Magnetic state of the earth for September. In the period of magnetic storms you need to take care of your health

Information will be useful for meteo-sensitive people and those who want to protect the health of all family members from additional risks. In the days when they come magnetic storms in September 2017it is necessary to reduce the activity and be sure to sleep well.

What days of September it is worth expecting magnetic storms

The first day of autumn will be "rich" on geomagnetic perturbations of various intensity. The most weak magnetic storm will visit our land for September 1-2. These geomagnetic oscillations will be minimal due to the fact that they are echoing a larger storm from August 30-31, 2017.

But the second period of geomagnetic instability should be expected in the middle of the autumn month: from September 13 to the 16th, the magnetic storm of great intensity will be raged. But from September 17 to September 20, this geomagnetic indignation will reduce its activity, but will continue the negative impact on the health of all people.

In the period after September 22, the geomagnetic situation will improve, but minor fluctuations in solar activity will cause problems with the most sensitive people. Such small jumps of solar activity will affect health only those who have previously transferred a serious operation or has a disease of the cardiovascular system.

Critical days in September 2017

Magnetic storms in September have their own characteristics that you need to know. Thus, solar activity will primarily affect the performance, as well as the mood of people. Also, do not forget about what can indicate which will be at the beginning of autumn.

During periods of geomagnetic perturbation on an emotional background of people, surgesions of the depressive state will be observed, conflicts with people and unwillingness to comply with the law. And here physical body It will react to an intense solar wind by the exacerbation of chronic diseases, headaches and insomnia. Magnetic storms in September 2017give the trouble to everyone who is involved in intellectual activity.

Another feature is a violation of the concentration of attention, which will especially hurt on students and schoolchildren, as well as motorists. Therefore, compliance with the rules on the road becomes the norm of life in September, but the students can give advice more time to hold over textbooks. If it becomes able to overcome his Handra and the attacks of laziness in September 2017, the body as a whole will become more resistant to magnetic storms.

What to do when magnetic storms in September 2017

Given the special character of critical days in September, you can give advice: more walk in the fresh air and try to not find out with anyone. How to warn yourself from the effects of magnetic storms:

  • Compliance with the daily power schedule and preference of healthy food;
  • Full sleep and five minute morning gymnastics;
  • Failure to alcohol and reducing the intensity of loads at work.

Emotional instability can manifest itself not only in the form of depression, but also in the form of impulsive, ill-conceived actions. If you have noticed that they are poorly poured and you can not cope with some kind of life situation - take action immediately. Be sure to talk with a psychologist, accept the healing infusion from the sedative herbs, pass the preventive inspection from doctors to eliminate more serious diseases than just a bad mood.

Special attention in September 2017 will require children. They can annoy adults with their whims and not the desire to absorb new information. Try to find a more affordable shape of communication with your baby: it can be a game in the form of a game, a hike in the historic museum or view documentary film on the specified subject. In September is likely very

On September 7, a series of outbreaks occurred in the Sun, the laboratory of X-ray astronomy of the Sun of the Physical Institute of RAS named after Lebedev said.

The photo captured the release of solar plasma from the flash x9.3 (frontal view from the ground). The photo is obtained by the Lasco C3 appliance on the SOHO satellite.

During registered on the eve of the solar flash, X9.3 there was a major release of the solar substance, and it is directed to the ground. This is evidenced by the data received from cosmic solar coronographs - unique devices observing the external layers of the solar atmosphere and plasma streams in them. The emission rate is currently specified, but, based on the usual values \u200b\u200bfor such events - at least 1000 km per second - already tomorrow evening, plasma clouds thrown out of the atmosphere of the sun of the explosion will come to our planet. The characteristic size of such clouds when they reach the Earth orbit is up to 100 million kilometers and more. This means that in addition to the shock impact on the magnetic field of the Earth, our planet expects a dive for 1-2 days in a hot substance, which was still part of the sun atmosphere.

Emission of the mass from the flash X9.3 reached the Earth on September 8. The plasma cloud from the Sun came to the orbit of our planet about 12 hours earlier than the expected period. This means that its speed exceeded the expectant of 1.5 times, and the blow on the ground was produced with greater power than was planned.

On Earth there is a magnetic storm of level 4 on a 5-point scale. Event force is about 10 times big than predicted. In Canada, which is now on the night side of the Earth, there are strong polar beams in high and medium latitudes. The storm is planetary.

An outbreak of class X 1.3 occurred on September 7 in the evening and its source served as an active region No. 2673, which up to that threw three outbreaks of class x and many outbreaks of class M.

Over September 8, outbreaks of M1.2 are fixed from this group of spots, the flash M1.3, M3.9 and many other outbreaks of different power. The most powerful M7.8 was accompanied by the emission of the coronal substance towards the Earth. After 20 minutes, an outbreak of class M8.1 occurred.

The magnetic storm outlook remains for many of us an important part of life, almost as the weather forecast. September prepares for us quite strong magnetic activity of the Sun in the middle of the month, so it is necessary to know about it in advance and be prepared for a likely change in well-being. Magnetic storms in September 2017: Schedule by days and clock from Russian academic and astronomers.

Schedule of magnetic storms for September 2017

Astronomers of the X-ray Astronomy Laboratory of the Institute of Physics Institute. P. N. Lebedeva RAS expects a rather long magnetic storm in the middle of the month. It will not deal with the number of strong classification of astronomers and limit the average level. But still this storm will be noticeable to people meteo-sensitive.

Schedule of magnetic storms for September, compiled by Russian scientists, such:

  • September 13 - Storm level G1 ( weak).
  • September 14-15 - the level storm G2 ( average).
  • 16 of September - Storm level G1 ( weak).
  • September 17 - Residual phenomena after a 4-day storm.

In all other days of the month, the situation will be calm, magnetic storms are not expected. All oscillations of the state of the Earth magnetosphere will be within its normal state.

As for the forecast by the hour when it becomes and when the storm end, scientists do not make such a forecast due to the fact that the indignation of the magnetosphere begins gradually, and different people Feel it at different times. Someone feels a storm in advance, someone experiences some inconvenience and a change in well-being only at the peer's peer. Therefore, each person who feels the impact of magnetic storms should be prepared for the September Burea in accordance with its personal characteristics of the body and the level of its susceptibility.

Magnetic storm September 7, 2017 and other amendments to the forecast

On September 6, foreign space observatory recorded a sudden outbreak in the sun, which became the strongest over the past 12 years. IN last time Something similar was observed exactly 12 years ago - September 7, 2005. The flash was not predicted by astronomers due to the fact that so powerful phenomena usually occur at the peak of the activity of the Sun, and in currently Observed its minimum.

Scientists have to be drawn to the conclusions, why they could not foresee such a development event, but, be that as it may, we complement our article and give an updated forecast of magnetic storms for September. For the next three days, when the magnetic storm caused by yesterday's flash develops, the forecast is given by the hour. Forecasts are made by astronomers of the X-ray astronomy laboratory of the physical institution. P. N. Lebedeva RAS.

On the graphic, compiled by Russian astronomers, provides an exemplary scenario of the development of the magnetic storms on September 7-9. The graph indicates Moscow time, so other regions need to make an appropriate amendment into it:

Magnetic storms in September: updated forecast by day

As for the refined forecast of magnetic storms for September, then, in addition to storms on September 13-16, which predicted at the very beginning of the month, and the one that takes place these days, then astronomers predict another weak magnetic storm of the level G1 at the end of the month - September 27-29, while maintaining residual phenomena in the first October days.

Scientists predicted a very powerful magnetic storm on the night of 09/13/2017. Magnetic storms each time will be a test for all people of the planet Earth. So in August there was a large decrease in solar activity and the complete absence of magnetic storms. But in September, the opposite is not happy with its forecasts. Very strong outbreaks in the Sun provoked a stream of practically incessant magnetic storms

A large number of people intensified due to the rapid magnetic storms. Scientists, which represent the laboratory of astronomy of the Sun, said that the next time the Earth awaits the next impressive magnetic storm. Scientists also noted that after this event, suddenly repeated outbreaks will happen in the sun, then on our planet it will not affect.

Magnetic storms in September 2017: Scientific facts

Rays from the sun affect the body of people all his life. All the time the sun gives into the gigantic volumes of energy, which include various radiation, protons, electrons and plasma. These are solar vichi possess very powerful power and sometimes can have very indebid effect to the ground. Since the magnetic field of our planet retains us from the influence of the destructive sunlight and reduces the effect of solar vortices.

Not all outbreaks in the sun are dangerous for the earth and human life, in a weak form it is pure vitamin D. But when the outbreaks in the sun are too large, then under their influence some areas magnetic field Land deformed. Such phenomena and called magnetic storms.

All of the excess energy that comes from the sun is not always perceived by the body positively. Sometimes such outbreaks give a tangible effect on life. ordinary person, and the life of the elderly, especially.

Magnetic storms in September 2017: Consequences of magnetic storms

Scientists are alarmed by future estimates of weather, pressure and magnetic storms. The weather forecasters warned that the cooling at the end of the summer will soon be replaced by the Babi in the middle of the month.

In full healthy man Such temperature differences can cause both headaches as well as pressure problems, and meteo-sensitive people can suffer from the rapid magnetic storms.

From fifty to seventy five percent of the Earth's population are subject to negative influence of magnetic storms. Many people on Earth have a reaction to magnetic storms not immediately, sometimes a couple of days before. Before the outbreaks, or rather, in those moments, when the sun begins to actively give its extra energy in the form of vortices.

Magnetic storms in September 2017: precise dates of magnetic storms for September 2017

There are confirmed information that at the beginning of the ninth month of 2017, scientists warned about several possible outbreaks in the sun. Be prepared from 09/15/2017 to 09/30/2017 Very active will be observed solar radiation. According to scientists in September, the activity in the sun will be serious. You need to be prepared for a series of magnetic storms that will be held from the thirteenth to sixteenth of September. And from the seventeenth to twenty-third of September, a non-constant magnetosphere is expected. Sunny activity itself will be four points.

Herbal soothing tinctures help to overcome the consequences of magnetic storms, as well as tea with the same tincture. The best assistants in the fight against storms is: Sage and Valerian.

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