Is formalin dangerous for humans? Why is formaldehyde dangerous? Safety and toxic properties

Formaldehyde is a strong-smelling flammable gas with toxic and carcinogenic properties. We will tell you where it is contained, in what quantities it becomes dangerous, and what to do to reduce its effect on the body.

What is formaldehyde?

Formaldehyde is a colorless substance that is used in the production of building materials and many household products. It can be found in compressed wood (chipboard, plywood, fibreboard), adhesives, textiles, insulating materials, plastics. In addition, common formaldehyde is used as an industrial fungicide, bactericide and disinfectant, and a preservative in morgues and medical laboratories (formalin). In small amounts, naturally occurring formaldehyde is produced by most living organisms (it is part of normal metabolic processes).

How are we exposed to formaldehyde?

Typically, formaldehyde is present in the environment in low concentrations: less than 0.03 parts of formaldehyde per million parts of air. On the street, we inhale it along with the smog and exhaust fumes of cars.

Indoors, sources of formaldehyde can be building insulation (carbamide-formaldehyde foam); household materials used in the production of furniture and home decoration (chipboard, plywood, MDF, OSB, laminate); smoke from cigarettes and vapor from electronic cigarettes; combustion products emitted from gas stoves, wood stoves and kerosene heaters.

Industrial workers involved in the production of formaldehyde and formaldehyde-containing products, as well as laboratory technicians, mortuary workers and certain other health care professionals, may be exposed to more high levels formaldehyde.

As a preservative, formaldehyde can be a part of cosmetics (up to 0.2%) and oral hygiene products (up to 0.1%). In pharmacology, it is added to drugs to reduce sweating. If the ointment contains 5% formaldehyde, it is not recommended to apply it to the skin of the face.

The antimicrobial activity of formaldehyde makes it a popular agent for inhibiting the growth of gram-positive, gram-negative bacteria, yeasts and molds.

How does short-term exposure to formaldehyde affect health?

Typically, there is more formaldehyde inside living quarters than outside. If formaldehyde is present in the air at a concentration exceeding 0.5 mg / m3, some people may experience side effects: increased lacrimation, stinging and burning in the eyes, dry nasal mucosa and sore throat, coughing, nausea, skin irritation.

Chronic formaldehyde poisoning can cause headaches, lethargy, drowsiness, sweating disorders, and sleep disorders. Most often, these symptoms resolve when the source of irritation is removed, but the critical high amount of formaldehyde in the air (37.5 mg / m3) can be life-threatening, causing pulmonary edema. Death occurs when the concentration of formaldehyde reaches 125 mg / m3.

Formaldehyde can cause local irritation when it comes in contact with the skin in some people, but it goes away quickly. In most countries, this substance is added to cosmetics that do not stay on the skin (shampoos, conditioners, styling gels, soaps, lotions, deodorants, nail polishes). Do not panic: observations have shown that in the amount of 0.1% in formaldehyde can cause an allergic reaction only in 1 person out of 75 thousand.

Does formaldehyde cause cancer?

The long-term effects of formaldehyde on the body are still not well understood. In 1980, laboratory studies showed that inhaling formaldehyde can cause nasal cancer in rats. This discovery raised the question of the carcinogenic activity of formaldehyde for humans.

In 1987, the US EPA classified formaldehyde as a probable carcinogen under unusually high or prolonged exposure. Since that time, several studies have shown that exposure to formaldehyde is associated with several types of cancer.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies formaldehyde as a "probable human carcinogen". It has been proven to be carcinogenic to animals. The substance is toxic, negatively affecting genetic material, reproductive organs, central nervous system, respiratory tract, eyes and skin.

Formaldehyde undergoes rapid chemical changes immediately after absorption, which is why some scientists believe that it does not affect organs other than the upper respiratory tract. However, some laboratory studies have shown that formaldehyde can affect the lymphatic and hematopoietic systems.

What have scientists learned about the relationship between formaldehyde and cancer?

The long-term effects of formaldehyde exposure have been evaluated in epidemiological studies. There is evidence that constant exposure to formaldehyde increases the risk of developing leukemia and brain cancer in people. Surveillance of funeral workers in 1960-1986 found a link between formaldehyde exposure and deaths from myeloid leukemia.

A recent study of 25,619 industrial workers exposed to constant formaldehyde showed an increased risk of death due to myeloid leukemia. TO similar findings came the authors of a cohort study of 11,039 US textile workers, but the evidence remains mixed as a similar study of 14,014 UK workers found no association between formaldehyde exposure and death from leukemia.

How do I limit my exposure to formaldehyde in my home?

If you're not ready to throw away all the items made of plywood, chipboard and plastic from your home, you can reduce formaldehyde levels in homes by providing adequate ventilation, keeping rooms at a moderate temperature, and using air conditioners and dehumidifiers. Chipboard and MDF items are not recommended to be placed near heat sources: fireplace, radiator, gas stove, heater.

People are constantly in contact with chemical elements without understanding what danger they pose to health. Formaldehyde is a toxin that accompanies people everywhere. To reduce the negative effect on the body and prevent diseases, it is necessary to study its properties in detail.

What is formaldehyde

Formaldehyde (methanal, formic aldehyde) is a flammable colorless gas that has a strong unpleasant odor. TO physical properties substances are highly toxic, it dissolves well as in plain water and alcohol.

In chemistry, formic aldehyde is designated by the formula CH2O. The aqueous solution is called formalin, it has the ability to denature protein.

Getting formaldehyde

Formaldehyde can be obtained in industrial conditions due to the action of methanol under a certain oxidation medium. A silver catalyst is used at a temperature of 650 degrees. In this way, 80% of formaldehyde is obtained. The substance with this method of production has a high solubility and chemical activity.

When using an iron-molybdenum catalyst, the chance of creating a hazardous compound is 99%.

The degree of heating of the course of the reaction reaches 300 ° C. You can also get formaldehyde by oxidizing methane, using aluminum phosphate at 450 degrees. Under laboratory conditions, it is obtained by dehydrogenation of methanol over copper, and zinc formate is decomposed under the influence of temperatures.

Sources of methanal origin are subdivided into natural and man-made. The former include forest fires, plants, animal excretions, swamps, and volcanic eruptions. And the second sources are tobacco smoke, motor transport, extraction and transportation of petroleum products, a combined heat and power plant, housing and communal services, during the combustion of hydrocarbons.


Since the poisonous gas has a huge number of properties, it has found use in such areas as chemical, woodworking, furniture, food industry, tanning, medicine, cosmetology, and agriculture.

The compound is widely used in the manufacture of plastics based on phenol-formaldehyde resins, wood-shaving products, and processing of animal skins. Formic aldehyde is contained in adhesives, paints and varnishes. In the food industry, it is used as a preservative for smoking products.

Formalin (liquid formaldehyde) is used in pharmaceuticals, antiseptic - during treatment for chickenpox, for disinfection of instruments, hands, for embalming and preservation of anatomical parts. Methanal is a part of ointments, creams, shampoos, bath foam, nail varnishes, detergents.

With the help of technical formalin, the soil is disinfected.

Maximum Allowable Concentrations and Emissions of Formaldehyde

Harmful gas is released into the atmosphere through emissions from the operation of industrial enterprises and cars.

Toxic substances are classified into several hazard classes. They are assigned depending on the specific properties of a given compound. Formaldehyde received the second hazard class due to its toxicity; for humans, it is a poison.

The maximum concentration limit in the air of the settlement of formaldehyde is 0.035 mg / m3, the permissible concentration in the working area is 0.5 mg / m3, the soil is 7 mg / kg, and the water is 0.05 mg / l.

The hazard level of a particular item depends on the degree of emission (emission) of formic aldehyde. Reducing the content of poison is possible with a decrease in temperature, relative humidity and ventilation rates. It is impossible to completely stop the release of the substance.

Effects of formaldehyde on human health

Poisonous gas causes great harm to the body. Renders bad influence on the liver, kidneys, eyes, violates the nervous and immune systems, the child may develop asthma. If a poison enters the bloodstream, the process of removing it from the body becomes very difficult.

There is a risk of poisoning from inhalation of vapors if an employee violates safety precautions at industrial enterprises where methanal is used by drinking water solution by mistake, or trying to poison yourself, if it comes into contact with the skin through negligence.

In case of intoxication with vapors, formaldehyde has a particularly negative effect on the human body.

During their prolonged inhalation, hepatic and renal failure occurs, skin and mucous membrane allergies appear, the functioning of the respiratory and nervous systems is disrupted, and oncological diseases occur.

The main symptoms of the manifestation of poisoning are drowsiness, migraine, lethargy, weakness, lethargy, chronic cough may also appear, vision falls, and shortness of breath begins. The person becomes mentally unbalanced, depressed.

There is no difference between the symptoms of intoxication in children and adults.

The initial signs of vapor poisoning: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, persistent cough, choking, runny nose, convulsions, menstrual periods in women, and cervical diseases are lost. When interacting with the skin, itching, redness, dermatitis are observed.

A large accumulation of a poisonous substance and prolonged inhalation of poison causes pulmonary edema and, as a result, a person's death. During pregnancy in a woman, intoxication can lead to miscarriage.

Since formaldehyde is a carcinogen, it interferes with the proliferation of cancer cells. Most susceptible to cancer are people working in laboratories, receiving methanol, at woodworking enterprises, furniture factories. Most often, cancer of the lungs, upper respiratory tract, and stomach develops.

Treatment of formaldehyde poisoning

In case of intoxication with formaldehyde, the victim must be given first aid by performing the following therapeutic actions:

  1. Ventilate the room or remove it to fresh air.
  2. Provide the patient with plenty of water or warm tea.
  3. Call an ambulance.
  4. In case of contact with the skin, rinse the affected area under running water for 20 minutes.
  5. Having lost consciousness, put the person on his back, turn his head to one side, check his breathing.
  6. As an antidote, give the poisoned a sniff of a cotton ball moistened with ammonia.
  7. It is forbidden to provoke vomiting on your own, as vomit containing poison can burn again internal organs digestion.

Upon arrival, the ambulance physicians perform certain therapeutic actions and symptomatic treatment, establish the characteristics of the patient's condition. The victim is injected with a drug that reduces the effects of toxins. They are soldered with protein-rich liquids, treated with burns, washed out the stomach, and given an enema.

If necessary, carry out anti-shock therapy, anesthetize with special means. A person takes a blood and urine test, he undergoes an ultrasound examination of all organs. If internal bleeding opens, the patient is urgently operated on.

Enema and gastric lavage are done to accelerate the elimination of ketone bodies (acetone, acetaldehyde) from the intestines.

In case of poisoning, you should follow the necessary diet, giving preference to dairy products, cook porridge without oil, chopped vegetable puree, chicken broth (on chicken breast), hot drinks (strong tea, rosehip decoction).

It is forbidden to use smoked products in food, pickling and pickling, fried, drinking coffee drinks, cocoa, alcohol, it is worth stopping smoking.

Intoxication of the body with formaldehyde vapor and its solution leads to blindness, infertility, chronic liver and kidney disease, oncology and even death.

The mineral tourmaline received a wide response in folk medicine from some of the symptoms. However, it is impossible to treat poisoning at home. With the timely treatment of the patient to doctors, the likelihood of damage to health, as well as serious consequences or death, is significantly reduced.

Prevention of formaldehyde poisoning

Unlike other harmful elements, it is completely impossible to avoid contact with formaldehyde, it surrounds us everywhere. There is a possibility to reduce its level. It is worth implementing the rules listed below.

In the room, it is necessary to control the humidity and temperature of the air, with an increase in these indicators, the concentration of the harmful substance increases, it is necessary to ensure good ventilation and regular ventilation.

It is harmful to smoke indoors.

Houseplants absorb hazardous secretions well (chlorophytum, Benjamin's ficus, indoor ivy), which helps to reduce the content of polluting elements.

If possible, purchase only high-quality furniture. Having bought a thing made of synthetic fabric, you should definitely wash it. Soak salted fish before use. When choosing fresh meat, it should not have a pungent chemical odor.

Try to avoid places with high concentrations of emissions (industrial areas, traffic jams, furniture factories).

In case of contact with formaldehyde at work, use personal protective equipment (respirators, masks, goggles, overalls), wash hands more often. Check up regularly.

By performing these measures, the likelihood of toxin poisoning is minimized as much as possible.

Formaldehyde is widely used in industry. This toxic substance has a negative effect on the body. In case of formaldehyde poisoning, there is pain in the eyes, lacrimation, runny nose, headache, in addition to this, the substance has carcinogenic properties.

Formaldehyde (from the Latin "ant") - chemical organic compound composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, it is a pungent-smelling toxic gas. Irritating to eyes and respiratory tract on contact, causing allergic reactions and central nervous system depression. It is a carcinogen, negatively affects reproductive organs and genetic material. It decomposes quickly inside the human body and is excreted in urine and exhaled carbon dioxide.

Formaldehyde (methanal) is an aliphatic aldehyde of methyl alcohol and formic acid, first synthesized by the Russian chemist Butlerov.

Its small amounts in nature are naturally formed during photosynthesis of plants and metabolic processes of living organisms. Much more formaldehyde is emitted into the surrounding atmosphere through car exhaust, tanning, woodworking and furniture production. Chemical enterprises are also making their contribution, where they produce thermosetting polymers, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. Under the influence of sunlight and oxygen in the air, formic aldehyde becomes an integral part of the urban atmosphere.

In comparison with the inhabitants of villages and villages, residents of industrial cities are more exposed to formaldehyde, and contact with it is much more likely indoors than in nature.

Formaldehyde formula CH2O, density 0.8153 g / cc at -20 ° C and molar mass 30.03 grams / mol. Sometimes other names are found on the network: formadehyde, folmadehyde, falmardehyde. It is a colorless gas that can ignite from open fire and, being heavier than air, forms explosive mixtures with it. It participates in all reactions characteristic of aliphatic aldehydes, is very soluble in water and alcohols, and has an average solubility in benzene and other organic solvents.

Its 37% protein denaturing aqueous solution is called formalin and is widely used for tanning and stabilizing biological materials. During storage, it becomes cloudy, since the resulting paraformaldehyde precipitates into a white precipitate. Methanal exhibits antimicrobial activity against gram-positive, gram-negative bacteria, yeast-like and mold fungi. The substance does not accumulate in the environment, since it decomposes into formic acid and carbon monoxide in the sun or with the help of bacteria from soil and water.

The industrial contact-catalytic process technology was developed by the Russian chemist Orlov. Formaldehyde is obtained by oxidative conversion of methane on aluminum phosphate at 450 ° C or methanol, with a difference in catalysts and process temperatures:

  • for iron-molybdenum - at 300 ° C;
  • on silver ones - at 650 ° C.

Under laboratory conditions, it can be synthesized by oxidation of methanol on zinc-copper catalysts at 600 ° C, thermal decomposition of zinc formate, or depolymerization of paraformaldehyde.

Applications of formaldehyde

Formic aldehyde is firmly entrenched in human life. It is formed naturally when burning wood and coal, and is emitted by tobacco smokers, gas stoves and heaters. Its applications are very diverse:

Human exposure and signs of injury

In medicines and cosmetics, formaldehyde has a rather beneficial effect on the human body: it binds ammonia vapors, which gives an unpleasant odor to sweat, and blocks the development of microbes that provoke aromatization of armpits and feet. But when the permissible concentration is exceeded, protein coagulation and fixation occurs, which leads at least to irritation, itching and rash. Uncontrolled inhalation of formaldehyde vapors or swallowing solutions leads to the development of acute suffocation and serious poisoning, which are the more severe, the greater the percentage of toxin and the time of exposure.

It is not for nothing that the World Health Organization has included it in the list of substances that lead to health problems. An allergen, a mutagen and a carcinogen that causes damage to the respiratory and nervous systems - all this is about formaldehyde. Hazard class - the second (highly hazardous substance), the maximum one-time limit of permissible concentration in the open air is 0.05 mg / m3. meter, in the air of an enclosed space - 0.5 mg / cu. meter, in natural water - 0.05 mg / liter, in soil - 7 mg / kg. All this is also true for formalin, the hazard class of which is also second. With a content of 20 mg / cubic meter, death occurs within 30 minutes.

The first signs of exceeding the concentration of formaldehyde in the air of the working area:

  • pain in the eyes;
  • lacrimation and runny nose;
  • cough and shortness of breath;
  • headache;
  • convulsions and choking;
  • violation of motor coordination.

With prolonged inhalation of high concentrations, the following develop:

If you accidentally drink a formalin solution, there is an instant burn of the esophagus and an increase in the volume of the respiratory system. Upon contact with the skin of concentrated solutions, deep necrosis of the affected area with intoxication appears, causing renal and hepatic failure. The gradual accumulation of formaldehyde in the air of unventilated rooms provokes:

  • a state of general weakness and weakness;
  • depression and feelings of fear;
  • frequent headaches;
  • the development of asthma, dermatitis and allergic eczema;
  • insomnia, wobbly gait;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • softening and brittle nails;
  • in women - hormonal imbalance, menstrual cycle failure.

Emission classes for particle board production

The main source of formaldehyde in residential and office buildings is furniture and Construction Materials, therefore, it became important to study its separation (emission) from them. During the first one and a half years after the manufacture of a sofa or laminate, the most intense emissions occur, leading to an increase in the formaldehyde content in the air of the apartment. Then it decreases, but in humid and poorly ventilated rooms, the process of toxin release will continue for many years.

In accordance with international requirements, chipboard manufacturers assign emission classes to products, indicating the standard for the content of free formaldehyde in 100 g of absolutely dry matter. The marking of classes and their characteristics is as follows:

  • E-0 completely eliminates formaldehyde content, testifies to the environmental friendliness of the product. MDF and laminate flooring are safe even with a significant increase in temperature and humidity in the room.
  • E-0.5 indicates that the formaldehyde content in dry material is up to 5 mg per 100 g of weight. This quality meets the requirements for export products and foreign orders (for example, the Swedish concern IKEA) placed in Russian factories.
  • E-1 says that the formaldehyde content ranges from 5 to 10 mg, inclusive, for every 100 g of weight. Such plates can be used to make children's furniture.
  • E-2 indicates 10 to 30 mg of substance per 100 g of material. The production of plates with a large amount of formaldehyde is prohibited.

Treatment of acute intoxication

Poisoning with formic aldehyde, which is equivalent in toxicity to hydrocyanic acid or arsenic, occurs through the skin or by inhalation. The first pronounced symptoms appear after 12 hours, always have a specific course (eyes, mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system) and require emergency assistance. Treatment consists of the following set of measures:

The main condition for the entire duration of treatment is the neutralization of the victim's contact with formaldehyde. As a result of the transferred intoxication, the sensitivity to it increases and persists for a long time.

Poisoning prevention measures

However, it is always better to prevent harm than to correct it later. Therefore, to reduce the toxic effect of formaldehyde, it is enough to follow a number of simple rules:

  • sealing of premises for production of materials and furniture containing formaldehyde;
  • use of personal protective equipment and hygiene measures during work;
  • when buying, you must carefully study the composition of the product and avoid products containing formaldehyde, among them there may be shampoos, washing gels, nail polishes, canned food and smoked meats;
  • regular ventilation and non-smoking in residential areas;
  • obligatory washing of purchased items made of finished fabrics;
  • forced ventilation of rooms with new flooring or carpets, chipboard furniture;
  • cultivation of plants that absorb formaldehyde from the air: dracaena, chlorophytum, ivy, fern, Benjamin's ficus, bamboo palm, bush chrysanthemum.

Among the technical means, an air purification system with a special set of adsorbents, which guarantees the removal of formaldehyde, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, has become widespread. Very often, the symptoms of intoxication are similar to those of other diseases, for example, asthmatic bronchitis in children or gastrointestinal disorders in adults. Therefore, in order to protect health, it is necessary to put as many obstacles as possible in the path of probable penetration into environment excess formaldehyde and eliminate all risk factors for poisoning.

Many chemical substances are especially toxic to humans. The effect of formaldehyde on the human body can become dangerous and cause intense intoxication of internal organs.

What is formaldehyde

Formaldehyde is a chemical compound with a pungent odor that can dissolve in liquid and ignite. Formalin is a 40% formaldehyde aqueous solution.

The chemical characteristics of the poison pose a threat to human health and life. If you drink 35 to 90 mg of formaldehyde, you can die.

The substance is obtained industrially by oxidation of methanol. Formalin belongs to the first class of hazard, as it can affect cellular level... The poison can penetrate into the internal organs as a result of the chemical interactions that have occurred, and also be formed in living organisms from other substances. Methanol is found in many household chemicals.

A person is regularly exposed to negative vapors, but a single inhalation of formalin, as a rule, does not provoke serious consequences.

The smell of formaldehyde is extremely pungent and unpleasant. However, it is almost impossible to detect the poison on your own: this requires special devices and reagents.

The smell of formalin can be characterized as specific. At the moment, the antiseptic agent "Formidron", which includes formaldehyde, is being sold in pharmacy chains. Apply the product carefully, avoiding inhalation of vapors.

The permissible dose of the substance content is up to 0.2% in cosmetics and up to 0.1% in mouthwash. In medicines, its content should not exceed 0.5%. Products containing 5% of this compound can also be used, but are contraindicated for application to the face area.

The maximum permissible concentration in cosmetics, in particular, shampoos and bath foams, is 0.1%, while only 1 person out of 75,000 has a negative skin reaction.

As follows from the description, formalin is one of the dangerous poisons that can disrupt the work of internal organs and provoke the death of a person.

Scope of application

The substance is used mainly in medicine and industry. This compound is included in nail polishes, hair care products. A small dose of it is included in some cosmetic preparations as a disinfectant and preservatives, it is included in creams, deodorants, shampoos, mouth rinses.

Poisoning sources chemical compounds are subdivided into several hazard classes due to their properties. Formaldehyde belongs to strong toxins, has the ability to explode, and has a negative effect on humans during internal penetration.

Exists a large number of sources of intoxication. These include:

  • gas stoves;
  • vehicle exhaust;
  • glue;
  • medicines;
  • household chemicals;
  • cosmetics;
  • carpets;
  • smoke from tobacco and electronic cigarettes;
  • fertilizers and others.

The maximum concentration is observed at high humidity and high temperatures.

The properties of formalin are used as disinfection of medical equipment and devices, for sterilizing objects, treating diaper rash and skin lesions, as well as reducing sweating.

The use of formalin is exclusively external: inhaling and drinking the solution is extremely life-threatening... It is used for local disinfection, as a deodorant and astringent. In addition, the diluted solution is used for douching.

Most often, the substance is found in the chemical industry, in the production of paints, paper products, resins, textiles and plastics. The compound has also found its application in the woodworking industry, in the manufacture of floor coverings, the processing of animal skins, as an antiseptic and antimicrobial agent, as well as in the manufacture of yeast.

Human exposure

The effect of the compound on human body extremely unfavorable: it can cause severe poisoning and is equivalent to arsenic intoxication... Under the influence of vapors, the brain, respiratory system, and mucous surfaces suffer. The harm of formaldehyde to humans is severe intoxication of internal organs. Of the most severe consequences, it can be noted:

  • edema of the pulmonary system and larynx, provoking difficulty breathing, respiratory failure, which is often the cause of death;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • violation of menstruation and endocrine disorders, leading to the impossibility of conception in women;
  • difficulty urinating, leading to falling into a coma;
  • dying off of the mucous membranes of the stomach and esophagus;
  • internal hemorrhage.

Is formaldehyde harmful to humans? This question can definitely be answered positively.

With regular inhalation of the vapors, a person can become more sensitive to poison, which ultimately leads to more serious complications.

In addition, the poison negatively affects the internal organs: liver, kidneys, respiratory and visual systems, and is also a powerful allergen. Formalin has a carcinogenic effect on the fetus, leading to cell mutation, destroying nerve tissues and visual channels. Penetrating into the bloodstream, it reacts with blood proteins and is synthesized into formic acid, which is difficult to remove from the internal organs.

What is the effect of formalin on children? Babies are most sensitive to the world around them, which is why a carcinogen can have a significant effect on their body. With continuous interaction with dangerous objects, even a small concentration of it can provoke serious complications. The substance can be contained in children's toys, teethers, nipples, stickers, plastic dolls.

The consequences of poisoning

A carcinogen can enter the human body in the following ways:

  • by inhalation;
  • orally;
  • by direct interaction with the skin.

It should be noted that the distribution of this compound throughout the body is uneven. It settles most intensively in the following internal organs:

  • pancreas;
  • mucous surfaces of the intestinal system;
  • lymph;
  • salivary glands;
  • bone marrow.

If accidentally or intentionally swallowed, humans may develop:

  • severe renal failure;
  • liver pathology, characterized by the destruction of its cells;
  • bleeding of the mucous surfaces of the stomach;
  • necrosis of the esophagus.

Formaldehyde may be irritating to the respiratory system and lead to these pathologies:

  • bronchitis;
  • obstruction of the lungs;
  • exacerbation of bronchial asthma.

When interacting with the skin, the compound can provoke:

  • dermatitis, which often becomes chronic;
  • hives, rash;
  • destruction of nails;
  • redness and burning;
  • weeping eczema.

The substance is capable of destroying the immune system, provoking a change in the composition of the blood, reducing the parameters of lymphocytes and immunoglobulin A, therefore, why formalin is dangerous, everyone who wants to protect themselves from the effects of poison should know.

Intoxication symptoms

Formaldehyde poisoning can have some features, mainly from the side of the brain and respiratory system. These include:

  • an attack of suffocation;
  • coughing;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • itching and burning of the mucous surfaces of the esophagus and larynx;
  • diarrhea and vomiting with blood streaks;
  • intense thirst;
  • blanching of the skin;
  • mood swings;
  • prostration;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • disorder of coordination;
  • headache;
  • weight loss.

In people who are often in contact with poison, symptoms can manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions, hives, brittle nails. In females, menstrual irregularities are observed, in men, a decrease in sex drive.

High concentrations can lead to toxic shock, coma, and death.

Who is at risk

The following categories of the population are most susceptible to the effects of the carcinogen:

  • people employed in the chemical industry;
  • living near chemical plants;
  • workers of workshops for the manufacture of furniture, paper, sewing accessories, food additives;
  • medical laboratory assistants;
  • morgue workers;
  • people whose activities are related to the embalming of corpses and funeral services.

In addition, a link has been established between formaldehyde and cancerous tumors: it is considered a strong carcinogen.

Research on formalin has found that workers involved in embalming corpses and manufacturing furniture are more prone to skin cancer, tumors of the respiratory system, tumors in the stomach, lungs, prostate, and intestines.

People who have been engaged in potentially hazardous production for more than 10 years are at an increased risk group for the occurrence of the following malignant diseases:

  • Hodgkin's lymphoma;
  • myeloma;
  • myeloid leukemia.

Determined that the substance acts directly on cells, which provokes gene mutation.

First aid and treatment

In case of poisoning with food containing formaldehyde, the victim must be taken to the hospital by calling a medical professional. If necessary, if the patient requires immediate assistance, emergency measures will help:

  • remove the remains of poison from the stomach by flushing or induction of artificial vomiting;
  • the patient needs to take activated charcoal with the calculation of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight, after dissolving it in water. The stomach should be emptied within 2 hours;
  • in case of intoxication, it is necessary to provide a person with an influx of fresh air by opening windows and doors wide open or take the victim out into the street;
  • will help to neutralize the effect of inhalation poison with water and ammonia, which are able to remove the excess of the compound;
  • when a carcinogen penetrates the skin and mucous membranes, they should be rinsed abundantly with water and wiped with ammonia;
  • when it enters the organs of vision, the eyes are instilled with drops of the following composition: 8 drops of adrenaline and 2 drops of novocaine, which are able to neutralize the poison;
  • when swallowing the solution, chloride or ammonium carbonate will help, which prevent the compound from being absorbed into the circulatory system;
  • if the patient has lost consciousness, he is placed on his left side to avoid the penetration of vomit into the respiratory system and suffocation.

Methods for the treatment of formalin intoxication depend on the characteristics of the clinical picture, the mechanism of the ingress of the poison into the internal organs, as well as the symptoms manifested.

In some cases, drugs are used that stabilize the work of the heart and blood vessels, sedatives, and respiratory analeptics.

In a hospital setting, the victim can undergo a hemodialysis procedure, in which blood is passed through membranes, which is an effective measure to eliminate toxins.

An isotonic solution or glucose is injected into the patient's veins together with a diuretic. In addition, specialists need to monitor the functioning of the central nervous system and heart. To prevent liver disorders, vitamin complexes and hepatoprotectors are used.


A person engaged in hazardous production should limit the time of interaction with toxic compounds, systematically undergo medical examinations, and include lactic acid products and milk in the diet.

With prolonged exposure to low concentrations of poison personal protective equipment is used: respirators, masks, special protective clothing, gloves.

In order to prevent liver damage, it is necessary to periodically take hepatoprotectors, for example, Karsil, Hepabene, visit medical sanatoriums and resorts.

People who are not directly related to harmful production are also susceptible to the influence of poisons, experience a deterioration in well-being, often without realizing it.

In order to prevent, as well as to remove the carcinogen from your home, you should resort to the following methods:

  • after buying new furniture, regularly ventilate the room;
  • during cleaning, use rubber or latex gloves to reduce contact with detergents;
  • maintain optimal humidity and temperature in the home.

Moreover, reduce and neutralize the impact dangerous vapors plants will help: ficus, chamedorea, ivy, fern.

The poison is especially dangerous for young children and the elderly. However, it is impossible to completely limit yourself and loved ones from its effects, since the compound in small quantities can be found almost everywhere. It is possible to reduce its negative impact by carefully studying the composition of the purchased goods and products. Many manufacturers in the manufacture of household items and food use formalin to extend the shelf life and give the purchase a presentation.

Formaldehyde is a colorless gas with a rather pungent odor. This substance is present in many industrial processes, which is why workers employed in such industries are at risk of receiving formaldehyde. But people can feel the toxic effect of this substance even in everyday life, because formaldehyde surrounds us everywhere.

Where does formaldehyde come from?

Formaldehyde is formed as a result of the vital activity of animals, some plants; it is a by-product of forest fires and volcanic gases. So, formaldehyde is constantly in the air at a certain concentration. But human activity can significantly increase this concentration. Formaldehyde is emitted into the atmospheric air with the exhaust gases of vehicles, as well as as a result of the activities of enterprises for the processing of wood, the extraction and transport of oil, the production of furniture, leather goods, etc.

Aqueous formaldehyde solution - formalin - used in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, paint and varnish industries. Formalin is known for its antiseptic properties and therefore is used in the production of medicines, for example, Teymurov's paste. It is also known that clothes called "second-hand" are also treated with formalin-containing agents, which is why it acquires a specific smell. Formaldehyde is used as a preservative, which allows to extend the shelf life of the product. Hairdressing professionals also expose themselves to formaldehyde, because this component is included in the composition used in keratin hair straightening.

Formaldehyde is also found in wood-based panels, plywood, hardwood floors, and linoleum. This means that even your own home can be a source of toxic substances. The danger is that the evaporation of formaldehyde from the material and, accordingly, an increase in its concentration in the air is observed with an increase in temperature. But do not panic, reputable manufacturers of materials without fail conduct research on their own products for the content of toxic substances, in particular, formaldehyde. This is the case when choosing parquet or wood-based panels it is better to overpay than to save money and at the same time not be aware of the content of hazardous substances in them.

Toxic effects of formaldehyde

According to sanitary standards, it is allowed to use up to 0.1% formaldehyde in the composition of hygienic oral care products and up to 0.2% in other cosmetic products. In pharmacy, preparations containing this substance in a concentration of less than 0.5% can be used without restrictions, and only medicines containing formaldehyde in a concentration of more than 5% are not recommended to be applied to the face. The use of formaldehyde in aerosols and sprays is prohibited.

The effect of formaldehyde has been studied in experimental animals. The rabbit's ear was placed in formalin (37% formaldehyde solution) for half an hour, after which reddening and peeling of the skin was observed. However, after a while, the skin completely recovered.

Formaldehyde is often used in cosmetics that do not require prolonged exposure to the skin. Basically, the substance is added at a concentration of less than 0.1% as a preservative in shampoos, bath foam. A study using a 0.1% formaldehyde shampoo showed that an adverse skin reaction occurred in one in 75,000 people. However, it is not known for certain which component of the shampoo could provoke such a reaction.

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Summing up, we can say that formaldehyde poisoning when using cosmetics containing this preservative is unlikely, because its concentration is negligible and is not capable of causing the development of a pathological condition.

However, formaldehyde is still not so harmless. This substance is probably carcinogenic to humans. Moreover, its carcinogenicity for animals has been reliably proven. There is evidence that formaldehyde, used as an antiseptic and preservative, is associated with an increased risk of nasopharyngeal cancer.

Poisoning symptoms

Formaldehyde is a toxic substance that irritates the respiratory tract, skin, eyes, and the central nervous system. A lethal dose of formalin (40% formaldehyde solution) is only 10-50 grams. The lethal dose of pure formaldehyde is 10-90 ml. Lethal for laboratory rats is the content of formaldehyde in the air - 578 mg / m³ for four hours.

The most susceptible to poisoning are people working in industries that use or produce formaldehyde. The maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of formaldehyde in the air of the working area is 0.5 mg / m³.

Symptoms of chronic formaldehyde poisoning are:

  • Weakness;
  • Fast;
  • Slimming;
  • Depressed mood / euphoria;
  • Labored breathing;
  • Seizures;
  • Night;
  • Pallor of the skin.

Acute inhalation formaldehyde poisoning is indicated by difficulty breathing, development is possible. As toxic fumes are inhaled, the central nervous system is affected: anxiety, fear, discoordination, convulsions appear.

In case of poisoning with formaldehyde through the mouth of the victim, pain, burning sensation in the pharynx, along the esophagus, in the stomach, and bloody. Such formidable complications as laryngeal edema, respiratory arrest, hemorrhagic nephritis, anuria are also possible.

In workers in contact with formalin and its vapors, at first, hands, faces are observed. Development and is possible. Gradually, the sensitivity to formalin increases.

Urgent Care

In case of acute poisoning with formaldehyde vapors, a person must be taken out into the street and allowed to breathe by inhalation with water and the addition of a couple of drops of ammonia - this substance eliminates the excess of formalin by forming urotropine. With laryngeal edema, tracheal intubation or tracheostomy is performed.

If formaldehyde and its derivatives get on the eyes, rinse them abundantly with water, then drip a couple of drops of a 0.5% solution of novocaine with the addition of eight to ten drops of adrenaline (1: 1000) per 10 ml of solution.

If the poisoning is caused by ingestion of formalin through the mouth, the victim is injected with atropine (1 ml of a 0.1% solution subcutaneously), promedol (1 ml of a 2% solution subcutaneously) and chlorpromazine (1 ml of a 2.5% solution intramuscularly). It is necessary to rinse the stomach abundantly with a 2-3% solution of ammonium carbonate, acetate or chloride through a tube (these substances bind formaldehyde in the form of urotropine). The victim is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, as well as a 2% solution of ammonium salts with 10-20% urea, ammonia-anise drops inside. To prevent hepatic-renal failure, a glucose-novocaine mixture is prescribed.

If formaldehyde gets on the skin, immediately rinse the affected surface thoroughly with water, and then with a 5% solution of ammonia.

Depending on the clinical picture of poisoning, the victim may be shown inhalation of oxygen, cardiac drugs in violation of cardiovascular activity, respiratory stimulants (cytiton, lobe6lin) in violation of breathing, with mental agitation.

How to minimize the effects of formaldehyde?

Formaldehyde is everywhere around us, at work, on the street and at home. It is impossible to completely eliminate it, but it is possible to reduce the concentration. What do you need to do for this?

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