We know that Troy was taken by Greek. Kazakhstan University "Syrdaria

What ended the Trojan War?

This chapter is only for those who remember the myth of the Trojan War well: from the abduction of Helena to the fall of the Troy. Greeks, this myth knew perfectly, because one of his episodes was made in the national poem of the Greek people - in the "Iliad" of the legendary Homer. And now you will learn how one of the Greeks with the most serious kind - to be more fun - I argued that "in fact" everything had to be otherwise: Elena was not abducted and the Troy was not taken. This Greek was called Dion Zlatoust. He lived in the times of the Roman Empire. He was a worshiper philosopher and a speaker: he drove down the Greek cities and speech on a wide variety of topics. He was smart man And, as we will see, not deprived of a sense of humor. He uttered this speech before the residents of Troy. Yes, Troy: A Greek town was built on the site of the legendary capital of the king of the Tsar Priama. He was small and embarrassing, but proudly wore his glorious name. So, the word is provided with a philosopher DIONE on nicknamed Zlatoust. "Friends My Trojans, a person is easy to deceive, difficult to learn, and even more difficult to move. Homer his story about the Trojan war deceived humanity for almost a thousand years. I will prove it with perfect persuasiveness; And yet I anticipate that you do not want to believe me. Sorry! When I do not want to believe Argos, it is clear: I take away the glory of victory over the Troy at their ancestors. But when I do not want to believe the Trojans, it's a shame: it should also be nice that I restore the honor of their ancestors of the winners. What to do! People of the Pant to Fame - even when she is bad. People do not want to be, but love to hear suffer. Maybe they will say that such great poet like Homer, could not be a deceiver? On the contrary! Homer was a blindfold-singer, he wandered around Greece, sang his songs on the feasts in front of Greek princes and was fed by their alignment. And, of course, everything that he sang, he broke so that it was more pleasant to his listeners. And then after all - notice! - He describes only one episode of war, from the anger of Achille to the death of the hector. Describe such nonsense as the abduction of Elena or the ruin of Troy, - even he did not have enough spirit. It was made by the later poets deceived. How was it really? Let's look at the story of the Trojan War: What is plausible in it, and what is not. We are told that the Spartan Prisoner Elena had a beautiful grooms; She chose Menel from them and became his wife; But several years have passed, Troyansky Tsarevich Paris arrived in Sparta, seduced her, kidnapped and drove into Troy; Menelai and the other former grooms Elena moved by a trip to Troy, and the war began. Is it plausible? Not! Is it really a stranger, the visits could so easily captivate the Greek Queen? Really husband. Father, the brothers so poorly watched Elena, what made it kidnap it? Does the Trojans seeing the Greek army from their walls, did not want to give Elena, but preferred a long and dedicated war? Suppose they bowed to this paris. But then, the Paris died, and the Trojans did not give out Elena - she became his brother Deifoba. No, most likely, everything was different. Indeed, Helena had many grooms. And one of these grooms was Paris. What was the soul from the Greek leaders woven to Elena? Shrock of the earth and the loud rank of king. And Paris was Tsarevich Troy, and Troy owned almost all Asia, and in Asia there were irreparable wealth. What is surprising that Elena's parents preferred to all Gray Grooms of the Trojan of Paris? Elena was issued for Paris, and he took her in Troy as a legitimate wife. The Greeks, of course, were unhappy: first, it was a shame, secondly, the rich dowry fell out of her hands, it was dangerous that a mighty triple begins to interfere in Greek. The offended grooms (of course, everyone was insulted for herself; for the insult of the alone, they would not move with her finger!) They moved the trip to Troy and demanded the issuance of Helena. The Trojans refused because they knew: the truth on their side and the gods would be for them. Then the war began. Now let's think: was the Greek army under Troy? Of course, no: Do \u200b\u200byou take a lot of people on the ships for the tried lands? It was, so to speak, a small landing squad, sufficient to rob the surrounding shores, but insufficient to take the city. And indeed: nine years are the Greeks under Troy, but we do not hear anything about any victories and exploits. Just that Ahill kills the Trojan boy, Tsarevich Troil, when he goes to the stream of water. Good feat - the mighty hero kills the boy! And isn't it seen from this story, how weak were in reality were the Greeks: even the boy, the royal son, without knowing the water for the city gate. But the tenth year of war comes - the "Iliad" of Homer begins. What is it starting? The best Greek hero Achilles will quarrel with the main Greek leader Agamemnon; Agamemenon convenes an army for a gathering, and it turns out that the army is so torn to quit the siege and go back to the way back. Well, it is quite believable: the quarrels of the heads and the ropot of soldiers are the most natural affair on the tenth year of an unsuccessful war. Then the Trojans occur, the Greeks crowded, throw them away to the camp itself, then to the youngest ships, - well, and it is plausible, even Homer could not distort the actual stroke of events here. True, he tries to distract the reader's attention to the description of Meal's fights with Paris, Ajax with Hector - fights, valiant ending. But this is a well-known admission: when the war is bad and the army in the war, it is always brief in the reports, they always write about the retreat, and it is very extensive - about some kind of one and such a deleted soldier. Now - most importantly. Listen carefully, My Trojans are friends: I will only list the facts, and you yourself judge what their interpretation is convincing. On the first day of the Trojan Natiska, Ahill does not participate in battle: he is still angry at Agamemnon. But on the second day, there is a mighty Greek hero in the armor of Achilla to meet the Trojans. He bravely fights, kills several Trojan warriors, and then converges with Hector and dies. As a sign of Victory, Hector takes off and takes his armor. Who was this warrior in the armor of Achilla? Every one is clear, it was the Achilles himself, it was his aid of his own, and he died from Hector's hand. But the Greeks hurt it was to admit it - and here Homer invents the most fantastic out of his fiction. He says: in the armor there was not Achille, but his friend Patrox; Hector killed Patrole, and Ahill the next day went to battle and revenged for a friend, killing hetero. But whoever believes, so that Achilles sent his best friend on faithful death? Whoever believes that Patrolers fell in battle when the mounds of all the heroes of the Trojan War still stand near Troy, and the Kurgan Patrole among them? Finally, whoever believes that hefesta himself came to Achille, new armor herself that Athena herself helped Achillu to kill Hector, and the rest of the gods were fought around each other - who for the Greeks, who for the Trojans? All these are children's fairy tales! So, Achilles died, struggling to Hector. After that, the Greek case went very badly. Meanwhile, all new and new reinforcements approaches the Trojans: then Memonic with Ethiopses, then Penfissile with Amazons. (And the allies, a well-known business, help only those who wins: if the Trojans had tolerated defeat, everyone would leave them long ago!) Finally, the Greeks asked the world. Agreed that in the redemption of an unfair war, they put on the shore of a wooden statue of a horse as a gift of Athena Pallada. So they did, and then the Greeks sailed home. As for the story that the best Greek heroes were sitting in a wooden horse and who saved the Greeks returned under the cover of the night, penetrated the Troy, seized her and ruined her, "all this is so implausible, which does not even need a refutation. The Greeks invented this so as not to be ashamed to return to their homeland. And how do you think when King Xerxes, broken by the Greeks, returned to himself to Persia, what did he declare him about his subject? He announced that he went on a horsepard tribe of the Greeks, broke their army during Fermopils, killed their king Leonid, ruined their capital city of Athens (and all this was the Holy True!), I put tribute to them and returns to the victory. That's all; Persians were very satisfied. Finally, let's see how the Greeks and Trojans followed after the war. The Greeks sail from Troy to Naschech, at a rapid course of the year, not all together, and apart: it happens after lesions and discord. And what was waiting for them in the homeland? Agamemenon was killed, Diomed - expelled, Odyssey grooms plundered all the property, "they do not meet the winners, but defeated. No wonder Melai by back path So much grabled in Egypt, and Odyssey - at all ends of the world: they were simply afraid to seem at home after the inglorious defeat. And Trojans? It takes quite a bit of time after the imaginary fall of the Troy - and we see that Trojan Eney with friends conquers Italy, Trojan Gelen - Epir, Trojan Antenor - Venice. The right, they are not at all like defeated, but rather the winners. And this is not a fiction: in all these places there are still costs, based on legend, Troyan heroes, and among these cities - founded by the descendants of Enai Great Rome. You do not believe me, friends are my Trojans? Homer's story seems more beautiful to you and more interesting? Well, I expected this: the fiction is always more beautiful than the truth. But think about how terrible war, like furiousness of the winners, imagine how nestopolis kills the elder of Priama and the baby Astianact, how to take off the Cassandra from the altar, as Tsarevna Polyken sacrifice on the grave of Achilla - and you yourself agree that wherever Better is the outcome of the war that I described, much better that the Greeks did not take Troy! "

Fantasia of the Greek people widely developed the cycle of the Trojan war. Their subsequent popularity was explained by the close relationship with the centuries-old hostility of Ellinov and Asians.

The Arone of the Trojan War is an area on the north-western coast of Malaya Asia, spreading plain to Gellespont (Dardanwell), then from the sea that rises the hills to the mountains to the mountain, the idea, irrigated by scanander, Simis and other rivers, is mentioned in the ancient myths about the gods. Her population of the Greeks was called Trojans, Dardanians, Tevkras. Mythical Son. Zeus , Dardan, founded on the slope of the mountain of Ida Darudania. His son, rich Erichtonius, owned extensive fields, countless stadiums and horses. After Erichton, the king of Dardansky was the cable, the ancestor of the Trojan, the younger son, the handsome Gamornad, was taken to Olympus to serve the king of the gods on the feasts, and the eldest son, Il (IlOS), founded Troy (Ilion). Another descendant Erichton, handsome of Anchiza, loved the goddess of Aphrodite, who boring his son, Eney, who, according to myths, after the Trojan war ran to the West, to Italy. The offspring of Enai was the only branch of the Trojansky royal family, surviving the Troy.

Excavations of ancient Troy

With the son of Slah, Lomedont, gods Poseidon And Apollo was built the fortress of Troy, Pergami. The son and successor of Lomedonta was the attachment, which was famous for wealth throughout the world. He had fifty sons, of which the brave Hector and Handsome Paris are especially famous. From among the fifty, nineteen sons of him were born by his wife heekube, the daughter of the Frigian king.

The cause of the Trojan War is the abduction of Elena Paris

The cause of the Trojan war was the abduction of Elena Paris, the wives of the Spartan king Mellaya . When Heekba was pregnant with Paris, she saw in a dream that she gave birth to a burning head and that all the three burned down from this head. Therefore, Paris after birth threw the idea in the forest on the mountain. He was found as a shepherd, grew by a strong and clever handsome, a skilled musician and a singer. He pass herd for an idea, and was her favorite her nymph. When three goddesses argued because apple partnership about that which of them is more beautiful, provided him with a decision, and each promised him award for the decision in her favor, he chose not victory and glory that promised him Athena , not dominion over Asia, promised Hero , and the love of the most beautiful of all women promised Aphrodite.

Court of Paris. Painting E. Simon, 1904

Paris was strong and brave, but the prevailing features of his character were sensuality and Asian style. Aphrodite soon sent his way to Sparta, whose king Meneli was married to beautiful Elena. The patroness of Paris Aphrodite opened the love of him in beautiful Elena. Paris took her At night, taking with me a lot of treasures Menel. It was a great crime against hospitality and marriage law. The lawlessness and his relatives who took it in three and Elena, brought the punishment of the gods. Gera, Avenger for violation of the marital loyalty, opened the heroes of Greece to memorize, starting the Trojan War. When Elena became an adult girl, and many young heroes gathered to match her, Elena's father, Tyndarey, took an oath with them that they would all defend the marital rights of the one who was elected. They had to now fulfill this promise. Others joined them for love for military adventure, or, if desired, take revenge on the insanity deposited by all Greece.

Elena abduction. Red-phigure attic amphora of the end of the VI. to R. Kh.

The beginning of the Trojan War. Greeks in Avlude

The death of Achilla

The poets of later time continued to talk about the Trojan War. Arkin Miletsky wrote the poem about the exploits performed by Achille after the victory over Hector. The most important of them was a fight with Memnon, the Light Son of distant Ethiopia; Therefore, the poem of Arctic was called "Ethiopida."

The Trojans, who fell by the Spirit after the death of Hector - told in "Ethiopide" - messed up with new hopes, when came from Thrace to help them Queen Amazon, Pentsecilei, with regiments of their warrior. Ahaeis were again driven into their own mill. But Achilles rushed into the battle and killed Pentselliu . When he took off his helmet with a poverty falling on Earth, he was deeply excited, seeing which beauty he killed. Trysitis vividly reproached him for it; Achille killed the offender with a fist.

Then from the distant East came with an army to help the Trojans, the king of Ethiopians, the son of Aurora, the most beautiful of men. Ahill shied away from the fight with him, knowing from the fetis, which soon after the death of Memnon will die and he himself. But Antocho, the son of Nestor, ahill friend, closing his father pursued by Memnon, died the sacrificent of his sons of love; The desire to take revenge for him was drowned in Achille care of myself. Fight between the sons of the goddesses, Achille and Memnon, was terrible; Themis and Aurora looked at him. Memnon fell, and a sorrowful mother, Aurora, with crying carried his body to his homeland. Eastern legend, she again and again irrigates a cute son with tears falling in the form of dew.

Eos carries the body of his son Memnon. Greek vase of the beginning of the V century to R. Kh.

Achilles violently chased behind the running Trojans to the Skier Gate of Troy and had already broken into them, but in this moment the boom, flew by Paris and directed by God by God by Apollo, killed him . She struck him in the heel, which was the only vulnerable place of his body (the mother of Achille, Fetida, made his son invulnerable, immersing him with a baby in the water of the underground Styx River, but the heel remained vulnerable, for which she kept him at the same time). The whole day, the Ahetis and the Trojans beat because to master the body and weapons of Achille. Finally, the Greeks managed to carry the body of the greatest hero of the Trojan war and his weapon. Ajax Telumonide, the mighty giant, carried the body, and Hedyssey was restrained by the onslaught of the Trojans.

Ajax makes out the body of Achilla from the battle. Attic vase, approx. 510 to R. Kh.

Seventeen days and nights Fetida with muses and nonbeades mourned her son with such touching songs of grief, that both the gods and people shed tears. For the eighteenth day, the Greeks lit a magnificent bonfire, on which the body was laid; The mother of Achille, Fetis, carried the body from the flame, and moved it to the island of Levka (Snake Island, lying in front of the mouths of the Danube). There, updated, he lives, eternally young, and having fun military games. According to other legends, Fetid has suffered a son to the underground kingdom or on the islands of blissful. There are leices that the fetis with their sisters gathered the bones of his son and put them in the Gold Urn in the dust of the Patrole under the artificial hills near Gellespont, which are still considered those who remained after the Trojan war, the Tombs of Achilla and Patrole.

Philoktte and neopochem

After the brilliant tomb games in honor of Achille, there was a decisive who is worthwhile to get his weapon: it should have been given to the Herbrom himself from the Greeks. This honor was presented by Ajax Telavonide and Odyssey. Captive Trojans were chosen by the judges. They decided in favor of Odyssey. Ajax found it unfair and was so annoyed that he wanted to kill Odyssey and Menel, whom he also considered his enemy. In the dark night, he secretly went from his tent to kill them. But Athena struck him with the permanent of reason. Ajax interrupted the herd of livestock, which was in troops, and shepherds of this cattle, imagining that he kills his enemies. When the recruitment passed, and Ajax saw how he was mistaken, they took such a shame that he rushed to his sword. All the army was saddened the death of Ajax which was stronger than all Greek heroes after Achille.

Meanwhile, the Trojan is a dozen, helen, who came to the Ahaeis, told them that he could not take him without arrows Hercules. The owner of these arrows was wounded PhyloTet. , abandoned by the Ahetans in Lemnos. He was brought from Lesbos to the Stan under Troy. The son of the god of healing, Asclepia, Mahaon cured the wound of Philoktte, and he killed Paris. Menelia put the body of his offender. The second condition necessary for the victory of the Greeks in the Trojan War was part in siege Neoplae (Pyrrh), Son Achille and one of the daughters of Licked. He lived with a mother, on a skyrosis. Odyssey brought neoplaem, he gave him his father's weapon, and he killed the wonderful face of the Miseie Hero of Euripil, who was the son of Geraklid phone and sister Priama, and was sent to help the Trojans of Mother. The aheitsy overcame now the Trojans on the battlefield. But Troy could not be taken, while she remained in her Acropolis, Pergamm, the shrine given to the former Trojan king Dardan Zeus - Palladium (Image of Athena Pallades). To view the location, Palladium, Odyssey went to the city, changing the backwards, and was not recognized in a three none, except Elena, who did not give it, because he wanted to return home. Then, Odyssey and Diomed sneak into the Trojan temple and kidnapped palladium.

Trojan horse

The hour of the final victory of the Greeks in the Trojan war was already close. On the legend known Homer and in detail told the later epic poets, the Master Epia with the help of the goddess Athena made a big wooden horse . The tapering of the Ahasey heroes: Diomed, Odyssey, Meneli, neopopolis and others hid in it. The Greek army burned his camp and sailed to Tendos, as if deciding to stop the Trojan War. The Troyans came out of the city with surprise looked at a huge wooden horse. Heroes, hidden in it, heard their meetings about how to deal with him. Elena walked around the horse, and the rank of Greek leaders loudly, imitating the voice of his wife. Some wanted to answer her, but Odyssey kept them. Some Trojans said that it is impossible to trust enemies, and we must drown a horse in the sea or burn. Persistent everyone said it priest Laocoon , Uncle Eney. But in the eyes of all the people from the sea, two big snakes crawled out of the sea, Laocoon and his two sons were wound and strangled them. The Trojans considered it the punishment of Laocoon from the gods and agreed with those that they said that it was necessary to put a horse in the Acropolis, to devote him to the gift of Pallada. Especially promoted the adoption of this decision, the traitor Synonym, whom the Greeks left here to deceive the Trojans with the assurance that the horse is designed to the Greeks for the reward for the abducted palladium, and that when it is put in Acropolis, the Troy will be invincible. The horse was so great that it could not be dragged into the gate; The Trojans made a break in the wall and ropes dragged the horse to the city. Thinking that the Trojan War was over, they began to happily silently.

Taking Troy Greeks

But at midnight, Synonym lit a fire - a signal of the Greeks waiting at the Tenedos. Those floated to three, and Synonynd the door made in D EOS carries the body with a mememonaranny horse. He came by the will of the gods hour of the death of Troy, the end of the Trojan war. The Greeks rushed on the carelessly pouring Trojans, cut, robbed and, divorid, lit the city . Priam searched for salvation from the satellite of Zeus, but the son of Achilla nesopolit killed him at the very altar. The son of Priama Dephob, who married Elena after the death of his brother Paris, courageously defended in his house against Odyssey and Menal, but was killed. Melani took to the ships to Elena, whose beauty disarmed his hand, raised to hit the grant. Hector's widow, the sufferer of Androma, was given to the Greeks neopopolis and found a slave destiny on her who predicted her husband in the last farewell. The son of her Astianax was, on the advice of Odyssey, dropped by neopolme from the wall. Jeweller Cassandra , the daughter of Priama, who was looking for salvation from the alternator, was divorced from him by the sacred hand of Ajax of the Small (Son Oiley), who overturned the firing goddess statue. Cassandra was given to the extraction of Agamemenon. Sister her Polyxena It was sacrificed over the coffin of Achilla, the shadow of which demanded it in the mining. Wife of the Trojan Tsar Priama Hube who survived the fall of the royal genus and the kingdom. She was brought to the Thracian coast and found out that she was killed and the son of Polydor, whom, with many treasures sent before the beginning of the war under guard to the Thracian king to the polimstar. ABOUT further fate Hepba after the Trojan War legend said differently; There was a legend that it was turned into a dog; In another legend, she was buried on the northern shore of Gellespont, where she showed her tomb.

Fate of Greek heroes after the Trojan War

Troy takes the adventures of Greek heroes: on the way back from the taken city They had to experience a lot of trouble. Gods and goddess, the altars of whom they desecrated violence, were subjected to their serious fate. At the very day of the destruction of Troy, in the assembly of heroes, dried wine, occurred, according to the "Odyssey" of Homer, is a big dressed. Meneli demanded to go home immediately, and Agamemnon wanted to soften the anger of Athena hecatombs (bringing several sacrifices, from a hundred oxen each). Some supported Menel, others - Agamemnon. The Greeks completely overviewed, and the next morning the army was divided. Meneli, Diomed, Nestor, nestopolia and some others sat on the ships. At the parking lot in Tenedos Odyssey, who sailed with these leaders, quarreled with them and returned to Agamemnon. Satellites, Menali went to Evbee. From there, the Diomed was favorably returned to Argos, Nestor to Pilos, they safely sailed to their cities in necopolis, Philoktt and Idomen. But Menelai was at the Rocky Male Cape, the storms will be covered and listed to the shore of Crete, the rocks of which almost all his ships crashed. He himself was carried by a storm in Egypt. Tsar Polyb welcoming him in the exciting Egyptian philas, gave him and Elena rich gifts. Meal's wanders after the Trojan war lasted eight years; He was in Cyprus, in Phenicia, seen the countries of Ethiopians and Libyans. Then the gods gave him a joyful return and a happy old age with eternally young Elena. According to the stories of the later poets, Elena was not at all in three. Stsisikhor said that Paris kidnapped only the ghost of Elena; By story Euripida (tragedy " Elena "), He took such an Elena woman created by the gods to deceive him, and the real Elena Hermes suffered to Egypt, to the king of the beat, who erased it to the end of the Trojan war. Herodotus Also believed that Elena was not in three. The Greeks thought that the Phoenician Aphrodite (Astarta) was Elena. They saw the temple of Astarta in the part of Memphis, where the Phoenicians-Tiryan lived; Probably from this and arose a legend about the life of Elena in Egypt.

Agamemnon on returning from the Trojan war was killed his wife, Cliudernone, and her lover, Egisf. A few years later, the children of Agamemnon, Orest and Electra , brutally dismissed Mother and Egisfa for the Father. These events served as the basis for a whole cycle of myths. Ajax Small on the way back from Troy was killed by Poseidon for the unheard of pride and the sacred insult of the altar when capturing Cassandra.

Most of all adventures and adversity when returning from the Trojan war has undergone Odysseus . His fate gave the topic and plot for the second Great


I. de aenēa. Antīqui poētae Romanōrum Tradunt Egregium Virum Trojānum, Aenēan 1 Nomĭne, Post Trojam A Graecis Captam Et Delētam a tripjae orā in Italiam Venisse. Narrant Eum Fatō Profŭgum Multum Terrā Marīque Jactātum Esse OB Iram Junōnis Deae Saevae. Nam Fato Destinātum Est Trojānos Cum Aenēa in Italiam Ventūros ESSE ET IBI AB EIS OPPĭDUM NOVUM CONDĭTUM IRI. Ităque Aenēas et amīci illīus in Italiam Veniunt. Inter Eos Et Latīnos, Antiquae Italiae Incŏlas, Bellum Ortum Est. Eo Bello Trojāni Latīnos Vincunt Et Lavinium Oppĭdum Novum AB EIS Condĭtur. Postea Jūlus Aenēae Filius Aliud Oppĭdum Albam Longam Condit.
Notes to the text:
nomĭne. - by the name; pOST TROJAM CAPTAM - after taking Troy; terrā Marīque. - on land and sea; Junōnis - Gen. Sing. from Jūno. - Juno; destinātum Est. - it was predetermined; bellum Ortum Est. - there was a war.
1 Greek names own female kind on and male on the -ēs. and -s. refer to I decline: sing.., N.. Aenēās; G..,D.. Aenēae; ACC.. Aenēān; ABL.,V.. Aenēā.
II. 1. EGO SUM ILLīUS MATER. 2. UBI NUNC EA FEMĭNA HABĭTAT? 3. Scio Illum Amīcum Ejus Esse. 4. Appāret ID ETIM CAECO. 5. HINC ILLAE LACRĭMAE. 6. Valde IPSAS Athēnas amo. 7. OB ISTA VERBA GRATIAS EI Magnas Ago. 8. PRO ISTO TUO OFFICIO GRATIAS AGRE VIX POSSUM. 9. IPSA SCIENTIA POTENTIA EST. 10. Naturā Tu Illi Pater ES, Consiliis Ego. ( Terentius.) 11. Femĭnae FormōSae Sunt Perumque Superbae Eo Ipso, Quod Pulchrae Sunt.
Notes to the text:
5. hinc. - from here; for this reason. 11. eO IPSO, QUOD... - precisely because...


1. Determine forms:
Dicit, Dictum Esse, Superāri, Captāre, Tradunt, Tradidisse, Ventūros Esse, Narrātur, Condĭtum Iri, Dici, Jactātum Esse, Condĭtur.
2. Consider:
AD Ill ... Amīcum, IST ... Natūrae (3 forms), Apud Ill ... Villas, Ips ... Agricolārum, EUM NAUT ..., Ejus Amic ...
3. Blank:
Illĕ naută bonŭs, ID Oppĭdum Antīquum.
4. The following sentences, depend on notum Est.:
5. The following Russian derivatives go to how Latin words:
Master, Antique, Doctrine, Appeal, Intervention.
6. Translate from Russian to Latin:
1. We know that the Greeks took Troy. 2. We know that Troy was taken by Greeks. 3. Cassandra, the daughter of Priama, predicts that the Troy will be taken with the Greeks. 4. Cassandra, daughter Priama, predicts that the Greeks will take Troy. 5. Jupiter informs the gods that Eney will arrive in Italy and that Latinians will be defeated by the Trojans.
I. de aenēa.

Antīqui poētae Romanōrum Tradunt Egregium Virum Trojānum, Aenēan 1 Nomĭne, Post Trojam A Graecis Captam Et Delētam a tripjae orā in Italiam Venisse. Narrant Eum Fatō Profŭgum Multum Terrā Marīque Jactātum Esse OB Iram Junōnis Deae Saevae. Nam Fato Destinātum Est Trojānos Cum Aenēa in Italiam Ventūros ESSE ET IBI AB EIS OPPĭDUM NOVUM CONDĭTUM IRI. Ităque Aenēas et amīci illīus in Italiam Veniunt. Inter Eos Et Latīnos, Antiquae Italiae Incŏlas, Bellum Ortum Est. Eo Bello Trojāni Latīnos Vincunt Et Lavinium Oppĭdum Novum AB EIS Condĭtur. Postea Jūlus Aenēae Filius Aliud Oppĭdum Albam Longam Condit.

Notes to the text:
nomĭne. - by name; pOST TROJAM CAPTAM - after take Troy; terrā Marīque. - on the souche and on the sea; Junōnis - Gen. Sing. from Jūno. - Juno; destinātum Est. - it was predefined; bellum Ortum Est. - originated war.
1 Greek names own female kind on and male clause on -ēs. and -s. refer to I decline: sing.., N.. Aenēās; G..,D.. Aenēae; ACC.. Aenēān; ABL.,V.. Aenēā.


1. EGO SUM ILLīUS MATER. 2. UBI NUNC EA FEMĭNA HABĭTAT? 3. Scio Illum Amīcum Ejus Esse. 4. Appāret ID ETIM CAECO. 5. HINC ILLAE LACRĭMAE. 6. Valde IPSAS Athēnas amo. 7. OB ISTA VERBA GRATIAS EI Magnas Ago. 8. PRO ISTO TUO OFFICIO GRATIAS AGRE VIX POSSUM. 9. IPSA SCIENTIA POTENTIA EST. 10. Naturā Tu Illi Pater ES, Consiliis Ego. ( Terentius.) 11. Femĭnae FormōSae Sunt Perumque Superbae Eo Ipso, Quod Pulchrae Sunt.

Notes to the text:
5. hinc. - from here; for this reason. 11. eO IPSO, QUOD... - precisely because...


1. Determine forms:

dicit, Dictum Esse, Superāri, Captāre, Tradunt, Tradidisse, Ventūros Esse, Narrātur, Condĭtum Iri, Dici, Jactātum Esse, Condĭtur.

2. Consider:

aD Ill ... Amīcum, IST ... Natūrae (3 forms), Apud Ill ... Villas, Ips ... Agricolārum, EUM NAUT ..., Ejus Amic ...

3. Blank:

illĕ naută bonŭs, ID Oppĭdum Antīquum.

4. The following sentences, depend on notum Est.:


5. The following Russian derivatives go to how Latin words:

master, Antique, Doctrine, Appeal, Intervention.

6. Translate from Russian to Latin:

1. We know that the Greeks took Troy. 2. We know that Troy was taken by Greeks. 3. Cassandra, the daughter of Priama, predicts that the Troy will be taken with the Greeks. 4. Cassandra, daughter Priama, predicts that the Greeks will take Troy. 5. Jupiter informs the gods that Eney will arrive in Italy and that Latinians will be defeated by the Trojans.

Classes 1. 0 .

SUD III SKL; III accord. SKL ; Perf. Ind. PASS; Qui, Quae, Quo; ABL Separationis; Dat. Duplex

Nouns III decline

To the III decline include the names of the nouns of all three clans with the basics for consonant sounds. g., from, d., t., b., p., r., l., n., m., s. And on a vow ĭ .
NOM. Sing. Nouns III decline is formed or by end -s. (sigmatic nominative ") or without any end (asigmatic nominative) - in last case It is the basis in pure form or phonetically somewhat modified. Therefore, the form NOM. Sing. Nouns III III looks very diverse: Miles, Victor, Custos, Tempus, Ratio, Verĭtas, Anser, Nomen, URBS, Orbis, Mare, Anĭmal, Longitūdo, Homo, Lex, etc.
The graduation of Gen is the practical sign of the III decline. Sing. -ĭS..
Since in the III decline, as in other decons, in the form of Nominativus Sing. You can not always determine the basis of the noun, you must remember the two forms - Nominativus and Genitivus Sing.
In the form of Gen. Sing. You can determine practical basis noun, throwing the end -ĭS., eg:

All other casedes are formed from this basis.

1. Sigmatic nominatvent Forms names with the basics:

2. Asigmatic nominatvent Forms names with the basics:

NOM. Sing.

Gen. Sing.

a) on the nasal:


(cm. reduction)

b) on smooth:



c) on -S.


mOR-IS (see rotatsism)

d) on (cf. genus):



The nature historical basis In the III decline, three types of declination differ. Names with the basis for the consonant sound constitute agreement decline, names with the basis for vowel type. As a result of mixing the consonants and bases on Formed mixed type Declination.

III consonant declination

According to the consonant type III of declination, the names of the nouns of all three clans are changing with the basis for one consonant sound:

victor, ōris M. winner
vox, Vocis F. vote
nomen, Mĭnis N. name








N. V.



































Nouns word formation III decline

Many nouns of III decline are formed from the verb bases (supin, infect). The most productive are the following types of formation of exclusive nouns:

1. From the base supina With suffix - (t) or, - (s) or Nouns are formed with the value acting person - Nomĭna Agentis:

This is a very productive type of Latin word formation, as well as new languages, including Russian (Wed. innovator, innovator). In new languages, this suffix forms names not only acting persons, but also acting items ( tractor, loudspeaker, excavator, television etc.).

2. No less productive, another type of names formed also from the base of Supin with a suffix - (T) IO (N), - (S) IO (N). This type presents the nouns of the female genus with the meaning actions or state - Nomĭna Actiōnis:

The basis of Supin

LEGO, LEGI, Lectum 3 to read


lect-Io, Iōnis F. reading

narro, Narrāvi, Narratum 1 narrate


narrat-Io, Iōnis F. story, narration

video, Vidi, Visum 2 see


vis-Io, Iōnis F. vision

Nouns of this type in many are learned by new languages. In the Western European languages, these words entered the form of the basis.

In Russian, such words entered in the form of nouns of female clause with the end - (c) ia: demonstration, the revolution, nation, lecture, inspection etc.

3. From the basis of the infections (truncated) with a suffix -OR. noun male genus with meaning state:

timeo, UI, -, Timēre 2 be afraid

tIM-OR, ōRIS M Fear

clamo, āvi, Atum, Clamāre 1 shout

cLAM-OR, ōRIS M. creek

4. From the base qualitative adjectives With suffix - (i) Tat- Abstract female names are formed with meaning quality - Nomĭna Qualitātis (in Nom. Sing. They end on -tas.):

liber, ĕra, ĕrum free

lIBER-TAS, Tātis F. freedom

verus, Vera, Verum true

ver-ĭtas, Itātis F. true

With the same meaning properties or quality Form from high-quality adjective names of the female sort with suffix - (i) Tudin- (in Nom. Sing. They end up on -tudo):

Perfectum Indicatīvi passīvi.
(Past the time of the expressive inclination of the suffering collateral)

Participium Perfecti Passīvi (see lesson 4.) with the forms of verb esse. in present forms analytical forms Refectum Indicatīvi passīvi:

Communion is consistent with the following suggestions:

Liber Lectus Est.

The book is read.

Libri Lecti Sunt.

Reading books.

Epistola scripta est.

The letter is written.

Epistolae Scriptae Sunt.

Letters are written.

CRSP 10.

Questionally relative pronoun qui, quae, quod

Pronoun qUI, Quae, Quod what that Performs in the meaning of the question and relative pronouction.





















qUōRUM *
























1. Gen. and dat. Sing. of this pronoun are formed from the basis cu- (with loss of labialization) with the help of endings -ius. (Gen. Sing.), -I. (Dat. Sing.) (See lesson 7.).
2. Form ASC. Sing. male quem. and dat.-abl. PL. quibus. Have the end of the III decline.
3. NOM. and ACC. PL. neuter quae. by general rule (cm. lesson 4., Note 7) coincide, but have an end --E. (I - an ancient index particle).

Ablatīvus separatiōnis

When verb and adjectives with meaning removal, departments, liberation etc. put ablativepointing to the face, a thing or item from which removal, separation, liberation, etc. Such an ablative is called ablatīvus separatiōnis (ablative branch). Ablatīvus separatiōnis is used without preposition or with pretexts a (AB), DE, E (EX): rEGNO Privatus. - devoid of royal power.
If Ablatīvus separatiōnis denotes an animated name, then it is usually a preposition a (AB) or dE..
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