The internal and foreign policy of the first Moscow princes. Abstract first Moscow princes Yuri 1303 1325 Domestic and foreign policy

Ideological factor

The Russian Church was a carrier of the National Orthodox ideology, which played an important role in the formation of powerful Russia. To build an independent state and introduce foreigners in the fence of the Christian Church, for this, the Russian society should have strengthened its moral forces. Did his life of Sergius dedicated to this. He builds a three-year temple, seeing the call to the unity of the land of Russian, in the name of the highest reality.

Foreign policy factor

At the end of the XIV - early XV century, the international situation of Russia was significantly complicated by the strengthening of the risk from the Horde and other Asian conquerors, as well as increased pressure on the Earth by the Grand Principality of Lithuania. In this regard, it was clear that the desire of progressive people of that time would be united into a single powerful state.

Foreign policy of the first Moscow princes

Daniel Moscow

Daniel Moscow (date of birth unknown-1303) First independent Moscow prince. In the early 1990s, Daniel joined the Rostov Principality Mozhaisk, and in 1300 melted Kolomna from Ryazan.

In 1285, the Lithuanians attacked the ownership of the Tver Bishop volost Olesnye (north-west of Mozhaisk), they received a fight on the part of Tverchi, Muscovites, Volochhan (residents of the Volok Lamb), Novotorgers, Dmitrovztsev, Togan and Rzhevichi (residents of Tver Dogs and those who were Not far from him Smolensk Rzheva). The list of participants will pay attention to the mention of the Volochman and Novotorgers. The Lamb and Torzhok wolves were possessions of Novgorod and the Grand Duke Vladimirsky, which Dmitry Alexandrovich remained at that time. The participation of the inhabitants of these two territories in general military actions against Lithuanians indirectly indicates that there was a complete reconciliation between the brothers Daniel and Dmitry, they began to coordinate their actions against the overall opponent. The presentation of 1288 confirms the concluding concluding. In that year, there was a quarrel of the new Tver Prince Mikhail Yaroslavich with the Grand Duke Dmitry Alexandrovich. Tver Prince began to prepare for war. Having learned about this, Dmitry "Conversion Brother's brother Andrea Alexandrovich and Danil and Dmitry Borisovich and all the princes, but the essence of the pallows, and Pirades them to TFII." Allies devastated the surroundings of Tver Kashin, and the other Tver City - Ksenin - burned. Mikhail Yaroslavich was forced to conclude the world. Having helped Dmitry Alexandrovich Danila - this is Daniel Moscow. In 1288, he fell on the side of her older brother, violating the former union with Tver. In the future, his relationship with her, they again became friendly, they were again slaughtered. But the relationship with a more powerful elder brother, the Grand Duke, Vladimir Dmitry, became stronger and stronger.

This was especially brightly manifested in 1293. That year Andrei Alexandrovich Gorodetsky began a new war against Dmitry. Supported by a number of Russian princes, he once again went to the barn with complaints on the Grand Duke. Khan Tokhta, shortly before that, who won the Ordini throne, provided Andrei a great military aid. On Russia was sent Brother Tachta Tudu, which Russians called Tech. The coalition of the princes, where Daniel Moscow and which was focused on the foot, was also preparing for the fight. Having learned about the trip to Tohte Andrei, one of the representatives of the coalition, Tver Prince Mikhail Yaroslavich in early 1293, also went to Tatars, but to the Tatars of the Nag.

Andrei and the Dudine appeared in Russian lands before their opponents. They captured Suzdal, plundered Vladimir, having dreamed of even the floor patterned copper plates in the Assumption Cathedral, took Yuriev Polish and moved to Pereyaslav, where Dmitry was. Pereyaslavtsy left the city in advance, Dmitry himself went down to Lamsky's wolf, and he went to Pskov from there. Having stood many days from the depressed Pereyaslavl, Tatars and their Russian allies "Aidosha to Moscow, and Moskovo Danila Danila, and Takosha in Moscow, and the creation of the same, I also judge, and Volodymery, and the other city, and take Moscow all and parish, and sat down. " It was the second after Batiya take Moscow by Tatars in the XIII century. It shows that, in contrast to the events of eleven-year old, in 1293, Daniel Alexandrovich was not an opponent, but an ally of his older brother Dmitry. Another ally was Mikhail Yaroslavich Tver, who, returning from the foot, expected to get into Tver through Moscow, but near Moscow, "Nikia Popin", which warned that in Moscow Tatars, brought the prince to "Path Miren", and this safe Dear Mikhail arrived to his ultimate city.

Military support to Teten led to the fact that Andrei Alexandrovich became the Grand Duke of Vladimirsky. The opponent Andrei Dmitry died in 1294, only the hereditary Pereyaslav Zalessky remained behind him, which he handed him to his son Ivan. It seemed that after the death of a senior from the sons of Alexander Nevsky, the coalition challenged them will decay. However, the events of subsequent years show that in the new conditions of the Moscow-Pereyaslav-Tver Union continued to act and was a formidable force.

In 1296, a large Tatar detachment led by the Russian land was sent to Russian lands, apparently designed to solve the accumulated contradictions between Russian princes. In Vladimir, a great congress of Russian princes and nobility took place. Its participants were divided into two parties. At the head of one, the Grand Duke Andrei Alexandrovich rose. He was supported by the Yaroslavl Prince Fyodor Rostislavich and Rostov Prince Boris Konstantinovich. The opposition was Daniel Moscow, Mikhail Tver and Pereyaslavtsy. Contradictions at the congress threatened to grow into an armed reset, but prudence prevailed, the parties agreed on the section of the connections and went home.

Izvestia about subsequent events retained not the chronicles, but the record on the parchment service more than the XII century. Dyakon Novgorod Sophia Cathedral named Spear recorded that in 6804, in 10 indicacts, Novgorods expelled the governors of Prince Andrei Aleksandrovich "and sending Novgorodi to Prince Danilla on Mzhoko, calling him on the table in Novgorod to his retranio. And sat the prince shall over his son's son in his Meto named Ivan. And the prince of Danilia himself. " The recording is dated to the time between September 1, 1296 and February 28, 1297, and since it was made in the old November cooler, we can assume that the events indicated in the records occurred in November 1296. Exile from Novgorod governors of the Grand Duke meant a gap of Novgorod with Andrei Alexandrovich. Going to such a decisive step, they had to expect the same decisive steps and from the Grand Duke Andrei. And if so, the Novgorod residents were obliged to enlist the support of opponents of the Grand Duke. Their choice fell on Daniel Moscow. The choice is very indicative. It suggests that it was the Moscow Prince who recognized the most influential and strong opponent Andrei Alexandrovich. True, in the recording of the invitation of Daniel to Prince in Novgorod, it is justified legal: he called on "on his retirement". Daniel's father Alexander Nevsky, indeed, many years have reigned in Novgorod. But on this basis, Novgorod could also be considered the secondary son Alexander - Andrey. In addition, he could also be considered an ending of Tver Prince Mikhail Yaroslavich, whose father Yaroslav Yaroslavich also held a Novgorod table for a long time. Therefore, a legal justification of the shooting has clearly fascinated the true reasons for inviting Novgorod to their table of Moscow Prince as one of the most powerful princes of Northeast Russia at the end of the XIII century.

Daniel accepted the invitation of Novgorod, but he himself, because of those unknown to us, did not go there. He sent Son Ivan. This is the earliest news about the political activities of Ivan - the future Ivan Danilovich Kalita. Daniel kept something in Moscow. Spear began to write "And the prince of Danilia himself," but did not finish, and not open the riddle.

The fact that he did not add a rain, partly discloses one letter sent by Tver Prince Mikhail Yaroslavich Novgorod Archbishop to the Climent. In it, the Tver Prince reminded his union with Novgorod, directed against the Grand Duke Andrei and Tatars. And I started to lose words: "That Ty, Otcha, I will teach: Again your own eje-anom and anointing of one and Ivan." Ivan is a sent to Prince in Novgorod a little Ivan Kalita, therefore, the message to the Novgorod Vladyka was written at about the same time as the recording of the shooter. But the recognition of Mikhail Yaroslavich, that Daniel Alexandrovich is his elder brother, - Direct evidence of the leadership role of the Moscow Prince in the Moscow-Pereyaslav-Tver Political and Military Union. It makes the reasons for which the Novgorod residents invited Daniel Moskovsky to their desk.

In the late 1296 or early 1298, the Grand Duke Andrei Alexandrovich returned from Horde. His first thoughts was fighting with Pereyaslavl, Moscow and Tver. He immediately gathered troops and made a campaign. However, the Moscow and Tver shelves were blocked by Juryeva. "And it walked the battle not to be well-waught by them, and the world is being taken, and this SI". Judging by the fact that in Novgorod in May 1299, the son of Andrei Boris acted, the point of refusal to Daniel from Novgorod was included in the peaceful conditions. Nevertheless, let a short time, but the Moscow Prince, not even being Grand Duke Vladimir, Rules in Novgorod, testimony to what they found there were the above-mentioned press of Daniel.

In the summer of 1300, the Sarati Khan Tokhta won a decisive victory over his leg. Nogat himself was killed. In the Horde, the drooping ended, and it immediately affected Russian affairs. In the autumn of 1300, the Congress of Russian Princes was convened in Dmitrov. In their relationship there were great changes. The coalition of opponents of the Grand Duke Andrei Aleksandrovich broke up. Tver Prince rushed with Pereyaslavsky and moved to the side of Prince Andrew. But Daniel Moscow did not change his position. True, the loss of a Tver ally did not allow the Moscow prince to lead the former active policy in Northeast Russia. His attention switched to the Ryazan principality, which was not part of the Northeast Principality. At the end of 1300, Daniel under Pereyaslavl Ryazansky broke Ryazan Prince Konstantin and captured him. The victory intensified the foreign policy activities of the Moscow Prince. When his ally, Ivan Dmitrievich Pereyaslavsky died on May 15, 1302, Daniel joined the dispute for his inheritance with the Grand Prince himself. Ivan the heirs did not have, and the Fair Principality according to the standards of those times was to become the property of the Grand Duke Vladimir. Andrei Alexandrovich sent his governors to Pereyaslavl, and he himself went to the Horde to secure Pereyaslavl behind him and get military assistance there. In the absence of Grand Daniel, Daniel acted decisively and quickly. Based on the will of Ivan's will, according to which Pereyaslav moved to Moscow, he expelled Andreva governors from the city and took possession of them. In the spring of 1303, Andrei Alexandrovich returned from Horde, but he no longer found his younger brother. Daniel died on March 5, 1303

Daniel Aleksandrovich Moscow - Son Alexander Nevsky, founder of the Moscow Dynasty of Prince.

Years of the Board: 1276-1303

Being the second son, he did not claim to the Grand-Paint Vladimir throne, but managed to exalted the Moscow principality so much that it became the center of gathering Russian land.

Personal qualities: decisive, smart, long-scale politician.

Never used violence and weapons to attach neighboring lands. The Moscow Principality, received by Daniel inheritance, was small and unenviable. It was he who managed to strengthen it, expand. Daniel was not so simple. He sometimes showed strength, and even cruelty, it was not by chance that the princes was afraid and sought not to quarrel with him. But in the chronicles we see the meek, peace-loving, friendly prince.

Nicknames: Daniel was canonized by the church - as Daniel beloved.

Domestic policy:

1. Strengthening the power of the prince of Moscow.

The Moscow Principality became one of the strong on Daniel. He expanded his borders, sought to prevent cravies. Less peaceful politics. However, he had to fight more than once to strengthen his power. Stages of feudal wars:

1283-Daniel with Brother Andrey Against Brother Dmitry, who claimed to the grand-rocky throne of Andrei.

1293 - Brother Andrei, together with the "Duden Reli", devastated Russian cities, Daniel is forced to let them in Moscow to avoid bloodshed (there was no strength to reversal). Daniel and here sought to avoid bloodshed. Daniel did not take resentment. For which Andrei handed him a great reign in 1296.

1300- Ryazan Prince Constantine called on the Tatar to fight the Moscow Prince. Daniel won the first victory over the Tatars. Let a small but win.

2.Trees stop internecuts.

1301- Participated in the Dmitrov Congress of the princes, the purpose of which is to stop the gravestics (except for him, Vladimir Prince Andrei Aleksandrovich, Tver Mikhail Yaroslavich, Pereyaslavsky Ivan Dmitrievich participated, Pereyaslavsky Ivan Dmitrievich).

3.Realing the territory of the principality.

In 1300, he starts the policies of the accession of land to the Principality: 1330- Ryazan, 1301-Kolomna, 1302-Peraleslavl-Zalessky (Daniel's nephew), 1303- Mozhaisk.

4. Framing the Moscow Principality.

Daniel led active defensive construction. So, Danilov Monastery was a real fortress guarding the southern borders of the principality.

5. High construction, culture development.

1282- In Moscow, the first men's monastery was founded - Danilov. In 1296 - the Epiphany Monastery in Moscow, in the 1272th Temple of Saints Peter and Paul on Krutitsa.

Foreign policy.

1. Relationship with the Golden Horde.

Prince Daniel was the first one who did not resort to the help of the Tatar to capture the neighboring territories. In his board there were no raids of the horde.


1. Danie Alexandrovich entered the story as the founder of the Moscow Dynasty of Prince.

2. Included the political influence of Moscow, the Moscow principality became great, powerful and strong, the center of Russia.

3. Carnation has significantly expanded and strengthened the principality.

4. The one did to prevent the grooves between princes, realizing that during the period of the Golden Horde only in unity, the force was one of the initiators of the Dmitrov Congress of Princes.

5. Removal to the world gave its results: under Daniel, there were no raids on the principality by the Tatars.

Ivan I Kalita- Grand Duke Vladimir, Prince of Moscow, Prince Novgorod, son Daniel Alexandrovich.

Years of reign (1325-1340)

Personal qualities:

It was a smart, far-sighted, albeit a politician's tough in his actions. It is characterized by such features as perseverance, flexibility in politics, trick.


I received my nickname from the word "Kalita" - a cash bag, since it became the most powerful Moscow Principality in Russia, he often joined new lands, redeeming them. There was a generous in relation to the needy - always had a small coin with him, distributing money to the poor.

Domestic policy:

1. POLICIES - Make the Moscow Principality Center of Russian Lands, strengthen the power of the prince.

A) joined Tver, Pskov, Novgorod and other cities to Moscow.

B) By negotiations, the Galich, Uglich and Belozer's principality was included in the Moscow Principality.

C) received the right to collect tribute to Russia, which allowed to focus in their hands the large material tools that he used to expand possessions.

D) introduced a new procedure for the inheritance of power in the Moscow Dynasty of Prince - from the Father to the Elder Son.

2. Strengthening Moscow

With it, the oak Kremlin was built in Moscow, powerful oak walls were protected from the enemies of the city and Posad.

3. The extension of the economic power of the Moscow Principality.

I achieved a respite from the Ordane invasions, developed the economy. The principality became the strongest and rich in Russia.

4. During the princely power

Mercilessly painted with his opponents

5. Advanced development of culture. With Ivan Kalita went active construction. With it built:

Arkhangelsk Cathedral Assumption Cathedral of Savior on Boru (1330g, destroyed in 1933) is interesting that none of these buildings has survived to this day, they were later rebuilt, replaced with new ones.

Foreign policy:

1.Creativity with the Golden Horde in order to prevent the raids of the Golderdians, preserving the label to the Grand Diction in their hands.

A) Helped to suppress the uprising in Tver in 1327.

B) I achieved the right to assemble the tribute from all over Russia.

C) was in good relations with Khan Uzbek.

2. Outline relations with Lithuania.

Relationships were complex: from the Union with the Lithuanian Prince Hymicine and Marriage Son Kalita on the Lithuanian Princess, to a military clash, since Hyman made a military campaign to Novgorod and was in collusion with Prince Smolensk, who refused to pay tribute to Horde.


1. In Ivan Kalita, the Moscow Principality became the strongest in Russia, a powerful economic relationship, strong in political. I joined a number of principalities, significantly expanding the territory.

2. Completely a close union of great power and the church, made Moscow by the Rus religious center.

4. I promoted the development of culture, the construction of churches and temples was conducted with it.

5. Provers a smart and well-thought-out policies with the Khans of the Golden Horde, achieved silence in the country. With it there was no devastating raids on Russia.

Ivan II Ivanovich Red - Son Ivan I Danilovich Kalita. Prince Zvenigorodsky until 1354. Prince Moscow and Grand Duke Vladimirsky in 1353-1359. Prince Novgorod in 1355-1359

Years of the Board: 1353-1359

Personal qualities: Was kind, gracious, beautiful (it was not random so called it - red, that is, beautiful). In power there was a little - only 6 years.

1. One of the directions in internal politics There was an increase in the power of Moscow princes. Here he continued the politics of the Father and the brothers. He managed to keep power, although other applicants were, for example, Nizhny Novgorod-Suzdal Prince Konstantin Vasilyevich on the grandfather throne.

To strengthen the power of the prince, he strongly supported the church, contributed to the strengthening of its position, since the authority of the church began to fall. He supported Metropolitan Alexia, encouraged church construction. The church, in turn, supported the prince in his endeavors.

Result This activity was the further strengthening of the influence of the power of the Moscow Prince, who not only received a label to the Grand Diction (largely due to the Smart Policy Alexia), but also the right of the judiciary over other princes.

A) another direction in internal politics Ivan II was to strengthen the state. He saw the path to this, like his father, in expanding the territory, attracting people to the Principality. To this end, he attracted the peasants, artisans, boyars, invited to the army of the routing people. Migrating politics in the Volga region, the coal field, Ustyuzhye and other lands of Russia gave its results. The population of the principality increased significantly, agriculture, crafts became more efficient. The Moscow principality included Kostroma and Dmitrov Lands.

Result This activity was further strengthening the principality, expansion of the territory, strengthening economic power. Ivan II created a good economic basis for the principality for his son - Dmitry Donskoy.

2. Operation foreign Policy Ivan II activities were the establishment of peaceful relations with neighbors. All questions he tried to solve diplomatic paths. He supported a good relationship with the Khans of Horde, tried not to conflict with Lithuania.

Result of activity It became that with it there was no wars, raids of the Horde Chanov. There was silence in Russia, the generation of people who did not know the horrors of the war grew.

In this wayDespite the short term of reign, Ivan II managed to preserve the world on the lands of the principality, strengthen the cereal power, strengthen the economy. Peacefully loving foreign policy led to the lack of large wound clashes, raids on Russia. The strong principality handed over to his son - Dmitry Donskoy.

Dmitry Donskoy - Son of Prince Ivan II Red, grandson Ivan Kalita. Years of the Board: (1359-1389)

Dmitry got the throne at 9 years old. At this time, the label on the Grand Diction was in the Suzdal Nizhny Novgorod Principality. But the teacher of Dmitry - Metropolitan Alexei It applies to the return of the label to Moscow. Khan agreed, since Alexey at his time cured his wife. The Suzdal Prince conquered Moscow and even gave his daughter for Dmitry Donskoy.

Metropolitan Aleksey He played a big role in the life and prince of Don. It was a smart man, with a strong character, had a great authority and in Russia, and in Horde. With him, Dmitry was consulted in the policies of the union of lands around Moscow.

Personal qualities: he was distinguished by strong will, foresight, personal courage and courage during battles.


Dmitry got his nickname for victory in the Kulikov battle, which occurred near Don - at the mouth of the river is not safe.

Daniel Aleksandrovich (son of Alexander Nevsky, founder of the dynasty of the Moscow princes) years of the Board: 1276-1303

Prince's foreign policy: the beginning of expanding the territory of the Moscow Principality: Kolomna (1300), Pereyaslav Principality (1302), are attached. The territory has doubled and has become one of the largest in northeastern Russia.

Yuri Danilovich (son of Daniel Alexandrovich, grandson Alexander Nevsky) years of government: 1303-1325

Prince's policy:

1. Expansion of the Moscow Principality: Mozhaisk (1303)

2. The first of the Moscow princes entered the struggle for the label of the Great Vladimir Principality with the Tver Princes. (Moscow Prince in 1319. For the first time received a label to the Grand Diction).

3. Long the label and married the sister of the Ordahnian Khan of Uzbek Konchak (in Orthodox baptism - Agafya) (1317)

Ivan Danilovich Kalita (Wallet for Money) Year of the Board: 1325-1340 Internal Policy of the Prince:

1. Dual cooperation with the Russian Orthodox Church:

Transfer of the Center for Russian Orthodoxy from Vladimir to Moscow (from 1325)

Construction of five white-stone temples in Moscow (from 1326 to 1333)

Prince's foreign policy:

1. Watching the borders of the Moscow Principality (without the use of weapons): buying large areas - Galich, Uglich, Beloozer (1328); Accession of part of the Rostov Principality (1331)

2. Maintain good relations with the Horde:

Participation along with the Ordane army in a punitive campaign against Tver (1327)

Getting the right to collect Dani from Russian lands and delivering it to the Horde.

Semen Ivanovich Proud (son of Ivan Kalita) Years of the Board: 1340-1353

Continuation of Ivan Kalita policy:

1. Addressing good relations with the Horde - possessing a label to the Grand Diction

2. The performance of a balanced foreign policy is the lack of military clashes with neighboring principalities

3. Summary of Novgorod through the appointment of Moscow governors

4. Jury-Polish (1341)

Ivan II Ivanovich Red (son Ivanikalitis) years of the Board: 1353-1359

Continuation of Ivan's policies Kalita and proud seeds:

1. The label to the Grand Diction

2. The performance of a peaceful policy against adjacent principalities

3. The beginning of military clashes with Lithuania

4. Borovsk, Vereya

Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy (son Ivan II) years of government: 1359-1389

The main directions of the prince's foreign policy:

1. Strength to weaken the dependence of the Russian principalities from the horde (1378 - the battle on the river, 1380 - Kulikovskaya battle).

2. Continued with Lithuania: the invasion of the Lithuanian troops (1368, 1370., 1372) in the Moscow lands were repulsed.

3. Leadership in Russia:

With Ryazan on controversial territories (1371)

With Tver for the label on the Grand Diction (1375 - the victory of Dmitry Ivanovich).

4. Relations of the Moscow and Vladimir Principities.

5. The following territories are attached: Beloozero, beggar (1371), Dmitrov, Vladimir, Starodub, Galich, Trubchevsk (1374), Kostroma, Meshchera (1385)

The internal policy of Dmitry Donskoy was aimed at uniform.

Vasily I Dmitrievich (son of Dmitry Donskoy) years of reign: 1389-1425

Policy Directions:

1. The audience of the Moscow Principality: Muromskoye (1393) and Nizhny Novgorod (1392) of the Principality and land of Komi on the River Vycheghed are attached.

2. The establishment of dynastic relations (Vasily I was married to the Lithuanian princess Sophie Vitovtovna).

3. Resistors between Moscow and Lithuania because of the influence of Novgorod

4. Timur's campaign (1395) (approaching Moscow already refused to go to Moscow)

Vasily II Vasilyevich Darkaya (son of Vasily I Dmitrievich, grandson Dmitry Donskoy) years of government: 1425-1462

Internal policy of the prince:

1. During Vasily IIPReed the Union (Ulya) between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches under the primacy of the Pope, concluded in Florence in 1439, this was the beginning of the independence of the Russian Church from Constantinople Patriarch.

2. Dynastic War in the Moscow Prince (1425-1453) Reason: Yuri Dmitrievich's refusal to swear to 10-year-old Vasily II

Prince's foreign policy:

Mozhayskoye (1454) and Serpukhovsky (1456) specific principalitys are attached.

Ivan III Vasilyevich (also known as Ivan the Great, January 22, 1440 - October 27, 1505) - Great Prince of Moscow from 1462 to 1505, the son of the Moscow Grand Prince Vasily II Vasilyevich Dark.

Domestic policy:

Rostov, Yaroslavl, Tver Principality were attached. After the transition of the Belozersky principality in 1486, the Belarusian statutory gradder was published under the power of Moscow, in March 1488. The integration of attached lands was carried out.

In September 1497, the law was introduced into action - a single legislative code.

Foreign policy:

1. In the course of Ivan Vasilyevich, there was a consideration of a significant part of Russian lands around Moscow and its transformation into the center of the communional state.

2. It was reached the final liberation of the country from under the authorities of the Horde Khanov. Confrontation on the River Ugra with Khan Large Horde Ahmat ("Standing") Fall of the Ordane Iga (1480)

Vasily III Ivanovich (March 25, 1479 - December 3, 1533) - Grand Duke Vladimir and Moscow in 1505-1533, son of Ivan III of the Great and Sofia Paleolog, Father Ivan IV Grozny. In a contract of 1514, with the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire, Maximilian I, for the first time in the history of Russia, is called the king (Caesar).

Domestic policy:

The time of the reign of Vasily - the era of the construction boom in Russia. A new litthic was also created, which, however, did not reach us.

Foreign policy:

1. Released Smolensk (1514), Ryazanu (1521), Pskov (1510)

2. The Kazan Khanatery, beat off the invasion of the Crimean Khanate (1521)

3. War with Lithuania (1512-1522)

Beginning of the Board of Ivan IV

Elena Vasilyevna Glinsky (OK. 1508 - April 4, 1538) - Great Princess Moscow, daughter of Prince Vasily Lvovich from the Lithuanian clan of the Glinsky and his wife Anna Yakshich. In 1526, I became a wife divorced with the first wife of the Grand Duke Vasily III and gave birth to him two sons - Ivan and Yuri. Regency for the Great Princess Elena Glinsky - 1533-1538.

Foreign policy:

In 1536, forced the Polish king of Sigismund I to conclude the world profitable for Russia; Sweden ordered not to help the Livonian Order and Lithuania. With Elena Glynskaya, the Chinese wall was built.

Domestic policy:

The most important point in the board of Elena Glinsky is to conduct monetary reform (started in 1535). She actually introduced a single currency in Russia.

John IV Vasilyevich (Ivan Grozny's nickname; August 25, 1530, the village of Kolomenskoye near Moscow - March 18, 1584, Moscow) - Great Prince of Moscow and All Russia from 1533, the first king of All Russia (from 1547) (except 1575-1576, when "Great Prince of All Russia "nominally was Simeonbekbulatovich).

Domestic policy:

With it began the convening of Zemsky cathedrals, the judiciary of 1550 was drawn up. The reforms of military service, judicial system and government administration were carried out, including the elements of self-government at the local level (lifting, Zemskaya and other reforms).

Official policy.

Foreign policy:

Kazan (1552) and Astrakhan (1556) Khanate were conquered, the Western Brain, the area of \u200b\u200bthe Don Troops, Bashkiria, Land of the Nogai Horde are attached.

Livon war (1558-1583)

Yuri Danilovich (1281-1325) was the eldest son of Prince Moskovsky Daniel Alexandrovich and the grandson of the Great Alexander Nevsky. At first, the rules in Pereslavl-Zalessky, and then in Moscow, from 1303. During his reign, he led a continuous struggle with Tvet for the merger of Russia at its beginning.

Fighting for the championship

At that time, the title of Vladimirsky gave his owner to almost unlimited power in the territory of all Russian northeastern lands. His carrier was considered to be the domicile ruler and had the right to dispose of his vassals at his discretion, and could also judge them and collect tribute to him. In addition, there was another privilege: despite the loss of the Grand Distance, he fully retained his own generic lands.

Khana, in turn, had their own interests here. Giving a label to the Vladimir Prince, they demanded from the contender for him the unquestioning ministry of the Golden Horde. That is why the Supreme Rules of the Russian lands did not always become the strongest princes, as Khani sought to put on this place of the misintermetate and obedient ruler. But even in the hands of the Great Prince Loyal to the Horde, the label did not remain for a long time. Khans in this respect led such a policy that invariably led to the internecine struggle at once several representatives of various branches of Rurikovich. In 1304, Prince Yuri Danilovich Moscow joined such a confrontation.

New stage of gravity

The main rival of Moscow was Tver in the face of Prince Mikhail Yaroslavich, who accounted for cousins \u200b\u200bto all the brothers Danilovichi. His principality at that time was considered the strongest, and the proof of this was numerous successes achieved by him in the incessant internecine struggle. By the way, Moscow then, like the other Russian northeastern lands, he was inferior in almost everything.

The new round of internecine strife began in 1304, after the death of the Grand Duke Andrei Alexandrovich. If his brother, Moscow Prince Daniel, did not die before him, then this place would be taken by the eldest son Yuri. But in this situation they were the grandson Mikhail Yaroslavich Tver, who became the first of the old Russian rulers who received a label from Khan. For this, the prince went to the Horde with the hope of getting this title, and with him and Pereslavl.

Decision Khan Uzbek

With the same purpose, Prince Yuri followed Mikhail Tver. But, by the way, the second of them had almost no chance. The fact is that Daniel Moscow did not have a label to the Grand Diction, so his sons could not claim such a high title. By the way, this is clearly stated in the then faithful right. But, despite this, rivalry was worried on the part of the young prince of Moscow, therefore he sent his people to delay him in Suzdal.

As written in the chronicles, it all ended in that in 1305 Mikhail Yaroslavich still received a Khan label to the great Vladimir Prince. So, the choice of the Golden Horde fell on the older of relatives, but he never received the authority regarding the re-searches. Such uncertainty was the reason for the next outbreak of dislike between Mikhail Tver and Yuri Moscow.

Label to the Grand Diction

In 1315, the Ordini Khan, responding to Numerous complaints of Mikhail Tver, called to him the prince of Moscow. Yuri Danilovich stayed there for about two years and during that time he managed to win the trust and mercy of Uzbek so much that in 1317 the ruler decided to marry his sister Konchaka, which Agafy began to call for the Orthodox manner. The wedding gift for the young became the label, which he presented to the prince of Yury. From that moment on, Mikhail Yaroslavich lost his title of Grand Duke Vladimirsky.

In the same year, Yuri Danilovich, from Saraj-Berk, with his wife and Tatar army under the command of Kavgadaya went on the way back. Judging by what happened on, the newly widened Vladimir prince was given very broad powers. I must say that Mikhail Tver really did not want to part with the authorities, but at the same time he was afraid of any complications in relations with the Horde. Therefore, after a long negotiations, the former Vladimir Prince was forced to give the title and return to his victob.

War with Tver

The princess Yuri Danilovich began with the fact that, despite all the concessions of Mikhail, he still went to the Tver of the war. In 1318, he gathered all his army and with the support of Kavgada's Ordans, was approaching almost that to the goal of the city. It was assumed that Tver will be subjected to simultaneous attack on both sides: from the south-east, it will be attacked by Yuri Danilovich, who commanded the Suzdal and Moscow Reloj, and from the North-West, Novgorod will hit. But this plan was never implemented. The fact is that the Novgorod residents did not come in time, and later they concluded the world with Mikhail, turning their troops back. Seeing such a state of affairs, Kavgadai and Suzdalians wanted to catch up and return them back.

Similar activities Yuri Danilovich and his Ordi ally led to the fact that the Moscow Prince was left alone with Tver Reli. In the chronicles, it is said about this, that the "Sword Great" occurred. As expected, Yuri lost this battle and flew to the remnants of his troops, and Mikhail Yaroslavich captured many warriors, as well as his wife Agafy (Konchak), which soon in captivity died. There is no accurate information about the reasons for its death. After that, under the conditions of the peace treaty, both prince had to go to the Horde.

Prank Mikhail Tver

From the very beginning it was clear that Han Prince would not forgive such self-government. Mikhail Yaroslavich tried to reconcile with his long-standing enemy and return the location of the horde. The Ambassador of Oleks Markovich sent them to Moscow by order of Yuri Danilovich himself was killed, after which the prince together with Kavgaday hurried to Khan. Upon arrival, they accused Mikhail in treason, concealing Dani and the death of Princess Agafia. The Khansky Court recognized him guilty and issued a death sentence. On November 22, 1318, it was carried out.

The document has been preserved - "Tver Tale", written by the confessor of the prince of Mikhail himself. In it, a certain igumen Alexander calls Yuri by the Moscow tool in the hands of Khan. He claims that the prince actually performed at the court as a prosecutor Mikhail Yaroslavich. It must be said that the deceased people always read as a hero, so in 1549, by the decision of the Second Moscow Cathedral, was counted for the face of saints.

New confrontation

After the execution of the Tver Prince, the board of Yuri Danilovich remained relatively calm for another two years. In 1321 it became clear that the big problems could not be avoided. The fact is that Mikhail's sons began to leave from his obedience, the eldest of which, Dmitry Tverskaya, began to express his claims to a high title. This conflict of two princes led to the fact that Tatars again went war on Russia. In addition, it was necessary to collect tribute for Khan. The real uprising rose against this in Rostov, so Yuri Danilovich had to apply military power.

In the end, tribute was still assembled, but for some reason the prince did not give it to Kavgadaya. Instead, he went to Novgorod to his younger brother in the winter of 1321. In the annals, there is no explanation to this act of Prince. Historians suggest that it was done quite consciously, and some of the assembled funds was spent on the war with the Swedes. For its part, the horde considered the dragging of Dani with a great crime. The situation immediately took advantage of Dmitry Mikhailovich Tverskaya according to the nicknamed Terrible eyes, and in the fall of 1322, Uzbek passed him a label, thereby having degraded the authorities of his former son-in-law.

And again Prince Moscow Yuri Danilovich

You can briefly describe his further life like this: first time he was forced to flee, since unlimited power now received his worst enemies - the sons of Mikhail Yaroslavich Tver. At first he was hiding in Pskov, and then Novgorod, where he lived from 1322 to 1324.

Yuri Danilovich, whose foreign policy brightly demonstrated to everyone that he did not recognize the supremacy of Dmitry Tverovsky, actively participated in all international affairs, and it was still the prerogative of the Grand Duke. In addition, it was he who fought with the Swedes and concluded with them the so-called nut contract that determined the border between Sweden and Novgorod. Also, according to his order, the fortress of the Neva from Ladoga of the lake was erected by the Lake Fortress, which became the most important defensive facility and in the following years the Russian lands were saved from the threat of capturing with ingoing conquerors.

In general, the foreign policy of Yuri Danilovich was peaceful, as he tried to live in the world both with the Swedes and with the Golden Horde. However, in case of need, he could conduct successful hostilities. An example of this can serve his campaign to Ustyug. Here he defended the interests of Novgorod who suffered from the numerous robbed raids of Ustyugan.

Killing Yuri Danilovich

Dmitry Tverskova, having learned that after the trip to Ustyug, the prince went to the Horde, hurried after him. He was confident that Yuri Danilovich silent him as well as his father. To both princes had to remain in Horde for quite a long time, waiting for the Khan sentence. Soon they were joined by Brother Dmitry Tver, Alexander. It is assumed that he brought the debt to the Saransk region in order to take new loans from them.

In 1325, namely on November 22, was exactly 7 years since the day Mikhail Tver, father of Dmitry and Alexander, died at the Ordan land. For the brothers, this black date has become not only no change. The fact is that the on the eve of the meeting of two irreconcilable enemies - Dmitry Grozny Othmy and Yuri Danilovich took place. Whether she was a fatal accident or everything was adjusted, unknown. Only in the state that Dmitry Mikhailovich killed Yuri Danilovich, hoping for the favor of the King Uzbek and to inherit the place and the worst of the deceased prince. The famous Russian historian V.N. Tatishchev, who lived at the turn of the XVII and XVIII centuries, in his writings made an assumption that it was nothing but revenge behind a fresh father.


Dmitry Mikhailovich, having committed Samosud, hoping that Khan would forgive such a legend, as it is known that by that time the prince Yuri Danilovich was for a long time in disfavor from the ruler of the Horde. However, as a real despot, Uzbek could have forgiven with his subject, but not self-government. Therefore, the first thing he ordered to send the body of the murdered Moscow Prince to his homeland, and the killer himself ordered to arrest.

The sentence of Khan had to wait almost a year. As a result, Dmitry Tverskova was sentenced to death. Whether by a strange coincidence, or by the whims of the Khan of Uzbek himself, only the prince deprived of life on the day of his birth - September 15, 1326, when he was only 28 years old. As the chronicle says, together with Him and another Russian prince - Alexander Novosilsky. Most likely, they were close friends and together prepared the murder of Yuri Danilovich.

Strengthening the Moscow Prince

Summing up the board, we can say that Yuri Danilovich, who was entirely directed to the centralization and creating a strong power, did not lose anything from the lands received once inherited from his father. On the contrary, he managed to even multiply them. For example, in 1303 he joined the Mozhaisk Principality, two years later Pereslavl-Zalessky, and in 1311 and Nizhny Novgorod, where his brother Boris was subsequently. In 1320, Yuri Moscow went war on Ryazan Prince Ivan Yaroslavich in order to attach to his possessions as Kolomna.

Table of contents
Introduction 2
Chapter 1: Foreign Policy
Daniel Moscow 4 pp.
Yuri Danilovich 9pm.
Mikhail Tver 9T.
Ivan Kalita 10 pp.
Semen proud 11 pp.
Ivan Red 11 pp.
Dmitry Donskaya 11 pp.
Vasily I 12 p.
Chapter 2: Domestic Policy
Daniel Moscow 13 pp.
Ivan Kalita 13 pp.
Conclusion 20 pp.
Bibliography 22 p.

From the XIII century. Moscow Princes and Church are beginning to exercise wide colonization of the Volga territories, new monasteries, fortresses and cities are formed, the local population is conquered and assimilated.
Speaking of "Centralization" It should be borne in mind two processes - the association of Russian lands around the new center - Moscow and the creation of a centralized state office, a new structure of power in the Moscow state.
During the centralization, there was a transformation of the entire political system. At the place of many independent principalities, a single state is formed. The whole system of suzero-vassal relations changes: the former great princes themselves become vassals of the Moscow Grand Duke, the complex hierarchy of feudal ranks is. To the XV century There is a sharp reduction in feudal privileges and immunities. The hierarchy of the court ranks given for the service: the Introduced boyar, the okolnichy, butler, the treasurer, the ranks of the Duma nobles, Duma Dyakov, etc. The principle of locality is formed, connecting the possibilities of occupation of state posts with the origin of the candidate, his informitivity. This led to a thorough and detailed development of the problems of genealogy, "Rhodes", individual feudal clans and families.
A class of nobles are formed, having very long-standing origin. The first servant category, from which the nobility will later develop, were the "outstands" or "grid", the junior warriors of the prince. Then the princes of the "Capan" servants or "servants under the Parish" appear, which included both free people and slaves. All these categories are combined into the group of "Children of Boyar", and did not grow up to the boyars and "pronuncia men", but those who accounted for a social database of the nobility.
A serviceful nobility becomes strengthening its position for the Grand Duke (king) support in the fight against the feudal aristocracy, who does not want to come from their independence. In the economic region, the struggle between the victorious (boyars, feudal) and local (noble) types of land tenure unfolds.
The church becomes a serious political force, which focused significant land ownership and values \u200b\u200bin his hands and mainly determined the ideology of the emerging autocratic state (the idea of \u200b\u200bMoscow - the third Rome ", the" Orthodox kingdom "," King - Anointer of God ").
The clergy was divided into "white" (ministers of the church) and "black" (monastic). Church institutions (parishes and monasteries) were landowners, possessed their jurisdiction and judicial authorities, the church had their own military formations.
The top of the urban population led a continuous struggle against the feudal aristocracy (for the land, for working hands, against its inconsistencies and robbery) and actively supported the policies of the centralization. It formed its corporate bodies (hundreds) and insisted on liberation from severe taxation (tax) and on the elimination of privileged feudal fishes and bidding ("White Slobod") in cities.
In the emerging political situation, all three social forces are the feudal (secular and spiritual) aristocracy, servilators and the top of the Posada - amounted to the basis of the specifically representative system of the Board.

Chapter 1: Foreign Policy
Daniel Moscow
Foreign policy
Daniel Moscow (date of birth unknown-1303) First independent Moscow prince. In the early 1990s, Daniel joined the Rostov Principality Mozhaisk, and in 1300 melted Kolomna from Ryazan.
In 1285, the Lithuanians attacked the ownership of the Tver Bishop volost Olesnye (north-west of Mozhaisk), they received a fight on the part of Tverchi, Muscovites, Volochhan (residents of the Volok Lamb), Novotorgers, Dmitrovztsev, Togan and Rzhevichi (residents of Tver Dogs and those who were Not far from him Smolensk Rzheva). The list of participants will pay attention to the mention of the Volochman and Novotorgers. The Lamb and Torzhok wolves were possessions of Novgorod and the Grand Duke Vladimirsky, which Dmitry Alexandrovich remained at that time. The participation of residents of these two territories in common hostilities against Lithuanians indirectly indicates that there was a complete reconciliation between the Brothers Daniel and Dmitry, they began to coordinate their actions against the overall opponent.
The events of 1288 confirm the concluding concluding. In that year, there was a quarrel of the new Tver Prince Mikhail Yaroslavich with the Grand Duke Dmitry Alexandrovich. Tver Prince began to prepare for war. Having learned about this, Dmitry "convective brother's brother Andrea Alexandrovich and Danil and Dmitry Borisovich and all the princes, but the essence of the pallows, and the recideline of them to TFII." Allies devastated the surroundings of Tver Kashin, and the other Tver City - Ksenin - burned. Mikhail Yaroslavich was forced to conclude the world. Having helped Dmitry Alexandrovich Danila - this is Daniel Moscow. In 1288, he fell on the side of her older brother, violating the former union with Tver. In the future, his relationship with her, they again became friendly, they were again slaughtered. But the relationship with a more powerful elder brother, the Grand Duke, Vladimir Dmitry, became stronger and stronger.
This was especially brightly manifested in 1293. That year Andrei Alexandrovich Gorodetsky began a new war against Dmitry. Supported by a number of Russian princes, he once again went to the barn with complaints on the Grand Duke. Khan Tokhta, shortly before that, who won the Ordini throne, provided Andrei a great military aid. On Russia was sent Brother Tachta Tudu, which Russians called Tech. The coalition of the princes, where Daniel Moscow and which was focused on the foot, was also preparing for the fight. Having learned about the trip to Tohte Andrei, one of the representatives of the coalition, Tver Prince Mikhail Yaroslavich in early 1293, also went to Tatars, but to the Tatars of the Nag.
Andrei and the Dudine appeared in Russian lands before their opponents. They captured Suzdal, plundered Vladimir, having dreamed of even the floor patterned copper plates in the Assumption Cathedral, took Yuriev Polish and moved to Pereyaslav, where Dmitry was. Pereyaslavtsy left the city in advance, Dmitry himself went down to Lamsky's wolf, and he went to Pskov from there. Having stood many days from the dismantle clarification, the Tatars and their Russian allies "Aidosh to Moscow, and Moscow Danila Danila, and Takosha in Moscow, and the coat of the same, I also judge, and Volodymery, and the other city, and take Moscow all and Volost, and sat down. " It was the second after Batiya take Moscow by Tatars in the XIII century. It shows that, in contrast to the events of eleven-year old, in 1293, Daniel Alexandrovich was not an opponent, but an ally of his older brother Dmitry. Another ally was Mikhail Yaroslavich Tver, who, returning from his foot, expected to get into Tver through Moscow, but near Moscow he met "Nikia Popin", who warned that in Moscow Tatars, brought the prince for the "Path Miren", and this safe Dear Mikhail arrived to his ultimate city.
Military support to Teten led to the fact that Andrei Alexandrovich became the Grand Duke of Vladimirsky. The opponent Andrei Dmitry died in 1294, only the hereditary Pereyaslav Zalessky remained behind him, which he handed him to his son Ivan. It seemed that after the death of a senior from the sons of Alexander Nevsky, the coalition challenged them will decay. However, the events of subsequent years show that in the new conditions of the Moscow-Pereyaslavsky-Tver Union continued to act and was a formidable force.
In 1296, a large Tatar detachment led by the Russian land was sent to Russian lands, apparently designed to solve the accumulated contradictions between Russian princes. In Vladimir, a great congress of Russian princes and nobility took place. Its participants were divided into two parties. At the head of one, the Grand Duke Andrei Alexandrovich rose. He was supported by the Yaroslavl Prince Fyodor Rostislavich and Rostov Prince Boris Konstantinovich. The opposition was Daniel Moscow, Mikhail Tver and Pereyaslavtsy. Contradictions at the congress threatened to grow into an armed reset, but prudence prevailed, the parties agreed on the section of the connections and went home.
Izvestia about subsequent events retained not the chronicles, but the record on the parchment service more than the XII century. Dyakon Novgorod Sophia Cathedral named Spear recorded that in 6804, in 10 indicact Novgorod expelled the governors of Prince Andrei Aleksandrovich, "and Issue of Novgorodi for Prince Danilla on Mzked, I wish him on the table in Novgorod on my retirement. And she sent Prince to her son In his Musto named Ivan. And the prince of Danilia himself. " The entry dates back to the time between September 1, 1296 and February 28, 1297, and since it was made in the old November cooler, we can assume that the events indicated in the records occurred in November 1296
Exile from Novgorod governors of the Grand Duke meant the gap of Novgorod with Andrei Alexandrovich. Going to such a decisive step, they had to expect the same decisive steps and from the Grand Duke Andrei. And if so, the Novgorod residents were obliged to enlist the support of opponents of the Grand Duke. Their choice fell on Daniel Moscow. The choice is very indicative. It suggests that it was the Moscow Prince who recognized the most influential and strong opponent Andrei Alexandrovich. True, in the recording of the invitation of Daniel to Prince in Novgorod, it is justified legally: he was called "on his retirement." Daniel's father Alexander Nevsky, indeed, many years have reigned in Novgorod. But on this basis, Novgorod could also be considered the secondary son Alexander - Andrey. In addition, he could also be considered an ending of Tver Prince Mikhail Yaroslavich, whose father Yaroslav Yaroslavich also held a Novgorod table for a long time. Therefore, a legal justification of the shooting has clearly fascinated the true reasons for inviting Novgorod to their table of Moscow Prince as one of the most powerful princes of Northeast Russia at the end of the XIII century.
Daniel accepted the invitation of Novgorod, but he himself, because of those unknown to us, did not go there. He sent Son Ivan. This is the earliest news about the political activities of Ivan - the future Ivan Danilovich Kalita. Daniel kept something in Moscow. Spear began to write "And the prince of Danilia himself," but did not finish, and not open the riddle.
The fact that he did not add a rain, partly discloses one letter sent by Tver Prince Mikhail Yaroslavich Novgorod Archbishop to the Climent. In it, the Tver Prince reminded his union with Novgorod, directed against the Grand Duke Andrei and Tatars. And I started to let the words: "Ti, Otcha, I will teach it: Again your own semi-taught one of the same time and Esvania." Ivan is a sent to Prince in Novgorod a little Ivan Kalita, therefore, the message to the Novgorod Vladyka was written at about the same time as the recording of the shooter. But the recognition of Mikhail Yaroslavich that Daniel Alexandrovich is his elder brother, direct evidence of the leadership role of the Moscow Prince in the Moscow-Pereyaslav-Tver Political and Military Union. It makes the reasons for which the Novgorod residents invited Daniel Moskovsky to their desk.
In the late 1296 or early 1298, the Grand Duke Andrei Alexandrovich returned from Horde. His first thoughts was fighting with Pereyaslavl, Moscow and Tver. He immediately gathered troops and made a campaign. However, the Moscow and Tver shelves were blocked by Juryeva. "And it walked the battle not to be disgraced with them, and the next world, and this Sidosh." Judging by the fact that in Novgorod in May 1299, the son of Andrei Boris acted, the point of refusal to Daniel from Novgorod was included in the peaceful conditions. Nevertheless, let a short time, but the Moscow Prince, not even being Grand Duke Vladimir, Rules in Novgorod, testimony to what they found there were the above-mentioned press of Daniel.
In the summer of 1300, the Sarati Khan Tokhta won a decisive victory over his leg. Nogat himself was killed. In the Horde, the drooping ended, and it immediately affected Russian affairs. In the autumn of 1300, the Congress of Russian Princes was convened in Dmitrov. In their relationship there were great changes. The coalition of opponents of the Grand Duke Andrei Aleksandrovich broke up. Tver Prince rushed with Pereyaslavsky and moved to the side of Prince Andrew. But Daniel Moscow did not change his position. True, the loss of a Tver ally did not allow the Moscow prince to lead the former active policy in Northeast Russia. His attention switched to the Ryazan principality, which was not part of the Northeast Principality. At the end of 1300, Daniel under Pereyaslavl Ryazansky broke Ryazan Prince Konstantin and captured him. The victory intensified the foreign policy activities of the Moscow Prince. When his ally, Ivan Dmitrievich Pereyaslavsky died on May 15, 1302, Daniel joined the dispute for his inheritance with the Grand Prince himself. Ivan the heirs did not have, and the Fair Principality according to the standards of those times was to become the property of the Grand Duke Vladimir. Andrei Alexandrovich sent his governors to Pereyaslavl, and he himself went to the Horde to secure Pereyaslavl behind him and get military assistance there. In the absence of Grand Daniel, Daniel acted decisively and quickly. Based on the will of Ivan's will, according to which Pereyaslav moved to Moscow, he expelled Andreva governors from the city and took possession of them. In the spring of 1303, Andrei Alexandrovich returned from Horde, but he no longer found his younger brother. Daniel died on March 5, 1303

Yuri Danilovich

Yuri Danilovich Moscow Prince (1303-1325), Grand Duke Vladimir (1319-1322). After the death of Andrei Aleksandrovich on seniority, the great reign was transferred to Mikhail Tver. However, his nephew Yuri Danilovich considered himself offended and decided to seek a label to the Grand Diction. The big dispute between Mikhail and Danilovichi began. Moscow and Tver for a long time became enemies. Yuri Danilovich, long-lived in Horde, managed to start strong friendly and related (married her sister Khan Uzbek Konchak) communications with Khana. Oklevoved Mikhail Tver. In 1318, Mikhail arrived in the Horde, the Tatars arranged over him for the fact that he allegedly dismissed the Tatars, did not pay Dani, killed her killed. Mikhail was executed. Becoming the Grand Duke, Yuri took measures to further strengthen the Moscow principality. Yuri was killed by the son of Mikhail Dmitry.
Mikhail Tver
Mikhail Tver Great Tver Prince (1285-1318), Grand Duke Vladimirsky (1304-1318). Prior to the achievement of the Grand Distance of Vladimir Mikhail Yaroslavich stood at the head of the opposition to the Grand Prince Dmitry and Andrey Alexandrovicham; Against the latter, he entered into an alliance with Novgorod Great. After the death of Andrei Alexandrovich (1304g.) For seniority, the great reign was transferred to Mikhail Tver. However, his nephew Yuri Danilovich considered himself offended and decided to seek a label to the Grand Diction. The big dispute between Mikhail and Danilovichi began. Moscow and Tver for a long time became enemies. The position of Mikhail Yaroslavich was hampered by stretched or hostile relations with Metropolitan Peter, who was constrained by Mikhail Yaroslavich's personal intervention (Mikhail Yaroslavich was not held at Nizhny Novgorod 1311).
From 1312, Mikhail Yaroslavich had repaired relations with Novgorod; In 1314, Novgorod calls for himself the prince of Yuri, and despite the military good luck, Mikhail Yaroslavich brings the case to the fact that in 1316, a label on a great reign in the Horde is issued by Yuri. Mikhail Yaroslavich has to abandon his rights to Vladimir and go to the defense.
In 1318, Mikhail Yaroslavich won the United States and Novgorod forces by the United States and Novgorod, capturing Yuriev's wife, the Ordan Princess Konchak; It cost him the trips to the Orda to the court of Khan. In 1318, Mikhail was killed in Horde.
Ivan 1 Kalita.
Foreign policy
In relation to the Horde, the Moscow Prince led the traditional politician of the father and grandfather. In Horde, he met the earliest honors from Khan Uzbek, who had a sappy. Uzbek listened to the opinion of Ivan Danilovich, who was able to send events to their favor. In 1339, "In the Duma", Khan caused Russian princes in the Orda, and including Alexander Tver, soon he was subjected to the painful execution. Kalita knew the predatory gold-order orders well, carefully collected from the Russian lands "exit" and was ready to meet the Tatars monetary harassment in order to collect in their favor another additional request. But in vain to see in the Calita of some kind of zealous low plane before the Horde. The worst cash will still be easier than devastating Tatar raids. In any case, Moscow used at Kalita full and unprecedented before him: "... and the silence of Silent is large for 40 years, and with the reassure of fought Russian land and tempting Christians, and rest and persecute Christians from the Great of Estrase and many gravity and from violence Tatar ".
Ivan Danilovich considered himself not only by the Moscow but also the Grand Duke "All Russia. He strongly dictated his conditions to Novgorod and was not inclined to Mray Novgorod about the world. Having tagged, he ruined Novgorod lands for several winter months. Even the distant Pskov experienced the heavy hand of the Grand Duke, who had achieved temporary exile from him Alexander Mikhailovich Tverskaya. The ownership of the Moscow Prince became noticeably moved to the distant north. In 1337, Moscow Raint went to the North Dvina region owned by Novgorod. At that time, the Dvino region remained in the Novgorod possession, but Ivan Danilovich was already ordered on the Pechere and killed "... Sokcherski Sokchers who walk to the Pecher", various benefits.
Kalita laid the foundations of Moscow's power. He first began to unite Russian lands around her. After a long period of time, he was the first authoritative prince, whose influence spread to the entire Northeast Rus.
Semyon proud
Semen Proud Moscow Prince (1340-1353). All children died in infancy (Ivan and Semen, like Prince Semyon himself, died in 1353 from the plague).
Ivan II red
Ivan II Red Moscow Prince (1353-1359). Grand Duke Vladimir (1353-1359). Before death, Ivan II bequeathed the Great Table of Son Dmitry, who was only 9 years old. Khan Cullen gave the label Dmitry Konstantinovich Suzdal .
Dmitry Donskoy
Dmitry Donskoy Great Prince Moscow (1359-1389), Grand Duke Vladimir (1362-1389); He headed the armed struggle of the Russian people against Mongol-Tatars; led them to defeat in battle on r. Vow (1378). In the Kulikov battle of 1380 (Riphewa Don) showed an outstanding colonical talent, for which it was nosky. The reign of Dmitry Donskoy Moscow approved its leading position in Russian lands. Dmitry Donskoy first handed over the great reign of Vasily I without a sanction of the Golden Horde, which led to the exacerbation of the internecine struggle. With it in 1367, a white-stone Kremlin was built in Moscow.
Vasily I.
Vasily I Vasily I Dmitrievich - Great Prince of Moscow in 1389 - 1425. Senior son Dmitry Donskoy. During his rule, Nizhny Novgorod (1392) was joined to Moscow possessions; threatened the invasion of the Central Asian Conqueror of Timur (1395); Rus has undergone a ruler of the ruler of the Golden Horde of the Oce (1408).

Chapter 2: Domestic Policy
Internal policy of Daniel Moscow
Chronicles and other written sources retained the news of the political, military and diplomatic activities of the First Moscow Prince. For a number of his actions it can be seen that it was an independent and outstanding ruler, by the end of life, rendered significant power, which had an impact not only on the development of his own principality, but also on the development of between princely relations in all of Northeast Russia. The internal policy of the First Moscow Prince, its economic and urban activity, relations with the church are much less known. However, expanding archaeological studies in Moscow in Moscow show that in the second half of the XIII century. There is an intensive expansion of urban areas, ceramic production increases and improved. These are signs of a certain economic lift, which comes at the time of the reign of Prince Daniel. With his name, the first recorded by the chronicles outside the walls of the Moscow Kremlin is connected. We are talking about Danil Monastery. Although in the sources there are no direct date of its bookmark or end of construction, and in the literature are called completely different years and not agreeing with each other years, there is reason to believe that construction took place in 1298 - 1299, when the confrontation of Moscow and Vladimir and for Moscow Prince sharply decreased It is possible to engage in peaceful creative affairs.
Ivan 1 Kalita
Domestic politics
Ivan Danilovich (year birth is not known - died in 1340) - Moscow Prince with 1325, Moscow Grand Duke 1328 - 1340; Son of Moscow Prince Daniel Alexandrovich. By the time of the Board of Ivan 1 Kalitis, the expansion of the territory of the Moscow Principality and the strengthening of Moscow, which became the basis of the unification of the fragmented Russia to a single state with a single government, with a single leadership. Having cautious policies regarding the Golden Horde and using the Chanov as an instrument to fulfill their designs, Ivan1 Kalita was weakened by the Tver Principality, competing with Moscow. The modern shows that when Kalita was established, "Silence is large for 40 years, Tatar raids ceased. He dictated his conditions to Novgorod, Pskov, sent his dannikov to the Pechora, his influence was spread to the entire North-East Russia. Ivan Danilovich considered himself the Grand Duke "All Russia".
Internal policy of Ivana 1 Kalitis, contributing to the expansion of Moscow pasades and Slobod, led to the fact that Moscow at the time of his principality became a major craft center. Kalita has made the transfer of Russian Metropolitans from Vladimir to Moscow and strengthening the church and ideological influence of the Moscow Metropolitans who supported Moscow Princes.
The Kremlin under Ivan 1 Kalite was significantly expanded and applied to a solid oak wall (1339), the first stone churches were built in it, including the Assumption Cathedral, which made the tomb of Metropolitans, and the Arkhangelsk Cathedral,
where where Moscow princes were buried. Stone buildings, erected under Ivan 1 Kalitis, were not preserved before us, as they were replaced with new ones at Ivan 3. The richness of the Moscow Prince is emphasized by his nickname "Kalita", which means "cash bag".
According to the will of Ivan 1 Kalitis, the Moscow principality was divided between his sons Semyon, Ivan and Andrey; The heir to Kalita was his eldest son Semen proud.

"Silence is great" for Moscow.

The reign of Ivana 1 Kalitis was distinguished by one feature precious for Muscovites. "Great Prince Ivan Danilovich on the great reign of All Russia," the chronicler writes, "and there was now the Silence of the Great for 40 years, and the Tatars stopped fighting Russian land, and rested Christians from the Great Estractions and burden, from Nasil Tatar, and was Otola Silence Veliky throughout the Earth. "The recording was made after many years after the death of Kalita, the printed before that 15 years, at least a quarter of a century after his death. But we will listen to the review of the contemporary, written immediately after the death of Ivan Kalita and, perhaps, enthusiastic.
"Oh Sebo Knyazy Great Ivan, the Prophet Helloolet:" Recently, the truth of Lyuboye in the West in the West is restored; The court is not on MZDE, nor on dirty countries; With the Silence of Velia in the Russian Earth and will reach it in the days of his truth, "IKOO and to be in his foresight. Siya Bo Prince of Great Ivan, who had the right trial of a lot of measures ... Godless heaven with his power, many books written by his command, jealous of the Orthodox Cesar Greek Manuil, Lyuboy San San. Pisss and wrote in the "apusthenic" land, giving the first case of the Moscow Akanya in our written sources.
Sometimes the activity of Kalita seems to us in dark colors. It is considered the main inspirer of the defeat of the workers who defended the right and dignity of Russian people against Tatar rapists. However, the contemporaries assessed the activities of Kalita in their own way. They saw in him a direct successor of Alexander Nevsky's policy, who won an agreement with the Golden Horde for the sake of the Russian Earth, not yet ready for a decisive fight against the Tatars, which the Dmitry Donskoye, grandson of Kalita, will soon hold with him on Kulikovo. Contemporaries saw the ruin of Russian land, fires and destruction of Tver, tricks, kashin and other cities, countless prisoners hijacked by Tatar slavery. And then among the destroyed cities "Tochy and the Lord, the Lord Prince Ivan Danilovich and His Moscow and His Most His stepper." With it, Moscow was made by the city of the glorious "meekness", free from the continuous threat of Tatar invasions, and this should have been extremely promoted by the growth and wealth of the city. The predominance of Moscow over Tver, which Yuri sought this, was finally achieved with his younger brother.
Grand Due to a briefly held in the Tver Prince. Alexander Mikhailovich stood at the head of Tver, who were dealt with Tatars who were rapid in Tver. In the punishment of the Tatar army devastated Tver and forced Alexander to flee into Pskov. "The Great Savior Savior The Merositive Humidity of the Lord was pretty gracious of the blessing of the prince Velikago Ivan Danilovich and his hail of Moscow and his full hemp from the interemphedrine, Panic Tatars." The price of the ruin of Tver this time was saved Moscow. A favorable to the Moscow Prince, the chronicler silents that Tver was ruined with the help of Kalita, who went to the Horde and returned with the Big Tatar Reli. In 1328, Ivan Danilovich again went to the Horde again and returned with a label to the Grand Diction, who turned out in his hands, who miseled hard to keep the welcome received. Moscow firmly made the capital of Northeast Russia.
Moscow is made in the church center of all Russia.
Under Kalita, the Moscowstala, the spiritual center of the whole Russian land, the constant location of the Russian Metropolitans. It is difficult to overestimate the political importance of the transfer of the Metropolitan Department from Vladimir to Moscow. The old tradition tied for Russian people's ideas about the "reigning city" with the place where the sovereign and Metropolitan lived. Lush worship services on the occasion of supplies to the bishops when the highest hierarchs from other cities were going to the capital, constant intercourse with Constantinople and with the princely capitals in Russia, meetings and guilty of Metropolitans and Bishops, in one word, brilliant church ceremonies, to which there were medieval jams, Made in Moscow. It was possible not to recognize the claims of the Moscow Prince, but it was impossible to ignore the Metropolitan under the fear of rally.
Moscow received undeniable advantages to all other cities, and the Moscow hierarchy rose immeasurably above all the others. Metropolitan kept in his hands the right to supply bishops and trial over them and often used them, the power of spiritual power experienced even hierarchs of such major cities like Novgorod and Tver. Already in 1325, the Novgorod candidate Moses went to Moscow to Metropolitan Peter put on the Archbishopia and attended the burial of Yuri Danilovich, along with three other bishops. It is easy to imagine what big funds flocked in Moscow due to the arrival of prominent spiritual persons, because the church degree has accounted for not cheap.

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