Drawing how ancient people imagined the universe. How did the ancient people imagine the Universe? Representations of the ancient Indians

"Development of ancient people" - Ancient people (Neanderthals). Farther. The first modern people(Cro-Magnons). On the menu. Ancient people arose about 200 thousand years ago. To butcher the killed animals, they used a hewn stone. The oldest people... The most ancient people successfully hunted buffaloes, rhinos, deer, birds. One line went in the direction of powerful physical development.

"Game Universe" - Celestial bodies. The world of stars. Generalizing lesson on the topic: "Universe" "Big game". Solar system crossword. Ancient people about the universe, celestial bodies, neighbors of the sun, giant planets. What kind of people imagined the universe like that? Neighbors of the sun. Galaxies. Crossword. The ancients about the universe.

"Universe Class 5 Natural Science" - The Soyuz spacecraft is approaching the interplanetary space of Mars and Jupiter. Milky Way... Attention attention! Author: Burlakova N.N. Galaxy 205. Malfunctions were found on the ships. Andromeda. Galaxy (from the Greek word "galacticos" - milky, milky.). Scheme appearance galaxies. The Horsehead Nebula.

"Universe" - Planets. What is the difference between a meteor and a meteorite? the smallest is Pluto. Ideas about the structure of the Universe. Assignments: Ptolemy. Solar system. What are the constellations you know? What is the Universe? Terrestrial group Mercury Venus Earth Mars. Uranus. The giant planets Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune. Planets Stars Asteroids Comets Meteors and meteorites The sun is the center of the solar system.

"Evolution of the Universe" - For the existence of life, it is not indifferent that the Metagalaxy is expanding. It is with such civilizations that earthlings are interested in establishing contact. The evolution of the Universe includes the evolution of matter and the evolution of structure. And therefore, it is difficult to come to terms with the idea that we are alone in the infinite universe.

The "Universe" is the Sun. The world through the eyes of an astronomer. 4) Specialists studying astronomy are called astronauts. 5) The earth moves around the sun. 6) You can observe the Sun by looking through binoculars, a telescope. Universe.

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The topic of our lesson: "How ancient people imagined the Universe" Geography Grade 5 Teacher: Drozd V.G.

The purpose of the lesson: to study earlier the concept of the Universe.

You have probably heard the word "Universe" more than once. What it is? The Universe is outer space and everything that fills it: celestial bodies, gas, dust In other words, it is the whole world. Our planet is part of an immense universe, one of the countless celestial bodies

Modern ideas about the structure of the Universe took shape gradually. In ancient times, they were not at all the same as they are now. For a long time, the Earth was considered the center of the Universe.

Ancient peoples' ideas about the universe

Representations of the ancient Indians

Representation of the inhabitants of Mesopotamia In their opinion, the Earth is a mountain, which is surrounded on all sides by the sea and which is supported by 12 columns.

The Universe was seen by the peoples of Babylon differently .. The Earth, in their opinion, is a mountain, which is surrounded by the sea on all sides. Above them in the form of an overturned bowl is the starry sky.

Physics minute I looked at you from the darkness Together with a thousand girlfriends, (The star stands up in full growth, raises her hands and looks up.) them to the sides, spreading their fingers, depicting their glow) And then suddenly fell. (The star squats down again.)

Pythagoras (c. 580-500 BC) The great ancient Greek mathematician. He was the first to suggest that the Earth is not flat, but has the shape of a ball.

Aristotle (384-322 BC) Aristotle's system of the world

Aristarchus of Samos (320-250 BC) Ancient Greek scientist. He believed that the center of the Universe is not the Earth, but the Sun

Claudius Ptolemy (c. 90-160 AD)

Exercise. Using the material of the textbook fill in the table Name of the scientist Concept of the Universe Aristotle (384-322 BC) Created a model of the Universe. BC) He believed that the center of the Universe is the Sun, and the Earth and other planets move around it Claudius Ptolemy (c. 90-160 AD) Developed a system of the world in the center of which the Earth and around which five planets revolve, Moon and Sun). He wrote the work "The Great Mathematical Construction of Astronomy" in 13 books.

Test your knowledge 1. Which ancient scientist first proposed that the Earth has the shape of a ball? A - Aristotle B - Pythagoras C - Ptolemy 2. According to the ancient Indians, the Earth is: A - flat and rests on a turtle B - round and rests on the backs of giant elephants C - flat and rests on the backs of giant elephants, which, in turn , rest on the turtle G - round and rests on the backs of giant elephants, which, in turn, rest on the turtle. 3. The first scientist who believed that the center of the Universe is the Earth was: A - Pythagoras B - Aristotle C - Aristarchus of Samos D - Claudius Ptolemy 4. The Ptolemy system dominated science for: A - 13 centuries B - 15 centuries C - 10 centuries G - 8 centuries

Homework: 1. Paragraph 8 and draw a picture "Representation of the ancient peoples of the universe" 2. Paragraph 8, prepare a report on the views of the ancient peoples of the universe 3. Paragraph 8, prepare a presentation on the topic.

Thank you for the attention!

Lesson goal: to learn
earlier views on
The universe.

You have probably heard the word "Universe" more than once. What is it
is that?
Universe -
This is outer space and
everything that fills it:
celestial bodies, gas, dust
In other words, this is the whole world.
Our planet is part of the immense
the universe,
one of the countless celestial bodies

Modern ideas about the structure of the Universe evolved gradually
In ancient times, they were not at all the same as they are now. Long time downtown
The universe was considered the Earth.

The ideas of the ancient peoples about
The universe

Representations of the ancient Indians

Representation of the inhabitants of Mesopotamia

In their opinion,
The earth is a mountain
which from all
surrounded by the sea
and which
keeps at 12

The Universe was seen by the peoples of Babylon differently .. The Earth, according to their
opinion, this is a mountain that from all
the sides are surrounded by the sea. Above them in the form of an overturned bowl
the starry sky is located.


I looked at you from the darkness
Together with a thousand friends
(The star stands up to its full height, raises its arms and looks
I sparkled and shone
(The star rhythmically presses the arms bent at the elbows with
fingers clenched into fists to the sides, then spreads them in
sides, spreading your fingers, depicting your glow)
And then suddenly fell.
(The star squats down again.)

Pythagoras (c. 580-500 BC)

ancient greek
mathematician. The first
suggested that
The earth is not flat but
has the shape of a ball.

Aristotle (384-322 BC)

World system according to Aristotle

Aristarchus of Samos (320-250 BC)

Ancient greek
I thought that
The universe
is not
Earth and the Sun

Claudius Ptolemy (c. 90-160 AD)

Exercise. Using, the material of the tutorial fill in
Scientist name
Concept of the Universe
Aristotle (384-322 BC)
Created a model of the universe.
what's in the center of the universe
there is a stationary earth
around which 8 revolve
celestial spheres
Aristarchus of Samos (320-250 BC)
He believed that the center of the universe is
The sun, and the earth and other planets
move around him
Claudius Ptolemy (c. 90-160 AD)
Designed a system of the world, in the center
which the Earth and around which
rotate five planets, the moon and
Sun). He wrote the work "The Great
mathematical construction
astronomy ”in 13 books.

Test your knowledge

1. Which of the ancient scientists first suggested that the Earth has a form
A - Aristotle
B - Pythagoras
B - Ptolemy
2. According to the ancient Indians, the Earth is:
A - flat and rests on a turtle
B - round and rests on the backs of giant elephants
B is flat and rests on the backs of giant elephants, which, in their
turn resting on a turtle
G is round and rests on the backs of giant elephants, which, in their
turn rest on a turtle.
3.The first scientist who believed that the center of the universe is
Earth, was:
A - Pythagoras
B - Aristotle
B - Aristarchus of Samos
D - Claudius Ptolemy
4. The system of Ptolemy dominated science during:
A - 13 centuries
B - 15 centuries
B - 10 centuries
G - 8 centuries

Swap notebooks and rate a friend
4 correct answers - "5"
3 correct answers - "4"
2 correct answers - "3"
1 correct answer is "2"

Evaluate your work in the lesson:
Everything worked out in the lesson and I liked it
It was difficult, but interesting
I made a lot of mistakes, I must
still work on the topic

1. Paragraph 8 and draw a picture
"The idea of ​​ancient peoples about
universe "
2. Paragraph 8, prepare a report on
ancient peoples' ideas about
The universe
3. Paragraph 8, prepare your presentation
on this topic.

On this lesson we learn about what the universe is, how it works. We will discover the world of mysterious and incomprehensible outer space. Let's talk about how ancient civilizations imagined the Universe. Let's get acquainted with scientists, whose ideas have taken an important place in the development of science.

Theme: Universe

Lesson: How Ancient People Envisioned the Universe

As we found out, the methods of cognition can be different. The tasks and goals set for the study are also different. But the only most important interest will remain the interest in knowing the world, the Universe, living and nonliving. What is the universe?

Definition.Universe - it is an endless outer space and everything that fills it: celestial bodies, gas, dust.

If we peer into the starry sky, then we will see various star constellations, solar systems, The Moon - they are all constituents of the Universe, even stars that cannot be seen without the help of special instruments - telescopes (Fig. 1).

In ancient times, there were no such telescopes, and people watched the movement of the Moon, Sun, planets for thousands of years, so it is clear that modern views about the structure of the Universe did not arise instantly, but developed gradually, and the earliest views were significantly different from what we know today. ... Different peoples of the world represented the universe in different ways.

According to the ideas of the ancient Indians, our Earth was like a hemisphere, which rested on the backs of huge elephants that stood on a giant tortoise. The turtle leaned on a snake, which closed space and personified the world (Fig. 2).

For example, the Egyptians had a different idea of ​​the structure of the universe. Their views were expressed in the form of myth.

The god of the earth - Geb and the goddess of the sky - Nut loved each other very much, and therefore, in the beginning, our Universe was merged into one. Every evening, Nut gave birth to stars that appeared in the sky. Every morning before sunrise, she swallowed them. And so it went on from day to day, from year to year, until Geb began to get annoyed, which is why he called Chickpea a pig that eats its piglets. Then the sun god - Ra intervened and called the wind god - Shu so that he divided heaven and earth. So Nut ascended to heaven in the form of a cow. Sometimes Tekhnud came to the aid of her husband Shu, but she very quickly got tired of supporting the heavenly cow and began to cry, and her tears rained down on the ground (Fig. 3).

The ancient Babylonians envisioned the land as a huge mountain. In the west of this mountain was Babylonia, which was surrounded by mountains from the east, and the sea was in the south. The sea as a whole surrounded this whole mountain, and on top of it, in the form of an inverted bowl, was the sky. The people of Babylonia thought that there was also land and water in heaven, perhaps even life. Heavenly dry land is the belt of 12 constellations of the Zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. They also believed that the sun comes out and goes back into the sea (Fig. 4). They could not explain the observed phenomena of nature.

The ancient Jews imagined the Earth differently. They lived on a plain, and the Earth seemed to them to be a plain, on which mountains rise here and there. The Jews assigned a special place in the universe to the winds, which bring rain or drought with them. The abode of the winds, in their opinion, was in the lower zone of the sky and separated the Earth from the heavenly waters: snow, rain and hail. There are waters under the Earth, from which canals go upward, feeding the seas and rivers. The ancient Jews apparently had no idea of ​​the shape of the entire Earth.

The ancient Greeks made a great contribution to the development of views about the structure of the universe. For example, the philosopher Thales (Fig. 5) imagined the Universe in the form of a liquid mass, inside which there is a large bubble shaped like a hemisphere. The concave surface of this bubble is the vault of heaven, and on the lower, flat surface, like a cork, it floats flat earth... It is easy to guess that the idea of ​​the Earth as a floating island of Thales was based on the fact that Greece is located on islands. Pythagoras (Fig. 6) was the first to suggest that our Earth is not flat, but looks like a ball. And Aristotle (Fig. 7), developing this hypothesis, created a new model of the world, according to which the stationary Earth is located in the center and it is surrounded by eight solid and transparent spheres. Ninth - ensured the movement of all celestial spheres. According to these views, the Sun, the Moon and the planets known at that time were attached to the eight spheres (Fig. 8). Aristotle's views were not shared by all scientists. Aristarchus of Samos came closest to the truth, because he believed that not the Earth, but the Sun was located in the center of the Universe, but he could not prove it. Subsequently, his views were forgotten for many years.

Aristotle's views have been entrenched in science for a long time, for example, the ancient Greek scientist Claudius Ptolemy in the center of the Universe also had a stationary Earth around which Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn revolved. The entire universe was confined to the sphere of fixed stars. The scientist outlined all these views in his work "Mathematical construction in astronomy". The views of Claudius Ptolemy have existed for more than the 13th century and for a long time have been the reference book of many generations of astronomers.

Rice. 7

In the next lesson we will talk about further development views of the universe.

1. Melchakov L.F., Skatnik M.N. Natural science: textbook. for 3.5 cl. wednesday shk. - 8th ed. - M .: Education, 1992 .-- 240 p .: ill.

2. Andreeva A.E. Natural science 5. / Ed. Traitaka D.I., Andreeva N.D. - M .: Mnemosyne.

3. Sergeev B.F., Tikhodeev O.N., Tikhodeeva M.Yu. Natural science 5.- M .: Astrel.

1. Melchakov LF, Skatnik MN, Natural science: textbook. for 3.5 cl. wednesday shk. - 8th ed. - M .: Education, 1992. - p. 150, tasks and questions. 3.

2. Outline Interesting Facts, which relate to the views of the ancient Greeks on the structure of the universe.

3. Imagine that you need to monitor starry sky... Think over and describe the sequence of actions that you will perform.

4. * Come up with a new universe. Describe what is in it. What are the planets and constellations called? How do they interact with each other?

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