Separate members of the proposal in modern Russian. Presentation in Russian on the topic "Separate definitions" These sounds merge

(Task number 16)

Lesson on separate members of proposals: separate definitions, applications, reasons specifying constructions. Rules and exercises that will help fulfill the task number 16 of the Russian language

1. Separate definitions

Separate definitions include:
- involvement;
- adjectives with dependent words;
- single adjectives, standing after the word determined;
- Applications.

Definitions are isolated if:

- Stand after the word determined.

For example.

    Road, potted cobblestone, left the distance.

    On the window, silver from Eney, for the night of chrysanthemums bloomed. (Bun)

    Night has come, frosty, clear, quiet.

    M.V. Lomonosov, man of outstanding abilities and talents, rightly refer to our first university.

- Stand before the defined word, which is expressed by a personal pronoun.

For example.

    Loaded with shells, they moved away from the pier.

- It is faced with a definable word, but have an additional thorough value (causes, concessions, time).

For example.

    Surprised by an unexpected visit, Ivan Ivanovich smiled anyway. (Despite what Ivan Ivanovich smiled? - Concession).

    Exhausted thirst, the earth greedily absorbed moisture. (Why did the earth greedily absorbed moisture? - Cause).

    More transparent, forests seem to be deeply green. (P.) (Why are forests green as if Posh? - Cause).

Note! Uncoordinated definitionswhich are expressed by nouns in indirect cases, are most often separated if they relate to own name or personal pronoun.
For example.

    Prince Andrei, in a raincoat, riding a horse, stood behind the crowd and looked at Alpathy. (L.T.)

    Now she, in a new green dresswas especially beautiful and young.

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2. Annex

application - Definition expressed by nouns.

Separate and allocated with commas:

- Single and common applications, if they relate to personal pronoun.
For example.

    He is dwarf, Together with gigner. (P.)

    We, reportersWe often get into hot spots.

    His, the hereditary militarywhose ancestors have repeatedly defended their homeland, it was unpleasant to listen to the reasoning of young people about the fact that patriotism is "not fashionable."

- Common and single applications facing the defined word.
For example.

    Onegin, good my friend, Born on Brega Neva. (P.)

    Eagles satellites of the troops, rose over the mountain. (P.)

    Only the driver is not sleeping, silent northern old man. (CM.)

    Nearby are young people nearby students.

Common and non-proliferated applications facing the defined word are isolated if they have a causality value.
For example.

    Theater is an evil legislator, a non-permanent admirer of charming actresses, honorary citizen Kulis, Onegin flew to the theater. (P.) (Why did Onegin flew to the theater? - Cause).

    Best grade student, Vanya was awarded a guide to a children's camp. (Why was Vanya awarded a trip? - Cause).

Annexes that are joined by alliances are, or (in meaning there), with words, for example, in particular, on the name, by name, name, including other, etc.
For example.

    Many from the past ball are poured especially Dragun Captain. (Lerm.)

    Sands, or polar foxes, are well bred in captivity.

    Neighbor's dog nicknamed ball, the creature is rare fierce.

NB! Most of the applications attached by alliances are clarifying.

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Note! A common application instead of a comma can be separated on a letter of dash if it is at the end of the sentence or if it does not only define the word, but also complements it.
For example.

    Topolev - high bony old man with gray-green wars - For the whole evening, I did not say a word. (V. Azhaev)

    With me there was a cast-iron kettle - the only one is my journey in the Caucasus. (Lerm.)

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Applications with the Union How are are isolated if they have a value of causality.

For example.

    As an unsurpassed craverMaria Pavlovna was recognized as the best worker of the year.

Applications with the Union are not separated as if it can be replaced by a combination in quality.

For example.

    Rich, good, love, Lensky was adopted everywhere like fiance.

    We all know him as a good writer, but little as a beautiful man.

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3. Separate circumstances

Separate circumstances include:
- Temployees;
- single verbalia;
- circumstances expressed by nouns with pretexts;

Comparative turns.


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An exception! Do not be separated:
- Conditional turns that are part of phraseologism:

    work sleeves later;

    work hanging sleeves;

    run broken head.

Single type verbalia type silently, sitting, lying, joking, reluctantly, not looking, slowly, does not hurry et al., because By meaning they are approaching adverbs:

    he read lyzha;

    she is joking told jokes;

    we spoke standing.

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Comparative union how, as if, as if, what, than, really And others, the letter is allocated with commas.
For example.

    She was beautiful like May Rosa.

    I love the theater more, than movies.

    She flushed like a butterfly.

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An exception! Comparative turns that are part of the phraseological combinations are not allocated with commas.
For example.

    Rain pours both from the bucket, pale as death, blushed as cancer, fear like a fire, flies like an arrow, white as a canvas and etc.

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In order to gain, various circumstances, expressed by nouns with pretexts due to, according to, contrary to, in the case, if there is, because of the presence, due to et al. Such circumstances are usually separated if they are common and facing the lean.

For example.

    Cruisers due to the lack of place in the bay, stayed in the open sea. (Nov.- Pr.)

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Circumstances are always isolated despitewho have a seed value.
For example.

    Despite heavy rainNo one left home.

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4. Specifying designs

All members of the sentence can be refined - and the main, and minor.
Most often, clarifying time and space designs, which are connected with refined circumstances without unions and other words.
For example.

    Up, on deck, the sailors echoed. (K. PAUST.)

    On the horizon, there, where you just saw a vague red spot, suddenly the sun has emerged. (T. Leontiev)

    Every morning, at six o'clockI went to work. (MG)

Less often refine the circumstances of the image of action.

For example.

    During heavy rains, she (river) blooms in spring, (how exactly?) burly and noisy, and then gives yourself to know. (Czech.)

Clarifying designs include applications attached to the defined word of alliances: the river can be passed on a small path, or roadhow it all is called it here.

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As clarifying are often separate additions with pretexts except, in addition to, instead, excluding, except, including, along with, beyond, etc.
For example.

    In the Meshchersk region there are no special beauties and wealth, except forests, meadows and transparent air. (Paust.)

    With the exception of individual studentsAll in our class learn is well.

    We, in addition to studying at school, We are engaged in sports, go to the art studio and choir.

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5. Practical tasks

Exercise 1. Explain the setting of commas.

1. They drank a coffee in a gazebo on the shore of a wide lake, destroyed by the islands.
2. The old woman, looking at him because of the partition, could not know, fell asleep or just thought.
3. Deeply insulted, she sat under the window and was sitting at the bottom of the night without undressing.
4. Sound and lowly rushing on their soft wings, the night bird almost stumbled upon me and duckfully dived aside.
5. And whether he made a grimace, blinded by the setting sun, whether his face was generally peculiar to some oddity, only his lips seemed too short ...
6. Children, curious and omnipresents, immediately noticed that something incomprehensible is happening in the city.
7. Gloomy and surprised glance met his father.
8. He opened a notebook and drawn two segments parallel to each other.
9. Princess hates me strongly, I already retell two or three epigrams for my account, pretty stuck, but together very flattering (Lermontov).
10. Tired to the last degree, climbers could not continue their climb.
11. Exhausted long-term transition, tourists still continued the path.
12. The fog impregnated by the Sun lay over Moscow.

Task 2. Arrange the missed punctuation marks, graphically mark the involvement.

1. In the depths were visible did not have time to reach the surface of the water lily to the surface of the water.

2. It looked at the seaside eyelid on admiring spectators.

3. He looked at the land punched to the shagha and did not overgrown with the grass of the path.

4. I was afraid to raise my eyes and saw the strong Gardemarine's strong shoes stuck to an incredible shine.

5. Behind her back in a wicker handbag hung the battered with poppies.

6. We approached the house surrounded by excited barking dogs.

7. We regretted the booms of those who have fulfilled their independence and hated the British.

8. Svyatoslavskaya Street built-up boring income houses from the yellow Kiev bricks with the same brick sidewalks rested into a huge waste of raised with ravines.

9. Scarecrow Gorilla surrounded by foliage from painted shavings worn into the forest thicket of an insensible girl with slight gold hair.

10. Tired by a long transition, tourists were silent.

11. Love every rowing rushing from dew or warmed by the Sun, every mug of water from a forest well, every tree above the lake trembling in the street leaves, every crock of a rooster and each cloud floating on a pale and high sky.

12. Tired after heavy day She quickly fell asleep.

(From K. Pouust)

Task 3. Restraint suggestions so that uniform definitions Stood after noun. In front of the noun, put the relative adjective. Write down.

Sample. There was a clear, warm autumn day. - The day was autumn, clear and warm.

1. Smooth, straight asphalt highway allowed the machines to develop a greater speed.

2. At twilight, the expedition entered the raw, the gloomy mountain gorge.

3. The fire flame illuminated without wasteful, dead snowy plain.

4. Raised sharp, cold northern wind.

5. We hid in a large, comfortable tarpaulin tent.

Task 4. Arrange the missed commas.

1. In the tube rang his voice hoarse and courageous.

2. Increase the equilateral triangle with a side of equal to five centimeters.

3. Shatting and choking, he finally went ashore saw a robe lying on Earth, raised him and car grown to them, until the foaming body was warmed.

4. The older brother of my father who deceased in 1813, bearing in mind to arrange a village hospital, he gave him a boy for learning from the Feldshery art.

6. One of them is a black big and cutting was very similar to those rats he saw on ships while traveling.

7. The children granted by themselves will be in a difficult position.

8. Dressed in a light checkered jacket and white as snow pantalon, he quickly walked along the road; Under the arm he was a drawer wrapped in a green cloth.

9. Rich, good ... Sobody Lensky was adopted everywhere as the groom.

10. The sky is complete in the thunderstorm all in the boots tremble.

11. Misha's passionate film still noticed that his sister was saddened.

12. The fighter who received a heavy wound still did not leave the battle.

13. Clothes are still wet after the rain refrigerated the body.

14. The teacher did not let into the class of late for 10 minutes of the student.

Task 5. Open brackets, insert the missed letters. Arrange the punctuation marks.

1. (NOT) Freeding in self-government, silly began to attribute this phenomenon to the mediation of some unknown force. (S. - generous.)
2. Cached in the granite of the sea waves submitted ... Surprising gravity sliding along their ridges are fighting about the board of ships, about the shore, fight and plow (N n / Nn) dirt (N / NN) with different trash. (M. G.)
3. According to the bright ... re, black tops were drawn thin as writing. (B. Pasternak)
4. Wide, free alley (c) Dal is involved. (Bruce.)
5. The sun is magnificent and bright rose over the sea. (MG)
6. Only people can love strongly and strong chagrins ... (L.T.)
7. Pale he lay on the floor. (L.)
8. They entered the corridor narrow and dark. ()
9. Rusty S7 is still green and juicy leaning toward the ground. (Czech.)
10. Officers in new white gloves and brilliant epoletas fled through the streets and boulevard. (L. T.)
11. Soon the Odenty itself appeared with a simple morning (N / NN) dress. (Turg.)
12. He entered the age of sixty white-haired and dark in a brown fruce with copper buttons and in a pink handkerchief on her neck. (Turg.)
13. Male about thirty healthy handsome and strong lying on the cart. (Cor.)
14. Berezhkova herself in a silk dress in Cherec on the back of the head sat on the sofa. (Rock.)
15. Speaking more mother lady with gray hair. (Turg.)
16. A good-natured old man sick-fitting the watchman immediately let him (L. T.).
17. The result is considered as consent. (V. Azhaev)
18. The reading public managed to get used to Chekhov as a humorist. (Fedin)
19. Doctrine and a few pedant he loved to instruct. (Herzen)

Task 6. Spish. Insert the missed letters, open brackets. Arrange the punctuation marks.

1. So a resident of the world P ... In general on the Lona of idle silence, I picked by a lio obedient pr ... tribute to Dark Stari (N / NN) s. (P.)
2. Ivan Ivanovich and Burkina met in the house of the mountain ... Naya young woman. (Czech.)
3. Old uncle Prince Andrei Anton landed Pierre from to ... Lyasy. (L. T.)
4. Turgenev peers Pets of the School of the Great Poet Socradia (N / NN) of its poetry, we all kept in themselves (on) always about ... Yend his genius. (Rock.)
5. In the heaven (n / NN), the skies appeared stars of anticipation ... Nice Frost. (KUPER.)
6. We are hunters happiness to find our fire. (CM.)
7. The second Chadaev of mine Evgeny, fearing jealous convictions, in his clothes was a pedant ... (P.)
8. Girls especially Katenka with joyful entities (n / NN) people look out the window on a slim figure of a surcharge in the crew of Volodya (L.T.)
9. All birds are even a sparrow ... Painted my attention.
10. Linguistics or linguistics language science.
11. Temons of humiliation they were consuming.
12. Here it is about ... Clearing.
13. Mighty lion thunderstorm forests lost its strength.
14. Camorka was placed near the catalog storage.
15. Boyko My Sergeant disguises mines.
16. Son (fisherman) Pomor Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov The first 19 years of his life spent on the distant north.
17. She wrote a mother teacher from (not) of a large Volzhsky town and sister from Moscow.
18. Nichushka went on me ... Finding the coarse coarse carpet.
19. A cook Ivan Ivanovich is fought in the kitchen on nicknamed Medvezh ... Nok.

Task 7. Arrange the commas in applications with the Union as.

1. Ilya sometimes as a frisme boy and I want to rush and remake everything yourself. (Rock.)
2. I as a high-ranking person does not apply to ride at a horse ... (Czech.)
3. As an old artillery, I despise this kind of cold weapons. (M. Shol.)
4. The response received is considered as consent. (Azhaev)
5. This wheat variety as the most frost-resistant sow in the northern regions of the country.
6. My friend is known as the best class mathematician.
7. This gift to me roads as a memory of tourist trip.
8. This gift as a memory of a tourist trip to me very roads.
9. As a wonderful person he (bazaarov) did not meet himself equal. (D. Pisarev)
10. To me as the sailor, these murders are clear to me (H / NN) Waves of the waves, this clanging of Iron GR ... Mada trembling and moaning in violent about ... Poems ... (Nov.- Pr.)
11. As a new and expensive thing ... at home, the coat hung out in the front, but in the bedroom, next to the mother's dresses. (Czech.)

Task 8. Specify, with which members of the sentence there is an alliance as. Spish, putting, where you follow, commas before the union how. Explain punctuation.

1. Gerasima as an excellent employee immediately gave a braid into the hands. (Turg.)

2. Already (N ...) Once reached me, rumors about the Yashka Turk as the best singer in the foliation. (Turg.)

3. Polesie has been preserved in my memory as sad but a bit mysterious country. (Paust.)

4. Oak as a very strong tree is used for making ... p.

5. Our garden is like a passing courtyard. (Czech.)

6. As a passionate hunting amateur I am all day (N ...) I was at home. (CM.)


1. The sky was blue as the sea. The sea was blue as the sky. (A. Kuctinov)

2. And the rustle of the leaves was like nonsense. (B. PAST.) 3. The moon on the tree hung, and the tree was like a network. She like a fish there glittered, she had fun hanging. (N. Eykov)

4. There was a forest like sleep and snow as a dream under each rinch. (M. Dudin)

5. Instant lasts like a century, and the eyelids goes as a moment. (Fet)

Task 9. Sweep, opening brackets and inserting missed letters. Arrange the punctuation marks. Explain their alignment.

1. Having reopening the high cape a steamer entered the bay.

2. The wind is stronger thanks to the city of watering fogs.

3. In the north weakly Merzaya risen some whitish clouds.

4. Far (c) Embroiderer visiting a young man distinguished (not) Clear outlines of the cloud. (V. G. Korolenko)


1. Water (not) Although overflowing through the roll. (Cool.)

2. I said and she was silently. (Shol.)

3. He worked not to give up hands. (MG)

4. Pants Prokofievich UKR ... FIR Heat trust Darya Bulls. (Shol.)

5. Movers throwing the work crumpled along the harbor. (MG)

6. Chelkash (not) Letting the Storamen continued to talk. (MG)

Task 10. Read. Find guests and educated from them. How are they educated? Spish, arranging punctuation signs.

2. I knew well where my favorite book was lying on the shelf, and I could take it without looking. Without looking at the board, it's hard to play chess.

3. In the booster training, jokingly ran a rig meter in ten seconds. It's fun joking and laughing at each other we had a quiet to the camp.

Task 11. Choose explanatory words to the desires and write down the proposals, exposing the punctuation marks.

1. He spoke smiling.

2. The old man walked.

3. The girl sat thinking.

4. The train comes without stopping.

Task 12. Insert those placed in brackets to accruitment turns before the union and Or after it, depending on the meaning of verbs-fag. Spish, arranging punctuation signs.

1. Planter Cool soared up and became smoothly empty ... Xia (describing a large circle).

2. The boys looked at him and waved up (rubble).

3. Montior looked at the wiring for a long time and eliminated (no) serviceability (looking for damage; finding the place of gap).

Task 13. Spish, exposing the missed punctuation signs. Insert the missing letters.

1. All these sounds merge into the deafening music of the labor day and the rebelliously stunning standing low in the sky over the harbor.

2. Standing under couples these giants steamboats whistle hiss and deeply sigh.

3. Steps in six from Chelkasha at the sidewalk, on the pavement, etc. ... Toehing his back to the bedside table was sitting a young guy.

4. Chelkash rubbled his teeth talked her tongue and making a terrible face stared at him pulling ... with eyes.

5. The guy first (not) Dumemic got down, but then suddenly looked around and shouted through the laugh ah, the crank! - And almost without getting up from the ground clumsily turned out of his bedside table to the bedside bedside bedside of his kitomka on dust.

6. The guy was frightened. He quickly looked around and timidly blinking too, Chil ... Chil from Earth.

7. Chelkash came, and they began to drink and eat talking.

8. Clouds crawled slowly, then merging, then overtaking each other interfered with their colors and molds ... sewing themselves and again arising in new outlines, the Majesty ... whatened and sullen.

9. For a minute, the boat shuddered and stopped. The oars remained in the water foaming it and Gabril was restned restlessly on the bench.

10. Chelkash Pr ... got up from the stern (not) the release of oars from the hands and stuck his cold eyes in the face of Gavrille.

11. Boat Chelkasha stopped and fluctuated on the water (as) (no) dummy.

12. Gavrille silently Greob and hard breathe I looked there, where I was still rising and descended by this fire ... Blue Sword.

13. The sea woke up. It played by little waves. Baring them. Decorating the fringe foam. Flying with each other and smashing in fine dust.

14. Pena Taya Skeid and sighed, and everything was filled with a circle ... about musical noise and splash.

15. Reflecting the ... by playing by the sea, these stars jumped over the waves, then disappearing that again brilliantly.

16. He went (not) in a hurry.

17. The road pulls towards the sea, she wrigggages closer to the sand ... oh the strip where the waves are running.

18. Batteries copper building jump and thunder, and smoking how philoli goes before the fight ... Ryat.

19. The ship finally went to develop a move and gave way to a place in the ranks.

20. From the city already performed (not) a friendly arrow of a sprinkling in the Litavra and Pipes and poured out the dock around ... After (not) estimated servants.

Task 14.To report data, instead of points, attach one of the two specified proposals. Explain why you are selected one or another.

1. Having reached the river, ... a) the fatigue of the Assault ... We are the case b) we arranged ... shaft.

2. Floating in a boat, ... a) a lot of birds in ... Antended on the banks of the rivers (and / e) b) travelers saw many birds along the shores.

3. Noticing from all sides of the boats and people, ... a) the flock of wild goats rushed (c) the scattering b) the flock of wild goats was horrified.

4. Sob ... Treating on a hike, ... a) the guys thoughtfully thought out all the details of the travel b) on RA (s / s) the vete was appointed.

5. Under ... traveling to the station ..., a) PA (SS / C) Agira was worried and became sob ... Raint things b) in the car it became noisy.

6. Nab ... Paradise speed, ... a) train quickly ... came to the mountain pass b) the flashing of the telegraph columns was visible to the window.

Task 15. Read, specify comparative turns. Spish, arranging the missing punctuation signs. Comparative revolutions emphasize.

1. As a slim poplar, he was rushed (rider) on Bula Kone his. ()

south: velvet tree and vineyard. 15) Other factors, somehow: winds, temperature difference day and at night, in summer and winter, sea splashes and so on - play a secondary role. 16) Everywhere: And at the top, and the work was boiling. Everywhere, the knocking of the axes and hammers was distributed, squeal drank and plans, clang and rumble. 17) The ocean seems to measure and quietly and affectionately. 18) Only the owner remained in the room, yes Sergey Nikolaevich, yes Vladimir Petrovich.

II. 1) Grandmother offered my mother to choose one of two rooms for its room: or hall, or living room. 2) in the grass, in the bushes of dogwood and wild rosehip, in the vineyards and trees

Cycades floated everywhere. 3) One of the secrets of popularity and the survivability of our songs is not only their musical side, but also good words. 4) The speeches of the dance ensemble were held with great success both in our country and abroad. 5) White, even a pale face, dark hair, velvet black look and long eyelashes - that's all that rushed to his eyes and blinded it. 6) The upper eyelids hung over the eyes somewhat often observed from artists, hunters, sailors - in a word, in people with concentrated eyesight. 7) all days he spent on the permission of ordinary, but necessary economic issues: to verify the reports of reports and countless reports, to listen to brigadier reports, in production meetings - in a word, on everything, without which the existence of a large collective farm and what is unthinkable The least satisfied Davydov. 8) Pushkinhorier ... This region, where everything: and the sky, and groves, and grass, and the wind itself - breathes by Pushkin,

must reveal to each amazing world of the great poet, Studyport world that makes a man spiritually richer. . RU № 355. 1) I liked his [Onegin] features: mischievous dreams

devotion, inimitable oddity and sharp, chilled mind. 2) They [Onegin and Lensky] agreed: a wave and stone, poems and prose, ice and a flame are not so different among themselves. 3) Including all the disputes gave birth to the reflection: the tribes of the past contracts, the fruits of science, good and evil, and prejudices of the age-old, and the coffin of the mystery fathers. 4) her [Tatiana] early liked novels; They replaced her all; She fell in love with deceptions, and Richardson, and Rousseau. 5) Tatiana (Russian soul, herself not knowing why) with her cold Krasoy loved the Russian winter: the sun's sun on the day frosty, and Sani, and the zareu of the late radiance of pink snow, and the MGLU of the Epishetic evenings. 6) The moon shine and languidly illuminated Tatiana pale beauties, and loose Vlas, and drops of tears. 7) Her walks lasting share. Now then Kholmik, then the streams stop tatyana with his own. 8) Sorry. What would you see for me here in

stanzhas are negligent: the memories of the rebellious, resting from work, living paintings, Ile of sharp words, Ile grammatical mistakes - God forbid, so that in this book you are for fun, for a dream, for the heart, for journal srouting, although Crupitsa could find. For SIM part, sorry.

№ 356. 1) Our school team has won the championship not only in chess, but also on checkers. 2) New records were installed both by jumping in length and by jumping in height. 3) Competitions were carried out not only by athletics, but also swimming. 4) In the ski cross, both young men and girls participated. 5) The plant has achieved great success both in an increase in the production of products and in the reduction of cost.

№ 357. 1) Ivan Ivanovich high Growth and High Growth; Ivan Nikiforovich is slightly lower, but distributed byin thickness. 2) on the shelves, the jugs stood in the corners, bottles and green and blue bottlesglasses, different silver cups, gilded charmings of all work: Venetian, Turkish, Circassian. 3) All gave him [Taras] advantage in front of others: and old years, and experienced, and the ability to movehis army, and the strongest hatred of enemies. 4) The old Ataman bent and began to find outin the grass your cradle with tobacco, an unable companion on the seas and on land, and in campaigns, and at home. 5) techniques and customs of a significant person there were solid and majestic, but the unnecessary. 6) All this: noise, and talk, and a crowd of people - all this was somehow wonderful Akaki Akakievich. 7) He did not feel any hands, no legs. 8) some kind of smoky - blue, silver-soft not that light, not that fog poured me with

all sides. 9) Through the noise of the waves did not reach them the sighs, not the Studyport quiet, affectionately calling screams. 10) Quiet twilight. hour, ru rustling of trees and sputtering water - all this tuned special

way. 11) At this time of the year, a large fish, somehow: Yazi, habli and Line -no longer took. 12) Both: both mother, and son - so were absorbed by their occupation, which did not notice the arrival of Maxim. 13) sang lonely female voice then sad and vaguely, then zadorny and fun. 14) All: and officers, and the sailors were at the top and greedily peered into the depths of the bay. 15) Sea ever and incommantly noise and splash.

№ 358. Homogeneous definitions: Cold - non-worn (glory); Sleepy - frozen (air); Sharp - unpleasant (damp).

Inhomogeneous definitions: quiet frosty (night); Large rain (drops); Hasive coniferous (forest).

Uniform definitions are separated by a comma, inhomogeneous - no.

№ 359. 1) In the old country park quietly ... slowly falls on the land yellow, killed by autumn maple leaf. 2) Yellow oak thickets stood in dew. 3) She [Masha] brought the illustrated magazines from the city of New (,). 4) She wanted to go out, he stopped her gesture and pulled out a new, undisclosed book from a high table. 5) All travelers were dressed in the same (,) polar costumes. 6) Peru an old one has no hunt to frost volatile sheets; Other, sophisticated dreams, others, strict concerns and in the noise of light, and in the quiet disturb the dream of my soul. 7) The sun has not yet risen due to a shorter, the root Bereznyak, who was visible, but the first orange rays were pierced with sharp needles through the foliage and, gently Golden East High Snight, sparkled by the husks of pink sparks in Gray Rusy grass ... 8) And only very Attentive eye could distinguish between this peaceful, deserted, calm landscape some kind of unclear movement. 9) was a sulfur, damp, windy day. 10) Alyosha submitted a small folding rice mirror, standing on the chest. 11) Above the wet field, over a fishing line, the rapid pale silky greens of spring foliage, hastily stretched shapeless brown clouds. 12) Snowy drifts expeded fine icy crust. 13) Large, heavy drops hung on glossy branches of bushes. 14) Bright winter sun looked into our windows.

№ 360. 1) Rocky and hum - land. 2) Dog, lion, and a wolf with a fox - sowing. 3) Rakita or birch - sowing. 4) Noise and Sensules - SUB., Bears, Tigers, Wolves - SUT. 5) Neither the noise nor the song is essential. 6) Not that fear, not the annoyance - it is essential. 7) Noise and talking. 8) lamp and writing device

- SUMS. 9) Sidim, chatting - ch., Evening and night - SUT.

No. 361. Lena is a mighty Siberian river, its length of 4500 kilometers. Studyport The origins of Lena are located in the Baikal mountains, at the height. 1200Net meters above sea level. In beautiful wooded shores, taking the right,

that on the left of the tributaries, Lena in his rapid run to north gradually grows, increases. When pushing in the sea of \u200b\u200bLaptev Lena shares its waters on numerous ducts. Sands of Meli, a winding fairway - all this makes it difficult for shipping in Delta Lena.

Lena as in the upper, so part and on average - an extremely picturesque river. [─ both and - \u003d]. The mountainous shores are cool and ripples and consist of red sandstone, then wavy. [─ then, then]. From the mountains in many months, the warm mineral keys are running into the river. [\u003d ─]. And to the right, and the left of the shores are solid ridges covered with forests of mountains. [And, and ─].

Lena is the main shipping artery of Eastern Siberia, it is of great importance for the intensively developing farms of a huge territory.

Here our geologists found large reserves of minerals: gold and tin, mica and zinc, stone coal and iron. Here on the great northern sea Path Different cars and equipment, residential buildings, scientific instruments, products and various industrial goods. ( Journalistic style.)

Right, sandstone, left.

No. 362. 1) (vertices), exist with wrinkles, coated with layers of snow; (Sky), who still preserved the last gleam dawn - the definitions expressed by the involved turns are isolated, because they are after the defined words. 2) worried memories - definition expressed involved in turnover, is isolated, as it refers to personal pronoun. 3) Girl for sixteen

- A common application expressed by a nominal nouns with dependent words. 4) fixed, fiery - non-prolonged definitions are isolated, as they are after the word determined. 5) Rimming the mane of horses - the circumstance expressed camera accompany; The case covered is a definition expressed by the involvement of the turnover, standing after the word determined. 6) Returning - the circumstance expressed by the designer. 7) Contrary to the prediction of my satellite - the concession circumstance.

№ 363. I. 1) Only people who can be strongly loving may experience strong chagrins; But the same need to love serves for them to oppose the sorrows and heal them. 2) Street, lead

sich in goa was free. 3) They entered the corridor, narrow and studyport dark. 4) Lazy from nature, he [Zakhar] was lazy. Screenshots and in its lacket upbringing. 5) Passion about devotee Barina

however, a rare day is not soling to him. 6) Male about thirty, healthy th, beautiful and strong, lay on the cart 7) the earth, and the sky, and the white cloud floating in the lazuries, and the dark boron, insensitively whispering down, and the splashing in the darkness of the river - everything, this is familiar, all this is his native. 8) Mother's stories, more lively and brief, produced a big impression on the boy. 9) Innem covered, they [cliffs] went into an unclear illuminated distance, sparkling, almost prous. 10) hit the frost at 30, 35 and 40 degrees. Then at one of the stations we have already seen the mercury frozen in the thermometer.

11) Rusty School, still green and juicy, leaning towards the ground.

12) Song, quiet, pulling and saunyavna i like a planwhose and hard and the catchy hearing, it was heard on the right, then to the left, then from above, then from under the ground. 13) at the sight of Kalinovich Laki, foolish from face, but in livery withgaluny, stretched out in the idle pose. 14) Boris not spa

elk, and he in a light morning coat reached the garden. 15) Berezhkova herself, in the silks of a dress, in Chepz E on the back of the head, sat on the sofa.

II. 1) His [Werner] Little Black Eyes, always calm, tried to penetrate your thoughts. 2) I have already passed the cups of epigrams on my account, pretty stuck, but those very flattering. 3) Alyosha came out of the house of the Father in the state of the spirit, broken and depressed. 4) Satisfied blood punted by Kalaambar, he slept. 5) Pale, he lay on the floor. 6) We went to the exam, calm

and confident in their power. 7) for her [stroller] was a man with big mustes, in Hungarian, pretty well dressed for lake. 8) two willows leaned down gently with each other, old and youngAnd something whispered about something. 9) Odairen any extraordinary powerHe [Gerasim] worked for four. 10) anxiety, vague, unclear, all tightly covered Vaska. 11) We chose a place around the pile of seedling, scored stones on the shore of the rut, muddy about t, and the bonfire was divorced on the stones. 12) The sun in front of the sunset came out due to clouds covering the sky, and suddenly the brown light illuminated the purple clouds, the greenish sea, covered e ships and boatssmooth wide skiing and white buildings of the city

and the people, moving along the streets. 13) Life in the city, sleepy and monotonous, went with his own kips. 14) river, progress believed white thorosomes, slightly sparkled under the silver sad light of the Moon, standing above the mountains.

№ 364. For the first time, the traveler traveling to the central regions is amazing beautiful, laid in the mountains of the road. Many cars are moving around mountain roads. Heavy

layers filled with cargo and people are climbing the high-studyport kie passages, descend in deep, high-spirited rowing mountain valleys. The higher the mountains rise - cleaner, cool

it is air. Closer to us the tops of high ridges covered with snow. Enveling Mountain Rocks Road is in a deep hollow. The rapid and rapid mountain stream, it flies the road, it is lost in a deep stone bed.

Wild, desert impression produces a deep mountain flavor, spreading along a stormy river. Stems of dried herbs, ringing in the wind, cover the wild steppe. A rare tree can be seen on the river bank. Little steppe hares are hiding in the grass, pressed her ears, sit near the telegraph pillars, lined in the ground. The flock of Jeyranov oversight the road. Far from these lowest animals rushing along the steppe. Having stopped on the banks of the noisy, blurred the edge of the river mountain road, on the slopes of the mountain you can see in the binoculars of the flock of mountain sulf. Cute animals raise heads, peering on the road running downstairs.

№ 365. 1) Sun, immediately started to Fall, quickly risen over the steppe ... 2) Several cheeks, pisks x and yellowish, very dick and at the same time very air, stood over the city. 3) The sky darkens, heavy and intense, it all hangs above the ground. 4) without ceasing, lil rain, oblique and small. 5) tired, we finally fell asleep. 6) Wind, still strong, blew now from the east. 7) He [TELEGIN] distinguished between these deep sighs a deaf grumble, then sinking, then growing inangry rolls s. 8) Month, clean and sharp, stood above head. 9) Amazed, I'm thinking about what happened for a while. 10) I saw a group of rocks, similar to a deer, and loved. 11) Night came, infinitely debt I, sullenly cold. 12) All space, darkly filled with nights, was in a mad movement. 13) meanwhile frost although very easyi, dried and painted all the leaves. 14) The mass of the Earth, not the blue, not about the gray, the places lay a humpback with a pile, the strip stretched along the horizon. 15) There was a white winter with a rigid silence of cloudless frosts, a dense creamy snow, pink, in the trees, a pale-dimensional sky, smoke caps above the pipes, couples from instantly opened doors, fresh, as if by the cushed, people of people and a cotton ride.

№ 366. 1) The road is extinguished between two rings, crumpled green roadside grass. 2) Soccer lilies and coming to the depth of the thread are very graceful. 3) The sun village, and light clouds froze, pink from the sunset. 4) From somewhere on the right came the extremely similar to the cry of the child sounds. 5) on the steppe, densely overgrown

howl, the horses walked slowly. 6) The shepherd-Studyport dit for our fire in the mountains. 7) We sailed in the fog, the beach and the sea. 8) in snowy, fooling inexperienced eyes

it is difficult to determine the distance.

№ 367. 1) In the meadows that have crushed vegetation, many birds were found. 2) The novel created by the young author called busy disputes. 3) the inhabitants of the village, victims of the flood, was given timely help. 4) The boat adjusted by the waves and the wind quickly rushed along the river. 5) From afar, they were visible on the water logs.

No. 368. The day was warm, autumn and rainy. The spacious perspective, revealed from the elevation, where the Russian batteries were stood, who defended the bridge, then suddenly delayed the kinic curtain of oblique rain, then suddenly expanded, and at the light of the sun far and clear obtained subjects, precisely covered with varnish. Seveled townunder the legs with their white houses and the red roofs, the cathedral and the bridge, on both sides of which, crowding,

there were masses of Russian troops. Seveled on the turns of the Danube Court, and the island, and the castle with a park, surrounded by the waters of the ensea in the Danube, was visible to the left, rocky and pine forest covered, the shore of the Danube with a mysterious distance of green peaks and pigeonous gorges.

№ 369. I. 1) Pike-Kumushka for Karp Kumankom chasing. 2) The power and charm of taiga not only in the giants trees. 3) lived in the hut poor shoemaker. 4) I have a story "Snow". 5) He [Chernov] was invariably lucky in all enterprises. 6) Ivan Ivanovich and Burkina met in the house Maid - a young woman. 7) We were going most often from Boris Murovov, Zoo. 8) On the black porch sang Vasilisa-Strachak. 9) Old uncle Andrei, Anton, landed Pierre from the stroller. 10) Nichushka went on soft hollow needle- Forest carpet. eleven) Tourge peers

neva, Pets of the School of the Great Poet, focused on his poetry

she, we all kept the charm of his genius forever. 12) at Push-

kina of this father of Russian art, in the word there were two direct

deceit - Lermontov and Gogolwho gave birth to a whole gloom

workers of the 40s, 60s ... 13) As a man is wonderful smart,

he [bazaars] did not meet himself equal. fourteen) As an artist WordesN.S. Leskov is quite worthy to stand next to such creators of Russian literature, what, L. Tolstoy, Gogol, Turgenev, Goncharov.

II. 1) With a chauffeur, a lieutenant connector was sitting. 2) Nikolai Nikolayevich's wife, Frenchwoman, no less difference in humanity, kindness and simplicity. 3) I saw Colonel Polyakova - chief of Cossack artillerywho played an important role that day - and

together with him arrived in the left village. 4) I leisurely reached Studyport to the old Corchma, non-residential collapsed hutand became. Arove the desofed forest. 5) Here are ordinary satellites of my hunting

excursions - lesteries Zakhar and Maxim. 6) I am a dismaker on the park for the Perm ... now I am "black dressage" or "kitchen man". 7) In the kitchen, the expensive cook Ivan Ivanovich, according to

zvishz bear. 8) Girls, especially Katenka, with joy

his enthusiastic faces are watching the window to a slim physiognomy of the Volodya surrounding in the crew. 9) The driver threw lilac, the girl ran out of the hollow. 10) Her father, Platon of Polovtsy, engineer, was an old friend of my father. 11) We, hunters, happiness to find our fire. 12) Second Chadaev, my Eugene, afraid of jealous condemnations, in his clothes there was a pedant and what we called France. 13) This window came out of the room in which a young one lived on the summer position, the first violin was just released from the Conservatory - Mitya Gusev. 14) Stars appeared in the Green Sky - harfed frost.

№ 370. I. 1) Any bird, even a sparrow, attracted my attention. 2) the most amazing mushrooms, such as birch and raw, reach full development Three days. 3) Steppe, that is, the shameless and wave-like endless plain, surrounded us from all sides. 4) Uncle, Sergey Nikolaevich, began to teach me cleaning and calligraphy. 5) approaching Sergeevka, we again fell into the urace, that is, in a wardrite, crouched rare bushes and trees. 6) Father and Evseich won a lot of lot and very large fish, especially the perky and rhe.

II. 1) Limonnet - Yellow Butterfly sits on a lingonberry. 2) In the late autumn, the desert steppe comes to life for a short time. 3) The next morning, with my friend, the artist went on a boat to a buzz. 4) amazed, he opened wide brown eyes. 5) I, a journalist, by nature, a cheerful man. 6) When Alexey Krasilnikov left Lazaret, he met the fellow countryman Ignat, Frontovik. 7) At one time, a very dear person went to the sisters - Captain Roshchin, submitted to Moscow to take equipment. 8) The poor thing, she lay motionless, and blood flowed from the wound with streams. 9) HAPPY-Kyrgyz sits motionless. 10) There was a shaggy strong dog with him, the nickname is correct. 11) Now it's good on the Oka, or on the Tax River. 12) The Expeditionary detachment included Arsenyev - Head of the Expedition, Nikolaev - Assistant on the economic and organizational part, Gusev - Naturechnik and Geologist, Jul - journalist. 13) To me, as sailor, these murderer's swelling of waves are clear, this clankin of iron bulb, trembling and moaning in the violent embrace of the elements.

№ 371. 1) In the dark, nothing was visible, except for sparkling Studyport lights. 2) Instead of a funny Petersburg life, expected. My boredom in the side is deaf and remote. 3) all the sound all died

besides the sighs of the sea. 4) the entire team of the vessel, including the captain, and the main mechanic, and the buffetber, consisted of eight or nine people. 5) In addition to the pretzno, our owner was also bakery. 6) Father with his son, instead of greeting after a long time, began to plant the tumaki and in Boca, and in the lower back, and in the chest, then retreating and looking back, then again. 7) Soil of the Sukhansky Valley, with the exception of only marshes at the mouth of the river, extremely fertile. 8) over all expectations, all October stood dry and warm weather. 9) In the books of V. K. Arsenyev, in addition to bright artistic sketches, there is a great valuable material about life in the Ussuri region. 10) All material, including traveler diaries, is carefully studied. 11) The crew mood, beyond the usual, was raised. 12) besides Vali and Stepha Safonov, in the kindergarten there was an unfamiliar Oleg Pare

nek. 13) Everything, with the exception of Var, loudly applauded singers. 14) We, instead of the story of the content of the story, will be presenting only a short sketch of its main characters.

№ 372. 1) All these sounds merge into the deafening music of the labor day and, stirring the relenty, stand in the sky over the harbor. 2) Standing under couples, heavy giants - steamboats whistling, hissing, deeply sigh ... 3) Steps in six of him [Chellash] at the sidewalk, on the pavement, leaning his back to the bedside table, sat a young guy ...

Chelkash scolded his teeth, taped her tongue and, making a terrible face, stared at him with stolen eyes. The guy first wondered, but then suddenly looked around, shouted through the laughter: "Ah, Chudak!" - And, almost without getting up from the ground, clumsily turned out of his bedside table to the bedside table of Chelkasha, dragging his kittomka on dust and tapping the heel of braids about stones. 4) The guy was frightened. He quickly looked around and, timidly blinking, also jumped out of the ground. 5) Chelkash came, and they began to eat and drink talking. 6) Clouds crawled slowly, merging, then overtaking each other, prevented their colors and forms, absorbing themselves and again arising in new outlines, majestic and sullen. 7) For a minute, the boat shuddered and stopped. The oars remained in the water, foaming it, and Gavril was restned restlessly on the bench. 8) Cheljasch highlighted from the stern, without letting the oars from the hands and stuck his cold eyes into Gavril's pale face. 9) Boat Chelkasha stopped and hesitated on the water, as if bewildered. 10) Gavrille silently cakes and, heavily breathe, I looked there, where I was still rising and descended by this fiery sword. 11) The sea woke up. It was playing by small waves, giving birth to them, decorating a fringe foam,

finding with each other and breaking into fine dust. 12) Foam, Taya, Studyport Skeid and sighed, and all the circle was filled with with noise and splash. 13) Playing Sea, these stars

jump on the waves, then disappearing, then the brightness again. 14) He was not in a hurry. 15) pulls the road to the sea, she, wriggling, crashes closer to the sand strip, where the waves are being saved.

№ 373. 1) Returning from the review, Kutuzov, Agreements austriangeneral, passed to his office and, by clicking the adjutant A, ordered to force myself some papers, belonged to the state when the troops who went, and letters received from the Er Tsherzoga Ferdinand, who had boss go old army. 2) Goncharov is before us, above all, the artist who can m express full phenomenalife. 3) Oblomovtsy very simply understood her [Life] as an ideal of peace and inaction, violated at times different unpleasant with the views, somehow: diseases, losses, quarrels, and, by the way, work. 4) the garden, more and more edge, the transition I am in a real meadow, descended to the river, which crushed green

music and Evnyatak; Near the mill dam was Ples, deep

and fish. 5) on the second day of the storm intensified. Flooring, lower ripped clouds were lowered, piled up clumsy layers away, they were silent on the sea and burned the horizon, dark, as a drooping smoke; Skipping I, foaming, tremendous shoots rolled the waves on an immense donkey, with a whistle and have swept the swirl, raising the cascades of pearl splashes. 6) We were three: Savely - old Hunter, Thickand round, like a hive, pyzh - the long-born dog, I understand not worse than the host,

and I - at the time I still teenager.

No. 374. 1) From the city already performed the enemy army, having fluttering into the Litavra and Pipes, and, having poured, passed Panya, surrounded by reasonable servants. 2) Obietiew sat leaning and patting the branch on the grass. 3) He [share] grabbedbear and, hugging and lifting it, began to spin with him around the room. four) Klim Samghin Shagalon the street cheerfully and not inferior to the ongoing roads. 5) At the eyelashes from Masha made tears, she slowly wiped and pinged the cheek. 6) Natasha, having sorted, peeking out of his ambush, waiting for it to do. 7) Vanya in the summer did not bother her hands worked in the yard, went to the mill, drove bread. 8) Having made a few laps, he took his foot from the pedal of the machine, Oster the chisel, threw it into the leather pocket, attached to the machine, and, coming to the table, called the daughter. 9) Prince Andrei, seeing the infancy of the demands of the Father, first reluctantly, but then more and more enliven and unwittingly in the middle of the story, in a habit, going from Russian to French, began to express the operating plan of the intended campaign.

№ 375. 1) In this morning hour, I want to sleep uncontrollably, and, with- Studyport Kornowing the father's wide back, I am a nose. 2) Song. It proceeded by unknown from where, drunk, then increasing. 3) and not afraid of

nya, sitting closely, loudly shed forest small birds. 4) Lying on the shore of the stream, I look at the sky, where deep branches are revealed over the blast winds. 5) as if emphasizing the frozen immobility july Day.Forest grasshoppers are singing. 6) solid clouds of milk color covered all the sky; The wind quickly drive them, whistling and swinging. 7) Rudin stood arms crossed on his chest and listened to intense attention. 8) All this she did in slower, without noise, with some kind of mounted and quiet care on his face. 9) The old man, not a word, not to say, threw the magnificent movement of the hand from the window key from the door to the street. 10) Another time Lavretsky, sitting in the living room and listening to the ingratiating, but heavy ranting of Gideonovsky, suddenly, not knowing why, he fucked and caught a deep, attentive, questioning look in the eyes of Lisa.

Dreshene from dust Blue southern sky - mute; The roast sun looks into the green sea, just through a thin gray veil. It is almost not reflected in the water, disseminated by blowing fun, shipping screws, sharp keels of Turkish fellows and other vessels, furrowing in all directions of a close harbor. The waves chained in the granite of the sea are embedded with huge gravity, moving along their ridges, fighting the boards of ships, about the shore, beating and pinched, foamed, contaminated with different trash.

The ringing of the anchor chains, the crash of the clips of cars, driven by cargo, the metal cry of the iron sheets, from somewhere falling on the stone bridge, deaf wooden knock, rattle of the cabling, whistles of steamers, then shrill sharp, then deafly roar, shouts of loaders, sailors and customs soldiers - All these sounds merge into the deafening music of the working day and, stirring, standing low in the sky over the harbor, - all the new and new waves of sounds rise to them - then the deaf, roofing, they are severely shaken all around, then sharp, rattling , - dust dusty, sultry air.

Granite, iron, wood, bridge harbor, vessels and people - everything breathes with powerful sounds of passionate hymn Mercury. But the voices of people, barely audible in it, weak and are funny. And the people themselves, originally gave this noise, are funny and pitiful: their figures, dusty, dangling, yurt, bent under the severity of goods lying on their backs, fussily running there, then here in the clouds of dust, in the sea heat and sounds, they insignificant compared to the surrounding iron colosums, piles of goods, rather wagons and everything they created. Created by them enslaved them.

Standing under couples, heavy giants-steamboats whistling, hissing, deeply sighs, and in every sound born by them, mocking notes of contempt for gray, dusty figures of people who crawled on their decks, filling deep trims of their products slave labor. Before the tears are funny long strings of loaders carrying on the shoulders of their thousands of pudders of bread in iron stomachs to earn several pounds of the same bread for their stomach. Torn, sweaty, povered from fatigue, noise and heat, and mighty, glittering the car to the sun, created by these people, - cars that were eventually brought in motion yet not by steam, but the muscles and blood of their creators - in This comparison was a whole poem of cruel irony.

The noise - suppressed, dust, irritating the nostrils, "the eyes were blinded, the body was blinded, and it seemed to be tense, losing patience, ready to break out some of the grand catastrophe, the explosion, for which in the air refreshed would be drawn freely and Easy, silence will rear on Earth, and this dusty noise, a deafening, annoying, bringing to sad rabies will disappear, and then in the city, at sea, in the sky will become quiet, clearly, nice ...

Twelve dimensional and bell bells in the bell. When the last copper sound stopped, the wild music of labor has already sounded quieter. A minute later she turned into a deaf dissatisfied Ropot. Now the voices of people and the splash of the sea have become heard. It - dinner time came.

When the movers, throwing to work, crumbled around the harbor by noisy groups, buying themselves from the trafficking different snacks and sitting down to dinner right there, on the pavement, in the shady corners, - the Grishka Chelkash appeared, an old etched wolf, who is familiar with Havansky people, an avid drunkard and deft Brave thief. He was Bos, in the old, staleflast pants, without a hat, in a dirty stem shirt with a broken gate, opened its dry and angular bones covered with brown skin. According to unwitted black with a smart hair and a crumpled, sharp, predatory face it was clear that he had just woke up. In one brown mustache, Solven was stuck, the other Solven was confused in the bristle with his left shaved cheek, and he shut down his small ear who had just torn the linden branch. A long, bony, a little sutured, he slowly walked along the stones and, reeling his humpback, a predatory nose, threw around himself sharp views, gleaming cold gray eyes and looking out for someone among the movers. His brown mustache, thick and long, and then the case shuddered, like the cat, and the hands laid behind the back threw each other, nervously shutting down with long, curves and chain fingers. Even here, among hundreds of the same as he, harsh Bosyatsky figures, he immediately addressed his resemblance to the steppe hawk, his predatory worship and this targeted walk, smooth and deceased, but internally excited and dressed as years That predatory bird that he reminded.

When he stood up with one of the groups of Bosia-movers, located in the shade under the pile baskets with coal, the chunky small little small with stupid, in the crimps, face, and scratched neck, should have recently beaten. He got up and went next to the Chelkash, in a low voice saying:

- The nipple of the two places of the manufactory had enough ... Looking for.

- Well? - asked Chelkash, calmly measuring his eyes.

- What - well? Looking for, they say. Nothing more.

- Me, what did you ask, to help look for? And Cheljasch with a smile looked there, where the warehouse of the Voluntary Fleet waters.

- went to hell! Comrade turned back.

- Hey, wait! Who is you writing you? What did you spoil the signboard, then did not see the bottle here?

- I have not seen for a long time! - shouted the one leaving his comrades.

From somewhere because of the rebellion of the goods, a customs guard, dark green, dusty and militant-direct. He touched the jelly's road, getting up in front of him in the caller pose, climbing her with his left hand for the crust handle, and right trying to take the chelka for the gate.

- Stop! Where are you going?

Cheljasch retreated a step back, raised his eyes to the guard and smiled dryly.

Red, good-natured-cunning face of the servant tried to portray the formidable mine, for which I was inflated, it became round, Baghrov, moving with eyebrows, shoved my eyes and was very funny.

- It is said - in the harbor do not dare to walk, ribs break! Are you again? - Grozny shouted the watchman.

- Hello, Seeds! We have not been seen for a long time, "Cheljasch quietly greeted and handed him his hand.

- at least a century not to see you! Go, go! .. But the seeds still shook out her hand.

"That's what I say," the Chelkash continued, without releasing the seeds of his chain fingers and his friends-familiar shook, "you didn't see the bear?"

- What else is a bear? I don't know any bear! Gone, brother, won! And then the warehouse will see, he is those ...

- Redhead, with whom I was last worked at the "Kostroma", - stood on his chelkash.

- With whom you carry together, here's how to tell! He was brought to the hospital, the body of yours, the leg gave the cast-iron bayonet. Look, brother, as long as the honor is asked, appear, but I spend in the neck! ..

- Yeah, you are! And you say - I do not know the bears ... You know. What are you so angry, seed? ..

- That's what, you do not spoke your teeth, and go! .. The watchman began to be angry and, looking around, tried to snatch his hand from a strong hand of Chelkasha. Cheljasch calmly looked at him from under his thick eyebrows and, without letting his hands, continued to talk:

- Well, well, - you throw it! You, - do not joke, the devil is bony! I, brother, in fact ... Ali are you at home, you are going to rob through the streets?

- What for? And here we have enough good about our age. By God, enough, seeds! You, hear, again two places of manufactory Slamzil? .. Look, seed, careful! Do not get anyway! ..

Restricted seeds shook, splashing saliva and trying to say something. Chelkash let his hand and calmly walked his long legs back to the gate of the harbor. Watchman, furiously swearing, moved behind him.

Algorithm for performing punctuation marks with homogeneous members with summarizing words

For example: "In the grass, in the bushes of Kizyl, a wild vineyard - cicadas were poured throughout" (A.I. Kubrin). Homogeneous members are facing the generalizing word "everywhere", so after them put a dash (the answer "yes" on the second question of the algorithm). Another example is: "The trees planted by the concerned relatives: Klyon, Poplar, Acacia, as well as wilder-growing male - Green and Freshly" (M. A. Sholokhov). Uniform members are located in the middle of the offer. After summarizing words put a colon, after homogeneous members - dash.


The Egyptians really appreciated the sea onions and even built in his honor the temples. In the ancient Greeks, the sea onions was used to treat water and snake bite. The marine onion was widely popular in Europe in the Middle Ages.

When in the second half of the XIX century, the active substances were allocated from the sea bow, they turned out to be the glycosides of heart action. (In the future, similar glycosides were found in a number of plants: a stanfland, against atestrank, lilieshest, adonis, jaggility, Kendere and others). Since in our country, the sea onions in a wild form does not grow, his homeland is the Mediterranean, the drugs of the same action we receive from domestic plants: in the darkness, lily of the Lily, Adonis, the Justice and others.

In glycosides isolated from sea bow, there is one curious property - they are very toxic for rodents: mice, rats, etc. This property of the plant once a large service of the Moscow Zoo.

V. Salo "and sugar are bitter."


There are four main class of silver clouds: Fleur, stripes, waves, whirlwinds.

Fleur is a thin haze, more or less homogeneous. Often, the Fleur is combined with other forms - fills the gaps between stripes or ridges. But often only Fleur is visible. To see him right away, you need some experience of observations.

The strips parallel to the horizon are perhaps the main form of silver clouds. Less often appear stripes, inclined to the horizon or intersecting.

Wave formations have the kind of crest waves. They are customary to divide for three subclasses: scallops (short, walking in small distances parallel to each other), Combs (longer and often oriented than small scallops), wave-like bends, superimposed on other formations so that the entire cloud system is like peasants on Big wave.

Vortices - clouds of this class, perhaps the most spectacular, but they are less common else. Vortex formations sometimes resemble bizarre feathers of fishing birds.

V. Bronypan "Watch Silver Clouds".

In the forest before dawn

Stars have also sparkled sharply and cold, but the sky in the East has already become brightened. Trees gradually performed from darkness. Suddenly, in the heights, they passed a strong and fresh wind. The forest immediately came to life, slammed flatly and ringing. Anxious, whistling whisper was spun among themselves among themselves the centenary pines, and dry frills with a soft rustling was poured with disturbed branches.

The wind verse is suddenly, as she flew. Trees again froze in cold chopping. Immediately began to be heard all the preliminary forest sounds: greedy wolf gnawing on the neighboring glade, cautious tweezing foxes and the first, still unsure of the wokelings of the woodpecker, drowning in the silence of the forest so musically, it was not a wood trunk, but the hollow violin body.

The last stars quietly went out in the breathless sky. The forest, finally shook the remnants of the night darkness, got up in everything with her green magnitude. According to the way, the crochemonic heads of pines and sharp spiers of firs lit up, the curly heads were lit, it was guessing that the sun rose and that the day did it promise to be clear, frosty, crookedly.

It became completely light. Wolves went to the forest quantles to digest night prey, removed from the glade of the fox, leaving in the snow lace, cunning tangled track. Old forest loosely smoothly, inexorable.


Tatyana's gaze dined

Around himself looks at everything

And everything seems to her invaluable

All the soul of languid live

Empty Otrada:

And a table with a malfunction lamp

And pile of books and under the window

Bed covering the carpet,

And view of the window through Dusk Lunny,

And this pale half-floor,

And Lord Bayron portrait

And the column with the cast iron doll

Under hat, with cloudy brow,

With hands, compressed cross.

A. S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin".


It all starts with love ...

"At first

And I proclaim again:

It all begins

with love! ..

It all starts with love:

and insight

and work,

eyes of flowers,

baby's eyes -

everything begins with love.

Everything begins with love.

I know it for sure.

even hatred -

sister of love.

It all starts with love:

dream and fear

wine and powder.


and feat -

it all starts with love ...

Spring will whisper to you:

"Live ...".

And you swear from whisper.

And straighten.

And you will start.

It all starts with love!

Robert Christmas

What is Wonderful Wonder?

You can do everything in the world:

Build a house from bricks,

Patch thin networks

Move toward the stream.

You can score a nail into a jam

Stool in the kitchen repair

Scroll, paint the boat

Or write a song.

What are we call


That we can

Make yourself!

You can do everything in the world:

Write poems in a notebook

And lazy in the wall newspaper

Let's laugh.

Can rush along the track,

In the run of everyone to get ahead

And Birings Tallonople

Near the school to plant.

M. Pleazkovsky

In the forest, front-line

Warm wet night thickened in the forest. Now, when the thunder of the battle moved to the south and the glow of distant fires were already barely visible behind the grid of the branches, all the night noises of summer, fragrant, blooming forest were clearly audible, the blooming forests: a frantic and adsatory crackling of grasshoppers on the edge, the gastroinny walled mocking Dergach and this, that's all the stuffing, all the filling, reigning in the wet fishing of the nightingale singing.

The lunar white spots interspersed with black shadows crawled around the grass at the foot of Alexey, still sitting under the birch on soft, now already cheese Moss. He again pulled a photo from his pocket, put her on his knees and, looking at her, illuminated by Moon, thought. Above his head in a clear, dark blue sky one after another stretched south dark little silhouettes of night bombers. Motors of their Basovito roared, but even this voice of the war was perceived now in the forest, full of lunar light and nightingale singing, like a peaceful buzz of the May Zhukov. Alexey sighed, removed the photo in the pocket of the gymnastrics, springfully jumped up, shaking off his witch charm of this night, and, Khrutnik, fled to his dugout, where he was already sweet and snoring his comrade, he spread his companion on a narrow soldier's bed.

B. Field "Tale of a true man."

In the harbor

Dreshene from dust blue southern sky cloudy; The roast sun looks into the green sea, just through a thin gray veil. It is almost not reflected in the water, disseminated by impaired, steamboats, steaming screws, sharp keels of Turkish fellows and other vessels, swallowing in all directions of a close harbor.

The ringing of the anchor chains, the rumble of the clips of cars, driven by cargo, the metal cry of the iron sheets, from somewhere falling on the stone of the bridge, deaf wooden knock, the rattling of the cabling, whistles of steamers, then shrill sharp, then deafly roar, shouts of loaders, sailors and customs soldiers - All these sounds merge into the deafening music of the labor day ...

Granite, iron, tree, bridge harbor, ships and people - everything breathes with powerful sounds of passionate hymn Mercury. But the voices of people, barely audible in it, weak and are funny.

Standing under couples, heavy giants-steamers whistling, hissing, deeply sigh, and in every sound, born by them, mocking notes of contempt for gray, dusty figures of people who crawled on their decks, filling deep trims of their products of their slave labor. Before the tears are ridiculous long strings of movers carrying on the shoulders of their thousands of pudders of bread in iron stomachs for making several pounds of the same bread for their stomach.

M. Gorky "Chelkash".


The road was a lot, glittered there and Sym Puddles, and in the yellow field from the grass she herself looked, dull, rotten, dark. On the right side of the road was a vegetable garden, all overwhelmed, gloomy, somewhere rumped up on it sunflowers with lowered, already black heads. From the gate to the house, it was necessary to go groves in a long, smooth, as a ruler, the road seated on both sides of a thick, stripped lilac. The house was something heavy, tasteless, similar to the facade on the theater. He clumsily snapped out of the mass of greenery and cut his eyes, like a large cobblestone, abandoned on velvet grass. The front door was met by a fat old old manki in a green frank and large silver glasses; Without any report, but only squeamishly looking at my dusty figure, he spent me in chambers. (...). I remember bright, shiny floors, chandeliers shrouded in gauze, narrow, striped carpets that stretched not straight from the door to the door, as usual, but along the walls (...). In the living room, where the lacquer left me, the old grandfather's furniture in white covers was covered with twilight.


1. I must first introduce you to Ermolam. Imagine a person for years forty-five, high, thin, with a long and thin nose, narrow forehead, gray eyes, disheveled hair and wide, mocked lips. This man also walked winter and summer in the yellowish of the Nankovo \u200b\u200bKaftan of German Cool, but was rejected by the Cusha; I wore blue sharovars and a hat with a smoothie, donated to him on a fun hour a ruined landowner. 2. His guns had a single-tissue, with a silicon, gifted with the sophisticated habit of cruelly "to give". 3. He had and ledating a dog, on a nickname Ballet, wildering. Ermolai never fed it. 4. Despite its distinguished position, Ballet never disappeared and did not express the desire to leave his owner. 5. Yermolay belonged to one of my neighbors, an old-cut landowner. 6. Yermolai was a man of the obstrine: disabled, like a bird, rather talked, scattered and awkwardly.

I. Turgenev "Notes of the Hunter.

Dreshene from dust Blue southern sky - mute; The roast sun looks into the green sea, just through a thin gray veil. It is almost not reflected in the water, disseminated by blowing fun, shipping screws, sharp keels of Turkish fellows and other vessels, furrowing in all directions of a close harbor. The waves chained in the granite of the sea are embedded with huge gravity, moving along their ridges, fighting the boards of ships, about the shore, beating and pinched, foamed, contaminated with different trash. The ringing of the anchor chains, the crash of the clips of cars, driven by cargo, the metal cry of the iron sheets, from somewhere falling on the stone bridge, deaf wooden knock, rattle of the cabling, whistles of steamers, then shrill sharp, then deafly roar, shouts of loaders, sailors and customs soldiers - All these sounds merge into the deafening music of the labor day and, the rebel breaking, they stand low in the sky over the harbor, - all the new and new waves of sounds are racing from the ground - then the deaf, roofing, they are harshly shaken all the circle, then sharp, rattling , - dust dusty, sultry air. Granite, iron, wood, bridge harbor, vessels and people - everything breathes with powerful sounds of passionate hymn Mercury. But the voices of people, barely audible in it, weak and are funny. And the people themselves, originally gave this noise, are funny and pitiful: their figures, dusty, dangling, yurt, bent under the severity of goods lying on their backs, fussily running there, then here in the clouds of dust, in the sea heat and sounds, they insignificant compared to the surrounding iron colosums, piles of goods, rather wagons and everything they created. Created by them enslaved them. Standing under couples, heavy giant steamers whistling, hissing, sigh deeply, and in every sound born by them, mocking notes of contempt for gray, dusty figures of people who crawled along their decks, filling deep trims of their slave labor. Before the tears are funny long strings of loaders carrying on the shoulders of their thousands of pudders of bread in iron stomachs to earn several pounds of the same bread for their stomach. Torn, sweaty, povered from fatigue, noise and heat, and mighty, glittering the car to the sun, created by these people, - cars that were eventually brought in motion yet not by steam, but the muscles and blood of their creators - in This comparison was a whole poem of cruel irony. Noise - suppressed, dust, irritating the nostrils, "the eyes were blinded, a stern - the pitch body and exacerbated him, and everything he seemed to be tense, losing patience, ready to break out some of the grand catastrophe, an explosion, behind which in the air lighting will draw freely And easily, silence will reign on Earth, and this dusty noise, a deafening, annoying, bringing to sad rabies will disappear, and then in the city, at sea, in the sky will become quiet, clearly, nice ... Twelve dimensional and bell bells in the bell. When the last copper sound stopped, the wild music of labor has already sounded quieter. A minute later she turned into a deaf dissatisfied Ropot. Now the voices of people and the splash of the sea have become heard. It - dinner time came.
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