N M Przhevalsky brief message. Przhevalsky Nikolai Mikhailovich

Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky. Born on March 31 (April 12) 1839 in the village. Kimborovo Smolensk province - died on October 20 (November 1) of 1888 in Karakol (previously Przhevalsk, now Kyrgyzstan). Russian traveler, naturalist, researcher of Central Asia. Major General (1886).

Nikolai Przhevalsky was born on March 31 (April 12 for a new style) of 1839 in the village of Kimborovo Smolensk province.

Father - Mikhail Kuzmich Przhevalsky, retired lieutenant.

Mother - Elena Alekseevna Przhevalskaya (nee Karetnikova).

Brother - Vladimir Przhevalsky, famous Moscow lawyer, a sworn attorney at the Moscow Judicial Chamber.

Brother - Eugene Przhevalsky, famous mathematician.

Przhevalsky belonged to the Shankhetsky family of coat of arms onion: "Silver onions and arrow, turned up on a red field", granted for military exploits in the battle with Russian troops when taking Polotsk to the Army Stephen Batory. His distant ance was the warrior of the Grand Duchy of Lithuanian Karnila Anisimovich Perealalsky - Cossack, distinguished in Livonian war. Leon Przhevalsky signed a compulceted distribution of 1698 in Vitebsk Voivodeship of the Grand Principality of Lithuanian. At 19 in. Rod settled in Smolensk and Vitebsk provinces.

Father Nicholas died on October 27 (November 7), 1846, when he was seven years old. Further, his brothers brought up the mother, who was for him the most expensive person. He himself wrote: "I loved my mother all soul. With her name for me, the rational memories of childhood and adolescence are connected. The most difficult minute has always been parting with the mother. Her tears and the last kiss have long burned my heart for a long time ... Woman, from nature smart and with a strong character, my mother brought all of us to the durable path of life. Her advice did not leave me even in adulthood. " Mother's death was for Nikolai Mikhailovich the hardest loss.

Also, Nikolai Przhevalsky, with great warmth, recalled Olga Makarevna Makarova, who served in the house of Przhevalsky Maid, then nanny. His she loved the most. "I loved Makaryevna as my mother's mother, the more expensive for me was the old woman, that she loved me sincerely ... In our age of universal sales, such devotion and disinterested love will not meet, and it should be appreciated," he noted.

In 1855 he graduated from the course in Smolensk gymnasium.

Then he entered the Nikolaev Academy of General Staff.

At this time, his first essays appeared: "Hunter's memories" and "Experience of the Statistical Description and Military Review of the Amur Region" (1863), for which in 1864 he was elected a full member of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. In the "Military Statistical Review" Nikolai Mikhailovich nominated a bold geopolitical project: "To quite take advantage of the benefits of the Amur pool, we need to own the most important influx of Sungari, irrigating the best part of this basin, and, cr. Togo, in his upper reaches, close to the northern provinces of China. Having taken all the manchuria, we will be made by the nearest neighbor of this state and, not to mention our trade relations, we can firmly approve our political influence here. "

At the end of the Przhevalsky Academy went to Poland to Poland to participate in the suppression of the Polish uprising.

In July 1863, he was produced in the lieutenants. After subsequently, the position of teacher history and geography in the Warsaw Junkers School, Przhevalsky studied the history of African travel and discoveries, acquainted with Zoology and Botanica, made a textbook of geography (later published in Beijing).

Since 1867, he made an expedition to the Ussuri Territory and Central Asia.

In 1867, Przhevalsky received a business trip to the Ussuri region. Together with the preparator, young people, Nikolai Yagunov, and two Cossacks, he reached the Ussuri River to the Cossack settlement A Busse, then to the lake Khanka, serving a transit point during the flight of birds and giving it material for ornithological observations. In winter, he explored the South Ussuriy Territory, passing at three months 1060 Wools (about 1,100 km).

In the spring of 1868, he again went to Lake Hank, then packed in Manchuria Chinese robbers, for which he was appointed senior adjutant for the headquarters of the Arour region. The results of his first trip were the writings "On the foreign population in the southern part of the Amur Region" and "Journey to the Ussuri region".

In 1870, Przhevalsky undertook the first journey to Central Asia. In early November, he, together with the suborpecik, M. A. Pultsov, arrived in Kyakhta, from there it was decided to obtain appropriate permits to go to Beijing. From Beijing, he moved to the northern shore of Lake Dalai-Nur, then, having rested in Calgan, explored the Suma-Hody and Yin-Shan ridges, as well as the course of a yellow river (Huanghe), showing that it does not have branching, as they thought before on the basis Chinese sources; Having passed through the desert of Ala-Shan and Alashan Mountains, he returned to Kalgan, having done the path of 3,500 Woolst (about 3,700 kilometers) in 10 months.

In 1872, he moved to the Lake Cucu-Nor, intending to penetrate the Tibetan Highlands, then he went to the rover of the Blue River (Mur-Usa) through the desert of Tibetam. After an unsuccessful attempt to go through Tibet, in 1873, through the central part of Gobi Przhevalsky returns to Kyakhti through URGA. The result of the trip was the composition of "Mongolia and the country of Tangutov". For three years, Przhevalsky passed 11,000 wools (about 11,700 km).

In 1876, Przhevalsky took the second journey from Kulgji to the river or, through Tien Shan and the Tarim River to Lake Lob-Nor, the south of which they were opened by the Altyn Tag Ridge; Since the spring of 1877, he spent on his forehead, watching the flight of birds and engaged in ornithological research, and then through Kully and Yuldus returned to Kulgju. The disease made him stay in Russia longer than planned; During this time, he wrote and published work "From Kuldzhi for Tien Shan and on the forehead".

In 1879, he spoke out of the town of Zaisan in the third journey at the head of the detachment of 13 people. According to the Urungu River through the oasis of Hami and through the desert in Oasis Sashau, through Naz-Shan ridges in Tibet, and reached the valley of the Blue River (Mur-Usa). The Tibetan government did not want to let Przhevalsky in Lhasa, and the local population was so instituted that Przhevalsky, going through the Tang-la Pass and was just 250 versts from Lhasa, was forced to return to Urga.

Returning to Russia in 1881, Przhevalsky gave a description of his third journey. They published the first information about the new horses, previously unknown science, later called in his honor (Equus Przewalskii).

In 1883, he took the fourth journey, heading a detachment of 21 people. From Kyakhta, he moved through Urga to the old way to Tibetan plateau, explored the origins of the yellow river and watershed between Yellow and Blue, and from there passed through Tiadam to the forehead and to the city of Karakol (Przhevalsk). The journey ended only in 1886. Przhevalsky studied the territory of China, Mongolia and Tibet.

He carefully fixed his travels in the diary, noting: "The traveler has no memory." Diary Loefully based on his books. Przhevalsky possessed a bright writing gift, which he developed persistent and systematic labor.

The largest merits of Przhevalsky is the geographical and natural-historical study of the Kunlun mountain system, the ridges of the Northern Tibet, the lobnar pools and the Cubun and the origins of the yellow river. In addition, they opened a number of new animal forms: the wild camel, Przhevalsky horse, a number of new types of other mammals, and also collected enormous zoological and botanical collections that enclose a lot of new forms in the future described by experts. The Academy of Sciences and Scientists of Societies of Total Light welcomed the opening of Przhevalsky. Petersburg Academy of Sciences awarded Przhevalsky Medal with the inscription: "The first researcher of Nature of Central Asia."

Also Przhevalsky was one of the largest climatologists of the XIX century.

"In essence, a traveler should be born"- Nikolai Przhevalsky spoke. Also, he owns other statements: "Travels would lose half of their charms if it were impossible to tell"; "And the world is beautiful because you can travel."

Death of Nicholas Przhevalsky:

After graduating from the processing of the fourth journey, Przhevalsky was preparing for the fifth.

In 1888, he moved through Samarkand to the Russian-Chinese border, where during the hunt in the valley of the Kara-Balta river, drinking the river water, infected with abdominal typho. On the way to Karakol, Przhevalsky bought at the river and swallowed the river water - and, despite his own prescriptions.

Soon he felt bad, and upon arrival in Karakol, it was completely sly. A few days later - October 20 (November 1), 1888 - Przhevalsky died.

Buried on the shore of Lake Issyk-Kul. Performing last will The deceased, the place for his dust was chosen smooth, on the eastern ripple of the lake, between the mouths of Karakol and Karasuu River, 12 km from the city of Karakol. Due to the hardness of the soil, the grave died soldiers and Cossacks for two days. For him, two coffins were made: one wooden, and another iron - for the outside.

In memory of the researcher, called the Przhevalsky Ridge, Outlooking it; Glacier in Altai; Przhevalsky Mountains in Primorsky Krai; The cave near the town of Nakhodka and the rocky array in the Parisanskaya River basin; The city of Przhevalsk in 1889-1922 (the highest command of the sovereign of the emperor of March 11) and 1939-1992; Predhevalsky village in the Smolensk region, in which there was a traveler's estate; Smolensk gymnasium. N. M. Przhevalsky; Some animal species - Przhewalskii horse (Equus Ferus Przewalskii), Przhewalski (Eolagurus Przewalskii), Przhewalsky (Sitta Przewalskii), Satiride Butterfly (Hyponephene Przewalskyi); some plant species - Ligularia przewalskii (Ligularia przewalskii (Maxim) Diels.), Calligonum Przewalski (Calligonum przewalskii Losinsk.), cattail Przewalski (Typha przewalskii Skvortsov), sage Przewalski (Salvia przewalskii Maxim.), skullcap Przewalski (Scutellaria przewalskii Juz.) .

In honor of N. M. Przhevalsky, a memorial sign was established at the place of his birth, a monument was erected on his grave in Pier Przhevalsk in Figure A. A. Bilderling. In 1892, he was erected by a monument for the project A. A. Bilderling in the Alexandrovsky Garden in St. Petersburg.

In 1891, the Medal named after N. M. Przhevalsky and Przhevalsky Prize was established. In 1946, the Golden Przhevalsky Medal was established.

In 1999, the Bank of Russia issued five coins dedicated to N. M. Przhevalsky and his expeditions.

In 2017, a monument to the traveler was erected in Smolensk on Dzerzhinsky Street - bronze statue on the granite pedestal.

Personal life of Nicholas Przhevalsky:

Married was not. Official children did not have.

Przhevalsky himself said: "My profession does not allow me to marry. I will go to the expedition, and the wife will cry: I can't take a Babi with myself. When I finish the last expedition - I will live in the village, hunt, catch fish and develop my collections. My old soldiers who are committed to any less than a legitimate wife will live with me.

In the media and nearlyoristory literature often walks the legend that Nikolai Przhevalsky allegedly could be a father. The myth is based - the external similarity of the traveler and the leader. It was written the story that Przhevalsky allegedly was in the burns of Prince Maminoshvili, stayed in his house and Prince de acquainted him with a beautiful young Georgian Catherine, which later gave birth from the Przhevalsky Son, called Joseph. However, for nine months before the birth of Stalin, when the traveler would have to be in Gori, he was at this time in the Lobn expedition.

Bibliography Nikolai Przhevalsky:

Traveling in Ussuriy Territory
Traveling in Central Asia
Mongolia and Country Tangutov
Fourth journey in Central Asia: from Kyakhta to the origins of the yellow river, the study of the northern outskirts of Tibet and the path through the forehead over the Tarima basin (1988).

Awards and titles of Nicholas Przhevalsky:

Order of St. Stanislava 3rd Art. (1866);
- Order of St. Vladimir 3rd Art. (1881);
- Austrian Order Leopold, Cavalier Cross (1874);
- Big Golden Konstantinovskaya Medal - the highest award of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society (1875);
- Small silver medal of the Russian Geographical Society for the article on the population of Primorye;
- Honor of the International Geographical Congress in Paris;
- Gold Medal of the Paris Geographical Society (1876);
- Order of academic palm trees (France);
- Big Gold Medal named after Alexander Humboldt Berlin Geographical Society (1878);
- Royal Medal of the London Geographical Society (1879);
- Medal of Vega Stockholm geographical society;
- Big Gold Medal of the Italian Geographical Society;
- Golden registered medal with the inscription: "The first researcher of the Nature of Central Asia" of the Academy of Sciences of Russia;
- Honorary Citizen Smolensk (1881);
- Honorary citizen of St. Petersburg;
- Corresponding Member of the Berlin Geographical Society;
- Honorary Member of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1878) and Botanical Garden;
- Honorary Member of the University of St. Petersburg;
- Honorary member of the St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists;
- Honorary member of the Ural Society of Natural Lands;
- Honorary member of the Russian Geographical Society;
- Honorary Doctor of Zoology of Moscow University;
- Honorary member of the Vienna Geographical Society;
- Honorary member of the Italian geographical society;
- Honorary member of the Dresden Geographical Society;
- Honorary member of the Moscow Society of Lovers of Natural Science, Anthropology and Ethnography

The image of Nicholas Przhevalsky in the movies:

1951 - Przhevalsky - In the role of Nicholas Przhevalsky Actor Sergey Papiles

\u003e Biographies of famous people

Brief biography of Nicholas Przhevalsky

Nikolai Przhevalsky is a great Russian traveler, geographer and researcher of Asia. The traveler participated in a number of expeditions to Central Asia, for which the title of Honorary Member of the Academy of Sciences was awarded. He was born on April 12, 1839 in Kimborovo - Village in Smolensk province. His father was a small landowner and a retired landlord, and Uncle P. A. Karetnikov is an avid hunter.

In 1855, after completing Smolensk gymnasium, Przhevalsky went to Moscow, where he was adopted by a non-commissioned officer in the infantry regiment. In 1863, he completed his studies at the Staff Academy, released his first work and went to the Siberian Military District. There, Przhevalsky began seriously passionate geographic research. He was actively supported by Semenov-Tian-Shansky and other scientists. In 1867, he traveled to two areas: Central Asia and Ussuriy region. Then he was appointed senior adjutant in the troops of the Amur Region. When the scientist returned home, on the basis of his observations, he was able to write two significant treatises. The first - "Journey to the Ussuri region" and the second - "On the foreign population in the southern part of the Amur region".

In 1871, the first journey of Przhevalsky in Central Asia. As a result, an essay of "Mongolia and the Tongutov Country" appeared. The next expedition was undertaken in 1876. This time the researcher decided to go through Tien Shan. The expedition was successful, and Przhevalsky opened the altyn-tag ridge. In 1879, an expedition was held in Tibet. However, Lhasa could not reach the capital of the country. In 1883, the scientist journey to Tibetan Highlands.

And in 1888 he went to the Russian-Chinese border through the city of Samarkand. During this trip, after another hunt, the scientist witned and died. Przhevalsky works are of great value and have been translated into many languages.

Przhevalsky Nikolai Mikhailovich - (1839 -1888) - Russian Geographer, Researcher of Central Asia, Major General, Honorary Member of the St. Petersburg An.

Born on March 31, 1839, in D.Kimborovo Smolensk lips. In the impoverished family of the hereditary Belorussian Show, was brought up by a uncle, a passionate hunter who upbring interest in nature and travels in the nephew.

The dream of my life was fulfilled, then what was recently only dreamed, now turned into a fact. (wrote when the expedition reached the lake Cube Nora)

Przhevalsky Nikolai Mikhailovich

In 1855, he became a military man, graduated from the Academy of General Staff in 1863. At the same time, his first publication was published - the memories of the hunter. From 1864, taking the position of history teacher in the Warsaw Junker School, carried away by the descriptions of travel and discoveries, met zoology and nerd exotic countries, made an attempt to write new textbook geography. In 1866, it was counted for the General Staff and was appointed to the Siberian Military District.

In 1867 he arrived in St. Petersburg, where he met with the traveler P.P. Semenov-Tian-Shansky. From 1867-1869 was in the Ussuri region, he reached Lake Hank (former wintering many birds, which gave material for ornithological observations). Posted several works about the Amuria, V.T.ch. The journey to the Ussuri region was appointed in 1869 adjutant for the headquarters of the forces of the Amur region.

From 1870 - already in Mongolia, from where he reached Beijing, Lake Dalai Nor, explored the Suma-Hody and Yin-Shan ridges, proved that the yellow river does not have branching, as they thought before on the basis of Chinese sources. He passed through the desert of Ala-Shan and the Allashan Mountains, visited Tibet and in the upper ridge of the Blue River (Mur-Usa), in 1873 - he explored the average Gobi, got to Kyakhta, having passed for three years. In the Travel Report - Mongolia and the Tongetov country - described the deserts of Gobi, Ordos and Alashani, the highlands of Northern Tibet and the Tsidam's hood (open), first embedded on the map of Central Asia, more than 20 ridges, seven major and a number of small lakes. Labor brought the author of the Gold Medal of the Paris Geographical Society. The Russian geographical society has awarded him a large Konstantinov medal, he achieved the awards of the rank of lieutenant colonel and a lifetime pension of 600 rubles annually.

In 1876-1877, during the Second Central Asian Expedition (Lobnorskaya and Dzhungskaya), the Altyn-Tag Ridge was discovered, proved that Lake Lobnor Freedry, and not salty (as they believed earlier), led new bird observations, as described in writing from Kuldzhi for Tien Shan and on the forehead. In 1879-1880, he was already the head of the Third Central Asian Expedition. With a detachment of 13 people descended by the Urunga River, passed through the Oasis Khaliy and (over the desert) to the oasis Sa -uuu, passed by Naz-Shan's ridges, went to Tibet and from there to the Mur-Usa Valley. The Tibetan government did not let him down in a helica (Lhasa), from which he was (passed by Tan-la) in 250 versts.

In 1883-1885, a fourth expedition to Central Asia took place. 21 of its participant, including Botanist V.I.Borovsky and Geographer P.K. Kozlov, passed and drove a total of more than 30 thousand versts. Moving from Kyakhta to the old way through URGA, reached Tibetan plateau, continuing the study of the origins of the yellow river and the watershed between the yellow and blue. During the expedition, Przhevalsky got to Karakol, passing for two years to 7 thousand versts without roads. At the northern border of Tibet, the mountainous country was opened, which in Europe did not know anything, described the origins of the yellow river, opened new lakes, discussed their "Russian" and "expeditions".

In 1888 his last work was published from Kyakhta to the origins of the yellow river. In the same year, his fifth expedition reached pos. Karakol, on the description of which the previous one ended. Here at the eastern shore of Issyk-Kul, Przhevalsky fell ill with abdominal typhoid and died on October 20, 1888, it was buried here. On his grave was knocked out, as he bequeathed, a modest inscription "Traveler N.M. Przhelzhalsky". Przhevalsky's scientific reports contain vivid descriptions of nature, relief, climate, rivers, lakes, vegetation and animal world. He set the direction of the main ridges of Central Asia, opened new ones, clarified the boundaries of Tibetan Highlands (where Przhevalsky was the first European, which fell into these edges). The extensive zoological collected by them (7.5 thousand copies. Mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish), Botanical (Herbarium - 15 thousand copies., Including 218 new species and 7 genera) and mineralogical collections make up pride domestic museums.

Przhevalsky Nikolai Mikhailovich (1839-1888), geographer, traveler, researcher Asia.

Born on April 12, 1839 in the village of Kimborovo Smolensk province. Son of a small landlord, officer; Uncle was brought up - P. A. Karetnikov, a passionate hunter.

In 1863 he graduated from the Academy of General Staff. At the same time released the first essays: "Hunter's memories" and "Military-Statistical Review of the Amur Region". Upon completion of education, it was sent to pass the service to the Siberian Military District.

Here began geographical research of Przhevalsky, actively supported by P. Semenov-Tian-Shansky and other scientists.

Ussuri Przhevalsky reached the village of A Bouss, then to Lake Khanka. In the winter of 1867, he explored the South Ussuriy region, overcoming 1060 Worst for three months. In the spring of 1868, Khanka lake again went to Lake and, dumbered in Manchuria Chinese robbers, was appointed senior adjutant headquarters of the forces of the Amur Region.

Returning from the expedition, Przhevalsky wrote the works "On the foreign population in the southern part of the Amur region" and "Journey to the Ussuri region".

In 1871, he took the first part of Central Asia along the Beijing route - Lake Dalai Nor - Kalgan. The result was the composition of "Mongolia and the country of Tongets".

In 1876, the geographer went to a new journey - from the village of Urbli to the river or, through Tien Shan and the Tarim River to Lake Lob-Nor, South of which he opened the Altyn Tag Ridge.

In 1879, Przhevalsky with a detachment of 13 people spoke out of the town of Zaisansk in the third journey through the Urunga River, through the oasis of the Khaliy and Saou, Nan-Shan Ridges in Tibet. However, due to the obstacles to the local population, it was forced to return, without reaching only 250 wool to the capital of Tibet - Lhasa.

By 1883, the beginning of the fourth trip: at the head of the squad out of 21 people - from the city of Kyakhta through Urga, the old way, to Tibetan Highlands - Przhevalsky investigated the origins of the yellow river and watershed between yellow and blue, and from there - through Tiadam to the forehead And in Karakol (now Przhevalsk). Travel took three years.

After graduating from the processing of data collected during this trip, Przhevalsky took up preparation for the fifth travel and in 1888 he went through Samarkand to the Russian-Chinese border, where he was cold during the hunt and died. It happened on November 1, 1888 in Karakol. Przhevalsky's works are translated into many foreign languages.

Date of birth: March 31 (April 12) 1839
Date of death: October 20, 1888
Place of birth: Russian Empire

Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky doctor geographic Sciences, naturalist, researcher, traveler and writer. Also Nikolai Przhevalsky Major General, known as a member of the Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg.

A future traveler was born in the small noble family of the village of Kimbirovo in Smolensk province and is a descendant of the Zaporizhia Cossack.

In order to avoid ridicule regarding the date of birth - the first of April, Nikolai always pointed the date on 1 day earlier. In connection with the death of his father, uncle was engaged in the education of the child. They also were grafted passion for travel and hunting.

Immediately after the end of the gymnasium in Smolensk, Nikolai began to serve in the infantry shelf. A year later, studies began at the Academy of General Staff. Despite the attention of the entire public on an impressive, high young man, he led himself apart.

After an excellent end of the Academy became a teacher of the Junker School of Warsaw. Taking a geography, put love to his students to the truth. Recognized the only law - justice.

Start of research expeditions. After appointment and service in the east of Siberia, a young geographer returned to St. Petersburg, where a meeting with Semenov-Tyan-Shansky took place. She helped to organize an expedition. For 2 years, a large ornithological collection of the Ussuri region was collected.

The work of the researcher was awarded a silver medal of a geographical society. Przhevalsky spent three winter months in the city of Nikolaevsk-on-Amur in the rank of senior adjutant.

At leisure, he was fond of hunting and playing cards, and numerous victories were obtained due to amazing memory. Winning big money has become the last game card.

All expeditions were conducted in the Central Asian Region. Tibet, Mongolia and China are the first objects of attention. The first conclusions concerned the Gobi, previously considered an exaltation, turned out to be a depression that has a hilly relief. And Nanshan is a mountain system.

The world fame was brought to the opening of 7 large lakes, the basins of Tiadam, the Highlands of Bishan and the three Kunlun Range. The results of the activity brought the author a large Konstantinov medal.

Its discoveries were in the 2nd expedition. Such an object became Altyntag Mountains. For the first time, the Konchdaria and Tarima River, which at the time was filled with Lobnor Lake. The lake is not preserved to our days. The North Territory of Tibetan Highlands was clarified, which was 300 km moving.

Many ridges were open in the period of the third expedition. Among them, Kunlun, Nanshan, Boklalaktag and Tangla. The last two refer to Tibetan Highlands. The origins of the Yangtze and Juanhe were filmed, as well as Lake Cucunor.

For Nicholas, the fourth expedition was quite complicated, which is associated with the painful disease. Despite this, he passed almost two thousand kilometers. On his way, he opened the world many lakes, mountain ranges belonging to Kunlun. Denotes the contour of Taidam Valley. For the first time, the existence of a peak of victory, whiter than half a century before its discovery.

Starting a new journey Przhevalsky premeditated that he would not return home. In Karakol, his condition worsened and a few days later, the life of the unrestrained traveler was cut off.

For her not too long life, the greatest researcher devoted 11 years to expeditions. Workers routes that he overcame are 31.5 thousand kilometers. More than 7,500 exhibits entered zoological collections.

New animals were opened: the horse of Przhevalsky, the wild camel, the Bear of the Food and Other. 218 species, as well as 7 genera, Flora representatives were described for the first time. Herbarium collected in expeditions represents instances of 16,000 plants.

Geographical Society Russia introduced a prize and silver medal. Przhevalsky, and after 50 years - a gold medal. Monuments in his honor are installed in St. Petersburg and near the grave.

Achievements of Nicholas Przhevalsky:

Lots of geographic discoveries;
Collection of zoological collections;
Opening of unknown species of animal representatives and vegetable world;
Recognized by the honorary doctor of science and a member of scientific institutions.

Dates from the biography of Nikolai Przhevalsky:

03/31/1839 Birth;
1846 Father died;
1855 End of the gymnasium and the beginning military service;
1860 made a scientific report;
1866Named to serve in Siberia;
1867 returned to Petersburg;
1867-1869 Study of the Ussuri region;
1870-1873 Research Tibet, Mongolia and China;
1876-1877 Second Expedition;
1879-1880 Third Expedition;
1883-1885 Fourth expedition and second trip by Tibet;
1886 received the title of Major General;
1888 went to last journey;
20.10.1888 died.

Interesting facts of Nikolai Przhevalsky:

Discoveries are known to the world;
His report saw the world a hundred years after writing;
And nowadays the Przhevalsky Prize and Medals are issued;
The unrestrained traveler premeditated the end of his exciting life, but still went to the last trip.

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