Gas color. Why does the gas start to burn with an orange flame instead of blue? & Nbsp

Peppilotta Thanks # 33

Bringing Back My Faith in Humanity # 33

Well, I noticed a long time ago that less than half of the forum attended Russian lessons.

But that even at chemistry so many people never happened # 33

Due to the presence of sodium salts (it is they that give the red color) the fire cannot get colder.

It would not hurt me to reread the textbook either, but as far as I remember, household gas has no color or smell at all. The color when burning is due to the salts of a particular metal (for example, cadmium would give a red color). The smell of gas is also an impurity so that a person will notice when a leak occurs.

Gas burns orange or yellow

An imbalance in the air-fuel mixture occurs for various reasons. Air intake holes clogged with dust particles... obstructing the passage of air. In the first year of operation, gas equipment is especially susceptible to flying. After stamping, the burner and the ignition tube retain an oily film for some time. The accumulated dust obstructs the passage of air, but not the gas. The increased gas supply to the burner, upsets the balance when mixing the fuel supply to the main burner. When dust or soot falling from above gets into the gas, when burned in the chamber, they give yellow or orange flame color.

Error... When buying gas equipment for a different type of gas, and not the one you are using, it is also the cause of the yellow color of the flame... Liquefied propane gas and natural gas require different amounts of air to properly burn. Therefore, if you decide to buy a gas water heater. pay attention to what type of gas it is configured for.

As for the gas stove. The air supply control damper can be closed, dropped or jumped off the mount. Preventing the flow of the required amount of air. In the absence of sufficient oxygen, only some types of stoves can ignite without problems from electric ignition and have blue flame... the rest lose heat and smoke, the stove should be repaired.

Gas burns red

Carbon monoxide Is a by-product of any fuel combustion. Gas columns, which, when gas are burned, have blue color flame, give off a safe level of CO. Flame orange or red indicates an increased presence of CO evolution. The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are similar to those of the flu, headache, dizziness, and nausea. Carbon monoxide is called a silent killer, fatally poisoning an unsuspecting user, while, odorless and colorless... So if the gas burns in red and the gas water heater goes out, you should take care of professional cleaning. Several decades ago, due to the lack of a gas control system, gas water heaters killed up to a hundred people a year, poisoning them with carbon monoxide. We, as a company engaged in the repair and sale of gas equipment, recommend not to bring the matter to such a point, but at the first manifestations of a malfunction of the gas water heaters, call a professional master.

How to deal with this situation

The solution to this problem begins with the understanding that yellow. red or orange gas Is a danger. If these symptoms are found, the next step will be the planned arrival of a qualified technician for a technical inspection and repair of a gas water heater or other gas equipment. Get ready for the need to clean the gas column, adjust the air seal in the boiler, replace the burner nozzles. The adjustment of the air-fuel mixture can be done independently. An important element of every home boiler room is the installation of sensors for the presence carbon monoxide in room

Elimination of flame smoking is a simple and short-lived process for craftsmen with extensive experience. The tool you need can be found in any home kit. On average, our technicians spend about 30 minutes on a client, so choose and calculate a convenient time for your visit and leave a request for repair. Workshop contacts to call the master

Memo to the people of Kiev - what does the orange flame of a gas stove mean

The editorial office of Russian Spring receives messages from residents of Kiev that household gas is burning in an unusual color - orange.

What this means and what precautions should be taken in connection with this phenomenon, we tell in a specially prepared memo.

No, this is not the machinations of the insidious GAZPROM. And not even the consequences of the unprofessionalism of the Klitschko administration. However, a gas flame on your stove can actually warn of possible danger... If it suddenly turns orange instead of the usual blue, the burners may need to be cleaned or reset. Flame orange color warns of improper combustion... which in turn can release dangerous amounts of carbon monoxide.

Combustion principles

For complete and safe combustion of gas, the stove must receive a sufficient amount of fuel, mixed in the right proportions with oxygen. The combustion of this mixture produces carbon dioxide or CO2. When the mixture of gas and oxygen is not balanced, combustion does not occur completely and carbon monoxide or CO is a byproduct. The color of the flame is proportional to the heat intensity - the higher the flame temperature, the more correctly the proportion of gas and oxygen in the mixture is calculated, the more complete the combustion of the gas, and the blue flame. When the mixture of gas and oxygen is unbalanced, bags of lower temperatures appear in the flame, since the fuel does not burn completely. The flame turns orange.

Orange flame

An imbalance in the fuel-oxygen mixture can occur for a number of reasons. The openings of gas burners can become clogged with soot and the fuel is then unevenly supplied to the burner. When the soot is burned off by the flame, the visible thermal radiation turns orange. The wrong type of burners may also be installed for the gas you are using liquid propane and natural gas have different requirements to the air-fuel ratio. The air damper may not be properly sized or damaged, preventing the proper amount of oxygen from mixing with the gas. With insufficient oxygen supply, only part of the gas turns into a blue flame of high temperature, while the remainder goes into an orange flame of lower temperatures.

Carbon monoxide is a by-product of combustion. Gas stoves that produce blue flames tend to release harmless amounts into the air. carbon dioxide... An orange flame is a dangerous sign that the concentration of carbon monoxide in the air is increased. Carbon monoxide poisoning has symptoms similar to those of the flu: headache, dizziness, and nausea. In extreme cases, carbon monoxide lives up to its name as a silent killer, tricking unsuspecting victims with its lack of color and smell. Incorrectly installed and improperly repaired gas stoves are the cause of hundreds of deaths from carbon monoxide poisoning every year.

Green light

The solution to the problem begins by recognizing that the orange color of the gas is a danger sign.

The next step is to call a qualified gas service technician for a detailed inspection of your stove and gas communications. The technician may need to clean the burner holes, adjust the position of the air damper, or replace the wrong size burner. It is impossible to adjust the balance of gas and oxygen in the combustible mixture by yourself. An important step towards home safety is the installation of special monitors that track the carbon monoxide content in the air and warn if its content exceeds the norm.

Orange flame in a gas stove

02/12/2010 at 13:16 # 6

User kralex wrote:

Say in the morning it burns with a blue flame in the evening with orange?

It is possible that the hydraulic fracturing equipment (gas control point) is junk (or does not cope with the load), and in the evening, when gas consumption increases, it does not maintain the required gas pressure at the outlet. That is, the gas pressure decreases with an increase in its consumption, which leads to poor operation of gas appliances, because they are designed for a nominal gas pressure, as a rule, 130 mm of water. column (1274 Pa) if the pressure is less, then your case may take place (low gas pressure leads to insufficient air suction due to a decrease in the energy of the gas stream coming out of the nozzle and heading to the stove burner).

Low-quality gas is allowed into the houses of Ukrainians, which does not heat

If the gas burns red or orange, then it is poorly cleaned.

Experts from the gas processing plant claim that gas. which Ukrainians now receive is not of very good quality due to its insufficient purification, reports.

If the gas burns red or orange, it means that it is poorly cleaned of hydrocarbons: propane, butane, hexane or butylene. There is poor heat transfer through these residues in blue fuel. As a result, the kettle takes longer to boil. Because of this, the population burns out more gas. It is impossible to mix the purified gas with any substances and compounds. It's not water or sand. And purified gas with untreated gas is theoretically possible, ”says an employee of the Kachanovsky gas processing plant in the Sumy region.

The fact is that Russian gas is mixed with Ukrainian gas and the mixture is already being served to the Ukrainians. However, Ukrainian blue fuel is not of very good quality, and therefore gives negative effects, such as red flame and fuel oil on the burners after prolonged use.

Earlier, the communist Oleksandr Golub expressed his suspicion that the gas that goes to the apartments of Ukrainians is being diluted with something: We still have to deal with the gas that our citizens receive today. the gas that goes into apartments and houses today is not the same as it was a few years ago. In the sense that it takes half an hour to boil a kettle today, so that it stands on this gas.

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Ozone is a gas. Unlike many others, it is not transparent, but has a characteristic color and even smell. It is present in our atmosphere and is one of its most important components. What is the density of ozone, its mass and other properties? What is its role in the life of the planet?

Blue gas

In chemistry, ozone does not have a separate place in the periodic table. This is because it is not an element. Ozone is an allotropic modification or oxygen variation. As in O2, its molecule consists only of oxygen atoms, but it has not two, but three. Therefore his chemical formula looks like O3.

Ozone is a blue gas. It has a distinct pungent odor, reminiscent of chlorine, if the concentration is too high. Do you remember the smell of freshness when it rains? This is ozone. Thanks to this property, it got its name, because from the ancient Greek language "ozone" means "I smell".

The gas molecule is polar, the atoms in it connect at an angle of 116.78 °. Ozone is formed when a free oxygen atom is attached to an O2 molecule. This happens during various reactions, for example, oxidation of phosphorus, electrical discharge or decomposition of peroxides, during which oxygen atoms are released.

Ozone properties

Under normal conditions, ozone exists in molecular weight almost 48 g / mol. It is diamagnetic, that is, it is not able to be attracted to a magnet, just like silver, gold or nitrogen. The density of ozone is 2.1445 g / dm³.

In the solid state, ozone acquires a bluish-black color, in the liquid state it becomes indigo, close to violet. The boiling point is 111.8 degrees Celsius. At a temperature of zero degrees, it dissolves in water (only in pure water) ten times better than oxygen. It mixes well with nitrogen, fluorine, argon, and, under certain conditions, with oxygen.

Under the action of a number of catalysts, it is easily oxidized, while liberating free oxygen atoms. Connecting with it, it immediately ignites. The substance is capable of oxidizing almost all metals. Only platinum and gold are not amenable to its action. It destroys various organic and aromatic compounds. On contact with ammonia, it forms ammonium nitrite, destroys double carbon bonds.

Ozone, present in high concentrations in the atmosphere, decomposes spontaneously. In this case, heat is released and an O2 molecule is formed. The higher its concentration, the stronger the heat release reaction. When the ozone content is more than 10%, it is accompanied by an explosion. When the temperature rises and the pressure falls, or when in contact with organic matter the decomposition of O3 is faster.

Discovery history

Ozone was not known in chemistry until the 18th century. It was discovered in 1785 thanks to the smell that the physicist Van Marum heard next to a working electrostatic machine. 50 years later, he did not appear in any way. scientific experiments and research.

Scientist Christian Schönbein studied the oxidation of white phosphorus in 1840. During the experiments, he managed to isolate an unknown substance, which he called "ozone". The chemist has come to grips with the study of its properties and described methods of obtaining a newly discovered gas.

Soon, other scientists joined the study of the substance. The famous physicist Nikola Tesla even built the first in history. The industrial use of O3 began in late XIX century with the appearance of the first installations for supplying drinking water to homes. The substance was used for disinfection.

Ozone in the atmosphere

Our Earth is surrounded by an invisible shell of air - the atmosphere. Without it, life on the planet would be impossible. Components of atmospheric air: oxygen, ozone, nitrogen, hydrogen, methane and other gases.

Ozone itself does not exist and only occurs as a result of chemical reactions. Close to the surface of the Earth, it is formed by electrical discharges of lightning during a thunderstorm. In an unnatural way, it appears due to the emissions of exhaust gases from cars, factories, gasoline fumes, the action of thermal power plants.

Ozone in the lower atmosphere is called surface or tropospheric ozone. There is also a stratospheric one. It is caused by ultraviolet radiation from the sun. It is formed at a distance of 19-20 kilometers above the surface of the planet and stretches up to an altitude of 25-30 kilometers.

Stratospheric O3 forms the planet's ozone layer, which protects it from powerful solar radiation. It absorbs about 98% of the UV radiation at a wavelength long enough to cause cancer and burns.

Application of the substance

Ozone is an excellent oxidant and destructor. This property has long been used to purify drinking water. The substance has a detrimental effect on bacteria and viruses that are dangerous to humans, and itself, when oxidized, turns into harmless oxygen.

It is capable of killing even chlorine-resistant organisms. In addition, it is used to purify wastewater from harmful to environment petroleum products, sulfides, phenols, etc. Such practices are common mainly in the United States and some European countries.

Ozone is used in medicine for the disinfection of instruments; in industry, it is used to bleach paper, refine oils, and obtain various substances. The use of O3 for purification of air, water and premises is called ozonation.

Ozone and man

Despite all their beneficial features, ozone can be hazardous to humans. If there is more gas in the air than a person can tolerate, poisoning cannot be avoided. In Russia, its permissible rate is 0.1 μg / l.

When this norm is exceeded, typical signs of chemical poisoning appear, such as headache, irritation of the mucous membranes, and dizziness. Ozone reduces the body's resistance to infections transmitted through the respiratory tract and also lowers blood pressure. At a gas concentration above 8-9 μg / l, pulmonary edema and even death are possible.

At the same time, it is quite easy to recognize ozone in the air. The smell of "freshness", chlorine or "crayfish" (as Mendeleev asserted) is clearly audible even with an insignificant content of the substance.

A change in the color of the gas stove burner flame may indicate the presence of carbon monoxide.

The flame of a gas stove or water column must be of blue color... The presence of flashes of orange, red or scarlet in the fire indicates incomplete combustion and the formation of carbon monoxide, poisoning with which is fatal.

“The main condition for gas combustion in everyday life is the flow of air. In the process of gas combustion, a chemical reaction of the combination of oxygen contained in the air with the carbon and hydrogen of the fuel occurs. The reaction takes place with the release of heat, light, as well as carbon dioxide and water vapor. For burning 1 cubic meter natural gas requires about 10 cubic meters of air. In case of incomplete combustion of the gas, a long, smoky, luminous, opaque, yellow torch is observed. A change in the color of natural gas combustion to yellow, orange, reddish may indicate incomplete combustion of the gas due to a number of reasons. Such as: lack of air intake, excess air, clogging of the gas burner (dust, soot, etc.). The whole spectrum of reasons in each specific case can be assessed by a specialist only during on-site inspection, ”said Aleksey Mizharev, head of the gas equipment maintenance department of SVGK LLC, to AiF-Samara.

The blue color of the flame in the gas column is an indicator of the emission during combustion of a safe level of carbon monoxide (CO). An orange or red flame is an indicator of increased CO emission. Carbon monoxide is colorless, odorless, the symptoms of poisoning with it in mild cases are similar to the symptoms of the onset of influenza. Therefore, gas equipment should be treated with care.

If the color of the flame in the gas burners of the stove or column (boiler) changes to yellow, red or orange, you must contact the gas service at your place of residence and call a specialist to determine the causes and eliminate them. In an emergency, you need to contact the 24-hour emergency service by calling 04 (or 104 for cellular subscribers) for help. And it is imperative to ensure, before their arrival, a good flow of air into the room where the gas appliance is operating.

Gas safety rules

Only a specialized gas company should be allowed to install or transfer work on gas equipment.

It is unacceptable to install gas water heaters (columns) without organizing the proper removal of fuel combustion products. Experience shows that with poor-quality ventilation of the room, cases of carbon monoxide poisoning are not uncommon.

Install a carbon monoxide alarm.

Monitor the normal operation of gas-consuming appliances. Check traction before engaging and during operation. At the slightest suspicion of poor chimney draft, you must immediately stop using gas and contact a specialist to check the chimney and restore normal ventilation.

It is unacceptable to turn off the safety and regulation automation, to use a heating boiler with faulty automation. It is necessary to invite a representative of a specialized service organization for repairs.

It is forbidden to use gas appliances with closed vents, ventilation duct grilles, no draft in the chimney and ventilation duct, cracks under the doors of the bathroom where the gas water heater is installed.

The simultaneous operation of a gas water heater and an extractor hood over a gas stove is dangerous when the window is closed, even with a working chimney and ventilation duct! In this case, as a rule, there is a violation of the removal of combustion products. As a result, odorless carbon monoxide enters the living space and leads to severe poisoning of people.

With the onset of subzero temperatures, freezing of chimneys is dangerous, which can lead to a violation of the ventilation of residential premises. Homeowners (both private and departmental and municipal) are required to check chimneys for proper draft.

It is unacceptable to leave gas appliances unattended, except for those designed for continuous operation and having appropriate automation.

It is dangerous to use gas and gas appliances for other purposes, in particular for heating rooms.

If you smell gas in a residential area, you must: immediately stop using gas appliances, turn off the taps to and on gas-consuming appliances, open windows or vents for ventilation, call the emergency service of the gas industry from a non-gassed room by phone 04 or 104 for cellular communication.

As a measure to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning, you can install a gas control sensor with a gas valve in the apartment that stops the gas supply when a danger to human life is detected.

blue gas

Alternative descriptions

A colorless gas with a pungent odor used to disinfect water and air

Oxygen option

A pungent gas, a compound of three oxygen atoms

Thunderstorm gas

A gas composed of restructured oxygen molecules

Gas used for air, water purification

A symbol of freshness, air after a thunderstorm

Triatomic oxygen

Poisonous gas with a pungent odor, formed during electrical discharges from oxygen (O3 molecules)

The smell of freshness

Director of the film "8 women"

Allotropic oxygen modification

French composer, director of the film "8 Women"

According to the people who attended nuclear tests, this smell accompanies all atomic explosions, but what does it smell like after the explosion, if this smell is also familiar to you?

What is the name of the gas, discovered in 1839 by the German chemist Christian Schönbein, for its characteristic smell, somewhat similar to the smell of bromine?

The gas in which humanity has made many holes

Oxygen blue

Gas, which in Greek means "smelling"

... Leaky atmospheric gas

Gas, a compound of three oxygen atoms

Shot the film "Eight Women"

Gas after lightning in the sky

Pungent gas

... "fresh air"

Gas and Romanian trio

Gas used to clean water

A special form of oxygen

Gas in the atmosphere

Gas in a thunderstorm

Gas that smells fresh

... Leaky gas

Triple oxygen

Water purifying gas

Triple oxygen

Air after a thunderstorm

Blue oxygen

Oxygen from three atoms

... Perforated gas

Oxygen after lightning discharge

... The "aroma" of a thunderstorm

... Leaky atmosphere gas

Gas with its holes in the atmosphere

... The "smell" of a thunderstorm

Trivalent thunderstorm oxygen

What kind of gas does a thunderstorm smell like?

Thunder gas


Thunderous freshness

Gas born of a thunderstorm

Lightning gas

Shot the movie "Pool"

Three oxygen molecules

Inadequate thunderstorm oxygen

Gas making holes in our atmosphere

Its layer is perforating in the atmosphere

Gas in the atmosphere

Earth shirt

Thunderous smell

Gas perforating the atmosphere

Odorless gas

Three oxygen at once

Blue gas

Smells the air

... Hole material

Three oxygen atoms

Thunder gas

Gas, a compound of three oxygen atoms

A gas composed of restructured oxygen molecules

Allotropic modification of oxygen, a pungent gas

French film director ("Raindrops on Hot Stones", "Under the Sand")

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