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One of the main themes in the book "Little Prince" is the topic of the origin of friendship between the fox and a small prince. Is there any feeling of friendship there is one of those making human life happy? But why is the rare durable spiritual connection between people.
"It is very sad - when you forget friends. Not anyone has a friend. And I am afraid to become such as adults who are not interested, except for numbers, "says the author of the fairy tale" Little Prince ". A person who is not looking for friends - does not like them, tastes and dry out. The little prince tells about the same planet, where Mr. Lord lives with a crimp. For all my life, I never understood the flower. I never looked at the star. He never loved anyone. He never did anything. He folded the numbers. And from morning to night, one thing told one thing: "I am serious man! I am serious man! "And rightly inflamed from pride. And in fact he is not a man.

The little prince "lived on the planet, who was a little more of himself, and he really lacked a friend ..." And the hero meets Lisa. Little prince with bitterness listens to the argument of fox that there are no such shops where they would be traded by friends. That people no longer have friends:
"... people already have enough time to learn anything. They buy things ready in stores. But there are no such shops where they would be traded by friends, and therefore people no longer have friends. "
The little prince tows touching friendship with the fox, "tames" it, so as not to be lonely.
A small prince tames in the desert of the fox, and on its planet - a rose. Tame - this means to make a recognizable one fox among thousands of foxes. Tame - it means to tie yourself with another creature tenderness, love, a sense of mutual indispensability, a sense of responsibility. Tame - it means to destroy the chance and indifference to the living. The special value of friendly communication lies in the fact that a person tends to see in another above all his best, the most decent parties.
the second asks to remember what you need to be in response. Be responsible for all: for children, adults, old people. For all living things. It is in this law that is exactly the truth. Fox at all did not reveal the secret before the prince. He himself knew her, this truth, she lived in him, as he lives in every child.
In parallel with the theme of friendship in the work there is a topic of love. On the planet of a small prince, simple, modest flowers have always grew. And once he saw an amazing flower. Although the little prince loved beautiful flower And he was glad to serve him, soon in his soul he was awakened by doubts.
I took the words to my heart and began to feel very unhappy. The little prince leaves his planet. He travels. And, hitting the ground, sees the garden, full roses. The little prince feels very, very unhappy. "His beauty told him that she was not like this in the whole universe. And here is five thousand in front of him exactly the same colors in the garden alone! "
Only a deeper understanding of the love, to which the little prince comes with the help of Lisa, helps him understand that his rose is the only one in the world.
The little prince returns to his tiny planet to his rose for which he is responsible.
True values \u200b\u200b- man dedication to man, affection, friendship, love. It is necessary to live not for yourself, happiness is born only when you give yourself to others.
Love is also responsibility: for what you love for those who love. But is it possible to love others, not loving yourself? Education should be conducted on the principle of "from themselves to others, through themselves to others! "Changing himself, experiencing an overwhelming interest in his personality, comprehending his inner worldThe man goes to the knowledge of others.
Love for nature, to the whole living and beautiful - the qualities of a little prince, decent imitation.

little prince the theme of friendship and love. Help Reply

  1. Complexaaaa
  2. The topic of friendship in the "small prince" is disclosed thoroughly. Little prince wanted to be friends. But his feelings come into contact with reality. He is small. I found a rose - found love ilk. What can be said here - a cunning thing love. The tiny planet gave a scope for thought. Rose was a wayward and verbulad, sharpening and loose. As a glamorous woman in a boutique. Behind the glass, on black velvet. Fox. He said he needs to tame ... and then not to let go. It hurts.

  3. complicated
  4. Friendship: Between the author and a small prince, a small prince and fox. Theme of love: Little prince and rose.
  5. Saint Exupery speaks about friendship immediately on the first page of the narration -
    In dedication.
    In the author's value system, the topic of friendship occupies one of the main places.
    Only friendship is able to melt the ice of loneliness and alienation, since
    it is based on mutual understanding, mutual trust and mutual assistance.
    The phenomenon of fairy tales The little prince is that written for adults she
    firmly entered the circle children reading.
    The little prince was looking for people, but it turned out that it was not good, and with
    people are bad. And what adults do, it is completely incomprehensible to him.
    It has a meaningless strength, and the truthful and beautiful seems weak.
    All the best that is in man, tenderness, responsiveness, truthfulness,
    sincerity, the ability to be friends makes a man weak.
    But in such an inverted from the legs on the head of the world, the little prince collided with the real truth, which the fox opened him. That people may not only be indifferent and alienated, but also necessary to each other, and someone may be the only light for someone in the whole world, and the life of a person will be illuminated if something rests about each other, And it will also be happiness.

    Of course, the most important thing cannot be seen through my eyes, even if you wear glasses or look into the microscope. Otherwise, how can I explain the love of a little prince to a rose left alone on his small planet? To the most ordinary rose, what thousands in the garden alone on earth? And the ability of the author-storyteller to see, hear and understand what is available to hearing, the vision and understanding of only the smallest readers of the planet Earth, it would also be difficult to explain if not
    this simple and wise truth: Zorkko one heart.
    Hope, Premonition, Intuition -Ith feelings will never be available to a heartless person. Blind heart is the most terrible evilwhich you can imagine: only a miracle or somehow sincere love will be able to return his eyesight.

  6. Revealed very deeply. Or for you writing an essay?

Overall on friendship, real friendship, friendship value

Arguing about important people in his life, we most often arrange them in such a manner - parents, relatives, friends, familiar. Parents and relatives do not choose, familiar are not allowed too deep in life. And only a real friend is a person, relationships with which are based on reciprocity, goodwill, sincerity and sympathy. This is how it happens - two strangers meet and under certain conditions become indispensable for each other.

Without friendship, life is not full. But only if we are talking about true friendship - not empty communication, using each other for mercenary purposes. Just this, on the contrary, does not bring us anything good. Why do you need a friend who is with you just because he is more like anything else, and he will easily disappear for a long time, without even warning? Or a friend who speaks one thing with you, Aza your back gossip about you? Or one who communicates with you only when is it necessary for something? Or envious? Does such "friends" make life full?

And best of all the true essence of friendship, as for me, is revealed in the "Little Prince" fairy tale A. de Saint-Exupery. There in the conversation fox with a little prince says that in order to become close, you need to know each other. We must let a person in his heart, thoughts, life. And in myself to enter it. It is confidence, and it is it sacred. And this is a real happiness - to be with whom it is frank and know that you will be accepted and will not betray you. And this is the need for each of us.

Essay on the topic | October 2015.

"Little Prince" quote about friendship of Fox and the main character are collected in this article.

"Little Prince" quotes about friendship

  • It is very sad - when you forget friends. Not any friend was.
  • Adults love the numbers very much. When you tell them that you have a new friend, they will never ask about the most important thing. Never tell you: "What is his voice? What games do he like to play? Does it catch butterflies? " They ask: "How old is he? How many brothers have it? How much does he weigh? How much does his father earn? " And after that imagine that they learned a person.
  • My friend never explained nothing to me. Maybe he thought I was the same as he.
  • Well, if you have ever had a friend, even if you need to die.
  • "And when you sit down (in the end, always comfortable), you will be glad that I once knew me." You will always be a friend. You want to laugh with me. Sometimes you will open the window like this, and you will be nice ... And your friends will be wondering that you laugh, looking at the sky. And you tell them: "Yes, yes, I always laugh, looking at the stars!" And they think that you are crazy. This is what an evil joke I will play with you.
  • It is much more difficult to judge yourself than others. If you are able to correctly judge yourself, it means you are truly wise.

"Little Prince" quote about fox

  • Words only interfere with understanding each other.

You are not at all look like my rose, "he said to them. - You're still nothing. No one has tamed you, and you have not tamed anyone. So was my first fox. He did not differ from one hundred thousand other foxes. But I made friends with him, and now he is the only light in general.

  • - You are for me for now a little boy, exactly the same as one hundred thousand other boys. And I do not need me. And I don't need you either. I am just a fox for you, exactly the same as one hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, we will need each other. You will be the only light for me in the whole. And I will be one in general for you.

Quote "Little Prince" about taming

  • You are forever responsible for all who tamed.
  • You can only find out those things that tame, "the fox said. - People have no time to learn anything. They buy things ready in stores. But there are no such shops where they would be traded by friends, and therefore people no longer have friends.
  • "If you tame me, we will need each other. For me, you will become the only world around. And for you I will become the only world of all over the world, "the foxes said a little prince ...
  • When you give yourself to tame, then it happens and cry.
  • "People forgot this truth," said Fox, "but you don't forget: you are forever responsible for everyone who tamed." You are responsible for your rose.

When a little prince arrived on the ground he met Fox. The little prince wanted to play with him, but Lis said that at first it must be tamed, that is, create a bond. He explained the boy that while they were not needed each other. He is only one of one hundred thousand other foxes, and the prince is only a boy from one hundred thousand of the same boys. But it is worth a prince to tame him, they will become each other only in the world.

For this, explained Lis, a small prince needed every day at a certain time coming to him and gradually communicate. So little prince tamed fox.

See you with a fox, the little prince saw the garden full of roses and upset. After all, a rose growing on his planet, considered himself a unique, and it turned out that their thousands are only in the same garden. But, after communication with the fox, he realized that his rose was the only one in the world, because she was "tamed."


People have a gun, and they go hunting. It is very uncomfortable! And they are bold chickens. Only that they are good.

- And on that planet there are hunters?
- Not.
- How interesting! Do you have any chickens?
- Not.
- Not in the world of perfection! - sighed fox.

You have just a little boy for me, exactly the same as one hundred thousand other boys. And I do not need me. And I don't need you either. I am just a fox for you, exactly the same as one hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, we will need each other. You will be the only light for me in the whole. And I will be one in the whole world for you ...

You can only find out those things that tame, "the fox said. - People have no time to learn anything. They buy things ready in stores. But there are no such shops where they would be traded by friends, and therefore people no longer have friends. If you want you to have a friend, tame me!

"You are beautiful, but empty," the little prince continued. - For the sake of you, I will not want to die. Of course, a random passerby, looking at my rose, say that she is exactly the same as you. But I am one more expensive for all of you. After all, it is her, and not you, I watered every day. Her, and not you covered with a glass cap. She was blocked by a screen, protecting from the wind. For her killed caterpillars, only two or three left the butterflies to be brought. I listened to how she complained and how boasting, I listened to her, even when she was silent. She is mine.

"Farewell," said Fox. - Here is my secret, it is very simple: the heart is only one heart. The most important eyes will not see.

People have forgotten this truth, "said Lis," but you don't forget: you are forever responsible for everyone who tamed. You are responsible for your rose.

The writing "Friendship of a Little Prince and Fox" schoolchildren write during the study of one of the brilliant works of Exupery. The works of children, like the fairy tale itself, are replete with philosophical reflections, analogies and small discoveries that make disciples for themselves. One of them is offered below.

Writing: Friendship of a Little Prince and Fox

"Little Prince and Lis: Friendship" - an essay. Starting reading a fairy tale "Little Prince" French writer Exupery, I was a little disappointed and even upset. After all, heard so much about this legendary author, who was not only a writer, but also died and heroically died during the war.

The fairy tale seemed too nursery and incomprehensible. However, continuing reading, I retracted more and more and gradually realized that "Little Prince" - not only children's work, and a real literary masterpiece. This is a parable with a deep meaning, which you can reread a hundred times always find a new one for yourself.

The main character of the work of Exupery is a boy traveling along different planets and hitting the Earth. Its main feature is curiosity. This hero is all the time in the search - he wants to find the truth, understand what is good, and what is bad, which is right and what is not. He is absolutely alien to any stereotypes peculiar to most adults.

The soul of a little prince is clean as a glass, but he is alone. For me, this hero symbolizes the child who lives in the soul of every person, no matter how much years it may have, and whatever the way was lying by shoulders. The baby is inquired, a little naive, unspoiled, who believes in a miracle, in spite of everything.

This child is the real essence of man. People grow up and hide it deeply deep in the soul, hiding behind wisdom, cynicism and other "masks." However, he lives inside us until death. Laughs and crying, rejoicing and frustrated. We just do not always hear it.

Little prince, this clean and not stuffed man, looking for truth. One of the most important discoveries helped him make foxes whom the main character Meting on Earth. This character personifies in the work of friendship. It is he who owns an immortal phrase that has become aphorism: "We are responsible for those who tame."

Thanks to the fox, the little prince realized why so the way to him rose grown to him on the native planet, and all the others are just flowers. Because the living creature was invested in concern. What people care about, it becomes very expensive for them, the only one, unique.

Here is another conclusion that the reader does along with the hero: it is the concern that is love. Which is not an abstract elevated feeling, but heat presented by another living being.

Friendship of a little prince and fox is a very touching and a little sad episode. The fox would never be parted with a new friend, but he himself spoke of responsibility. Therefore, he understands that a small prince needs to fly to his rose that will start without his care.

Heroes break up. Fox is glad that in his life of his friend there is an expensive being - and the authenticity of his friendship is manifested. It is not selfish. Little prince after long journeys in search of truth finally realized that the most important thing in the world. From the thought that, on a distant planet, he is waiting for a barbed, but beloved rose, in his soul it became warm. Then loneliness retreated.

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