Test on history Politics of military communism. Test on the history of Russia "NEP"

1. Transition from the policy of "Military Communism" to the NEPU (new economic policy) V. I. Lenin proclaimed: 1) on the day of its birth on April 22, 1921 2) with the beginning of Spring Seva in 1922 3) on the eve of the Kronstadt "rebellion 4) from January 1, 1922 5) in March 1921 at the X Congress of the RCP (b)

3. A significant reduction in the amount of tax compared to the exversman created an incentive for the peasants who received at their disposal excess agricultural products. But in order for this incentive to work, it was necessary: \u200b\u200b1) Create a network of procurement enterprises 2) Return to freedom of trade 3) To establish the production of industrial goods, the necessary peasant 4) to build a network of warehouse premises and processing excess agricultural products 5) Retain the confidence of the peasants

4. The NEP in the field of industrial production led to: 1) the cancellation of the decree on the full nationalization of industry 2) the transfer of small and part of the medium-sized enterprises in private hands 3) permission for rental by individuals by individuals large enterprises 4) assumption of concessions using foreign capital

7. The desire of Bolsheviks in the conditions of NEP to retain the "team heights in the economy" it was expressed in the fact that in the hands of the state remained: 1) whole industries or a significant part of industry 2) a significant part of industry and all foreign trade 3) all external and almost all Domestic trade (except for trading. From hand and tray) 4) Almost all trade internal and all exports 5) Almost all internal and foreign trade and whole industries

10. Pre-revolutionary sown areas in NEP, were mainly restored to ... year: 1))))) 1927

11. With the beginning of the NEP, a pre-war level in animal husbandry was achieved by ... year: 1))))) 1927

12. In industry according to the main indicators, including on national income, the country has reached a pre-war level to ... year: 1))))) 1929

13. In the conditions when the authorities announced that "NEP seriously and for a long time", but not forever, private capital rushed in: 1) retail 2) retail and wholesale 3) wholesale trade and housing 4) housing construction and light industry 5) Light Industry and Gold Min

Keys, 2,

Test on the topic "NEP"

1. One of the reasons for the transition to the NEPA -a) the socio-political crisis of the Bolsheviksb) the desire of the Bolsheviks to generalize the means of productionc) search for funds for industrializationd) desire to increase labor efficiency
2. The transition to the NEPU was carried out ina) 1917. b) 1918 c) 1921 d) 1922
3. The card system on the bread was introduced into a) 1921 b) 1929 c) 1923 d) 1924g.
4. Social group of people who appeared during the NEP years:a) lumines b) proletariat c) nonpmann d) fists
5.K 1928. The total number of working class has increaseda) 2 times b) 3 times c) 4 times d) 5 times
6. Appearance instead of discredited money solid convertible currencies - Golden Chervonza refers toa) 1921 b) 1922. c) 1923 d) 1924g.
7. One of the social outcomes of the NEPA has becomea) the predominance of the population of the poor in the villageb) an exorbitant increase in the bureaucratic apparatusc) worsening the life of peasantsd) reduction of the number of prosperity farms
8. Who owns statement: "NEP is serious and for a long time"?a) I.V. Stalin b) N.I. Bukharin c) V.I. Lenin d) L.B.Kamenev
9. Install the correspondence between the term and its definition


10. Install the match between the date and event


To each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down into the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters.
11. Set compliance between policies soviet power and its features

The policy of Soviet power

To each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down into the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters.
12. Place the event in the chronological sequence of the event.A) the appearance of the first Soviet carB) breadpore crisisC) Cancel Card SystemD) proclamation onX Congress of the RCP (b) of the new economic policy (NEP) E) drought and hunger in the Volga region(E) Achieving Russia of the level of 1913 on the main indicators of production of grain and development of animal husbandry 13. Name the provisions that are the objectives of NEP1) Improving the socio-economic situation of society2) search for new ways to build the economic bases of socialism3) Communication of Production Means4) overcoming the political crisis of the Bolsheviks5) Receiving funds for industrialization6) centralized management of the economy Answer: _________________
14. Name the features characterizing the main directions of NEP1) the centralization of the management of the economy2) Assumption of investment in the economy of foreign capital3) the nationalization of small and part of the middle industry4) ban on the use of hired labor5) replacement of the exversman6) cancellation of universal labor serviceAnswer: _________________
15.Select positions related to NEP1) Application of hired labor2) Universal Labor Meetility3) Promverter4) Land Rental 5) Open 6) the use of foreign capital7) Nationalization of banks
Answer: _________________


1. A 2. B 3. B. 4. in 5.G 6 g 7. B 8. In

13. 1,2,4
14. 2,5,6
15. 1,4,5,6
    The problem of "military communism" ............................................. ............... ...... 3.
    "Military Communism" (text with errors) .............................. ............... four
    Fixed text "Military Communism" .............................. .........4
    Test on the topic "Military Communism" .............................. ............................5
    Bibliography.................... ............................ .. .............................. .............. 6
    The problem of "military communism"
"Military Communism" included the following measures: Refrase
a layout introduced in January 1919, which was a development
the principle of food dictatorship and the propagated not only
ko on grain, but also almost on all types of agricultural products;
accelerated nationalization of large, medium, small industries
and transport; elimination of commodity-money relations and the transition to
direct commodity controlled by the state; Creating equalization
a lifting distribution system; Introduction of universal labor
and labor mobilization as the main form of attraction to work.
The policy of "military communism" is state regulation
the operation of the economy in the conditions of war. Similar measures were used
during the First World War, warring countries. However, the Bolsheviks
considered "military communism" not only as forced,
outstanding measures, but also as a direct transition to the communist
skim public relations, as a continuation of "Krasnogvardeyskaya
attacks on capital. " It is not by chance that most of the military
communist measures taken at the end of 1920 early 1921, when
the war in the European part of Russia has already calmed down (law on nationalization
small shutters and artisans were adopted in November 1920; spread
wedding of the Sprivant on agricultural raw materials occurred in
the first months of 1921; Cancel taxes and payment for utilities, etc.
services is introduced at the end of 1920 - early 1921; Labor obligation from
emergency measures applied to non-free elements at the end of 1920
g. turns into universal, covers all classes of the country).
The main reason for the victory of the Bolsheviks was what they managed
create such a system of organization of public life, which is more
or less caused order, put the actions of the authorities in the framework
legality and ultimately gained support for most
selion country - peasantry. Peasants, faced with unacceptable
my agricultural politician for myself, chose from two angry smaller -
bolsheviks with their progress and military communist
bumi. Thanks to the military "Totalitarianism" system, the Bolsheviks managed
create a combat-ready red army and ensure the strength of
bulk rear. The victory of the Bolsheviks contributed to the weaknesses
logo movement, as well as the international solidarity of Western workers
with Soviet Russia (movement under the slogan "hands away from the Soviet
Russia! "), Which undermined the unity of the Action of the Entente.
Civil war led to the colossal victims and inexposition
however losses. The damage caused to the national economy was
50 billion rubles in gold, from hunger, diseases, white and red terror
rA, in battles killed 8 million people, the number of working class
dars halve, most of the intelligentsia emigrated. Important
consequence civil War was the formation of administrative
command Management Management. In the center of her stood RCP (b), which
replaced the advice and other state bodies, created a poly-
violence mechanism and examined the military-communist
system as a transition to communist public relations.
Thus, during the years of civil war, the Bolsheviks managed to defend
statehood and sovereignty of Russia. However, support is more
the vismance by the population was conditional. Civil War 1918-
1920 Ended the serious crisis of the Bolshevik power.

"Military Communism" (text with errors)

The internal policy of the Soviet government in the summer of 1918 - at the beginning of 1921 included: the nationalization of all means of production, the introduction of centralized management, the equalization distribution of products, forced labor. The most important link of the food dictatorship was introduced in January 1919. Promverter for bread. Only after the surplus of all surplus, the peasants were allowed free trade of products. Those who understood the need for such harsh measures, the peasants did not resist the expenditure. In the country there was a coagulation of commodity-money relations: the goods were distributed in the form of a genuine fee by the equalization principle. At the same time, the payment of housing, utilities, transport, postal services was significantly reduced. In the political sphere, the undivided dictatorship of the RCP (b) and left speakers were established, their apparatus was gradually sprung with state structures. The activities of the Soviets and trade unions acquired a formal character. Almost all small printed publications were closed. The policy of "Military Communism" prevented the collapse of the country's financial system, did not allow the reduction of industrial and agricultural production. This allowed the Bolsheviks to mobilize resources in the Civil War and keep power.
Corrected version:

The internal policy of the Soviet government in the summer of 1918 - at the beginning of 1921 included: the nationalization of all means of production, the introduction of centralized management, the equalization distribution of products, forced labor. The most important link of the food dictatorship was introduced on January 19, 1919. Promverter for bread. For seized products, peasants left receipts and money, which had lost their cost due to inflation. The peasants were desperately resisted and therefore the privacy was implemented by violent methods with the help of pros. The country had the destruction of commodity-money relations: the goods were distributed as a natural wage. An equalized wage system was introduced among workers. At the same time, the population of housing, utilities, transport, postal services was significantly increased. In the political sphere, a reacted dictatorship of the RCP (b) was established, their apparatus was gradually spliced \u200b\u200bwith state structures. The activities of the Soviets and trade unions acquired a formal nature. Almost all small printed publications were closed. The policy of "military communism" not only did not bring Russia from economic ruining, but also aggravated her. Violation of market relations caused the collapse of finance, a reduction in production in industry and agriculture. The population of cities is starval. This allowed the Bolsheviks to mobilize resources in the Civil War and keep power.

Test on "Military Communism"

1. The characteristic features of the "military communism" policies were:
a) the introduction of the extended; b) solid nationalization of industry; c) soldering distribution of products; d) support for commodity production; e) the introduction of the privacy; e) Miliverstiki; e) miles
2. Carried out in 1918 - early 1921. Communist authorities Food dictatorship was to:
a) nationalization of landlord estimates; b) support for farms; c) the accelerated creation of collective farms;d) seizure of bread surplus in the peasants; e) banning free trade of products

Test: "Civil War. "Military Communism"

1. One of the main causes of civil war in Russia

A) the Union of Bolsheviks with the left esera.
B) strengthening and developing multiparty.
C) the arrival of the Bolsheviks to power and their policies.
D) Deploying Intervention by the countries of the Entente.

2. Full-scale civil war in Russia began:

A) in the spring of 1917
B) in the fall of 1917
C) in the spring of 1918
D) in the fall of 1918

3. One of the generals of the White Army during the Civil War:

A) A.I. Egorov.
B) A. I. Denikin.
C) M.V. Frunze.
D) I.I. Valentis.

4. What is a civil war?

5. Red targets in the Civil War:

A) constitutional order, integrity and indivisibility of Russia.

C) the dictatorship of the proletariat.

6. The beginning of the Civil War is associated with

A) the uprising of the Czechoslovak corps;
B) the performance of Wrangel;
C) the onset of Petrograd Yudenich;
D) War with Poland.

7. The policy of "military communism" is characterized

A) the introduction of self-sufficiency and self-financing;

C) promoting free trade;
D) rapid economic growth.

8. Mandatory surrender to the farms to the state for solid prices of all surplus in excess of established norms during military communism was called

A) labor service;
B) extended;
C) nationalization;
D) Promverter.

9. Establish events in chronological sequence.

A) Creating a revinency headed by Trotsky.
B) War with Poland.
C) overthrowing the temporary government.
D) the commencement of Kolchak to Moscow.

10. Install the match.

A) V.I. Lenin.

1) Commander of the Western Front of the Red Army in the War with Poland.

B) A.V. Kolchak.

2) Commander of the Red Army Division.

C) M.N. Tukhachevsky.

3) Admiral, "Supreme Ruler of Russia."

D) V.I. Chapaev.

4) The leader of the right esser party.

5) Chairman of the Council of Work and Peasant Defense.

11. One of the reasons for the intervention of the Western powers during the Civil War:

A) union with the Bolsheviks and the left esera;
B) the help of red movement during the war years;
C) approval in their countries of socialism;
D) weaken Russia as a competitor.

12. The elimination of the last White Front in Crimea ended:

A) in the spring of 1920
B) in the fall of 1920
C) in the spring of 1919
D) in the fall of 1922

13. One of the Commanders of the Red Army during the Civil War;

A) M. N. Tukhachevsky.
B) A. I. Denikin.
C) N. N. Yudenich.
D) A. V. Kolchak.

14. What is the intervention?

15. White goals in the Civil War:

A) Return autocracy, integrity and indivisibility of Russia.
B) Democratic Russia, elections to the Constituent Assembly.
C) the dictatorship of the proletariat.

16. The beginning of the Civil War is associated with

A) the onset of Petrograd Yudenich.
B) speech by Wrangel.
C) the uprising of the Czechoslovak corps.
D) the onset of neighboring states.

17. The policy of white governments is characterized by:

A) rapid economic growth;
B) nationalization of industry;
C) cancellation of the Bolshevik Decree on Earth;
D) the introduction of the product.

18. Admiral, proclaimed himself by the Supreme Ruler of Russia:

A) P.N. Krasnov.
B) A.V. Kolchak.
C) L.G. Cornilov.
D) A.F. Kerensky.

19. Establish events in chronological sequence.

A) defeat Wrangel.
B) seizure by the Bolsheviks of the Winter Palace.
C) Denikin's movement to Moscow.
D) Decree on the organization of the Red Army RK.

20. Install the match.

A) ld Trotsky.

1) Commander of White forces in the south of Russia.

B) P.N. Wrangel.

2) the leadership of the Red Army.

C) M.V. Frunze.

3) Chairman of the Provisional Government.

D) A.I. Denikin.

4) Commander of the White Volunteer Army.

5) Chairman of the Revivation Council of the Soviet Republic.

1 option

This is an armed clash of various
social groups for power within one country

14. This is the violent intervention of others.
states in the internal affairs of the state

A-5, B-3, B-1, M-2

University: VZFEI

Year and City: Yaroslavl 2009

Introduction 3.

1 Military Communism and NEP .. 4

1.2 Results of "Military Communism" and the reasons for the transition to the NEP. 6.

1.3 New Economic Policy. nine

Conclusion. fourteen

List of sources used. sixteen


The 20s of the 20th century, especially their half, led to the emergence of the first sprouts of new political thinking, although the term himself was born in our time. But it was the 20s in practice, a combination of new economic policies, democratization, pluralism with the successes of peaceful coexistence was given. The path to the non-violent world and the construction of socialism in the USSR without social catastrophe, on the basis of the "civil world", was opened. It could only be successful in relationships.

This approach was given by the party by severe experience: overcoming the "military communism", historically became the first, in many ways the forced form of the command-administrative system. She brought the country then the country of the catastrophe. Politics " military communism"Did not meet the economic needs of the country or the alignment of class forces in the struggle for socialism, especially when moving from the war to the world.

"NEP". it short word Fastingly in order to be destined to be forever to remain in the memory of the people with a symbol of contradictory, instructive, albeit a very short strip in the history of the country. And when the concept of "NEP" was born, it was also an energetic "no" recent past, and consonance with the main thing that was lacking: "bread." It was NEP, said Le Ning, opened the way to get rid of "from our beggar, from continuous hunger strike ...".

Transfer from " military communism"To the new economic policy (NEP), the economic and political crises of spring 1921 was performed, as if by the jump from the abyss, the need for turning understood as if all, but his deep essence was very few. So often happens at the moments of radical change. But soon different positions were clearly discovered, although everyone continued to unanimously approve the turn itself.

1 Military Communism and NEP

V. I. Lenin regarded " military communism", Firstly, how forced measurethanks to which, despite its whole cruelty, managed to defend independence soviet RepublicSecondly, as a mistake that you needed to fix.

If it was fixed on the first Lenin estimate of this policy, now " military communism"It is often presented, almost the historical model of socialism-ma, which turned out to be a solid error, and therefore insolven.

Illegally blame military communism"In the fall of production for 1913-1920. It must be borne in mind that at first the Russian economy suffered very tangible blows as a result of the First World War. Next, the collapse pro-commissioned under the temporary government, and only then followed the October Revolution, which led to the change of ownership owners. And only after all these events begins the destruction of the period of the civil war.

1.1 Content of the Policy "Military Communism"

Politics " Military communism"Was aimed at overcoming the economic crisis and relied on theoretical ideas about the possibility of direct introduction of communism. Main features: nationalization of the entire large and medium industry and most of small enterprises; Food dictatorship, exversman, direct product exchange between the city and the village; Replacement private trading state distribution of products by class sign (card system); naturalization of economic relations; Universal labor service; equity in pay for labor; Military-order system of management with the whole life of society.

Main signs of military communism - transfer of the center of gravity of economic policy from production to distribution. This happens when the production decline reaches such a critical level, which the main thing is the distribution of what is available for the survival of society. As life resources are replenished with a small extent, their sharp shortage arises, and when distributing through the free market, their prices would jump so high that the most necessary products would be unavailable for a large part of the population. Therefore, equalized non-market distribution is introduced. On a non-market basis (perhaps even with violence), the state alienates production products, especially food. The monetary appeal in the country is sharply narrowed. Money disappears in the relationship between enterprises. Food and industrial goods are distributed on cards - by fixed low prices or for free (in Soviet Russia In the late 1920s - early 1921, the fee for housing, the use of electricity, fuel, telegraph, telephone, telephone, mail, the supply of population, and motorcycles, etc.) was even canceled. The state introduces a universal labor service, and in some industries (for example, in transport) martial law, so all employees are considered mobilized. All this - general signs Military communism, which with one or another specific historical specificity manifested themselves in all those known in the history of the periods of this type.

The words "Military Communism" simply mean that in the period of severe ruin, society (society) appeals to the community (commune) - like warriors. IN last years A number of authors argue that military communism in Russia was an attempt to accelerate the implementation of the Marxist doctrine of the construction of socialism. Military communism There is a consequence of the regression of the productive forces and social organism. In peacetime, it is presented in the army as an extensive authoritarian consumer commune. However, during a big war, consumer communism is spread from the army to all society.

The structure of military communism, which arose in extreme conditions, after the disappearance of the conditions of the conditions (the end of the war), herself does not dispense itself. Exit from military communism is a special and challenging task. In Russia, it was particularly difficult to solve it, because in the system of the state, the advice of soldiers' deputies, imbued with the thinking of military communism played a very large role. After the end of the war, numerous performances of workers and peasants against the policy of "Military Communism" showed her full collapse, in 1921 introduced new Economic Policy .

1.2 Results of "Military Communism" and the reasons for the transition to the NEP

Victory Bolsheviks in the Civil War and military intervention Meaning the advance of a qualitatively new stage in the development of the Soviet state and society.

The decline of industry and agriculture, the threat of hunger and epidemics, multi-million human losses, loss of the golden stock, the need for a speedy demobilization of grown to huge sizes and is incommensurable with the possibilities of its contents of the army - these are the main problems that the Bolshevik government faced after the end of the Civil War.

The destruction of the material wealth of the country and the destruction of its human potential continued until the end of 1920, and Far East until autumn 1922, i.e. 6.5-8 years. Losses killed, wounded and died of diseases made up in the first world War 1.8 million people. At the fronts of civil war, similar losses on both sides reached about 2.5 million people. Red and white terror, hunger and epidemics took even more lives of the civilian population. Giant sizes reached emigration.

The population of the country in 1917-1921 decreased in unprecedented scale. In the autumn of 1917, the population of Russia amounted to 147.644.3 thousand, and at the beginning of 1922 - 134.903.1 thousand people (according to comparable territory). The population decline, thus amounted to about 13 million people. This at least six times exceeded losses during the First World War. The pre-revolutionary level was achieved only by 1926 (according to the census of the population of December 17, 1926).

In 1920, hunger and epidemics covered the territory of the provinces of the Central Industrial District. In 1921-1922 Under the threat of extinction turned out to be 45 million people from the Volga and Ukrainian provinces.

The collapse of industry and hunger in the cities forced almost 1 million workers to go into the village. The peasants of the provinces affected by hunger, in turn, also left the places in search of a piece of bread. In 1921-1922 Officially numbered about 1.5 million refugees.

The production of large industries compared to 1913 fell 7 times. According to the size of coal and oil production, Russia was discarded to eND XIX. Centuries, the release of tissues, at 12 - sugar, was reduced 20 times, 3.5 times salt mining. In his report, the IX Congress of Soviets provided the following data on the state of industry in 1920 compared to 1913 (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1 - State of the Soviet Industry in 1920


Coal mining (thousand pounds)

Oil mining (thousand pounds)

Mining ore (thousand pounds)

Salt mining (thousand pounds)

Cast iron smelting (in thousands of poods)

Production of steam locomotives (in pcs.)

Production of wagons (in pcs.)

Plug production (in pcs.)

Production of paper yarn

(in thousands of poods)

Production of woolen yarn

(in thousands of poods)

Sahara production (in thousands of poods)

Production of vegetable oils (in thousands of poods)

In 1920, many industrial industrial sectors were on a fine face of life and self-destruction. The mining of copper ore was 0.3% of the pre-war level, the engineering was in ruins.

By 1917, the gross collection of major grain crops decreased compared with the average pre-war level (about 500 million pounds), i.e. by 13%; In 1920, he fell compared with 1917 by 1200 million pounds, i.e. by 36.4%, and in 1921 - another 400 million pounds.

Kronstadt events at the beginning of 1921, Antonovsky rebellion on Tambovshchina, numerous peasant natural speeches in Siberia were an eloquent evidence of the detention of "military communism" policies.

Even at the beginning of 1920, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) discussed the need for the need to move to the NEP, more precisely, the issue was not discussed about the new economic line of the party and the government, but on the replacement of the exversman with the extended. The author of this offer was L.D. Trotsky. Politburo did not support Trotsky. However, after a year, the selling was introduced. However, already in 1922, Lenin moves away from the active party-state work due to illness, and the highest party elite decides on the immediate return to the exversman in the event of the beginning of the revolution in Germany.

Officially, the NEP was introduced in 1921. But at the X Congress of the RCP (b) it was mentioned very little. Only in May 1921, the term "NEP" and "NEPMAN" appear on the part conference.

1.3 New Economic Policy

NEP meant admission to the economic sphere of a private trader, foreign capital on the rights of concession, a significant expansion of the regulatory role of the commodity market, a significant revision of the entire labor and employment policy, the foundations of social insurance, including, and in case of unemployment, the phenomenon that was Quite quickly was eliminated during the period of "military communism".

Characterizing NEP, V.I. Lenin confirmed his commitment to the theory of state capitalism, which was at the heart of the activities of the Bolsheviks party in the first months after the seizure of power in October 1917.

At the XIV Congress of WCP (b) in 1925, I. V. Stalin gave a clear definition to an understanding of NEP by the Bolshevik leadership, as a special policy of the proletarian state, calculated on the assumption of capitalist elements, to their competition with elements of socialist, on the victory of socialist, to the final construction Socialism. However, the Bolsheviks sanctioned those social relations, the consequences of which were much more problematic for society and the ruling elite, rather than themselves imagined.

The transition to the NEPA contributed to the serious activation of the legislative activities of the Soviet government. A number of decrees associated with military communist methods of management of labor resources and management was canceled, and at the same time, many new decrees were taken, which was the inevitable consequence of the transition from "military communism" to the New Economic Course.

By the end of 1921, all folk commissariats worked on the basis of new provisions that determined new functions and tasks of their work and established the construction and structure and apparatuses. From the point of view of normalization and streamlining work, this event was of great importance.

On December 6, 1921, the Economic Commission of the Soviet Council on the systematization and development of legislation in the economic region was established.

In connection with the resolution of the implementation of the industry of industry on the market, the TRADING DEPARTMENT OF ALW was created. The new tasks of financial policy, naturally, demanded a decisive restructuring and strengthening the entire apparatus of the Narkomfin. In connection with the replacement of the tax of the tax and a change in all food policy, a particularly large restructuring took place in the Office of Narkomskoda. Before Narkomrtrudrod, I had a new way to ensure the provision of industry and transport by the workforce, the regulation of the occupied labor market.

The main regulators of the labor market - the demand and supply of labor gradually displaced administrative and compulsory measures to manage labor resources, acceptable in conditions of a rigid military confrontation, but those who were completely unacceptable during peaceful construction. The preservation of the previous mobilization mechanism for regulating the labor force was inappropriate by virtue of its low efficiency in the face of the new economic policy and the transition to a peaceful period, moreover, it is fraught with a serious exacerbation of the socio-political situation.

It is not by chance that September 10, 1921. After careful study, the most important decision of the government "Basic Regulations on the tariff issue" appeared. The decision was prepared by the Small Council and approved by the Special Meeting of the leaders of all the largest industrial associations convened by the EMD. In the water part of the decree, it was emphasized that the implementation of the new tariff policy would lead to the "torturbativeization of the qualified labor force ..." around the enterprise.

The basic principles of the new tariff policy according to the Decree of September 10, 1921 were the following:

  • refusal to equability in the remuneration of workers with different qualifications;
  • linking employee wages directly and directly with an increase in labor productivity;
  • wages should be linked only to the participation of an employee with production, and its increase - only with improved production results;
  • in wages should include all types of payments to workers and employees (cash flow, objects of consumption and food, overalls, unscheduled issuance, family soldering, etc.). All types of natural issuance were evaluated at market prices;
  • refusal of "food issuance to enterprises by the number of workers employed in them; Issuing should be made not in terms of quantity, but by quantity, but exclusively per unit released by the Fabricity enterprise. "

The decree of the SNK of September 10, 1921 was a huge fundamental importance. It was not just about the amount of practical measures to improve the tariff issue, but about a whole program of lifting the economy based on completely different, rather than under "military communism", principles for the use of labor resources.

Lists of enterprises that fix the number of workers in the transition to the collective supply were replaced by the new principle of building a budget-scale system. This provision was legalized by the decree of the SNK of November 10, 1921. "On the remuneration of workers and employees of enterprises listed in the Special List of Labor and Defense, as well as translated into collective supply."

A feature of this decree was that the annual wage fund was calculated not on the number of workers listed in lists, but on the estimate in accordance with production program Enterprises. Already by the end of 1921, according to a plan for the use of food resources for 1921-1922, developed in Mamurn and approved in a hundred on September 28, the number of all those who were on the supply of the state with the exception of the Red Army were reduced by 5 times - from 35 million to 7 million people.

The decree of the SNK dated November 10, 1921 "On the remuneration of workers and employees of enterprises listed in a special list of the Council of Labor and Defense, as well as transferred to the collective supply" was a significant step forward along the way to implement the principles of self-financing enterprises through the expansion of their market participation.

Throughout 1921-1922. The process of denautralization of wages is occurring, which contributed to the actual elimination of the card system. Thus, industrial enterprises were delivered to the conditions under which the excess balance of labor contributed to a decrease in financial indicators and reduced the wages of qualified workers and management personnel. Each employee's salary is now directly depended on two factors: the efficiency of production and the number of employees. Naturally, such a situation was to a certain extent stimulated by industrial enterprises to an increase in labor productivity, improving production, but it could not help indulge the process of "ejecting" from the production teams of unknown workers, young people, as a rule, who did not have practical experience, women.

Thus, the transition to the NEPA was caused by the need to preserve their own dominance by the Bolsheviks fundamentally different methods of managing the economy than in "military communism".

  • replacing the priests of the extended (remaining after the surrender of the selling products, the peasant could sell at its discretion - a state or on the free market);
  • introduction of free trade and turnover;
  • the assumption of private small trade and industrial enterprises, while maintaining the state in the hands of the state leading industries (banks, transport, large industry, foreign trade);
  • permission to lease concessions, mixed societies;
  • provision of freedom of action by state enterprises (the introduction of advocacy, self-financing, sales, self-sufficiency);
  • introduction of material incentives for workers;
  • the elimination of hard sectoral administrative education formations - masterpieces and centers;
  • introduction of the territorial-sectoral industry management;
  • monetary reform;
  • transition from natural money payments;
  • the ordering of the income tax (income tax was divided into the main, which paid all citizens, except retirees, and progressive - paid NEPMANs, practitioners, all those who received additional profits). The more profit was, the majority there was a tax. Improved permits;
  • resolution overhead labor, rent land, enterprises;
  • the revival of the credit system was recreated by Gosbank, it was evident a number of specialized banks.


At the end of the civil war, the struggle for survival lay down heavy burden on the peasantry, terror caused protest and dissatisfaction with the simple masses. Even Avangard October revolution - Sailors and workers of Kronstadt, - and they raised the uprising in 1921. The experiment of "Military Communism" led to a unheard of discharge of production. Nationalized enterprises did not give in any government control. "Cutting" of the economy, command methods did not give effect. The crushing of large possessions, the equalization, the destruction of communications, the privacy - all this led to the insulation of the peasantry. The folk economy is crisis, the need for a rapid solution of which showed growing uprisings.

Decisions of the X Congress of the RCP (b) began the beginning of the transition to a new economic policy. The first and main measure of NEPA was the replacement of the exverser with a profit, which was first 20% of the pure product of peasant labor (it was two times less than during military communism), then it was reduced to 10% and accepted a monetary form. The rest of the product, the peasant could sell, exchange, etc.

The industry was eliminated by the Glavas, instead of them were created trusts that united enterprises with uniform or interrelated enterprises that have received complete economic and financial independence.

In industry and trade there is a private sector. A number of enterprises were denationalized. Plans to create new enterprises with the number of workers not more than 20 were developed. Among the rented plants and factories, consisting of 200 to 300 people. The private sector has to account for 20-25% of industrial enterprises and 48% of retailers.

NEP surprisingly quickly brought beneficial change. Since 1921, the growth of the industry has happened at the beginning. Her reconstruction began: the construction of the first power plants according to the Plan of Goerlo was expanded. Next year, hunger was defeated, bread consumption began to grow. In 1923-1924. It exceeded the pre-war level.

Despite significant difficulties, by the mid-20s, using the Economic and political levers of the NEP, in the country managed to restore the economy, proceed to expanded reproduction, feed the population.

Successes of recovery national economy Countries were significant. However, the USSR economy as a whole remained backward. The USSR remained a native country, agricultural, industry was given only 32,% of all products, and 67.6% - agriculture, mostly petty, sole. The lung industry prevailed, and the heavy industry was weak developed. There was no number of essential industries producing means of production. The technical condition of the industry was low, equipment worn, which adversely affected the productivity and cost of production. Agriculture was even more retarded.

It was by the mid-20s that the necessary economic (successes in the restoration of the national economy, the development of trade and the public sector in the economy) and political (Bolshevik dictatorship, a certain strengthening based on the NEP of the relationship between the working class and the peasantry) prerequisites for the transition to politics Deployed industrialization.

List of sources used

  1. Buldalov V.P, Kabanov V.V. " Military communism»Ideology and social development. Questions of history. 1990.
  2. Polyakov Yu.A. The impact of the state into demographic processes in the USSR (1920-1930) // Questions of history. 1995. №3. P.123.
  3. Genkina E. B. Transition of the Soviet state to the new economic policy. M., 1954. p.47.
  4. Political History: Russia - USSR - Р SESSIONAL FEDERATION: in 2 t. M., 1996. T.2. C.198-199
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