The most amazing phenomena in space. Inexplicable phenomena with which astronauts faced (50 photos)

Starting from stars that suck life from themselves similar and ending with giant black holes, which are billions of times larger and massive than our sun.

1. Planet Ghost

Many astronomers said that a huge Planet Fomalgout was in the sun, but she, apparently, was alive again.

In 2008, astronomers, with the help of the Nasa Hubble Space Telescope, announced the opening of a huge planet, which revolves around a very bright star Fomalgaut, located at a distance of only 25 light years from the ground. Other researchers later questioned this discovery, stating that scientists actually discovered a giant cloud of dust.

However, according to the latest data obtained from Hubble, the planet is revealed again and again. Other experts carefully study the system surrounding the star, so the planet zombie can be buried more than once, before the final verdict will be issued on this issue.

2. Zombie Stars

Some stars literally return to life with a cruel and dramatic way. Astronomers classify these zombie stars as supernova type IA, which generate huge and powerful explosions, sending "insides" of stars into the universe.

Supernova type Ia explodes from double systems that consist at least from one white Dwarf - a tiny super-density star, stopped passing through the synthesis nuclear reaction. White dwarfs are "dead", but in this form they cannot remain in the binary system.

They can return to life, though not long, in a giant explosion with a supernova, sucking life from her companion star or by merging with her.

3. Vampire Stars

Just like vampires from fiction, Some stars manage to stay young, sucking life forces from unfortunate victims. These vampire stars are known as "blue retired", and "look" they are much younger than their neighbors, together with which they were formed.

With their explosion, the temperature is much higher, and the color "much blue". Scientists believe that this is the case, because they suck a huge amount of hydrogen from neighboring stars.

4. Giant black holes

Black holes may seem like science fiction objects - they are extremely dense, and the gravity in them is so strong that even the light is not able to escape from them, if approaching a closely close distance.

But these are very real objects that are quite common throughout the universe. In fact, astronomers believe that supermassive black holes are located in the center of the majority (if not all) galaxies, including our Milky Way. Supermassive black holes are breathtaking according to its size.

5. Asteroids Killer

The phenomena given in the previous paragraph may be terrible or take an abstract form, but they do not pose a threat to humanity. What can not be said about the big asteroids that fly close to the earth near the earth.

And even an asteroid size is only 40 m can cause serious harm if he gets in locality. Probably the effect of an asteroid is one of the factors that have changed to life on Earth. It is assumed that 65 million years ago, it was the asteroid destroyed dinosaurs. Fortunately, there are ways to redirect the dangerous space stones away from the ground, if, of course, to detect danger in time.

6. Active Sun.

The sun gives us life, but our star is not always so good. From time to time there are serious storms, which can have a potentially destructive effect on radio communications, satellite navigation and power grid operation.

Recently, similar solar flares are especially observed, because the sun entered its particularly active phase of the 11-year cycle. Researchers expect solar activity to reach its peak in May 2013.

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Every day, an incredible amount of new information and data from telescopes, aimed at a variety of corners of the Universe passes through the observatory around the world. Each part of this data is of great interest to science, but far from all the information deserves the attention of the public. Nevertheless, some discoveries turn out to be so rare and unexpected, which attracts even those people who are almost completely indifferent to space.

The Hubble Space Telescope recently became an eyewitness of a very rare cosmic phenomenon - spontaneous destruction of the asteroid. Usually, space clashes or too close approach to larger space bodies lead to such a coincidence. However, the destruction of the asteroid P / 2013 R3 under the influence of sunlight turned out to be somewher than a somewhat unexpected phenomenon. The growing effect of the solar wind led to R3 rotation. At some point, this rotation has reached the critical point and broke the asteroid on 10 large pieces weighing about 200,000 tons. Leisurely distinguished from each other at a speed of 1.5 kilometers per second pieces of asteroid threw an incredible amount of small particles.

Birth of stars

Watching the object W75N (B) -VLA2, astronomers witnessed the formation of a new heavenly Body. Located only 4200 light years from us, the VLA2 object was first discovered in 1996 by the VLA radio telescope (radio telescope with a very large antenna system) located in the San Augustine Observatory in New Mexico. During its first observation, scientists noted a dense gas cloud emitted by a tiny young star.

In 2014, with the next observation of the W75N (B) object, the scientists noted explicit changes. For such a small from an astronomical point of view, the period of heavenly body has changed, but these metamorphoses have not contradicted previously created scientifically predicted models. Over the past 18 years, the spherical form of the surrounding gas star has acquired a more elongated form under the influence of accumulated dust and cosmic fragments, actually creating a kind of cradle.

Unusual planet with incredible temperature changes

Space object 55 CANCRI E got the nickname "Diamond Planet", because almost completely consists of a crystalline diamond. However, recent scientists have discovered another unusual feature of this cosmic body. The temperature difference on the planet can spontaneously vary 300 percent, which is simply unimaginably for the planet of this type.

55 CANCRI E is perhaps the most unusual planet within its system consisting of five other planets. It is incredibly dense, and its full turn around the star takes 18 hours. Under the influence of the strongest tidal forces of their native star, the planet is addressed to her only one side. Since the temperature on it can vary from 1000 thousand degrees to 2700 degrees Celsius, scientists suggest that the planet can be covered with volcanoes. On the one hand, it could explain so unusual temperature changes, on the other hand, to refute the hypothesis that the planet is a giant diamond, because in this case the level of contained carbon will not correspond to the desired.

Volcanic hypothesis is supported by the evidence detected in our own solar system. Satellite of Jupiter IO is very similar to the planet described, and tidal forces aimed at this satellite turned it into one solid giant volcano.

The strangest exoplanet - Kepler 7B

Kepler 7B gas giant is a real revelation for scientists. First, astronomers struck the incredible "obesity" of the planet. It is about 1.5 times more than Jupiter, but at the same time he has a much smaller mass, which could mean that its density is comparable to the density of foam.

This planet could easily be on the surface of the ocean, unless, of course, it would be possible to find the ocean with such a size that could fit it. In addition, Kepler 7B is the first exoplanet for which the cloud card was created. Scientists found out that the temperature on its surface can reach 800-1000 degrees Celsius. It is hot, but not as expected. The fact is that Kepler 7B is located closer to his star than Mercury is located to the sun. After three years of observation of the planet, scientists found out the causes of these inconsistencies: the clouds in the upper layers of the atmosphere reflect the excessive heat from the star. An even more interesting was the fact that one side of the planet is always covered with clouds, while the other always remains clean.

Triple Eclipse on Jupiter

The usual eclipse is not such a rare phenomenon. Nevertheless, the solar eclipse is an amazing coincidence: the diameter of the solar disk is 400 times more than the moon, and at this moment the sun is 400 times further from it. It happened that the Earth is an ideal place to observe these space events.

Solar and lunar eclipses are really beautiful phenomena. But at part of the entertainment, the triple eclipse on Jupiter replaces them. In January 2015, the Hubble telescope caught three Galilean satellites to the lens of his camera - Io, Europe and Callisto, and Jupiter lined up in front of their "gas daddy".

Anyone at that moment on Jupiter could witness a psychedelic triple Sun Eclipse. The following such phenomenon will occur no earlier than 2032.

Giant star cradle

Stars are often in groups. Large groups are called ball star clusters, and they may contain up to one million stars. Such clusters are scattered throughout the universe, and at least 150 of them are inside Milky Way. All of them are so ancient that scientists cannot even assume the principle of their formation. However, quite recently, astronomers discovered a very rare space object - a very young ball cluster filled with gas, but at the same time not having stars inside it.

Deep among the group Galaxik Antennae, located in 50 million light years from us, there is a gas cloud whose mass is equivalent to 50 million suns. This place will soon become "nurseries" for many young stars. Astronomers first discovered such an object, and therefore they compare it with the "dinosaur egg, which should be about to hatch." FROM technical Point Of the view, this "egg" could have "hatching" for a long time, since, presumably, such regions of the space remain nearly about one million years.

The importance of opening such objects is colossal. Since they can explain one of the most ancient and unexplained processes in the universe. It is quite possible that such regions of space become peculiar cradle of incredibly beautiful ball clusters, which we can now observe.

A rare phenomenon that helped solve the riddle of cosmic dust

The IR Astronomy Stratospheric Observatory (Sofia) of the Aerospace Agency NASA is installed directly on board an upgraded Boeing 747SP aircraft and is intended to study various astronomical events. At an altitude of 13 kilometers above the ground, there is a less atmospheric water vapor, which would have created interference in the infrared telescope.

Recently, the Sofia telescope helped astronomers to solve one of the cosmic mysteries. Surely many of you, who looked different transmissions about space, know that we are all, like everything in the universe, consists of star dust, or rather from those elements from which it consists. However, scientists could not long understand how this star dust does not evaporate under the influence of supernovae, which will spread it across the entire universe.

Considering with its infrared eye of the Sagittarius A East of 10,000 years old, the Sofia telescope discovered that the assembly dense areas from the gas around the star play a kind of pillows that repel the particles of cosmic dust, protecting them from the effects of heat and shock wave.

Even if 7-20 percent of cosmic dust could survive a meeting with Sagittarius a East, it will be quite enough to form about 7000 space objects Sizes with land.

Collision Meteor Perside with Moon

Every year from mid-July and approximately by the end of August in the night sky, you can observe the meteor rain of Perside, but it is best to start your observation of this cosmic phenomenon with observation of the moon. On August 9, 2008, amateur astronomers did, having witnessed an unforgettable event - a shock fall of meteorites on our natural satellite. Due to the lack of the last atmosphere, the drop in meteorites on the moon occurs quite regularly. However, the fall of meteors of Perseides, which, in turn, are fragments of a slowly dying comet of Swift-Tutl, was marked by especially bright outbreaks on the lunar surface, which could be seen anyone who had even the most simple telescope.

Since 2005, NASA has witnessed about 100 such falls of meteorites on the moon. Such observations may once assist in the development of methods for predicting future meteoroids, as well as means of protecting future astronauts and lunar colonists.

Dwarf galaxies containing more stars than huge galaxies

Dwarf galaxies are amazing space objects that prove to us that the size does not always matter. Astronomers have already conducted research to find out the speed of the formation of stars in medium and large galaxies, but about the tiny galaxies in this matter until recently there was a space.

After the Hubble Space Telescope provided infrared data on dwarf galaxies, which he watched, astronomers were surprised. It turned out that star formation in tiny galaxies occurs much faster than star formation in larger galaxies. It is surprising that in larger galaxies contain more gas that is required for the appearance of stars. Nevertheless, in the tiny galaxies for 150 million years, the same stars are formed as formed in the galaxies of standard and larger sizes for about 1.3 billion years of severe and intensive work of local gravitational forces. And what is interesting, scientists do not yet know why dwarf galaxies are so prolific.

Every day, a huge amount of data is processed in the world observatory. New discoveries are regularly performed, which can become very useful for science, but they will seem not noticeable ordinary people. Nevertheless, some space phenomena, behind which astronomers were able to observe in recent years, are rare and unexpected, they will surprise even the most tary opponents of astronomy.

Ultra-dipped galaxies

This looks like a rare space object - ultra-diffuse galaxy

It is no secret that the forms of galaxies can be very different. But a few years ago, scientists did not even suspect that there are so-called "fluffy" galaxies. They are very thin and include very little stars. The diameter of some of them reaches 60 thousand light years, which is comparable to the dimensions of the Milky Way, however, the stars in them are about 100 times less.

It is interesting: with the help of a giant Telescope Mauna-Kea, placed on Hawaii, astronomers found 47 unknown earlier ultra-infusion galaxies. The stars in them are so small that any third-party observer, looking at the desired section of the sky, would have seen there only emptiness.

Ultra-dipped galaxies are so unusual that astronomers still cannot confirm a single guessed about their education. Perhaps it is simply the former galaxies in which gas reserves were exhausted. There is also an assumption that UDG is simply slices, "cut off" from larger galaxies. No less questions cause them to "vitality." The ultra-dippedic galaxies were found in the COMA cluster - the space of the cosmos, in which the dark matter is boil, and any normal galaxies are compressed at huge speeds. This fact suggests that ultra-dipped galaxies have gained their kind because of crazy gravity in outer space.

Comet committed suicide

As a rule, comets have tiny sizes, and if they are strongly distant from the ground, it is difficult to watch them even with modern technology. Fortunately, there is also a Hubble Space Telescope. Thanks to him, scientists recently witnessed the rarest phenomenon - the spontaneous decay of the Kernel of the comet.

It is worth noting that in reality comets - much more fragile objects than it may seem. They are easily destroyed in any cosmic clashes or when passing through the gravitational field of massive planets. However, the comet P / 2013 R3 broke out thousands of times faster than other similar space objects. It happened very unexpectedly. Scientists find out that this comet has long been gradually destroyed due to the cumulative effects of sunlight. The sun illuminated the comet unevenly, thereby forcing her to rotate. The intensity of rotation over time increased, and at one moment the heavenly body could not stand the load and fell apart on 10 large fragments weighing 100-400 thousand tons. These pieces are slowly moving away from each other and leave the stream of smallest particles behind them. By the way, our descendants will be able to witness the consequences of this decay, because parts R3, which did not fall into the sun, will still meet with meteors.

Birth of stars

For 19 years size and appearance The young stars have changed significantly

For 19. recent years Astronomers have the opportunity to observe how a small young star, called W75N (B) -VLA2, ripens into a sufficiently massive and mature heavenly body. Almost 4200 world years old, distant from the ground, first noted in 1996 by Astronomers of the Radio Observatory in the city of San Augustine, New Mexico. Watching her for the first time, scientists noticed a dense gas cloud, which proceeded from unstable, barely born. In 2014, the radio electolectric telescope was again directed towards W75N (B) -VLA2. Scientists decided to study once again to study the emerging star, staying already in the "adolescence".

They were very surprised when they saw that for such a small time for astronomical measures. The exterior view of W75N (B) -VLA2 changed significantly. True, he evolved as experts predicted. For 19 years, the gas part of the star strongly stretched in the course of interaction with the colossal accumulation of cosmic dust surrounding the cosmic body at the time of its occurrence.

Unusual rocky planet with large temperature fluctuations

55 CANCRI E - one of the most unusual planets known to astronomers

A small space body called 55 CANCRI, scientists managed to paint " diamond Planet"Due to high content in its depths of carbon. But recently, astronomers revealed another distinctive detail of this space object. The temperature on its surface may vary by as much as 300%. This makes this planet unique in comparison with thousands of other rocky exoplanets.

Because of its unusual position, 55 Cancri e passes a full circle around his star in just 18 hours. One side of this planet is all the time turned to her as the moon to the ground. Considering that the temperature can range from 1100 to 2700 degrees Celsius, experts suggest that the surface 55 cancri is covered by constantly speaking volcanoes. Only it would be possible to explain the unusual thermal behavior of this planet. Unfortunately, if this assumption is correct, 55 Cancri e cannot be a giant diamond. In this case, it will have to recognize that the carbon content in its depths was overvalued.

Confirmation of volcanic hypothesis can be found even in our solar system. For example, the satellite of Jupiter Io is located very close to the gas giant. The forces of attraction, affecting him, made a huge rusted volcano from Io.

The most amazing planet - Kepler 7B

Kepler 7B - planet, the density which is about the same as the polystyrene foam

A gas giant called Kepler 7B is a cosmic phenomenon, surprising all astronomers. First, the experts were amazed by calculating the size of this planet. It has 1.5 times a larger diameter than Jupiter, but weighs several times less. Based on this, we can conclude that average density Kepler 7B is about the same as the polystyrene foam.

It is interesting: if somewhere in the universe was the ocean, in which it would be possible to put such a gigantic planet, she would not have drowned in it.

And in 2013, astronomers first managed to make a map of cloud cover Kepler 7B. It was the first planet not from Solar system, studied so detailed. With the help of infrared images, scientists were also able to measure the temperature on the surface of this celestial body. It turned out that it varies ranging from 800 to 1000 degrees Celsius. It is very hot according to our standards, but much colder than expected. The fact is that Kepler 7B is located to his star even closer than Mercury to the sun. After three-year observations, astronomers were able to find out the reason for the temperature paradox: it turned out that the cloud cover is quite dense, so it reflects most of the thermal energy.

It is interesting: one side of Kepler 7B is always wounded with tight clouds, and clear weather reigns to another. Astronomers are not a single other similar planet.

The next time the triple eclipse of Jupiter will occur in 2032

We can observe eclipses quite often, but we do not understand how generally there are similar phenomena in the universe.

Solar eclipse is an amazing cosmic coincidence. The diameter of our shone is 400 times more than that of the moon, and it is about 400 times further from our planet. It so happened that the Earth is located in an ideal place so that people can observe how the moon flashes the sun, and their contours coincide.

The lunar eclipse has a somewhat different nature. We cease to see our satellite when the land occupies the situation between the Sun and the Moon, closing the last from the rays. This phenomenon is observed much more often.

It is interesting: both sun and lunar eclipses are great, but the triple eclipse of Jupiter produces a much stronger impression. In early January 2015, the Hubble Space Telescope was able to fix the moment when the three "Galilean" satellites of the gas giant - Io, Europe and Callisto, as if they lined up in one line in front of their "dad". If we could at this point to be on the surface of Jupiter, they would witness a psychedelic triple eclipse.

Fortunately, the ideal harmony of the movement of satellites causes this phenomenon to repeat, and scientists get the opportunity to predict its exact date and time. The next time the triple eclipse of Jupiter will occur in 2032.

The colossal "nursery" of future stars

Astronomers discovered the formative ball accumulation of stars in which there is only gas

Stars are often combined into groups or so-called ball clusters. Some of them include up to a million stars. Such clusters are found in the entire universe, only in our galaxy about 150. And they all are quite old, so astronomers cannot understand the mechanisms of formation of star clusters.

But 3 years ago, astronomers discovered the rarest object - the forming ball accumulation, which is still only made of gas. This cluster is in the so-called "antennas" - two interacting galaxies of NGC-4038 and NGC-4039, relating to the constellation of the crow.

The emerging cluster is distant from the Earth for 50 million light years. It is a giant cloud, the mass of which is 52 million times higher than the solar. Perhaps there will be hundreds of thousands of new stars in it.

It is interesting: when the astronomers first saw this cluster, they compared it with the egg, from which the chicken will soon hatch. In reality, the chicken probably "hatched" for a long time, because in the theory of stars begin to be formed in such areas after 1 million years. But the speed of light is limited, so we can observe their birth only when their real age has already reached 50 million years.

The significance of this discovery is difficult to overestimate. It is thanks to him that we begin to know the secrets of one of the most mysterious processes in space. Most likely, it is from such massive gas regions that all stunningly beautiful balls of clusters are born.

Stratospheric Observatory helped scientists to solve the mystery of cosmic dust

All stars once formed from cosmic dust

The Nasa Stratospheric Observatory, used for infrared shooting, is located on board the Boeing 747SP super-modern aircraft. With its help, scientists conduct hundreds of studies at a height from 12 to 15 kilometers. This layer of the atmosphere contains a very few water vapor, so these measurements are practically distorted. This allows NASA professionals to receive more accurate ideas about space.

In 2014, Sophia was justified by all the funds spent on its creation when they helped the astronomers to solve the mystery of their minds for decades. As you may have heard in some kind of informative shows, from the smallest particles inter-Village Dust All objects in the Universe are planets, stars and even we are with you. But it was not clear how tiny grains of the star substance were able to survive, for example, explosions of supernovae.

Considering through the infrared lenses of the Sofia's infrared lenterns, the existed supernovae A, which exploded 100 thousand years ago, scientists found out that the dense gas regions around the stars serve as themselves with shock absorbers for the particles of cosmic dust. So they are saved from the destruction and dispersion in the depths of the universe when exposed to the most powerful shock wave. Even if 7-10% of dust remains around the Sagittarius, this is enough for the formation of 7 thousand bodies, comparable in size from the earth.

Moon Bombardment Meteors Persees

Meteors are constantly bombed the surface of the moon

Perseys are a meteor flow, annually illuminating our sky from July 17 to August 24. The greatest intensity " star rain"Usually observed from August 11 to August 13. Thousands of amateur astronomers are observed for Persians. But they could see much more interesting if they were sent to the lens of their telescope on the moon.

In 2008, one of the American amateurs did. He witnessed an unusual spectacle - permanent blows of cobblestones in the moon. It should be noted that large boulders and minor grain grains bombed our satellite constantly, because it does not have an atmosphere in which they would have grumbled and burned from friction. The scope of bombing is repeatedly increasing by mid-August.

It is interesting: since 2005, astronomers from NASA have observed more than 100 such "massive space attacks". They collected a huge amount of data and now hope that they will be able to protect future astronauts or what the hell does not joke, the moon's colonists from bullet meteorite bodies, the appearance of which cannot be predicted. They are able to break a much thicker barrier than a spanter - the blow energy of a small pebble is comparable to the power of the explosion of 100 kilograms of TNT.

In NASA, even detailed bombing schemes. So, if you once want to go on a vacation to the moon, we recommend to study a meteor hazard card that updates every few minutes.

Huge galaxies produce much less stars than dwarf

Faster than the process of the formation of stars occurs in dwarf galaxies

As clearly out of the name, the size of dwarf galaxies across the universe is very modest. Nevertheless, they are very powerful. Dwarf galaxies are cosmic evidence that the most important is not the dimensions, but the ability to dispose of them.

Astronomers have repeatedly conducted research, the purpose of which was to determine the speed of the star formation in medium and large galaxies, but they only recently got to the smallest.

After analyzing the data obtained from the Hubble Space Telescope, who observed the dwarf galaxies in the infrared range, the specialists were greatly surprised. They found out that the stars are formed much faster than in more massive galaxies.Prior to this, scientists assumed that the number of stars directly depends on the number of interstellar gas, but, as you can see, mistaken.

It is interesting: tiny galaxies are the most productive of all known astronomers. The number of stars in them can double for some 150 million years - a moment for the universe. In the galaxies of normal size, a similar increase in the number can occur at least 2-3 billion years.

Unfortunately, at this stage, astronomers are unknown the reasons for such fertility of dwarfs. Note that in order to reliably determine the relationship between the mass and features of the star formation, they would have to look into the past for about 8 billion years. Perhaps scientists will be able to reveal the secrets of dwarf galaxies, when a variety of similar objects are found at different stages of development.

400 years ago, the Great Scientist Galileo Galilee created the first telescope in the history. Since then, the study of the depths of the Universe has become an integral part of science. We live in an age of incredibly fast scientific and technological progress, when important astronomical discoveries are made one after another. Nevertheless, the more we study space, the more questions appear to which scientists cannot answer. I wonder if people will be able to once say that everyone knows about the universe?

Cosmos full of riddles and secrets. Fantasy writers have devoted such an enormous amount of outstanding works by space issues. Moreover, there are much more inexplicable processes in space than it seems to us. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most amazing phenomena that occur in space expanders.

Everyone knows that a falling star is a simple meteorite burning in the atmosphere. At the same time, many people do not recognize about the existence of real falling hypersproorny stars, which are large fiery balls from gas, flying in outer space at a speed of millions km per hour. One of the hypotheses of such a phenomenon is as follows: when the double star turns out to be very close to the black hole, one of the stars is absorbed by a massive black hole, and the other begins to move at a huge speed. You just imagine a hurriculous ball, the value of which is 4 times higher than the magnitude of our Sun, flying at a huge speed in our galaxy.

One of the similar planets Gliese 581 C rotates around a red small star, which is many times less than the sun. Her glow is hundreds of times less than that of our sun. The hellish planet is located much closer to its own star than our land. Due to the extreme proximity to its star, Gliese 581 C is always addressed to the star one of the parties, and the other side, on the contrary, is removed from it. Therefore, a real blood pressure on the planet takes place: one hemisphere resembles a "hot frying", and the second is the icy desert. However, there is a small belt between two poles, where there is a possibility of the existence of life.

Castor system includes 3 double systems. Here the brightest star is Pollux. The second brightness is Castor. In addition to them, the system includes two double starssimilar to Betelgeuse (class 3 - red and orange stars). The total brightness of the stars in the Castor system is higher than that of our sun is 52.4 times. Look at the starry sky at night. Surely you will see these stars.

In recent years, scientists actively engaged in learning a dust cloud located near the center of the Milky Way. Some are convinced that God is located there. If he is still there, then it approached the issue of creating such an object. German scientists have proven that the dust cloud named Sagittarius B2 has the smell of raspberry. This is achieved through the presence in a huge amount of ethyl formate, which gives the specific smell of forest raspberry, as well as rum.

Planet Gliese 436 B, discovered by scientists in 2004, is no less strange than Gliese 581 c. Its magnitude is almost the same as Neptune. Located ice planet in the constellation of lion at a distance of 33 light years from our land. Planet Gliese 436 B is a huge water ball, where the temperature is below 300 degrees. Due to the strong gravity of the core of the water molecule on the surface of the planet they do not evaporate, and the so-called "burning of ice" occurs.

55 CANCRI E or Diamond Planet fully consists of real diamonds. It was estimated at 26.9 nonillion dollars. Undoubtedly, this is the most expensive object in the galaxy. Once it was just a kernel in a double system. But as a result of the effect of high temperature (more than 1600 degrees Celsius) and pressure, most carbon steel diamonds. Dimensions 55 CANCRI E are twice as much as our land, and weight - as much as 8 times.

A huge cloud of chemical (size is half from the Milky Way) can show us the origins of the pristine galaxy. This object dates back to 800 million years since the time of the Big Explosion. Previously thought that the chemical cloud is one big Galaxy, and recently the opinions are held that there are 3 relatively young galaxies.

The largest water tank having 140 trillion times more water than on the whole earth, is located in 20 billion light years from ground surface. Water here is in the form of a massive gas cloud, located next to a huge black hole, constantly speaking such an energy that 1000 trillion suns could produce.

Not so long ago (a couple of years ago), scientists opened the electrotes of cosmic scale at 10 ^ 18 amps, which is equivalent to about 1 trillion zone. It is assumed that the strongest discharges are born in a higratory black hole located in the center of the galactic system. One of the similar lightning launched by a black hole is one and a half times higher than the magnitude of our galaxy.

A huge group of quasars (LQG), consisting of 73 quasars, performs one of the largest structures throughout the universe. Its value is 4 billion light years. Scientists were still unable to understand how such a structure was able to form. According to the cosmological theory, the existence of such a large group of quasars is simply impossible. LQG undermines the generally accepted cosmological principle, agree with the structures of more than 1.2 billion light years to be.

Cosmos still remains an incomprehensible mystery for all mankind. It is incredibly beautiful, full of secrets and dangers, and the more we study it, the more we open up new imaginations of the phenomena. We have gathered for you 10 of the most interesting phenomena that occurred in 2017.

1. Sounds inside Saturn Rings

Cassini spacecraft made a recording of sounds inside the rings of Saturn. The sounds were recorded using the Audio and Plasma Wave Science device (RPWS), which detects radio and plasma waves, then converted into sounds. As a result, scientists "heard" not at all expected.

Sounds were recorded using the Audio and Plasma Wave Science device (RPWS), which detects radio and plasma waves, which are then converted into sound. As a result, we can "hear" particles of dust falling on the tool antennas whose sounds contrast with conventional "whistles and violines" created in space charged particles.

But as soon as Cassini dived into the emptiness between the rings, everything suddenly became strangely quiet.

The planet, which is an ice ball, was discovered using a special technique and got the name OGGE-2016-BLG-1195LB.

With the help of microlynes, it was possible to open a new planet, approximately equal land by mass and even rotating around his star at the same distance as the earth from the Sun. However, this similarity ends - a new planet is probably too cold to be suitable for life, because its star is 12 times less than our sun.

Microlinzing is a method that makes it easier to detect remote objects through the use of background stars as "backlight". When the Star Staked passes before a larger and brighter star, then big Star For a short time, as it were, "highlights" smaller and simplifies the process of monitoring the system.

The Cassini spacecraft successfully completed the span on the narrow gap between the Planet of Saturn and its rings on April 26, 2017 and handed over unique pictures on Earth. The distance between the rings and the upper layers of the atmosphere of Saturn is about 2,000 km. And through this "gap" "Cassini" was supposed to slip at a speed of 124 thousand km / h. At the same time, as protection against annular particles that could damage it, "Cassini" used a large antenna, turning her away from the ground and towards obstacles. That is why he could not get in touch with the Earth for 20 hours.

A group of independent researchers of polar shine found not yet studied phenomenon in the night sky over Canada and called him "Steve". More precisely, such a name for the new phenomenon suggested one of the users in the comments to the photo of another unnamed phenomenon. And scientists agreed. With the fact that the official scientific communities still did not really respond to the discovery, the name will consolidate the phenomenon.

"Large" scientists do not yet know how to characterize this phenomenon, although the enthusiast team opened by Steve initially called him a proton arc. They did not know that proton radiances were not visible by the human eye. Preliminary tests have shown that Steve turned out to be a hot flux of fast gas in the upper layers of the atmosphere.

The European Space Agency (ESA) has already sent special probes to study Steve and found that the air temperature inside the gas stream rises above 3000 degrees Celsius. At first, scientists could not even believe it. The data showed that at the time of measurements, Steve width of 25 kilometers was moving at a speed of 10 kilometers per second.

5. New Planet, Suitable for Life

Exoplanet, rotating around red dwarf at a distance of 40 light years from the ground, can become a new title owner "The best place to search for signs of life outside the solar system." According to scientists, the LHS 1140 system in the constellation of China may be even more suitable for finding extraterior life than Proxima B or TrapPist-1.

LHS 1140 (GJ 3053) is a star that is located in the Constellation of China at a distance of about 40 light years from the sun. Its mass and radius make up 14% and 18% solar, respectively. The surface temperature is about 3131 Kelvin, which is two times less than this indicator in the sun. The luminosity of the star is 0.002 sun luminosity. The LHS 1140 age is estimated at about 5 billion years.

6. Asteroid, which almost flew to the ground

Asteroid 2014 JO25 with a diameter of about 650 m approached the Earth in April 2017, and then flew the ravis. This relatively large near-earth asteroid was only four times farther from the ground than the moon. NASA classified asteroid as "potentially dangerous." All asteroids of more than 100 meters are automatically falling into this category and falling closer to the ground than 19.5 distances from it to the moon.

Picture - Pan, Natural Satellite Saturn. The volume photo is made according to an anaglyphic method. You can get a stereo effect using special glasses with red and blue light filters.

Pan opened on July 16, 1990. Researcher Mark Shawlter analyzed the photo that did the automatic interplanetary station Voyager-2 in 1981. Experts have not yet agreed on why Pan has such a form.

8. The first photos of the habitable system TRAPPIST-1

The discovery of the potentially inhabited planetary star TrapPist-1 has become an event event in astronomy. Now NASA has published the first photos of the stars on its website. The camera made one frame per minute for an hour, and then the photo was collected in the animation:

Animation size - 11 × 11 points, and it covers an area of \u200b\u200b44 square arkey. This is equivalent to the sand at the distance of an elongated hand.

Recall, the distance from Earth to Star TrapPist-1 is 39 light years.

9. Earth collision date with Mars

American School Geophysician Stephen Myers from Wisconsin University suggested that the Earth and Mars could face. This theory is not Nova, but scientists recently received its confirmation, finding evidence in an unexpected place. All wine - "Butterfly effect".

This is the same phenomenon. Butterfly, fluttering over Indian Oceanmay affect weather conditions North America in a week.

This thought is not new. But the Myers team found evidence in an unexpected place. Rock formation in Colorado state consists of sedimentary layers, testifying to climatic changes that were caused by fluctuations in the amount of sunlight entering the planet. According to scientists, this is the result of changes in the Earth's orbit.

At least over the past 50 million years of the Earth's orbit, every 2.4 million years has changed the shape with circular to elliptical. It created climatic changes. But 85 million years of age, this periodicity was 1.2 million years, since the land and Mars interact slightly, as if "pulling" each other, which would naturally expect in the chaotic system.

The discovery will help to understand the relationship between orbital changes and climate. But other potential consequences are somewhat more disturbing: in billions of years there is a very small chance that Mars can crash into the ground.

The giant whirlwind of a hot gauze gas extends for a distance of more than 1 million light years through the very center of Perseus cluster. Matter in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Perseus cluster is formed from gas, the temperature of which is 10 million degrees, which makes it shine. The unique photo of NASA allows you to consider a galactic vortex in all details. It extends for a distance of over a million light years through the very center of Persea cluster.

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