Alexey Tolstoy - Prince Mikhailo Repnin: verse. BUT

Prince Mikhailo Repnin

Without rest singing with a friendly removal
Ivan Vasilich Grozny near Matushka-Moscow.

Buckets golden tables shines a number,
Grounding for them. Okrichniki are sitting.

Wines on the royal carpets
Sing him from midnight Lykhiye Huslari,

"Long live tiunas, my crypts!
Well, you beat the louder in the strings, the Bayana-nightinga!

Lichina, friends, let everyone choose,
I first open a cheerful dance,

For me, my tiunas, my ghosts!
Well, you bare in the strings, Butyana-nightinga! "

And all put the cups. Did not raise only one;
One did not raise the Cup, Mikhailo Prince Repnin.

"Oh king! I forgot God, your san you, king, forgot!
Official on the mountain throne surrounded!

Scroll down the word of the children of the demonskie rails!
Do you, the lord, here in Mashkar dance! "

But the king, frowser eyebrows: "In the mind you know, we have weakened
Or is Hmelen not in moderation? Silent, plump slave!

Do not mind any word and Mashkaru putten -
Or I swear that you lived your last day! "

Here I got up and raised the Cup Repinn, truthful prince:
"Okrichnina can be gropped! - He rivers, crossing .-

Long live our Orthodox Tsar!
Yes, the rules of man, as the rules of them insert!

Yes, it will descend, like treason, shamelessly aiming voice!
Lichny g no put on my last hour! "

He piled up with her legs with a larva;
From his hands on the land linking Cup fell ...

"Umci, daring!" - the king cried out, infiring,
And fell, pierced, repinn, truthful prince.

And the cups come back, the buckets sound again,
During long tables, the crypts are noisy,

"Killed, killed in vain I am a faithful servant,
You can not eat the fun now! "

Prase the guilt on the royal carpets,
Sing the king in vain dirty guzzlyers,

Fucking the battle, the affairs of past times,
And the capture of Kazan and Astrakhan captivity.


The source of the poem is the story of the death of Repnin in the "History of John the Terrible" KN. A. M. Kurbsky: John "Drinking began with scomerboats in Maskarya Daesati, and the visiting having pouring with him; Shadov's shaving, he [repinn], the husband is deliberate and noble, began plastic and verbati to him: "It's also not enough, about the king of Christian, such creatori." He began to nudity him, verbly: "I got fun and play with us," and, taking Maskar, put on his face; He is a rejection of Yu and sweating ... The king was fry, drove him from the eyes of his own, and on the number of days later, on the day a week, on the all-night occasion, it is standing in the church ... commanded the soldiers inhuman and pushing him, the top of the Oltra standing, Aki The lamb of God is unhappy. " Meanwhile, in the poem, the Grozny personally kills repfon, and immediately on the feast, and not a few days in the church. Tolstoy made these changes for considerations of a purely artistic order: in the "Prince of Silver" (ch. 6), an episode with repnete is told in accordance with historical data. The ending is the repentance of Grozny - also belongs to Tolstoy.

In the poetic mini-poem, Alexei Tolstoy Events develop in the course of a noisy feast, which Ivan the Terrible and His ochermen fell. The author, as it were, smiles over his main characters: While the poor people are starving and stirred in poverty, the rulers are having fun, and not deal with. The table breaks away from the dishes, the dishes sparkles with gold, the wine is spilled by rivers without edges. Drunk scramblers spoil spilled drinks carpets and royal chambers. But all this does not care for Ivan the Terrible.

Sovereign fun, he decides to arrange such a masquerade in order. It requires a mask to sue and becomes a pagan in it, which is absolutely unacceptable on the feast of Christians. Toasts are heard, the king orders more loud music. Musicians are submorted on strings and keys.

Meanwhile, among this ragged there is one person - Prince Mikhailo Repnin, who dared to form the king and his walk. Neither the prince does not hide and directly declares the pirus that Ivan Grozny aggregately pushed the Christian faith from himself. And Ochrichnikov and at all described as children demons.

Ivan the Terrible did not believe his ears and began to clarify who this brave one. And if he was not drunk, did not touch the mind, allowing such audacity. The king was inconspicuously angry, threatened with the death of the prince. "Stringing slave, put on the mask or die!" - requires the king. And the prince rises to the whole growth, autokes himself with a cross and says speech, cursing oprichnin.

He says good words to the king, but the king of the former - when Ivan Grozny was fair and generous. The prince appeals to the king and urges to understand that lestings and bandits gathered around him. And then the brakes of the legs rejected the mask, symbolizing the sneaky deception. Ivan the Terrible can not bear these actions, he beats in blind hatred and kills the prince's rod.

Cups are again filled with wine. But the death of Repnina is not aimless. Alexey Tolstoy at the end of the poetic work shows that Ivan Grozny thinks about his life, he seemed to open his eyes on the crystals and an oprichnin. Songs and PIRs can not drown out the insight of Ivan the Terrible. Funny no longer.

the main idea

A little poem shows how important it is not to adapt to anyone, not to change yourself ... But also to understand how much the price can be paid for all-possible rulers - teaches too. Yes, Prince Mikhail Refnina will be erected into heroes - but only posthumously.

You can use this text for reader's diary

Tolstoy Alexey Konstantinovich. All works

Prince Mikhailo Repinn. Picture to the story

Now read

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In the work of Alexei Tolstoy, a feast is shown, on which Ivan Grozny himself and his ghosts.

From the very beginning, the poet uses light irony, they say, they feat without rest. Do not fight, do not engage in state affairs, but celebrate. Take the capture of Astrakhan, Kazan ... old business.

Showing a table rich in the table, golden dishes, carpets, wine river. By the way, it is pouring on the carpets, that is, the oprichniki do not shuffle royal property.

But the king is not very fun, he is trying to welcome - orders to submit a "larva" - a mask for the game. Masks are associated with paganism. And the rampant feast is not embedded in the canons of Christianity.

Ivan Grozny pronounces toast to the glory of chicks, calls on the musicians louder to play.

And there is only one righteous person here is a truthful prince. Mikhailo refuses to put on the larva, he does not raise the cup ... And he is solved by the king to express everything. Umbrelchk says that the king forgot the faith of Christian, his san. He fairly calls the "demonic children."

Of course, the king frowned, asked, they say, whether his servant was not drunk, did not go crazy. He orders the "plump slave" to wear a mask, threatens him with death. However, Mikhailo gets desperately, baptizes and wishes an oprichnin to kill.

Further, he glorifies the king, but of how Ivan was - Orthodox, just ... Calls to open eyes on flattering gangsters. And at the end of his speech, he trampled a hated mask - a symbol of flattery and deception. Ivan the Terrible fell into rage, shouted on a bold servant and hit him with a rod. Repnin fell dead.

And immediately, the Cups are ringing again, the day continues ... And yet the victim of Repnina was not in vain - Ivan the Terrible was ashamed. And the king thought about the ghosts, about his lifestyle ... Now exactly the king is not having fun, but no longer tries to forget. They sing in vain, pour wine. The king is clear.

This teaches the poem, on the one hand, do not go for everyone - do not wear a "larva", but to believe that a person can awaken (from deception and flattering), but on the other hand, it teaches some restraint to not be understood as powerful and amphibious People, they will be regretted by the "hero", but they will be awarded only posthumously.

Picture or drawing Prince Mikhailo Repnin

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A. K. Tolstoy: Biography Pages. Ballads "Vasily Shibanov", "Prince Mikhail Renin"
Of xIX literature century

Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy was born on September 5, 1817 in St. Petersburg. His father came from the old and famous kind of thick (Lion Tolstoy on this line accounts for Alexey forer brother). According to Mother, he is the great-grandfather Kirill of the Razumovsky, the last hetman of Ukraine, the president Russian Academy science

After the birth of the Son, the spouses were separated, the mother took him to Malorossy to her brother A. A. Perovsky, known in the literature under the name of Anthony Pogorelsky. Here, in the estates, the sorry and red horn passed the childhood of Tolstoy. Uncle was engaged in the upbringing of the future poet, he encouraged his artistic inclinations in every way and, especially for him, I composed a famous fairy tale "Black chicken, or underground residents."

About his childhood, Alexey Konstantinovich remembered so : "My childhood was very happy and left only bright memories in me. The only son who did not have any comrades for the games and endowed with a very live imagination, I was very early accustomed to dreaminess, soon turning into a pronounced tendency to poetry. From the sixth year old, I began to paint paper and write poems. "

Perovsky regularly traveled with a nephew abroad, acquaint him with famous peopleOnce even introduced him to Goethe. The famous German poet presented the boy the wreck of Mammoth, decorated with his own drawing.

Fig. 1. A. K. Tolstoy ()



"Vasily Shibanov"

"Prince Mikhail Renin"





Stylization under folklore

Outdated vocabulary:

Smirny clothes - mourning.

Owl - approximate.

Az, izh - I, who.

Lyakh - Lil.

Breakny master - executioner.

Folk composition:

Repeats Strof (Refrenov):

"King, his word is all one:

He is famous for a Little Mr! "

Outdated vocabulary:

Tyunas are faithful servants.

Mashkara, Lychina - Mask.

Rivers - said.

Folk composition:

Repeats Strof (Refrenov):


What gave you for a snot!

And they are distributed, and the day boils again,

But the ringing of the buckets and the king cups does not merge:

Not forever my cooled blood;

I go to the old road!

At the lesson you can get acquainted with the biography of A. K. Tolstoy, learn about his hobby. Comparative analysis Ballades A. Tolstoy "Vasily Shibayev" and "Prince Mikhail Repinn" will help identify their basic idea and problematics, as well as understand the author's concept in the image of the Epoch of Ivan Grozny. Special attention is paid to the lesson art features ballad.

Until his death, Uncle remained the main adviser in the literary experiments of the pupil. He also showed the works of the young man Zhukovsky and Pushkin, which was held in a friendly relationship - and there
certificates that they were approved.

Fig. 2. Alexander II with sister Maria ()

Also, thanks to the uncle, another child, Alexei Tolstoy was represented by the heir to the throne, the future emperor Alexander II and was among the children who came to Cesarevich on Sundays for games.

Subsequently, the warmest relationships continued between them. Friendship with the future emperor will help Tolstoy to make a dizzying court career from Chamber-Juncker to the court ceremonium.

For the first time Alexei Tolstoy enters the literary world at 24, when the light saw him fantastic story "Ghoul". Imitating uncle, the writer is published under the pseudonym Krasnorogsky (from the name of the estate of Red Rog).

In the same period, Alexey Konstantinovich to history is noted. In the future, the historic ballad has become one of the main genres of his poetic creativity.

Ballad- Laro-epic work, that is, the story set out in a poetic form, historical, mythical or heroic nature. The plot of ballads is usually borrowed from folklore.

The ballad genre was unusually popular in the era of romanticism and meets in the work of many representatives of the literature І half of the XIX century (Goethe, Zhukovsky, Pushkin).

Appeal to the genre of ballads is associated with finding an unusual plot, which is very important in romanticism, and, of course, with the interest of the author to history.

In its historical ballads, Alexei Tolstoy often refers to the era of Ivan Grozny.

Fig. 3. Ivan Grozny. Hood V. M. Vasnetsov ()

The figure of this king is definitely colorful and popular. It was not by chance that the people devoted many historical songs to him.

How does the terme live orthodox king:

Orthodox Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich:

He is Grozen, Batyushka, and merciful,

He loves the truth, he hangs at a lie.

The years have come for evil on the Moscow people,

As was the Orthodox king of Grozny Premamego.

He for the truth for the wrong execution of the execution of Lunta.

The image of King Ivan Grozny is central in the work of M. Yu. Lermontov "Song of the merchant Kalashnikov". Just like Lermontov, Alexei Tolstoy is trying to give its ballads folklore stylization, thereby bringing the reader as much as possible to the epoch.

Comparative analysis Ballades A. K. Tolstoy

It should be noted that, using historical data, the poet introduces a part of the artistic fiction in the plot. Tolstoy believed that the writer and the poet had full right to this.


"Vasily Shibanov"

"Prince Mikhail Renin"

What funds artistic expressiveness Helive to recreate the events of the past?

Epitts: slave loyalty, dashing villain, bold messenger, dog treason.

Metaphors: "Feather his presence breathes"; "Message, full poison"; "Calls to the entire Ochrichni Thai darkness."

Epitts: Funny chicks, demonic children, showing word, plump slave, truthful prince.

Metaphors: "From the evening there are faults on the royal carpets", "Russe the Holding Word of the Kids of the Besysky Raint"

Stylization under folklore

Outdated vocabulary:

Officer - Okrichnina. Thus called a part of the state, with a special control, allocated for the content of the royal court and oprichnikov.

Smirny clothes - mourning.

Owl - approximate.

Az, izh - I, who.

Lyakh - Lil.

Breakny master - executioner.

Folk composition:

Repeats Strof (Refrenov):

"King, his word is all one:

He is famous for a Little Mr! "

Outdated vocabulary:

Kravychy - ordered the supply of dishes and drinks to the royal table.

Tyunas are faithful servants.

Mashkara, Lychina - Mask.

Rivers - said.

Folk composition:staines, main part, ending.

Repeats Strof (Refrenov):

"Fucking the battle, the affairs of past times,

And the capture of Kazan, and Astrakhan captivity. "

Output.Ballads are combined stylistically and thematically. In the images of Vasily Shibanov and Prince Repnina, the author embodied the idea of \u200b\u200bjust a folk wrath, outraged the bloody policy of Ivan Grozny. Both hero dying, but do not change their life principles.

The image of the king in the ballads is contradictory. In the ballad "Vasily Shibanov", the king highly appreciated the loyalty and bravery of the servant, but the sentence of His cruel:

Messenger, you are not a slave, but comrade and friend

And a lot, know, faithful from the Kurban servants,

What gave you for a snot!

Stay with little in the shy! "

In the ballad "Prince Mikhailo Repnin" in anger, the king kills a recalcitrant boyar, and then bitterly repents in the deed:

And they are distributed, and the day boils again,

But the ringing of the buckets and the king cups does not merge:

"Killed, killed in vain I am a faithful servant,

To eat the fun now I can't Bole! "

Comfortable, controversial image of the king of Ivan the Terrible Red Thread will be held through all the creativity of A.K. Tolstoy. In 1863 the author will write a historic novel about this era of "Prince Silver". Then the historical trilogy will appear - the tragedy "Death of John Grozny" (1866), "Tsar Fedor John" (1868), "Tsar Boris" (1870). main topic All three works are the tragedy of power.

A. Tolstoy himself with the authorities were special relationships. We have already noted the friendship of the writer with the future emperor and his rapid career growth. However, this not only did not please the writer, and over the years it began to be treated. It will resign and from 1861 receives long-awaited freedom. It is now that he is experiencing a creative ascent, writes a lot, published:

Environment of the world lies, the medium of the world to me someone else's

Not forever my cooled blood;

It's time, and you resurrected again,

My former anger and old love!

The fog scattered and, thank God,

I go to the old road!

  1. Didactic materials on literature grade 7. Author - Korovina V.Ya. - 2008
  2. Homework on literature for grade 7 (cow). Author - Tishchenko O.A. - year 2012
  3. Literature lessons in grade 7. Author - Kuteyankova N.E. - year 2009
  4. Literature textbook Grade 7. Part 1. Author - Korovina V.Ya. - year 2012
  5. ).
  6. Worldwide story in faces. Ivan groznyj ().
  1. Compare the image of Ivan the Terrible, created by A. Thick with the way from the work of Lermontov "Song of the merchant Kalashnikov".
  2. What is the attitude of the author to the heroes ballad?
  3. What is the meaning of the historical ballads A. K. Tolstoy?
Without a rest, Ivan Vasilich Grozny under Mother Mostushka-Moscow. The buckets of golden tables shines a row, rampant for them. Symbols are sitting. From the evening there are guilt on the royal carpets, sing him from midnight, dashing gueslaries, sing the fun of Brahi, the affairs of the past times, and the capture of Kazan, and Astrakhan captivity. But the voice of the previous glory of the king is not happy, it is a touch of the larva: "Long live Tyuna, my ghosts! Well, you beat the louder in the strings, the Bayana-nightinga! Himself with a larva, others, let everyone choose, I open the cheerful dance. For me, my tiunas, my ghosts! Well, you bare in the strings, Butyana-nightinga! " And all put the cups. Did not raise only one; One did not raise the Cup, Mikhailo Prince Repnin. "Oh king! I forgot God, your san you, king, forgot the scarlet on the mountain the throne surrounded! Scroll down the word of the children of the demonskie rails! Do you, the lord, here in Mashkar dance! " But the king, fucking eyebrows: "In the mind of you, to know, weaken, or Hamlen is not in moderation? Silent, plump slave! Do not mind any word and Maskaru put on - or swear, that you lived your last day! " Here I got up and raised the Cup Repinn, truthful prince: "Okrichnina will be cut! - He rivers, crossing. - Long live our Orthodox Tsar! Yes, the rules of man, as the rules of them insert! Yes, it will descend, like treason, shamelessly aiming voice! Lichny g no put on my last hour! " He piled up with her legs with a larva; From his hands to Earth, the linking cup fell ... "Umci, daring!" "The king cried out, fascinating, and fell, pierced, repinn, truthful prince. And the cups come back, the buckets sound again, behind the long tables the scrambles were noisy, and the laughter is heard, and the day boils again, but the ringing of the buckets and the Cups of the king is not happy: "I killed, I killed in vain I am faithful, to eat fun now I can't ! " Wines are poured into the royal carpets in vain, they sing the king in vain dashing gueslaries, sing the fun of Brahi, the affairs of the past times, and the capture of Kazan, and Astrakhan captivity. 1840s

please tell me the brief content of Mikhail Reninn. Urgently!!


I think that you yourself can read these small works. Prince Mikhailo Repnin without rest singing with a friend of removal Ivan Vasilich Grozny near Matushka-Moscow. The buckets of golden tables shines a row, rampant for them. Symbols are sitting. From the evening there are guilt on the royal carpets, sing him from midnight, dashing gueslaries, sing the fun of Brahi, the affairs of the past times, and the capture of Kazan, and Astrakhan captivity. But the voice of the previous glory of the king is not happy, it is a touch of the larva: "Long live Tyuna, my ghosts! Well, you beat the louder in the strings, the Bayana-nightinga! Himself with a larva, others, let everyone choose, I open the cheerful dance. For me, my tiunas, my ghosts! Well, you beat the louder in the strings, the Bayana-nightinga! "And everyone lifted cups. Did not raise only one; One did not raise the Cup, Mikhailo Prince Repnin. "Oh king! I forgot God, your san you, king, forgot the scarlet on the mountain the throne surrounded! Scroll down the word of the children of the demonskie rails! Do you, the lord, here in Mashkar dance! "But the king, frowner eyebrows:" In the mind of you, to know, weaken, or is Hamlen not in moderation? Silent, plump slave! Do not mind any word and Maskaru put on - or swear, that you lived your last day! "Here I got up and raised the Cup repinn, truthful prince:" Okrichnina will be kingny! - He rivers, cross. - Long live our Orthodox Tsar forever! Yes, the rules of man, as the rules of them insert! Yes, it will descend, like treason, shamelessly aiming voice! Lichny, I do not put on my last hour! "He dismissed the larger with his legs; From his hands on the land linking Cup fell .. "Umci, daring! "- the king cried out, fascinating, and fell, pierced, repinn, truthful prince. And the cups come back, the buckets sound again, behind the long tables the scrambles were noisy, and the laughter is heard, and the day boils again, but the ringing of the buckets and the Cups of the king is not happy: "I killed, I killed in vain I am faithful, to eat fun now I can't ! "Wines are pouring in vain on the royal carpets, they sing the king in vain dying guzzlyers, sing the fun of Brahi, the affairs of the past times, and the capture of Kazan, and Astrakhan captivity. 1840s.

      Without rest singing with a friendly removal
      Ivan Vasilich Grozny near Matushka-Moscow.

      Buckets golden tables shines a number,
      Grounding for them. Okrichniki are sitting.

      From the evening 1 pour guilt on royal carpets,
      Sing him from midnight Lykhiye Huslari,

      "Long live Tiuna 4, my ghosts!
      Well, you beat the louder in the strings, the Bayana-nightinga!

      Lichina, friends, let everyone choose,
      I first open a cheerful dance,

      For me, my tiunas, my ghosts!
      Well, you bare in the strings, Butyana-nightinga! "

      And all put the cups. Did not raise only one;
      One did not raise the Cup, Mikhailo Prince Repnin.

      "Oh king! I forgot God, your san you, king, forgot!
      Official on the mountain throne surrounded!

      Scroll down the word of the children of the demonskie rails!
      Do you, the lord, here in Mashkar 5 dance! "

      But the king, frowser eyebrows: "In the mind you know, we have weakened
      Or is Hmelen not in moderation? Silent, plump slave!

      Do not mind any word and Mashkaru putten -
      Or I swear that you lived your last day! "

      Here I got up and raised the Cup Repinn, truthful prince:
      "Oprichnina can shrink! - He rivers, cross. -

      Long live our Orthodox Tsar!
      Yes, the rules of man, as the rules of them insert!

      Yes, it will descend, like treason, shamelessly aiming voice!
      Lichny g no put on my last hour! "

      He piled up with her legs with a larva;
      From his hands on the land linking Cup fell ...

      "Umci, daring!" - the king cried out, having angry,
      And fell, pierced, repinn, truthful prince.

      And the cups come back, the buckets sound again,
      During long tables, the crypts are noisy,

      And they are distributed, and the day boils again,
      But the ringing of the buckets and the king cups does not merge:

      "Killed, killed in vain I am a faithful servant,
      You can not eat the fun now! "

      Prase the guilt on the royal carpets,
      Sing the king in vain dirty guzzlyers,

      Fucking the battle, the affairs of past times,
      And the capture of Kazan and Astrakhan captivity.

1 From the evening - with an evening church prayer.
2 Lesakh - Mask.
3 Kravychy - Boyarin, who ends a tsarist table, food, wines and drinks, as well as a table manager; Court Chin XV-XVIII centuries.
4 Tyunas - the name of officials; Here: Faithful servants.
5 Maskara (Lychina) - Mask.

Prince Mikhailo Repnin

Without rest singing with a friendly removal
Ivan Vasilich Grozny near Matushka-Moscow.

Buckets golden tables shines a number,
Grounding for them. Okrichniki are sitting.

Wines on the royal carpets
Sing him from midnight Lykhiye Huslari,

"Long live tiunas, my crypts!
Well, you beat the louder in the strings, the Bayana-nightinga!

Lichina, friends, let everyone choose,
I first open a cheerful dance,

For me, my tiunas, my ghosts!
Well, you bare in the strings, Butyana-nightinga! "

And all put the cups. Did not raise only one;
One did not raise the Cup, Mikhailo Prince Repnin.

"Oh king! I forgot God, your san you, king, forgot!
Official on the mountain throne surrounded!

Scroll down the word of the children of the demonskie rails!
Do you, the lord, here in Mashkar dance! "

But the king, frowser eyebrows: "In the mind you know, we have weakened
Or is Hmelen not in moderation? Silent, plump slave!

Do not mind any word and Mashkaru putten -
Or I swear that you lived your last day! "

Here I got up and raised the Cup Repinn, truthful prince:
"Okrichnina can be gropped! - He rivers, crossing .-

Long live our Orthodox Tsar!
Yes, the rules of man, as the rules of them insert!

Yes, it will descend, like treason, shamelessly aiming voice!
Lichny g no put on my last hour! "

He piled up with her legs with a larva;
From his hands on the land linking Cup fell ...

"Umci, daring!" - the king cried out, infiring,
And fell, pierced, repinn, truthful prince.

And the cups come back, the buckets sound again,
During long tables, the crypts are noisy,

And they are distributed, and the day boils again,
But the ringing of the buckets and the king cups does not merge:

"Killed, killed in vain I am a faithful servant,
You can not eat the fun now! "

Prase the guilt on the royal carpets,
Sing the king in vain dirty guzzlyers,

Fucking the battle, the affairs of past times,
And the capture of Kazan and Astrakhan captivity.


The source of the poem is the story of the death of Repnin in the "History of John the Terrible" KN. A. M. Kurbsky: John "Drinking began with scomerboats in Maskarya Daesati, and the visiting having pouring with him; Shadov's shaving, he [repinn], the husband is deliberate and noble, began plastic and verbati to him: "It's also not enough, about the king of Christian, such creatori." He began to nudity him, verbly: "I got fun and play with us," and, taking Maskar, put on his face; He is a rejection of Yu and sweating ... The king was fry, drove him from the eyes of his own, and on the number of days later, on the day a week, on the all-night occasion, it is standing in the church ... commanded the soldiers inhuman and pushing him, the top of the Oltra standing, Aki The lamb of God is unhappy. " Meanwhile, in the poem, the Grozny personally kills repfon, and immediately on the feast, and not a few days in the church. Tolstoy made these changes for considerations of a purely artistic order: in the "Prince of Silver" (ch. 6), an episode with repnete is told in accordance with historical data. The ending is the repentance of Grozny - also belongs to Tolstoy.

In the poetic mini-poem, Alexei Tolstoy Events develop in the course of a noisy feast, which Ivan the Terrible and His ochermen fell. The author, as it were, smiles over his main characters: While the poor people are starving and stirred in poverty, the rulers are having fun, and not deal with. The table breaks away from the dishes, the dishes sparkles with gold, the wine is spilled by rivers without edges. Drunk scramblers spoil spilled drinks carpets and royal chambers. But all this does not care for Ivan the Terrible.

Sovereign fun, he decides to arrange such a masquerade in order. It requires a mask to sue and becomes a pagan in it, which is absolutely unacceptable on the feast of Christians. Toasts are heard, the king orders more loud music. Musicians are submorted on strings and keys.

Meanwhile, among this ragged there is one person - Prince Mikhailo Repnin, who dared to form the king and his walk. Neither the prince does not hide and directly declares the pirus that Ivan Grozny aggregately pushed the Christian faith from himself. And Ochrichnikov and at all described as children demons.

Ivan the Terrible did not believe his ears and began to clarify who this brave one. And if he was not drunk, did not touch the mind, allowing such audacity. The king was inconspicuously angry, threatened with the death of the prince. "Stringing slave, put on the mask or die!" - requires the king. And the prince rises to the whole growth, autokes himself with a cross and says speech, cursing oprichnin.

He says good words to the king, but the king of the former - when Ivan Grozny was fair and generous. The prince appeals to the king and urges to understand that lestings and bandits gathered around him. And then the brakes of the legs rejected the mask, symbolizing the sneaky deception. Ivan the Terrible can not bear these actions, he beats in blind hatred and kills the prince's rod.

Cups are again filled with wine. But the death of Repnina is not aimless. Alexey Tolstoy at the end of the poetic work shows that Ivan Grozny thinks about his life, he seemed to open his eyes on the crystals and an oprichnin. Songs and PIRs can not drown out the insight of Ivan the Terrible. Funny no longer.

the main idea

A little poem shows how important it is not to adapt to anyone, not to change yourself ... But also to understand how much the price can be paid for all-possible rulers - teaches too. Yes, Prince Mikhail Refnina will be erected into heroes - but only posthumously.

You can use this text for the reader's diary.

Tolstoy Alexey Konstantinovich. All works

Prince Mikhailo Repinn. Picture to the story

Now read

The story of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov tells the reader about the life of Master Andrei Kovrina. In connection with the disease, he comes to the village to the girlfriend Thane Pesozkaya.

Snor, twenty-year-old young man, passionately in love with a charming girl Carmen. She replies to him. Carmen loves another person - Ennikov. He confesses to her love, but receives a decisive refusal

Sebastian Brand is an excellent cartoonist who could be ahead of the title of the best if not some individuals. His works are almost always directed to the conclusion of the problem of society before this very society

It is very difficult to briefly tell about the work of the great writer, but nothing remains when the need to convey the whole creative way and give the topic the relevance

An expert on the definition of symbols Robert Langdon, professor of culture woke up after severe head injury. The latter that he remembers, as he was at Harvard University. According to the window, Professor realized that he was in Florence

In the work of Alexei Tolstoy, a feast is shown, on which Ivan Grozny himself and his ghosts.

From the very beginning, the poet uses light irony, they say, they feat without rest. Do not fight, do not engage in state affairs, but celebrate. Take the capture of Astrakhan, Kazan ... old business.

Showing a table rich in the table, golden dishes, carpets, wine river. By the way, it is pouring on the carpets, that is, the oprichniki do not shuffle royal property.

But the king is not very fun, he is trying to welcome - orders to submit a "larva" - a mask for the game. Masks are associated with paganism. And the rampant feast is not embedded in the canons of Christianity.

Ivan Grozny pronounces toast to the glory of chicks, calls on the musicians louder to play.

And there is only one righteous person here is a truthful prince. Mikhailo refuses to put on the larva, he does not raise the cup ... And he is solved by the king to express everything. Umbrelchk says that the king forgot the faith of Christian, his san. He fairly calls the "demonic children."

Of course, the king frowned, asked, they say, whether his servant was not drunk, did not go crazy. He orders the "plump slave" to wear a mask, threatens him with death. However, Mikhailo gets desperately, baptizes and wishes an oprichnin to kill.

Further, he glorifies the king, but of how Ivan was - Orthodox, just ... Calls to open eyes on flattering gangsters. And at the end of his speech, he trampled a hated mask - a symbol of flattery and deception. Ivan the Terrible fell into rage, shouted on a bold servant and hit him with a rod. Repnin fell dead.

And immediately, the Cups are ringing again, the day continues ... And yet the victim of Repnina was not in vain - Ivan the Terrible was ashamed. And the king thought about the ghosts, about his lifestyle ... Now exactly the king is not having fun, but no longer tries to forget. They sing in vain, pour wine. The king is clear.

This teaches the poem, on the one hand, do not go for everyone - do not wear a "larva", but to believe that a person can awaken (from deception and flattering), but on the other hand, it teaches some restraint to not be understood as powerful and amphibious People, they will be regretted by the "hero", but they will be awarded only posthumously.

Picture or drawing Prince Mikhailo Repnin

Other retells for the reader diary

  • Summary Revel Tournament Bestuzhev-Marlinsky

    The story of Alexander Alexandrovich Bestuzheva-Marlinsky narrates about the Revetsky tournament. It was in the times of the knights. Glorious, fearless and honest warriors.

  • Summary Dog on the Seine Lope de Vega

    This is a comedy about a young widowed woman Diana, which fights with his insane love for the secretary to theodore. The obstacle to their relationship is the fact that they cannot be together due to the lack of title and origin in Theodore



"Vasily Shibanov"

"Prince Mikhail Renin"





Stylization under folklore

Outdated vocabulary:

Smirny clothes - mourning.

Owl - approximate.

Az, izh - I, who.

Lyakh - Lil.

Breakny master - executioner.

Folk composition:

Repeats Strof (Refrenov):

"King, his word is all one:

He is famous for a Little Mr! "

Outdated vocabulary:

Tyunas are faithful servants.

Mashkara, Lychina - Mask.

Rivers - said.

Folk composition:

Repeats Strof (Refrenov):


What gave you for a snot!

Not forever my cooled blood;

I go to the old road!

please tell me the brief content of Mikhail Reninn. Urgently!!


I think that you yourself can read these small works. Prince Mikhailo Repnin without rest singing with a friend of removal Ivan Vasilich Grozny near Matushka-Moscow. The buckets of golden tables shines a row, rampant for them. Symbols are sitting. From the evening there are guilt on the royal carpets, sing him from midnight, dashing gueslaries, sing the fun of Brahi, the affairs of the past times, and the capture of Kazan, and Astrakhan captivity. But the voice of the previous glory of the king is not happy, it is a touch of the larva: "Long live Tyuna, my ghosts! Well, you beat the louder in the strings, the Bayana-nightinga! Himself with a larva, others, let everyone choose, I open the cheerful dance. For me, my tiunas, my ghosts! Well, you beat the louder in the strings, the Bayana-nightinga! "And everyone lifted cups. Did not raise only one; One did not raise the Cup, Mikhailo Prince Repnin. "Oh king! I forgot God, your san you, king, forgot the scarlet on the mountain the throne surrounded! Scroll down the word of the children of the demonskie rails! Do you, the lord, here in Mashkar dance! "But the king, frowner eyebrows:" In the mind of you, to know, weaken, or is Hamlen not in moderation? Silent, plump slave! Do not mind any word and Maskaru put on - or swear, that you lived your last day! "Here I got up and raised the Cup repinn, truthful prince:" Okrichnina will be kingny! - He rivers, cross. - Long live our Orthodox Tsar forever! Yes, the rules of man, as the rules of them insert! Yes, it will descend, like treason, shamelessly aiming voice! Lichny, I do not put on my last hour! "He dismissed the larger with his legs; From his hands on the land linking Cup fell .. "Umci, daring! "- the king cried out, fascinating, and fell, pierced, repinn, truthful prince. And the cups come back, the buckets sound again, behind the long tables the scrambles were noisy, and the laughter is heard, and the day boils again, but the ringing of the buckets and the Cups of the king is not happy: "I killed, I killed in vain I am faithful, to eat fun now I can't ! "Wines are pouring in vain on the royal carpets, they sing the king in vain dying guzzlyers, sing the fun of Brahi, the affairs of the past times, and the capture of Kazan, and Astrakhan captivity. 1840s.

The question is urgently. Brief content A. K. Tolstoy Mikhailo Repnin Pliz Give a link or. Write I Naughty the author in the internet Evangelinka The best answer is Tsar Ivan Grozny is singing with ghosts, recalling the past victories in Kazan and Astrakhan. The wine is poured by the river, playing the guzzlyers. The king decides to arrange a masquerade and tell everyone to wear a larva, that is, masks. Prince Mikhailo Repnoun does not like this fun, he does not accept and does not respect the Okrichnin and Ochrichnikov and refuses to put on the larva, for which Grozny kills him. The fun continues, but the king is not up to him, because he understands that he killed the faithful and devoted servant.
Indeed, evangelient, here to read something 5 minutes from power.)
Mikhail Reninn.
Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy.
Without rest singing with a friendly removal
Ivan Vasilich Grozny near Matushka-Moscow.
Buckets golden tables shines a number,
Grounding for them. Okrichniki are sitting.
Wines on the royal carpets
Sing him from midnight Lykhiye Huslari,

But the voice of the previous glory of the king is not fun
To submit a larva, he analyze:
"Long live tiunas, my crypts!
Well, you beat the louder in the strings, the Bayana-nightinga!
Lichina, friends, let everyone choose,
I first open a cheerful dance.
For me, my tiunas, my ghosts!
Well, you bare in the strings, Butyana-nightinga! "
And all put the cups. Did not raise only one;
One did not raise the Cup, Mikhailo Prince Repnin.
"Oh king! I forgot God, your san you, king, forgot
Official on the mountain throne surrounded!
Scroll down the word of the children of the demonskie rails!
Do you, the lord, here in Mashkar dance! "
But the king, frowser eyebrows: "In the mind you know, we have weakened,
Or is Hmelen not in moderation? Silent, plump slave!
Do not mind any word and Mashkaru putten -
Or I swear that you lived your last day! "
Here I got up and raised the Cup Repinn, truthful prince:
"Okrichnina can be gropped! - He rivers, crossing .-
Long live our Orthodox Tsar forever!
Yes, the rules of man, as the rules of them insert!
Yes, it will descend, like treason, shamelessly aiming voice!
Lichny g no put on my last hour! "
He piled up with her legs with a larva;
From his hands on the land linking Cup fell ...
"Umci, daring!" - the king cried out, having angry,
And fell, pierced, repinn, truthful prince.
And the cups come back, the buckets sound again,
During long tables, the crypts are noisy,
And they are distributed, and the day boils again,
But the ringing of the buckets and the king cups does not merge:
"Killed, killed in vain I am a faithful servant,
You can not eat the fun now! "
Prase the guilt on the royal carpets,
Sing the king in vain dirty guzzlyers,
Fucking the battle, the affairs of past times,
And the capture of Kazan and Astrakhan captivity.
nina Baslanova.
Higher intelligence
Not for what.) And you try. Stand in front of the mirror and with the expression, as if you enter the Faculty of Actor and before you, the Commission from the famous and beloved actors. Not only read, play, but also the dictionary overflow to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words.)

Answer from Neuropathologist[guru]
What brief content?! In the poem 46 lines.

Answer from Welfare[guru]
The source of the poem is the story of the death of Repnin in the "History of John the Terrible" KN. A. M. Kurbsky: John "Reaching Beginning with Skomorochi in Maskarya Daesati, .. Wisdoms silence, he [repinn], the husband is deliberate and noble, started poster and verbati to him:" It's also not enough, about the king of Christian, such creatority ". He began to nudity him, verbly: "I got fun and play with us," and, taking Maskar, put on his face; He is a rejection of Yu and sweating ... The king was fry, drove him from the eyes of his own, and on the number of days later, on the day a week, on the all-night occasion, it is standing in the church ... commanded the soldiers inhuman and pushing him, the top of the Oltra standing, Aki The lamb of God is unhappy. " Meanwhile, in the poem, the Grozny personally kills repfon, and immediately on the feast, and not a few days in the church. Tolstoy made these changes for considerations of a purely artistic order: in the "Prince of Silver" (ch. 6), an episode with repnete is told in accordance with historical data. The ending is the repentance of Grozny - also belongs to Tolstoy.

In the work of Alexei Tolstoy, a feast is shown, on which Ivan Grozny himself and his ghosts.

From the very beginning, the poet uses light irony, they say, they feat without rest. Do not fight, do not engage in state affairs, but celebrate. Take the capture of Astrakhan, Kazan ... old business.

Showing a table rich in the table, golden dishes, carpets, wine river. By the way, it is pouring on the carpets, that is, the oprichniki do not shuffle royal property.

But the king is not very fun, he is trying to welcome - orders to submit a "larva" - a mask for the game. Masks are associated with paganism. And the rampant feast is not embedded in the canons of Christianity.

Ivan Grozny pronounces toast to the glory of chicks, calls on the musicians louder to play.

And there is only one righteous person here is a truthful prince. Mikhailo refuses to put on the larva, he does not raise the cup ... And he is solved by the king to express everything. Umbrelchk says that the king forgot the faith of Christian, his san. He fairly calls the "demonic children."

Of course, the king frowned, asked, they say, whether his servant was not drunk, did not go crazy. He orders the "plump slave" to wear a mask, threatens him with death. However, Mikhailo gets desperately, baptizes and wishes an oprichnin to kill.

Further, he glorifies the king, but of how Ivan was - Orthodox, just ... Calls to open eyes on flattering gangsters. And at the end of his speech, he trampled a hated mask - a symbol of flattery and deception. Ivan the Terrible fell into rage, shouted on a bold servant and hit him with a rod. Repnin fell dead.

And immediately, the Cups are ringing again, the day continues ... And yet the victim of Repnina was not in vain - Ivan the Terrible was ashamed. And the king thought about the ghosts, about his lifestyle ... Now exactly the king is not having fun, but no longer tries to forget. They sing in vain, pour wine. The king is clear.

This teaches the poem, on the one hand, do not go for everyone - do not wear a "larva", but to believe that a person can awaken (from deception and flattering), but on the other hand, it teaches some restraint to not be understood as powerful and amphibious People, they will be regretted by the "hero", but they will be awarded only posthumously.

Picture or drawing Prince Mikhailo Repnin

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A. K. Tolstoy: Biography Pages. Ballads "Vasily Shibanov", "Prince Mikhail Renin"
From the literature of the XIX century

At the lesson you can get acquainted with the biography of A. K. Tolstoy, learn about his hobby. A comparative analysis of ballads A. Tolstoy "Vasily Shibayev" and "Prince Mikhail Renin" will help determine their basic idea and problematics, as well as understand the author's concept in the image of the Epoch of Ivan Grozny. Special attention in the lesson is given to the artistic features of ballad.

Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy was born on September 5, 1817 in St. Petersburg. His father came from the old and famous kind of thick (Lion Tolstoy on this line accounts for Alexey forer brother). According to Mother, he is the great-grandfather of Kirill of the Razumovsky, the last hetman of Ukraine, the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

After the birth of the Son, the spouses were separated, the mother took him to Malorossy to her brother A. A. Perovsky, known in the literature under the name of Anthony Pogorelsky. Here, in the estates, the sorry and red horn passed the childhood of Tolstoy. Uncle was engaged in the upbringing of the future poet, he encouraged his artistic inclinations in every way and, especially for him, I composed a famous fairy tale "Black chicken, or underground residents."

About his childhood, Alexey Konstantinovich remembered so : "My childhood was very happy and left only bright memories in me. The only son who did not have any comrades for the games and endowed with a very live imagination, I was very early accustomed to dreaminess, soon turning into a pronounced tendency to poetry. From the sixth year old, I began to paint paper and write poems. "

Perovsky regularly traveled with a nephew abroad, acquaintance with his famous people, once even introduced him to Goethe. The famous German poet presented the boy the wreck of Mammoth, decorated with his own drawing.

Fig. 1. A. K. Tolstoy ()

Until his death, Uncle remained the main adviser in the literary experiments of the pupil. He also showed the works of the young man Zhukovsky and Pushkin, which was held in a friendly relationship - and there
certificates that they were approved.

Fig. 2. Alexander II with sister Maria ()

Also, thanks to the uncle, another child, Alexei Tolstoy was represented by the heir to the throne, the future emperor Alexander II and was among the children who came to Cesarevich on Sundays for games.

Subsequently, the warmest relationships continued between them. Friendship with the future emperor will help Tolstoy to make a dizzying court career from Chamber-Juncker to the court ceremonium.

For the first time Alexei Tolstoy enters the literary world at 24, when the light saw his fantastic story "Ghoul". Imitating uncle, the writer is published under the pseudonym Krasnorogsky (from the name of the estate of Red Rog).

In the same period, Alexey Konstantinovich to history is noted. In the future, the historic ballad has become one of the main genres of his poetic creativity.

Ballad- Laro-epic work, that is, the story set out in a poetic form, historical, mythical or heroic nature. The plot of ballads is usually borrowed from folklore.

The ballad genre was unusually popular in the era of romanticism and meets in the work of many representatives of the literature І half of the XIX century (Goethe, Zhukovsky, Pushkin).

Appeal to the genre of ballads is associated with finding an unusual plot, which is very important in romanticism, and, of course, with the interest of the author to history.

In its historical ballads, Alexei Tolstoy often refers to the era of Ivan Grozny.

Fig. 3. Ivan Grozny. Hood V. M. Vasnetsov ()

The figure of this king is definitely colorful and popular. It was not by chance that the people devoted many historical songs to him.

As the Orthodox king lives in Terema:

Orthodox Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich:

He is Grozen, Batyushka, and merciful,

He loves the truth, he hangs at a lie.

The years have come for evil on the Moscow people,

As was the Orthodox king of Grozny Premamego.

He for the truth for the wrong execution of the execution of Lunta.

The image of King Ivan Grozny is central in the work of M. Yu. Lermontov "Song of the merchant Kalashnikov". Just like Lermontov, Alexei Tolstoy is trying to give its ballads folklore stylization, thereby bringing the reader as much as possible to the epoch.

Comparative analysis Ballades A. K. Tolstoy

It should be noted that, using historical data, the poet introduces a part of the artistic fiction in the plot. Tolstoy believed that the writer and the poet had full right to this.


"Vasily Shibanov"

"Prince Mikhail Renin"

What are the means of artistic expressiveness help to recreate the events of the past?

Epitts: slave loyalty, dashing villain, bold messenger, dog treason.

Metaphors: "Feather his presence breathes"; "Message, full poison"; "Calls to the entire Ochrichni Thai darkness."

Epitts: Funny chicks, demonic children, showing word, plump slave, truthful prince.

Metaphors: "From the evening there are faults on the royal carpets", "Russe the Holding Word of the Kids of the Besysky Raint"

Stylization under folklore

Outdated vocabulary:

Officer - Okrichnina. Thus called a part of the state, with a special control, allocated for the content of the royal court and oprichnikov.

Smirny clothes - mourning.

Owl - approximate.

Az, izh - I, who.

Lyakh - Lil.

Breakny master - executioner.

Folk composition:

Repeats Strof (Refrenov):

"King, his word is all one:

He is famous for a Little Mr! "

Outdated vocabulary:

Kravychy - ordered the supply of dishes and drinks to the royal table.

Tyunas are faithful servants.

Mashkara, Lychina - Mask.

Rivers - said.

Folk composition:staines, main part, ending.

Repeats Strof (Refrenov):

"Fucking the battle, the affairs of past times,

And the capture of Kazan, and Astrakhan captivity. "

Output.Ballads are combined stylistically and thematically. In the images of Vasily Shibanov and Prince Repnina, the author embodied the idea of \u200b\u200bjust a folk wrath, outraged the bloody policy of Ivan Grozny. Both hero dying, but do not change their life principles.

The image of the king in the ballads is contradictory. In the ballad "Vasily Shibanov", the king highly appreciated the loyalty and bravery of the servant, but the sentence of His cruel:

Messenger, you are not a slave, but comrade and friend

And a lot, know, faithful from the Kurban servants,

What gave you for a snot!

Stay with little in the shy! "

In the ballad "Prince Mikhailo Repnin" in anger, the king kills a recalcitrant boyar, and then bitterly repents in the deed:

And they are distributed, and the day boils again,

But the ringing of the buckets and the king cups does not merge:

"Killed, killed in vain I am a faithful servant,

To eat the fun now I can't Bole! "

Comfortable, controversial image of the king of Ivan the Terrible Red Thread will be held through all the creativity of A.K. Tolstoy. In 1863 the author will write a historic novel about this era of "Prince Silver". Then the historical trilogy will appear - the tragedy "Death of John Grozny" (1866), "Tsar Fedor John" (1868), "Tsar Boris" (1870). The main theme of all three works is the tragedy of power.

A. Tolstoy himself with the authorities were special relationships. We have already noted the friendship of the writer with the future emperor and his rapid career growth. However, this not only did not please the writer, and over the years it began to be treated. It will resign and from 1861 receives long-awaited freedom. It is now that he is experiencing a creative ascent, writes a lot, published:

Environment of the world lies, the medium of the world to me someone else's

Not forever my cooled blood;

It's time, and you resurrected again,

My former anger and old love!

The fog scattered and, thank God,

I go to the old road!

  1. Didactic materials on literature grade 7. Author - Korovina V.Ya. - 2008
  2. Homework on literature for grade 7 (cow). Author - Tishchenko O.A. - year 2012
  3. Literature lessons in grade 7. Author - Kuteyankova N.E. - year 2009
  4. Literature textbook Grade 7. Part 1. Author - Korovina V.Ya. - year 2012
  5. ).
  6. Worldwide story in faces. Ivan groznyj ().
  1. Compare the image of Ivan the Terrible, created by A. Thick with the way from the work of Lermontov "Song of the merchant Kalashnikov".
  2. What is the attitude of the author to the heroes ballad?
  3. What is the meaning of the historical ballads A. K. Tolstoy?
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