Pronominal words secondary substitutes for pronouns are significant without the presence of which existence is devalued. Was the Reformed right when he asserted: Pronominal words are secondary words, substitute words

Oral speech - sounding, spoken, unprepared. It is characterized by the repetition of thoughts and words, discontinuity and inconsistency of presentation, simple and incomplete sentences, colloquial and colloquial words and expressions. When perceived oral speech for the addressee, the intonation, tempo and timbre of the voice, gestures, facial expressions of the speaker are important. Written speech- Written, edited. It is characterized by normalization (i.e., compliance with grammar rules and speech norms), book words, complex detailed sentences, often with complicated turns ( isolated members, introductory words, etc.).

The same verb can be used in the form of the indicative, conditional and imperative. Verb in indicative mood denotes an action that has happened, is happening, or will happen. Verb in the form conditional mood denotes an action that can occur only under certain conditions, and can also express a wish for the action to take place. A verb in the form of the imperative mood denotes an action to which the speaker induces his interlocutor. Motivation can be in the form of an order, wish, request, advice. So conditional and imperative mood verbs denote actions assumed in reality.

The work of the reader is to communicate with the writer, in which artistic text becomes clear in all its versatility. The speech fabric (words and grammatical structure) of the work helps the reader to understand the complex labyrinth of thoughts, experiences, assessments of the author, to penetrate the world of images of his characters.

Punctuation marks help the writer to accurately and clearly express thoughts and feelings, and the reader to understand them. In the writing system, each sign performs a specific function (signs that distinguish and separate). The purpose of punctuation marks is to indicate the semantic articulation of speech, as well as to help identify its syntactic structure and rhythmic melody.

Write an essay-reasoning, giving two examples from the text, revealing the meaning of the statement of the linguist Alexander Alexandrovich Reformatsky:

“Pronominal words are secondary words, substitute words. The golden fund for pronouns are significant words, without which the existence of pronouns is "devalued". Looking around, Zoska saw on the whitened, hummocky grass traces of her feet visible from a distance, shod in already damp and patched-over-patched boots. True, the snow covered the tracks, and if the snowfall does not stop by nightfall, there will be no need to be afraid of the tracks. Worse, she's lost. Now she herself does not understand how she lost her way, overlooking the next turn in the bush, or, perhaps, she simply disappeared under the snow. She knew that the nearest village was about eight kilometers away, and it was necessary to get to the village and get there.

answer the questions, giving examples. 1. what words are called pronouns? 2. prove that pronouns themselves do not express a specific

lexical meaning (except for personal pronouns), but only indicate the subject, signs, quantity, replacing a specific word in the context. 3. What groups (categories) are pronouns divided into? 4. why some scientists do not consider pronouns independent part speech?

write down pronouns (pronominal nouns) first, and then sentences with other pronominal words: 1) do not forget your satchel 2) remind her of 1. Determine in which sentence the highlighted combination of words is


A) big and beautiful; B) walks regularly

2. In what series are words not synonyms?

A) Strong, heroic, strong, irresistible;

B) fame, popularity, celebrity, recognition;

C) large, huge, considerable, great, huge;

D) boldly, bravely, courageously, fearlessly.

3. What word is formed by the prefix-suffix method?

A) alteration; B) impassable;

B) unsophisticated D) window sill.

4. In which line is the letter and missing in all the words?

A) Drive, pr_clone, super_interesting;

B) pr_city, non-initiative, support;

C) pr_decorate, inter-institute, pick up;

D) to endure, super-famous, otd_rut.

5. In which word is the letter and missing?

A) Burn with a blue flame; B) stand on the platform_;

B) meet at the pier_; D) remember about the homeland_.

6. Which sentence has a grammatical error?

A) Head teacher Aidarova invited student Ivanov to the office.

B) Our Marcel is such a bookseller!

C) there was a large chimpanzee in the cage.

D) The young therapist made a presentation at the meeting.

7. In which noun is the suffix misspelled?

A) bartender B) a carrier; B) a subscriber D) an employee.

8. In which word is the letter ё missing?

A) Galch_nok; B) black; C) j_ngler; D) shorts.

9. Which adjective has an incorrect rank?

A) Dry (air) - a quality adjective;

B) school (form) - relative adjective;

C) hare (burrow) - possessive;

D) wooden (board) - a quality adjective.

10. In which sentence is it written separately without a highlighted word?

A) This book is (un)interesting.

B) The new folder turned out to be (not) ours.

C) I made an (un)forgivable mistake.

D) Vanya and I are (not) separable friends.

11. In which row is nn written in all adjectives?

A) swan_y, ryazhe_y, glass_y;

B) dull, wooden, old;

C) long, silver, glass;

D) clay, tin, windless.

12. In which adjective should the suffix k be written?

A) Russian; B) tunguz__; C) throw __; D) sailor.

13. Which adjective is spelled together?

A) (North) Eastern (region);

B) (bright) green (grass);

B) (zheleno) road (station);

D) (sly) sly look.

14. In which word is the place of the gap not written?

A) Cut_te; B) eight hundred;

B) hide D) eighteen;

15. Which pronoun has an incorrect rank?

A) He was unlucky - personal pronoun;

B) after some minutes - an indefinite pronoun;

C) took her notebook - a possessive pronoun;

D) each of us asked - a relative pronoun.

Read the text and complete tasks 16-20.

A lot of unexpected superstitions are connected with the felling of trees among different peoples. In Central Russia, for example, peasants never built a house on the site where birch trees used to grow, since their uprooting was considered a sin. Among the Tungus on the Aldan, it was allowed to remove the bark from a birch for the roof of the plagues only once every two years - after all, she “cries” at the same time. The heroes of the Russian fairy tale “The Hen and the Cockerel”, when they needed to take a little bast from the linden, first send to the cow for oil - to anoint the “sore spot” on the linden.

So for centuries a feeling of careful, careful, loving attitude to trees, to nature itself was brought up in a person. (In Boreyko)

16. From the first sentence, write down all the words in which e means two sounds - [ye].

17. Pick up synonyms for the word house.

18. Write out the verb built from the third sentence. Do morphological analysis verb.

19. Write out the first sentence from the first paragraph. Sort by members of the proposal.

20. Title the text. Determine the style and type of speech. Write what beliefs related to respect for nature do your people have?

Was Reformatsky right when he said: “Pronominal words are secondary words, substitute words. The golden fund for pronouns is significant words, without which the existence of pronouns is devalued”?

I will try to prove the correctness of this statement with the help of the text provided to me by E. Nosov.

Let's single out the key words: "pronominal words" and "significant words". First, let's look at the first of them. What is a pronoun? A pronoun is an independent part of speech that points to an object, but does not name it. But why the words "substitutes"? because they replace the name or name of a person, thing, etc.

Let me give you some examples from the text. In sentence 25, “she either turns yellow with lemon birch leaves, or turns pink with a scree of euonymus, or turns orange and crimson when we make our way under the aspens,” the personal pronoun “she” is used. From sentence 24 we see that under this pronoun a forest path is “hidden”. Since the frequent use of the same word in writing is not recommended, and is even considered a mistake, the author used a pronoun so as not to violate the construction of the sentence. In sentence 34 "Take care of it, people" we see a demonstrative pronoun. If we replace "it" with "nature", then the meaning remains the same, and this means that the use of pronouns does not affect the intelligibility of statements in any way.

After the work I have done, I can say with confidence that Reformatsky was right in his saying.

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