Arina and Dina Averina are young stars from the Volga region. Averina Dina and Arina: biography, parents, sporting achievements

Rhythmic gymnast Arina Alekseevna Averina was born in the city of Trans-Volga region, a member of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team, an international master of sports. She was a champion many times and took prizes at national and international tournaments. She became European champion three times. Her sister Averina Dina Alekseevna is also a member of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team and has also won European competitions three times. In 2017 she became the absolute champion of Russia. She repeatedly stood on the podium at national and international competitions, including on the first step. Dina and Arina have another sister, Polina, who also did rhythmic gymnastics, but switched to other activities. First of all, you should like rhythmic gymnastics, because it brings not only rewards, but also pain and hardships; not everyone likes to give preference to sports for the sake of other, no less interesting and important activities.

Junior team

Averina's sisters, Dina and Arina, are twins; they were born on August 13, 1998 in the city of Zavolzhye, not far from Nizhny Novgorod. Gymnasts go side by side in the sport - they are members of the Russian national team together, and often attend the same competitions together.

The sports biography began with the fact that the girls went to a sports school in the rhythmic gymnastics department at the age of four (they went to a regular school a year later, at the age of five). The twins were interested in their older sister Polina, who was already involved in this sport. Later, Polina left the sports school, and Arina and Dina Averina decided at an early age to pursue a sports career - they are distinguished by their serious attitude towards the common cause they have begun. The first coach was Larisa Viktorovna Belova.

Girls up to 12 years old studied in a regular school. Then we switched to an individual training program. All my free time was spent training, but a serious attitude towards gymnastics yielded results in the form of victories in competitions.

Since the girls began to produce excellent results, the parents decided to continue their education in Nizhny Novgorod, where gymnastics training is at a different level thanks to good facilities and sports traditions - there are excellent gyms here where international tournaments are held; a world champion in rhythmic gymnastics trained in the city . In order for the daughters to have enough opportunities to develop their talents, the entire Averin family moves to Nizhny Novgorod.

In 2011, the sisters had three competitions in which they showed good results: the Moscow stage of the Grand Prix, the Hopes of Russia and the Russian championship. The Young Gymnast competition was successful, after which the twins were invited to a training camp in Croatia. The senior coach of the Russian junior team, Shatalina Vera Nikolaevna, who coached Olga Kapranova and Alina Kabaeva, after training in Croatia, invites the twins to the Moscow Olympic Training Center. The sisters arrived in Moscow bypassing the Olympic Reserve School in Nizhny Novgorod, which happens very rarely.

The girls came to Vera Shatalina by chance - in 2011 they came to the Olympic village to train for 10 days. The girls were determined to show results in the capital. They said that if they did not stay in Moscow, they would quit gymnastics and focus on studying at school, as their sister Polina did.

The girls, when they first arrived in Moscow, were short, 138 centimeters. The children were not on a diet, but on the contrary, they ate heavily so that their bodies would grow and develop well. A few years later, the height was already 161 centimeters (weight was about 40 kilograms), which is quite enough to successfully enter adult sports (weight and height correspond to the last year of the girls’ junior program). Thus, Shatalina Vera cared not only about the sports result, but also about the health of young gymnasts.

Since 2011, the girls’ new place of residence is the Russian capital, where their training took place. We trained intensively, from 10 to 13 hours, then a break for lunch, and from 14 to 17 - training again, a total of five hours a day.

In 2012 there were many successful competitions - the World Cup in Pesaro and the Russian championship, the junior international tournament in Slovenia - gold medals, Hopes of Russia - third and fourth place.

In 2013, the girls became masters of sports, they moved from the junior team to the adult team and began training in Novogorsk.

In 2014

In 2014, the sisters won the Grand Prix in Moscow, followed by a victory at the Grand Prix in Holon, Israel. In Israel, Averina Arina defeated her sister with a gap of hundredths of a point, which indicates their approximately equal level as athletes.

This year, the sisters took part in the Moscow Championship, where Dina Averina became the champion (despite the fact that she performed with a high temperature), Arina Averina received a silver medal.

The Lisbon World Cup brought Dina a silver medal for clubs and two bronze medals for all-around and ribbon. Around the same time, Arina Alekseevna Averina at the Baltic Hoop competition received a gold medal for her performance with the ball, two silver medals for the mace and ribbon, and the hoop brought bronze. She achieved this success in the absence of a coach, since Vera Shatalina was with Dina in Portugal at that time.

In the same year, the Russian championship in Penza brought Arina a gold medal for the ball, a silver medal for the clubs, and a bronze medal for the hoop. The gymnast won many awards, despite the fact that she performed with a wrist injury. At these competitions, Dina received silver for the hoop and bronze for the ribbon.

The Spartakiad stage in Ramenskoye and the Luxembourg Trophy brought Arina silver medals. Dina won silver in Ramenskoye, and at the competition in Luxeburg she received gold medals for all-around, hoop and ribbon.

In 2015

The Moscow Grand Prix did not bring any medals, Arina took 13th place, Dina - 6th. But since the Grand Prix is ​​one of the most prestigious competitions in the world (there were 42 participants in total), these places approximately indicate the world ranking of rhythmic gymnasts. For beginner athletes, a quite decent result at the Grand Prix will be close to the top ten.

The girls took prizes at the Russian Championship - Arina won silver in the all-around, Dina won bronze. In individual events, Arina received first place for clubs and hoop, second place for her performance with ribbon and ball. Dina received a gold medal for performing with a ball, a silver medal for performing with a hoop, and third place for performing with a ribbon. The girls received first and second team places, as they competed separately for different federal districts.

The international tournament in Pesaro brought champion titles to two sisters; in certain events, Arina received a gold medal for exercises with a ribbon and a ball, Dina a gold medal for clubs, and a bronze medal for performing with a hoop.

The girls brought back ten prize medals from the Spanish Corbeil-Essones tournament - Arina five gold, Dina five silver.

At the Hungarian stage of the World Cup, Dina received a gold medal for all-around, exercises with clubs, a ball, a hoop, and a silver medal for a ribbon. Arina won silver for hoop, bronze for all-around and ball performance.

The tournament in Sofia brought gold to Dina and silver to Arina.

In 2016

The Averina sisters continued to perform successfully at world-class competitions in 2016.

The Czech Grand Prix stage in Brno brought Dina bronze for the all-around and a silver medal for her performance with ribbon and hoop.

The Romanian stage of the Grand Prix, which took place in the city of Bucharest, brought Arina a silver medal for the all-around, the ribbon and clubs brought bronze. Dina received silver for clubs, a bronze medal for all-around, performance with a ball and hoop.

World Cup in Sofia - Arina won a bronze medal. Berlin stage of the World Cup - Dina won a gold medal for the all-around, ribbon and ball. Arina suffered a hand injury at this tournament and stopped performing the next day of the competition.

Moscow Grand Prix - Arina receives bronze for all-around, silver for clubs and gold for exercises with ribbon. Alina Kabaeva awarded the sisters a prize for the high level of artistry in their performances.

World Cup stage in the Finnish city of Espoo received a gold medal for her performance with the ball.

World Cup stage in the capital of Portugal, Lisbon, Arina won a silver medal for exercises with a ribbon.

Senior Tourney at the World Cup - Arina receives a full set of gold medals, five awards in total.

World Cup in Pesaro - Dina won two bronze medals for clubs and hoop, silver for ribbon and ball.

At the Russian Championships, Dina won bronze in the all-around and ball, hoop and ribbon brought two silver medals. Arina won a bronze medal for her performance with hoop and clubs; the ball brought silver.

The Grand Prix stage in Israeli Eilat brought Dina silver for the all-around, hoop and ribbon, Dina received silver for the ball and bronze for the all-around.

Dina and Arina, as members of the Russian team, represented Russia at international competitions, representing the Volga Federal District and Moscow in the team championship.

In 2017

Dina Averina competed in the following competitions in 2017:

  1. At the Grand Prix in Moscow, Dina is ahead of Alexandra Soldatova in points and wins a gold medal in the all-around, for her performance with ribbon, clubs and hoop, the ball brought silver.
  2. Dina becomes the absolute champion of Russia, winning the Russian championship.
  3. The Grand Prix in Thiais brought four gold medals - for all-around, clubs, ball and hoop.
  4. The World Cup in Pesaro brings gold for ribbon, clubs and ball, silver medals for all-around and hoop.
  5. The Tashkent stage of the world cup brought gold for the all-around and clubs, as well as three silver medals.
  6. The European Championship brought three gold medals - all-around, ribbon, hoop, and received a silver medal for exercises with clubs. This was Dina's third victory at the European Championship.
  7. Grand Prix stage in Holon - gold for ball, two silvers for all-around and clubs.

Dina and Arina often attend competitions together; Arina also won prizes at many of the above-mentioned competitions. One of the most recent performances where the sisters competed together was the World Games, which took place in the Polish city of Wroclaw on July 21 - 22, 2017. On the first day of the competition, Arina became a champion in exercises with a ball and a hoop, Dina won two silver medals in the same disciplines.

Personal life

After graduating from school, the girls received higher education by studying in absentia at the Lesgaft Institute of Physical Education and Sports in the northern capital - the city of St. Petersburg. No matter how much time the girls spend in the gym, they understand that studying is also important. Despite the tough sports schedule, they found time to study school subjects and study at a university.

In 2016, the Averina sisters took part in the show “Alexey Nemov and the Legends of Sports”, as well as in the show “Without Insurance”.

Girls love to travel, listen to music, and chat with friends in their free time. In order to communicate with peers at competitions, they study foreign languages, focusing on English as the language of international communication. Although, given the level of development of gymnastics in Russia, the Russian language is also international in this sport.

Averina’s gymnasts are considered the most promising gymnasts in Russia; there are many competitions ahead that will be stages for the main test - the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo.

Arina Alekseevna Averina. Born on August 13, 1998 in the Volga region, Nizhny Novgorod region. Russian rhythmic gymnast. Master of Sports of international class.

Father is a football player. Mother Oksana Averina did gymnastics.

Twin sister - also a famous rhythmic gymnast.

The older sister, Polina Averina, was a member of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team.

Arina, like her twin sister Dina, began doing rhythmic gymnastics at the age of 4. Then the parents brought the twins to Larisa Belova, who became their first coach. By the way, the daughter of their first coach, Irina Belova, is an Olympic champion in gymnastics.

Irina Belova said: “Before that, I already knew the family of Dina and Arisha - their older sister Polina did gymnastics with me. The kids always came with their mother to meet Polina. They were very restless: they always tried to climb higher on the gymnastics rail. I was still afraid that they might fall, but mother Oksana was very calm about this, because she knew that her daughters were very independent... They were very purposeful, diligent and demanding of themselves.”

Her serious sports career began at the age of 11.

Since September 2011, she began training at the Novogorsk Training Center. She and Dina were noticed at the “Young Gymnast” competition, and after the training camp in Croatia they were invited to the training center with Vera Nikolaevna Shatalina.

The sisters had problems with growth. So, at the age of 12 they looked 9. Because of this, their career could not have happened. But then they were already in the Russian youth team and the coach decided to examine the girls - doctors studied their bones, phalanges of the fingers to determine what their growth zone was. No pathologies were identified. They reduced their workload a little, added more fish and sour cream to their diet - and the athletes began to grow.

Until the age of 12, Arina studied in a regular school, but not with the whole class, but individually in all subjects except music, drawing, physical education, labor and life safety. Just like her sister.

Since 2014, Arina and Dina began to go to more serious competitions. They took part in the Moscow Championship, where Dina became the 2014 Moscow champion, and Arina was second.

Next, the girls went to Israel, to the Holon Grand Prix 2014. This time Arina won, beating her sister by only 0.048 points. Then Arina goes alone to the “Baltic Hoop 2014” in Riga and takes second place in the all-around, and in the finals of the clubs and ribbon competition she takes a silver medal, a bronze medal for the hoop and, finally, gold in the ball performance. In total, she won 5 medals.

At the 2014 Russian Championship in Penza, Arina competed with a hand injury. In the all-around, like her sister, she did not take any prizes, but in the ball final she received a gold medal. In the final with hoop - bronze, with clubs - silver.

At the Luxembourg Trophy 2014, Arina took second place in the all-around.

In 2015, she performed at the annual Grand Prix stage in Moscow, where, due to an unfortunate mistake with the ribbon, she became only thirteenth in the all-around.

At the Spring Cup in Krasnoyarsk she competes in the finals, winning two gold medals (ball, ribbon), one silver (hoop) and one bronze (clubs). At the Moscow Championship she takes second place in the all-around, losing three points to her sister, and is selected for the Russian Championship.

In the team championship at the Russian Championship in Penza, he takes first place, becomes second in the all-around and adds gold to his collection in the finals with hoop and clubs, and is in second position with ball and ribbon.

At the international senior tournament in Pesaro she becomes the first in a team with Dina, and in the finals in individual events she wins two golds in an exercise with a ribbon and a ball. A real triumph for the gymnast was her performance in Corbeil-Essonne, where Arina won five gold medals out of a possible five - for the all-around and all finals. By the way, in the ribbon final, Averina shared the first step of the podium with her sister.

At international tournaments in Budapest and Sofia, Arina takes 3rd and 2nd places in the all-around, respectively.

In 2016, Arina and Dina Averin began to be called “the secret weapon of the Russian national team,” who replaced the leaders of Russian rhythmic gymnastics. Dina and Arina have been given additional responsibility, and throughout the season they have been proving their right to compete in tournaments together with the first numbers of the national team.

In the all-around at the Grand Prix stage in Moscow, Arina took third place in the all-around, became second in clubs and first in ribbon. She is sent to the World Cup in Lisbon, where she places fifth in the all-around and second in the ribbon final.

2017 was a triumphant year for the Averin sisters.

At the World Games in Wroclaw, she took four medals, of which three were gold - she won in the exercises with hoop, ribbon and ball, and was also third in the exercises with clubs.

At the European Championships in Budapest, she took three golds - in the team, as well as in exercises with the ball and clubs.

At the World Championships in Pesaro, Arina won five medals, two of which were of the highest standard (ball and ribbon). She was also second in all-around and hoop exercises, third in clubs.

In the all-around (i.e. in the absolute championship) she lost only to her sister Dina, who won with a total of 74.700 points, Arina - 73.450.

Arina Averina - ball (World Championships in Pesaro 2017)

Arina Averina's height: 164 centimeters.

Personal life of Arina Averina:

Single. At the moment, the young athlete devotes herself entirely to rhythmic gymnastics.

Achievements of Arina Averina:

World Championships:

Gold - Pesaro 2017 - ball
Gold - Pesaro 2017 - ribbon
Silver - Pesaro 2017 - all-around
Silver - Pesaro 2017 - hoop
Bronze - Pesaro 2017 - clubs

European Championships:

Gold - Budapest 2017 - team
Gold - Budapest 2017 - ball
Gold - Budapest 2017 - clubs

World Games:

Gold - Wroclaw 2017 - hoop
Gold - Wroclaw 2017 - ball
Gold - Wroclaw 2017 - ribbon
Bronze - Wroclaw 2017 - clubs

For many years now it has been the standard of incredible plasticity, grace and precision of movements. Today this tradition is confirmed and successfully continued by sisters Dina and Arina Averina. The biography of these young athletes is already full of outstanding performances and stunning victories. What are their sporting achievements? And what are these girl stars like in everyday life?


The biography of Dina and Arina Averin, like many famous people, began in an ordinary family in the small town of Novogorsk, Nizhny Novgorod region. The twin sisters were born on August 13, 1998. Already at an early age they showed their artistic talent and assertive character. Therefore, at the age of 4, the parents of Dina and Arina Averin sent their daughters to rhythmic gymnastics. Their coach in their native Novogorsk was Larisa Viktorovna Belova. The girls fell in love with gymnastics from their first lessons, and this feeling grew in their hearts every year.

Until the age of 12, the twin sisters studied in a regular school. However, it was difficult for them to combine study and training. Therefore, he faced his first serious choice. The girls took a decisive step towards sports. And we switched to individual training (externship). Dina and Arina attended only music, drawing, labor, life safety and physical education classes together with their classmates.

Carier start

The parents of Dina and Arina Averin always believed in their daughters’ talent. Therefore, together with their coach, they did not miss the opportunity to send young gymnasts to competitions at various levels. So the beginning of their sports career is considered to be 2011. The girls' performances were highly appreciated at the "Young Gymnast" competition. The athletes were noticed and invited to watch Shatalina.

A new stage in the sporting life of the Averin sisters has begun. They began to prepare for more serious competitions: the Moscow Championship, the Russian Championship, the World Cup Grand Prix, etc. Also, the athletes and their families moved to the Olympic village - Novogorsk, where they began to live and train.

Adult period

Since 2015, Dina and Arina Averina have already been performing at a different, more serious and responsible level. This season of competition began their adult career. The girls are slowly but surely moving from the Moscow and Russian championships to the World and European Cups. Their head coach is Irina Viner.

Gymnasts treat their sports teachers very warmly, calling them second parents. They willingly listen to their advice, as well as tips from experienced gymnasts (for example, Evgenia Kanaeva).

Secret of success

Since 2016, the Averin sisters have been openly called the “secret weapon” of the Russian national team and a worthy successor to the leaders of the sport. According to relatives and coaches, the secret to the success of young athletes is their diligence and responsibility. Sometimes the focus on performing gymnastic elements detracts from the girls’ artistry. Therefore, they often practice in their dressing rooms just before going out to “shoot with their eyes” and smile. Judging by the photos of the Averin sisters and their performances, we can confidently say that such “training in front of the mirror” gives good results.

Today, the biography of Dina and Arina Averin is a kaleidoscope of amazing programs, the love and pride of fans, the support and faith of relatives and coaches. The sisters are aware of all this, feel it and are not going to stop there. But for them, the most important motivation is not compliments and admiration from others, but constructive criticism. They are only 19 years old, 15 of them they devoted to sports. And still mistakes and failures happen. High-quality and attentive work on mistakes is what helps sister gymnasts win.

Sports achivments

Dina and Arina replace each other in their sporting achievements on award podiums.

In 2014, Dina Averina became the champion of Moscow, although she competed with a fever. And her twin sister took second place. At the Holon Grand Prix competition that same year, the girls swapped places. Today she is an international class master, three-time world champion (2017), absolute world champion (2017), three-time European champion (2017) and absolute champion of Russia (2017). In 2017, she won seven gold and six silver medals.

Arina Averina does not lag behind her sister in the list of achievements and successfully performs in various competitions, demonstrating refined technique, plasticity and mastery of gymnastics props. During the 2017 season, she received eight gold, two silver and two bronze medals. Arina is also recognized as an international master, two-time world champion (2017) and three-time European champion (2017).

Among the special awards for both sisters is the prize for artistry from Alina Kabaeva at the Grand Prix in Moscow (2016).

In addition, today the sister gymnasts have been accepted as members of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team. They play for two teams: Moscow and the Volga region.

But not everything was so rosy in the sports biography of Dina and Arina Averin. There were both dizzying ups and unfortunate falls. So in 2015, due to an unfortunate mistake in performing with the ribbon, Arina became only 13th in the all-around at the Grand Prix in Moscow. Dina took 5th place. But it seems that no obstacles can break the girls. They only “stir up” interest, provoke and increase the zeal for victory.


"SE" tells the story of twin sisters - the new leaders of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team


Dina and Arina were born in 1998 in Zavolzhye, a small town in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Of their 19 years, 15 of them have been doing gymnastics. Due to serious preparation, the sisters switched to individual training, and then graduated from school as an external student. Now they are studying at Lesgaft University in St. Petersburg.


The twins have an older sister, Polina. It was she and her mother who brought the girls to the gym. Polina herself did not become a gymnast, concentrating on her studies. The sisters are friendly with each other, and the eldest supports the younger ones and is proud of their successes.


Every gymnast dreams of one day getting to the main base of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team and working under the supervision of the great coach Irina Viner-Usmanova. The sisters ended up at a base near Moscow in 2011, where they live and train together.


The Averins train with Vera Shatalina. Six years ago, the acquaintance with the future mentor happened almost by accident - Shatalina arrived in Novogorsk, where at that moment the gymnastic mats were being re-rolled, and saw two athletes who had arrived for a tryout. Parents said that if the girls are not accepted, they are thinking about the possibility of ending their careers and focusing on their studies. After the first training session, Shatalina admitted that she asked herself the question: can she now work without Dina and Arina? Vera Nikolaevna treats the Averins like daughters; this atmosphere developed in their small team as soon as the young gymnasts began training with a specialist.

Posted by ArishaDina✔️ (@arishadina1998) Feb 21, 2017 at 2:50 PST


Athletes always sincerely support each other, experience failures and happy moments together. According to the sisters, they have no envy or jealousy; each knows how to find the right words to cheer up her sister at a difficult moment. Both consider this the key to success.


Girls actively use social networks. They maintain one Instagram page for two. The sisters have no secrets from each other, and since they are always together - both in life and in photos, everything looks quite logical. And the fans, as a rule, support both Dina and Arina.


Two-time Olympic champion Evgenia Kanaeva, after finishing her sports career, became a coach, works in Novogorsk and often gives Averin valuable advice. The gymnasts admitted that these tips were very helpful more than once.


The girls admit that they are often confused - but only by new acquaintances. The longer people know athletes personally, the fewer awkward situations that arise. In fact, if you look closely, there are slight differences in the twins' facial features. Arina's are smoother and more subtle, Dina's are more strong-willed.

Previously, the sisters preferred to dress the same, but now they are increasingly choosing different outfits. So the best advice for those who cannot distinguish Dina from Arina at competitions is to look first at the swimsuits. And then to the faces - soon you will understand who is who.


Different people look for different motivations to move forward; for the Averins, the main motivator is constructive criticism. Understanding mistakes, correcting them and becoming better - this is the path you need to move towards victories.


Desserts have always been considered taboo for fragile gymnasts, but the Averins say that for them there is no such prohibition. It’s just that girls are quite indifferent to sweets. Apparently, the whole point is that the sisters don’t have any special problems with extra grams, they naturally have slender figures, and constant training helps them keep themselves in good shape.

Based on the results of the Universiade in Kazan and a number of other major competitions that took place last summer, candidates for the national teams in various sports were selected. As Irina Viner, president of the Federation and head coach of the Russian team, noted, there is a good trend: most candidates make their way into big sport from the provinces. Irina Alexandrovna calls them “stars“...

Great future

“I see a great future for many young participants,” she noted. - For example, and. Next year the girls will perform in the adult program. Then I will watch them carefully. Next year there will be the Youth Olympic Games, where all participants will have another great chance to prove themselves and prove their potential.

These twin sisters from the Volga region are often written about in the federal press and abroad. Unfortunately, in their native land only a narrow circle of rhythmic gymnastics fans know them. Let's try to fill this gap. Moreover, this year the “artists” turned 14 years old - a key moment in their career in this sport.

Sisters Dina and Arina Averina have been doing rhythmic gymnastics since they were four years old. Until the age of 12, girls studied in a regular school. But not with the whole class, but individually in all subjects, except music, drawing, physical education, labor and life safety. Most of their time is spent training. The most interesting thing is that, while in a provincial town, they became members of the Russian national team. And then their sports career “took” them to Moscow, to the Olympic Training Center, bypassing the Nizhny Novgorod Olympic Reserve School. This is more than a rarity for the province. Now the Averins are candidates for master of sports, multiple winners and champions of Russian and international competitions, members of the Russian junior national team. Moreover, Dina and Arina represent the team of the armed forces of the Volga Federal District! The training schedule is very strict - every day from 10 am to 1 pm and from 2 pm to 5 pm. And you also have to study school subjects...

The sisters train with Vera Shatalina, the senior coach of the country's youth team according to an individual program. Vera Nikolaevna is an honored coach of Russia. Coach of Olympic champion, two-time world champion, five-time European champion Alina Kabaeva and world champion Olga Kapranova. Irina Viner herself observes the classes.

Ordinary children

When it comes to twins, their loved ones are always asked how they tell them apart? For a coach, sisters are different.

Dina is a 100% athlete and is very worried if she doesn’t take first place. Arisha is softer, she worries about her sister and all her rivals, she says Vera Shatalina. - I can even tell them apart by their voices when I talk on the phone.

People call such young talents “children deprived of childhood.” This is fundamentally wrong. Nothing human is alien to young athletes - they are ordinary children! But if you analyze the educational and free time of juniors and ordinary children, it is approximately the same. Only the former spend their “free” time training, while others spend their “free” time sitting in front of the computer—modern children don’t particularly like walking and breathing air. Everyone has their own results: some have health and success, others have damaged vision.

In July of this year, it was held in Penza, bringing together 152 participants from all over the country. Such intensity of passions among young creatures had not been observed for a long time - sky-high sporting horizons awaited the winners. The Nizhny Novgorod team took second place. Arina Averina took second place in the all-around, won the exercise with a hoop, and won silver after performing with a ribbon and a ball. Dina took gold in the performance with clubs and two bronze medals in the all-around and with ribbons. By the way, the tournament in Penza became a qualifying tournament for a trip to the fifth Russian-Chinese Youth Games in Shanghai.

According to the sisters' coach, a good trend is now beginning to prevail in the sports world: the majority of Olympic geniuses are from the provinces. Thus, in the national rhythmic gymnastics team born in 1999, which includes the Averina sisters, there is only one Muscovite. Ira Annenkova is from Sochi, and Yulya Bravikova is from Orel.

In October, the Averina sisters are going to participate in the Russian Cup. And then a “tour” of international competitions. The girls are not told in advance where they will go - they must always be ready to perform.

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