When you can find out the results of the geographical dictation. How to find out your result

It is believed that Lynx was called the mythical hero Lucius, which was able to see through.

There is even a special community called the "Academy of Rysy", it is formed in Italy in the XVII century.


This animal lives in Eurasia, Kamchatka, North America. Earlier, Lynx also met in European countries, but due to the demand of its fur, it was almost completely exterminated in these territories. Currently listed in the Red Book.

There are the following varieties: Canadian, Pyrenean, Redhead and ordinary Lynx, below presents several photos of this animal.

Externally, the cat is similar to a cat of huge sizes, usually about 1 meter long. The weight of males can reach 25-30 kg, females weigh about 20 kg. Fur in a lynx is very thick.

As for color, it can be reddish shades, brown or gray (it all depends on where it lives). Boca and back are covered with dark spots.

It should also be noted that Lynx has a very unusual shape with a tail, he seems to be deliberately shortened. Winter wool is longer than summer, and thicker.

Link takes place twice a year. The front paws are longer than the rear, which allows a lyry to make very impressive jumps.

Also an interesting feature is that the rear paws of the lynx have five fingers, and the front with four.

The fishing sole in the winter is covered with a dense fur, so that it is more comfortable to move through the snow-covered territories. The manner of walking the lyry is the same as the wolf and tiger, the rear paws step in the footsteps of the front.

Lynx is an animal that has excellent hearing, all thanks to the special brush on the edge of the ears, these tassels perform a function of a kind of antenna.

Lifestyle and habits

Mostly trot in the taiga or mountain forests. It copes perfectly with Lazagan in the trees. Lynx feels perfectly perfectly at a temperature of minus 60 degrees. The territory where he lives and hunts, trot can reach the area of \u200b\u200bmore than 200 square meters. KM, and this territory she can bypass for about a year and a half.

Changes location Lynx only due to food deficiency. One of the most important enemies of a lyry is wolves. Run from wolves do not die. Only those who are hidden on trees are saved.

But it should be noted that the most important danger to the lynx represents a person, namely the poachers.

Embiring from fiction hunters often allows her perfect rumor. Claws, and her teeth can cause very impressive harm to a person who bothers it.


Lynx - an excellent hunter. Successfully hunt it allows the ability to easily climb on branches, and even rocks, as well as the fact that it has excellent hearing and vision.

She comes out on her hunt very early in the morning (about three in the morning). She can survive the sacrifice absolutely motionless of several hours.

To get your sacrifice, she easily commits a jump a few meters ahead. The speed with which Lynx pursues his victim can reach 20-40 km / h.

For a comfortable existence of a fish, it is necessary to consume more than three kilograms of meat per day. If it is very hungry, it will easily eat more than five kilograms, the remaining food, as a rule, very carelessly bursts, because of what other animals are found.

Basically, Lynx is powered by hares, birds, as well as proteins, and other rodents. But the victim also happens and larger: deer, moose and even boars. Also, Lynx will not pass by livestock. In the spring can fish, which molds caviar near the shore.


The marriage period in the lynx begins early in spring, and lasts until the summer. As a rule, several males permanently follow the female, while having arranged fights, lever.

Then the female makes a choice, and the pair organizes the family.

Often, they fell on with feathers or grass.

Young lynx appear in approximately 2.5 months, usually their three or four. The weight of each approximately 300-350 g. A week later in the kitten, the hunting instincts begin to develop. For this, near the kitten, parents hide some little rodent, and he has to find him himself.

When there are about two months, both parents go to hunt, and leave them unattended, because of what the leafs are sometimes a victim of predators, most often foxes are attacked by them, but attacks of dogs.

At about the age of half a year, they are already trying to extradite food without third-party help.

When the kittens turn on the year, their mother separates them, in order to make a new offspring.

Life expectancy in wildlife is approximately 20-25 years. At the moment, the breed called "home lynx", this is done specifically for those who want to start such an animal in their home, or even an apartment.

Photo lynx

Dark forest concrete, fallen trees, block the road to the traveler, in the bizarre plexus on the ground, the roots of century-old trees are sprawled - terribly and scary. It is such deaf places that Lynx loves, a terrible predator of the planet Earth, ironically, a representative of the Feline family (our fluffy, affectionate Barsikov and Murchikov.

Types of animal

In nature there are four types in the genus of the tricks:

Ordinary or Eurasian Lynx - Representative nordic countries. In Scandinavia, you can meet this cat and for the polar circle, Eurasia is the usual place of habitat, in the near past she was a representative and Europe.

At this time, it is almost completely exterminated here. Dark-like forests prefers, but it is also found in Lesotundre, forest-steppe, and, as well, in mountain forests. According to observations of the researchers of this animal, last years Lynx is seen in the Chernobyl zone.

Lynx Canadian is found in many areas of North American taiga, and not only in Canada, as you thought, based on the name. The color of this species corresponds to the harsh surrounding landscape, where Lynx lives and allows her to hide from their enemies.

Red lever is often called red due to a saturated shade of soft wool. Its habitat is North America (South and Central Parts). In terms of growth, it is twice as much as ordinary lynx and weigh no more than 14 kg - for it she received a gentle nickname "Bobket" from local residents.


Spanish (Pyrenean) Lynx has incredible beauty, which is her distinctive feature. Fire eyes, black bulk eyebrows, amazing bright spots on the body can not not attract the attention of lovers of these incredible cats.

There is another one name - the European Leopard. This species is in the Red Book, to save it from a complete extermination, to which he was subjected for many years due to the magnificent his fur.

Numerous sites telling about these beauties are filled with a set photo of a lyry, imprinted animal in the wild, with young, on hunting, peaceful and aggressive. There is something to look and what to admire.


Very similar to everyone's favorite cat, but much larger. True, in your family - this representative does not have huge sizes. From 75 to 130 cm - the length of the adult male, and the female in length does not exceed 125 cm. The weight of the lynx is within 25, sometimes 30 kg.

The torso of the forest cat is short, flat with sides, firmly shot down. Paws are strong and thick. On a round head - oblong ears, the ends of which are decorated with distinctive tassels. If you crop them, the rumor ryny will decline much (and this is a fact).


An animal body is covered with a soft and very thick fur. The color depends on the view to which the lynx belongs. The tail is short, as if chopped.

There is a myth of the goddess of agriculture Demeter, who punished the Scythian king, who wished to assign an invention to the cultivation of the Earth. She turned him into a lynx, and the royal dagger chopped off the animal tail.


The geography of the population of the Ryns is extensive. It can be found in various territories of European countries, Eurasia, on continent America. After the barbarous fishing, this animal began to settle down again, providing natural conditions for its reproduction.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, wild cats appeared on Kamchatka. Thick mountain forests (coniferous and deciduous) have always been and remain their favorite places where Lynx lives.

In young thickets, lynx seats the place for peace. This night animal prefers often lying on a thick branch, or in any pit.

Interestingly, but having arranged for rest, the cat never forgets about his safety and makes his ways to a burning big jumps, thereby remarks its traces. Live lynx in nature up to twenty years.



Unusually beautiful, elegant, majestic lynx is very not loved by forest inhabitants. Why? Yes, because it is a predator, and too, bloodthirsty. It feeds on a lean meat, and only steam room, and never eats fell.

In case the prey becomes a large animal, and she could not eat it immediately, it does not come to eat it. Animal diet is both birds, and small rodents, and hares. It will not refuse himself a pleasure to hunt and on larger animals - spotted deer, roe deer and even reindeer.

With pleasure, with young meat, young four-legged, as elk, a boar, a raisin. May pamper yourself and fish. If the housing of a person is located nearby, does not circulate animals from the yard.

The daily menu is about 5 kg of meat. And if I tried, it will never be engaged in hunting just like that. Her romolos and foxes are its competitors. And if the first manifests (not always) to remove the getter and enjoy the extracted food, the second is doomed to death. Lynx kills not lasting guest, however, it will not be.


With the onset of the semitime, the lynx changes, cheerfulness appears, there is a tide of strength. Under the cover of the night carefully deals with prey, listening and simping. Or will be located on a branch above the path, which leads to the aqua. But with the tree she never attacks the sacrifice.

Neither the predator does not give himself a single movement. With a tree, she never attacks the sacrifice. Early morning watches, when night did not leave, and the day did not come - the most favorite time when the forest cat enters the hunt path. Only Canadian hunting day.

Initially, the trophy track occurs, then trot is sickly approaching the object and the lightning point attacks. At the same time makes pretty long jumps.

Pursues his prey Lynx for a long time, chasing her, and running up to 80 m, stops chasing. Lynx instantly kills the victim, the sharpness of her teeth and claws is comparable, except that, with a blade. On the trunks, it is often possible to notice traces of sharpening claws. In some nations, braces are used as a totem.

Family bonds and kids

With the onset of the last month of winter, the marriage period comes from the fish, and it lasts until the end of March. For mastering the female, males are fighting selflessly. Their growl, loud meowing is distributed in the district. The winner leaves the female.

Young she puts out for two months. On the eve of childbirth, parents arrange the lair, a kind of roaring. He is located or in a hollow tree 15 meters above the ground, or in the crevices of rocks.

Ries are born, usually, two-three. In rare cases, up to five kids appears. Newborn is very small (up to 300 g). Two weeks after birth, the kittens open their eyes.

The upbringing of the offspring completely lies on his mother, the father of participation in this does not accept the process. In three months, trots begin to go for her mother, in five months they begin to receive the lessons of independent hunting. One-year-old individuals come into adulthood.

Lynx at home

Despite the fact that Lynx is a representative of the Feline family and is very similar to a homemade favorite, but more large in size, it is unlikely to raise a cute purr from it. True, some manages to tame a forest cat.


From his great-grandfather, a home leaf is distinguished by many qualities. The homemade individual was produced by crossing a small individual of a wild animal with an ordinary cat. The only condition at the same time was the selection of the color, similar to the natural color of the forest beauty.

Caracal is considered home trot. But even careful care, certain conditions and constant care of the hosts are required. Need a spacious aviary.

We must not forget that the maintenance of the lynks in the house walls is a difficult lesson, besides, additional considerable cash costs will be required.

Special attention should be paid to the diet: meat, fish, bone and no dry feed. It is important to systematically compose an animal, since when closing the wool, a lynx can climb her, giving it it.

Many are interested in the question - whether the houses are dangerous. Deciding to you: Wild Lynx - a predator, artificially derived - the same predator, even though her natural instincts are hidden rather deeply. And predators are always dangerous.

Lynx is a keeper of secrets and symbolizes truthfulness, impeccability, openness, silence and many other qualities of clairvoyants.

And if you laugh in your totem, beware of deceiving people's confidence, watch your words, choose expressions with care.

Photo lynx

In the northern hemisphere of our planet, there are rather significant areas in the area where the lyris live. These predatory animals can be found not only in forest areas, in subtropical forests, but even in the tundra.

External description

Lynx and in fact looks like a very large cat, differing only with a short tail and tassels on the tips of the ears. Its weight usually does not exceed 25 kg, and the body length can be from 75 to 130 cm. Torch is dense with a small round head. The muzzle framed the elongated rigid wool, similar to the bundlebards. Fur is very thick, especially in the winter, when the undercoat appears. Most often there are animals with reddish gray color and dark spots, chaotic located all over the body. But the color of the wool depends on the type and on where the lynx lives, in which zone, so there may be another shade.

The limbs in their structure are somewhat different from feline. The rear legs of the FRI is longer than and have only 4 fingers. In winter, the pads are thrilled thick hair, which allows the animal to easily move around the snow, not falling into a snowdrift. Paws seem too wide for such a small beast, but it is such a building that helps a predator to successfully hunt, extracting food. Beautiful tassels on the ears perform the role of antenna, thanks to which Lynx is perfectly hears the most silent sounds. This animal jumps great (up to 4 meters in length), climbs on trees and runs very quickly. Like all representatives of the Feline family, its distinguishes strength and extraordinary dexterity.


The genus of the rock has several types: the Pyrenean, Canadian, Redhead, Eurasian ordinary. The smallest is inhabit North America. Its height is no more than 35 cm in the withers. The most large representative of this kind is the ordinary Eurasian Lynx, which lives at almost the entire territory of Russia, including the Polar, and can occur in completely impassable sites of Siberia. Deaf Forest, thickets of young people - these are the places where the lyry is most often inhabit.

Significantly inferior in size is the nearest relative of the Eurasian. This North American cat inhabits almost the entire territory of Canada and the Northern US states, preferring to settle in where there is a thick undergrowth.

Special view - bright Pyrenean lynx. It is on the verge of extinction. Only in Portugal and in the south of Spain, these animals are still occasionally. The cutting of the forests led to the fact that the territory where the lynx dwells is becoming less and less. In addition, because of the beautiful fur of a bright leopard colors, hunters often shoot these animals.


Lynx is found in the territory of almost all European countries, as well as in Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Greece, China, Azerbaijan and Georgia. On the American continent, the greatest number of these predators is observed in the southeast of the United States, in Canada and Mexico.

In Russia, the largest population of the lynx is marked in the Taiga regions and in the zone of mixed forests. Relatively recently animals settled on Kamchatka. Our country is enormous, therefore, the areas where Lynx lives in Russia can be on a very remote distance from each other. As a result, animals of one species can be very different not only in size, but also by color, degree of spot.

The favorite place for lynxes are thickets of young people - it is most convenient to arrange a lair. Basically, this predator chooses for accommodation any forests (coniferous, mixed, mountainous), where the bear dwells, elk. Lynx can be found in Lesothundra, where there are a lot of shrubs, other low vegetation, and even for the polar circle.

What is fed by trot

This is a predator, respectively, it prefers fresh meat, which requires at least 2-3 kg per day. The hunting object is becoming a variety of animals - from mice-pools to roasted and food depends on the habitat. But the main production of lyry is usually a hare. It is from his number in the region where the lynx lives and their well-being depends. One caught hare is grabbed for 4 days. As a rule, it hunts on them mostly in winter, when the choice of food is small. In the taiga, the prey of this clever animal is often the boys.

Lynx can deftly and imperceptibly get to the victim and kill it with one blow of his powerful paw. In addition, huge fangs of the predator are similar to leopard fangs or leopards. And among the birds there are many victims falling into these fangs. Usually it is a tore wheels, deaf and a ripper.


Lynx is a single animal. For his life, she rarely publishes any sounds. A sharp cry of a lyry, like a feline, can be heard only during the Gon period, which is usually happening in February. This animal is extremely careful. All day I spend in my lair, which is in deep more often. Late in the evening she goes hunting. It also leads only when food resources in the habitat ends, moves to another territory. During the day can overcome the distance of up to 30 km.


You can find a lot of information about lynx - than it is supplied, where it dwells, but its unusual habits also deserve attention. For example, in food this animal uses extremely fresh meat, the Bar View Padalu. She never returns to the remnants of production, although he buries them into the ground. And it makes it very careless, and walking on her traces of foxes and wolverines often use the remains of the feast.

Each individual has its own territory for hunting. Lynx is distinguished by bloodthirstiness. She hunts almost always and kills at the same time the animals are much more than it can eat. Lisens learn a special dislike, which is caused by food competition. But killing the fox, there will never be it. Fitting hunting usually ends luck. Walking out her prey on the tree, she rushes with zipper. Thanks to the developed back limbs, the lynx can catch even the birds from the ground.

When the feed in the forest is not enough, the predator can visit the nearest villages and farms. There it is not difficult for him to drag chicken or even a lamb.


During the marriage period, the female is accompanied by several males who constantly conflict with each other. Pregnancy lasts about 2 months. Approximately 5 hours before childbirth, Lynx begins to arrange the lair. Usually makes it at the height - in the wrappers of trees or in the crevices of the rocks. Cubs appear on the light at the end of April - early May the blind, weighing up to 300 grams and open the eyes of only two weeks.

Mother feeds them with his milk for a month, then begins to bring the kids of mice, hares. At the age of 3 months, the young people are already followed by the mother, and another 2 months later begin to acquire the first hunting skills themselves. When they are marching, the mother drives away from themselves, they start independent life. For a year and a half, female becomes sexually mature, males grow up for a year later. The life expectancy of the lynx is an average of 15-20 years.

Despite the fact that there are not much on the planet of plants where the Lynx does not live in wildlife, the population of this animal is reduced. The reason is to destroy the natural habitat and excessive hunting on these beautiful animals. In some european countries They are already practically exterminated.

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