How I spent the summer with my grandmother (School essays). Essay on the topic of summer in the village with my grandmother Essay on literature on the topic: How I spent the summer in the village

Essay on the topic: How I spent the summer with my grandmother in the village

Summer at grandma's.

But using help is a separate problem. As a city dweller, I’m used to the fact that all the preservatives, jam, eggs, milk, sour cream are a product that you buy in any store, consume, and don’t bother yourself with exactly how it was prepared and how much effort it takes to make a dairy product or homemade product. .

In order to get a good harvest, you must always water vegetables and fruits on time, and you need to know which plant needs how much moisture, I always thought that the more water, I eat better, but my grandmother taught me that if you pour a lot of water, you can wash away the roots of the plant and nothing no good will come of this.

Also, all plants must be fertilized correctly and in moderation. It is necessary to clear the beds of weeds so that they do not “drink” the water that is intended for the plant.

At first, I’ll be honest, helping to care for the garden was very difficult. Because I understood how much work and effort needed to be put into weeding and cultivating each bed, and I saw with what enthusiasm my grandmother did it, and it seemed to me that I could do the same, and everything would work out the first time. However, when I first started helping, it was difficult. I either forgot to remove all the weeds, or watered the bed for too long, or too little. In a word, instead of help, sometimes a disservice was provided.

But day after day, my grandmother patiently taught me how to do everything correctly. I have to give my granny her due; she never scolded me, because she understood that all this work was new to a city person, and therefore there was no need to demand instant results from me.

And then one day everything began to slowly work out for me. I felt that I was finally bringing benefit and not harm to my grandmother’s garden.

I began to love working in the garden; for some reason they always calmed me down. You sit, slowly, work on one bed, and then step aside and see the result of your labors.

I learned a lot this summer. And I understood one thing: everything needs consistency, gradualism. Let’s say grandma always got up at the same time, in order to get everything done before the sun began to get hot. But for the first two weeks I wanted to get enough sleep and didn’t follow the regime. But in the end I realized: the moment I go out into the garden, the sun is hot and I work somehow, I’m not much use. I learned to follow one routine and realized that getting up early is not so difficult, especially when great things lie ahead. The next time grandma invited me to stay again, we are going to build a greenhouse, since this year we did not have time to build it, and there would have been no need for it, since the crops had been planted. This summer, which I spent with my grandmother, I managed to read several books that were in the house. Granny loves Turgenev, who often wrote about nature, and now I love him too. I also read Pushkin’s poems, it seemed to me that some of them seemed to be written about our village.

I also became very friendly with the village kids; at first it seemed to me that they didn’t like me. For example, when I went to the pump or to the pond in order to get water for grandma, the guys who came at the same time as me seemed to look at me askance. Later it turned out that they were just looking at me. I came from the city, my clothes were a little different from what they usually wore. I also constantly listened to music, and each of the guys wanted to look at my player. As a result, one evening I decided to talk to them first and realized that they were very kind and cheerful guys, with whom I had a lot of fun during the summer at my grandmother’s.

Terentyeva Adelina

Summer in the village

Summer is my favorite time of the year. The cold weather is finally ending and the holidays are beginning. In summer you can enjoy the sun and warm days, go on long journeys and hikes. Nature is especially beautiful in summer - the forest rustles with green leaves, berries ripen, the most amazing flowers bloom. You can endlessly walk through flowering meadows and admire modest white-headed daisies or weave wreaths from dandelions.

Every summer I go on holiday to my grandmother in the village.

The bright sun is shining through the window. Even a tall ranetka that grows under the window cannot create a shadow. I am getting up. The roosters had crowed a long time ago, so grandma was on her feet. I smell the pies. Grandma bakes pies that are so delicious, they are simply delicious.



Summer in the village

Summer is my favorite time of the year. The cold weather is finally ending and the holidays are beginning. In summer you can enjoy the sun and warm days, go on long journeys and hikes. Nature is especially beautiful in summer - the forest rustles with green leaves, berries ripen, the most amazing flowers bloom. You can endlessly walk through flowering meadows and admire modest white-headed daisies or weave wreaths from dandelions.

Every summer I go on holiday to my grandmother in the village.

The bright sun is shining through the window. Even a tall ranetka that grows under the window cannot create a shadow. I am getting up. The roosters had crowed a long time ago, so grandma was on her feet. I smell the pies. Grandma bakes pies that are so delicious, they are simply delicious.

Grandmother has a lot of livestock: cows, bulls, young heifers. Early in the morning the grandmother sends them to the herd. A shepherd tends the flock. And the livestock owners take turns feeding it. And now it's our turn. My aunt and I are going to the pasture. Above us is an azure, blue sky with floating clouds above our heads. From time to time, clouds cover the hot sun, increasing the immense depth of the sky with their gorges. How often the heart beats, how deeply the chest breathes, feeling the surge of vigor and joy. I feel happy and bright. What space there is here! The sun, the azure sky, the songs of birds, the aromas of fields, green hills, tall and stately birches, wonderful spruce and pine trees. And as part of nature, cows, bulls, sheep and goats roam the hillsides. They eat bright green grass. The cows' udders are already filling with milk. Everything here is interesting to me. Here are the little calves jumping merrily across the clearing. White sheep bleat, enjoying the warm day and delicious food. But here are the frisky horses with the royal title.

We fed the shepherd. Well, I don’t really want to leave. It smells delicious of resin, herbs and berries. We find large ripe strawberries and put them in glasses to eat with milk at lunch.

And in the evening, my grandmother and aunt meet the herd. Cows, lambs, heifers, and bulls enter the gate with importance. They, well-fed and worn out in the sun, after drinking water, go to the stall. It's time to milk the cows. This is the most interesting moment. I sit down on the porch in the barn and watch this process with interest. After thoroughly washing the cow's udder, my aunt begins to milk her. Elastic streams of warm milk splash into a clean bucket. Suddenly, my aunt turns her udder in my direction, and a stream of milk hits my face. I laugh with delight. And now comes the most solemn moment. I run for a mug and they pour me some fresh milk. How delicious it is! I finish my mug to the bottom. Great!

And then I remember that I need to collect eggs. The chicken coop is a special republic with its tart, nose-biting smell of droppings and warm steam. Here, in this bird's home, there are its own customs and customs. Chickens sit quietly in rows on roosts, talking; here are the old roosters, and the different-feathered young ones are below, on the perches. Everyone argues, crowds for every inch, for convenience, occasionally pecking the neighbor on the back of the head or side, and the neighbor, with a sharp cluck, also responds with a peck. So, while the chickens are still walking around the yard, I look into their nests and collect large white eggs. There are a lot of them, a whole basket. And then I remember that today a chicken was clucking in the hayloft. She probably got carried away there. I deftly climb up the stairs to the hayloft. Here the invisible hay dust, thick and odorous, makes me sneeze. Here it is an egg! Having filled my basket, I go downstairs. Grandma is pleased with my help. Tomorrow morning she will fry a delicious scrambled egg from their fresh eggs.

All work for today is done. We sit down to rest on a bench near the house.

In the bright evening sky I see transparent clouds with golden edges from the setting sun. The day has come to an end. It's time to sleep. Tomorrow will be a new day.

Ainura Akmatova

I'm at my grandmother's in the village

I'm having a great summer.

I'm not too lazy to study

A pig and a goat.

A herd of cows passed by

The chickens cluck on the porch.

I need to know the animals

From the beginning to the end.

Why does the lamb bleat?

I'll tell everyone later.

Run away from the geese quickly,

But about this - don’t “zhu-zhu”!

The following participants in the parent-child project “How I Spent the Summer”, the family of my pupil Violetta Bogatova, presented very rich and interesting material for the project. As participants in this project, Viola’s mother organized her daughter’s vacation in such a way that she created all the conditions and used all the resources of her family to expand the child’s ideas about the world around her, instilling the skills of caring for the world around her, learning about it, nurturing emotional responsiveness, creating a positive emotional mood.

For most of the summer, Viola stayed in the village with her great-grandmother Capa.

Here she met and made friends with her many pets: the cat Fluffy, purebred dogs Vikhotka and Eva, the puppy Elya, the black goat Nochka, and her kids Cloud and Veterok, with black piglets and geese. It’s probably not worth talking about the birds, bugs and spiders that surrounded my pupil literally everywhere every day, to her delight.

Violetta’s parents are supporters of healthy eating and teach their child to do so from an early age, so especially delicious, fresh breakfasts with raspberries picked with their own hands and lunches and dinners from great-grandmother Capa’s garden will be remembered by her for a long time, until the next long-awaited summer.

Having thoroughly enjoyed village life in early August. Viola returned to the city from her grandmother in a friendly atmosphere with a cheerful mood and a lot of impressions, but even here a pleasant surprise awaited her, which her grandparents gave her - walks around the city, fun attractions, riding an ATV and water slides, visiting a water park and swimming in Ob River.

According to Violetta's mother, Marina Georgievna: “If there is even the slightest opportunity to take your child outside of a large metropolis, then you should certainly use it for the benefit of your child. Being in the fresh air for any child and “communicating” with the world around him can only be beneficial, because such interaction develops in children kindness, compassion, as well as curiosity, the habit of caring for the environment and many other useful qualities. And then it’s hardening, and life experience, and expanding horizons, mastering new skills and the ability to get out of different situations. And the most important skill is to be independent. So, mommies, don’t be nervous, and let your baby grow up and “heal” with fresh air. Believe me, this will only be for the benefit of the child. In the summer, children in the air, surrounded by loving people, quickly grow and get stronger, which is not unimportant for their health. Rest in the village it is a symbol of a happy country summer and a real “five-star hotel” where “All Inclusive!” Take care of yourself and your loved ones!"

To be continued. ….

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Every year, in the summer, I go to the village to visit my grandmother. I spend the whole summer there. It's very nice there. I have many friends there. And most of all I love spending time with my horse. Her name is Sparta. Grandmother has many animals, there is a cow named Zorka, every evening my grandmother and I go to her for green grass (green grass is freshly cut grass). There are two little pigs, chickens and geese. And there are also many, many rabbits.

Every morning I wake up, take Sparta and go to the river. There we meet friends and have fun until lunch. Then I take care of my five-year-old horse, brush it, feed it and take it to the stable. And in general it’s very good in the village. There's fresh air there and it's so beautiful. Nature untouched by man.

My friends names are Vadim, Alina and Dasha. They live in the village. And they are different. They are not like city children. They are kind and sympathetic. Always ready to help. And they know how to lift your spirits.

This year, my grandfather’s hunting dog, named Trumpeter, gave birth to a little fox cub. And my friends and I fed him milk from a baby bottle. And so by the end of summer he grew up, but he doesn’t want to leave us. I stayed to live with my grandmother. Grandfather made an enclosure for him and now I have my own little fox, just haven’t figured out what to call it yet. It turned out to be a girl.

Of course, I did not only relax, but also helped my grandmother with the housework. Watered the garden, fed the chickens and geese. I cleaned the rabbits' cages and filled their bowls with fresh water, twice a day. And my friends help me in these matters. Then I also help them with the housework. This is how I spend the summer with my grandmother.

Summer has come to an end, and I really don’t want to return to the city, where there are a lot of cars and everything is wrong. But I need to go to school. I'll be looking forward to summer all year long. Memories will pop up in bright colors in my head. And I know that next summer will be even more interesting and colorful.

Essay No. 2

Summer in the village is gorgeous, the crowing of roosters wakes people up as soon as the sun has time to rise. The fragrant smells of blooming trees and flowers cannot help but attract attention, and a large piece of jasmine generally drives you crazy with its sweet smell.

Every summer vacation I go to visit my grandmother in the village. There is fresh air, homemade food, a large farm and wide open spaces for games. I have a friend Vaska, he lives two houses away from us, we always play together.

I also like to watch the little chickens and goslings when grandma takes them out to graze on the back lawn. They nibble the green grass so cutely, but as soon as their mothers make a special sound, they all immediately hide under the wing of their parent.

When I was little, I loved to pick the flowering kulbab and fan the white fluffs, and now I help collect this greenery, and we feed the rabbits. There is a lot of work in the village and I try my best to help because my grandmother is already quite old, and as a reward for my help she bakes my favorite flatbreads with cabbage.

Essay option 2

I live in a big city filled with thousands of high-rise buildings and millions of cars. Where there are green lawns, a small number of trees and flower beds, but all this is incomparable to the beauty of the village.

Every year I look forward to the summer holidays so that I can go to my grandparents in the village again. There are forests and fields all around, wherever you look, a river and several lakes are very close by. There are very few cars, and the air is clean, clean. In the morning, roosters wake up their owners, birds sing, trees rustle quietly with a small gust of wind. Grandmother's flowers smell with many aromas and delight with their beauty.

From early childhood, I fell in love with the activity of chasing ducks to the lake, not because I like watching the picture of them swimming, but because my grandmother gives me a bag with all sorts of goodies. I don’t know why, but a fresh piece of bread with lard and a cucumber just picked from the garden seems much tastier in nature than at the table in the kitchen. And that year, my grandfather and I fried lard over a fire for the first time; I couldn’t even imagine how tasty it could be.

My grandmother worked in a hospital all her life, although I repeatedly told her that cooking was her strong point. Will she fry a simple scrambled egg so that you can swallow it with a fork, or are these eggs homemade? I don’t have an answer to this, but in the village I happily eat everything that is put on the table, and my mother keeps complaining, saying that I don’t eat well.
After a long day of work, we wash ourselves in the summer shower; it’s a small building, one meter by one meter, with a tank on the roof. In the morning, water is poured there and during the day, under the scorching sun, the water heats up to a hot state, which has to be topped up with cold water again.

When I finish studying, I will definitely move to live in the village. Just like my grandfather and grandmother, I will keep a large farm and my own garden. I’ll find a job locally that I like so that I can travel to the city only occasionally and breathe less of this heavy air with a lot of exhaust gases.

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A selection of essays about “Summer” for grade 3

Essay “How I spent my summer holidays”

Summer holidays are the longest. I went on vacation to Sochi. I spent a whole month there. I went to the sea, sunbathed. I went to the water park and the zoo. I liked this city. I went on many excursions and visited Stalin’s dacha. I learned a lot of important things for myself. The excursion was very informative and interesting. I also went to the Vorontsov Caves. It was scary, but exciting. I am delighted with what I saw, the sea and the city of Sochi.

My summer was very interesting. In June I was on vacation with my grandmother at the dacha. There we went picking berries. we picked a whole jar of wild strawberries, they were very sweet. In July, I went with my parents to the Black Sea, to Anapa. There we sunbathed, swam in the warm sea and walked around the city. We also visited the water park. It was a lot of fun going down the water slides. Anapa is a very beautiful and clean resort city. I liked it there very much. In August, I was at home, preparing for a new school city and looking forward to September 1st to see my school friends again.

Letter to a friend “How I spent this summer”

Hello. We haven’t seen each other for a long time, and so I decided to write you a letter. This summer made an impression on me. This summer I visited many cities. But the main purpose of our trip was a trip to the Black Sea. It was my first time there and I am very happy with the memories that remain in my memory. I tasted the salt water and it didn't taste good to me. I went to the dolphinarium. I visited the water park. I liked it all very much. I think this trip was a success and I don’t regret the days spent on the beach. I think I've already told you everything. How did you spend your summer holidays? I'll be looking forward to your answer.
Your friend (name)

Essay “My Summer Vacation”

I love summer for its beauty and warmth. In summer everything is so beautiful: beautiful flowers, colorful butterflies, amazing insects. I spent this summer fun and interesting. At the beginning of summer I went to Bashkiria. I swam in the lake and took part in Sabantui games. The visit to the Bird Park was very memorable. There I saw different birds and animals, rode in a carriage, walked along a suspension bridge. I'm looking forward to next summer!

Essay “How I spent this summer” 3rd grade

During the summer holidays I did many things. For example, I read books. I especially liked the book “Seven Underground Kings”. I also learned to understand the computer. Dad took me fishing with him, it was fun, although we didn’t catch many fish. The summer turned out to be good, although at the end of it I already wanted to go to school!

Essay “Favorite time of year is summer”

Summer is my favorite season. I go to school, in third grade, and I have the longest holidays in the summer. I know that every season has its merits. In winter I like to decorate the Christmas tree, make a snow angel and visit people for Christmas. In autumn it often rains, and I can walk in my favorite rubber boots. And in the fall we celebrate the fun holiday of Halloween - I love dressing up in creepy costumes.

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