Learning a rhetorical issue. Is it possible to develop? Training "Charisma Voice"

Oratory skill is more than the ability to rise to the scene and confidently pronounce a prepared speech. Many politicians, public figures and managers believed that the ability to convince the audience in their rightness to interest her with their ideas and thoughts is the key to success in any start.

Oratoric art is the ability to convey their point of view to the listeners, present their ideas and achievements in a favorable light, to draw attention to an exciting problem or own person. Eloquence is a personal brand. Outstanding speakers are able to completely change the attitude of the public to themselves and their business during a public speech. Because words, voice, speech - one of the most effective tools beliefs. Do not deprive yourself the ability to use this tool to achieve career and personal goals.

School of oratorical skills Oratoris conducts individual and group classesbut not all listeners can come to school in Moscow or St. Petersburg in opening time. Someone is too busy for full-time lessons, someone is abroad or in a remote region. Especially for busy listeners, we organized online rhetoric lessons. Engage from home or office at a convenient time for you!

How are online classes

All you need for online lessons - Skype and webcam. You will be engaged with the founder and head of Oratoris Anton Okrug. With each student he holds personal online meetings and trainings. Anton Okrug is not a theorist, he adheres to the principle: to achieve success in the case, you need to practice every day. Therefore, he advocates a different audience daily, solemn speeches, short lectures, conducts presentations.

We are sure that the training will be effective, he must answer the tasks of the student, give answers to the questions that are worried. Therefore, we offer several online formats:

  • Courses of oratory art "Expert", "Time to convince", Storytelling.
  • Classes of rhetoric on the author's system of Anton Okrug.
  • Individual preparation for presentations, interviews, interviews, festive speeches.
  • Developed specifically for you course: specify the themes that interest, and we will make the program.

The online course "Expert" includes several lessons at a convenient time. They are held according to the schedule that we set. You can go through a program at a more intense pace. "Expert" includes a professional statement of voice and speech, overcoming fear of the scene, learning behavior to the public, receiving the seizure and retention of listeners. Also Anton Okrug will teach you to prepare the texts of solemn speeches and presentations. You will learn how interesting to start them and effectively finish.

The online course "Time to persuade" can be passed on Skype. But he has another program, it is dedicated to wit, the development of speech thinking, communication with a conflict audience, the ability to influence the listeners and convinced in the correctness of their point of view. A separate occupation is assigned to the analysis of the "hot" performances of famous world leaders and provocations from the hall.

The online course "Storytelling: Power of Stories" is dedicated to the ability to tell stories, as well as use them to achieve their goals: marketing, formation of the image, the belief of the audience. The program will teach you to influence listeners with the help of stories, use stories in business, extract profits from stories.

How are online classes

Most often, public individuals are trained by speaking art: politicians, executives, pop stars. Communication with the public, presentation and press conferences - an integral part of their work, the situation obliges to be able to arrange the audience and clearly express your thoughts. But we also learn online teachers, coaches and lecturers. Because possession theme deep knowledge In some area, the ability to present them to listeners are not yet equal, it is clear to explain the topic, to attract attention and warm up the interest of students.

However, online classes by speaking skill will be useful to everyone who thinks about the future wants to develop, build a career or have people to be placed. Because rhetoric is the ability to communicate, to convey your thought, convince. Classes will make you more liberated and confident, will help to overcome internal alarms And achieve more in the area in which you work.

For whom online learning

  • The ability to keep in front of the public: on stage, at the department, in the conference room or at the festive table. Fear of the scene is familiar to every person, but we know how to overcome it and truly love to speak in front of the public.
  • Self-confidence and freedom of expression. Oratoric online training will help you believe in our hand, overcome the internal stiffness and complexes. Perhaps you have been taught from childhood that "I" is the last letter in the alphabet, and silence is gold. But we know: modesty paints a person only in grey colourAnd you will teach you to demonstrate your talents, to express your thoughts beautifully.
  • The ability to communicate, the skills of a pleasant interlocutor. It will be easier for you to negotiate with business partners, investors, colleagues. You will learn how to make friends, have strangers, get acquainted with the people of the opposite sex easily and easily.
  • Preparation of brilliant speeches, presentations, toasts. You can schedule, write and say aware of aware of any occasion. Do not be confused during interviews, interviews, business discussion.
  • Beautiful speech and deep voice. Oratoric art requires possession of voice, and on online classes we will put you speech, diction. Even opponents will not want to interrupt you - your voice will sound so good.
  • Charisma and talent beliefs. Forget if you assured that Charisma is something that can be obtained only from birth, because it is not true. The development of charisma is one of the things we teach online listeners.

Online Training Cost

Oratoric art is one of the most valuable skills that helps beautifully and competently convey its position to a wide circle of listeners. Fews have a congenital ability to such speeches. Those who have mastered the secrets of oratory skills, have every chance become an interesting person and to achieve stunning success in almost any field, whether business, politics, art, etc.

A real speaker must have a number of qualities that make it as a general presentation. First, it needs to be erudite and read, in order to at the right moment select the right words for making your thoughts. Secondly, the speaker's speech should be a competent and clear, understandable target audience of listeners. Thirdly, a professional must subjugate the excitement of his will and keep cold-blooded peace in the presentation process.

General criteria that skillful speaker must match

First of all, you need to have a clear pronunciation and a well-supplied voice, as they are a pledge of beautiful and intelligible speech. You can achieve this correctly across consonant and clean vocabulary. In order for your speech to deliver you and your listeners, practicing exercises for voice development.

In addition, during your list, it accidentally slipped a jargonal expression, many low-line slang words from their lexicon should exclude.

Pay attention to that your voice is smooth because it forms the favor of the listeners. The pace and volume should be chosen on the basis of the place and number of listeners. Loud and slow speech is ideal for large audiences. Also follow the intonation.

In order for you to listen, you need to understand perfectly in the topic reported and talk about it in the context of those questions that are interested in your audience. If you build your speech as a dialogue with the public, you will be provided with stakeholders, asked for you from the audience.

During the presentation, you always speak only about the main thing, lowering extra unnecessary facts of a secondary order.

Remember that a good speaker must support neutrality for various controversial issues. Be a diplomat, not aggressor - sometimes it is better to surf.

If suddenly, speaking before the public, you were included in the discussion, then you need to be as objective as possible. Wearing a public dialogue you may encounter an opinion contrary to yours. Do not try to argue, but simply accept the human right to your own position. The purpose of any discussion should be in reconciliation of several parties.

Remember that during the dialogue needed correctly and balanced. Do not make your own emotions. Art of oratorical speech lies in the harmony of calm and confidence.

Try to talk about the case, since it will be irritating both opponents and observers from specific statements and the main topic. On the contrary, clear and clear thoughts will help convince man to believe You and what you say.

Start talking only after you make sure that your colleague has finished its thought. The ability to listen to the interlocutor - Very valuable quality.

assumes the presence of a speaker personal qualities. These include calm and internal collens, template for self-development, good memory and imagination. In addition, there will be no extra and insight. Also, do not forget about eloquence, because the ability to form your thoughts in an attractive form is a large gift. Confidence is an important component of a good speaker, because this quality infects the public, and it begins to subconsciously trust every word of the speaker. Communicability It will help you find a "key" to any listener or companion, so try to develop this skill every way.

Keep your body. Smooth movements will play your hand. Good posture will put you in the best light. No need to slouch, or vice versa, scatter on the chair. Remember that all the views are directed at you, so be collected.

When you say, always look at the one to whom. Oratoric speech must exclude any negligence. Try to express your face to coincide with what you say, otherwise you will be able to end in insincerity.

The foundations of oratory art are that during the summary you are promoting one basic idea, and all your statements and replicas should be directed to it on it or to bring it. Try to clean out of consciousness all the thoughts not related to the main goal. If you order the information you want to convey, in your head, then your performance will be most logical and consistent as possible. Constantly try to keep before our eyes what you want to say. Remember, the greater interest you show to the subject of the discussion, the fact that your it is better.

It should also draw attention to the fact that constructive criticism - This is an integral attribute of any dialogue with an opponent or the public. If you are accused of something, take it calmly, and confidently promote your idea. It is better to criticize the opponents better and condescending. So you will show your positive settingAnd you will not look like the enemy in the eyes of the interlocutor.

The main aspects of working with the audience

First, it is necessary to take into account that listeners are divided in many signs: gender, age, education, etc. Therefore, it should be taken into account with whom and what are you going to talk about, otherwise you can come across the indifference or, even worse, aggression.

Secondly, spectacle skill implies the ability to gain the attention of the public, so before you try to think as much as possible over what it will be interesting to hear your audience.

Thirdly, the speaker should understand what the audience wants from him, and give it it. The concept of the needs of each individual listener will make a fascinating performance.

Fourth, the art of oratory skills is based on a positive attitude towards people, even if the purpose of the speech is criticized.

Remember that a positively configured person will cause the same feelings in the audience, which means that the speaker will be able to achieve without any problems set targets.

The most typical mistakes that many word masters perform

Very often, speaking in front of the audience, people build too complex sentences And use long words. First, it can knock down the speaker itself, and, secondly, the listeners confuse. So it is better to avoid such a format for building speech.

In addition, often novice speakers make a mistake by using impersonal suggestions. Such a format of communication with the audience can cause distrust, so more use certain personal pronouns.

Not followed by indecision. Make more alignments and hold on Self-sufficient.

Evaluate the audience correctly and do not use slang expressions that may not understand your listeners. Think over each offer, every thesis, every joke, etc.

Find the perfect balance between affirmative and question deals. Dilute your speech with soft inserts like "also", "among other things", etc.

In addition, very often inept speakers fail, not knowing how to ask questions audience. Remember that if you want to bring your listeners to an active dialogue, then only open questions will help you.

Well, finally, never take a look from the audience. Support the visual contact, and then your speech will be brighter and convincing.

P.S. Find out how to make a spoke expressive - " Means of expressiveness of speech», « Development of articulation», « Exercises for Diction Development».

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The ability to beautifully and correctly talk come in handy throughout the life of every person. The competent set point indicates that the person is educated and interesting. And people of certain professions such a skill will be useful. For a certain circle of people, you just need to complete the rhetoric courses.

This science states that a person is constantly in communication. To make such communication effective to achieve the necessary goals, a rhetoric has been created. In Russian culture there were many decent representatives who relate to the geniuses of oratory art:

  • Mikhail Lomonosov;
  • Nikolay Gogol;
  • V. Zhukovsky;
  • F. Pleevaco.

In Russian history, these personalities were able to establish the ability to clearly in the case and with the necessary intonation to convey the thought around. Rhetoric teaches the rules of the ability to speak:

  • consider with whom a person talks;
  • how to talk;
  • why it is necessary to communicate;
  • use correctly intonation;
  • speech rhythm;
  • persuasiveness;
  • literacy;
  • vocabulary.

Knowledge of all components will help achieve success in any field of life. Such skills will be useful both at work and in personal life. With the help of rhetoric, a person becomes a person who, by communication, can bypass many conflict situations and stress.

This science teaches to emerge from a difficult situation so as not to offend the interlocutor. You can find several options for solving difficulties and choose the only right one. Rhetoric helps to realize that the word value in communication between people is above all. An excellent tutorial on rhetoric and oratory wrote A. Volkov. Russian rhetoric courses can be finished in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In such classes, the rhetoric book is actively used, which Wolves wrote.

Who needs to go through the course

  • politicians;
  • journalists;
  • leading cultural events;
  • speakers;
  • teachers;
  • leaders;
  • professions related to negotiation;
  • diplomats.

This is not the entire list of professions that require the ability to oratory art. Calculate information on the case and without unnecessary words you need to be able to all. To learn how to voice thoughts and desires correctly - this is the key to success in any business. Such rhetoric and oratory courses will help you feel confident in any situation.

If the interlocutor will be clearly understood from the first words about what it is about, contact and understanding between communicating will achieve at times faster. It was able to use intonation and have a sufficient stock of lexics will make it possible to achieve the goals in life and work in a short time. For this you need to undergo a course of studying Russian rhetoric.

In privacy, such knowledge will help get rid of conflict situations and litter. In the upbringing of children, the ability to convince and prove calmly the right way to use almost every day. Thus, children will learn to solve issues with interlocutors calmly and correctly state thoughts.

A.A. Wolves and textbook on the basics of rhetoric

The doctrine of the Russian rhetoric Volkova refers to literature, which brings to readers a lot of benefits and fascinating, but sometimes reading is not easy. This tutorial contains basic rules and knowledge concerning science to communicate correctly.

  • Each chapter describes in detail the rules and rhetoric components. For example, a whole section is dedicated to the ability to select words and use specific of them in a certain place of dialogue or monologue. Select arguments at the required point - refers to a separate chapter of the textbook.
  • The book describes in detail how public speech is built. It must have an entry of the middle and end. Each part of the speech bears its goals and there are certain intonations and rhythms.
  • The book is written, based on lectures that wolves read at universities in Moscow. These classes were conducted at the philological faculties of legal philosophical and other destinations. According to this book, the rhetoric of the famous politicians and stars of television screen were studied.
  • The textbook is based on the rule of Russian rhetoric to express teaching with the help of rules and regulations. These rules are not allowed and do not prohibit certain actions, but only teach on the mistakes of famous speakers to use the right components of the ability to express thought.
  • The textbook uses classical terminology, but in some sections new terms and concepts are introduced. The basis of the rules is considered the ability to select arguments. The speaker must learn how to prove the correctness not unfounded, but with the help of specific arguments that 100% will kill a person at the right of the speaker. These provisions are included in the course on rhetoric and oratorical art.

Courses on rhetoric

Many courses use the rhetoric book in their program, which wolves wrote. Teachers adapt material for easy perception and consider specific examples. Pupils in this style easier perceive the information.

Courses in Moscow and St. Petersburg are held by experienced speakers and philosophers. There are demonstrative speeches in classes, and it is possible to speak to the audience.

The course is designed to an audience of 18 years. Such classes are useful to visit students for the approval of the personality and the ability to convey the idea to others. The Russian rhetoric rate is shown for people who have complexes associated with communication. Classes will help them get rid of them and become more confident.

  • Courses in Moscow are held at the University of Oratory Skill and Rhetoric on the street. Brestskaya 39. Classes are held on a weekend of 8 hours. Cost of courses per week 14 000 rubles.
  • In St. Petersburg, training takes place in the rhetoric of Art on the 2nd Murinsky Prospekt d.43. Classes are held every day for 4 hours. On Tuesday and Thursday lessons pass in the evening. Cost complete course 7 000 rubles. Skype classes are possible - 1 hour 1000 rubles.

After graduating from this course in St. Petersburg or Moscow, career, society, getting rid of complexes during communication, the ability to convince and avoid conflict situations provided. Man after classes feels more confident in society, and achieve its goals with even greater enthusiasm.

IN modern world the key to success is mastering the skill of speaker. This special art, in which every person can open himself. He will be beautiful and correct to speak, confidently feel in front of any audience, be interesting in communication. Of course, there are people who are awarded from birth to such ability, but they are quite a bit. Therefore, a man deprived of God's gift should not worry, if desired, it is possible to learn to speech art. The age at the same time does not play much importance, because to receive new knowledge and skills is never late.

  • Content:

Of course, there are professions that simply oblige thoroughly learning art of oratorical speech. These include politicians, judges, teachers, actors, speakers, etc. Even if you do not consider yourself to these categories, such skill in any case cannot harm you. In addition to the benefits, there can be no other friend. In life, it can be useful, for example, when applying for work, and with new acquaintances. So it is art in the most different situations may have an invaluable service.

What is oratory?

This is the art of a living word. A person who owns them, with ease can convey thoughts to others. At the same time, his proposals are lined up beautiful and clear. He feels confident, because his speech is attractive and interesting. That is what teaches oratory. The degree of ownership may be different, but it is necessary to work on them anyway. Often in life we \u200b\u200bare faced with such situations when you have to think about how to say or give an answer to the question. To look convincing, without important techniques of special skills can not do.

Oratory and rhetoric Participate in the formation of style and logical statements. They help to avoid unwanted pauses and develop memory. The usual speech turns into an attractive and filled with the necessary emotions. A real speaker is always more interesting for the public than the one who cannot competently formulate their thoughts. In addition, timely listed arguments and facts contribute to the prosperous resolution of controversial issues. And this is a kind of guarantee of the best way out of conflict situations. Unprepared people only in rare cases will be able to form their phrases clearly and right at the right moment.

History of oratory

The chronicle of oratory art is transferred to ancient Greece. It was here that great skill was given close attention. From here there are the roots of stylistic samples and the development of speech, because before the appearance of writing the thought was set out orally.

Greek speakers skillfully influenced the public, as they owned the laws of logic and rules oral speech. They were able to ensure that eloquence served as the main weapon from a political point of view. Oratoric art, being a queen of arts, could very effectively influence the decisions of public affairs.

Exactly at Ancient Greece The first originated school of oratory art. Her outstanding masters were demosphen, philokrat, hyperid, eschin and other public figures. Among them, Demosphen was able to achieve the highest achievements. Without his deposit, it is difficult to submit spectacular practices and basic rhetoric theory, where the word was given great importance. His speeches studied not only in antiquity, preserved theories are relevant today. They enter the Golden Rhetoric Foundation as a separate science.

Speech before the audience

Spectacular perception and appearance

Speaking in front of the public, the speaker should prepare not only his speech, but also diligently work on external species. It is no secret that the speaker first meet in appearance. It has long been proven that external appearance plays an important role in the first impression. Based on statistical data, 55% of persuasive strength falls on the appearance of the speaker and spectacular perception listeners, on the tone of the voice - 35% and only 10% for words.

Listeners are primarily audience. They will very carefully consider the speaker. Especially female half pays close attention to the trifles. The outfit, hairstyle and manner do not stay unnoticed. A person who is not confident in herself is poorly prepared or indestructible, quickly striking. The public does not want to focus and delve into the essence of him speeches. And no matter how hard he tried, the listeners will be very difficult to position the listeners.

Hold attention

Art of oratorical speech Just encompassing the ability to convey a prepared report or on the go to a built speech. This Master is able to quickly navigate and build logical proposals. In addition, he knows how to break his listeners and interest with his performance.

For hold attention The speaker uses special techniques, allowing not only to arrange to themselves, but also tune in to one psychological wave. At the same time, gesticulation and facial expansion, voice and intonation are important. After all, one thing to listen, but completely different - to be heard. This was still told by the famous poetess M.TSvetaev. In no case cannot give the public to the larger reason for irritation.

Contact with an audience

The speech of the protruding large part is a monologue. However, the speaker should be able to find contact with an audience. He must try to establish a connection, even imaginary. Only in this case he can count on a response. A good speaker is able to catch the mood of the audience and at the right time to adjust its speech. He seems to read the thoughts of the listeners and does not give them to be distracted from the preequimed information. This is similar to a mental dialogue, in which the second party does not pronounce their wishes out loud. In turn, this does not distract the speaker, but does not exclude bilateral communication.

Thus, art public speeches - This is an imitation of live communication. The newcomer is difficult to achieve this, but it is quite realistic when mastering the main rhetorical techniques. Among them: direct appeal to the audience, filling out the performance by emotions, hold spoken syntax. It is not necessary to worry in advance, everything comes with experience, you only need to make efforts and patience.

Another important means of establishing bilateral communication is eye contact with speakers. If you read the prepared text and do not break off the paper, the interest among the public will quickly disappear. In this case, the speaker independently builds the wall that protects it from the listeners. It is not recommended to look at one angle or ceiling. Only by transferring a look from one listener to another, the speaker can count on combining the audience and achieving the effect of communication, even if there is a mental level.

You need to be able to read the reaction in the eyes. In this case, the speaker will be able to control the audience. As soon as he notices the first signs of overworking listeners, he will be able to use one of the proven ways to discharge the hall. For example, it may be a memory of a funny case, inserting aphorism or proverbs. It is desirable that they be close to the subject of performance. You can generally move away from the report and tell a cheerful joke, placing an audience. Emotional discharge during fatigue the best way recreate a friendly atmosphere. All this will allow to continue the performance, the interest in which will only increase.

Oratory for other types of speech communication

The multi-faceted art of speaking skills includes not only performances in front of a large audience, but also keeping a dialogue with a source, debate, discussions, as well as other types speech Communication. At the same time, speaker's speech should always strike with iron logic, but at the same time be sincere and sensual. Only in this case can be counted on the interest of the listener and its location.

With any speech communications You can show oratory And leave an indelible imprint, good opinion and deserve respect, striking an interesting conversation. At the same time, not only literacy and the readiness of the speaker, but also to listen to the interlocutor is given importance to hearing the interlocutor. Of course, natural data is helped in this, but the experience gained, speech culture and intelligence are not secondary.

Learning speaking skill

Everyone can be trained by oratory. The main thing is that there is a desire and focus on the result. It is necessary not to be afraid of difficulties that may arise in the learning process. Only patience and effort will bring expected results. Even many famous peoplewho were able to achieve successes in OratabilityOriginally encountered difficulties. For example, Margaret Thatcher managed to change his sighty voice, which was such from nature. Her diligent work on the study of acting skills gave their fruits. France Mirabeau's political figure learned to present learned texts that they began to seem real improvisation.

Training Oratoric Art It can be done on their own, but in specialized schools and centers, classes will be more efficient. Developed programs and psychological trainings are popular ways to get rid of fear to speak to the public, the development of thinking and memory, replenish the colloquial stock and acquiring self-confidence. Here you can learn how to correctly formulate thoughts, quickly interest the listener, get artistic skills and speak beautifully on any topics, including impromptu. Experts will be taught to properly select intonation and skillfully enjoy different speech techniques. They will tell about how to benefit from communicating, introduce unproductive conversation models and will reveal ways of evasion from "uncomfortable" issues.

Who is a good speaker?

Mastery of oratory art is the person who with ease owns a living word and can influence the interlocutor or a whole audience with it. Speaking about such a professional, it is impossible not to mention high level . Good diction eliminates any fury of word pronunciation and separate sounds. Speaking nice and easy to listen, since there are no patters and whispers. The power of votes is manifested not only in the volume, but also the mental influence on the consciousness and will of the listeners. In other words, the technique of speech of this speaker is approaching perfection.

The speaker took place skillfully applies various techniques. For a beautiful speech, the use of great importance winged expressions, famous proverbs and sayings. When they are unexpected, but they are told to the place, the presentation seems more interesting and is better remembered. Speech culture speaker Always evaluated by the wealth of his vocabulary. The more words in the arsenal of a professional, the more interesting to communicate with him. And if all this proposals are concise and competently built, with respect for the accuracy of the wording and language norms of pronunciation, there is no price to this speaker.

  • Everyone can study speech skills. At the same time, it is important to tune in to good luck and in no case retreat from the goal.
  • You should never show your excitement to outsider and even more so we talk about bad preparation.
  • Avoid monotonous performances, make the right pause and allocate the necessary words. Do not forget about intonation, increasing and lowering voice.
  • Take more time training, it is desirable to rehearse at least 3 times in advance.
  • Try to interest the audience from the very beginning of the speech by inventing the intriguing name.
  • With a public speech, attempt to establish contact with listeners.
  • During the speech, change your position, use gesture.

The chief council is as follows: to master the art of a living word, you need to learn to think beautifully.

Rhetoric - Science of speech, right and beautiful communication methods that can convince any speaker right to create a soil for further beliefs. This art is studied in modern educational institutionsbecause the word is a powerful tool if you use it correctly. The main goal of rhetoric is to teach to communicate to sense confidence in any situation.

History of origin

The occurrence of rhetoric is considered to be the V century BC. e. Ancient Greece first in modern Europe has formed the foundations of science. At that time, stylistics and grammar studied in ancient Greece. The Greeks first began to systematize the knowledge of rhetoric and created a large number of Treatises on this topic, and some of them are studied even in our time.

Cicero - one of the most famous speakers of ancient Rome

The Romans became interested in the art of rhetoric after the conquest of Greece, when the traditions of these countries began to stir, and the empire actively borrowed the knowledge of their provinces. Art began to flourish in the Senate, courts, public meetings.

There were some differences between rhetoric styles, since the Romans were less educated than the Greeks. The conquerors were spent on retreats, stylists, stylistic nuances. Despite this, eloquence still was a powerful tool of speakers. There were cases when Ancient Rome High state posts occupied people skillfully owning a speech, and this was the main advantage in political struggle, which we can learn from historical references.

Appearance in Russia

In ancient era, this art was modified, complemented by useful techniques. Church figures began to use the rhetoric, who actively set up a new fluff into their faith, and led irrefutable verbal evidence against heretics. In Russia, the concept of rhetoric fell out of European countries In the XVIII century.

Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov

The emergence of the rationality coincided with the time of the spread of Christianity. It was called most often the "gift of eloquence." A little later, Lomonosov created a "Russian grammar", in which the "Rules of Eloquence" was present. Such political figures were considered good speakers as Stolypin, Trotsky. A little less, but still succeeded in the knowledge of this science and Lenin.

Oratoric craftsmanship can be developed independently. For the development of speech, training is required, accompanied by constant comments to themselves, corrections and supplements of skills. You need to notice all the errors that are committed to try to fix them with the next conversation.

  • use the right pace. An important feature requiring assimilation. It is necessary to monitor the speed of the conversation, since too fast it does not have time to digest a listener, slow sleeps, makes it becomes inattentive to phrases. Try to allocate important moments intonation, changing the height of the voice. It attracts attention, does not give the interlocutor to miss;
  • communicate with people. To improve the skills of communication, it is not enough to talk about things at home. Requires practice in communicating live. To remove the accumulated voltage with a long story, you need to use jokes that can be prepared in advance;
  • use retreat. Sayings, humor, quotes of great people make it less dry, make it possible to make it a more evidentiary;
  • put the voice. The pronunciation should be clear, correct. Consonants should be pronounced, purely pronounce any sounds;
  • speak about topics that are interested in others. You can start with one correct statement, after which it is smoothly to bring to another necessary to achieve the goal;
  • support neutrality. The speaker should strive to achieve with all the agreements. Even if the interlocutor or several people are wrong, it should be said "Yes, right, but ...", after which you can prove your point of view.

Improving speech

To develop speech skills, you should train. Otherwise, they will not work out. For improvement there is a set of exercises:

  1. Free from muscle clips. The essence is in facilitating the conversation process. For execution it follows:
    • kneading shoulders rotational movements. The head must move as if under his own weight;
    • preheat as often as possible forearm, hand brushes, rotate in shoulders joints;
    • use circular motions hands in elbows;
  2. Articulative. They develop and train lips, cheeks, tongue, solid and soft paws, lower jaws. Flexibility is generated speech apparatus, the muscles needed for better pronunciation Sounds. The tension from the muscles is removed, there is relaxation. Need to do the following:
    • language cleaned the gums in both directions. Make "injections" in the cheeks, pull it out as far as possible, change the form. Issue sounds like a horse jump;
    • rotate lips in different directions, pull them out. Capture the air elongated lips, strain and relax. There will be ease and clarity when conversation;
    • inflate cheeks, roll air in the mouth from one cheek to the second. It is necessary to knead them, otherwise the voice will be a flabby;
    • to myself, without opening your mouth, pronounce various words, sounds. The throat is trained, with the result that the sound becomes loud and deep;
    • hands smoothly open the jaw. Muscular efforts are removed, excessive tension.
  3. Improving pronunciation increasing vocabulary. List of exercises:
    • read out loud. Consider best way Improve speakers. The diction is improved, vocabulary, speech brightness increases, emotional coloring. You should read slowly, pronouncing every word. Pronounced text not reader tone, but conversational;
    • prophovarifying patter. Effectively trains dicciation to utter words and sounds with maximum speed. The correct articulation is produced, the reservations happen less often.

When reading, each sound is clearly pronounced, the speed increases gradually. The main thing is to follow right pronunciation, just then accelerate speech. For convenience, you need to create a picture of what is happening in my head, try to understand reading words. It should not be stopped working on one phrase until the errors completely disappear.

If possible, conduct a voice record of both the material read from the book and speigned. Thus, you can eliminate speech disadvantages found after listening.

There are many exercises that develop pronunciation that improve the skills of the speaker. The above options are quite enough for beginner speakers. With their help, you can achieve considerable success. The main thing in oratory art is not to stop developing, constantly improve skills, and as much as possible to speak.

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