Old value. Old man

The history of the emergence of the term

Was initially used in Hippie's environment as an agenicism, replacing the word "old" and was not a direct synonym for the words "famous" and "steep", like rolewicks now, but meant that "Old Hippar" has long been in the system, and enjoys some authority as Starked. It is believed that for the first time this characteristic was used in 94 (Anonymus heard this term in the role-playing environment in 93rd) new participants in the RD in relation to the Chi -90 players who used the phrase in a friendly conversation "but in our time .. . "

Components of Oldness

Contrary to popular belief, the Oldness depends primarily not from time to time, during which you play role-playing games: you can periodically go to games at least from the beginning of the nineties, but at the same time be anyone an unknown dude, for example, if you drive with one team each time ( With his club) and play the fifth spear in the third row.

Meanwhile, the main components of Oldness are, first of all, fame (about Oldoz must at least hear the overwhelming majority of the roles of its region). In the second place (but not in the last) - this respect for these roleviks, which is based on the recognition of its chotpacity as a whole and achievements, such as, for example, the removal of the team, holding the role-playing game, the role played, etc.

At the same time, all of the above means that Oldness is the value of a non-permanent at least in two coordinates - in time and depending on the partition, in which a specific contendent in Oldness is known or is known.

How to become Old and why it is necessary?

For the sake of sweetness, the middle role-playing is capable of everything, but the path from the presence of a friend to Oldoza and Torner. It is necessary to spend a lot of time, money and strength, constantly somewhere leaving, fitting in various games and events. There is no light path here: Fame can be purchased at the expense of anything, although stuffing the umbrella in the ass, but it does not have a relationship.

Is it worth the game of the candle? On the one hand, yes, since Oldoch has the opportunity to make it easier than an ordinary roleworth to collect the team, get the old role of the head (king, abbot, cool magician), again, when playing players, a considerable role plays masters. On the other hand, if you believe the carriers yourself of this burden, there is another side of the medal: the Maneru of the Oldoz game everyone knows and it is difficult for him to be unpredictable, and not to cause suspicions at all almost unreal. Well, who will believe for example, the Volorin that his character is actually kind as Jesus, but not at all hidden Zloybanets?

Also, if the society is even more or less loyal to young roleviks, then the Old Character risks to meet in Civilov, acute misunderstandings in the form of just oblique views and attempts to pass it in Durki or Menthas (since a cynical human society is suspicious of madness , addiction or pedophilia, and not in the subtle structure of the soul). Also, an actually Old Dude can live to a sad moment when his former comrades and witnesses of the old victories are removed from the games in family life, other hobbies, raising children, business, or even alcoholism, Valgalla, or a mental hospital. Sometimes it is funny and sad, friends.

Related expressions

Satisfy owl - To acquire fame at the expense of relationships with some Oldoch, that is, to turn from a draw in a girl or a former girl (boyfriend / wife / husband) of a certain famous rolewick. In fact, to make sexual relations in order to suck the Oldness, not at all. It is enough to go on some game with the Treat of His assistant / secretary / approximate, or being such in life. In general, in any way disable To Oldoz, so that part of his Oldness moved to you. A master of this case is considered a trinity, regularly changing owner suppliers.

Oldovy - Make some actions intentionally or by chance leading to the growth of Oldochness. You can also apologize for someone else.

Outdoor - Win in the dispute due to the superior mass of Oldowness. Almost equally, the phrase is "crushing authority." Another meanwhile is to cross the stick in the desire to collapse, and through it. " Better long-standing than to overdo» .

Olddo! - The phrase of the approval and recognition of the Oldness of someone or something.

Rental owlness - Almost as the right of the first night. If you are Oldoz, then you automatically everything At least a little, but obliged. Masters - cool roles. Young shoes - respect. Young Tolchkesces - their young meat (if during the years of zealous alcoholism, injury and hazing on hygiene has not yet lost its freight form). Remember, dear reader! Collecting Rent of Oldochoshos - Pretty shameful ... But someone is very nice.

Famous alone

Push, remember: Mention in this article gives +5 to Oldness!

Oldovy 1.

Old, worn, long-faced experienced experience.

Are you still carrying top sneakers?

Youth slang


1. A person who is older than he should be. A person who has an accepted some "Old", it prevents him from living, be young, having fun and exist.

2. A person who did not understand the joke is most likely due to his "Oldness".

3. The subject that does not perform its functions, or performs, but bad (Older), or performs in such a way that the user infuriates.

* Someone told the joke, all laughed, except for one person *

- I did not understand.

- EEE. Old.

- Did you buy yourself headphones? And with those?

- They are old. They have one ear playing louder than another ...

Youth slang

Slovary modern vocabulary, Zhargon and Slag. 2014 .


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    Old man - Zharg. Like. Respect. Senior in the youth group, which is a ideological consultant. Maximov, 289. / I\u003e Oldly from the English. OLD ... Big Dictionary Russian sayings

    experienced - experienced; We saw species, old sparrow, etched wolf, grated Kalach. Do not ask the old one, ask the experienced (ROBS.). .. prot. experienced. Cm … Synonym dictionary

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    elderly - See old ... Dictionary of Russian Synonyms and similar expressions in the meaningful. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. Elderly age, old; Middle Age, Aged, Solid, In the Falls, Dressed, At the age, Old, solid age, ... ... Synonym dictionary

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Jarg. Like. Respect. Senior in the youth group, which is a ideological consultant. Maximov, 289. / I\u003e Oldovy - From the English. oLD.

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