A number of famous bridges located in different countries. Life on the bridge

The editorial office of the ARCHITECTURAL DIGEST architecture and design portal was a list of the most beautiful bridges in the world. And there are a lot of them, because architects love to design instead of a boring road on several backups something like. From Karlov Bridge in Prague to the Golden Gate in San Francisco - Chekay, where your foot has not yet stepped.

Bridge series Wavasan, Putrajaya, Malaysia

It was designed by a firm from Kuala Lumpur, and construction was completed in 2003.

Puente de la Muher Bridge, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Design structures developed famous architect Santiago Calatrava. The bridge was opened in 2001.

High Bridge, Amsterdam, Netherlands

The design of the construction was engaged in the architectural bureau from New York West 8. The works were fully completed in 2001.

Nescio, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Built in 2006, the bridge turned out to be so beautiful that the three major international awards won. Designed design designers from the London company Wilkinsoneyre. The length of the bridge is about 800 meters.

Rialto Bridge, Venice, Italy

Venetian Rialto was built by the 16th century. He is the oldest bridge standing above the Grand Channel.

Bridge Subisuri, Bilbao, Spain

Pedestrian Bridge Subisuri, as well as Puente de la Muher in Buenos Aires, was designed by the legendary architect Santiago Kalatrava. Opened the construction for the citizens in 1997.

Manhattan Bridge, New York, USA

The bridge connects the areas of Manhattan and Brooklyn. He was designed by the engineer Leon Moiseseff, and opened a construction in 1912. Until today, thousands of passengers auto and public transport, Cyclists and pedestrians.

Sheikh Zaid Bridge, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Designed the bridge the famous architects of Zha Hadid. Construction was completed in 2010, and a construction cost approximately $ 300 million.

Chain Bridge of Sechi, Budapest, Hungary

Developed by British engineer William Tarnni Clark, the chain bridge of the section was opened in 1849. He crosses the mighty river Danube.

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, USA

One of the most famous bridges In the world was built in 1937. He is obliged to architect Irwin Morrow with its recognizable outlines.

Tower Bridge, London, United Kingdom

Another celebrity in the area architectural structures - Tower Bridge - was opened in 1894. Thanks to him, cars and pedestrians and to this day can easily cross the River Thames.

Helix Bridge, Singapore

Helix, which was opened in 2010, all sparkles with lights and looks very futuristic. It connects the urban areas of Singapore Marina and Marina-South.

Bridge Zhuselin Kubichek, Brazilia, Brazil

The bridge was designed by architect Alexander Chen and Mario Villa Villa Engineer. When the construction was completed in 2002, its total cost was approximately $ 57 million.

Bridge Viaduct Miyo., Cresan, France

Viaduct Miyo is the highest bridge in the world. Its upper point rises by 340 meters above the base of the structure. Designed the design architect Sir Norman Foster and engineer Michel Virlog. And the bridge was opened in 2004.

Charles Bridge, Prague, Czech Republic

Charles Bridge, intersecting Vltava, built in the early 1400s. It is fully built of stone and decorated with tens of old statues on both sides.

Brooklyn Bridge, New York, USA

The bridge was discovered for the citizens in 1883, and at first New Yorks with distrust reacted to a huge building. Just a week after discovery in the city, rumors swept about the possibility of a sudden construct collapse. Because of this, the bridge occurred the crust and died twelve people. To assure the people in the strength of the bridge, the authorities spent 21 elephant from the circus on it. Today, 150 thousand cars and pedestrians are used daily.

Bridge Hadju, Isfahan, Iran

The design of about 130 meters long and 12 meters width accommodates as many as 23 arches. Beautiful and afternoon, and at night, the Hajji Bridge is a popular place to meet the townspeople.

Suspended bridges are built and supported by cables attached at both ends. Their design is quite simple and understandable, it uses several methods to distribute the weight safely and evenly. In addition to strength and ease, they are very beautiful, and some of them also won the title most often photographed in the world, for example, bridges in San Francisco and New York (Brooklynsky).

This is the highest, the longest and most expensive bridge in the world. Akasi Kaikyo connects Avazji Island with the city of Kobe in Japan. Before it was built, the ferries transported passengers through the strait. In 1955, an accident was happening, in which two ferries sank in the strait during a storm, 168 children died. This incident caused shock and indignation of the public, which promoted the Japanese government to develop a suspended bridge plan to cross the strait. Today, he can withstand the earthquake by force of up to 8.5 points on the Richter scale, wind speed 286 kilometers per hour can still withstand powerful seaside flows. The length of the cables used in its structure is 300,000 km, which is quite enough to guess the Earth 7.5 times.

2. Clifton (United Kingdom)

Clifton Bridge is a beautiful landmark that covers southwestern England, not far from the mouth of the Avon River in Bristol. Works on this bridge were started in 1836, but were interrupted several times due to lack of funds. After the death of the previous engineer, construction was completed by William Barlow and the bridge itself was dedicated to the former engineer in 1864. The initial project included the decorative Egyptian sphinxes whose heads were to be carved on towers that were never completed due to lack of funds, and were removed later engineer. The bridge is supported and managed by the Commission formed in 1952 under the Parliament of the Law. It is considered one of the largest in the world, as well as it is a sign symbol for people living in Bristol.

3. Big Lest (Denmark)

Consists of two bridges and tunnels. It binds the main Danish Islands of Funen and Zealand, which are separated by the Strait of Big Lest. It has an oriental bridge for road transport, oriental underwater tunnel for railway transport and Western Most For road and rail transport. It is 6790 meters long, the bridge has its own service center. Previously, the intersection of the Strait of Big Lady on the ferry took at least an hour. Today, thanks to the bridge of the Big Belit, it can be crossed in less than ten minutes. It was opened for railway transport in 1997 and road In 1998.

4. Humber (United Kingdom)

Located near Kingston-Apon Hall (England), is the sixth largest suspension bridge in the world. Before the construction of Akasi-Kayke (Japan), he was considered the longest in the world. It covers the mouth of the river Humbber, which forms rivers Up and Trent, and also connects the Northern Lincolnshire and Eastern Yorkshire. The bridge was solemnly opened by Queen Elizabeth II on July 17, 1981. Before the construction of the Hamber River was an obstacle to trading and development along the Eastern Coast. Ferry transportation was closed with the opening of this bridge in 1981.

5. Bridge Verrazano through the Strait (USA)

He got its name in honor of the Italian navigator, Giovanni de Verrazano, who was the first European, sailing in the Harbor of New York, in 1524. It connects Brooklyn and Staten Island and covers the New York Harbor from Bay Ridge to Wedsworth Fort on the Eastern Staten Island. Verrazano is closed for pedestrian walks, but is open to the public only on the day of the marathon 48 years ago.

6. Qing Ma (Hong Kong)

Qing Ma has an impressive appearance and stands on two platforms. It connects the islands of Qing and Ma Wang. Its main mission is a quick message between Hong Kong and the airport located on Lantau Island. The length of the cables used in the construction of the bridge is 160,000 km, which is quite enough to surround the world four times.

7. Tower (London, United Kingdom)

Perhaps the most recognizable bridge in the world. He is also a business card of Great Britain.

8. Golden Gate (San Francisco, USA)

Construction was completed in 1937 and at that time it was the longest suspension bridge in the world. His length was 2.72 kilometers.

This bridge has the highest clearance in the world - 49m, with a total length of 1.149 kilometers.

10. Brooklyn Bridge ( NY, USA)

Built in 1883. Total length of 1825 meters.

Suspended bridges are mega-structures built to help the intersection of water bodies and valleys. Sophisticated engineering facilities and a thorough architecture that go to their construction deserve the highest marks.

1. Golden Gate Bridge: San Francisco, USA

Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, perhaps the most recognizable bridge in the world. Today he was already 75 years old.
While some people industrial design does not inspire at all, the suspension bridge in San Francisco fits remarkably in the local landscapes, in the category of the famous bridges of the world he was right. Perhaps so he has long become a business card of this city.

2. SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE (Sydney Bridge) :,

The nickname "hanger" Local residents of Sydney gave this bridge due to a special design, which is based on the form of the arch. Sydney Harbor Bridge is open in 1932 and is the coordination center of Pride and the Celebration of Australians.
Sit down the bridge is ideal for novice climbers.
Every year on New Year's Eve itself is used to add fireworks with various effects, such as smiling faces or disco balls.

The medieval bridge over the Arno River, Ponte Vecchio is basically known for its jewelry stores, an art dealership network and souvenir shops, and the fact that this is the oldest a stone bridge Europe, which has closed enameled segmental arches.
At the same time, the Ponte Vecchio Bridge is great and has a rich history that goes out during the Romans.
During World War II, the bridge was not destroyed by the Nazis due to the express of Adolf Hitler's express, in contrast to many other bridges in Europe.

4. Brooklyn Bridge: New York, USA

Completed in 1883, the Brooklyn Bridge is one of the oldest hanging bridges in the United States.
Like a landmark national HistoryBrooklyn Bridge is a sign feature of New York.

5. Millennium Bridge in Gateshead: Gateshead, England

The Millennium Bridge in Gateshead is the first and so far the only inclined bridge in the world. But the most amazing thing is that when pedestrians or bikers crosses the secrets river, then it seems to them as if the bridge winks the eye during raising and lowering.
Its innovative and unique design won many awards from the moment of opening it by Queen Elizabeth in 2002.
It was the work of the largest floating cranes in Europe - Asian Hercules II.

6. Bridge Qin Ma: Hong Kong, China

Hong Kong Bridge Qin Ma is the largest suspension bridge in the world where there are two decks. Here can move both cars and railway transport.
This bridge was subjected to some serious tests on the similarity of the aerodynamic tube, as Hong Kong suffers annual powerful typhoon. After expenses cost HK $ 7.2 billion (US $ 920 million), in 1997 Qin Ma Bridge was opened.
There are several passes on the bridge that are protected and located on the bottom deck. Here can move vehicles when the street is very strong, dangerous winds, the famous world bridges must stand out not only with their beauty and unusualness, but also be safe.

7. Akasi-Kaiko or Pearl Bridge: Kobe-Naruto, Japan

A pearl bridge currently received the title of "the longest bridge-suspension of the world" with a span of 1991 meters. The second length is the Chinese Xihowman Bridge.
As a modern technical feat, the pearl bridge remains the longest in the world since 1998.
The pearl bridge was a true test for strength before his discovery when he experienced an earthquake in Kobe on January 17, 1995.

8. Bridge Hangzhou Bay: Zhejiang, China

The compound of Chinese municipalities Jiaxing and Ningbo in Zhejiang Province is the longest transcean bridge in the world - 35-kilometer Hangzhou Bay Bridge.
More than 600 experts nine years have designed Hangzhou Bay Bridge.

9. Bridge Nanpu: Shanghai, China

His fantastic innovative spiral form, Shanghai Nanpu Bridge was created by designers who came to mind a new idea for saving space.

10. Tower Bridge: London, England

The lifting suspension Tower Bridge in London, covering the River Thames, was opened on June 30, 1894 by Prince Welly. This bridge is one of the main iconic sights of the city.
One of final scenes In the climax of the Hollywood blockbuster "Sherlock Holmes" is played out on the bridge.

11. ROYAL GORGE Bridge: Kenon City, Colorado, USA

The royal bridge over the gorge is the highest hanging bridge in the world, 359 meters above the Arkansas River.
Not surprisingly, he attracts a large number of People who are fond of jumping.

12. Sri Vavasan Bridge: Putrajaya, Malaysia

Absolutely magnificent bridge design led to what he got into the first three of the most beautiful bridges of the world.

13. Bridge Lupus: Shanghai, China

The Lupu Bridge in Shanghai receives a place in this list, because having a length of 3900 meters, it is the longest steel arched bridge in the world, and also provides an amazing panorama overlooking the Old Shanghai World Expo Site2010.

14. Viaduct Miyo: Chan Valle, France

The highest automotive bridge in the world, passes over the ground, but during the fog, crossing Miyo, you can easily feel like crossing the sky.
During the construction of this bridge, three world records were established.

15. Bridge Vasco da Gama: Lisbon, Portugal

Vasco da Gama covers the Tahoe River near Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, and was built to reduce the congestion and facilitate the access to the World Exhibition along the shores of the Tejo River in 1998.
This is not the longest, it is not the highest, but this is exactly the most beautiful bridge.

16. Khai Bridge: Isfahan, Iran

This bridge makes it possible to observe wonderful landscapes, demonstrates the most beautiful design option, and regulates the river during the river - and all this continues from 1650.
Any fanatic or just a traveler must see this bridge.

17. Wind and rain: Sanyan, China

The wind and rain bridge on the Linksi Sanyan State River is great.
It was built in 1916 and resemble a rainbow. Builders did not use any nails or rivets, but instead thousands of pieces of wood ringed.

18. Solar Bridge: Closters, Switzerland

The sun bridge was built in 1998 and received the first award in the field of architecture in 2001 for the "aesthetic appearance and innovative design."

19. Old Most: Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bridge of the 16th century in the city of Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Sari crosses the Nerretva River.
The bridge stood 427 years, until he was destroyed during the war in Bosnia in 1993. Later he was restored and reopened in 2004.
A tradition was formed in the city: young men should even jump into the water from this bridge at least once.

20. Chain Bridge: Budapest, Hungary

The chain bridge has many reunification symbols. Opened in 1849, he really connected "Buda" and "Pest", which were previously located in two sections of the city.
In 2001, the Hungarian trouser pilot Peteen jumped from the bridge down his head.

21. New Brunswick Hartland Bridge: New Brunswick, Canada

Long indoor bridges cannot look so majestically compared to some other mega bridges presented here. But indoor bridges have their own unique charm.
Some indoor bridges have only one traffic strip, such as this Hartland Bridge in New Brunswick, Canada.

22. Confederation Bridge: Prince Eduard Island, Canada

This bridge binds the island of Prince Edward through the Strait of Northumberland with the mainland of New Brunswick, Canada, and is the longest bridge that takes on ice in the world.
This bridge is the embodiment of power, impressiveness and masculinity. From the moment of its opening in 1997, the production of potatoes on the island of Prince Edward, sharply increased.

23. Helix: Marina Bay, Singapore

The bridge in Singapore, which consists of a double helix, is 280 meters, made with special stainless steel. It was carefully collected for two years.
Despite the fact that he is only two years old, he is already presented as an architectural miracle and engineering feat.

The capital of bridges in Russia is certainly St. Petersburg, Northern Venice. There is no such number of bridges of the most elegant forms and species in Russia anywhere. However, in Russia, both historical and modern famous bridges that deserve your attention. Some of them are known. incredible stories They are associated with them, others differ in architectural delights. Today, the diversity of these structures is amazing imagination. In this article about the mostst bridges in Russia, we will tell about the most famous of them.

1. The most famous bridge - Palace in St. Petersburg

The most, perhaps, the famous bridge of St. Petersburg, which is also a symbol of this city, perhaps through the Great Neva and connecting the center of North Palmyra with Vasilyevsky Island. The construction of this bridge began since 1912, and already in 1916, 34 cars with a load of more than 600 pounds were drove to check its strength on the bridge. The decoration of the bridge was then fulfilled - only wooden railing was installed. They were replaced by pig-iron with Soviet symbolism already in 1939, and separate wooden structures stood before 1978. It is worth noting that in 1917. Palace Bridge Renamed the Republican, and the historical name was returned only in 1944.

As architects "bring contact" bridge to water did not try, he still closes more than half of the admiralty buildings, stock exchanges and kunstkameras. From this, at low shores of the Neva and the preservation of conditions for shipping was simply impossible. The length of the bridge consisting of five spans is 250 meters, and the width is 27.7 meters. It is very the famous divorce bridge of Russia, the symbol of St. Petersburg is the open palace bridge during the White Nights.

2. Bridge with bills of 5,000 rubles - Khabarovsk Bridge (two-story)

This bridge saw everyone who kept the 5,000th bill of Russia in their hands. It depicts a Khabarovsk bridge, which connects the shores of the Amur. The construction of this bridge in 1916 was marked by the completion of the construction of the longest railway branch in the world - Trans-Siberian Mainstream . Reconstructed bridge in 2009. The uniqueness of the Khabarovsk bridge is that it has 2 tiers - P cars are moving about the upper tier, and along the bottom - trains. The total length of the bridge with overpass is 3890 meters.

Bridge "Red Dragon" in Khanty-Mansiysk

3. Bridge "Red Dragon" in Khanty-Mansiysk

The automotive bridge in Khanty-Mansiysk, built in 2004 and connecting the shores of Irtysh, is called "Red Dragon", since the intriculture of its metal structures has been reminded of a certain fairy creature, splating on the river bank. The total weight of this design was erected which by the unique technology "Arch Farm-beam", - 11 tons. The total length of the "Red Dragon", consisting of 14 spans, is 1315.9 meters. There is no other similar facility in Russia.

Picturesque bridge in Moscow

4. Picturesque bridge in Moscow

The picturesque bridge in Silver Bor was opened in 2007, connects the shores of Moscow-River And is part of the Krasnopresnensky Prospect. A lot of guy bridges in the world, but the design of the picturesque bridge is so unique that it became one of the main attractions of the capital.

The bridge is an arched construction with a fan-location of the VANT. On both sides of the bridge installed noise shields. At the top of the arch point, the project was assumed observation deckBut later, the issues of placement in the hanging module of the ellipsoid form of a restaurant, television studio and, finally, the registry office. True, this unique object has not yet been introduced. The module itself (length - 33 m, width - 24 m, height - 13 m) on the bridge is fixed, and there are no elevators yet.

5. Self long bridge Russia - Presidential Bridge in Ulyanovsk

Approaching Ulyanovsk, beauty Volga diffuses to four tens of kilometers wide. Therefore, it is not to be surprised that the Presidential Bridge was built in Ulyanovsk - one of the largest river bridges in Europe and the longest in Russia. His the length along with the approaches is almost 13 km (the length of only the bridge is 5.8 km).

Despite some provinciality, the presidential bridge has similarities with the "Golden Gate" in San Francisco. A reminder of the California Pearl is the design of the first support, which is surprisingly similar to the American prototype.

6. The most beautiful bridge in Russia in Murom

Not far from the city of Murom was built a bridge called Murom. It is considered one of the most unusual bridges in Russia. In 2013, it was he who was recognized as the most beautiful in the country, According to the All-Russian Internet survey.
The length of this bridge is without a small 1400 meters. It is said that in windy weather his guys publish peculiar sounds similar to singing.

7. The Eastern Bridge - Russian in Vladivostok

The Russian Bridge is one of the most ambitious projects in Russia. Built in 2012 as part of preparation for the APEC summit, he became the only way to connect the Nazimov Peninsula with the Russian Islandwhere only ferries were used for transport messages.

At the time of construction, he was recognized as the largest guy bridge in the world. The Russian giant boasts a record at the height of the pilots (about 320 m) and the longest span in the world (1104 m), which makes the pearl of the Eastern Bosphorus by the place of attraction of foreign tourists. So, according to TripAdvisor, the bridge entered the top ten most interesting tourist destinations of Russia, and National Geographic included Vladivostok in the top 10 cities with the most picturesque view of the sea.

Skybridge Bridge in Sochi

8. Pedestrian Bridge - Skybridge in Sochi

Crying horror and complete delight can be experienced on the pedestrian bridge "Skybridge", located in Sochi "Skhapark" (center of extreme adventure). Walk along this very long suspension bridge (435 m) spread over the Mzmitt River, will become for any real test..

An unusual suspension road is located above the Ahshtyra Gorge (200 m down), whose picturesque species pay off all the experiences and fears. Despite the apparent strollers of structures, the bridge is absolutely safe and able to withstand the colossal loads from the hurricane wind to the earthquake. It is no coincidence that only preparation for its construction took the whole three years. You can get to the adventure park on a free shuttle service that leaves from the Troubleshooting stop, or on the city bus No. 131.

Bugrinsky Bridge in Novosibirsk

9. The most popular in Siberia - Bugrinsky Bridge in Novosibirsk

This bridge connecting the shores of Obi is undoubtedly the most beautiful and popular in the capital of Siberia. The fact that the Bugrinsky Bridge uses special love of citizens, they say numerous photo shoots that regularly appear on the network.

According to the grace of lines, he reminds scenic in Moscow. And although the Siberian giant does not have a "flying" registry office, from a technological point of view, he has no equal in the country: the bridge surrounds 156 VANT, fixed on a record-wide 380-meter arch, recognized by the largest not only in Russia, but also in the CIS. By the way, the ceremony of the solemn discovery in 2014 was held with the personal participation of the President of Russia.

10. The most romantic bridge - a banking bridge in St. Petersburg with wrapping griffins

The banking bridge is not located on the continuation of any street, but opposite the building of the appliance bank, not far from the Kazan Cathedral.

Banking Bridge in St. Petersburg

Banking bridge circuits support large, almost three meter heights, griffins with gold wings. G. rihones are mythical winged creatures with a torso lion and an eagle or lion head. Sculptor Pavel Sokolov made lion heads to his griffins. According to the legend, these monsters guard gold and treasures - the place about the bank is suitable for them. Hollow sculptures hide inside supporting console bridge. Round white lights are strengthened over the heads of Griffins, their wings are covered with gold gold. It attracted the "gold kits", scraped gilt until the bridge demanded overhaul.

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