Solid and soft consonant sounds. Educational tasks (solid and soft consonants) Simulator Soft and solid consonants

This work is a final summary of the subject: "Solid and soft consonants". Children are offered various exercises to clarify and consolidate the ability to allocate and differentiate vowels 1 and 2 rows, as well as assimilate the two ways to designate the soft sounds.



Final lesson on the topic: "Solid and soft consonants". Developed a teacher-speech therapist MBOU SOSH No. 1 SNRAFIMOVICH Frolova S.A.

Purpose: Repeating methods for the designation of the soft sound sounds on the letter.


  • Improve the ability to determine and distinguish solid and soft consonants.
  • Secure the ability to allocate and differentiate vowels 1 and 2 rows.
  • Assimate two ways to designate the soft sounds.
  • Develop orphographic area, logic, attention, memory.
  • Educating the accuracy, sense of partnership, mutual aid, love for the native language.

Equipment: notebooks, color pencils,sound locks, d / game "Treadmills", distributing material, flowers, individual mirrors, pictures with image of volume and tim, chips for sound analysis words, subject pictures on the topic "Flowers", cards with syllables, sentence scheme, mood designation pictograms, paper hats blue and green.

Travel course.

  1. Organizing time.


Well, guys, chur, hill.

The lesson begins.

Tell me, what is your mood today? (Children show the corresponding icon). And now look at your neighbor, smile, give each other smile. Look at me, I also want to give you a smile, and you smile to me. FROM good mood We go to work.

Topics message.

Now we will go on a trip to the country of solid and soft sounds. But first dismiss our fingers and will be charged with the tongue.

Articulating and finger gymnastics.

Here are my assistants
They are how you want to turn.
On the way Belaya, smooth
Scoped fingers like horses.
Rides a frisky herd.
(Hands on the table, palms down. Alternately move forward to the left, then with the right hand with simultaneous flexion and extension of the fingers).


Delicious jam ''

Fence "




And now I want to introduce you to our today's heroes. They complained to us from the country of words, and who they guessed themselves themselves.

Can do anything
Lower castle per night
Evil forces overcome
Miracles are creating any
And they are not angry
They do not need textbooks
After all, their name is Ox ...... ..

These wizards are called Tim and Tom. Listen to carefully, what 1 sound do you hear in the name Tim (s)? What is the sound solid or soft? (Soft.) And Tim himself is as soft as the first sound in his name, and loves everything that begins on a soft consonant sound. For example, eats Tim - meatballs, with pleasure eats honey, draws only a tassel.

What 1 sound do you hear in the name volume (T)? What is the sound solid or soft? (Solid.) Tom is the same solid and always chooses what begins with solid consonants: loves tomato juice, wears a coat, likes to let soap bubbles.

So what are the consonants who like that?(Solid.)

What are the consonants called who love Tim?(Soft.)

You guessed, which of them is that, and who is Tim? (In color.)

Why? (Because the soft consonants are designated green, and solid blue.)

Sound correlation and letters.

Write down the names of the wizards in the notebook. What letter will write? Why? Which sound means the letterT. In the word Tom, and what sound in the word Tim? Draw under them the mug of the corresponding color.

Development of phonderatic hearing.

Fairies asked our wizards to decorate the castles with flowers.

The speech therapist places pictures on the board, children call flowers (rose, chamomile, peony, lily of the lily, carnation, tulip, bell). What question will ask for pictures? (what is it?)

Two children come to the board. One of them plays the role of Tom, the other - Tim. What color cap will you choose?

What flowers will cut volume, and what Tim? Children "cut off" flowers, starting with the phrase: "I cut ...". Explain their choice. Place pictures in the pockets of locks. Then transmit hats to other children.

And now I want to make sure that you know how to distinguish solid and soft consonants for rumors.

The game "Treadmills".

I will call words. You must highlight the first sound.

What do you think for what track will run "athlete" (chip), if in the word first sound - soft consonants?(Green walkway.) If solid? (Blue.)

The words : cow, linden, birch, crow, dog, rowan, cherry, cedar, mosquito, larch.

Move the results: what "athlete" won. (Tim, raise your hand those who won Tim ... Well done. Remove Linebecks on the side.)


And now good wizards Tim and Tom offer you a little rest.

Once - climb, pull

Time - climb, pull out
Two - bump, raise,
Three - in your hands, three cotton,
Head three nodes.
Four - hands wider,
Five - to wave,
Six - in place ...

Development of grammatical system of speech, imagination, speech breathing.

How to call cut and put flowers in a vase? (bouquet)

Close your eyes and imagine how the flower bouquet smells. Inhale the nose, exhale the mouth with the sound of "X-Haa". Show facial people how the flowers smell tasty.

Exercise "Aroma of Flowers"

Inhale - delay the breath - exhale, uttering: A -ah!

In April, in April, the meadow signs.

From a walk bouquets bring in April

The game is "one - a lot" game.

The speech therapist, throwing a child the ball, says: "I have one tulip in a vase." Child, returning the ball a speech therapist, says: "I have many tulips in a vase", etc.

Designation of solid and soft consonants with letters.

Tim and Tom love to play Lotto. Rules Simple: If the word begins with a solid consonant sound, then put the blue chip on the corresponding letter, if with a soft consonant, then the green chip.

Words: summer, lotto, sieve, full, mouse, teddy bear, moat, roof, bale, tuk.

Conclusion: one consonant letter can designate two sounds - solid and soft.

Work on the proposal, memory development.

Remember what words were on the sounds [m] and [m, ] ?

Come up with the proposals based on the scheme: the word-sign (definition) is the word-word (subjectable) - the word-action (led) is a word-object (addition).

Game, find a couple " (work in pairs).

Our wizards quarreled a little, we need to reconcile them. Now guys, you will work and pairs. You have a little onver on your tables, there are words in it. You need to make up and write down the couples so that one word is like that, and another Tima.

The words: Rad, small, row, mall, onions, hatch, were, ditch, beat, roar.

Read that you recorded, how are the words different?

(Compare writing and the meaning of words: to emphasize the consonants.)

III. Reflection.

Today at the lesson we performed different tasks.

What vowels indicate the softness of the consonant? (I, E, E, Yu, and).

And what hardness? (a, o, y, s, e)

Raise the hand those who can say about yourself: "I learned to distinguish solid and soft consonants"

On the table, each of you is lying flowers, let's arrange a real flowering garden in the class. Rate your job in the lesson and stick to the flower board.

Big - perfectly worked, coped with all the tasks.
Little - worked well, but might be better.

Look at what kind of beautiful garden, quite real.

We, together with Tim and Tom, thank you for work in the lesson.

Svetlana Daineko

In the classification of the right soundless preschoolers need to teach a clear discerning solid and soft, deaf and ring consonant sounds.

Sound presented to a child in everything diversity: At the same time, children get acquainted with graphic image sounds:

red circle - vowel sound,

blue - solid consonant,

green - soft consonant).

Dear Colleagues! I want to talk about the benefits that I apply for

more efficient assimilation with reoxoites of this material. Made didactic color cardboard benefits with transparent pockets for pictures, which are used as a handout. Working with a magnetic board, I apply this material, both on subgroups and individual classes.

Each task is offered in gaming formWhat causes interest.

"Call a picture - I wear the right mask"

Differentiation sounds [M] - [M ']

The task: call the picture; If in the title of the picture hears solid sound [M], then put on the blue mask, and if the soft [m "] is the green mask.

"What for Nina, and what for NATS?"

Differentiation [n] - [n ']

"Let's help me to make purchases"

Differentiation sounds [P] - [P ']

"Give butterflies pictures"

Differentiation sounds [B] - [B ']

"We will help mee and butterfly to collect objects for yourself."

Differentiation sounds [n], [N] - [b], [b]

"Pick up for each notebook in a cage picture"

Differentiation sounds [T] - [T ']

"Find a house for pictures"

Differentiation [D] - [D ']

"What for Dani, and what for Tanya"

Differentiation sounds [t], [T '] - [d], [d']

"What will take faith, and what is Vova?

Differentiation sounds [in] - [in ']

"Decorate lanterns"

Differentiation [F] - [F ']

"What a wizard, and what for fairies?"

Differentiation sounds [in], [In '] - [F], [f']

"Drive in trucks"

The task: Name a picture, if in its name hears solid sound [g], Load into a blue truck, and if soft [g '] - in green.

"What for whale, and what for a cat"

Differentiation sounds [K] - [K ']

"We will select stickers for each page of the book"

Differentiation [K], [K '] - [g], [g']

"We collect bags"

Differentiation sounds [C] - [C ']

"Hide a picture under the umbrella"

Differentiation sounds [s] - [s']

"We will gather a bag, and Zoe backpack"

Differentiation [C], [C '] - [s], [s']

"Let's help Roma and Rita to disassemble objects"

Differentiation sounds [P] - [R ']

"What do you put in the closet, and what's in a bag?"

Differentiation [s] - [sh]

« Decompose Pictures in Polyankam »

Differentiation sounds [l] - [l ']

"Let's help the animals to strive for cars"

Differentiation sounds [p], [P '] - [l], [l']

"What in the box, and what's in a bag?"

"Various and consonant sounds" - a competition of stories about the family. Task 1. Read the quatrains. How do scientists call speech sounds? In the forest, if you got lost, shout "AU". What is the difference between the formation of vowels and consonant sounds? Dinged with snow, precisely silver (S.Senin). Work on the lesson. What section of language science did you meet in the past lesson?

"Public letters" - E and E - native sisters, distinguish between the sisters is not easy. Everyone knows: Letter I am so branding. The similarity is probably, only there is no language! In the yard - such a pity! - Our ladder broke down. Cheerful vowels. Oh, watch what happened: it turned out ... Letter Yu. In order not to pay out, tightly to the bureau's column.

"Vowels and consonants" - what sounds are indicated? How to call in one word? Portfolio. Name in the word vowel sounds. What 2 groups can all sounds separate? Briefcase - What? What is a portfolio? The student bought a new portfolio. Write the letters into the notebook in a given sequence. Objective: to acquaint with transcription as a way to recording the sound composition of the word.

"Glasny" - came running boastful read children. Wolf-Uuu. The vowels pull a song ring. Girl shows throat aaaa. Eh of those far in the forest answer: uh-uh. Survived the playful read the children. Squeezing Khryusha - I. Slean horse can originate: and-and-and-and-and-and. Bear. How does the bear growl? As squealing piglets - IIA.

"Public and consonant letters" by clicking on the letter left mouse button, you can check your answer. Do you know the vowels and consonant letters of the Russian alphabet? And if the card remains white, the letter does not indicate sounds. Vowels and consonant letters. Dear Guys! You can play alone, but you can with your parents or with a friend. Technological reception Animated sorbonka.

"Public sounds" - phonetics studies sound Makeup Language. The air, passing through the film, creates the sound of "go-yield". Vowel. No, not learns. 2. On the board is recorded in two columns. Conclusion: Phonetics - Science is not about any sounds, but only about sounding speech. The ball is inflated, and then let the air freely get out of the ball.

Total in the subject of 6 presentations

Developed a teacher speech therapist

higher qualifyingcategories

MBOU SOSH №1. Cedar Tomsk Region

Alternate Victoria Anatolyevna

Lesson number 1.


Solid and soft consonant sounds.


  1. To form the ability to distinguish between the rumor and in its own pronunciation of solid and soft consonants.
  2. Form the skill of sound and sound analysis and synthesis of words, analysis of the structure of proposals.
  3. Develop a phonmematic hearing.
  4. Develop a grammatical system of speech by practical assimilation of the category R.P. MN. h. nouns.
  5. Enrich and activate vocabulary children on the topic "Flowers"
  6. Develop memory, imagination.
  7. Develop temporary and spatial representations.
  8. Relieve a sense of responsiveness and mutual assistance.

Equipment: Customized mirrors, sound locks, pictures with image of volume and tim, chips for sound analysis words, subject pictures on the topic "Flowers", cards with syllables, ball massage or bag with cereals, cards, cards "letter of letter", offer scheme, emoticons To refer to mood, paper hats of blue and green.

Travel course.

  1. Organizing time.

What is the mood? (show the appropriate emoticon)

What season? What month? December - the first month winterSo what month is it? (winter)

What sounds begin the words "winter" and "December", what are they like? (Soft consonants).

Registration of notebooks.

  1. Topics message.

We go on a trip to the country of solid and soft sounds.

  1. Articulating and finger gymnastics.

We train before expensive.

Fingering gymnastics :

Fingers - Friendly Family, (squeeze, squeeze fingers)

It is impossible for each other.

Here's big, and this is medium, (extension from the situation

Unnamed and last "fist" named fingers)

Our little girl-baby.

Index forgot.

So that your fingers live together, (clap your hands)

We will connect them together thumb

And moving to perform. with the rest in order)

We will show the horns goat

And deer horns even.

We don't forget about the bunny -

We will drive to led.

To speak clearly, (connect your fingers)

We will be friends with your fingers.

Articulating gymnastics:

1. Alternation "Smile" - "Trulling".

2. "Shovel" - "needle".

3. Swing.

4. Horse.

5. Turkey

  1. Psychogympics.

We go through the forest - leaned, passed under the low branches of trees, push the branches, jump over the puddle, step over a high wet grass.

  1. Differentiation of solid and soft consonants.

So came to two castles: blue and green. What sounds live in a blue castle? And in green?

We are celebrating two brothers who work gardeners. I will "throw" the sounds of their name, and you indicate their chips. One brother is called [t, o, m]. It is tall, thin and the same solid, as well as the sound [t], from which his name begins.

The second brother is called [t, and, m]. It is small, chubby and the same soft, like the sound [t,] from which his name begins.

They guessed who from the brothers Tom, and who Tim? Which side is from you, and with what Tim?

What castle works a gardener Tov, and in what Tim?

  1. Sound correlation and letters.

Write down the names of the brothers in the notebook. What letter will write? Why?

Which sound means the letter T. In the word Tom, and what sound in the word Tim? Draw under them the mug of the corresponding color.

  1. Development of phonderatic hearing.

Fairies asked gardeners to decorate the castles with flowers.

The speech therapist places pictures on the board, children call flowers (rose, chamomile, peony, lily of the lily, carnation, tulip, bell). What question will ask for pictures? (what is it?)

Two children come to the board. One of them plays the role of Tom, the other - Tim. What color cap will you choose?

What flowers will cut volume, and what Tim? Children "cut off" flowers, starting with the phrase: "I cut ...". Explain their choice. Place pictures in the pockets of locks. Then transmit hats to other children.

  1. Development of grammatical system of speech, imagination.

How to call cut and put flowers in a vase? (bouquet)

Close your eyes and imagine how the flower bouquet smells. Inhale the nose, exhale the mouth with the sound of "X-Haa". Show facial people how the flowers smell tasty.

The game is "one - a lot" game.

The speech therapist, throwing a child the ball, says: "I have one tulip in a vase."

Child, returning the ball a speech therapist, says: "I have many tulips in a vase", etc.

  1. Syllated analysis and synthesis.

The evil sorcerer decided to spoil the holiday and lowered the hurricane, which confused all the syllables in the name of flowers. Help the Fayam to restore words (tips in the form of substantive pictures on the board: Peony, Rose, Carnation, Lily of Lily, Chamomile). Let's help?

Children are distributed envelopes with syllables, of which they design words (this task can be done on the carpet).

  1. Fizminutka.

Speech with movement.

Wind North Blood - S-C-s ...

All syllables in the word blurred.

Flew, spoke

And went to the desk.

For each other, their collected

The words ran to the line ...

Calculate them again -

One, two, three, four, five.

Oh, tired of writing them,

We will be better to dance.

Hands up, slopes from side toide

Shake hands with hands.


Sat on the carpet.

Get up "train"

Ran through the carpet

Fucking fingers of both hands starting with a mother's maiden

Share hand brushes - relaxation.

Perform dance movements.

  1. Working with cards.

Guess what letters escaped from words, insert them:

L.N.Sh, P..N, R.M.Shk., R.Z., GW.D..

Read words with solid consonants, with soft consonants. Name the letters that designate soft consonants.

  1. Designation of solid and soft consonants with letters.

Tim and Tom love to play Lotto. Rules Simple: If the word begins with a solid consonant sound, then put the blue chip on the corresponding letter, if with a soft consonant, then the green chip.

Words: summer, lotto, sieve, full, mouse, teddy bear, moat, roof, bale, tuk.

Conclusion: one consonant letter can designate two sounds - solid and soft.

  1. Work on the proposal, memory development.

Recall what words were on the sounds [m] and [m,]?

Come up with the proposals based on the scheme: the word-sign (definition) is the word-word (subjectable) - the word-action (led) is a word-object (addition).

  1. Outcome

So and Tima was very nice to meet you, because you helped them cope with difficulties. If you come to help people, then they will always come to help you!

What sounds did we distinguish with Tom and Tim? What sounds can denote the letter t (m, k, d, etc.)?

Tim and Tom satisfied with you. What is your mood? (emoticons)

B in g d z z 1. Head and consonant sounds.

N. 2. Head first and second groups.

M and o u s 3. Parish consonants (bell and

L i eat ya deaf), unpaired ringing and

R C. dead consonants.


N f to t with

1. Find soft and hard consonants. Note them .

    sa Lo Rae Well Fo Ma Ku

    la Ma nyu Veji

    for Liu SE

2 . Solid consonant emphasize in blue, soft - green .

3. Greater is growing green (onion / hatch).

Workers forgot to close (onions / hatch).

Children became in (rad / row) each other.

Alyosha was (rad / row) a gift.

Misha was (mall / small) height.

Sculptor (Mal / Mall) in the hands of clay.

Vova (beat / was) very bold.

Striker (was / beat) on the ball.

Kostya (cute / soap) hands with soap.

Bear (Bil / Was) is very small.

    Hands, bullet, lip, buy, saws, limes, whales, forks, katyusha, lemons, tickets, sleeves.

    Valya, Tanya, Zina, Linden, were a goat, flight, minus, watered.

6. N .. and Reb .. Ty, Sal..t, in ..ra, goats..l,, t .. one,, cl .. ka, shl .. PA, CL..Do,, CL..N, Vishn .., Ber..z, BR ..VN, ID..t, n..s, floor .., cr..k, за..l, railway..t, weight..y, l..byat, alive..t, ser..y, cat..s, l..da, al..s, Var ...

7.Noto, Wol-Völ, Mol-Möl, Zanos.

8. Differentiation O-E

Insert the missing letterabout or e. .

K..shit, m..shit, k..chu, p..t, in .. at, in ..ra, sv..l, Gn..zda, Lar..K, Nar..D, Sv.zdi, l..sad, circle..k, ahead..d, jump..k, cl .. on.

9. Read the words with couples.

Corner-coal, steel-steel, hit-hit, brother-take, Zhar-Zhar, Choir.

10. Hemp hemp, day-day, Okun-Okunk, animal beasts, Kul-Kulki.

11. Podl-dusty, steel-steel, pain-patient, Dal-distant.

12.kin-throw, sit down-sit down, climb-closure, throw-throw.

13. Polka Shelf, Corners Corners, Penki Penki, Galka Galka.

14. Birds, a new gun, carries a bag, drove the floor, drinks milk, it rains a rain, leads the goat, sew a sweater, the wheat grain, a flour of Sparrow, a fast aircraft, climbs the nest.

15. See the title of cubs .

Tel ......., Zhereb ......, Poros ......, Yagh ......., Gus ......, chick ... .., uh ......., Loc ... .., Wolcho ......., Los ...... ..., bearish .........., Elephant ...... .., Tiger ......, Lv ......., Camel ...... .

16. Fix errors.

Floats on the river, throw out the old, the skill of the nest, the field flowers, an old rifle, a big embonon, watch the sparrow, Dornarny Ring, drink a nail.

17. Kohl ZHD ... T Ser ... Zhu.

L ... Wedge drove ... t firewood.

Cook carried ... t cake.

We id ... m to school.

Al ... Shi new gal ...

L ... DCA floating ... t on the river.

18.VO ... Dia sings ... a new song.

Elephant ... NAK Long X ... bot.

Father Prior ... s two in ... for the other ... in.

Wallet ... k lies on st ... face.

On the versions ... The bow is hanging ... Row sang ... Nki.

T .. Tanya has T ... Lka T ... MKA.

19. Hearing dictation.

Big, chicken, rifle, flight, plane, old, janitor, Tyrka, Stretch, Poland, Lingerie, dotnok.

20. Differentiation U-YU.

N ... Hat, N ... Fight, l ... di, t ... bik, cr ... pa, cr ... chok, br ... ki, cl ... side, cl ... kva, pl ... WATLY, CL .... Bnik, couples ... Snorz, View ... dy, old ... Screen.

21. Hollow-sprout, I drink, see, see the look.

22. questionnaire, drink, snap, shed, catch, casing, overlooking, sore, sore, pick.

Hot UT ..Yug, whistle ..ygui, gray br ... Yuki, t ... JUBK GLIY, RECEIVE ... YU Button, I see Il ... Yu, I will ... Yu milk, light l ... Ustra, jokes ... yu broach.

24.The proposal.

wolves, on, wait, at night, moon

in, blizzard, forest, walked, drifts

bad, Study, in, Sparrow, Winter

ate, bun, katya, ruddy

25. Complete error.

Kutchuchi bush, stealing the Wüg, alene is roar, feeding a pig, naulo soup, bought a handshake, go to the hand, the adhesive tube.

26.Slukova dictation.

Chandelier, shoes, irons, poles, put, favorite, night, girlfriend, hook, autumn.

27. Differentiation of ES.

(Before proceeding to differentiation letters eu, find out if the children are not mixed vowels aboutunderlying complex vowels)

Distribute into two groups : Christmas tree, skirt, Yuzh, Yurky, Yurt, Little, Yursh, Union, Reception, Cabin, Taiga, Bay, My, Your, His.

28. Distribute into two groups : Mo, MJ, SYU, Pyu, Liu, Ryu, Ryu, Zy, Zy, Syu, Liu, Le, Amp, Airlieu, Uta, Uta, Ury, Ore, Owy, Izu, Oh, Alya, Ily.

29.Osuz, hedgehog, sing, June, South, Yula, Yersh, Julia, Christmas tree, Clane, Salute, Flying, Baby, Sellot, Orel, Beak, Rope, Tulle, Fillet, Pelleka, Hook.

3 0. Insert the missing letters E or Y .

T ... Ty, l ... k, kr ... k, m ... d, st ... Pa, cl ... kva, br ... ki, in ... Slaya, Ber ... For, Ut ... G, BR ... VNA, VERE ... BR, SPO m songs, color ... t t ... Пернана, Kitchel ... m cl ....., Soc.

31. Crow climbs, birds ............

grad beats, hours .............,

chicken pecks, chickens ............,

Yura sings, children ......... ..,

rain pours, rains .............,

seamstress sews, seamstones ............ ..,

cat drinks, cats ............ ..,

Lyuba learns children ............... ..,

Vova gives, boys ................,

blacksmith whirl, blacksmiths ............... ...

32. L ... Ba ate cl ... QWU. On the edge ... ravine rav ..t cl ... n. L ... Ba l ... Bit sweet from ... .m. St ... PA is looking for his br ... Al ... Sha and L ... Nya collect CL ... QLU on the edge ... Marsh. OR ... L attacked a hundred ... Sparrow ... in.

33. Checking dictations.


Autumn has come. It rains the whole day. Yellow and fall leaves from trees. Fit the warm edges of flight birds. Animals warm their housing. Soon the blizzard will notice all the land.

Alenaka buy a new skirt. Everyone in the village know Uncle Laun. On birch and cool yellow leaves. Under the Christmas tree, Alyosha found a spiny hedgehog. Strike are taken in the receiving point. The floor wasged Paul, Lyuba Starla Dust.

Birds are flying into flock. Lena carries a tulip of the lus. Lesha and Luba embroidered the dust. Ravens black feathers and a large beak.

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