Interpretation and meaning of the word "Bobyl". Who bobed? What does it mean?

Unparalleled land ( bestagon, hanging, that is, not carrying state duties). Also called "Bootnikov"; In the eastern provinces on social and tax positions are close to the estate teatier.

In spacious bobyl - impoverished, lonely, homeless person.

History class

From the 2nd half of the XV century. Appeared private ownership rural and urban bobyliengaged in agriculture, craft, small trade or employed. Bobyli They paid the owner of the land of the lifts - the bob. For the first time bobyli Mentioned in the Pskov Chronicles under 1500 from 1631-32 bobyli They began to be involved in the carrying of tax, but in half the amount compared to the peasants. By decree of the residential taxation of 1679 bobyliwho lived in their own yards were equated with applied to peasants. After the introduction of the pillow of Podachi in 1718-1724 bobyli merged with peasants.

Features of the clasies of Basvyoli in Bashkiria

In carriages of Bashkiro-Meshcheryak troops, they were preserved as the estate and after the introduction of pillow. The peculiarity was on the one hand, in the fact that they, unlike other classes (the reservoir), lived without issuing guidelines ("firm order"). They consisted mainly of representatives of the Finno-Ugric peoples of the region (Mari, Mordva, Udmurts), there were also Bashkirs, Chuvashi and Tatars. Among the latter, the transition to the servilatory class of the Black Sea was distributed. Originally paid Yasak, not had fixed sizes. In 1747, the Bobylskiy and the Black Yasaki were replaced by a submachine in the amount of 80 kopecks, after which the document is mentioned in the "black and bleated", which existed with some reorganizations until 1866. In 1855, hetyari and Bobyli were attached to the military-served estates of the Bashkiro-Meshcheryak troops. After the abolition of the Bashkir troops, more in the documents are not mentioned.

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  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 tons. (82 t. And 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • // Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language: in 4 tons / auto-comp. V. I. Dal.. - 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg. : Typography M. O. Wolf., 1880-1882.

Excerit the Bobyl

- Nikoleka, what a lovely dog, drowk! He recognized me, "Natasha said about his favorite riding dog.
"Drunila, firstly, not a dog, and lugout," I thought Nikolai and looked strictly to my sister, trying to make it feel that the distance that was supposed to share them at this moment. Natasha understood it.
"You, Uncle, don't think that we prevent somebody," Natasha said. We will become in your place and do not move.
"And a good deal, a graphic," said Uncle. - Only from the horse do not fall, - he added: - And then - a clean thing march! - nothing to stay on something.
Otradnensky order island seen in the stake in a hundred and dazhing approached him. Rostov, deciding finally with the uncle, where to throw down the hounds and pointing to Natasha place where she stands and where it could not run away, headed over to the ravine.
- Well, nephews, you become on the mother, "said Uncle: Chur does not stroke (go).
- How will have, Rostov answered. - Karai, Fuit! He shouted, responding with this appeal to the words of Uncle. Karai was an old and ugly, bordian dog, known by the fact that he was alone biral a wolf. All steel in places.
The old graph, knowing the hunting of the Son, hurried, and did not have time to drive up to the place, like Ilya Andreich, cheerful, ruddy, with shaking cheeks, on his merry, rolled down the green to the lazes left him and, racing the fur coat and putting the hunting Shells, got to her smooth, sweat, Smirny and Good, Dressed as he, Voflyan. Horses with shivers sent. Count Ilya Andreich, although not a hunter in the soul, but who knew firmly hunting laws, drove into the edge of the bushes, from which he stood, disassembled the reins, recovered on the saddle and, feeling ready, looked back smiling.
His vintage, but a ridiculous ride, Semyon Chekmar stood beside him. Chekmarier kept three dick on the joint, but also the heated, like the owner and horse, - wolfhounds. Two dogs, smart, old, smalleled without svop. The steps on a hundred way in the edge stood another steady graph, Mitka, desperate ride and a passionate hunter. The graph on an old habit came out before the hunt of the silver charm of hunting casserole, bored and washed off his beloved Bordeaux.
Ilya Andreich was a little red from wine and driving; His eyes, filled with moisture, especially glittered, and he, wrapped in a fur coat, sitting on the saddle, had a kind of a child who was going to walk. Lucky, with drawn cheeks, settled with his own business, looked at the Barin, with whom he lived 30 years old soul in the soul, and, understanding his pleasant arrangement of the Spirit, waited for a pleasant conversation. Another third face went carefully (it can be seen, it was already scientuated) because of the forest and stopped behind the graph. The face was an old man in a gray beard, in a female hood and a high cap. It was the jester Nastasya Ivanovna.

The section is very easy to use. In the proposed field, it is enough to introduce the necessary word, and we will give you a list of its values. I would like to note that our site provides data from different sources - encyclopedic, intelligent, word-forming dictionaries. Also here you can get acquainted with examples of using the word you entered.

The meaning of the word Bobyl

bobyl in the Crosswordist Dictionary


Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian, Dal Vladimir


m. Proletarian; A peasant who does not own land is not because engaged in craft or trade, but by poverty, kaletility, loneliness, carelessness; Total, hazing; lonely, stray, not sleepy; Bobel lives in people by the grave or in bashers, worship, shepherds;

bobyl is called such a peasant who has no son, at least they were daughters (Naum.). Possed Bobyl Bespolomnoye. Hush dust: not yours Bobyli, rebuffing the brave. Our bars blended, and we are picking up. Bobylch Bobyl wife; Bar, B. B. The same, or homeless and poor widow, lonely, non-truth, usually living in people, on the backyards, or in a craying, not in the case, but in a celon, outside the village. Bobylenikov, Bobylchonok m. Boblyat MN. Bobols children.

In Orenb. lips. Boblymi were called homeless people, letters or settlers from the Teatier, now the same peasants of the mint of the tribe, but the Tatar language; Two horse shelf, children's shelter, were taken from the black and bobly. Bobyl, Bobylichin, Bobulkin, belonging to Bobillo, B. Bobills, Bobylsky, Bobitsy, to them and to the state of their relative. Bobillic Life beets, or gather. Bassed;

star. To sue, once-collected from Bobills, with a Total, about Quartet a year. To bob, to bob, to bob, to bob, live and be a bob;

psk. To wet without a complete settling, on the hired empty. To be taken to pretend the poor man. Bobnoe m. Psk. Rough. Chernobor.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


bobyl, m. (region). Poor, landless, homeless, lonely peasant. Lives Bobylem. Lost Bobyl-Bobet.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. IGOV, N.Yu.Shvedova.


    A lonely peasant-poorness, usually landless (standard).

    . Lone Missure Uniform person (progress). Live a bob

    aU. Bar, - and.

    arr. Bobylsky ,y ,y.

A new intelligent-word-formational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    Landless peasant (in Russian state until 1917).

    . Lonely, mustache man.



Bobyl - in the Russian state XV - early XVIII explosive Lonely peasant, not having a land plot ( bestagon, hanging, that is, not carrying state duties). Also called "Bootnikov"; In the eastern provinces on social and tax positions are close to the estate Teatier.

In spacious bobyl - impoverished, lonely, homeless person.

Examples of the use of the word Bobyl in the literature.

Here I returned from the kitchen Avenir Pavlovich and began to cover on a table with measured accuracy bobylwho accustomed to the company itself.

But when Bobyl Decided to show the drawing to the court of Barma and the postnote, they came to admiration.

On the same day, he hired a reliable striker from TB bobillsmelted again in his rooms and heaped still.

Here, in the Sheremetevskaya Dubrav, on the Alley, the paths to which led from the children's pond with boats and carousers, from the careless coming and squeal, past the skewer, billiard room and reading, in dry weather, in cute summer days, and in spring and autumn, a refined society converged - all the more people are experienced and lived, often pensioners, bobyli and bobylihee, the nature is irrepressed, restless and with the undertakes, in the hope of arranging or changed life or at least in the company and in conversation to settle the soul of Maders, Vermut Pink and dance.

Nonche Won asked bobyli For Bortnobia to go, so the prince was hit by the whip.

Bolotniks, sadly looking at the healing, waved at the Afimi horse, and bobyl Put behind himself.

Thousands of Donets danced Fedka Berena, and smaller friendships - a neach Bobyl Yes, I reconciled from the Russian Academy of Sciences Jurko and Den.

Since lately I read all sorts of brochures, I instantly attribute all the peasants to the poor, that is, to new-tempered, former bare groups and bobylov.

Bolotnikov wounded bobyl For the sleeve and turned to the old landing: - What is Nonch in Moscow, father?

I will give you, perhaps, the Ovmin, - Evstigenya Savvich was dismissed and reel bobyall In the empty bag with fifty pounds.

Vatzhnikov again raised, Palach Lyudynin snatched bobyl Burning broom, jerkingly jumped on a foot log, supported the rope with a clamp, but immediately stopped.

And prison guards, and the guards on the agun, and the evil woman, which threw the breaddogs of the bread, and bobyliConsisting of the wrapper Lyudynin, and Lyudynin himself - everyone knew what devils want, but they were afraid to destroy prisoners without a direct order.

From the executioner Lyudynina, the sweat was poured by midnight bobyli barely laughed legs, and everything is no sense.

They always bobyliThey always have a slut, they always look like someone clogged and with something depressed and always consist of anyone on the wash, someone in the parcels, usually in a walk or suddenly rich and raised.

Straders - Starreers, Silver, Silver, Society and bobyli For a long time they stood near the grave, a lot of good words: - All her life from the hands of Sokh did not let me out and praised, Goluba, - Golubol Akimch deafly.

Perhaps, few of the younger generation will be able to explain or at least guess what Bobyl is. The word fell out of everyday language. A older people associate this term mainly with the concept of "bachelor", but its meaning is much wider.

Ambiguous term

The word has this chuck and a dauber, a rig and the rattler, an employee and a bachelor, as well as a loner, a negress, not settled, not the owner, even a monk and proletarian. Summarizing all synonyms, you can answer the question about what Bobyl is. This is a person who does not have any cole. Of course, there are no wives too. Bachelor is not quite accurate synonym. The term "Bobyl" has a more tragic color. This is primarily a person not just lonely, but rather, no one needs and not interesting, disadvantaged and beggar (rich can often buy interest in yourself), deeply unhappy in old age, when nothing can improve his fate.

Display theme in literature and art

Such a person drew V. G. Perov. A small picture is called "Guitarist Bobyl". This disadvantaged person has no illusions and hopes. The poor, with a stroked view, attached by the life of a person, he does not need anyone in this world. They can be worn ones, but boots and casing, he can afford some wine, he is musitis. And anyway, his madly sorry. And far from one work is devoted to rejected people. Sergey Yesenin has a soul-soul story "Bobyl and Friend". Fans of creativity are familiar with the "Bobyl" song from his repertoire, which begins with the words "nor or the yard".

Core affiliation

So what is Bobyl? Pathetic lonely man? And this is also. But this term, giving roots in the distant past (the first mention refers to 1500), denotes a certain variety of peasants. Kamorniki, Bobyls, hupops, Badnikov called landless or small-earth representatives of this class. Because of the absolute poverty, Bobyli should have been hired to the owner of the pen. These people were so poor that one time did not even have taxed and so were called - take-off, notagillary. But since 1631, they were barely, who had their own yard, began to be attracted to certain monetary and labor obligations. And from the 1679, such a bobed began to be enjoyed to be enjoyed and, thus, they were equal to the peasants. In this case, the question of what Bobyl is, can be answered as follows: that this is a person forced to engage in hired labor.

According to one of the versions, the first bobills appeared at the end of the XV century in Moscow. This term was called servants under the contract. The position they had much worse than those who were in the branch dependence on the owner, because the Bobyl came to the host to the owner, deprived of all sorts of rights, and besides, he was still obliged to pay some grade (most often it was the tax on ransom, fee for your freedom). With the complete absence of money and the impossibility of making them worse and come up with it.

Goal like Sokol.

No matter how much the interpretations of the word, the essence of one: those whom they called Bobyli were the poorest in Russia. As noted above, for the first time this term appeared in the first half of the XVI century. Moscow scribes began to use this word along with "rakes" and "unpaired people." Under all these names, people who do not have their lands are meant. They were artisans and industrial people: blacksmiths and sewers, halts, shoemakers, shepherds. These in some census include Zemkov and Zabatchikov. Breaks are counted and poor widows.

Taxes pay everything

As already noted, those whom they called Bobylemi were taxed, like peasants, like everything in Russia. They paid both Yam's and noticeable filters), but taxes were charged differently. If the slices were taken from the peasants in Socham (a unit of submitted taxation in Russia from the XIII to the XVII century), then from beas and unpaid people took their abdomen, crafts and yards. So, according to the "honey" (writer, or accounting book), 1627 from the peasants of Podati was taken by arable land, from Bobills - in the fishery and abdomen. In these books, the meaning of the word "Bobyl" is a legal term, which determines how the person belongs to the person calls for Casta.

Dark stains in history

And here, naturally, the question arises about why the clear and understandable terms of "rakes" or "unpaid people" in the XVI century began to be replaced by a small word "Bobyl". There is a lot of unclear, and nowhere in the documents indicated why it happened. "Non -pass people" for the most part were not single, they had families, sometimes we were wealthy peasants, which was never observed behind the babes. Urban representatives of this group went to the service, but also the peasants did not have anything. If they took the land in the hir, it is only for processing, but never put yard on it. Most often, the bealed peasants lived in monasteries, again treated someone else's land and still paid some petas. It must be said that with the appearance in the XVII century the boreholes and attachments of the peasants, now the latter has now been fully equal to the milestones with Bobyls.

Far and forgotten

To become a Bobylem, it was necessary to write a "Bobyleskaya Observation Register", according to which a person was deprived of rights and for food and some kind of clothes received only responsibilities. Only very poor people agreed to such conditions, because in fact they hired into slavery. And in this case, the meaning of the word "Bobyl" completely coincides with the meaning of the word "proletarian": both of them have nothing to lose, except their chains.

Indeed, the Bobyl is a term that has more than one value, if you delve into the essence of the question. For a modern generation, seeking absolute freedom, even the word "bachelor" seems to be even the word Bobyl. This is if we consider the term in this meaning. And the question of how in a word is called a peasant, who does not have land, will answer quite a few.

Interestingly, the etymology of the term is also not clear. There are many options, but more believable seems to be the one that binds with "beans" - a symbol of deep poverty. "Stay on Bobah" - lose everything.

Idle, bachelor, chief, lonely, nice, mustache; Virgin (Virgin, Virgo, Missession, unmarried). Cf. idle ... dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions in the meaning of expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999 ... Synonym dictionary

Husband. proletarian; A peasant who does not own land is not because engaged in craft or trade, but by poverty, kaletility, loneliness, carelessness; Total, hazing; lonely, stray, not sleepy; Bobyl lives in people by grave ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Daly

Bobyl, Bobyl, husband. (region). Poor, landless, homeless, lonely peasant. Lives Bobylem. Lost Bobyl Bobylem. Explanatory dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

- (Tat.). A peasant who does not have any family nor the farm. Vocabulary foreign wordsincluded in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Bobyl Lat. Peasant, who does not have a cole, no yard, nor family. Explanation of 25,000 foreign words entered ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

This term also has other meanings, see Bobyl (Values) ... Wikipedia

Bobyl - Czech Bobyl, Polyon's Peasant. 1495. Picks. II, 566. Fomka Bobyl, Tournament Peasant. 1495. Picks. I, 393. Makar Bobyl, Ruhasky Pog. 1498. Picks. IV, 209. Fedka Ivanov, nickname Bobyl, Shuisky Posadsky. 1646. ... ... Biographical Dictionary

Unbounded peasant, a rider (by the way, see Kotoshikhina 98). According to Mikcol (Berühr. 89 and Sl.), Drains. From Skand., Wed. Dr. Isl. Bū peasant farm, Boli, Landboli Radler, hired worker, * Buaboli Radler, Dr. Swan. ... ... Etymological Dictionary Russian Language Max Fasmer

The legal household term, which means for the most part lonely and at all, not having a peasant one. In the Western provinces B., or by the Kutnikov (actually by ourselves, from Polish Kątnik, from Kąt angle), was called a special category of state ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

I m. Landy peasant (in the Russian state until 1917). II m. R. Lonely, mustache man. Explanatory dictionary Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova


  • Bobyl, Dmitry Vasilyevich Grigorovich. Dmitry Vasilyevich Grigorovich (1822-1899) entered the history of Russian literature and received broad fame abroad primarily as the author of the village "Village" and "Anton-Gorryka", affected ...
  • Bobyl. Audio Spectacle, Dmitry Vasilyevich Grigorovich. ... Once in the full and prosperous house of Baryni Marya Petrovna knocked a lonely wanderer, asking a shelter ...... audiobook

The phrase "Living Bobil" is used today to designate idle men who do not seek to marry and creating a family. And who is this very bottle?


From the XV to the XVIII century, Bobyls in the Russian state called a specific estate. It included lonely peasants without land plot. Such people were still called "Ancestral" - they were exempted from land tax. According to the opinion of the chroniclers, the word "Bobyl" is an adapted version of the Swedish term Boabyle, denoting the hired worker. This is not the only interpretation of the historical phenomenon. There are also Latvian and Romanian versions with the meaning of "Lazy" and "Brake".

Who lives well in Russia?

From the mid-20th century, the people who signed the "Bobyl Registration Registration" appeared on the Russian lands. This document was deprived of a person who wrote a human rights and entrusted him a lot of responsibilities, performing which he received food and at least some kind of clothes. Consequently, the baboons were very poor people who practically hired slavery.

They blew themselves in both rural areas and cities. Representatives of this class were engaged in land work, without one of the small trade and craft. Began often lived in monasteries where church was treated. To enjoy someone else's land for their own purposes, they had to pay the owner put on a special tax - a bob.

Chronology of events

The first chronicle mention of the beast is dating 1500 years. The main working population of Russian lands was related to them with contempt - they were considered to be tunes and walks. Such an opinion was caused primarily by the fact that Bobylov did a tax "discount." Until 1679, they worked out only half a standard dialing (tax).

At the end of the XVII century, Bobills and Bobills (poor widows), who had a personal courtyard in the property, equated to the size of taxes to ordinary peasants. This measure turned out to be effective: in 1718, the estate was a full part of the peasant community.

Bassed in art and literature

The phenomenon of "Bobiles" attracted and still attracts artists, writers and poets. The most characteristic example of the "Bobylsky" creativity is the picture V.G. Perova "Guitarist-Bobyl". It depicts a poor man in an old casing and a faded boots playing guitar. Next to it on the table there is a bottle of alcohol and a half-empty glass. No less foul picture in the word described Sergey Yesenin in the story "Bobyl and Friend".

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