Natural voice Kirill. Kirill Pleshakov-Kachalin: On the hidden challenges of voice, natural sound and sound cleanliness

Kirill Pleshakov-Kachalin was born on September 18, 1983 in the city of Volgograd. Now he is the author of very popular video courses for the development of voice and the creator of the project "School of Natural Voice". But in the youthful years, he did not even suspect that he would connect his future with music, and was going to enter the Polytechnic University.

How his singing sounds, the guy first thought of 14 years. In the course of observations, he found out that he had a rude and ugly low voice, and plus it was complete in any note in any note. This dissatisfaction with singing poured into his decision to act in Volgograd state Institute Arts and culture.

With the support of parents, Kirill visited training courses - began to study Solfeggio and the game on the piano. She took private jazz lessons on the piano. Somehow immediately at the young man appeared good techniqueAnd for six months he learned to play quite well. At the end of the school, he successfully entered the conductor-choir department.

There, he began the first lists of vocals, thanks to which the guy became the best vocalist in his class for the winter session. His teacher was very pleased, because it was her merit. But then Kirill got very sick and completely lost his voice for almost a month. And when he recovered, it turned out that it was necessary to give a voice again.

As a result, over the next three and a half years everything remained at the same level. The student's voice did not sound, the intonation walked within the fault. But at the same time, he immediately wrote two-eye dictations on Solfeggio (this is talking about a good musical hearing), and some teachers even believed that he had absolute hearing. In the last year of study, the student was very fascinated by the works of Yuri Leonidovich Claus - the author and the creator of the "Institute of Yuri Frost". He had a dream to move to Petersburg and do his business there.

After graduating from the Institute with a Red Diploma, in 2004, Cyrill moves to St. Petersburg and enters the Institute of Business and Law. There he received knowledge of economics, marketing and management, learned to public speeches. At one of the scientific meetings, he met St. Petersburg scientist Vladimir Bagruunov, who explored the sound of a person's voice. This topic immediately interested. The scientist told him a lot of interesting things about the nature of the voice, about Shalyapin, about recovery with voice, showed simple exercises, some of which he came up with himself, in order to improve the voice.

These exercises, Kirill tried on themselves, and was so inspired by the results, which decided - these knowledge and simple exercises should be available as many people as possible. So in 2007 a "school of natural vote" appears and becomes very popular. After all, almost every one of us wants to speak more pleasant, heartfelt, expressive voice, wants to sing well. Plus, the voice can still be filmed with fatigue and stress, heal itself and engage in self-knowledge.

Traveling in Russia with master classes and getting acquainted with interesting people, Kirill constantly enriched his luggage in terms of effective methods Voice settings. Since 2007, he spent more than 500 trainings in all major cities Russia from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, as well as in Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria, UAE.

Today, the "School of Natural Voice" is a project, the purpose of which to convey to people a complex of simple exercises, allowing absolutely any person, regardless of age and gender, preliminary skills and knowledge to improve the sound of voice to communicate, negotiation, public speeches, learn to sing from scratch or Improve the quality of singing, as well as use your voice as a tool for self-knowledge and improvement.

Under the auspices of the school, Kirill released a lot and paid training courses. For example, a free video course, and others that are available for learning to each.

All the materials of the author help in the development of votes in 3 directions: for singing, business and communication. For example, a video course will help fix bad voice source data and help stuff a beautiful and clean voice. - This is a course on the development of a strong, charismatic and beautiful voice for info-businessmen and all whose work and profession are related to the art beautiful and convincingly talking. And the course will help develop a deep natural voice for communication.

Kirill is also a producer of video courses. Thus, the "School of Natural Voice" produced a course, which in just a month will help to overcome the fear of public speeches and become an excellent speaker. Also, Cyril is constantly held master classes, seminars, webinars who visit a large number of People, he participated in a number of programs on federal and regional TV, including live.

Currently, Kirill Pleshakov-Kachalin combines two of his favorite classes: music and the Internet. In addition to learning other people, he soloist Kirill TV group composes and executes his own songs. Kirill is married. His spouse Victoria shares his interests and helps in implementing all projects.

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Singer and composer Kirill Pleshakov-Kachalin is the creator Natural voice schools Where puts a confident beautiful and convincing voice to anyone who wants.

Cognition yourself through your own voice

It's no secret that many are afraid of public speeches only because they do not like how their voice sounds: ugly, unrealized or just uncertain. After passing the course "Revival of Natural Voice", Kirill promises that the student will acquire a beautiful sensual charismatic voice, which will give him confidence in himself. When a person likes the sound of his voice, he is not afraid to express his thoughts and feelings. In addition, Cyril teaches the voice to be a unique tool With which he should be proud and take care of him, keeping and developing.

Educational programs from Kirill Pleshakov-Kachalin

Kirill is sure that every person from birth is given beautiful rich voice But since only singers are engaged in its development, others have just dulled, becoming flat and uninteresting. Kirill Pleshakov-Kachalin holds master classes around the world, creates interactive training courses and writes books. The coach offers several different duration and focus of programs for the rapid development of voice or search for harmony with them through riding certain melodies.

Singing as a method of personal growth

Cyril teaches hearing the sound of each cell of his body, receiving positive natural vibrations. The coach argues that with singing you can take stress and saturate vital energy. Through singing he offers to find his key note allowing you to heal yourself and fill in magnetism. Also for the development of the voice of Kirill offers effective respiratory techniques. To eliminate voice clamps, in order for the voice to sound the most naturally and sincerely and sincerely, all the resonators are worked out.

After passing the full program created by Kirill Pleshakov-Kachalin, you can develop your voice, giving it the original timbre and sound, and also gain harmony with myself and gain confidence.

Kirill Pleshakov-Kachalin firmly convinced that every person at birth, nature awards a unique voice. However, only singers are engaged in its development, the rest of it just "dults". BUT B. modern lifeWhen the power of belief plays a crucial role in both business and in conventional communication, the ability to own a voice is half of the success.

There are so many people who dream to learn how to speak right and beautifully, and this is not only the future stars of the pop, but also ordinary people. For all who want to develop a voice, Kirill Pleshakov-Kachalin recorded his author's training programs.

Relying on your experience, Cyril has prepared developing online courses and trainings, in which it tells how to learn how to sing correctly. It helps to form proper breathing, teaches to remove stress and fill with vital energy by singing.

If you want a voice to sound natural and sincerely, then Kirill Pleshakov-Kachalin is the coach that you need. Having passed the preparation from him, you will develop a voice, give it the original timbre and sound, and also gain self-confidence.

Release from Kirill Pleshakov-Kachalin.



Congratulations on your successful subscription on the online newspaper "School of Natural Voice"! HOORAY!

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Your voice has a huge developmental potential and keeps in itself unique propertiesThey may not even suspect. And very soon - you yourself make sure that if you do exercises.

The day after tomorrow you will get the first practical release with promised exercisesAnd today - I want to tell you a little about myself. Who am I and why do you do this thing!? I think you will be interested. So, if you have free 6 minutes - arm yourself with a cup of tea and, let's get acquainted!

For the first time I thought about how my voice sounds when I was 14 years old. I remember, I am going to call the girl who I really liked and with which we have been communicating only for a correspondence for a long time. Before making it - I went down - to my friend, my neighbor and asked him - is my voice sound like that for men?

With that girl, we really had nothing and did not come out, because At that time I was very timid and uncertain in myself.

But on the same time, at the same time I liked one song, similar to the anthem of Russia. Song "Go West" Groups "Pet Shop Boys". The soloist of this group has a weak, inexpressive and high voice, but it has its own "chip". Then it seemed to me that this is a sample of an ideal voice!

I still have those records, but I am ashamed to spread them anywhere. If you want - I can send you for the sake of interest, but I warn you that it is impossible to listen to them for more than three seconds!

But, dissatisfaction with my voice broke into the decision to enter the Volgograd Institute of Arts (I was born in Volgograd) on the conductor-choir department. With the fact that half a year before the end of the 11th grade - I was going to go to the Polytechnic.

Thanks to my parents who did not insist on Polytech, although my decision is about music university It was for them as a thunder among the clear sky.

I didn't have any musical data, i did not finish musical schools, I did not know how to play, highly fake sangand at the same time - was timid and uncertain - obviously not for the scene.

Although, justice for the sake of seeing that when I was 5 years - I collected concerts at the cottage! At that time I really liked the songs of Vysotsky. And I took the guitar (I didn't know how to play it, of course) and sang the song Vysotsky. I also didn't know how to sing, but I knew all the texts by heart!

Imagine what it was show? The five-year-old boy yells the texts of Vysotsky and at the same time it hits sometimes on the guitar! I came to look at me from all year old.

And I also loved to ride a swing and sing at the same time, the same Vysotsky. This also attracted attention. But all this was in early childhood.

At school, starting from about 11 years old - I began to close from people and went to the computer world. Therefore, in fact, Polytech - would be a logical continuation of the school.

But thanks to the fate - for six months before the entrance exams, I decide to enter the music university.

To such a decision greatly influenced my classmate and friend - Alexey, who was engaged in music at that time and knew how to play accordion and piano. He fascinated me! Now this is Alexey Hitman - a talented actor (ch. Roles in "Ranetki", the author of hit songs and the electric desk of the Balabama group! Dima Bilan, for example - sings his song - "Shores / Heaven".

But returning to the distant 2000th year (year of my graduation) - with the support of parents - I am doing the preparatory courses - and I begin to study Solfeggio and the game on the piano. I also start taking private jazz lessons on the piano. I somehow immediately appeared a good technique, and I learned to play quite well for half a year!

As a result, on entrance exams To the Institute of Art I scored 24 of 25 possible points and was happily accepted on the conductor-choir department!

And here I started the first vocal lessons. I remember how the teacher told me - put his hand on the chest, you feel how she resonates? The breast is the basis of voice. Do not think about notes, think about the sense about images. Sing the bolder! Do not strain. Do not listen to what sound turns out, think forward!

As a result, it is incomprehensible to me - by the winter session, I became the best vocalist in my class. The teacher was very pleased with me and put a well-deserved "excellent." It was especially pleasant for her that I did not put a voice anywhere before that, so what I get - her merit.

But further - we went to the winter holidays. And I remember how immediately after the new year I got sick and completely lost my voice for almost a month. I am not something to sing - I could not even talk. Just whispered words with great effort.

As a result, for the next three and a half years - everything remains at the same level - I did not sound my voice, and the intonation was walked within the fault. Despite the fact that I wrote two-voice dictations on Solfeggio (it says good musical hearing). Some of the teachers even thought that I had absolute hearing. Although it is not.

I finished the Institute of Arts with a Red Diploma and with two fours - in world culture, and vocals. Four on the vocal was strongly stretched, rather - there was to be a troikhka, but in this case I would not give a red diploma. And since I loved me very much at the institute - they decided to put on the vocal four and not deprive of a red diploma.

But at the last year of study at the Institute of Art - I strongly became interested in the work of Yuri Leonidovich Claus - this is the author and creator of the "School of Your Business" -

And I had a dream - to move to Peter, and to do my work there.

And in 2004 I move to St. Petersburg and I do to the Institute of Business and Law. In this institute I received knowledge of economics, marketing and management, but most importantly - he learned to public speeches! The fact is that at each lecture or seminar - I always tried join a conversation with teachers. Sometimes it turned out, and we talked on the subject of the subject (and sometimes not quite on the topic) - in the presence of the whole group (10-60 people).

I remember that my classmates at such moments were divided into three parts. Someone our conversations annoyed, because they took time from classes, someone had anyway - just rather home. But there were those who liked it very much! So - I received good feedback from the audience, and produced in myself confidence with public speeches.

And so, in the third year of the Institute of Business and Law - I implement the project "Features National Entrepreneurship", During which I get acquainted with many interesting people - creative entrepreneurs.

At one of these meetings, I met one St. Petersburg scientist exploring the sound of a person's voice.

This topic is immediately interested in me, because you remember, according to first education - I am a conductor, who has serious voice problems.

St. Petersburg scientist researcher - Vladimir Bagrunov - told me a lot of interestingness about the nature of the voice, about Shalyapin, about recovery with the help of voice, about the fact that everyone canmuch Improve the sound of your voice and showed simple exercises, some of which he came up with himself - in order to improve his voice!

I tried these exercises on myself, and decided that these knowledge, and these simple exercises should be available as many people as possible!

After all, who among us does not want to talk more pleasant, penetrating, expressive voice? Who among us does not want well sing? If nature laid these abilities in each of us - why not reveal them!? Plus, it turns out to be a voice yet take fatigue, and stress, heal yourself and engage in self-knowledgeUsing a voice as a tool.

From now on - I'm starting to lead active activities For the report of this information to people.

As a result - a project appears called "School of Natural Voice". The name, by the way, came up with a wonderful person - General Director of the largest St. Petersburg bookset "Browse" - Denis Alekseevich Kotov, who provided us with a scene for performances in their supermarkets and gave several marketing tips.

Initially - I spent master classes using the methodology that St. Petersburg scientist Vladimir Bagrunov. But after two years of classes on his technique - I found that it helps only to configure a speech voice. Moreover, traveling around Russia with master classes and meeting with interesting people in different cities - I found that there are still many interesting and efficient methods of tuning the voice, including for singing.

For example - the study is an ancient old-Slavic way that our ancestors applied. Or the Methodology of the Set of Rigza - a person who has been configured to configure the vote of the famous Western Stars of the Estrada - Michael Jackson, Madonna, Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles and others. I also got acquainted with the work of Hazrat-Inayat-Khan - an outstanding natural singer of the beginning of the 20th century - a friend of Scriabin - the naturalness of the voice and ways to configure is described in its book.

Release from Kirill Pleshakov-Kachalin.


Today, proceed to practice! :)

As promised, I tell 4 simple, but very effective exercise For voice development. Namely:

  1. to expand the singing range.
  2. to warm up and improving speech voice.
  3. for sexuality in voice.
  4. for the improvement of the body using vibration vibrations.

Let's start with the latter. :)

Firstly - it is the simplest, and secondly - besides recovery, this exercise can be used for renaissing natural vote and removing muscle clips larynx.

The exercise "natural tone" is called. As a result of the exercise - you will get the most natural sound of your voice.

Ready to fulfill? :)

Two factors that contribute to a harmonious voice:

  • Good posture - the correct position of the body.
  • Free natural breathing.

Right right now! Feet on the floor, do not crossed! Straighten and raise your breasts! Lower your shoulders! Tighten your stomach!

As in the army! :)

Just immediately warn you - strain the press or other abdominal muscles - you should not! When you have breasts raised - the stomach is already automaticallydrawn.

The relaxation of the abdominal muscles gives the freedom to your diaphragm - and this is the basis of proper breathing. The main thing is not to interfere with the diaphragm to make the movements that she wants to make. :) In this case, your breath will have the most natural and correct.

Your task is to voice the exhalation process.

That is, you inhaleair as usual, through the nose! And exhale, too, as usual, but, with this any free sound, without any effort! The jaw at the same time at the same time is slightly ajected and relaxed as much as possible.

Try right now!

Pay attention to the fact that the voice is born in your chest, about in the area of \u200b\u200bthe solar plexus - it is there "conductor" of our voice orchestra sits. He usually sleeps, so the voices of many people sound flat and inexpressively. This exercise can be wake up! :)

The sound that you do is most likely to resemble moan! And that's fine! :)

The fact is that the moan is a natural way of healing and relaxation!

Remember when a person has something very much - so that it is impossible to endure! What makes a person in such cases?


This is Nature automatically Includes a natural healing method. Vibrations from the sound of the voice were treated at one time more Pythagoras and Paracels. Now, some doctors prohibit moaning - I think this is a crime!

Moreover, personally, I have not been sick for a long time and I do not go to the doctors - because if I suddenly feel malaise, fatigue, or something like that - I immediately postpone all things, and how do you think I do? :)) Moan. :)

The next day - no trace of illness remains!

And now remember moments - When you are very, very good! What do you do at this time? Especially women. :) Men - less often. :)

Pay from pleasure or shout!

Who does this - a big one, because at this moment the voice is connected directly with the subconscious and such a moan - first, it contributes to even greater relaxation and pleasure, and secondly - at the same time, improves voice sound. :) I sometimes call it natural way to revive natural voices.:)

Here is a simple and useful exercise "Natural tone." Just breathe with arbitrary sound on exhalation. And remember about posture and about the "conductor" in the area of \u200b\u200bsolar plexus!

You can exercise 3-4 minutes per day - for prevention, and at the same time, to relax the clips of the larynx (if any).

During the exercise - duration, height and coloring of sound irrelevant. The main thing is that he leaves you easily, without effort, most naturally.

And if you suddenly, God forbid, there was noonastal, stress or fatigue - then boldly stead the 15-20 minutes - you will immediately feel the tide of strength. :)

To the doctors and in the pharmacy, I hope for trifles you will not apply more, but begin to apply the natural method of healing instead. :)

Today everything!

In the next issue - exercise to increase sexualityvote.

Successes to you and good mood!

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