Where is German Sterligov located? Where does German Sterligov live?

Businessman German Sterligov entered the history of Russia. As a contender for the post of President of the country in 2004. It was good PR for a person who generates myths about his person. Having run a sprint in the political arena (he was removed from the electoral race), Sterligov in the same year retired to a village a hundred miles from Moscow.

For four years he was not heard - not seen. But rural life is boring and does not excite the blood. Sterligov needed a good PR reason to return. The second time to participate in the presidential election would be trite. But, fortunately, in 2008 there was a global financial crisis. Sterligov, in all his mighty stature, stood up to fight him. He appeared to the eyes of the Russian public with a clearing project - the Anti-Crisis Settlement and Commodity Center.

German Sterligov dreamed of entering the Kremlin...

Admittedly, Russia has already managed to forget what barter is. Even the default of 1998 did not return the days of exchanging stew for cars, locomotives for felt boots, coffins for baby carriages. The country's financial system over the past 10 years has been filled with liquidity and the ruble has sounded proudly. It could even be converted into euros at some exchange offices in major European cities. The global financial crisis has driven cash into a jar. When Russian banks ran aground, entrepreneurs remembered the barter schemes of the late 1980s and early 1990s.

German Sterligov began to send messages from TV screens and newspaper pages: barter will save business. It is necessary to build a chain of exchange between the enterprises of the country. And the System, to which the regional offices of the ARTC will be connected, will help. Those wishing to become a representative of the Center were offered to pay from 30,000 to 200,000 euros, depending on the status of the territory - a region of Russia or a foreign country. And businessmen, attracted by the idea of ​​making money on barter, reached out to Sterligov.

For several months, the failed president of Russia "sold" several countries of the near abroad, as well as Russian regions. The businessmen signed contracts for the opening of 33 centers. After signing the agreement, someone transferred tens of thousands of euros to the account of the ARTC, someone hundreds. But the result was the same for everyone - Sterligov did not give them anything in return. Instead of the promised program of clearing settlements, only new articles about Sterligov's superproject were displayed on the laptop screens of regional partners. At press conferences, he operated with millions of "turnovers" of the ARTC, examples of successful transactions, but in reality it was only an expensive PR of a bearded mythologist. Few people know, but Sterligov is at odds with the computer. When talking about a global System based on a computer program, a businessman cannot even write a letter in Word.

Sterligov hoped to "sell" all Russian regions...

Omsk businessman Igor Sadovnich was the first to decide to leave the mythical System. He invested 350 thousand euros in the Sterligov project. In May 2009, under suspicious circumstances, Sadovnich died in an accident on the Omsk-Novosibirsk highway. The curator of the American "wing" of the project also lost his life - he allegedly accidentally fell down the stairs.

As a number of other businessmen lined up for the return of their investments, Sterligov's Moscow office gave them a turn from the gate. And the former partners of German Lvovich turned into plaintiffs.

One of the most famous is Dmitry Zaikov from Yekaterinburg, who filed a lawsuit to recover 10.5 million rubles. He planned to do business in the Tyumen region and Kazakhstan, but, like other victims, he simply lost 230 thousand euros. When, at the request of Zaikov, the court arrested the account of the Anti-Crisis Settlement Center, it turned out to be only 44 thousand rubles.

In his interviews, German Sterligov claimed that he spent from 15 to 18 million euros on the creation of the ARTC, which were lent to him by friends and associates. Sometimes he jokingly said that he had dug out a couple of million euros from under an oak tree in his house near Moscow.

Gthe main part of Sterligov's strategy is myths about himself

"RusBusinessNews" has financial documents, from which it follows that in 9 months the ARTC collected less than 2 million euros from regional businessmen, which were spent on its mythologization.

Over 30 million rubles of this amount were spent on the maintenance of the ARTC office. Without taking into account the costs of regional partners, 38.5 million rubles were spent on advertising the Center. The lion's share went to major federal newspapers. Part of the funds went to outdoor advertising. To whom were the advertising panels in the center of Moscow addressed? Most likely, foreign business. Foreign investors had to appreciate the scale and significance of Sterligov's personality. Is it possible for just anyone to allow such an advertising campaign in the center of the Russian capital? Will Russia's leading newspapers really advertise a pyramid scheme?

For his image promotion, German Sterligov hired an advertising company specializing in guerrilla marketing. It is possible that it was she who organized the Sterligov roadshow in London, where the Russian businessman tried to convince foreigners of the prospects of his new project - the minting of "goldens", which can be used to pay for transactions in different parts of the world. At the London presentation of ASCENT (Anticrisis Settlement & Commodity Centre), the One Troy Ounce Fine Gold 999.9 coin was shown.

Sterligov needed start-up capital to jump into the money of Arab sheikhs and Asian moneybags. London is the best platform for creating a myth about a bearded Russian messiah. German Sterligov found the money for the start-up in Russia - they were brought to him by regional businessmen who pecked at the ARTC project, who did not see the mask of the builder of a financial pyramid under the mask of a pious entrepreneur.

German Sterligov has prepared a "gold bait" for foreign business

Dmitry Zaikov, who started a lawsuit with Sterligov, assumes that the ARTC will not have the funds to pay the bills. In this case, he is ready for criminal prosecution of a dodgy businessman who, in his interviews, declares that those who entrusted him with money are themselves to blame - they did not read the contract carefully. “I haven’t forgotten how to read Russian,” Zaikov retorts. “Sterligov did not fulfill his obligations and created nothing but another myth around his person. But why should outsiders pay for this? tractor with a trailer for his country estate.

Country life of German Sterligov is another myth. He claims everywhere that he lives in the village of Sloboda, Mozhaysky district, a hundred miles from the capital, where he was allocated 37 hectares of land. In fact, since 2008, his family has been in the village of Nizhnevasilyevskoye, Istra District, twice as close to Moscow.

Last year, Sterligov, in fact, bought a solid house there from Alexander Fedorov for next to nothing. And he turned it into an impregnable fortress. The perimeter of the land plot is surrounded by barbed wire. In Sterligov's house there is a Kalashnikov assault rifle (!), with which he appeared several times on the screens of Russian television. From military weapons, Sterligov likes to shoot from the porch of his house to scare the neighbors.

Only after the villagers appealed to the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, the businessman-shooter calmed down. But not for long. In September, he deliberately hit Fedorov's horse with a jeep. With a knife, he threw himself at the wife of the former owner of his house - the granddaughter of the Russian princess Irina Golitsyna. The Fedorovs now recall with an unkind word the day when Sterligov appeared in this village. Having bought their house, the businessman literally gave them a dark one: the line from the transformer to the Fedorovs' new hut goes through Sterligov's plot, and he simply cut the wires.

The true face of the Orthodox businessman German Sterligov is not easy to discern. He has a real beard. Everything else is questionable.

Russian businessman German Lvovich Sterligov became famous not only due to his financial success (he is the first legal dollar millionaire in Russia), but also due to his eccentric behavior, which in no way fits into the framework that ordinary people can understand. Having become truly rich, he lived for several years on Rublyovka, then went bankrupt, took his family and went to live in the forest. Their new home had no running water or central heating. Herman asked his wife, who was accustomed to luxury, to wear a headscarf, cook food in a simple cauldron with fire, and give birth to children at home.

The man transferred the children to home education, taught them to shoot from a machine gun and wield a saber. Of course, they also had to forget about the TV, as well as about brushing their teeth. Rumors that Sterligov tyrannizes his children and beats his wife quickly spread in the media. Herman's wife, Alena, decided to answer the spiteful critics and wrote a book about her love and family life, which she ironically called "A broken husband ... What I had to go through with German Sterligov." The presentation of the book took place in Kyiv. With a gleam in her eyes, the woman spoke about her extraordinary life and the trials that the couple had gone through with Herman over the course of 25 years of marriage.

Today we will find out how one of the most unusual married couples lives and why they chose such a life path.


German Sterligov was born in 1966. At the time the future couple met, he was twenty-three years old, Alena Sterligova was about the same age. For some reason, the girl’s year of birth is not indicated anywhere, but oh well. Herman then already earned decent money for his age. By this time, the man managed to serve in the army, work for a year at the factory as a turner and study for six months at the law faculty of Moscow University. He had to quit his studies because of a conflict with a history teacher - an avid communist. Calling the communist regime the bloodiest in history, Herman fell out of favor with the teacher and soon decided to end his studies and start earning money.

Emelyanova (that was the name of Alena before marriage) at that time had just received a diploma from the Polygraphic Institute and was preparing to start adulthood. Alena's father made good money, and her family always lived in abundance, but when her father died, her mother got into debt and was forced to rent out an apartment. German at that time was looking for an office. Once, when he was talking with Alena's mother about a possible interaction, Alena went into their room, said hello and left. After taking a couple of steps, she heard Herman ask his mother: “Would you mind if I marry your daughter?” The owner of the apartment took this question as a joke, but on the same day, a promising businessman proposed to a young girl. His main argument was the phrase: "I will be a millionaire." And this is at a time when everyone dreamed of becoming doctors or engineers. At that time they knew about millionaires only from books.

Alena, of course, did not agree, because she knew that you need to marry for love. Herman was a completely inconspicuous young man - below average height, a strange mustache and glasses over his eyes. His image could not arrange a normal girl. Alena was then courted by other guys who looked much more advantageous. But there was something in Herman that could hook the girl, some kind of inexplicable charisma. Yet she intended to refuse him. The next day, Herman was arrested and kept in a pre-trial detention center for several days, then released due to the lack of corpus delicti. According to Alena, in those days, for the first time, she felt that she was worried about someone. Either out of pity, or just in the heat of the moment, Alena agreed to marry a man. A year later, Herman really became a millionaire, he literally kept money in bags.

Alena's career

Immediately after the wedding, Herman said that Alena would never work. This caused outrage on the part of the parents, but the businessman did not care. Just in case, Herman even threw away his wife's diploma. Today, Alena understands that if she had started working then, their family would have broken up.

To the question: “But what about self-realization?” - Alena Sterligova answers simply: “You won’t get bored with such a husband, I’m either a millionaire, or a sheep breeder, or a teacher, or a mother of many children.” Giving herself one hundred percent to all household chores, the girl finds such a life fascinating. She also adds that a woman should always be under the protection of her husband. Equality, which is sung in the modern world, leads to an imbalance of male and female principles. As a result, people do not live happy lives.


Having dealt with his wife's career, German Lvovich Sterligov cunningly removed her friends from her life. As soon as he found out that his wife was going to meet someone, he immediately offered to spend time with him. And since he knew how to arrange a rich and interesting leisure, his wife always chose him. Frequent moving finally cut off the connection with her friends. But Alena does not regret it, since her mother-in-law and eldest daughter Polina became her best friends. According to Alena, the days that she spent with her daughter before her marriage apart can be counted on the fingers.

By the way, Polina's love story is very similar to her mother's story. One day a friend of Herman's came to the Sterlings on business. There was a young man with him. Polina set the table for them and left. Three days later, the guy came to get married. As a gift, he brought a white stallion. Of course, Polina said that she did not love the young man, to which he replied: “You will love it!”. And so it happened. Alena Sterligova is happy for her daughter. She believes that behind such a man is like behind a stone wall.


One day German Lvovich Sterligov came home and saw his wife looking at the same "Santa Barbara" in the kitchen. And not only looks, but also strongly empathizes with the characters. The man tried to explain to his wife that you need to live your life, and not other people's fantasies, and finally added: “Either I leave, or the TV.” Alena hastily chose the TV, and after sitting in the car for several minutes, he returned and shot the TV with a pistol. This act made a strong impression on Alena, but she still watched a different, small TV at night, which her husband forgot about. During these sessions, she felt as if someone was behind her. In the end, the woman herself got rid of the last TV in the house.

Marry without love

In the book Beaten by Her Husband, Alena says that during the first years of her married life she did not love her husband. But after a while, Herman was still able to win the girl's heart. On the first wedding anniversary, Herman gave his wife 365 roses - one for each day spent together. His parents were indignant that he spent money so recklessly, but Alena still remembers this bouquet. Upon learning of the birth of his first daughter, the man brought a whole car of flowers to the maternity hospital. They were placed literally throughout the maternity hospital.

Alena Sterligova has been married for a quarter of a century, she has five children and four grandchildren. Their life together with Herman was not cloudless. Quarrels and scandals with punches on the table were everywhere. But in all this, the woman feels the care of her husband. She understands that when a man indulges all the desires of his wife - this is not a concern. Another thing is when he takes responsibility for the health of the family, the richness of life, adaptability to it and comfort. For this, Alena once fell in love with her husband.


The Sterligov family moved 32 times. When the head of the family became a millionaire, he was the first in the country to open an office in New York. Then London and Washington were conquered. Then the family was surrounded by tremendous attention from the media and competitors. Since it was dangerous, they had to constantly change their place of residence. For a long time, the Sterligovs did not have their own home. As soon as they got used to one place, Herman said that it was time to move again. Then Alena and her daughter stayed for two years in New York, and when they returned, the family settled on Rublyovka, supposedly forever. Herman was then 27 years old. Rublyovka had all the conditions for a comfortable and stable life, which the family had dreamed of for so long. The house of Alena Sterligova has become the personification of prosperity and family happiness. After moving one by one, the Sterligovs had three boys.

Last move

In 2004, German Lvovich Sterligov went bankrupt. It all started with the fact that he decided to run for president of Russia. The campaign cost a lot of money. The man not only spent all his savings, but also took a serious amount of debt. And suddenly, unexpectedly for everyone, his candidacy was removed from registration. Without thinking twice, German told the family that they were moving again, and the house on Rublyovka would have to be sold in order to pay off debts. A week later, he said that the family was going to live in the forest. Alena's indignation knew no bounds. The girl did not want to give up a comfortable life, but her next pregnancy was the main reason for panic. Herman reassured his wife, saying that when the time comes to give birth, they will already have a beautiful house. Alena understood that it was simply useless to resist her husband, so once again she allowed him to take full control of the situation. As a result, the family went to Malaya Sloboda. At first they lived in a simple tent. Constant hunger and discomfort oppressed Alena, but it did not last long.

Herman kept his promise, and the house was ready for childbirth. Alena still does not understand where her husband got the money for the construction. The house was wooden with a tiled roof. The whole family was crazy about him - a fairy tale, not a house. But the adventures of the Sterligovs did not end there either. In one day, all the dreams of a new family life were literally incinerated. On the eve of the housewarming, Alena woke up from the exclamations of the neighbors: “We are burning!”. Opening her eyes, she saw their fairy-tale house on fire. Unknown people set fire to it, cynically taking advantage of the owners' gasoline.

As Alena says in her book Beaten by Her Husband, all these events completely changed her attitude towards luxury and comfort. Having experienced true wealth and extreme survival almost in the wild, she realized that for the happiness of a mother of many children, a washing machine and hot water are enough. And she also realized that if a husband is the very person to whom you can entrust your life and the life of your children, then with him you can really build a paradise in a hut. And if a man is boring, cowardly and simply unworthy, then in a chic palace it will be bad with him. The last story was often met on Rublyovka, recalls Alena Sterligova.


At the moment, the family lives in nature, without a fence and any creations of civilization. She has a large farm with sheep, goats, turkeys and horses. Children feel confident in the saddle and with a gun in their hands. The head of the family taught his sons carpentry, so almost everything in the house was made by their hands. And the eldest son, who is now 16 years old, has already built his first wooden house. The sons sell their crafts, as well as meat and homemade bread. When the economy brings a good profit, the family goes to the shopping center for new clothes.

The sons of the Sterligovs can easily slaughter an animal so that it does not suffer. However, these procedures are mostly performed by adults. Together with their father, the boys go hunting and picking mushrooms. Every day for every child there is a business that could be useful to him in life. The family completely abandoned school. The eldest daughter went to school for several years, but that was still in her “past life”. Children study the Bible and study with teachers personally chosen by the father.

marital happiness

Alena's book is called "Broken Husband", but in fact, her husband never raised a hand against her. Of course, such an eccentric couple often quarrels, and many times the spouses were on the verge, but it did not reach the assault. Herman believes that it is necessary to communicate with his wife, as with a child. Alena Sterligova in her youth thought that a real man would never "be led" to the harmfulness of a woman. But after 25 years of marriage, she realized that a weak and defenseless girl can piss off even the most balanced man.

Women from all over the country often come to Alena. Each of them tells about their fate and married life. Over time, Alena began to understand that the main reason for women's misfortune lies in the lack of respect for her own husband. Many women love their companion, but do not respect. The heroine of our story recalls that she was also like that. However, thanks to Herman's eccentricity and activity, she discovered for herself Humility and complete trust in her husband give rise to his gratitude and, as a result, harmony, says Alena Sterligova.

In her youth, the girl often argued with her husband, rested, went to the principle, defended her point of view to the last. But over time, she realized that Herman could not be manipulated, and even the strongest emotions would not make him change his point of view. Now Alena under no circumstances argues with her husband. Even if she completely disagrees with him and everything boils inside, Alena turns on her mind, looks to the future and understands that there is no point in aggression. And if Herman is wrong, then he himself will eventually admit it. Perhaps it was thanks to her husband's ability to admit her mistakes that Alena learned humility.

Finding out the relationship, it is difficult to maintain the natural female attractiveness, says Alena Sterligova. The husband understands only arguments, and scandals are a waste of time. Hysteria kills femininity, as well as total control. Alena never checks what her husband is doing, she knows that he is always busy. Scenes of jealousy have no place here. This is how such an unusual family lives.


Today we got acquainted with the story that Alena Sterligova told in her book. The biography of this woman deserves great interest, as does the story of her husband. Interested in the Sterligovs' idea of ​​living in nature, many Russians became their followers. Today, Alena Sterligova, whose books have become a salvation for unhappy women, holds meetings with readers and master classes dedicated to all kinds of women's craft. German, in turn, for little money teaches men who are in search of themselves, what should be the real head of the family and how to build an environmentally friendly farm that can be profitable.

Someone considers this family extremists and mentally unhealthy people, and someone envies their fortitude, as well as the ability to live in harmony with nature and love all living things. Having been in different conditions, earning incredible money and going bankrupt, the Sterligovs eventually consciously returned to their roots. They could get out of debt and become wealthy again, but they chose not to. These people have rethought the value of life. And be that as it may, each of us can learn a lot from them.

I heard a lot about leaving to live in the wilderness of one of the first Russian millionaires, the founder of the famous Alisa commodity exchange, German Sterligov, and I always wanted to visit him. Yesterday, thanks to Gleb Tyurin gleb_tyurin , such a trip took place.
At present, the Sterligov family lives in the more developed Istra district of the Moscow region, where they moved about four years ago from the Mozhaisk district, where they lived in a rather remote place, with a difficult road, without electricity. German Lvovich himself, jokingly, explains such a move by the need to have a washing machine, since a woman cannot live comfortably without it. The Sterligov family has five children, daughter Pelageya got married and now lives separately with her husband, and
sons Arseny, Sergiy, Panteleimon and Mikhey live with their parents in the estate. The eldest son, Arseniy, is fourteen years old. The Sterligovs' children do not attend a comprehensive school and are educated at home.
The Sterligovs, together with partners in the agricultural business, who also live on the estate, are engaged in 80 hectares of leased land, mainly in meat animal husbandry, the production of milk and products from it. Today, the farm has about a hundred heads of various animals. When feeding animals, feed grown without the use of fertilizers is used. Children from early childhood are involved in the agricultural business. Sergius, for example, has interests in the production of milk processing products. Arseniy, in addition to the production of agricultural products, is engaged in the manufacture of glasses from birch bark. In his house, the entire workshop is littered with birch bark, which he prepares for this production. They drank tea from these glasses - it is very convenient, holding it in your hands, you don’t feel that boiling water is poured into the glass.
Having gone to Sterligov, to be honest, I expected to see a non-viable system invented by a retired former oligarch. Listening to the reasoning of German Lvovich, seeing the creations of his hands, and the hands of the people around him, you are more and more keenly wondering what kind of life is true - in maddeningly crowded megacities, or in a village, surrounded by forests, rivers, fields? What is more correct to eat poison in colorful packaging, from the nearest supermarket, or fragrant rustic food? Understanding the strangeness of the idea
three gentlemen, lovers of paving slabs, iPhones and I don’t understand where to be photographed, increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bMoscow by 2.5 times. Can it be more correct to create mechanisms for the resettlement of people across the expanses of Russia? In general, it is difficult to understand for whom we are cleaning up the country, massively running to several megacities? So:

2. German Lvovich met us for the preparation of young potatoes. Delicious, I tell you.

3. Homemade bread was served with potatoes, made from grain produced in the Belgorod region without the use of fertilizers, ground at our own mill and baked in a Russian oven. Where else can you try this bread?

4. Sergius, one of the four sons of Sterligov.

5. Alexander and his son - Sterligov's neighbor and his partner in the rural business. In the estate everyone calls Alexander a baron. When I asked why he was called that, they gave me his full title - Baron von Ungern Sternberg.

6. Baron's wife. In general, I first mistook their son for a girl.

7. Master's house.

8. In the house.

10. Two of his sons built their houses on the estate. This is the house of 14-year-old Arseniy.

11. Inside the house, Arsenia.

12. General view.

13. Currently, part of Arseniy's house is rented for a bakery business. The main organizer of this business is Alexander. Pictured is an Austrian mill.

14. House of 10-year-old Sergius. I asked German Lvovich what the process of building houses for Arseniy and Sergiy looks like in real life? I am the "Minister of Finance", I approve or disapprove the estimate for this or that type of work and make the payment, "said Sterligov. All issues related to the design of the house, the functional affiliation of the premises, negotiations with builders, and the organization of construction are handled by the guys on their own.

15. Another house on the estate with an earthen roof.

16. Construction of a future bakery, where three "Russian ovens" will be installed, where bread will be baked. I liked how the waterproofing issue was resolved.

Image copyright RIA Novosti Image caption In 2007, Sterligov was detained by the Afghan security forces, but was soon released.

Businessman German Sterligov left Russia, heading for Nagorno-Karabakh, the businessman's lawyer told the BBC. Before leaving, Sterligov put up for sale his livestock and vehicle fleet.

Sterligov's name was recently mentioned in connection with the trial of the "Combat Organization of Russian Nationalists" (BORN); as Sterligov's lawyer suggested, because of this, he left Russia.

One of the first Russian millionaires, Sterligov turned to Orthodoxy of the old rite and in 2004 left Moscow with his family for the Mozhaisk region, where he farmed on the lands allocated to him.

"Sell urgently"

A few days ago, photos of the wooden house where Sterligov and his family have lived in recent years appeared on the businessman's page on the VKontakte social network. The windows of the house in the photo were boarded up, and the caption to it read: "Fresh photos of Sloboda to the delight of the enemies of Russia. Rejoice early - the day will come and we will return. Glory to Jesus Christ! German Sterligov and sons." [Spelling and punctuation of the original preserved].

Image copyright RIA Novosti Image caption According to BORN member Tikhonov, the nationalists learned hand-to-hand combat on the lands of Sterligov

According to Sterligov's assistant Polina Sirota, the businessman had to leave the country on an emergency basis. "Serious circumstances forced him to leave. These are not bandits, no, this is a higher level," the businessman's assistant said in an interview with the Russian News Service. According to her, Sterligov left for Nagorno-Karabakh.

Before leaving, the entrepreneur put up for sale his livestock and fleet. “We are urgently selling a Peugeot Boxer with a mileage of 60 thousand km, a two-year-old largest in size, not broken in perfect condition for 800 thousand rubles. In contact with".

Sterligov's aide told the BBC he left about three weeks ago: "I can't say what caused him to leave. I only know that this is a very serious matter."


Sterligov's lawyer Artur Airapetov told the BBC he was in constant contact with the businessman and confirmed that he had left for Nagorno-Karabakh.

“As you know, they tried to “get” Dmitry Lvovich for a long time. There were, among other things, conflicts with the Russian Orthodox Church, and now they are trying to slander him through the BORN process. So that you understand, German Sterligov was not involved in the BORN process as a witness or in any Yevgenia Khasis mentioned him in her testimony, that's all."

Yevgenia Khasis and Nikita Tikhonov, convicted of the double murder of lawyer Stanislav Markelov and journalist Anastasia Baburova, testify at the trial of alleged nationalist radical leader Ilya Goryachev, who

The fact that Sterligov was supposed to speak at the trial was stated by Goryachev's lawyer Nikolai Polozov.

"Sterligov had to tell when and where he provided a place for the Russian Obraz summer camp and about the donated ram carcass,"

When we arranged a visit to the estate to the former oligarch, and now, as he calls himself, sheep breeder German Sterligov, his assistant warned that a woman should be in a skirt, and a man should have a “correct”, masculine appearance. Here, in Sloboda Sterligov, standing at some distance from the Novorizhskoye Highway, among the picturesque hills, their own rules reign. The guards who met us at the entrance warned us that smoking is strictly prohibited on the territory, and mobile phones must be handed over, leaving them in special wooden boxes on the street. Everything here is like in the old days - wooden huts, barns and a bell over the gate, which you have to ring, announcing your visit.

The heavy door in the huge hut was made in a completely traditional old way - to get through, you have to bend over. And then there is some kind of slight fracture of consciousness - a complete feeling is created that you have fallen into another era. In a surprisingly huge room for a traditional hut, which serves as a living room, a kitchen, a dining room, a reception room, and a chapel, a fire is merrily burning in a huge stove. Sometimes one of the children climbs onto the stove, and fragrant food ripens inside it.

Weapons are hung on the walls. This house is considered the male half - the female is in another hut. Sterligov's charming wife, Alena, the mother of five children, treats us to bread from her own bakery with fragrant honey and tea with thyme, tells us that such a separation is convenient. After all, while the children were growing up, she practically did not get enough sleep, and now, in her female half, she can finally be at peace. The Sterligovs have five children - their daughter Pelageya is already married. Sons Arseny, Sergiy, Panteleimon and Micah are from 7 to 15 years old.

There are many people in the house - sons dressed in old-fashioned military uniforms, their friends, some like-minded neighbors. One of them, again in a rare military uniform, fries potatoes in the oven in a large frying pan. Many guests come here, and today a group of those who wish to settle in nature in the Mozhaisk region, where the Sterligov family used to live, has also arrived.

After the first reinforcement, while German Lvovich has not yet returned from the next shooting, his son Arseniy leads us around the house. Beautiful proud horses, goats, and, finally, the same bakery with a well located right inside. The grain is ground in a mill with stone millstones. The territory is spacious enough, and stretches to the forest.

And then, accompanied by other travelers, upon the return of the owner, we are invited to taste marvelous natural delicacies - fish, the same potatoes from the oven, cabbage and tomatoes salted in a special way, homemade wine. After that German Sterligov answered our questions.

German Lvovich, the reason for your departure to the right life in the bosom of nature was only your ruin? Or before that, there were still some thoughts “about escaping”?

There were thoughts. But it was impossible to escape. The best way to change life from bad to good is to go broke. Losing a job, losing a home, going into debt - all of these are the best push to stop living a terrible city life.

Previously, your family lived in the Mozhaisk district. You moved from there because of the conditions there - I know that there, for example, there was no electricity?

We wouldn't have moved if it wasn't for the pile of fleas. They kicked us out. Well, it was actually more difficult. Unlike Sloboda, there was no road. Carrying every log and every suitcase was a feat. But it was fleas that finished us off - they ended up on us, on furniture, on clothes. But here's what's interesting - as soon as we escaped from there, the fleas disappeared. For five years other people have been living there and no one has seen a single flea. So, it was some kind of God's providence.

What did you like about this area?

Well, firstly, even before the move, we knew that there was an adequate administration here that did not spread rot on the peasants. But, besides, I immediately liked this site, and when I found out that the owner was selling it, I immediately handed him a deposit. I did not have the rest of the funds, but I found it.

The ecology of the area also probably played a role in your choice?

Yes, the environment here is good, compared to many other areas of the Moscow region, which, however, may worsen, to say the least. A spot of surface water, which diverges from Moscow by chemical runoff, has already reached Anosino, and will be here in 25 kilometers. And as a peasant and the father of a family, I appeal to the Moscow government with a demand to ban chemical detergents. If the contamination of drinking surface water continues, then we will have to leave here, because we will not be able to water the children and cattle. It is necessary to stop the sale and supply of chemicals, and replace them with natural detergents. Now this is the most important task. This requires a transitional period of approximately 2 years. Previously, the dishes were washed with soda and mustard, the latter, by the way, washes well. Here, in New Riga, after all, a bunch of influential people live, I urge their wives, who have a developed maternal instinct, to drink down their husbands so that they deal with this issue. Otherwise, we'll do everything.

Returning to the topic of the district administration: do you still have good relations?

Well, I would not say that we have some kind of relationship, but no interference, extortion, extortion from the peasants. The only danger, which, however, does not depend on the administration, is the veterinarians who seek to vaccinate our cattle and infect them with all sorts of diseases. But we do not let these pests in.

Your website says that in order to move here, you need to wear a beard, not have a TV, not send your children to school. But are these criteria sufficient?

Of course, external signs are not enough. But they define a lot. It is clear that if a loosely dressed woman or a Hare Krishna comes, this is not for us.

How many people have already moved in with you?

No, not much.

And are there those who, like you, belong to the class, so to speak, of very wealthy people?

Yes, there are some.

Your children are homeschooled. Do they take the traditional school curriculum as an external student?

Well, here is my daughter, she is the eldest in our family, she passed and easily entered the university. Fortunately, she did not study there for long, and got married.

That is, if you don’t have to go to school, then do children still need higher education?

No, then I just lost heart, my women washed me down on the topic, where, they say, she will find a groom, she does not communicate with anyone. In general, it was for a hangout, not for education.

Do you think your sons will go to universities?

I hope not. They are healthy guys, normal men.

Teachers from the local rural school have come and come to you. Do you think that rural education is at a decent level?

In a rural school, one can learn to read and write in Russian and know arithmetic. And that's enough. Everything else needs to be studied from books, these are the best teachers. There are no right teachers who teach, for example, the right history, either in a rural school or at a university. In general, history, geography, culture, religion - this is a kind of complex, it cannot be divided. We teach history with children from ancient sources.

Based on your views, I think you have certain claims to biology as well.

We don't teach biology at all, it's a satanic science. And then such scientists grow up who destroy the environment.

That is, some subjects generally fall out of your personal educational program?


You are already building houses for your older sons, I know that they submit estimates for your judgment. In the old days, they built their own house for their sons after marriage, but it seems too early for your children to think about it yet.

They build them themselves, not me. This is a reserve for the future, so that it was just then where to bring his wife. This daughter is a cut piece, and sons should remain in the family. The disgusting sentimental phrase “flew out of the parental nest” is some kind of literary abomination. Why should a father create a household if his son does not inherit it, but “flies away” somewhere? In the garbage, is he found, or does he have no parents? What is this phrase: "You must achieve everything yourself"? Why then the father? The son must rise to the achievements of his father and start further.

Do the children have friends outside of Sloboda?

Yes, you see, they run. But, of course, these are the children of our Orthodox like-minded people - after all, with whom you behave, you will gain from that. It is necessary to protect children from a bad example, to ensure that their friends are close in spirit. At the same school, this is not possible.

You oppose TV and mobile. But you use the Internet, blog...

I have an iPod, but it does not have a SIM card - it only works via Wi-Fi. I go online only when I am in Moscow. Here I have neither Wi-Fi, nor other similar communications. And children do not have the Internet and now there are no mobile phones from which you can also access the Internet. Considering how dirty our Internet is, a child gets molested in 5 minutes. As for the mobile, with it a lot of unnecessary things have gone out of my life - all sorts of pre-arrangements, rescheduling of meetings disappear, as agreed, so agreed. My assistant and some others have a telephone. Whoever wants to destroy a soul, let him destroy it, and for now we will use it.

Now there are all sorts of eco-farms, even here, in New Riga, there is an eco-farm "Konovalovo". How does your farm differ from them in its principle?

If they really produce products without any chemistry and without any genetic modification, without using modern technologies at any stage, then nothing.

However, as I understand it, you make a difference between farming and private peasant farms?

Naturally! After all, the farmer depends on the bank. In order to pay off those who hung over him, he uses chemistry and genetic modification to make products cheaper and more of them. As a result, farms often produce poison.

And, nevertheless, the state can harm the private peasant in the same way as the farmer? Onishchenko has all sorts of ideas from time to time.

Well, yes, sanitary services are the first enemy of crop and livestock breeders. But they cannot forcibly vaccinate our cattle, we would rather kill them. Here they can roll us with a skating rink.

What, in your opinion, should the state do to support peasant farms?

Create conditions for the settlement of the metropolis so that there is no environmental disaster. Those surpluses that the metropolis has sucked into itself must be spit out. It is necessary to give land free of charge to those who wish, and for this it is necessary to cancel the procedure for registering agricultural land, provide building materials free of charge, exempt from all taxes, veterinary fees and other things for at least 10 years. After all, the state will benefit from the fact that natural products will be produced and healthy children will be born. And a lot. The sooner the authorities begin to do this, the more chances we and they have for survival - after all, there will be normal food, water, and the absence of modern monstrous diseases. We must jump off the needle of scientific and technological progress and fight environmental terrorists in the form of our scientists, who always get away with it.

However, on TV you encourage people from dying cities to move, but so far there is no real support.

Well, of course, without building materials and support, the process will be much slower, there are, of course, heroes, but the state must take care of the weaker ones.

Are you fully self-sufficient in products?

Yes, almost everyone. We only buy salt.

But what about tea and coffee?

We don't drink this so-called tea of ​​yours. We use Ivan tea, thyme. Only the wife drinks coffee, but, unfortunately, you can’t wean her from this. However, this coffee is brought to us from Colombia.

Do you sell your products in any outlets?

No, buyers come to us only here. We bought an excellent stall on wheels, equipped with modern technology, but we cannot install it anywhere, because we need to collect so many pieces of paper. Therefore, it is easier to trade right here on the site. Because there are regulations that feed a bunch of parasites and give way to any kind of poison.

You once said that you sell meat to your millionaire friends for a lot of money.

In fact, now we are already selling to everyone, and not so expensive. At the moment, my son Sergiy is selling, he is 12 years old, and he does not yet have millionaire friends, so he sells at 500 rubles per kilogram. For real meat, this is very cheap. He started fat-tailed sheep - now there are many mountain people who love this meat. Each of my children has their own business. Sergiy, for example, also makes birch bark glasses.

But all these things - a bell at the entrance, birch bark glasses - is there, after all, a certain amount of theatricality in this?

No, only functionality. A bell so that no one yells under the gates, and birch bark glasses are very functional, they are made instantly, and serve for 20 years. We do not have a museum crap for beauty, everything that you see in our house serves only functionality.

Does your business lie exclusively in the agricultural area?

Yes, and its main component is baking bread. We bake 40 loaves a day, we sell each loaf for 500 rubles, and we get 12-15 thousand per day of net profit. Children do this, but they give me the money. The cashier is our son Sergiy. From this I give them money for clothes, for teachers, for the construction of a new bakery, they have enough for everything.

Are all children involved in the work? And even the youngest?

If someone was messing around, they would immediately get hit by the back of the head from the elders. They begin to work as soon as they come off the chest.

I remember that in 2003 you ran for mayor of Moscow. And now, as I understand it, you have completely left politics?

Yes. By the way, at that time four criminal cases were opened against me on extremism. And I did not become mayor, and they almost put me in jail. But I just said: stop bringing migrant workers to Central Russia, because we have the conditions for the locals to work. As a result, Luzhkov created the imbalance that leads to ethnic conflicts.

And why did the nickname "undertaker" stick to you?

Because we had a coffin office of the Sterligov brothers with memorable slogans like: “You will fit in our coffins without diet and aerobics”, or “Where are you rushing, Kolobok? “I’m in a hurry to buy myself a coffin.” Well, as part of a public relations campaign, a letter was written to US President George W. Bush to stop the US invasion of Iraq. This issue was being discussed in the US Congress at the time, and we added fuel to the fire to help the opponents of the invasion. They offered 50,000 coffins from Russia at significant discounts. It was a powerful document, in a grotesque way, but it worked well. We succeeded in delaying the invasion by three and a half days, and if the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivanov had not stopped me then, it would have been possible to postpone it for three and a half months.

But do you still follow politics?

I just, like a number of my supporters, come out with proposals to the leaders of different countries on the creation of an International Environmental Tribunal and new international environmental legislation. So that we do not lose normal fresh water, plants and animals, which are already being modified in a cross mode. We have already lost a lot, but at least we will not perish from the achievements of scientific progress.

Is it possible to say that domostroy reigns in your family?

No, Domostroy is a heretical book written by the heretic Sylvester as fiction. It is necessary to focus on the Holy Scriptures, the epistles and deeds of the apostles, on the decisions of the Ecumenical Councils, everything is said there about how to live.

But it seems to me that you still have some kind of your own interpretations?

There are no interpretations and not the slightest deviation from the text.

And you have nothing in common with the Old Believers, who also consider it obligatory to wear a beard, do not keep a TV at home?

No. Faith can only be old. No new rules of religion can appear, all this is heresy. We believe the way people believed, from the era of Ancient Rome to Ancient Rus'.

But you, in my opinion, are the only ones who live according to their own calendar, which is 8 years ahead of the traditional one.

I'm not the only one who lives like this. In Moscow Rus', chronology and production documentation were conducted from the creation of the world. And Peter I, following the Europeans, introduced a new chronology from the Nativity of Christ. In 1708, he wrote a Decree, according to which everyone was obliged to consider that 1699 was at an end. And obedient godless slaves lived once again for 8 years. According to the correct new year from the creation of the world and from the incarnation of Christ, it is celebrated on the same day - March 25, according to the old style.

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