How the voiced and dull sound is indicated. Voiced and voiceless consonants

Exercise 17, p. ten

17. Help the cat and the dog to put together the letters that represent voiced consonants in one group, and the letters that represent voiceless consonants in the other. Connect the letters of each group with lines.

Deaf→ h → x → w → s → t → q → k → w → n → f

Voiced→ d → l → n → p → h → m → d → b → w → g → c

  • Speak sounds that can be indicated by highlighted letters

h- [h ’] m- [mm'], th- [th ’] T- [t], [t ’]

Exercise 18, p. ten

18. Read. Write the missing word in the sentence.

Such frost on the street -
I, like an icicle, froze all over.

L. Yakovlev

  • Underline the letters in the highlighted word that indicate unvoiced paired consonants.

Exercise 19, p. eleven

19. Read it. Insert the missing word-names of consonants.

1. A voiceless consonant consists of noise.
2. Voiced consonant sound consists of noise and voice.

Exercise 20, p. eleven

20. Write in the "house" the missing letters denoting consonant sounds paired in deafness-voicedness.

  • Find and write down words that end with these letters.

Exercise 21, p. eleven

21. Find in spelling dictionary a textbook of a word with a consonant sound paired in deafness-voicedness at the end of the word. Write down a few words.

Alphabets t, suddenly, city, plant, pencil, class, hammer, frost, people, lunch, shawl, drawing, student, language.

Exercise 22, p. 12

22. Read it. What rule are we talking about? Why are consonants so named?

Paired consonants- the most dangerous!
At the root, you check them -
Substitute a vowel next to it!

We are talking about the spelling rule of words with a consonant sound paired by voicelessness at the root of the word. Such consonants are called "dangerous" because we can choose the wrong letter denoting a consonant paired in voicelessness at the root of a word before another paired consonant. These are "dangerous" places, or spelling.

Exercise 23, p. 12

23. Read. Insert the missing letters.

1. There will be bread b, there will be lunch. 2. If there was a pie, there would be an eater. 3. He who is lazy is drowsy. 4. Ugly face, but good mind. 5. The bear is clumsy, yes hefty.

  • Verbally match the test words to words with missing letters.

Bread b (bread), lunch (dinners), pie (pies), eater (eaters), lazy (lazy), sleepy (sleepy), ugly (ugly), good (good), bear (bears), awkward (awkward) ...

Exercise 24, p. 12

24. Read.

The frost creaks. The frost is angry.
And the snow is dry and prickly.
And the elm is cold and the oak is frozen.
The trees were chilled through.

G. Volzhina

  • Choose the correct letter from the brackets for each word, underline it. Write these words down.

Moreau h, snow, elm, chilly, oak, frozen, through and through.

Exercise 25, p. 13

25. Read the lines from an American song translated by Leonid Yakhnin.

Pyro g old lady Fogg bakes
In the kitchen by the stove
And the dog is a bulldog named e Dog
Goes to water the flowers.
Old lady Fogg takes the pie
And tea with milk
And the dog is a bulldog named e Dog -
In it next to the table.

  • What do you think is true in these lines?

Old Lady Fogg Bakes the Pie
In the kitchen by the stove ...
Old lady Fogg takes the pie
And tea with milk ...
The lines about the bulldog are fiction.

  • Underline the words of the spelling for the learned rules.

Exercise 26, p. 13

26. Read. Write down the words, replacing the selected sounds with letters.

há [w] ka - há sh ka uká [s] ka - indication of
lo [w] ka - lozh ká [s] ka - kás ka
lá [f] ka - láv ka lu [k] ti - lok ti
kó [f] ta - kóf so kó [k] ti - kóg ti
sha [p] ka - shap ka ló [t] ka - lud ka
shý [n] ka - shýb ka shyo [t] ka - brush ka

  • Prepare to prove that you spelled the words correctly.

Cha sh ka (cup), spoon (spoon), bench (shop), sweater - vocabulary word, you need to remember, hat (hat), fur coat (fur coats), pointer (pointer), helmet (helmet), elbows (elbows), claws (claws), boat (boat), brush (brush ).

Exercise 27, p. fourteen

27. Read. Underline the consonants to be checked.

Well g ty, zagadka, slippery, carrot, carrot, ruby, watchdog, ruboc, slide, foot, watch, check.

  • Find the test word for each checked word. Write down the pattern.

(Ro b ok) pó b cue, (side f it) side f ka, (zagá d yat) zagá d ka, (well G oh) but G ty, (how much s it) skól s cue, (carrot v ny) carrot v ka.

Exercise 28, p. fourteen

28. Read it. Name the fairy tales.

1. Ganny a while fleeing from the palace, she lost her crystal slipper.
2. B elos nezhk a made very good friends with the seven dwarfs.

  • Insert the missing words. Underline the letters in them that indicate consonant sounds paired in deafness-voicedness.

Exercise 29, p. 15

29. Match each word with the same root test word. Write down the pattern.

Du b ki - oaks, berries ka - berries.
Lóv cue - lóvok, close cue - blizok.
Lózh ka is a spoon, buláv ka is a bun.
A request is to ask, a watchman is to watch.
Polite - polite, good - good.

  • Underline the letters in the words that you checked the spelling.

Exercise 30, p. 15

30. Read the riddle. Insert the missing letters and word. Draw a clue.

I am round, I am smooth
And it tastes nicely sweet.
Every toddler knows
That my name is.

Exercise 31, p. 15

31. Read. Insert the missing letters.

1.Sli v ki, golu b tsy, pyro f ki, water s .
2. At the same time G, blý s ka, sapo f ki, rubá NS ka.

Unnecessary words - diver, all of a sudden, since the spelling is at the end of the word, and in the rest - at the root of the word.

  • Underline the extra word in each word group. Explain your answer.

Exercise 32, p. 16

32. Read it. Select the letter you want and insert it into the words.

B? NS?
Oak, screw, bug, button, flexible.
G? TO?
Iceberg, circus, light cue, south, soft.
V? F?
Island, giraffe, sweater, nimble, beak.
D? T?
Iodine, look, cage, riddle, mole.
Well? NS?
Siskin, mitten, ruff, frog, book.
Cargo, sauce, sled, mask, fairy tale.

Exercise 33, p. 16

33. Read. Insert the missing letters.

1. Each tree has its own area d... The river floats flat T.
2. In the hands of the boy pru T... In the village deep pru d.
3. Blooming lu is beautiful in summer G... A green moon has grown in the garden To.
4. On the flowerbed ro with bush of scarlet ro s.

  • Why are words with missing letters interesting? In the last sentence, underline the main terms.

In each pair, words are pronounced the same, but spelled differently.

Exercise 34, p. 17

34. Read. Complete the tasks given in the table.

  • Explain how you selected test words for words with unstressed vowel sounds and for words with paired voiceless consonants at the root of words.

We selected such test words for words with an unstressed vowel so that the unstressed vowel would become stressed in the root. For a word with a consonant sound paired in deafness-voicedness at the root of the word, we chose a single-root word so that the paired consonant sound in the root appears before the vowel sound.

Exercise 35, p. 17

35. Read riddles. Insert the missing letters in the clues.

1. Hu himself d, head with a pood, as it hits, it will become strong. (M about l about to about To)
2. Not snow, not ice, but sulfur bromine will remove trees. (AND not th)

  • Underline the spelling in the words.

Exercise 36, p. eighteen

36. Read. Title the text.


I love you, I AM January!
For me you are a month I am the best -
M O l O doy, b O lshoy, skr and tuberous,
Z O l O thick as amber b!
Sun, dream G, O chase, m O roses -
Flame white b e ryo s!

S. Kozlov

  • Do you agree with the opinion of the author? What does the word amber mean?

Amber is a petrified resin, yellow-brown or golden in color.

  • Which of the highlighted spellings you cannot explain? Why? Underline these spellings.

We cannot explain the underlined spelling, because these are unstressed vowel sounds in the root, which cannot be checked. The spelling of such words must either be memorized or checked using a spelling dictionary.

Exercise 37, p. eighteen

37. Read. Insert the missing letters.

Le cold frost, big snowdrift, silver hoarfrost, Sleep gurochka, sleep gopad, Santa Claus, fluffy dreams of women, soft snow, horses, smooth ice, sleepovers.

  • What is the theme connecting these words and word combinations?

The theme of winter connects these words and word combinations.

  • Compose an oral text on this topic.

There was a slight frost outside. Yesterday's snowfall covered the city with soft snow, the roofs of houses sparkled with silvery frost. The blizzard has covered large snowdrifts.
Children could not sit at home. Putting on new skates, from the very morning they drew patterns on smooth ice... The kids played snowballs and made a snowman.
Fluffy snowflakes whirled merrily, like children in a New Year's round dance with Santa Claus and Snegurochka.

Voiced and voiceless consonants

4.7 (94%) from 10 voters

In Russian, there are voiced and voiceless consonants. When studying phonetics (the science of the sounds of speech) and graphics (the science of the letters of the alphabet), it is necessary to clearly know which sound is deaf and which is voiced.

What is it for?

The fact is that in Russian it is not necessary for the letters denoting voiced consonants to be read loudly in all cases. There are also cases when the letters denoting muffled sounds are read loudly. Correct correlation of letter and sound will greatly help in learning the rules of spelling words.

Let us examine in more detail what the concepts of deafness and voicedness mean. The formation of voiced consonants occurs due to noise and voice: the air stream not only overcomes an obstacle in the oral cavity, but also vibrates vocal cords.

  • The following sounds are voiced: b, c, d, d, g, h, l, m, n, p, d.
  • However, in phonetics, from this series of sounds, the so-called sonoric sounds are also distinguished, which are as close as possible in their characteristics to vowel sounds: they can be sung, extended in speech. These sounds include d, p, l, n, m.

Deaf consonants are pronounced without the participation of the voice, only with the help of noise, while the vocal cords are relaxed.

  • These letters and sounds include the following: k, p, s, t, f, x, c, h, w, sch. In order to make it easier to remember all the voiceless consonants in Russian, you need to learn the phrase: "Styopka, do you want a shchets?" - "Fi!" All consonants in it are deaf.

Pairs of voiced and voiceless consonants

Voiced and deaf sounds and letters denoting them are contrasted in Russian and form pairs:

  1. b-p,
  2. in-f,
  3. g-k,
  4. d-t,
  5. s-s,
  6. wsh.

If we take into account that the consonants in these pairs can also be soft (except for w-w), then there will be 11 opposed pairs in total for deafness-voicedness. The listed sounds are called paired. The rest of the voiced and voiceless sounds do not have pairs. The voiced unpaired ones include the above-mentioned sonorants, and the deaf ones - x, c, ch, sch. The consonant table presented on our website will help you to study these sounds in more detail.

Click on the picture to print a table with voiced and voiceless consonants

How is it that letters in the Russian alphabet can denote several sounds?

The pronunciation of a sound is often predetermined by its position in the word. So, ringing sound at the end of the word it is stunned, and this position of the sound is called "weak". Stunning can also occur before the next voiceless consonant, for example: a pond, a booth. We write voiced consonants, but we pronounce: twig, but ka.

Conversely, a voiceless consonant can become voiced if it is followed by a voiced sound: threshing, but we pronounce malad ba. Knowing this feature of Russian phonetics, we check the spelling of consonants at the end and middle of a word with the help of test words: hammer - thresh, pond-ponds, booth - booth. We select the test word so that after the dubious consonant there is a vowel.

To remember what a sound is in terms of its characteristics, it is necessary to carry out in the mind associations of sound with an object, event or natural sound... For example, the sound w is similar to the rustling of leaves, and the sound w is like the hum of bees. The association will help you navigate in time. Another way is to create a phrase with a specific set of sounds.

Thus, knowledge of the relationship between letter and sound is extremely important for spelling and correct pronunciation... Without studying phonetics, it is impossible to study and correctly perceive the melody of the language.

Video lesson about voiced and voiceless consonants:

Tralik and Valik about voiced and voiceless consonants

Another video lesson for children with riddles about voiced and voiceless consonants

There is a lot of trouble with letters, that's how they are people.

Sounds change without asking, and pretend to be different.

How much trouble these letters and sounds give children! Learn the letters, and then also remember when and what sound they mean! And the sounds of these oh-oh-oh how many. How to remember everything voiced and voiceless consonants?

Everything turns out to be very simple, if you set up the child correctly.

I already wrote about it. But consonants are not only hard and soft, but also voiced - deaf. And they bring so much trouble in the form of mistakes to children! How to teach a child to identify correctly?

Just memorizing voiced and voiceless consonants is a losing battle. Even if the child remembers, it will be very difficult for him to apply this knowledge. But if the child understands how voiced and dull sounds are obtained, learns to hear them and identify them by signs, then it will be easy for him to remember.

Let's first figure it out ourselves with voiced and voiceless consonants.

In Russian, consonants are divided into voiced and voiceless, depending on the participation of the voice in the pronunciation of the sound. How to determine this? Make a separate consonant and put your hand to your throat. If the vocal cords vibrate, then this is a ringing sound. If not, then deaf. Check with your child and say the sounds B - P, M or X. Did you notice?

Voicing or deafness can be defined differently. Cover your ears with your palms and pronounce a consonant sound. Heard a voice or a noise? If a voice is heard, then the sound is ringing, if the noise is deaf.

And so you can easily and simply define voicedness or voicelessness of a consonant... This method is very good at first. But if the child continues to do this, it will take a lot of time. The child will not have time to complete the work in the lesson. Therefore, it is necessary for the child to remember voiced and voiceless consonants.

And here we need to remember that the brain can perceive information in different ways - through hearing, sight or sensation. This means that in order for the child to remember the information, it is necessary to influence all the systems of the child.

Determining the voicedness and voicelessness of consonants by ear, we have already included hearing in the work. By placing our hand to the throat, we connected the sensations. Now you need to connect your vision. To do this, you need to make a plate or drawing, where voiced and voiceless consonants are designated with some symbols.

Voiced and voiceless consonants are paired and unpaired. This means that when drawing up such a scheme or tablet, it is necessary to place paired consonants side by side. Any symbols can be used that remind the child that the sound is voiced or dull. So in this scheme, voiced consonants are indicated by a bell, and deaf ones - by headphones.

Draw a similar sign with your child. Let him independently arrange the letters near the desired symbol, and you only control and direct the child's actions. Remember that a person will only remember well what he did on his own.

Play the resettlement of letters on floors or houses with the desired symbol several times and the child will perfectly remember voiced and voiceless consonants. Hang this sign in a prominent place and periodically return to it, ask the child to tell, show, name some sounds.

So, playing, repeating the already familiar properties of sounds and letters, you will help your child learn the basics of the Russian language without difficulty, memorize voiced and voiceless consonants.

Have questions? Write in the comments to get an answer.

In the meantime, get a dose of positive and watch a wonderful cartoon. Let's learn from this cheerful monkey to find good in everything.

What is sound? This is the minimum component of human speech. It is represented by letters. In writing, sounds differ from letters by the presence of the first square brackets used in phonetic transcription. The letter is o, the sound is [o]. The transcription shows the differences in spelling and pronunciation. Apostrophe [ ] indicates a soft pronunciation.

In contact with

Sounds are divided into:

  • Vowels. They can be easily pulled. When creating them, the language does not accept active participation fixing in one position. Sound is created due to changes in the position of the tongue, lips, different vibrations of the vocal cords and the force of air delivery. Vowel length - the basis of vocal art(chanting, "satin stitch singing").
  • The consonants a are pronounced with the participation of the tongue, which, occupying a certain position and shape, creates an obstacle to the movement of air from the lungs. This leads to the appearance of noise in the oral cavity. At the output, they are converted into sound. Also, the free passage of air is impeded by the lips, which close-open during speech.

Consonants are divided into:

  • deaf and voiced. Deafness and voiced sound depend on the work of the speech apparatus;
  • hard and soft. The sound is determined by the position of the letter in the word.

Consonant letters


Deaf in Russian: [k], [n], [s], [t], [f], [x], [c], [w]. The easiest way to remember is the phrase, and not a set of letters, “Step, want some cheeks? Fi! ”Containing all of them.

An example in which all consonants are deaf: rooster, honeycomb, pin.


When they are formed, the form of the tongue is close to the form that produces the deaf, but vibrations are added. Voiced consonants create active vibrations of the ligaments. Vibrations deform sound wave , and it is not a pure stream of air that enters the oral cavity, but sound. In the future, it is additionally transformed by the tongue and lips.

Voiced consonants include: b, c, d, d, g, h, y, l, m, n, r.

When they are pronounced, tension is clearly felt in the larynx region. In addition, it is almost impossible to pronounce them clearly in a whisper.

A word in which all consonants are voiced: Rome, pride, ash, estuary.

Summary table of consonants (voiceless and voiced).

It is due to the change in sound that Russian speech is enriched with various words that are similar in spelling and pronunciation, but completely different in meaning... For example: house - volume, court - itching, code - year.

Paired consonants

What does pairing mean? Two letters, similar in sound, with the pronunciation of which the language occupies similar positions, are called paired consonants. The pronunciation of consonants can be conditionally divided into one-stage (lips and tongues are involved in their creation) and two-stage - the ligaments are connected first, then the mouth. Those cases when, when pronouncing, the movements of the mouth coincide and create pairs.

Summary table of paired consonants, taking into account hardness and softness

In speech, it is common not to pronounce every letter, but to “eat” it. This is not an exception only to Russian speech. This is found in almost all languages ​​of the world and is especially noticeable in English. In Russian, this effect is subject to the rule: paired consonants replace (by ear) each other during speech. For example: love - [l ’u bo f’].

But not everyone has a mate. There are not similar in pronunciation to any others - this is unpaired consonants... The reproduction technique differs from the pronunciation of other sounds and combines them into groups.

Paired consonants

Unpaired consonants

The first group can be pronounced softly. The second has no analogues in pronunciation.

Unpaired consonants are divided into:

  • sonors - [’], [l], [l’], [m], [m ’], [n], [n’], [p], [p ’]. When they are pronounced, the air stream hits the upper sky, like a dome;
  • hissing - [x], [x ’], [c], [h’], [u ’].

The Russian language contains letters that are difficult to understand in context. Sounds [h], [y], [c], [n] voiced or deaf? Learn these 4 letters!

Important![h] - deaf! [th] - sonorous! [c] is deaf! [n] - sonorous!

Unpaired consonants

Hard and soft

They are the same spelling, but different in sound. Voiceless and voiced consonants, with the exception of hissing ones, can be pronounced hard or soft. For example: [b] was - [b`] beat; [t] current - [t`] current.

When pronouncing hard, the tip of the tongue is pressed against the palate. Soft are formed by pressing to the upper palate of the middle part of the tongue.

In speech, the sound is determined by the letter following the consonant.

Vowels form pairs: a-z, u-u, e-e, s-i, o-y.

Two-sounding vowels (i, e, yu, e) are pronounced in one of two combinations: the sound [y] and a paired vowel from E, O, U, A or a soft sign and a paired vowel. For example, Jung's word. It is pronounced as [y] [y] [n] [r] [a]. Or the word mint. It is pronounced like: [m ’] [a] [t] [a]. The vowels A, O, U, E, Y do not have a double sound, therefore does not affect the pronunciation of the leading consonant.

An example of the difference:

Spoon - hatch, honey - sea, house - woodpecker.

Phonetic transcription:

[Lok a] - [L'u k], [m'o d] - [mo r'e], [dom] - [d'a tel].

Pronunciation rules:

  • hard ones are pronounced before A, O, U, E, Y. Abscess, side, beech, bentley, past;
  • soft ones are pronounced before I, Yo, Yu, E, I. Revenge, honey, whale, puree, mint;
  • solid ones are pronounced if there is another consonant after them: death. The consonant [s] is followed by the consonant [m]. Regardless of whether the M is soft, voiced or hard, C is pronounced firmly;
  • solid are pronounced if the letter is the last in the word: class, home;
  • consonants before the vowel [e] in borrowed words are pronounced firmly, as before [e]. For example: muffler - [k] [a] [w] [n] [e];
  • always soft before b: elk, pulp.
  • exceptions to the rule:
    • always solid F, W, C: life, thorns, cyanide;
    • always soft Y, H, U: white, black, pike.

Attention! A voiceless letter does not always mean the same sound. It depends on the position in the word.

Hard and soft sounds


The Russian language has the concept of stunning - some voiced sound like deaf consonants from a pair.

This is not a speech defect, but, on the contrary, is considered a criterion for its purity and correctness. But this rule only works with paired consonants. For example, [r] in speech is often replaced by [x]. This refers to a defect, since [r] close to [x] is considered hallmark Ukrainian language... Its use in Russian is incorrect. The exception is the word God.

Rules and examples:

  • the letter is the last in the word: tooth - [zup], hole - [pr o r u p ’];
  • after the letter there is a deaf consonant: russula - [syroe Shka].

There is a reverse process - voicing. Means that in speech the deaf are pronounced as paired voiced... Sounding is justified when they stand in front of voiced consonants: the deal is [zd'elka].

Voiced and voiceless consonants hard and soft

The consonants are voiced and deaf. Russian language lesson in grade 5

In this lesson, we will learn to distinguish between voiced and voiceless consonants and designate them in writing with consonants. Let's find out which consonants are called paired and unpaired in voicing - deafness, sonorous and hissing.

Voiced and voiceless consonants

Let's remember how the sounds of speech are born. When a person begins to speak, he exhales air from his lungs. It runs along the windpipe into the narrow larynx, where special muscles are located - the vocal cords. If a person pronounces consonants, then he closes (at least a little) his mouth, because of this noise is obtained. But consonants make noise in different ways.

Let's conduct an experiment: we pinch our ears and say the sound [n], and then the sound [b]. When we uttered the sound [b], the ligaments pulled tight and began to tremble. This tremor turned into a voice. My ears rang a little.

You can conduct a similar experiment by placing your hands on your neck on the right and left sides, and pronounce the sounds [d] and [t]. The sound [d] is pronounced much louder, more sonorous. Scientists called such sounds voiced, and sounds that consist only of noise - deaf.

Consonant sounds paired in voicing-deafness

Let's try to divide the sounds into two groups according to the way of pronunciation. Let's populate phonetic houses in the city of sounds. Let's agree: on the first floor, muffled sounds will live, and on the second - voiced. Inhabitants of the first house:

[b] [d] [h] [G] [v] [f]
[NS] [T] [with] [To] [f] [NS]

These consonants are called paired by voicing - deafness.

Rice. 1. Paired voiced and voiceless consonants ()

They are very similar to each other - real "twins", and they are pronounced almost the same: the lips are folded in the same way, the tongue moves in the same way. But they also have pairs in terms of softness - hardness. Let's add them to the house.

[b] [b ’] [d] [d '] [h] [z '] [G] [G'] [v] [v'] [f]
[NS] [NS'] [T] [T'] [with] [with'] [To] [To'] [f] [f ’] [NS]

The sounds [w] and [w] have no paired soft sounds, they always solid... And they are also called hissing sounds.

All these sounds are designated by letters:

[b] [b ’]
[NS] [NS']
[d] [d ']
[T] [T']
[h] [z ']
[with] [with']
[G] [G']
[To] [To']
[v] [v']
[f] [f ’]

Unpaired voiced consonants

But not all consonants and letters form pairs. Those consonants that do not have pairs are called unpaired. Let's settle unpaired consonants in our houses.

To the second house - unpairedvoiced consonants sounds:

Recall that the sound [th ’] always only soft. Therefore, in our house he will live alone. These sounds are designated in writing by letters:

[l] [l ']


[m] [m ’]
[n] [n ']
[R] [R']
[th ’]

(and short)

The sounds of the second house are also called sonorous because they are formed with the help of the voice and almost without noise, they are very sonorous. The word "sonor" in translation from the Latin "sonorus" means voiced.

Unpaired voiceless consonants

We will settle in the third house unpaired voiceless consonants sounds:

[NS] [NS'] [c] [h ’] [SCH']

Let's remember that the sound [ts] is always solid, a [h ’] and [u’] - always soft. Unpaired voiceless consonants are denoted in writing by letters:

[NS] [NS']
[h ’]

Sounds [h ’], [u’] - hissing sounds.

So we populated our city of consonants and letters. Now it is immediately clear why there are 21 consonants and 36 sounds.

Rice. 2. Voiced and voiceless consonants ()

Consolidation of knowledge in practice

Let's complete the tasks.

1. Consider pictures and turn one word into another, replacing only one sound. Hint: let's remember the pairs of consonants.

d point - point

b points - kidney

NS ar - heat

fishing rod - duck

2. There are riddles, the meaning of which lies in the knowledge of consonants, they are called charades. Try to guess them:

1) I pour into the field with a voiceless consonant,
With a ringing - I myself ring out in the open . (Ear is a voice)

2) With the deaf - she cuts the grass,
With a ringing - it gnaws at the leaves. (Scythe is a goat)

3) With "um" - pleasant, golden, very sweet and fragrant.
It happens with the letter "el" in winter, but disappears in spring . (Honey-ice)

In order to develop the ability to pronounce some sounds, especially hissing sounds, tongue twisters are taught. The tongue twister is told slowly at first, and then accelerated. Let's try to learn tongue twisters:

  1. Six mice rustle in the reeds.
  2. A hedgehog has a hedgehog, a snake has a shrink.
  3. Two puppies chewed on a brush in the corner, cheek to cheek.

So, today we learned that consonants can be voiced and voiceless and how these sounds are indicated in writing.

  1. Andrianova T.M., Ilyukhina V.A. Russian language 1. M .: Astrel, 2011. ().
  2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language 1. M .: Ballas. ().
  3. Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A. Textbook on teaching literacy and reading: ABC. Academbook / Textbook.
  1. ().
  2. ().
  3. ().
  1. Andrianova T.M., Ilyukhina V.A. Russian language 1. M .: Astrel, 2011. Pp. 38, exercise. 2; P. 39, exercise. 6; P. 43, exercise. 4.
  2. Count how many voiced consonants and how many voiceless consonants are in the word unsatisfactory ? (Voiced consonants - 9 - N, D, V, L, V, R, L, N, Y, various -6, voiceless consonants - 2 - T, T, various - 1.).
  3. Read the proverb: « Be able to say in time, be silent in time. " What are the letters that represent voiced consonants? (Voiced consonants in the proverb denote the letters M, Y, B, R, Z, L.)
  4. 4 * Using the knowledge gained in the lesson, write a fairy tale or draw a comic strip on the topic "In the city of consonants."
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