Where does marble come from. How to extract marble

Almost everyone knows what marble is. This is a stone that is used in decorating the premises and creating tabletops, floors in the houses. It is known that it is formed in the process of crystallization of certain miners: limestone and dolomite breed. Let's look deeply in what marble is what their varieties exist whether it has unique properties.


It seems that this stone has been known all the time, but it is believed that marble is taken in the ancient centuries. Initially, it was found in Ancient Greece, And then, people admired this material: it was durable, easy to process, beautiful. From this stone began to build at home, and during the excavations these facts are confirmed. After processing the material, the walls of palaces, temples and chapels were finished, and it was done on both sides - outside and inside.

Physical properties

This stone has become popular in part because of the ease of processing. It is easy to cut and polish, because of which it is used in different fields of industry, including the production of architectural monuments, art and construction. In particular, in stores, you can often find marble tiles that are put on the floor or walls. But such products are usually used for flooring in buildings, not in apartments. However, he still received the greatest distribution in the field of creating monuments. In this case, a special injection marble is applied.

Place of Birth

There are different data groups of stones that are divided at the place of mining minerals:

  1. Carrara. Located in the Alps. The place where production is produced is called carrara, from where the name of the marble has come from. Famous work Michelangelo was performed from Carrarsky Stone.
  2. Sayansky. This material is mined in the mountain range of Sayan. From this stone usually make small canvas of pink, white and cream colors.
  3. Jurassic. Altmouth (Bavaria) Marble Limestone Jurassic compared with other species is more durable. And although it has a unique drawing, and its characteristics do not quite correspond to a typical marble stone, it is still referred to in this category. Higher strength of the material is achieved due to the presence of fossil biological fossils in its composition: the remains of algae, coral, etc.
  4. Ufalesky - extracts in the Urals. The stones of the Ural deposit have a striped pattern, made in a characteristic gray-blue color. This breed is quite often used to create facing materials or decorative items.

The most common is white marble. The volumes of this stone are huge, in the USA, Africa, France, in Cuba, in Greece, Norway have big deposits. To date, not all places of deposits are open, so it is impossible to say that all the drawings and structures of the stone are known. Unique stones are found in Crimea, Uzbekistan, in the Donbas and in Transcarpathia of Ukraine.

Medical properties

Speaking about what marble is, it is necessary to reveal the fully given question. Lithotherapy reveals great features of this stone in the field of medicine. It is believed that he has therapeutic properties and helps restore the operation of the respiratory organs, the stomach, as well as the cardiovascular system. Although scientifically similar properties of this stone have been proven.

To use therapeutic properties of stone, it is worn like beads or pendant. It is believed that this mineral improves the psyche, strengthens the nerves and makes a person sustainable for stress. Also, marble soothes man, relieves excessive excitability. Some salons have even special massage sessions using these stones. There they are used in the form of marble balls that allow you to remove tension from the back, cure radiculitis, joints, insomnia.


This stone includes mineral formations and even organic elements. It is divided into groups depending on its color. The palette of products depends on impurities that are part of this breed.


White marble has such a color due to the lack of any impurities in it. Most often of it make sculptural figures and figurines. Such material is easily processed, which allows the sculptor to easily perform even difficult work. Note that pure white marble is an exceptional rarity. Most often it has thin colored streaks.

The black

Very rare stone, which is a volcanic education. In this product there are impurities - graphite and bitumen. Extremely valuable samples of black marble are stones with inclusions of gold. Such a product is very expensive and can be used to finish the premises or any elements. Black marble and granite are similar to each other, although in fact it is a little different rock formation. Marble refers to sedimentary rocks, granite - to volcanic.


This widespread stone, which contains iron. It is it that gives a similar shade. Also in green samples there may be white or brown streaks - they cut the entire surface of the stone in the form of waves, which creates an original drawing.


The marble of this color is also not rare. It receives its painting due to the presence of iron oxide. It was used for a long time - his masters were used to finish the walls and columns. For decoration of solemn premises, red marble is used to this day.


It is a very common color that differs from the rest of the stones with its high strength. Because of this, it is often used to create outdoor coatings. This type of stone can have different shades that are moving from white to light brown, it is not afraid mechanical influences and maintains the density of the centuries.


This color stone acquires due to the presence in its composition of rocks with a pink tone. May have green bodies creating a unique drawing. It is a very elegant solution when finishing the interior of the room.

Blue or blue

These colors can only be created from diopcide impurities in the product. Depending on the volume of impurities, the color may be light blue, and can get dark and almost purple tones. Such stones are rare enough, and the saturation of their palette is greatly attracting.


It is bright, has patterns of gold lines and beige divorces. Most often, yellow marble makes finishing tiles that can make up table tops, window sills. This breed is ideal for creating design items of the interior and decorative elements.


Artificial marble

Artificial stone is a cheaper analogue of mineral. It make up the bathrooms, stairs, make countertops and window sills. It looks identically true, completely repeats the drawing.

there is different types Artificial marble:

  1. Pillow - is created by staining the gypsum mass. It can imitate different breeds. It is strong enough and beautiful. Often, the marble tile is created using a rapid artificial stone.
  2. Ground - created by grinding white marble. It is later made by the components used in the manufacture of cleaning products, plastics.
  3. Liquid - relative the new kind Artificial stone, which forms a flexible canvas. They can be facing the walls, the result of which will be smooth and seamless surface. Such a surface looks much more effectively compared, for example, with a tile of marble, also created by the help of artificial stone.

Artificial stone has a number of advantages:

  1. Durability.
  2. Chemical exposure resistance.
  3. Repulsion of liquids.
  4. The uniformity of the surface in the drawing, color scheme and pattern. This artificial marble is different from natural. The latter may have an inhomogeneous pattern and pattern.


Now you know what marble is. However, so that it retains his appearance for a long time, it is necessary to care for it. The main thing is not to use hard cleansing agents. With the help of a napkin and soft agents, the marble surface is easily cleaned. Excellent leather show itself, which effectively polishes the stone. To protect marble products, a special polyrolol is used, which is sold in business stores. He repels dust, creates an invisible protective layer on the surface. It is necessary to clean the stone regularly.

If a fat stain is formed on the marble, then it must be cleaned using the "White Spirit" tool, but it is necessary to apply the liquid with a gentially and in no case to form an alignment spot around the spot. Note that if marble is operated in the open air, mold can be formed on it. It is cleaned with a chlorine solution. Acids and abrasive cleaning products are unacceptable to apply to clean the stone. It is even more stupid to use metal sponges and means for attempting to remove sticking mud.


Now you know what kind of natural material, which has received such a big distribution. At the moment, many acting quarries remain in the world, where this stone is mined, and new deposits are developed. We note that there is another material that is similar to the properties of mramor - granite. It is the result of the frozen of volcanic magma. Unlike marble, it has a small grainy pattern, and this is the only feature that allows you to externally distinguish the data of two rocks.

By the way, granite also has its own artificial version - porcelain stoneware - finishing material obtained by pressing the powder at high pressure and subsequent firing at a temperature of 1200-1300 degrees. Porcelain stonewares and marble (including artificial stone) are popular elements of the decor, which today are actively used in the repair of premises and even facades of buildings.

Even if you have never been to the city on Neva, then at least in the photos have seen the most beautiful Isaac and Kazan Cathedrals, Mikhailovsky Castle and Hermitage. Why did I name them? Yes, everything is simple, it was in the finishes of these structures that marble was used, mined in Ruskeal. The St. Isaac Cathedral was lined with the floors of the Kazan Cathedral, the windowsill were made by the Hermitage window sills, the windows of the Marble Palace and the facade of Mikhailovsky Castle were framed. Also, Russian marble is also decorated underground halls of the Stations of the St. Petersburg Metro Metro. Primorskaya and Ladoga.
To date, marble in Ruskeal is no longer mined, and the quarry itself is turned into a tourist park.

Ruiskal marble quarries are located 25 km north of the city of Sortavala, on the high shore of the Poshmayoki, Rusk River, near the ancient village of Ruskaala. The name of the village probably happened from the local name of the Takhmayoka River - Ruskolka (from Karelian "RusKea" - brown, red, red), in which the water is always brown, dark redhead due to the iron connections dissolved in it.
With the coming to power, Catherine II in Russia began large-scale searches for natural stone for the construction of St. Petersburg. The stone was looking for in the Vyborg province, including in the area of \u200b\u200bSerdobole and Ruskeala. In August 1765, the subsemaster of the stone affairs of Andrei Pilyugin arrived in Ruskeal to inspect the marble deposits from St. Petersburg.
On August 9, 1766, the experienced mining of marble began in Ruskeal, which showed good prospects for the field. In September 1767, Mountain Inspectors - Guard Captain Kolin and Colonel Ivan Vasilyevich Zverev arrived in Ruskeal from the capital. They inspected the field and made a report on the work done. As a result, on January 19, 1768, Empress Ekaterina II signed the Decree of the Senate on the beginning of the development of marble in Ruskeal for the construction of St. Isaac Cathedral. Master-Kamenotees with families came to the bank of the River River from the Urals - the working village of Ruskaala arose.

Since 1769, Russian marble breaks were transferred to the commission for the construction of St. Isaac Cathedral. Major works initially led the Italian masters. The main mining of marble was carried out on Mount White, named so on the color of the famous marble of light gray, bluish gray color, with thin white and gray streaks.
In 1770-1780, Russian marbles were widely used by Architect Antonio Rinaldi to decorate the Marble Palace, St. Isaac Cathedral (in St. Petersburg), triumphal columns In the glory of Russian weapons and eagle columns (in the royal village and Gatchina). It is noteworthy that at the end of the XVIII early XIX. The century of Land Ruskala belonged to the Countess Anna Alekseevna Orlova-Chesmenskaya.

In the 1790s, when Russian quarry, the architect V. Brenna used for the decoration of Mikhailovsky Castle, a monument to Peter I, Rumyantsev's victories in the capital and Pavilion of Eagle in Gatchina.

Since 1819, the mining of marble was resumed in Ruskeal to decorate the new St. Isaac's Cathedral, which was built as many as 40 years by the architect of Auguste Rikar Monferran.

From 1898 to 1939, the Russian deposit was intensively developed for lime, decorative crumb, crushed stone and facing blocks by Joint-Stock Company Ruskeala Marble

After the war, since the fall of 1944, the restoration of the Russian limestrine plant and marble quarries began.

The development of marble of the Russian deposit on the "Ruskeala-1" plot ended in the late 1980s.

In 2005, Mountain Park Ruskeala was formed, which is a unique technogno-natural and landscape and tourist object.

Today, Park "Ruskeala" is perhaps one of the most visited places visited by tourists in Karelia.
Here you can simply take a walk and admire natural beauty, you can rinse the nerves by passing through the stretched rope bridge, flying over the canyon or jumping from a 20-meter height. Diving lovers can dive into the bottom of the career.
But in my opinion the best thing you can do it to take a boat and go well to ride, looking at the patterns on marble walls and swimming in small grottoes. The main thing must be remembered what to swim and jump into the water from boats is strictly prohibited.

If you are going to come to the park, do not forget comfortable, without heels shoes and a tool from mosquitoes (if you come here in the warm season), because Eternal Karelian mosquitoes are included in the park visiting program)). And of course, I would advise you to come here on weekdays, for on weekends in good weather here as in the Moscow metro at rush hour. We even waited on a weekday hour and a half hours until the boat turns out, because. There are few boats, but wishing a lot.

Translated from Greek marble means "brilliant, shining stone." It is the ability of marble to be transformed into the rays of the sun, each time a new, unique game of light and forced the ancient Greeks to pay attention to this material, build tens of temples from it, to log out statues, grace and plastic that causes us admiration for hundreds of years (White marbles The first signs of "age-related changes" appear only after 100-150 years). In addition, marble has another number of properties that allow it to remain one of the most popular natural building materials: it is plastic, it is easy to polish and grinding. The marble is quite viscous and durable, so when attracted it is not immediately split, allowing you to carve products for various shapes.

Marble - Metamorphic rock, consisting mainly of Caco3 calcite minerals or CAMG (CO3) 2 dolomite. It is harder limestone and dolomite (its source materials), but softer magmatic rocks. The marble is very beautiful on the cut and is well polished, which made it also one of the main facing materials. Marble is a variety of limestone, so it can be both soft and able to absorb moisture, and rather solid and almost not to pass water.

Marble has a low water absorption coefficient (0.08-0.12%), which can be used to finish bathrooms, pools, fountains. It practically does not absorb moisture, so when exposed to low temperatures, he does not threaten the appearance of microcracks from the freezing fluid. Mark products can be safely used in cold rooms. Also, marble is not exposed to high temperatures, which allows it to be used for the manufacture of fireplaces or apply for decoration of rooms with temperatures that significantly exceed the usual. As a natural material, it has porosity and is able to "breathe" - it creates a favorable microclimate in the room.

Fountain Trevi, Rome (1732-1762)

Until now, the word "marble" is called different breeds similar to themselves. Builders are called marble any durable, leaning limestone. Sometimes the marble is accepted by a similar breed serpentinite. True marble on a bright break resembles sugar. Thanks to impurities, this stone becomes a motley, spotted, moar, swivel and vests. A layer of pure snow-white marble thickness up to 30 centimeters is shifted through. In marble, almost always contains impurities of other minerals as well organic compounds. The impurities differ in the quality of marble, reducing or increasing its decorativeness. Marble coloring also depends on impurities. Most non-ferrous marbles have a pedestal color. The bizarre patterns or a uniform shade of the marble surface were created by the Millenniums, each plate has its own only and unique picture. A wide selection of colors and shades allows it to apply it in various interiors in a variety of qualities - stairs, columns, lining of pools and portals, furniture elements, framing door openings and windows, souvenirs, etc.

Thanks to its decorative properties, marble has been widely used. From marble can be made as large elements of the interior - stairs, wall panels, columns, and smaller, decorative parts - countertops, window sills, figurines, vases. On decorative qualities, scope and possible methods Processing and marbles are divided into white, gray and colored. White marble is too fragile for external work: it can be covered with stains and yellowed from metterological influences. Gray marbles are easy to handle, are well polished, and at the same time are less affected by the external environment. Therefore, they are used everywhere both for outer and internal cladding.

Moscow Metro, Kurskaya Station

Colored marbles can have a variety of color - from yellow and pink to green or black. Often there is some other color in marble, and such marble is considered particularly valuable due to their high aesthetic qualities. The drawing is determined not only by the structure of the marble, but also the direction to which the stone is cleaned. Color and marble pattern manifest after polishing it.
The marble is applied with antiquity as structural and facing architectural material due to its plastic and decorative advantages (hardness; fine-grained, making marble supple in processing capable of taking polishing, through which the tonal wealth of marble and the beauty of its homogeneous, spotted or layered structure is revealed). Marble is also used to create mosaic compositions, reliefs and round sculptures (mainly monophonic marble, mostly white, less common - color or black).

Where are marble?

Marble deposits are scattered around the world. In antiquity, Greek marble was famous from Panthekon Kamenomolomanna to the northeast of Athens. All classic ancient Greek architectural facilities. Golden yellow traces of weathering gave a special beauty of such mramor. Now the Greek deposits are completely exhausted. Now the most famous white marble, which is mined near the city of Carrara in Tuscany in the north of Italy. The stone runs around the slope of the Apuen Alps until the ridge crest. From the local Kamenomenoma Marble was taken back in Ancient Rome. Then they forgot them for a long time and again remembered later Middle Ages And in the era of the Renaissance. The deposits of the local pure-white stone seem inexhaustible. Here, mostly mined milky marble, sometimes with a slight bluish tint. There is a pure-white stone that appreciate sculptors. Great Michelangelo searched for its works a particularly light stone in the development of Monte Altissimo - the highest vertex of the ridge.

Marble deposits found in different places in Russia. Most of all, over 20 deposits, is in the Urals, but the stone is mined only from 8 deposits: the white marble is obtained at the Kelginsky and Idyrine fields, gray - give Ullase and Marble deposits, Yellow comes from the October and Painty Quarries, Black Marble brings a Perrisheskoye field, Pink-red stone gives Nizhne Tagil's deputy.
One of the most famous Ural deposits - the village of Markor's northeast, the city of Polevsky Sverdlovsk region. The marble deposit is known here since the XVIII century. In 1738, the mining of marble began, and the settlement arose - the Markov Plant. Back in those distant times, when the first events led the search for iron ores here, they met numerous marble outlets on a huge south of Yekaterinburg. This is evidenced by applications for the discovery of this valuable diverse stone.

Marble quarry.

The base of the village refers to 1738, when in eight versts from the Kozyrodsk fortress, large reserves of this valuable diverse stone were opened. Minoring marble break - such a name was originally the future settlement. In the neighboring Seversky plant, a mill for cutting and polishing marble was built. Later on the Chusovaya River, a marble was opened to send polished marble boards to St. Petersburg. Already in the middle of the 18th century. The glory became marble kamnesis, the heroes of many Bazhavsky tales, who carried this glory to the present day. For two centuries, the plant gave thousands of products: marble vases and bowls, monuments in St. Petersburg, Peterhof and Tsarskoye Sel.

Freeding marble.

Modern marble quarry is located 6 km north-west of the factory and the village. About the approximation it is spoken by multi-torque marble cubes, entering the eyes immediately for the railway crossing. Career visits leaves a strong impression. A deep incision-produced incision is equipped with modern clinical machines, lifting winches. Marble monoliths are loaded into heavy trucks and are exported to the marble factory, in the sawing workshop located near the railway station, from where, after sawing and grinding, marble goes to different parts of our country. Metro stations, underground transitions, lobby of theaters, hotels and much more in the cities of the country are finished by the Ural Marble.

Ekaterinburg, Railway Station.

It is one of the most famous marble deposits - the marble developments of Ruskeala (Karelia) on the mountains of white and green, named so in the color of the famous marbles. The very first marble developments began here at the end of the 17th century by the Swedes, mainly to obtain construction lime, less often for the construction of foundations and walls of buildings in the vicinity. Industrial mining of Russian marble began after 1768, and was entrusted to the first, the most difficult years, an experienced mining engineer of a skin. The main work on the extraction of marble (from 1769 to 1830) was carried out on Mount White. The local marble went mainly on the decoration of St. Isaakovsky Cathedral of Rinaldi and Monferran (1818-1858). Part of this stone went on the manufacture of platbands of the Marble Palace, the facing of the southern facade of Mikhailovsky Castle, the manufacture of window boards of the Winter Palace, the construction of a pedestal of the monument to Peter I in front of Mikhailovsky Castle and others. Buildings and structures of St. Petersburg.

Marble Palace, St. Petersburg.

Also, marble from Mount White was used in the construction of the Orlovsky Gate (1772. A. Rinaldi), Frieza of the Ekaterinsky Palace (1782-1785. Cameron), etc. At the beginning of the XIX century, when Russian marble breaks were running "Commission on the construction of the Kazan Cathedral "Began to act a quarry on a green grief, located near the White Mountain. It is known that in the "main marble break" Ruskeala (1769 to 1830) more than 200 thousand tons of marble were produced. Most of this stone went to St. Petersburg, the royal village and Gatchina, the smaller, in the form of Okol and the rubble stored in the dumps. It is noteworthy that the underground mining of Ruskeala passed almost without fastening the arches and walls, which was explained by low fracture and resistance of breeds to collapse. Now in Ruskeal, marble is not mined, now tours for tourists are held in this career.

Marble Developments Ruskeala (Karelia)

Marble and in other areas of Russia are mined. In Altai and in Western Siberia. More than 50 marble deposits are known, there are three deposits here: Pushtulimskoye deposit gives a unique thin-grained white with red-green marble, a lilac-pink stone is obtained on a gramatushinsky field, gray-cream marble gives Pethenev's career. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory there is a large cybic Cordonian field, where more than twenty varieties of white, gentle cream, pale pink, orange, yellow and greenish-gray marble.

The deposit of the row in the Irkutsk region gives a reddish-pink coarser-grained stone with a lilac, orange, green, gray shades. This marble is decorated by the Moscow Metricultural Metrics "Marxist", "Tretyakovskaya" and others. On the Far East Recently, the deposit of green marble with different shades has been developed and prepared for mining. In the Leningrad region, on the Yelizovskoye deposit, a gray-brown stone is mined, resembling the famous American granite "DacotamaHogany". Nowadays, marble is widely used in everyday human activity. Created using the stone of the building and facilities throughout long period (centuries and millennia) retain their strength and decorative properties. Thus, the habitat is created, an architecture is formed, which serves as one of the main criteria of the level of culture of the nation, civilization and all mankind.

Moscow subway.

The practical significance of the extraction of marble in industry indicates the following comparison: the turnover of the marble industry is more than 2.5 times higher than the turnover of the diamond-producing industry. Both diamond and marble are traditionally served for the manufacture of luxury goods and, accordingly, are focused on a certain segment of the market. In many countries (Italy, Spain, China. India, etc.) This industry is an essential part of the national economy, as evidenced by the volume of sales and the share of stone in the export-import balance sheet. Russia has great potential for the development of its stone and rock processing industry, but in this industry there are a lot of problems. After the collapse of the USSR, the field of high-temperature varieties of marble remained in Ukraine and in Uzbekistan, and today Russia can produce only blocks of ordinary color schemes, which in the international market have a price that does not cover the cost of manufacturers. There are interesting marble deposits in the Irkutsk region, in South Yakutia and on the Kola Peninsula, but there are simply no roads to these fields.

If you fold the cost of building them with the cost of mining and processing, the price of the extracted marble is obtained so high that it is simply no one will buy, it is easier to buy and bring it from Greece or Turkey. The lack of roads and to the less remote fields leads to the fact that buying abroad the finished slab and bring it to Russia is cheaper than untreated blocks of these deposits. It is also important that manufacturers of stone-making equipment and basic suppliers of synthetic diamonds for stone processing also found themselves outside of Russia, and high customs duties made non-competitive products of domestic enterprises using these components.

We all saw monuments from marble, the statue there is a stone white and smooth, and on the pedestal - grungy and made of stone different colors. There are many types of marble, and even more there are ways to process it.

Where does marble bearing?

Marble is mined in the mountains. If you find a client of a beautiful stone without cracks, it is cut on blocks or plates. Quarry are high in the mountains. Kamenotoks with steel saws cut the rock to huge blocks and descend them down (on the ropes), putting the brica under the sled. On the mountain road, the lifting crane puts blocks to a powerful truck, and they are brought into the stone workshop, where they saw on the plates.


The most beautiful marble blocks are transmitted to sculptors who are climbing them: they carefully beat the hammer on special eyes, removing everything too much and turning the stone into the statue. The most famous marble for sculptures is mined in Italy, in Carrara.


Marble layers are polished and wash for long until they begin to glisten like a mirror. Such slabs are facing stairs, floors, as well as walls of palaces. In the rocks there are small inclusions semi-precious stones, such as agate and onyx. They are very beautiful, with an interesting pattern, so they make different figures. Such souvenirs are notable.

", Publishing Designer Garry Daniell (Harry Daniell).

He has his own company and his work can be seen in different parts of the world, and not only in New York, where his main office is located.

We must admit, it was quite interesting when I entered the underground marble quarry.

It uses one and the same entrances and exits from the moment when they began to master the marble quarry. I can't even imagine how many square meters was mined and exported with a career.

But, according to workers, the productivity of this marble career is more than 4000 square meters Finished plates (Slabov) per day.

So we entered ... and did a long way on foot on a not very clean "road" before the place where we should show how the marble block is chipped.

Honestly, I expected to see a completely different picture. I thought that part of the marble wall would be torn off and walked a lot of fragments and there would be a lot of dust.

But as it turned out, everything was quite simple and the entire process was ruled by three marble career employees.

We all froze in anticipation ...

One of the workers managed a huge excavator, and directed the bucket in the crack between the marble unit and the main rock, the second controlled the process and gave instructions so that everything goes perfectly, and the third was in the excavator cockpit and the teammate moved the marble unit in the right direction

After the excavator shifted the marble block with his huge fingers to the critical point, he quietly and carefully fell on the prepared bunch of career garbage with minimal damage for stone.

Each block on the marble quarry is marked with certain characters to know what space it was taken.

Since the drawing can be very different, and in some place it may be darker, somewhere lighter, then such tags help in the future to navigate and sort marble in color, graininess and other parameters

Here, with the help of diamond saws, sloped blocks from the marble wall are cut into smaller blocks.

After that, stone blocks are transported to another part of the marble career, where there are stalls that are separating them on the slab.

On this machine, with diamond saws (strokes), slabs (slab) of a certain thickness are cut.

As a rule, the standard thickness of them is 20 and 30 millimeters.

From here Slaba move to the next marble career zone ...

In this zone, the slabs are skipped through the conveyor polishing machine, where the stove passes the entire process of grinding, and then polished to the brilliance.

Next, the plates are placed in warehouse sections of a marble career. Where they are already sent to the warehouse of stone processing companies or directly to the object, where marble products will be produced.

Now I have become more picky, and now before deciding on the marble for my projects, I will watch and choose certain slab in stock.

The fact is that the natural marble is heterogeneous and can be very different depending on the place of marble career from which he was taken. It can be more striped, differ in grain, color and drawing, so it is important to choose a plate, ideally suitable for design project.

I really liked the excursion to the largest underground career of the extractive marble in the world, I learned a lot about the stone and if you have such an opportunity, then you will definitely visit this quarry.

See you, Harry Daniel

This is such a report.

By the way, it is possible that Fabio Vial is on such a career and picked up a 5-ton marble unit to make the only one in the world ""

So minimize marble on open career

And now I suggest watch a video about how the marble is extracted on an open career in Italy.

Usually, the video for extraction is not very interesting to look, but this film is removed very well.

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