Sweet dorm garden dark green. Analysis of the poem Tyutchev "How sweetly dormant garden dark green ...

How sweetly drill garden Dark Green,
Hug a black night blue!
Through the apple tree, the colors of the rooted,
How sweet shines the month of gold!

Mysteriously as on the first day of creating,
In the bottomless sky, star beds burns,
Music Dalus heard exclamation,
Neighboring key heard says ... 1

On the world of day, the curtain descended,
Izmazed movement, the work fell asleep ...
Over sleeping hail, as in the tops of the forest,
Woke a wonderful weekly hum ...

Where is he, this hum is incomprehensible? ..
ILE mortal Dum, liberated by bed
The world is disembodied, audible, but invisible,
Now gets in chaos night? ..

Creation date: 1835 (?), Publ.: First Publishing Journal Russian Archive. 1879. Vol. 5. P. 134; At the same time - the new poems of F.I. Tyutchev / Preface I.S. Aksakov. M., 1879. P. 40. Then - writings of F.I. Tyutchev. Poems and political articles / Premotion. Ern.F. Tyutchev, observation of the seal A.N. Mikes. St. Petersburg., 1886. P. 14; Works F.I. Tyutchev. Poems and political articles / Premotion. Ern.F. Tyutcheva, A.A. Floridov; Preface I.F. and D.F. Tyutchev. St. Petersburg., 1900 pp. 86 .. Source: Tiutcheviana (Site by Tyutchev F.I. Full collection poems / comp., Podgom. text and notes. A.A. Nikolaev. - L.: Sov. Writer, 1987. - 448 p. (B-ka poet. Big series). p. 124, 125)


Another option: in the garden fountain, laughing, says ...
Another option: swarm, heard, but invisible,

Vision (Tyutchev) - Wiki

There is a certain hour, in the night, world silence ,; And in this hour of phenomena and miracles; Live chariot Mirozdanya openly rolling into the sanctuary of heaven! 5 Then the night is thick as chaos on the waters; Infembality, like the Atlas, presses land ...
ru.wikisource.org/wiki/Vinity_(Thetchev Monomcopian site

Wikita Material - Free Library

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The poem of Tyutchev "How sweetly a dormant garden dark green ..." No doubt be attributed to the romantic and philosophical lyrics, so characteristic of the poet: here and the struggle of day and night elements, the theme of the earth and the sky, the eternal questions about faith, the place of man in Universe, His: loneliness, meaning of being.

The structure of the poem is as typical for the philosophical works of the poet: the first stuffs are a magical description of nature, and the last - philosophical reflections.

In the 1st stanza, a wonderful picture of the night garden was created. The author admires, admires the blooming spring nature chants her harmony with Paphos and Passion, and this impression enhances the repeating exclamation "as sweet".

But here the epithet "sweet" does not seem to be crucial, but creates a feeling of pleasure to rest, sleep. Picture B. high degree Poetic, replete in inversions and palette of color.

It could be compared with the picturesque Kindji web, if it were not for the blue of the night, which is filled with air, increases the volume, reveals the closed garden space and predetermines the transition to the image of the bottomless sky in the 2nd stanza.

In the 2nd stanza, we clearly feel that night is not a fortune: it is full of sounds, movement. In this stubborn, the loneliness of the lyrical hero, who provided alone with the sacrament of the night. This ambiguity, the unknown "as on the first day of creating", worries and disturb the hero.

The mysteriousness and anxiety of the night are opposed to the author of clarity and the order of the labor day. There is a chalplicitance that is characteristic of Tyutchev's poetry, some paradoxicality of thought: on the one hand, the author shows that it was at night that everything strives for peace, freezes.

On the other hand, life does not stop, in some manifestations it becomes more intense, heard exclamations, music.

In the 3rd stanza, the main is antithesis: hug a dream, fading a daytime movement associated with material activities, and the liberation of spiritual life, mental, "disembodied" energy that was enclosed in a bodily shell during the day.

The author perceives this escaped energy as a "wonderful, everybody hum." Perhaps this image arises from stressful listening in the sounds of the night. And this rumble reduced tranquility and pacification of the 1st stanza.

If in the 2nd stanza, the rest is replaced by an excitement, now the mood becomes anxious and tormented, this impression is achieved by numerous asonizing "y": "Labor fell asleep", "woken wonderful", "The Bulk Gul", "Where he comes from, this hum."

The poem ends with a rhetorical question. Sleep will fall off all soul-powered soul, not so much light as dark. It is these forces that are associated with Tyutchev with chaos, the abyss, they cause fear, because they have destructive energy, carry a threat to light and harmony.

Such a default causes a desire to penetrate the subsequent thoughts of the author and find your answer, gives rise to new questions: why do you think to go up, why are they closely in the human shell?

Probably because such a person's nature is: his soul is striving for the unknown, unknown, looking for an answer to endless questions about the mysteries of the universe and hopes to find it there, in the embroidery, in an infinite chaos of the night.

Tyutchev addresses the theme of the night more than once in his poems, and the night hum also occurs repeatedly, for example:

4.5 / 5. 2

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev

How sweetly dormant garden dark green,
Hug a black night blue!
Through the apple tree, the colors of the rooted,
How sweet shines the month of gold!

Mysteriously as on the first day of creating,
In the bottomless sky, star beds burns,
Music Dalus heard exclamation,
Neighboring key heard says ...

On the world of day, the curtain descended,
Izmazed movement, the work fell asleep ...
Over sleeping hail, as in the tops of the forest,
Woke a wonderful weekly hum ...

Where is he, this hum is incomprehensible? ..
ILE mortal Dum, liberated by bed
The world is disembodied, audible, but invisible,
Now gets in chaos night? ..

Written in the 1830s, the poem "How Sweetly Dream Garden Dark Green ..." refers to the early landscape philosophical poetry Tyutchev. Like many works of Fyodor Ivanovich, it is devoted to the night and associated reflections. In the first stanza, the readers appears a description of a beautiful garden. The delight tested by the lyrical hero of the work is emphasized by using exclamation purposes. At the beginning of the text, Fyodor Ivanovich larger emphasis on the color gamut of the drawd picture. An important role is played by bright epithets. The poet's apple tree calls the roeful flowers, the month is golden, the night is blue. Already in the second quatrain, the mood of the text becomes another. There are no exclamation marks. Next, they will be replaced by ellipsis and rhetorical questions. The night is full of diverse sounds. The lyric hero hears distant music, and the murmur of the key. He has a feeling of the mystery of what is happening. In addition, Tyutchev affects the theme of the invariance of the eternal laws of life. For thousands of years, the primancy of the world remain the same. The stars in the bottomless sky shine for the hero just as they shone "on the first day of creating."

In the third stubborn, the poet be back back a little back - by the time of the night, when the curtain descends the day, movement and a rare man works almost ceased. If the city is sleeping, then nature is at that time not to sleep. The hero of the poem notes that a wonderful buzz that repeats every night awakens in forest vertices. The fourth and final stanza is assigned to philosophical reflections inspected by the observed landscape. Such a technique is characteristic of Fyodor Ivanovich's creativity, which else wrote Fet: "Tyutchev cannot look at the nature without a corresponding bright thought in his soul." The night for the poet - the time when a person remains one on one with the abyss, when chaos wakes up. When darkness comes, vision worsens, but hearing becomes sharper, so so many sounds hearing the hero of the poem "How Sweetly Dream Garden Dark Green ...". The night brings with them to the ground a completely different world - the world is disembodied, invisible, but really existing. To the dark time in Tyutchev, two-way attitude. On the one hand, a person has the opportunity to comprehend the mystery of being. On the other hand, as mentioned above, he has to face face to face with the abyss.

How sweetly dormant garden dark green,
Hug a black night blue!
Through the apple tree, the colors of the rooted,
How sweet shines the month of gold!

Mysteriously as on the first day of creating,
In the bottomless sky, star beds burns,
Music Dalus heard exclamation,
Neighboring key heard says ...

On the world of day, the curtain descended,
Izmazed movement, the work fell asleep ...
Over sleeping hail, as in the tops of the forest,
Woke a wonderful weekly hum ...

Where is he, this hum is incomprehensible? ..
ILE mortal Dum, liberated by bed
The world is disembodied, audible, but invisible,
Now gets in chaos night? ..

Analysis of the poem of Tyutchev "How sweetly dormant garden dark green ..."

Written in the 1830s, the poem "How Sweetly Dream Garden Dark Green ..." refers to the early landscape philosophical poetry Tyutchev. Like many works of Fyodor Ivanovich, it is devoted to the night and associated reflections. In the first stanza, the readers appears a description of a beautiful garden. The delight tested by the lyrical hero of the work is emphasized by using exclamation purposes. At the beginning of the text, Fyodor Ivanovich larger emphasis on the color gamut of the drawd picture. An important role is played by bright epithets. The poet's apple tree calls the roeful flowers, the month is golden, the night is blue. Already in the second quatrain, the mood of the text becomes another. There are no exclamation marks. Next, they will replace dots and rhetorical issues. The night is full of diverse sounds. The lyric hero hears distant music, and the murmur of the key. He has a feeling of the mystery of what is happening. In addition, Tyutchev affects the theme of the invariance of the eternal laws of life. For thousands of years, the primancy of the world remain the same. The stars in the bottomless sky shine for the hero just as they shone "on the first day of creating."

In the third stubborn, the poet be back back a little back - by the time of the night, when the curtain descends the day, movement and a rare man works almost ceased. If the city is sleeping, then nature is at that time not to sleep. The hero of the poem notes that a wonderful buzz that repeats every night awakens in forest vertices. The fourth and final stanza is assigned to philosophical reflections inspected by the observed landscape. Such a technique is characteristic of Fyodor Ivanovich's creativity, which else wrote Fet: "Tyutchev cannot look at the nature without a corresponding bright thought in his soul." The night for the poet - the time when a person remains one on one with the abyss, when chaos wakes up. When darkness comes, vision worsens, but hearing becomes sharper, so so many sounds hearing the hero of the poem "How Sweetly Dream Garden Dark Green ...". The night brings with them to the ground a completely different world - the world is disembodied, invisible, but really existing. To the dark time in Tyutchev, two-way attitude. On the one hand, a person has the opportunity to comprehend the mystery of being. On the other hand, as mentioned above, he has to face face to face with the abyss.

How sweet is a dark green garden,

Embraced night night blue

Through the apple tree, the colors of the rooted,

How sweet shines the month of gold! ..

Mysteriously as on the first day of creating,

In the bottomless sky, star beds burns,

Music Dalus heard exclamation,

Neighboring key heard says ...

On the world of day, the curtain descended,

Izmazed movement, the work fell asleep ...

Over sleeping hail, as in the tops of the forest,

Woke up wonderful, weekly hum ...

Where is he, this hum is incomprehensible? ..

ILE mortal Dum, liberated by bed

The world is disembodied, audible, but invisible,

Now gets in chaos night? ..

Other editions and options

8 In the garden Fountain, laughing, says ...

15 swarm, heard, but invisible,

Autograph - Rgali. F. 505. OP. 1. Ed. xp 19. L. 7.


Autographs (2) - Rgali. F. 505. OP. 1. Ed. xp 19. L. 7 and 6.

First Publication - R.. 1879. Vol. 5. P. 134; at the same time - NNS.. P. 40. Then - Ed. St. Petersburg, 1886. Pp 14; Ed. 1900.. P. 86.

Printed on the second autograph. See "Other editions and options." P. 250.

The first autograph is the name of the poem - "Night Voices". The 7th line here - "Music Dalus heard exclamation", the 8th - "In the garden Fountain, laughing, says", the 15th - "Roy is disembodied, audible, but invisible."

In the second - the name is missing, there are discrepancies compared to the first: in the 7th line - the first letter of the second word resembles the Tyutchevsk "s", and then the word "Hall" is obtained, and not "Dalny" (Wed with writing "s" In the words "through", "music", "curtain", "exhausted"), in the first autograph here there was an obvious "d" and the word "date" was obtained. In the 8th line of the second autograph, "the neighboring key heard heard", in the 15th - "The world is disembodied, audible, but invisible." All stanza and here are drawn. The punctuation marks are somewhat changed. It seems that the poet originally does not differentiate the punctuation signs, but denotes any stops, semantic and intonational, dash sign. All poem as it may be built on the effect of non-infractions: and exclamations, and questions, and approval are not expressed in everything that could be said; In addition, Tyutchev's dots are not short here, but long: after the word "says" costs five points, after "fallen" - four, after the "Gul" (12th line) - eight, until the very edge of the page put a point, more they here and do not fit; After the word "incomprehensible" cost four points (also until the very edge of the page), after the words "in the chaos of the night" - five points, and again to the very edge. The poet is aesthetically experiencing the world of unknown, not subject to verbal expression, but it exists, and the dots are reminded.

It was printed everywhere called "Night Voices", which corresponded to only early autograph. In the first three editions, the 7th line - "Music you can hear exclamation." But already B. Ed. 1900 - "Music is given to exclamation." However B. Ed. Marx Again - "Music can be heard exclamation", but in ed. Stockings I. and B. Lyrics I. - "Music Dalus".

Dating from 1830s; In early May 1836, Tyutchev I.S. was sent Gagarina.

"How sweet the dark green garden dorms ..." - this is the sixth poem with the way of chaos: "Vision", "the last cataclysm", "like the ocean is a break of a globe ...", "What are you doing, wind night? ..", "Sleep on the Night The sea "- in all other than the second and third in this list, consumed and the very word" chaos ". If in the former poems about Chaos, the feelings of anxiety, fear, the decay of consciousness were emphasized, then the ideas and experiences of the mystery, incomprehensibility of chaos were allocated - the ideas and experiences of the mystery, incomprehensibleness of chaos are supported, the thought of its disembodies and irrationality is supported. For the first time, it was in this poem, a "curtain" characteristic of Tyutchev appeared; It turns out the night, descending into the day world as a curtain.

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