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Notes Hunter: Chorus and Kalinic

The story begins the argument of the author about what and how people living in the Oryol province and Kaluga are distinguished. "Orlovsky peasant is small thanks, narrowing, sutulovat, sullen, it looks sulking, walks on the barbecue, trade does not do, eats bad, wears lapties; Kaluga's facing man dwells in spacious pine slices, high growth, looks boldly, fun, The face is clean and white, sells oil and dogs and walks in the boots on holidays. " Compared appearance villages (also not in favor of the Oryol village).

In the sense of hunting, Kaluga province is also better. As a hunter, visiting the Visitarian County, the author met one Kaluga landowner - semi-cylinder. The landowner was eccentric, had his some weaknesses, but was distinguished by hospitality. On the first day, he invited the author to spend the night to his estate. However, before the estate was far away, so at first, Semikin proposed to go to the Khoroshki, one of his men.

The landowner with the guest is sent to the excavation, but the Khoria does not find himself at home. They see only a hut, in which there is nothing superfluous (there is only an image, a lamp, the necessary furniture). In the hives are six children of the Khoria of different ages. Without waiting for the owner, guests are leaving. At dinner, the author asks semi-kin, why he lives the choir separately, and he says that about 25 years ago, the house of the Horrel in the village burned down, and he came to the father of Semikin, with a request to relocate him on the swamp, on the excavation, promising for such permission to pay good Pag. Semi -kin-senior agreed and put 50 rubles to the church. He led the farm as appropriate, rich and now pays for as much as 100 rubles of the lifting. Semikin said he was even going to "throw out." Semi -kinin has repeatedly offered Khoros to pay off, but he refused, referring to the fact that he also had no money.

The next day, the author with semi-shit again go hunting. Polithukin looks into one of the lips and takes with him a man, Kalinich, a peasant of forty, high, thin. Kalinic, as everyone in the district speaks, a very kind person. He extremely carefully treats his owner, looking after him, as "for a small child", respectfully - to the guest "serving him, but without slavery."

At noon, when the heat is becoming particularly strong, Kalinych takes them to themselves for an apiary, treats fresh honey. Behind the conversation, Semikin informs the author that although Kalinich is kind, helpful and generous man, still containing the farm in health can not be distracted, then it takes a hunt with him, then for other needs.

The next day, Semikin is leaving for business in the city. The author one goes to hunt, and on back path Wars to the king. On the threshold of the hut it is met by an old man - bald, low growth, shouldering. It was a fervor. He reminds the author of Socrates: "The same high lobby forehead, the same little eyes, the same smoky nose." Chatting with the choir about various subjects (about sowing, about the crop, about the peasant life), the author notes that he is on his mind. " So, for example, to the question why he does not pay off from the Barin, the chorine does not answer directly, but at the same time it gives it to understand that he is calmer for him, since he knows his Barin, and his lifts knows. "

The author spent the night on the hayl of Khoria, and in the morning, for breakfast, notes that all in the family of the Khoria people are a tall, healthy. The author is surprised why all the children, even adults, with their own families, live with Hori. He responds that no one is unheated that "they themselves want, and live." Only one of his son is not married, Fedya. The chorine is trying to persuade the Son to marry, but to the question of Fedi, why he marry and "what's in a good woman", the chorny explains. "Baba - a worker, Baba - a guy servant."

Suddenly, Kalinich comes to the guests to visit. He brings a beam of field strawberries in his hands and gives him to his friend to Khorosh. The author is surprised by the presence of such "tenderness." The author goes to the hunt and simultaneously reflects about two, it would seem opposite to, but at the same time supplemented by each other the characters of the Khoria and Kalinic. The choir was "a positive man, practical, administrative head, rationalist," Kalinich - on the contrary, belonged to the number of "idealists, romantics, people of enthusiastic and dreamy." Horing understood reality, he was equipped, accumulated money, laid with Barine and other authorities. Kalinich walked in the lapties and interrupted something like. The chorine broke a large family, submissive and unanimous. Kalinic had once a wife, which he was afraid, and the children were not at all. The chorine was seeing Mr. Semikin, Kalinych was fond of his master. The choir spoke little, laughed, was "on his mind." Kalinych spoke with heat, although "and did not sing the nightingale, like a brisk factory." Kalinic had some advantages that were absent from the Khoria (who recognized the Horious himself): For example, he spoke blood, fright, rabies, kicked out the worms, the bees were given to him.

The choir personally asked Kalnnych to enter the stable just a purchased horse that he did. Kalinic as it were as if stood closer to nature, and the fervor - to people and society. Kalinych did not like to reason and believed everything blindly. Horing even towered even to an ironic look at life. He saw a lot, knew a lot. Horget is vividly interested in new - learning that the author has been abroad, he asks about the local administrative and state stratas, customs. Kalinich, on the contrary, was more interested in descriptions of nature, mountains, waterfalls. The author concludes that "Peter the Great was most advantage of the Russian man, Russian precisely in his transformations. Russian people are so confident in his strength and fortress that he is not off and breaking himself. He is doing his past and boldly looks forward. What is good "That he will be right that it is reasonable - to him and come from where it comes from," he doesn't care. His common sense willingly undergo a German reason over the unique German mind; but the Germans, according to Kori, curious folk, and learn from them he is ready. ".

Despite extensive knowledge and erudition, chorus, unlike Kalinich, did not know how to read. Bab Horing despised "from the depths of the soul" and "in the twi-time hour was treated and mocked them." The choir often poded over Kalinych that he could not live and that even his boot could not let himself from the owner. Kalinic possessed good voice And often sang. Horing willingly sang him. The Kalinych was very clean at the apiary (otherwise the bees would not live), the choir of a special purity did not adhere to.

He is interested in whether the author has a patrimony, and when he answers that there is, but he does not live there, but "more with a gun is trying," the chorny says "Well, right, the father do. Shoot yourself on the health of the books and the older change more ".

He was written in 1847 and saw the light thanks to publication in the magazine "Contemporary". The work was the first in the cycle called "Hunter's Notes". "Horing and Kalinich", like all subsequent plots of the cycle, tells about the simple life of ordinary Russian peasants. Literary direction Text is realism.

In contact with

To get acquainted with the author, it is recommended to read "Horing and Kalinich" completely, but it does not always have enough time . In this case, you can read the story in reducing. Next further short retelling "Horing and Kalinich" is a detailed and complete, not inferior in the quality of the texts of the recognized site of the briefs. But for a more complete understanding, first the main characters and a story plan.

Basic acting persons

The story is devoted to the life of the Russian people, so the main characters of the narration are the following persons:

  • Horing - a dense man is almost an old man living in the forest along with a big family.
  • Kalinich - too the main character Works, the opposite of the Korea and at the same time his friend, a middle-aged man engaged in honey harvest and helping Barina's hunt.
  • the author is not a peasant, he Barin, who became acquainted with the main characters thanks to the hunt, but since he was a story from his face, he is also the main character.

In the story there are secondary charactersnot possessing key roles in the story, they include:

  • a seat of Semikinin, who had hospitality to the author;
  • Fedya and the rest of the sons of the Khoria.

Status plan

The story is smallBut in it you can view composite units for which it can be divided into the following parts:

  • meeting with landlord;
  • acquaintance with the house of the Korea;
  • hunting with Kalina;
  • amazing comparison of two friends.

The narrator begins his story with explaining the difference between the two Russian provinces, through which he drove to get to the place of hunting. There are Oryol province, and there is Kaluga. And so great between them the difference that on the appearance of the man can immediately say where he, and what is his life. If a person is a little growth, it will be shattered and goes in the noodles, he will surely take it in the hut made from Osinovy \u200b\u200bbric and located on the field, walks on the bargain, and he also lives in the Oryol province.

If the man is prominent, height is tall, bold and beautiful, it is busy by trafficking in oil or deagons, on holidays do not mind putting out elegant boots, but he lives in one of the wrongs of Kaluga province.

Do not miss: artistic reception in literature and Russian.

Meeting with landlord

In the Kaluga province was a landowner by the name of Semikin. With him the author met during the hunt in the Visitsky district. The landowner turned out to be a good person, although not devoid of some oddities. In particular, he was a fan of Western traditions, which manifested him in the form of passion to change the taste of dishes. He really appreciated his chef, who was able to prepare meat so that it seemed as if it was a fish, and his fish was with the taste of mushrooms.

Moreover, he was a hoar to rich brides, whose fathers gave him from the gate turn, to which he constantly complained to all his friends. The anecdotes told by semi-cylinder did not differ in diversity, it was generally the same joke, at all that did not seem funny.

However, extremes did not prevent him from being hospitable, so he invited the author to his estate and received consent. On the way, the new acquaintances had to come to one of the arrest men of the landowner - Khorosh.

Acquaintance with the house of the Korea

As it believes the Kaluga man, the ferrehold had a spacious house of several pine buildings. He was located in a picturesque place - in the meadow in the middle of the forest. Instead of the owner, who left the house, guests met his twentieth son named Fedor. He spent in the hut, which turned out to be clean and neat, without unnecessary furniture. There were no cockroaches there, no other insects. In addition, the table soon turned out to be in the form of bread with kvass and pickles.

After a while, the Horiy's six sons returned home. All of them were statutory and bad - real giants. For half an hour, they delivered a landowner with a guest on a telega to the estate.

It's time for dinner, and the author disassembled curiosity, why this choral lives in removal from the rest of the houses. The landowner told the story, according to which the man lost a quarter of a century ago as a result of a fire. Then the estate belonged not to the semi-tier, and his father. To him and came the choir with a request to allow him to settle in the swamp away from the neighbors and not go to the bargain . The landowner gave his consent, for which I received marks in the amount of 50 rubles, at the time, a huge amount.

But afterwards it increased to 100 rubles, since the choir rich by successful trading. For this delusted grip and hermit, by the way, and got his unusual nickname. Then the landowner even suggested a man's peasant, but he said that he was allegedly no such money.

Hunting with viburnum

The next day came, and the author with the landowner again went to hunt. The path lay them through the villageIn which I had to stop at the lowest hut, the house of Kalinic peasant. It was a blue-eyed, tall and thin forty-year-old man whose character was called cheerful, but meek. He was a faithful satellite landowner on the hunt, helped to wear a bag and a gun, served water and food, marked the goal and satisfied the priges. Barin really appreciated all this.

The hunt drained until noon, who brought with him the unbearable heat. It was decided to hide from her in the aposty of Kalinich, located in the depths of the forest. There hunters were able to relax and treat fresh sweet honey.

Two friends

It was decided on another day to hunt for another day, but the Pichukov's Pichukov appeared in the city with a neighbor, and the author went on one way. When it came to go back, he decided to look once again in the Horrel estate. This time he managed to catch the owner, which turned out to be low, but shoulder, lies and bearded man. Something even reminded the story of Socrates. Horing left the impression of a man who himself on his mind.

But the author's night decided to spend the peasant. He was taken place on a haymaker, and in the morning they fed breakfast. During the meal, the guest asked the owner, why his adult sons, which by that time almost all were already married , live with father. Heart did not go into extensive conversations, simply answered that the children themselves want. And the Fede in the father's house is good and one, he is not in a hurry to marry, because, like father, nothing good sees in women. But the son of her son claimed that the wife is needed at least as a worker for her husband.

Then the narrator and the reluctance of the peasant to bother off the Barin asked. Everything was not believed to him that having the opportunity to pay big marks per 100 rubles and even more, the choral did not save money for a worthy spill. However, the man gave a vague answer in which he was guessed, that with the landowner he is calmerAnd he will be better to pay the amount known to him than will decide on a new life.

Meanwhile, Korea has a new guest with a gift in the form of a bundle of strawberries. They were not anyone else like Kalinich. His appearance and unusual surprise surprised by the author.

It turned out that two of these such different people in life were friends. This author understood for those three days that he spent at a visit to the Khoria, who under the clue was a very positive and practical person, a real rationalist. In contrast to his friend Kalinich turned out to be a dreamer and idealist, such a romantic. In addition, the guest discovered the following opposites in the characters of buddies.

There were a lot of differences and in the interests of the peasants. In a conversation with the author, one of them was interested in the device of overseas cities and their traditions, while the other loved to listen to the stories about the beauty of nature. The first, of course, was a chorine that had extensive knowledge, although I didn't even know how to read and almost any sons did not learn. And the second was Kalinich, which turned out to be quite competent, and even had an excellent voice. Thanks to the last quality and ability to play a balalaica, he often sang songs that picked up his friend.

Despite the presence of a family, the chorine did not matter to women's semi, I simply despised. It was poured in bullying and jokes over women. Although his wife was grumpy and easily commanded daughters, but the spouse respected and listened. He shut down on the first word.

And he also laughed in a friendly and above the friend, which was considered unprepared for life, because of what nothing had nothing for soul, even simple boots. Although Kalinych could have long been acquired by any property, because it was almost the right hand of the landowner in the hunt.

From the Khoria, the narrator and learned a lot of new things about the life of the people. For example, that an important event The village is considered the appearance of a trolley with braids in the middle of summer. The man in the cafetan, engaged in their sale, gave his goods to one and a half rubles, if they paid immediately, and twice as much as they asked for a debt. Of course, before the shortcoming, everyone took a debt tools, and they paid for them in a few weeks in the Kabaska. The earliers even tried to engage in such resale themselves, but the men were deprived of the opportunity to bargain and consider the goods, so the landowners did not go.

They were sold in such a way more sickles, but they walked mostly women for such purchases, and the case was often ended with a fight. But the women were engaged not only by the acquisition of tools, but also selling their and male things. The fact is that the governors often drove fabrics for a paper factory. They called them "eagles", although they were not justified by their behavior of such a noble name. Eagles bought rags for pennies, and fascinating women often gave not only unnecessary things, but new yes good. Therefore, the men had to be keenly follow their wives, as soon as the hearing took place about the appearance of a staring rag.

The author enjoyed the society of new acquaintances, he liked their stories about the life with which he, thanks to his high origin, I would never come up, and I did not know about it. But soon the presenter sent people behind him, and the story had to leave, although it was a pity to part with these unusual peasants. And a day later he left the house of Semikin, grateful for the hospitality of the owner.

Analysis of the work

Turgenev's story "Horing and Kalinich" is beautiful in its simplicity. It is dedicated to two absolutely different people , whose friendship does not interfere with the difference in characters, interest and welfare. Their common enthusias can be called except music that they love to play a balalaica and escort songs.

Such different morals complement each other and combine the characters of the whole Russian people. After all, Russian people are not only practical, but also creative. They have both rational grain and a tendency to dreaminess.

The story begins the argument of the author about what and how people living in the Oryol province and Kalugus Koy are distinguished. "The Orlovsky man is small as an increase, narrow, sutulum, Glya-Dit Ispodlobya, lives in the stray of aspen elections, walks Pa Barechina, does not engage in trade, eats bad, wears lapties; Ka-Luzhsky fault man lives in spacious pine out, high , It looks boldly, fun, the face is clean and white, the torus-buet butter and tar and on holidays goes in boots. " Complied with the appearance of villages (also not in favor of the Orlovsky village). In the sense of hunting, Kaluga province also beams. As a hunter, visiting the Visitarian County, the author was acquainted with one Kaluga landowner - semi-cylinder. The landowner was eccentric, had his some weaknesses, but was distinguished by hospitality. On the first day, he invited the author to spend the night to his estate. However, before the estate was far away, so at first, Semikin proposed to go to the Khoroshki, one of his men. The landowner with the guest is sent to the excavation, but the Khoria does not find himself at home. They see only the hut, in which there is nothing superfluous (there is only an image, a lamp, the necessary-in-goable furniture). In the hives are six children of the Khoria of different ages. Without waiting for the owner, guests are leaving. For dinner, the author asks semi-kin, why he lives from him away from him, and he says that about 25 years ago, the house of the Horrel in the village burned down, and he came to the father of Semi-aukia with a request to relocate him with a marsh, on evicting, promising for such Single to pay good lifts. Semi-cylinder-senior agreed and put a 50 rubles to the Choir. He led the farm as appropriate, rich and now pays for as much as 100 rubles of the lifting. Polithukin said that he was even going to "still naki-mis." Semi -kinin repeatedly offered Khoros to pay off, he refused, referring to the fact that he allegedly had no deg. The next day, the author with semi-tier is sent to hunt again. Polithukin looks into one of the lips and takes with him a man, Kalinich, a peasant of forty, high, thin. Kalinich, as everyone in the district speaks, a very common man. He extremely carefully refers to his host, well, looking after him, as "for a small child", respectfully - to the guest "serving him, but without slavery." At noon, when the heat becomes particularly strong, Kalina takes them to their homes, treats fresh honey. Behind the conversation, the semi-tier reports to the author that although Kalinich is kind, helpful and generous man, still can't contain farms in good condition, since semi-kin is distracting it all the time, then takes it on the hunt, then according to other needs. The next day, semi-shit leaves for affairs in the city. The author one goes to the hunt, and on the way back turns to Khorosh. On the threshold of the hut it is met by an old man - bald, low growth, shouldering. It was a fervor. He reminds the author of Soca-there "The same high lobby forehead, the same small eyes, the same smoky nose." Chatting with the choir about different pre-metas (about crops, about the crop, about the peasant life), the author marks the fact that he "on his mind." So, for example, to the question why he does not pay off from the Barin, the choir does not answer directly, but at the same time it makes it clear that he is calmer than him, since he knows his Barin, and his lips knows. " The author stays spending the night on the hayl of Khoria, and in the morning, for breakfast, notes that all in the family of the Khoria people are a conquest, healthy. The author is surprised, so if all the children, even adults, with their own families, live with Hori. He responds that no one is unheated that "they themselves want, and live." Only one of his son is not married, Fedya. The chorine is trying to persuade the Son to marry, and the question of Fedi, what to marry him and "that in a good woman", the chorny explains. "Baba - a worker, Baba - a guy servant." Suddenly, Kalinich comes to the guests to visit. He brings in his hands a bundle of field strawberries and gives him to his friend Khorosh. The author is surprised by the presence of such "tenderness." The author goes on the hunt and simply reflects about two, it would seem opposite to, but at the same time supplemented by each other the characters of the Korea and Kadyiyi. The choir was "a positive man, the practical, administrative head, the racium-onalist," Kalinich - on the contrary, belonged to the number "ideal-stoves, romantics, people of enthusiastic and dreamy." Horing understood reality, he was equipped, accumulated money, La Dil with Barine and other authorities. Kalinich walked in the lapties and interrupted something like. The chorine broke a large family, a root and unanimous. Kalppuccha had once a wife who was afraid of him, and the children were not at all. The chorine was seen by the state-rain semi-kin, Kalnnych was revealed before his din. The choir spoke little, laughed, was "on his mind." Kaliach spoke with fervor, although "and did not sing the nightingale, like a brisk factory." Kalinic had some perceptions who were absent from the Khoria (who recognized the Horious himself): For example, he spoken blood, fright, rabies, kicked out the worms, the bees were given to him. The choir personally asked Kalnnych to enter the stable just a bought horse that he was situated. Kalinic as it were as if stood closer to nature, and the fervor - to people and society. Kalnnych did not like to reason and believed everything. Horing even towered even to an ironic look at life. He saw a lot, knew a lot. Horget is vividly interested in new - learning that the author has been abroad, he asks about the local administrative and state stratas, customs. Cali-whiche, on the contrary, was more interested in descriptions of nature, mountains, waterfalls. The author concludes that "Peter the Great was most advantage of the Russian man, Russian in his pre-ends. Russian people are so confident in his strength and Creast, that he is not away and breaking herself. He is doing a little engaged in his past and boldly looks Forward. What is good - then he will be ruled that it is reasonable - to him and come from where it goes, - he doesn't care. His common sense will be able to tear over the Ghernik German reason; but the Germans, according to Korea, Liu-Ofs And he is ready to learn from them. " Despite extensive knowledge and erudition, chorus, unlike Kalinich, did not know how to read. Bab Horing despised "from the depths of the soul" and "in the ve-grehoded hour was treated and mocked them." The choir is often able to bottom-nivan over Kalinych, that he does not know how to live and that even the boot can not let himself from the owner. Kalinic had a good voice and often sang. Horing willingly sang him. The Kalinych was very clean at the apiary (otherwise the bees would not live), the choir of a special purity did not adhere to. He is interested in whether the author has a patrimony, and when he answers that there is, but he does not live there, but "more with a gun is trying," the choir says "Well, right, the father do. Shoot yourself on the health of the TET-RESE Change more often.

The story of I. S. Turgenev "Horing and Kalinich" is included in the famous "Hunter's Notes" cycle dedicated to the life of the Russian people. The main events occur in the country's cottage. The plot tells about the life and nrules of ordinary inhabitants of the depth. Highly summary Story for reader's diaryOf course, will not give all the delights of Turgenev prose, but quickly will increase you in the case, if you forgot some details.

(513 words) The narrative is conducted on the face of the hunter. He marks the difference in the appearance and the household text of the inhabitants of the Oryol and Kaluga province. For example, the Orlovsky man he considers sullen, untidy living in the element, elminated from rotten straw. Kaluga man - high, with a clean face, on weekends wearing boots and engaged in trading. Also, the reader learns about the features of the location of the Orlovsky and Kaluga villages. If the first spread in the midst of fields, then the second are surrounded by forests and swamps.

The author reports his accidental acquaintance with the Kaluga Hunter semi-kin. He turned out to be a human word and immediately invited a storyteller to swim in his estate. But this is far away, and Mr. Semikin offered to wrap to the house of his peasant Korean. He lived on a plot with several figures, paid Barina the lifts. Heroes met his son Fyodor. Soon, the other sons of the Khoria, with whom heroes later reached the hunter's estate. The narrator asked the semi-tier, why his man lives separately from others. He told that a long time ago a house burned down, and he asked for a hunter's father, so that he could live him to live on his swamp. Horing promised him to pay the lifts in fifty rubles. Over time, he bred in a new place and began to pay a hundred rubles for the year. Semi -kinin has repeatedly offered Khoros to pay off and gain freedom, but he refused, referring to the insufficiency of funds.

The next day, the heroes went to hunt, by calling with them another man, Kalinich. The author immediately noted his high height, Histobu and the clarity of the face. During the midday, Kalinich brought Mr. and his guest to relax on her well-groomed apiary, made a warm honey. Polithukin himself responded with gratitude about Kalinic, who always accompanies him on the hunt.

The next day the narrator went to hunt alone. In the evening he decided to look at Khorosh. He appeared in front of the author of Lysis and a strong peasant. They have long and peacefully talked about the crop and peasants, after which the narrator noted to himself that he had a man - a man on his mind, who was not responding directly to the questions, and Lukovo who interested aside. Yet the author decided to spend the night from him.

In the morning they talked about Children's children. Almost all of his sons are married. High women despises and considers storms with his wife with his wife. She all lies on the furnace, is distinguished by welders, but her husband is afraid. Only unhealthy Fedor trained a diploma, but in a conversation with his father he has been negative about marriage. Kalinic comes to visit and brings for a land bundle of strawberries. The author notes unusual tenderness in relation to one man to another.

The next three days the author spent his new acquaintances in the company, who watched with delight. Kalinych was in nature a dreamer, and the Horie is a more pragmatic man. Having learned about the travels of Barin, Kalinich was interested in nature and architecture, and the chorus asked how everything was arranged from an administrative and social point of view. Kalinic with awe treated her Barina, because the ferrenda with irony stroke him that he still wears Napty and did not raise himself new boots. Sometime was the wife of Kalinic, but he was afraid of her. The chorine had a big family, saw people through and proud of his practicality.

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