Livonian war during the reign. Schematic map of the Livonian War

After conquering Kazan, Russia turned his eyes to the Baltic and put forward livonia plans. Two main reasons for the Livonian War were formed: the right to trade freely in the Baltic, and for opponents a question was resolved about Russia's prevention among European states. Order and German merchants prevented the growth of Russian trade. Therefore, for Russia, the main goal of the Livonian war was the conquest of access to the Baltic Sea. The struggle for the domination of the sea was between Lithuania and Poland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia.

The reason for the beginning of the war was the non-payment of the Livonian Order of the Dani, which Yuryevsky (or Derptic) Bishop State pledged to pay for the peace treaty of 1554.

In 1558, Russian troops invaded the Livonia.

At the first stage of the war (1558-1561) several cities and castles were taken, including such significant, as Narva, Derpt, Yuriev.

Instead of continuing the successful offensive, the Moscow government provided the order of the truce and simultaneously equipped the expedition against the Crimea. Taking advantage of the respite, the Livonian knights gathered military forces and a month before the end of the truce caused the Russian troops defeated.

Russia did not achieve results in the war against Crimean Khanate and missed favorable opportunities for victory in Livonia. In 1561, Magister Ketler signed a contract for which the Order was transferred under the Lithuanian Program and Poland.

Moscow concluded peace with Crimea and focused on all his strength in the Livonia. But now, instead of one weak order, had to deal with several strong contenders for his inheritance. If at first it was possible to reject the war with Sweden and Denmark, the struggle with the main heir of the Livonian Order, i.e. With the Polish-Lithuanian king, turned out to be inevitable.

The second stage of war (1562-1578) for Russia passed with varying success.

The highest achievement of Russia in the Livonian War was mastered by Polotsk in February 1563, after which military failures and barren negotiations were followed. Crimean Khan refused the Union with Moscow.

In 1566, Lithuanian ambassadors arrived in Moscow to Moscow and so that Polotsk and part of the Livonia remained behind Moscow. Ivan Grozny demanded all Livonia. Such requirements were rejected, and the Lithuanian King of Sigismund Augustus resumed the war with Russia.

In 1568, Sweden terminated the previously enclosed alliance with Russia. England refused to sign developed by Russian diplomats union contract. In 1569, Poland and Lithuania united in unified State - Commonwealth. Russia had to continue the Livon War without allies in the most unfavorable conditions.

However, the Commonwealth Speech, and Russia needed the same world, so both countries concluded a three-year-old truce in 1570.

At this time, Russia conducted military actions with the Swedes, resorting to the assistance of Denmark. Ivan Grozny decided to create a vassal Livonian kingdom from the conquered land, whose throne was promised to plant the Danish Prince Magnus, married to the royal niece. He tried to expel the Swedes from Revel (Estonia) at the beginning of 1577, but the siege was unsuccessful. Then Sweden concluded the world with Denmark.

After the death of the Sigismund of August in 1572, the resciousness period began in the Commonwealth. In the fight of applicants for the throne, the victory was won by Transylvanian Prince Stephen Batorius in 1576. He created an anti-Russian union and gathered a significant army.

The third stage of the Livonian War (1679-1583) began with the invasion polish king Stephen Batory to Russia. At the same time, Russia had to fight with Sweden. For the first time in all the time of the Livonian war, the opponents of Russia actually united their military efforts.

In August 1579, the Army Batory won Polotsk, and in the year the Great Luki and other cities. In an attempt to take Pskov Batori suffered the largest failure in the war with Russia. In the meantime, hostilities continued in Livonia and Estonia, where the Swedes took Padis from the Russian cities, Wenberg, as well as Kexgolm in Karelia, and on September 9, 1581, Sweden was taken by Narva, then Ivangorod, Yam, Koporne fell.

With the loss of Narva, the continuation of the struggle for the Livonia lost its meaning for the Terrible.

Conscious of the impossibility of warning a war at once with two opponents, the king began negotiations with the battility of truce in order to focus all the forces on the rest of Narva. But the plans for the Narva and remained unfulfilled.

The result of the Livonian war was the conclusion of two contracts disadvantaged for Russia.

On January 15, 1582, I was signed by the Sapolsk Treaty on 10-year-old truce. Russia lost to Poland all his possessions in Livonia, and the battilities returned to Russia conquered by the fortresses and cities, but he retained Polotsk.

In August 1583, Russia and Sweden signed the PRUS AUTO Treaty for three years. Swedes kept all captured Russian cities. Russia retained the portion of the coast of the Finnish Bay with the mouth of the Neva.

The end of the Livonian war did not give Russia to enter the Baltic Sea. It was very important for Russia, but still the main strategic task of the Livonian War for Ivan IV consisted in another. The joining of Livonia was necessary to stop the centuries-old "Natisk to the East" from the Vatican to enslave Russia.

The reasons for defeat in the heavy 25-year-old Livonian war were the economic weakness of Russia, its internal difficulties, the backwardness of the Russians in military art relatively with Western Europeans. Political short-sightedness, ignorance of Ivan the Terrible regarding his rivals, his desire for rapid results could not at any cost could not lead to a major international conflict.

The consequence of the Livonian War was the extremely difficult situation of Russia, the country was ruined.

  • Focusing all efforts at the union of Russia and the overthrow of the Orda Iega, the Moscow government at the same time strongly used any opportunities to restore the former international importance of the country. It supported sustainable diplomatic and trade relations with Northern Europe. - Denius, Sweden, Norway, strengthened its position in the Gulf Riga.

    The liberation from the Day of the Horde, the defeat of the Kazan and Astrakhan Hannis, the promotion of Russia strongly changed the position of Russia in Europe, having caused an increased interest in it from Germany, Hungary and other powers. Fearing gain Ottoman Empire, which subjugated Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, Moldova, Valachia and kept in the vassal dependence of the Crimea, they tried to use Russia against her.
    In addition, the rich Russian market, its rapid ties with the countries of the Caucasus and Asia pushed the merchants of England, Italy and other countries to develop trade with Moscow, Arkhangelsk, Novgorod ...

    However, there were still a lot of obstacles towards Russia's relations with major countries of Europe. Among them are the main-German Livonian Order. He blocked the Baltic Way.

    The government of Ivan Grozny decided to restore the former position in the Baltic States, which has long been economically for Russia and promised the Russian nobility and merchandise new possessions and foreign trade revenues.

    In 1558, the Russian troops entered Estonia - the Livonian war was launched, which lasted 25 years. With an active sympathy of Estonians and Latvians, Russian troops occupied Narva, Derpt (Tartu), Marienburg (Aluksne), Fellin (Viljandi). Livonians were completely defeated, and their Master V. Fürstenberg was captured (1560). Livonian Order ceased to exist. But in the war for his former possessions, Sweden intervened, which captured Revel (Tallinn), and Denmark, who took Ezel Isle (Saarea-Maa). Lithuania, only recently forced to return Russia Smolensk (1514), and in 1563 lost Polotsk, where the path to Vilnius was opened before Grozny, connected to Poland in Lublin Unce (1569) in one State Commonwealth (Rzecz-Pospolita-Republic ).

    Polish and Lithuanian feudal feudalles not only took most of the Livonia to the hands, but also resolutely opposed Russia, fearing to finally lose all captured in the XIV century. Belarusian and Ukrainian lands. The war took a protracted character.

    Counteraction of the strong coalition, the ruinous invasions of the Crimean Horde, accounted to Moscow, the treason of the boyars, in combination with the disasters of Ochrichnin, undermined the economy of Russia and led to the loss of the disheveled. It was not possible to break through to the Baltic Sea.

  • Trying to go to the Baltic coast, Ivan IV for 25 years led the extensive Livonian war.

    Russian interests of Russia demanded the establishment of close ties with Western Europewhich was then easier to implement through the sea, as well as ensuring the defense of the Western borders of Russia, where the Livonian Order was opposed. If successful, the possibility of acquiring new economic lands was opened.

    The reason for the war was the delay in the Livonian Order of 123 Western specialists invited to Russian service, as well as the failure of the Lionia Dani for the city of Derpt (Yuriev) with the territory adjacent to it over the past 50 years.

    The beginning of the Livonian War was accompanied by the victories of the Russian troops that took Narva and Yuriev (Derpt). A total of 20 cities were taken. Russian troops promoted to Riga and Reel (Tallinn). In 1560, the Livonian Order was defeated, and his Master V. Fürstenberg was captured. This led to the collapse of the Livonian Order (1561), the lands of which were passed under the power of Poland, Denmark and Sweden. The new Master of the Order of Ketler received Kurlydia and Semigaly as possession and recognized the dependence on the Polish king. A major success at the first stage of war was taken in 1563 Polotsk.

    In 1565-1566, Lithuania was ready to give Russia all the land conquered by her and enter into an honorary world for Russia. Terrible This was not suitable: he wanted more.

    The second stage (1561 - 1578) coincided with an oprichnina. Russia, against which Lithuania, Poland and Sweden were made, had to go to defense. In 1569, Lithuania and Poland were united in a compassion. New ruler Lithuania and Poland Stephen Batori moved to the offensive and took back Polotsk (in 1579), captured the Great Lukes (in 1580), besieged Pskov (in 1581). A truce was concluded, as the war began with Sweden.

    In the third stage, from 1578, Russia had to fight with the King of Speech by compulcient by Stefan Battoore, withered Pskov, and continue the war with Sweden. Pskov was desperately defended, which allowed Ivan the Grozny to start negotiations about the world and in 1582 to conclude a truce battoratory with Stefan. Under the conditions of the trucy, Russia gave all the conquered in Liflandia and Lithuania. In 1583, the world was concluded with Sweden, which the Russian cities of Narva, Yama, Coporye, Ivan city and others were departed.

    Russia could not break through to the Baltic Sea. This task was solved by Peter I in the Northern War (1700-1721).

    The failure of the Livonian War eventually was the result of the economic retardation of Russia, which was not able to successfully withstand a long-term struggle with strong opponents. The ruin of the country during the years of Okrichnina only aggravated the case.

    Internal policy Ivan IV

    Authorities and management in Russia in the middleXVI in.

    The war acquired a protracted character, several European powers were drawn into it. Infertured contradictions inside the Russian boyars, who were interested in strengthening the southern Russian borders, grew discontent with the continuation of the Livonian war. Wipes and figures were shown from the nearest environments of Tsar A. Adashev and Silvestre, who considered the war unpromising. Even earlier, in 1553, when Ivan IV was dangerous, many boyars refused to swear to his little son Dmitry. The shock for the king was the death of the first and beloved wife Anastasia Romanova in 1560

    All this attracted to the cessation in 1560, the activities of the elected Rada. Ivan IV took the course to strengthen personal power. In 1564, Prince Andrei Kurbsky, previously commanded by Russian troops, passed on the side of the Poles. Ivan IV, struggling with the reeds and treasures of Boyar, saw in them main reason Failure of your policy. He firmly stood on the position of the need for strong autocratic power, the main obstacle to the establishment of which, in his opinion, was a boyars-princely opposition and boyars privileges. The question was in what methods would be fighting.

    In these circumstances, Ivan IV went to the introduction of Okrichnina (1565-1572).

    (up to 1569)
    Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (from 1569)
    Kingdom of Sweden
    Danish-Norwegian Ulya Commander
    Ivan groznyj
    Magnus Livonsky
    Gothard Ketler.
    Sigismund II August †
    Stephen Batorius
    Eric XIV †
    Yuhan III
    Frederick II.
    A place

    territories of modern Estonia, Latvia, Belarus and North-West Russia


    victory of Commonwealth and Sweden


    accession to the Grand Durability of the Lithuanian part of Livonia and Veliamia; To Sweden - Parts of Estland, Ingria Icarlia

    Narva (1558) - Derpt - Ringen - Tirsen - Ermen-Pellyn - Nevel - Polotsk (1563) - Cups (1564) -Ezerche - Czeshniki (1567) - Revel (1570) - Loda-ship - Revel (1577) - Weisinstein - Revel Venden-Polotsk (1579) - Sokol - Rzhev - Great Luke -Toropets - Nastasino - Zavolochye - Padis - Shklov -narva (1581) - Radziwil - Pskov Raid - Lyalitsa -Ovek Treaty:

    Livonian War

    War of Moscow Rus against the Livonian Order, Polish-Lithuanian state, Sweden and Denmark for hegemony in the Baltic States. In addition to Livonia, Russian king Ivan IV Grozny I expected to win the East Slavic lands that were part of the Grand District of Lithuania. In November 1557, he focused in Novgorod a 40,000th army for a trip to the Livonian lands. In December, it was ruined under the command of Tatar Tsarevich Shig-Alya, Prince Glinsky and other governors moved to Pskov. Auxiliary Raint of Prince Sheres at that time martialctions From the district of Ivangorod at the mouth of the River Narva (Narov). In January 1558 tsarist Army. She approached Yuryev (Derptu), but I could not take it. Then, part of the Russian troops turned to Riga, and the main forces went to Narva (Ruge), where they were connected to Reli Shestunov. In combat actions came lull. Only the garrisons of Ivangorod and Narva fired each other. On May 11, Russians from Ivangor attack the Narva Fortress and the next day captured her.

    Soon after the capture of Narva, Russian troops under the command of Voevod Adashev, Zamotsky and Zamotsky and Duma Dejaca Voronina were ordered to master the fortress of Syrénsk. June 2, the shelves were under her walls. Adashev put the barrows at Riga and Kolyvan roads to prevent the main forces of the Livonians under the command of the Master of the Order. On June 5, a great reinforcement came to Adshev from Novgorod, which was seen sededed. On the same day, the artillery shelling of the fortress began. The next day the garrison surrendered.

    From raw, Adshev returned to Pskov, where everything concentrated russian army. In mid-June, it took the fortress Neigausen and Derpt. All the north of Livonia was under Russian control. The army of the Order was inferior to Russian several times and besides, it was scattered on separate garrisons. It could not oppose the army of the king. Until October 1558, Russian rati in Livonia seized 20 castles.

    In January 1559, Russian troops wentcampaign in Riga . Under Tirssen, they broke the Livonian army, and under Riga burned the Livonian fleet. Although the Riga fortress could not be seized, another 11 Livonian castles were taken. Master Order was forced to conclude a truce until the end of 1559. By November of this year, Livonians managed to harvest Landsknecht in Germany and resume war. However, they were continued to pursue failures. In January 1560, Raint Governor Borbosina took the fortress Marien Burg and Fellin. Livonian Order How military Strength Practically ceased to exist. In 1561, the last master of the Livonian Order Kettler acknowledged himself with the Polish king's vassal and divided the Lionia between Poland and Sweden (Ezel island departed to Denmark). The Poles got Liflandia and Kurland (the duke of the latter became Kettler), the Swedes - Estlandia.

    Poland and Sweden demanded the removal of Russian troops from Livonia.Ivan groznyj not only did not fulfill this requirement, but also invaded at the end of 1562 to the territory of the Allied Poland of Lithuania. His army consisted of 33407 people. The purpose of the campaign was well fortified Polotsk. On February 15, 1563, the city, which could not withstand the fire of 200 Russian guns, capitulated. Ivan's army moved to Wilna. Lithuanians were forced to conclude a truce until 1564. When the war resumed, the Russian troops occupied almost the entire territory of Belarus. However, the reprisals began against the figures of the "elected Rada" - the actual government until the end of the 50s, negatively affected the combat capability of the Russian army. Many governors and nobles, fearing the repression, preferred to flee to Lithuania. In the same 1564, one of the prominent governors passed there.Andrei Kurbsky , close to those who came to the elected Rada Adshev's brothers and feared for their lives. Subsequent oprich terror even more weakened the Russian army.

    In 1569, as a result of the Lublin Union, Poland and Lithuania formed a single state with a compulcement (Republic) under the primacy of the Polish king. Now Polish troops came to the rescue of the Lithuanian army. In 1570, fighting both in Lithuania and in Livonia were intensified. To consolidate the Baltic lands, Ivan Grozny decided to createown fleet . In early 1570, he issued a "complimentary diploma" on the organization of the Kaperian (private) fleet acting on behalf of the Russian king, Danchanin Carsten Rode. Rode managed to arm several ships, and he inflicted a significant damage to the Polish maritime trade. In order to have a reliable naval base, the Russian troops in the same 1570 tried to master the roar, thereby starting the war with Sweden. However, the city had freely received supply from the sea, and Ivan had to remove the siege after seven months. The Russian caper fleet has not been formidable.

    After a seven-year taper, in 1577, the 32-thousand king of Ivan's army took a newhike to Rebel . However, this time the siege of the city did not bring success. Then the Russian troops went to Riga, capturing Dynaburg, Volmar and a few more castles. However, these successes did not have a decisive value.

    Meanwhile, the situation on the Polish front complicated. In 1575, the protruded military commander, Transylonian Prince Stefan Batori, was elected by the Commonwealth King. He managed to form a strong army, which also entered the German and Hungarian mercenaries. Battohor entered into a union with Sweden, and the United Polish-Swedish Army defeated the 18-thousand Russian army, who lost 6 thousand people killed and captured and 17 guns.

    By the beginning of the campaign of 1579, Stephen Batori and Ivan Grozny have had approximately equal in number of 40 thousand people in numbers. The Russian king after the defeat under Vennd was not confident in his abilities and suggested starting peace negotiations. However, the ransets of this proposal rejected and moved to the offensive in Polotsk. In the fall, the Polish army was asked by the city and after the monthly siege he won it. Rati Voevod Sheein and Sheremetyev, sent to the revenue of Polotsk, reached the Falcon fortress. They did not dare to enter into battle with the superior enemy forces. Soon the Poles seized and Sokol, smashing Sheremetyeva and Shein's troops. Ivan the Terrible clearly lacked the strength to successfully fight at once on two fronts - in Livonia and in Lithuania. After taking Polotsk, the Poles took several cities in Smolensk and Seversk land, and then returned to Lithuania.

    In 1580, the ranks took big hike On Russia, capturing and raving the city of the island, Veligi and the Great Luki. Then the Swedish Army under the command of Pontus Duchadi captured the city of Korela and eastern part Karelian island. In 1581, the Swedish troops mastered Narva, and next year Ivangorod, Yam and Koporne took. Russian troops were expelled from Livonia. The fighting was transferred to the territory of Russia.

    In September 1581, the 50,000-thousand Polish army led by the king was siege to Pskov. It was a very strong fortress. The city that was standing on the right, high bank of the Great River when the river Pskov was pushed into it, was observed by a stone wall. She extended 10 km and had 37 towers and 48 gates. True, from the river the Great, where it was difficult to wait for the attack of the enemy, the wall was wooden. Under the towers there were underground moves that provided secretive relationship between various plots of defense. The upper tiers of the towers were also connected by transitions. The height of the walls was 6.5 m, and the thickness - from 4 to 6 m, which made them invulnerable for the then artillery. Inside the big walls were Middle cityAlso surrounded by walls, in the middle city - the fortified city fortified city, and in the Dovmont City - the stone Kremlin. Above the level of the river, the Great Walls of Dovmontov of the city rose 10 m, and the Kremlin - at 17 m, which made these strengthening almost impregnable. There were significant food reserves, weapons and ammunition.

    The Russian army was dispersed on many items, from where the enemy's invasion was expected. The king himself, with a significant graduality, stopped in Staritsa, without risking to meet the Polish army to meet the Pskov.

    When the king learned about the invasion of Stephen Batory, the prince of Prince Ivan Shuisky, appointed by the "great governor", was sent to Pskov. He was obeyed by seven other governors. All residents of Pskov and the garrison were shifted that they would not surrender the city, but would fight to the last drop of blood. The total number of Russian troops, defeated Pskov, reached 25 thousand people and was about twice the number of the number of the Batory army. By order of Shui, the surroundings of Pskov were devastated so that the enemy could not find a fodder and food there.

    On August 18, the Polish army approached the city for a distance of 2-3 cannon shots. During the week, the ranroom was led by the reconnaissance of Russian fortifications and only on August 26 ordered his army to approach the city. However, the soldiers soon fell under the fire of Russian guns and retreated to the river of the coch. Here the battory arranged a fortified camp.
    Poles began to dig a trench and put tours to get closer to the walls of the fortress. On the night of September 4-25, they drove tours to the Pokrovskaya and pork tower on the southern faces of the walls and, putting 20 guns, in the morning of September 6 began to install both towers and 150 m walls between them. In the evening of September 7, the towers were very damaged, and in the wall formed a break with a width of 50 m. But the deposited managed to build a new wooden wall against break.

    On September 8, Polish troops went to the assault. Attacking managed to capture both damaged towers. However, the shots from the big gun "Bars", capable of sending the nuclei for a distance of more than one kilometer, occupied by the Pole Tower Poles was destroyed. Then, her ruins of Russian blew up, poding a barrel with gunpowder. The explosion served as a signal to the counterattack headed by Shui. The enemy could not hold the Pokrovskaya Tower - and retreated.

    After the failure of the storming battory ordered the subpopher to blow the walls. Two dopes of Russian managed to destroy with the help of mine galleries, the remaining Poles could not bring to the end. On October 24, the Polish batteries began to fill the Pskov because of the river the Great hot cores to cause fires, but the defenders of the city quickly coped with fire. Through four days, the Polish detachment with scans and kirk walked over to the wall from the Great between the corner tower and the coupling gate and destroyed the walls of the wall. She fell, but it turned out that behind this wall there is another wall and ditch, which the Poles could not overcome. The besieged threw them on the heads of the stones and pots with powder, lily boiling water and resin.

    November 2, the Army of Batory took the last assault of Pskov. This time the Poles attacked the Western Wall. Before that, for five days, she was subjected to a powerful fire and in several places was destroyed. However, Pskov defenders met the opponents with strong fire, and the Poles turned back and not reaching the breaks.

    By that time, the moral spirit of precipitating was noticeably fell. But the besieged experienced considerable difficulties. The main forces of the Russian army in Staritsa, Novgorod and Rzhev were inactive. In Pskov, only two squaders of 600 people were trying to break through, but more than half of them died or captured.

    On November 6, the ranroom ruled the guns with batteries, stopped siege work and began to prepare for wintering. At the same time, he sent the detachments of the Germans and Hungarians to seize the Pskovo-Pechersk Monastery 60 km from Pskov, but the garrison of 300 Sagittarov, with the support of the monks, successfully beat two attacks, and the enemy was forced to retreat.

    Stefan Batorius, making sure that the Pskov did not take him, in November handed over to the command of Hetman Zamoysky, and he himself left for Vilna, taking with him almost all mercenaries. As a result, the number of Polish troops decreased almost twice as well - up to 26 thousand people. The precipitating suffered from cold and diseases, the number of dead and desertion grew. Under these conditions, the Bator agreed on a ten-year truce. It was concluded in Jame-Podolsky on January 15, 1582. Rus refused all his conquests in Livonia, and the Poles freed the Russian cities engaged in them.

    In 1583 it was signedPlussian truce with Sweden. Schwedam passed holes, Coporye and Ivangorod. For Russia, only a small plot of the Baltic coast at the mouth of the Neva remained. However, in 1590, after the expiration of the truce of the truce, the fighting between Russians and the Swedes resumed and took place this time successfully for Moscow. As a result, according to the Tankinsky Treaty on the "Eternal World", Rus returned to Himself, Coporye, Ivangorod and Korel County. But it was only a weak consolation. In general, the attempt of Ivan the Terrible to strengthen in the Baltic was failed.

    At the same time, the acute contradictions between Poland and Sweden in the issue of lenguage control facilitated the position of the Russian king, excluding the joint Polish-Swedish invasion of Russia. The resources of the same Poland, as shown by the experience of the Batory Batory on Pskov, was clearly laid out for the capture and retention of the significant territory of the Moscow kingdom. At the same timeLivonian War she showed that the Terrible opponent appeared in the East in the East, with whom it is necessary to be seriously reckoned.

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