Goal Achievement - How to always achieve goals: step by step algorithm. Does achieving a goal always make a person happy

Good afternoon, dear homebodies. Today we will understand why the achievement of goals does not bring! Where does happiness come from? This is one of the most important issues that people have asked themselves over the centuries when they try to penetrate into their own nature and the world around them.

Everything we do is aimed at achieving happiness, but many of us will never achieve that.

We pursue happiness in many ways, and the most obvious is achieving or owning what we want. Most people believe that if they want something, it is only because it will make them happy, and they believe that they must do everything to get it.

Obviously, this is how we were created by nature to continue to stretch upward and achieve new goals throughout our lives. But, such a lifestyle will never make a person either happy or content for a long time.

Achieving Goals Doesn't Bring Happiness

Some people study this topic deeply and wonder what else they lack in life to be happy. They look at others and think: “Oh, Petya has a BMW, and he is happy, but I am not, so I must have this car to be happy”.

And a person throws all his efforts to get this car, does not sleep at night, does not eat up and forgets about all kinds of entertainment. So several hellish years pass, and now the coveted BMW is already parked under the window.

Several days of joyful euphoria, and then everything is still - the new car did not bring happiness. And then it begins new search incentives. This is a vicious circle.

When you don't get what you want, you have at least something to blame for your unhappiness. If you realize your own and understand that you still are not satisfied with everything, then you may begin to feel like going crazy.

Achieving goals does not bring happiness. People who suddenly get what they want, who win the lottery, or pursue their life dreams of being a star or anything else, start to see real problems because of it.

You've probably heard about the problems brightest stars Hollywood, who behaved strangely despite their success - they abused cocaine, or unexpectedly shave their bald heads in a fit of rage, commit suicide attempts.

Is this how they behave happy people? This happens when there are overestimated expectations that some achievements will make them happy, but this does not happen.

Others blame the circumstances: "If only things were a little different than now, I would be happy." This is self-deception. They wouldn't be much happier - they would find something else to blame.

These people blame everything but themselves, so that at least they don't feel as if it is their "grief" that stems from their guilt. The irony of this situation is that only creating your own responsibility for your own problems can you solve them.

The circumstances that people blame for their problems are varied - this is where they currently live, where they work, and even other people.

It is quite common to blame another person or groups of people for your unhappiness, and it should be recognized that it is a source of trauma, conflict and unnecessary suffering. And achieving goals does not bring happiness.

So where can you find happiness?

People have traveled to the ends of the world in search of an answer. Despite this, they were still left with a question. Even the greatest thinkers in history did not acquire it, and the reason for this is that happiness cannot be achieved through thinking.

Happiness cannot be bought, eaten, or cheated. It cannot be “received” from anywhere, because nothing outside can make you happy. The only source of happiness is yourself, you have it in you, because you were born with it.

Happiness is an innate human condition.

Children, when they come into this world, do not need a reason to be happy, they just are. Until they are directly threatened by hunger, some kind of danger or something like that, the child naturally moves towards happiness and a state of happy. Happiness is simply the absence of suffering.

This is nothing new. It is ancient, as old as the world, and has been repeated in countless forms since the time of the Buddha, if not earlier. And at a certain level of consciousness, under the cover of our own illusions, we all know about this.

This is coded in our language: the word "unhappiness" means the absence of happiness. We are not talking about achievements and material values ​​- happiness has nothing to do with these things.

Look at children, even when they are sick, they get a lot of pleasure from life, because nothing can take away their innate ability to be happy. A child does not need to move to the very top of the career ladder to be incredibly happy.

Think about why little children are happy? What would you say to the question about the explanation of this phenomenon? You could point out that children shouldn't worry about anything, the future or the past, that they don't want anything that they don't have, and they don't expect anything from the future.

These ideas are repeated in Buddhist parables, which claim that all suffering comes from desire: the desire to have something that we do not have, the desire to influence the future or change the past, and the desire for other people to behave in the desired way.

All of this falls under the category of whims that cause suffering.

Everyone knows that people who are worried about the future are less happy than those who do not worry so much, even if they both have the same question. To worry is to suffer.

And that means achieving goals does not bring happiness.

Just be happy!

Every person has a purpose. For some, it is small, like buying a new phone or going on vacation. For others, it is larger: for example, to create a business with a turnover of a million rubles a month or build a house for a family. Still others are guided by the global and practically unattainable: to become president, to solve the problem of poverty in the country, to establish peace in the world.

What is a "goal", how to achieve a goal?

Very often a person confuses the concepts of "goal" and "dream". Although they are similar to each other, they are very different in meaning.

A dream is a hypothetical object or phenomenon, upon the achievement of which a person will, as he believes, feel happiness.

A goal is an ideal or real object of a person's aspiration, to the achievement of which a person's thought process and actions are directed.

The difference between these concepts is that the "goal" is measurable and creates an orientation - a vector, the achievement of the goal. She has a direction of movement, and the dream just exists. A dream pleases consciousness with its presence, but the goal has a very real framework, and most importantly, to achieve it, you can make step by step plan... As they say: "A goal is a dream with a specific deadline.".

We are working on the principles of setting and achieving goals more fully in the project "". Connect and reach your goals easier and faster!

Most people oversimplify goal setting. Think about her, and that's enough. But its setting and goal achievement are inextricably linked. The more accurately it is set, the easier it is to achieve.

There are several methods of staging it, all of them are similar to each other as brothers. But the most common is the S.M.A.R.T. When setting a goal, it is necessary to take into account 5 main components that make it possible to specify it as much as possible by making the steps to achieve it clear and consistent.

S.M.A.R.T. target setting system:

  • Specific- concreteness. Determining the need for a goal is too vague perception. You need to get to the bottom of the real reasons why you want to achieve this particular goal. Maybe you want to gain respect in the eyes of others or assert yourself. There can be many reasons. But only after you understand the true reasons for your desires, you can build a real plan to achieve it.
  • Measurable- measurability. A clear criterion is needed by which it will be possible to determine that the goal has been achieved. For example: "Earn $ 100,000 in 12 months" or "Create an online store with 500 visitors and sales of 5 items per day."
  • Agreed- consistency. Your goal should not directly intersect and affect the interests of other people. This can make it much more difficult to achieve your goal. If it is impossible to avoid overlapping interests, it is necessary to improve the original plan taking into account these nuances. For example, before opening your own store, you need to check if there are competitors in the district, and if there are - how you can get around them.
  • Realistic- realism. Big ambition is one of the important traits and many call it "", but it is important to understand that they (ambition) must be balanced. Naturally, the goal of "making a million dollars in a week from scratch" is impossible to achieve, no matter how much effort and enthusiasm. “Making $ 10,000 from scratch in a month” is difficult, but possible. But "To create a business that brings $ 10,000 monthly profit in 2 years" is quite real and achievable.
  • Timed- limited in time. Deadline is a very important method of achieving a goal. It is the limited time that will allow.

Only after it has been fully worked out according to these five criteria, it is possible and necessary to create a plan for its implementation and break it down into specific tasks.

Now several important points... Do not confuse "goal" and "task". A task is a specific action, the implementation of which brings us closer to the fulfillment of the goal. For example, "Create a business plan for an online store" is a task. And “Provide a stable monthly income of $ 10,000 for your family” is the goal.

It is also worthwhile to clearly define what is really needed. Buying a car within a specified time frame is a goal. The desire to provide comfortable movement in the city is more like a task or a wish.


Determine what you really want. Many goals can be imposed by society, so it's worth understanding your desires. You need to think carefully, and if you really want to achieve it - then go ahead! If it matches your deepest values ​​and desires automatically.

The trouble with many people who do not have goals is that they spend their entire lives "running around" - they run back and forth without a definite life plan and a clear understanding of what they really want and what kind of results they are want to achieve. Home-work-home is probably the only plan they have.

A person will not build a house for himself without a plan, will not open a business without goals. But often a person tries to build his life, doing without it.

Do you set goals for yourself? What are your goals for the next 12 months? How about 3 years? 5 years? 10 years? What are your aspirations when you look to the future?

By setting goals in life, you are laying the foundation for your successful advancement. This can be said to be your first point to success. This is what turns your life into concrete, real action. Without the first step, other steps towards achieving the goal will have no basis and may simply be meaningless.

Have you ever come across people who have a passive attitude towards life? They never set any goals in life, and just “live”. You see them in a year, in a few years, and their lives are largely unchanged, with the exception of a few changes that are more the result of other people's actions, rather than their own.

Why you need to set goals in life: the benefits

Let's take a look at the main reasons why goal setting is so important in our lives:

  • Setting goals in life gives you clarity.

If you do not have a purpose in life, you will run all your life and never achieve anything for yourself. You will have the illusion that you are doing many things in life, but in reality they are not at all what you want. You are just busy doing a lot of tasks, and you have no time to think about your life. You may have worked your entire life in a job that you dislike, even if it is well-paid and reliable.

How are you supposed to achieve what you want if you haven't even defined specific goals?

Setting goals in life gives you clarity about what you ultimately want. It helps you articulate your desires floating in your mind. This ensures that you put your time, energy, and effort into what really matters to you. It makes you live more consciously.

Everything in this world is created from the inside out. Without the spiritual principle, there would be no physical creation. So it is with goals - first you create them in your head, then they appear in reality. If you have set a goal, you have already completed the first part. You have set the creative power in motion and are ready to see it in reality.

  • Setting goals in life propels you forward.

Your goals are a reflection of your inner desires that motivate you in life. Your innermost desires are a powerful source of motivation. Goals in life serve as a constant reminder of your source of motivation. They are a kind of fuel to keep you going, even in difficult situations.

If you lose motivation at some point in life, focus on the most important goals in life, especially goals for personal development.

  • Goal setting keeps your attention focused.

Goals help you focus all of your energy on where to spend your time. Goals guide you through life.

When there is no goal, you float around the same thing every day. Your energies and powers are scattered randomly. You are taking part in something that does not play any role in your life. You can have general idea about what you want to do. But until you clearly articulate this, you will “scatter” your efforts. You will often be distracted because you have no goal to keep you in check.

It's very easy to get carried away by the current Everyday life simply because there are so many incentives around us in our environment. Without focused attention, your life, so to speak, becomes more “random”.

  • Setting goals in life makes you accountable.

Goals encourage you to take responsibility for your life. Now you are not only talking about what you want - now you have to take action. You take this responsibility upon yourself, and do not place it on someone else. By accepting responsibility, you actually stay true to your goals.

  • Setting goals will help you become better than you could possibly be.

Goals in life are the path to achieving high potential. Without goals, it will be difficult for you to grow. This will prevent you from becoming a better man who you can be. It keeps you from unlocking the potential that is within you. Goals in life will create new conditions and new situations that put you in growth mode. This will force you to rise above “normal” and reach new heights.

Without goals, you will follow the path of least resistance by simply doing something. However, goals will give you a face and help you overcome countless obstacles. You’ll learn a lot more about yourself and your talents than if you didn’t have these goals at all.

  • Goals in life will help you live your life in the best possible way.

This will happen for the following reasons. In the process of achieving your goals, you will become a better person, you will gain new knowledge and abilities, and gain valuable experience. You will learn to overcome and win. Your worldview will change. You will look at life with much greater clarity and depth than you have in the past.

Ask yourself - what are my goals for the next 1, 3, 5, 10 years? Take your time (although it is not a waste) to set your goals and articulate your aspirations, and within a year, you will experience more progress in your life.

Is it important for you to set goals in your life?

What actions do you think give the absolute guarantee of failure that befalls people in life?

The tragedy is that most people really think they are going to succeed, but in reality they are going to fail. Almost everyone is convinced that he will indeed succeed, but in reality he has little chance if he does not. The answer to the above question lies in setting goals. If you don't put them, you go nowhere.
Have you ever played Darts? This is such a round board, and glasses are placed on it: the closer to the center you throw a dart, the more points you will earn. The essence of the game is to type the largest number points. Where did you usually aim? Probably at 100, but you hit it at 80, then at 50, sometimes at 25. You chose 100 as your target and threw it. Now imagine that someone takes this board and says to throw the dart further. What's happening? The game loses its meaning, the target disappears, you don't know where you should go, and, mind you, you won't even throw a dart. So in life, if you do not have a goal, life loses its meaning.

Now imagine a ship that leaves port without a captain at the helm, without a command, without any clear destination. Where will such a ship come? Usually people laughingly answer this question: “Well, it won't come anywhere. At best, it will run aground somewhere. " But when a person walks through life without a goal, this is perceived as normal. I'm talking about big goals. Of course, all people have goals, but these goals barely reach 25 in the figure. These people have a goal - to go to work. What for? To survive somehow. Watch TV and drink beer in the evening. They need a lot of rest on a 40-hour weekly schedule. Their mind gets tired very quickly because it doesn't know what to do. If you were aiming at 25, you wouldn't hit the target at all. Would constantly miss. Set goals in life at 100. Of course, you will miss, but at least 80, 50 - you will definitely hit. About easy way how to achieve your goals, read here.

Note that no one ever goes on vacation without a specific plan. For some reason they choose resorts, book plane tickets, and pack their bags. That is, everyone is doing the right thing. Everything is planned. And as soon as the vacation ends, they go through life without a goal. Why it happens? Are those people who do not succeed really planning ahead of time to fail in life? I do not think. The problem is, they don't plan anything at all. There are several main reasons for this.

First, no one explained to them that goals are vital.
In schools, they teach that the boss will set goals for you. If the parents also worked for someone, then they were taught the same. But understand, the chef sets goals that are beneficial for himself. No one will take care of you except yourself. And only you are able to set goals for yourself. Unfortunately, the truth is that if you do not do this, someone else will set goals for you, but then you will achieve not your own goals, but strangers, for example, the boss, the state and others. That is, everyone except yours. Is the boss's family more dear to you than your own? Probably not.

Secondly, they don't know how to do it.
Goal setting is leadership quality... And you can only learn leadership on your own. Nobody is interested in teaching you this for free. Why would anyone other than your parents teach you goal setting?

Thirdly, they are afraid that they will not achieve their goals.
Yes, there is a certain danger in setting goals, but the risk is infinitely greater when you don’t set any goals for yourself. If you are afraid that you will not achieve your goals, do not tell anyone that you have set goals. In general, you should never share your goals with anyone if you are not convinced that these people not only believe that you can achieve these goals, but also want you to achieve them. And for yourself, know that if you have not set a goal, you have fulfilled it by 0%. And if they did it and didn’t fulfill it, it would still be more than 0%.

Fourth, people have such low self-esteem that they consider themselves unworthy to receive what they would like to achieve.
Since their faith is directed against them, they receive it. If you are one of those people, understand that you are created in the image and likeness of God. How can you be unworthy? Everything on Earth is created for you. Go and get it. Through the methods of suggestion known today, you can change the way you see yourself. Imagining yourself as the person you would like to be, this image will gradually begin to be absorbed into the subconscious and will affect your behavior.

Of course, there is a category of lazy people who simply do not want to. They are so used to what they have that in the end they love it. And how can they change anything now? Yes, if you offer such people some opportunity, they will still make fun of you. Perhaps, if you just brought them a suitcase of money, they would take it. But I hope you are not one of those people.
It is a very difficult task to reach a destination that does not exist. If you do not have completely definite, precise, clearly set goals, then you will not be able to maximize the potential that lies in you. You have to be meaningfully specific.
Life is valuable in itself, but it only lasts as long as it has something of value as its object and as a goal. Life goals are important, and virtually everyone knows this. However, either by choice, or out of indifference, the average person continues to wander the nooks and crannies of life, moving along the lines of least resistance, turning out to be a traveler who wanders in the dark and refuses to be meaningfully concrete.
Man is functionally like a bicycle. If he does not move forward and up towards the target, he will most likely lose his balance and fall. If you are passionate about something, then you should make it your specific and well-defined goal. And if in the future we act as if we can in no way fail, then many different things will happen that will help us not actually fail. The only way to get to the top is to set yourself that top as a goal. You have noticed that there are days when we wake up without any plans in our heads, without any clear or vague picture of where we are going today and what we should do. On such days, we have no time to do anything. The day goes by aimlessly, and we are even glad when it finally ends. But when we have a plan for the day, we manage to do what we wanted. To do something, you have to plan it first. Set goals if you want results. If you strive for success, set goals: deadlines, specific dates, and volumes. You will only achieve results when you have a plan.

If a person has no goals, he has no reason to live, and he quickly fades away. When the brain is not engaged in constructive action, it is engaged in destructive action. This explains why people with goals live longer and age more slowly. Goals and only goals can keep a person in this life where doctors are powerless. Fiery desire is so powerful that it can delay inevitable death for years. Let goals help you live longer. Not one medicine in the world will be able to bring a person back to life in the same way that a fiery dream and a hard one will do it.

The author of the statement "The end justifies the means" is considered to be Nicolo Machiavelli, an Italian politician of the 16th century. This man believed that the government, for the good of the state, can use any harsh and even cruel means.

To agree or disprove the meaning of this phrase, first of all it is necessary to turn to the concept of what is the goal. And so, the goal is what a person strives for, the result that he wants to get. Each of the people, throughout his life, constantly sets goals for himself. They change all the time, become more complicated, achieved and sometimes forgotten.

When a goal is set, a person, striving to achieve it, begins to perform certain actions. And here one could assume that good goals lead to noble deeds. However, there are no examples in history that many rulers, generals and politicians, acting in the interests of the state, sacrificed thousands of lives of ordinary people. Famous historical figures won fame as winners, founders of empires, innovators. Those who fell victims on the way to achieving these goals remained unknown.

If a good purpose requires neglecting people's lives or morality, then no matter what nice words it has not been described, it will no longer be possible to consider it good. Nothing can justify cruel indifference to the fate of another person.

Someone may argue that each person understands good and evil differently. What seems good to one person is bad to another. But such a position can lead to chaos in society and a lack of morality among its members. Over the long millennia of its existence, humanity has developed generally accepted moral and humane norms that govern relations between people. For example, stopping a criminal who can cause suffering to other people is a noble act, as well as the goal that is achieved through it. Although often, in this case, it is necessary to use force. Keeping the secret of a fraudster without giving it away and thereby participating in his machinations is a disgusting act, although the one who commits it does not seem to be doing anything.

Taking part in a war to defend your homeland from enemies is not the same as fighting to expand the borders of your state at the expense of others. Therefore, before you set yourself a goal and outline the ways to achieve it, you need to remember the moral principles adopted in the civilized world and adhere to them.

What makes a person happy

Everyone has their own concept of happiness and it changes throughout life. At first, you need a little to be happy, but after that it is not enough. Today, material goods are more associated with this concept. Perhaps this is due to the lack of life wisdom, or maybe just for limited person a feeling like happiness can be bought. In fact, achieving material comfort is more real than being spiritually happy.

A person is made happy by his family. First, it's dad and mom, all relatives. It's great when all the holidays unite and really then the atmosphere of happiness is in the air. You don't even need to call close people, for real close person comes himself and congratulates from the bottom of his heart. Happiness is when close people understand you, and not just in ordinary situations, but in difficult life moments and even complete stupidity.

Understanding and harmony is true happiness. Often people do not appreciate what they have, but in vain. Happiness is to be able to appreciate every day lived, to enjoy the little things. Of course, it is necessary to put life goals and achieve them, but the most important thing is to be able to be happy, regardless of the circumstances.

Of course, happiness is close friends. Throughout life, some people appear, but communication with someone stops. But there are definitely a few close friends, proven by situations and reliable. Sometimes it seems that they are not friends at all, but close relatives.

Happiness is the health of loved ones and relatives. There is nothing more difficult than being tested by illness. If everyone is healthy, then the person will already be happy. In general, living in harmony is a great happiness. This is not an easy task, but to be happy you need to work on yourself. You need to be able to receive this feeling and give it away. But, in no case, do not put your needs higher. Happy is the one who knows how to give and make another person happy.

The most important happiness not only for man, but also for all mankind, is the continuation of the race. The birth of a child generates a cosmic feeling of absolute happiness. You can build a career, make a lot of money, but not experience the happiness of becoming a parent. Children define the meaning of life and make it fulfilling, absolutely happy.

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