A person should strive to make his dreams come true. Dream problem - arguments and writing

Many people have cherished dreams, make plans to achieve them, strive for them. But statistics show that not many can realize their dream, and most are defeated on this difficult path. Why it happens? In this article, we will try to deal with the errors in which the realization of the cherished dream becomes impossible.

1. Lack of a clear plan for realizing your dreams

Without an action plan, it is impossible to achieve not only any meaningful goal, but even complete a simple task. When building a house, doing renovations, preparing for exams or sports competitions, a plan for future actions is always drawn up. You must do the same with your dreams. , and this requires a specific and detailed plan of action.

2. Inaction

The realization of a dream becomes a reality only when you begin to take concrete actions for this. Visualization is very good, but it must be supported by action. Without this, everything will be in vain. You need to make any points every day that will bring you closer to your dream.

3. Excessive importance of dreams

If you think the sword is too important, then it is your idealization. For this reason, its implementation can simply be blocked. How it works, no one knows, but you get the opposite result. Never idealize your dream, enjoy life now and it will definitely come true.

4. Negative Limitations and Beliefs

You can strive with all your might to make your dream come true, but negative attitudes in your head will block it. How does this happen? Within you can sit such statements as “I am not worthy of this”, “I cannot get that much money,” “I have little ability,” and so on. To remove these attitudes, you must learn to work with negative beliefs.

5. Low energy

You may have very low energy levels. And for this reason, the realization of the dream becomes impossible. The energy of the body must be increased and for this there are various methods. It is also important to be able to defend against negative people ().

6. Low self-esteem

To achieve any goal, you need to love yourself, and with low self-esteem, this is impossible. If a person does not love himself, then he believes that he is unworthy of the best in his life. Therefore, by any means.

7. Lack of proper faith

At this point, everything is incredibly simple. If you do not believe that you can achieve your goal, then you will not be able to realize this dream. The Bible says that faith is the main component of success in any business. Therefore, believe that you can fulfill your cherished dream.

8. This dream is not yours

This is one of the most common mistakes people have. Often they don't even know that the dream is not theirs. Parents, neighbors, acquaintances and relatives impose it on them. There are many exercises to help you determine if this is your dream or not.

9. A person does not listen to his intuition

During the realization of your dream, you should listen to clues and signals from the outside. It can be chance encounters with any people, a letter with a proposal to email, any training and so on. and respond to all signals from the outside.

10 the person mis-visualizes their dream

There is nothing complicated in this point, but you must present your dream in concrete images - it must be vivid and understandable. Create a dream map, hang a reminder on your wall or desktop, imagine how you will feel when you make it happen.

Consider all these points and keep moving forward. Only then will the realization of your cherished dream come true!

Someone from famous people once said: "Everything that exists in this world used to be ordinary dreams." And it is really so, there is no person who does not dream. Every inhabitant of the planet draws in his imagination the desired reality. The essay on the topic "Dream in a person's life" reflects the attitude of everyone to their dream. Someone just enjoys the pictures that his imagination draws, while someone turns a dream into a goal and stubbornly strives to achieve it.

Dream is an amazing feeling

It is easy and pleasant to write an essay on the theme "Dream". After all, a dream is an incomparable feeling. The imagination goes free and paints incredible pictures of the desired events. Sometimes a dream can be so vivid that you can taste it, smell it, and even touch it. And when a dream so realistically arises before a person, it turns into a goal. In the desire to achieve the impossible.

A dream in a person's life

Many people had to write an essay on the topic "Dream". Some have not changed their desires and stubbornly embody their dream in life, someone has already "dreamed" their aspirations more than once. And all this is a lie, that resources, willpower, endurance, stubbornness are needed to make your dreams come true. If a person does not succeed in fulfilling his dream, it means that he simply does not know how to dream correctly. When you really want something, then a person does not even notice how he is going to fulfill his desire.

Essay on the theme "Dream"

Human dreams are not an escape from reality. They are necessary for everyone to understand their purpose. After all, if there is a dream, then there is also the strength to fulfill it, otherwise it would not have appeared. And the greatest crime that a person can commit is to turn away from himself and his aspirations, imagining them as ordinary illusions.

Yes, desires are not fulfilled at the snap of your fingers, you have to fight for your happiness. And even if you have to go against the whole world, play a cruel game and constantly defend your point of view, you must not forget about your dream.

Writing an essay on the theme "Dream" is like taking the first step towards its realization. After all, only by writing about his people will later see how they will take place in his life. It is difficult to say what it depends on, perhaps someone from above reads human manuscripts and does everything that is written, maybe everything is in the human subconscious, and perhaps the changes depend on how a person dreams. It will not be possible to answer unequivocally, but good dreams have not harmed anyone yet.

Probably there is no person in the world who at least once in his life did not indulge in dreams. It all starts from childhood - thoughts about the future arise in our clear heads. Psychologists say that in this way the formation of the child's thinking takes place, the imagination of the little man develops. They also note that most of the dreams of children are illusions that are unlikely to ever come true. But this fact does not bother the little ones, they have a blessing, a short memory of disappointment. Streams of thoughts are formed in their heads and what is important for them is what is happening now, at the moment. Everything else flows away like a river that has no future and no past.

Adults often become the main listeners of the dreams of their beloved child - he can talk for hours on end about what he would like. Because the world of dreams, magic and all possibilities is the world of the baby. In addition, they have an amazing imagination that has no boundaries. But as soon as the years are added, the person grows up - dreams become more meager. We only think about what is possible. And the older a person is, the more that is impossible for him. That is, dreams become scarce. And in vain! Psychologists are alarmed by the pragmatism of people. They have lost the opportunity to think, even if the little is possible, but the good.

Dreaming is not only pleasant, but also useful! And then together we will learn a number of reasons - why people should be dreamers.

You are your dreams

Everyone knows that in our dreams we create an ideal future. That is, we plan an ideal situation, without which no expected event is possible. Therefore, it is important to know what a person dreams of, what he expects from life. Not everyone, surprisingly enough, can decide on specific desires. This is the reason why they don't come true. Everything should be clear-cut. But don't be upset this situation you can always fix it, it's like a mirror that you just need to wipe with a clean cloth.

What do dreams give to a man?

Adults know very well that any business needs to start with a clear plan and project. Dreams are the outlines on which you should build your life. Put order in your thoughts, set the order of desires and achieve each of them in order of priority. If there is porridge, a pun, then nothing will be achieved. It makes it easier to make plans, find resources and act.

As we move towards the goal, we will learn a lot, and open up new opportunities. Also, even if it is thorny, but the path strengthens our faith, makes us wiser and more patient. At these moments, everyone can pay attention to something that did not interest him before. The boundaries of knowledge are expanding, experience is accumulating, new acquaintances and relationships arise. A person "grows" with useful habits, changes his taste, becomes more elated from small victories. The once dull pessimist turns into an optimist. A new personality is born in him, capable of climbing to the heights of luck, success, seeing the goal and achieving it. He expects miracles from heaven, but he counts only on himself, his mind, logic. At the same time, it is necessary to turn off the hardened realist in yourself, for whom dreams are a waste of time.

  1. Realization of positive desires. If a person really wants something in all seriousness, then there is every chance that the dream will come true. A positive type of thinking makes a person act, do everything to realize it. And positive thoughts always change life for the better. There is harmony in my soul, pleasant expectations, there is no time to think about problems. Unlike losers, dreamers are always filled with positive energy, they are kind, witty, sensitive to other people's troubles.
  2. Do not only dream, but also act. A lot of people over 30 often complain that life did not turn out the way they once dreamed. They are looking for the reason not in themselves, but in the inconsistency of reality, they say the whole world is arranged like this, it is unlikely that something can be achieved in an honest way. They criticize everyone around them, but do not think about their own guilt. It's not enough just to dream, you need to take firm steps towards your dream. You need to work on yourself, learn, achieve. A rolling stone gathers no moss!
  3. Dreams improve a person. Few dream of bad things. There is hardly a person who thinks that in the future he will easily deceive, offend, destroy. Dreams are positive thinking and having them makes us better. We are improving, trying to match only the good that we wish.
  4. Dream corrects life. A clearly defined goal is a kind of reference point towards which dreamers go. They try to do everything so that troubles and wrong behavior do not interfere with the chosen path. Here it is important to be patient, wisdom and not stop. Thanks to perseverance, the idols of millions achieved what they wanted, someone built a good house, someone started a big family, and someone flew into space.
  5. A dream fills life with meaning. Empty and useless thoughts only depress our existence, and a pleasant, beautiful dream fills with a special meaning, makes our life bright and rich. Thanks to a dream, we can discover new talents and opportunities. You will understand what your soul is really drawn to, what gives it true pleasure.
  6. The dreamer has better health and well-being. To achieve what he wants, a person needs to live longer. This means that he will be more attentive to his health. In addition, there will be no time to hurt, all thoughts and actions are directed towards the realization of dreams. According to statistics, it is pessimists who are more likely to form queues for doctors, and optimists, purposeful people at this time are on the way to their dreams. Also, this positive trait allows a person to grow in their own eyes, to set even more adventurous goals.
  7. Self-esteem growth. Dreaming, achieving his goal, a person takes on a serious responsibility. At the same time, his, consequently, self-respect grows. Also, the dreamer needs to be selective so that nothing confuses the way. Therefore, he treats everything in a balanced manner, makes only the right decisions at a subconscious level. This is the key to good earnings, career growth, and a high reputation.
  8. Family harmony. Psychologists unanimously argue that families of dreamers are the most happy people... If a person treats himself and his life with respect, the same will be projected on his relatives and friends. He has no desire to change anything, to change the character of a spouse. Dreamers think only of a bright future, which instills confidence in tomorrow to your household.
  9. Relations with children. Dreamers are the best parents. First, they easily find mutual language with their "colleagues" - dreamy children. Secondly, their house is always cozy, warm and positive. The dreamer thinks not only of his own, but also of the child's life, strives to create all the conditions for him so that the dream of the reliability of the younger generation will come true.
  10. We resist the pressure of far-fetched circumstances. All of us at least once in our life have set ourselves a task, and we have always faced certain circumstances. And then panic began, fear that they could not be overcome. But as for the dreamers, for whom the goal was born from the desired dream, they endure trials and lay siege to the fortresses of circumstances. It turns out that the goal gives special strength, spiritual and psychological strength, dexterity, logical thinking, thanks to which all obstacles are at ease. And pessimists immediately give up and nothing goes well. And there is only one thing left for them - to blame for the failures not themselves "beloved", but those around them.

It turns out that a dream is an engine that pushes us to feats for the sake of achieving them.

What to do to make dreams come true

Imagine for a second that you are a programmer who is required to create a program for the human brain. The work should be done so that at the end you can press the Inter key and everything will work. But this is a program called Dream, which needs to be loaded onto the USB flash drive of our thinking. But it's not enough just to write a project, you still need to make sure that you can click on Inter, that is, to fulfill your wishes. And what is needed for this, we will find out in detail.

  1. Imagine for a moment that your wish has come true. And look at the current situation as if from above, play it in your thoughts. Well, do you like it? Is this what you wanted? Believe me, this exercise allows everyone, without exception, to remove unnecessary dreams from the list and will allow you to focus only on the necessary and important ones. Thanks to the action, you will be able to refine the sight and shoot at the target without interference. And if you scatter about trifles, think about absurdities, then there can be no talk of any realization. Because time and effort is wasted on unnecessary things.
  2. Formulate your thoughts clearly. Many people construct sentences incorrectly, poorly project the future. For example, if a person thinks that he wants a lot of money, then if they appear, they flow away like water. Another is thinking about visiting England, which is also wrong. You need to think - I want to be provided, to have Good work... Due to the complexity of the goal, there will be a lot of money and opportunities to realize other desires.
  3. Make an accurate calculation. If you want to achieve what you want - take a sheet of paper and divide it into two parts with a strip. On the left, we write a desire, on the right, actions that need to be carried out. This makes it possible to clearly calculate the steps, what and who needs to be involved. For example, there is a desire to take a certain position. Why don't they take it - we write all this on the right side. And we start working on the mistakes, step by step.
  4. We get rid of doubts. If you don't believe in anything, then nothing will come true. Desires come true for those who believe in their dream, its realization. Also, you should not question your desires because of age, poor income and other circumstances. Are you not familiar with the amazing stories of those who in an instant became a millionaire, inherited from an unknown person. Categorically do not allow viruses in your thoughts that can disable the program for a prosperous future.
  5. Hurry slowly. The dream must be real, achievable. This is not about wanting what others have, just be careful with the scale. This is necessary in order not to be upset because of an unrealizable desire and wasted effort and effort. In any case, the majority should not expect much right away, this is possible only with a miracle, which also has a place in our life. Hurry up to your dream with equal and slow steps. Divide the segment to the desire into parts and go through each of them in turn. It's like gymnastics for the press. Fitness club trainers know that long classes and heavy workload only lead to breakdowns. Cubes appear if a person exercises 20-30 minutes a day for a long time. Remember the Chinese proverb "The Millennium begins with the first steps."

Dream is the parent of a miracle

Yes, and this is not a slip of the tongue. All that humanity can boast of is the fruit of the dreams of those who created them. When humanity dreamed of getting rid of a number of terrible diseases, thanks to the dreams of scientists and their work, they were defeated. People wanted to get into space - the dreams of scientists and astronauts were realized. You can give a lot of examples of how a person who managed to grab onto his dream and realize it to the delight of others. At the same time, many discoverers heard a lot of insults, reproaches, ridicule behind their backs. But they were steadfast on the way to desires and achieved their goal.

Does the dream have negative traits

In this regard, everything depends on the nature of the dreamer. Some are so absorbed in their desires and their realization that they forget about those around them and are ready to walk, as they say, "over corpses." And if you fail to realize them, then the meaning of life is lost. In this case, you immediately need to clarify - what did you dream about? Perhaps it is still early, or it was initially impracticable. Or maybe they made little effort, gave up slack, missed the moment? It doesn't matter, try again and you will succeed. Before starting the implementation, consider whether there is at least one percent that it will be implemented.

And dreaming is not harmful

Whether you need to dream or not is up to yourself. Psychologists say that daydreaming is a kind of risk. The person already believes in a good future, hopes and is completely absorbed in expectation. But what if you didn’t get what you wanted? Or what was dreamed of turned into a negative, a disaster. Quite often the situation leads to complete despair. A frustrated person becomes depressed, there may be serious nervous breakdowns, up to suicide.

Agree, it is difficult to come to terms with the fact that the time has passed, the desired is impossible. These thoughts represent severe psychological trauma. What to do? Experts insist that there should be other interests in addition to dreams in life. Otherwise, a person will break about failure, like a glass vessel. Also, you cannot wish for one thing, let the list have at least 5 items. Something will come true and will make iridescent adjustments to existence.

False dreams

In psychology, there is a term "false dream". It speaks of a desire that initially could not come true. Moreover, such a dream is simply dangerous for people. For example, a girl dreams of becoming a famous singer, but at the same time she has neither vocal nor external data. As the saying goes, "The elephant stepped on the ear." Well, does it make sense to hope for something in this situation. But problems with self-criticism, stubborn character and illusory vision make such girls continue to go forward. The time spent could be devoted to another occupation in which you can really show your abilities. But no - and there comes that very moment of complete disappointment and nervous breakdown. In such cases, it would be correct to say that it is not dreams that are harmful, but a misconception about reality.

So, we studied what a dream is, what it gives and the negative aspects associated with it. Thinking about the good, we are filled only with positive and rejoice, even if for the future. If people did not dream, then much of what we have, we would not have. The same culture, history, politics are created by dreamers. Cinema, theater, music - gifts from dreamy natures. The absence of desires would lead us like the flow of a river, in the waters of which we would feel like an ordinary sliver. We would not make discoveries, travelers would not swim across Atlantic Ocean, museums did not open, amazing skyscrapers were built, beautiful clothes were sewn, etc.

Without a dream, a person would not be able to believe in a great future, nothing would stimulate him to diligent work. Imagine, even for a second, what life means, in which there is no place for joyful anticipations of the future. Not that discoveries, there would be no life, no civilizations.

Dream and achieve your desires. But be careful in them, think about sales and drive away thoughts of the unreal. Get rid of the behavior. Also get rid of viruses that create doubts. Desire regardless of age, social status. Let them not become an obstacle negative situations that formed at this moment, the ray of the sun will in any case break through the dark clouds and warm with its warmth.

And the last thing: for a dream to materialize, look at it every day. To do this, hang a photo of the desired house, car, dress, etc. on a large panel. Every morning, as soon as you open your eyes, your dream will look at you, and you will think about it. You are stroking, after a short time as a happy owner of what you want, you will want to hang a picture of something else, which you are dreaming about again.

Goodbye to everyone.
Best regards, Vyacheslav.

Text from the exam

(1) Most often a person is looking for his dream, but it also happens that a dream finds a person. (2) Like a disease, like a flu virus. (H) It seems that Kolka Velin never looked at the sky with bated breath, and the voices of birds flying in the blue heights did not make his heart flutter. (4) He was the most ordinary student, moderately diligent and diligent, he went to school without much enthusiasm, in class he was quieter than water, he loved to fish ...

(5) Everything changed instantly. (6) He suddenly decided that he would become a pilot. (7) In a remote, remote village, where the nearest station is more than a hundred kilometers away, where any trip becomes a whole journey, the very thought seemed insane. (8) The life path of every person here was flat and straight: after school, the boys received the license to drive a tractor and became machine operators, and the most daring graduated from driving courses and worked as drivers in the village. (9) It is the lot of man to ride on the ground. (10) And then fly on an airplane! (11) They looked at Kolka as an eccentric, and the father hoped that the absurd idea would somehow disappear from his son's head. (12) You never know what we want in our youth! (13) Life is a cruel thing, it will put everything in its place and indifferently, like a painter, paint over our ardent dreams drawn in youth with gray paint.

(14) But Kolka did not give up. (15) He dreamed of silvery wings carrying him above the wet snow of the clouds, and thick elastic air, clean and cold like spring water, filled his lungs. (16) After High school prom he went to the station, bought a ticket to Orenburg and went by night train to enter the flight school.

(17) Kolka woke up early in the morning from horror. (18) Horror, like a boa constrictor, squeezed his numb body with cold rings and dug into his very chest with its toothy mouth. (19) Kolka went down from the top shelf, looked out the window, and he became even more scared. (20) Trees protruding from the half-darkness pulled crooked hands to the glass, narrow lanes, like gray steppe vipers, crawled through the bushes, and from the sky, filled to the brim with shreds of tattered clouds, the dusk flowed down to the ground in violet-black paint. (21) Where am I going? (22) What am I going to do there alone? (23) Kolka imagined that he would now be dropped off and he would find himself in the endless void of an uninhabited planet ... (24) Arriving at the station, he bought a ticket for the return trip on the same day and returned home two days later. (25) Everyone reacted calmly to his return, without mockery, but also without sympathy. (26) It's a bit of a pity for the money spent on tickets, but I went, looked, checked myself, calmed down, now he will put all nonsense out of his head and become a normal person... (27) These are the laws of life: everything that flew up, sooner or later returns to earth. (28) Stone, bird, dream - everything comes back ...

(29) Kolka got a job in a forestry enterprise, got married, is now raising two daughters, and goes fishing on weekends. (30) Sitting on the bank of a muddy river, he looks at jet planes silently flying in the heavenly heights, immediately determines: here is the MiG, and there is the Su. (31) His heart groans with aching pain, he wants to jump higher and at least once sip the freshness that the sky generously gives birds to. (32) But fishermen are sitting nearby, and he fearfully hides his worried look, puts the worm on the hook, and then patiently waits for it to peck.

(According to S. Mizerov)


What is a dream? This is a desire, this is a goal that gives meaning to life or simply nurtures our pride, makes existence more attractive.

Can you live without a dream? Undoubtedly yes. But why? Just spending the days on a knurled day? Getting up in the morning, having breakfast, going to work, having dinner and going to bed again? This is scary, but in reality, this is how it happens most often. Even having a dream - something without which life will lose its meaning - we sometimes throw it into a distant box, cover it with a layer of petty daily problems, needs and responsibilities.

In other words, very often, faced with reality, the dream is forgotten.


This is what S. Mizerov speaks about in the proposed text. He raises the problem of the collision of the main dream in life with the ordinary, with the usual existence.

A comment

The text begins with the author's assertion that many people are trying to find their dream, and many are found by the dream itself. So it happened with Kolka Velin, an ordinary village boy. He was an ordinary teenager, attending school without much enthusiasm, distinguished by exemplary behavior and loved to fish.

Unexpectedly for himself, he wanted to become a pilot, to climb up on an airplane, to overcome the vast heavenly spaces. But for a remote village, his desires seemed insane. For all the village boys, fate was a foregone conclusion: after leaving school, they received the right to drive a tractor and became machine operators. The most courageous managed to get out into the chauffeurs.

Kolka's father hoped that dreams of flying were childish, and after a while the son would change his mind and go on the right path, because life puts everything in its place. The brightest youthful dreams perish under her yoke. However, Kolka did not give up and, after graduating from school, bought a ticket to Orenburg and went to meet his dream - to enter a flight school. But waking up alone, the young man felt a chilling horror.

He did not understand where and why he was going, it began to seem to him that he was about to be kicked off the train, and he would be alone in the whole wide world in a completely unfamiliar place. This fear made him buy a return ticket as soon as he arrived at his destination.

In the village he was greeted calmly, without ridicule and mockery. The family understood that this was a test for the boy, where he tried his hand, appreciated the possibilities. Now he will calm down and put all nonsense out of his head.

And so it happened. Kolka started working, got a family, and went fishing on weekends. But when he saw a plane flying in the sky, his heart sank, and he wanted to jump in order to sip at least a little height and freedom. But looking at the fishermen sitting next to him, he hid a worried look and continued to wait for a bite.

Author's position

The author tells that the dream dies under the yoke of reality, that life indifferently puts everything in its place. The main law of life, according to S. Mizerov, is that everything that has taken off upwards must return to the ground: a stone, a bird, and a dream.

Your position

Argument # 1

How impossible it turned out for the hero of the poem M.Yu. Lermontov's "Mtsyri". Having fallen into captivity by the Russians at an early age, the boy named Mtsyri always dreamed of returning to his homeland in the mountains, dreamed of freedom. Growing up, he escaped from the monastery, and a few days free were the happiest moments in his life.

However, after the fight with the leopard, the young man got lost and again went out to the walls of the monastery, which were a prison for him, and soon died.

Argument # 2

Dreams did not coincide with reality, and the hero of the novel by I. Goncharov "Oblomov". Ilya Ilyich dreamed of a happy, quiet life in love, but in reality he was unable to build this very happiness due to his inability to live.


You can dream a lot, but it is very important not to forget about reality. Reality is cruel and capable of breaking the very best expectations. For a dream to have the opportunity to come true, you need to work hard and hard for this, having the appropriate strength and capabilities.

  1. According to the specification, the subject of the C2 task can be selected.
  2. Part C will take 55 minutes to complete.
  3. The type of essay is a discourse essay.
  4. The length of the essay is at least 50 words.
  5. The arguments must necessarily be from the text on which you performed test tasks(there must be at least two arguments).
  6. Be sure to work with a draft.
  7. The essay must have at least 3 paragraphs.

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"Composition number 3 (for example)"

Exercise. As you understand the meaning of E. Novosad's statement: "If a person has a dream to which he aspires, purposefulness is the best means of achieving it."


Every person, child or adult, has their own dreams. I think that people who would not dream of something in their life simply do not exist. But in order to realize your dream, you need to make a lot of effort and go towards it purposefully. I agree with Elena Novosad, who said: "If a person has a dream to which he aspires, purposefulness is the best means of achieving it." I'll try to prove it.

The famous ancient Greek orator Demosthenes did not immediately become one. It is known that in his youth, during a public speech, he was booed, as he had a weak voice and was tongue-tied. Another person in his place would be disappointed. But Demosthenes acted differently. He developed a whole system of exercises: in retirement, Demosthenes trained his voice, practiced gestures, put small stones under his tongue and made speeches. I think that only determination, perseverance and will allowed him to achieve his goal: he became an outstanding speaker.

And here is another, no less interesting example: MV Lomonosov in his youth from Arkhangelsk alone got to Moscow, taking with him quite a bit of money, "Grammar", "Arichmetika", and entered the Slavyano - Greek - Latin Academy. Only love for work and a great passion for knowledge later helped him to realize his dream in life: he became a great scientist - naturalist, physicist, chemist, and also famous poet.

Thus, all the examples I have cited confirm the statement of E. Novosad: "If a person has a dream to which he aspires, purposefulness is the best means of achieving it." Indeed, if a person purposefully strives for his dream, then it will certainly come true.

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