kisses ...

And happy is he who could and who knew how to love:
His sad thorn is stronger than the hero's laurel,
Do not forget his holy feat
A crowd plucked from darkness and stagnation.
Friends will respond to his death everywhere,
And his death will confuse the hearts of men everywhere,
And in the hour of separation from him, like a brotherly family,
All of Russia will cry over him! ..

Nadson Semyon


The beginning of all began it. That night
Belinsky and Nekrasov came to him,
To encourage, help out, help,
I didn’t embellish my delight,
I never lied. He was nobody
I forgot about the science of engineering,
Stood like a wooden mannequin
Numb in a nervous spasm.

But the power of prose, so shocking two
His guests - no, not guests, but brothers ...
So it's true - they like the spirit
Unfortunate manuscript?.. And, having lost
The gift of words, Lord, how he trembled,
How he babbled to them inarticulately,
That the hostess owes a lot
For the room
what's in three-week flour
Waiting for a meeting on the Anichkov bridge
With that girl, the one and only...

And if you put it straight -
Well, gentlemen, what a lucky break
He stocked up wine and white bread.
The poor rarely have guests.
Forgive him for being ardent and absurd!
You sit in chairs. He is on a stool.

That's how he spoke to them sheer nonsense
In the impetuousness of youthful trust.
And behind the wall was a terrible corridor.
There the future was hiding behind the door,
There was an unknown doppelgänger
Neighbor or low-powered official,
eavesdropped, peeped, peered
Close to the keyhole itself.

He will meet face to face.
Try and try on yourself
That morning on the Semyonovsky parade ground,
And the sentence, and the expectation of death,
And try on hard labor for yourself,
And an endless moment before epilepsy,
When, having destroyed earthly time,
He will rise, truly coming!

Here are the stone ghosts of the masses,
His novels are fiery chapters
From the future they are approaching, they are thundering,
Like mountain falls. No - raids
For all murderers, for all suicides.
In any of them, he is torn to pieces.
So come true, the idea! clubbing
Crimson smoke - his longing and happiness!

No future! must be forgotten
He blotted out the draft entry.
Nekrasov does not even know, maybe
What awaits his sobbing anapaest.
But Belinsky is spitting into a handkerchief
The rags of half-burnt lungs.
And the night is dark, dark. And the age is cruel -
Equally for everyone, for near and far.

This night is over. And, as always,
In the window gray cloudy morning,
Thank you for your help gentlemen!
Your arrival was thought up very wisely.
He hasn't said much yet.
In what gigantic flour he lives.
He spoke slurred and general.
Nekrasov was silent. Belinsky understood.

Antokolsky Pavel

Can you imagine what kind of poet -
Dostoevsky could be? lucky
We - and I'm afraid to think about it,
How shallow it would be in all limits!

And what kind of fight would get involved
Conscience - with the everyday life of people.
Revolution would seem to us
Rubbish compared to her.

Goodbye bookshelf
No forests, no fields, no meadows,
From Russia would remain only
This terrible book of poems!

Kushner A.

To the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky

Crime, punishment
This is always in life.
Crime is the principle
Punishment is conscience torment.
Rodion committed a crime,
He did it for his principle,
But conscience stuck for such a craft.
He killed a man, but
The principle did not win.
He suffered a lot, did not sleep at night,
And Sonya told everything about the principle.
She began to pray to Rodion:
"Take punishment for this impulse -
Calm your conscience call!
Rodion reluctantly accepted the punishment.
In Siberia, in a prison, they settled him.
Eight years have passed, freedom again.
Raskolnikov and Sonya want happiness ...

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