Legend of grimrock 2 golden keys. Mind and matter

Go into the corridor and find the grate there, which can be opened with the key. It is worth noting that behind this barrier, you can pick up a crystal responsible for saving. But I want to warn you that on the way to this crystal, you will meet another obstacle in the form of a grid. However, you need to get closer and pull the chain that is located next to it. Thus, the barrier will move and open the passage to the crystal.

After picking up the jewel, you can move back, and then turn into the turn leading to the left. Sooner or later you will find yourself in an unknown corridor. Go through it and find the wall on which the chain is attached to use it to open the passage. Then, in the passage of the game Legend of Grimrock, you will need to go through the opened hole and turn to the left, because only by going along this path will you be able to get to the next grate and portal. It is worth noting that as soon as you go to the portal, you will immediately be moved to a new location.

Then you can get close to the button located on the left side, and click on it several times. Sooner or later, a skeleton will appear in front of you. Don't think for a minute, just destroy it, and then start clicking the button back. So, now instead of the bones left from the skeleton, there is a bag. Approach it and pick up the key there.

Then you can use the portal again and return to the grate to activate it with the key. As soon as you get to the crystal, don't forget to save and then move to the grate, near which there will be two wells. They are designed for keys that you can find in two corridors: the one on the right side and the one on the left. Then turn to the left side and neutralize the enemies that you meet along the way.

In the further passage of the Legend of Grimrock, you need to get close to the wall on which the button will be placed. As soon as you clamp it, a niche will immediately appear. Climb up there and go to another button to click on it too. Then move to the side where there is a grate with two key holes. Once near it, you will see another niche on the left side, which was not there before.

Get in there, just be careful, because the enemy is attacking now. After you destroy it, you can move on and find the button on the wall. When you are near it, then press and then return to the room in which you found the very first button. As soon as you get there, you will immediately see the key in the opposite direction. Come and take it for yourself, and then move to the complex grate and insert the first key into it.

Then move to the right side until you are near the portal. When you get to it, you will need to move in the opposite direction. I must say right away that the portal is now clearly against you and will constantly bring you back. You need not despair, but move in the opposite direction from the portal, straight to the button with which it is deactivated. In order to find it, you need to go to the wall and find a fragment there. After the portal is disabled, continue through the Legend of Grimrock and go back, but quickly, otherwise it will soon become active again.

Be careful, because ahead you will meet an enemy that you need to eliminate, and then pick up the key. Go back again and insert it into the second well, so the door will open. Go through it and you will find yourself in the portal again. After moving, go in the direction of the grate. It is worth noting that literally two steps away from it, you should find the button and click on it. Then you can move around without turning anywhere, simultaneously cracking down on the mutants until you find yourself near the next door.

Now carefully examine the space around it and find the button. After you click on it, you can move further, neutralizing opponents. Once at the crossroads, you will need to turn left in order to reach a dead end. Having reached its end, you can carefully examine everything and pick up the key that is lying nearby. With the key, you can go back and go in the opposite direction. Soon you will see a locked door that can be opened with this key. Now in the passage of Legend of Grimrock, the wall will suddenly begin to rise. You should try to crawl under it to the next intersection.

Having reached the place, you can now turn to the right side and stand on the button that opens the next door. Be careful, because there is a skeleton behind it. As soon as you destroy it, move to a large room and look in it on the left side for the niche on which the dead will be. Now you have to fight the skeletons again and kill four of them. After the job is done, you can go to the wall and find a button on it, which is again represented as a chipped cobblestone. If you hold it, the entrance to the secret room will open.

After examining it, get out and head to the grate. Find a chain near it, for which you just need to pull to open it. Move only forward until there are steps in front of you, along which you can climb to the third floor. It is worth noting that there will be a torch on the stairs, which must be taken away so that the grate blocking the path opens.

pillars of light

In the event that you have two torches at your disposal, then you should find a third one and put them in a crowd. And you can do this in the column that is located in the center. You can calculate it by three stands on the walls located near it. It is worth noting that if you do not have enough torches, you will have to go through the previous challenges in the game Legend of Grimrock again to collect the missing ones.

As soon as all the torches are exposed, the closed door will immediately open. Head into it and when you find yourself in front of a turn, turn right. Just be careful, because on your way now there will be enemies that need to be neutralized. After walking a little, you will see holes that are worth bypassing. Then go into the tunnel on the left side and shoot another enemy there. Then return to the corridor, which is on your right side. Thus, you will be able to bypass all the holes. As soon as you see the button on the wall in the passage, hold it down. Then you need to return to the corridor, which is located on the left side. Examine everything there carefully and look for a hidden button in the form of a chipped cobblestone to clamp it. So, again the wall will start moving and open a passage for you. Continue through Legend of Grimrock and return to the corridor on the left. There is another opened passage, located near the pits.

Examine the wall carefully and press the hidden button, so another wall will rise, opening a new passage. Now you can see some holes. If you look closely, you will see a button behind these pits. Take out a cobblestone or a blade and hit this button to open the pits. You can move forward by picking up your arrows. Then go out into another small corridor and be careful, because a bird is flying there that can cause damage. Defuse it and remember the place where the new closed door is, because you will need to return here.

In the further passage of the Legend of Grimrock, go to the grate and there, find the button next to it on the wall. After you click on it, you can move forward until you reach the button on the floor. Be very careful, because now there will be opponents who should be neutralized. Then you can move forward and get to two alcoves. Study them carefully and find the key in one. It is worth noting that after you take the key, you can go to the left alcove and hold on to the lever that the grate has freed the passage. Then get out of this room. After walking a little, you will find yourself near a turn leading to the left. Turn around and get to the opposite side of the grate. Get the key you found earlier and use it to open the door on the right side.

Move without turning anywhere and get to the chain, which you need to pull so that the next grate clears the passage. Then be sure to save by applying the appropriate crystal, and go further. So, now you will have two holes in front of you. Now you should arm yourself and shoot the spider, and only then get close to the chain to use it to open the grate. Back you will see two pits and a spider.

It is worth noting that if you go to the left side, before reaching the first of the pits, then on the wall you can find a hidden button in the form of a chipped cobblestone. By clicking on it, you can block the pits for a while. If you want, you can drag a spider into them by using bait. Then do everything so that this insect is destroyed, and only then return to the button and hold down on it in order to be able to safely cross over the pit.

Then, in the passage of the game Legend of Grimrock, you should get close to the second pit and press the button next to it. Then quickly run back, because you can fall into it. Now climb into that alcove, which is located on the left side of the previous pit. It is worth noting that there is a portal with which you can move to another location.

After moving, go to the niche and pick up the book from there. It is with its help to replenish the health level of almost all your wards. You can return to the room where there were two pits. Once in it, go to the chain and use it to open the grate. A passage will open, so you can move on. Once in a room where more than one portal is located, immediately look for a suitable hole for yourself. It is worth noting that a little further is the grate, which can be easily opened. Move to her. Having got close, look to the right side and find the button with which you can put the grate into action. Go through and don't forget to pick up the stone you see on the ground. Moving to the right side, you can watch the portals disappear one by one. Then, in the passage of Legend of Grimrock, you need to reach the pit and throw the picked up cobblestone from it to the left side. Try to make it fall right on the button below. If you manage to do this, you will be able to get over this hole, because it will close.

Part 2. Treefoot Forest

We pass forward to the index. Under it is a bag with a mortar and pestle, parting words and a recipe for a healing potion.

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

We turn to the left, then move forward, sticking to the right side, along the way killing the Arrowfoots and collecting all sorts of mushrooms and herbs.

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Treeleg in disguise

When you reach the stop, kill the tree leg on the right, then turn around and pick up the bag from the ground. It contains: a healing potion, a baked larva (food) and a scroll of poisonous arrows (requires 2 earth magic). We go back all the way. We take 4 steps forward, turn right, go all the way along the "wall". To the right of the grass will be a box of bullets.

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

We move forward along the trees, we find a descent down.

We go down, we reach an open pit-trap, we throw forward any object, it falls on the pressure plate, the trap slams shut.

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

We kill him, we move all the way, we select the key. Turning around, we select the tattered cloak (+2 to evasion). We return to the pit-trap, immediately after it, on the left we open the passage with the key. We approach the chest, we take away the loot: the key, the ice bomb and the scroll of the ice arrow. To the left of the chest we pick up the shish kebab from the lizard. There is a button on the right wall, press it, a wall with a secret opens next to it.

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

A typical disguised button in a game. It can be semi-circular, round or square.

It contains a skeleton warrior and a staff +5 to energy (requires concentration 1). We leave the dungeon to the surface. We return to the entrance to the location and go all the way. We turn left, then right. We pick up a vest from a rat skin (defense +3, evasion -5 in the absence of the Light Armor skill), as well as an Ice Necklace (+50 to protection from the cold). We return back, adhering to the right side. We reach the locked grate, open it with the key. We pass inside, adhering to the left side. Cutting a path through a thicket of thorns and wargs

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Let's approach the building from the side, on the ground there will be: a club, a cloak and a robe.

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Let's turn around, go all the way to the left, then to the right. We'll see the descent. These are the treefoot tunnels.

Let's go down to the dungeon, open the door, a ghost (? master island) will appear in front, it is harmless and will soon disappear.

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

2 ratmen nearby.

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

If you're careful, you can only fight one at a time. After going into a large room, we find in the niches a scroll of a shield and a leather hat +4 to defense -5 to evasion (in the absence of a light armor skill), destroying the barrels in the center, we will get a sausage from them.

Let's go back to the grate, go forward, a pit trap will work behind. There is also an open hole ahead. We go along the wall with a torch, find the button, press it, the trap in front slams shut.

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

We go forward, adhering to the left edge. We get into a room called "4 misfortunes" with 4 empty niches: War, Famine, Cold, Epidemic on the sides and a locked grate opposite.

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

In each niche, you need to put 1 item: weapons (war), food (hunger), clothes (cold), potion (epidemic).

Nota Bene. In my opinion, the war would have to be won with armor or a shield, and the cold with fire.

A grate will open, followed by a Willpower Potion (+1 Willpower) and a Spider Cape (-2 Strength, +5 Evasion).

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

After leaving this room, turn left, raise the grate, in the opened room we will collect a mushroom and a box of bullets.

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

We press the button and immediately back, otherwise we fall into a pit with wargs. As soon as the trap in front of the door slams shut, we immediately run forward until the door closes. In the room we pick up the gem of power. We press the button on the wall, the door opens, we quickly run out of the trap for a “date” with the warg. You can not run, then the warg will receive a portion of poison from the mask from the opposite wall, and the door will slam shut, then you need to press the button again to open the door.

Secret: thief's tunic +5 defense +1 dexterity.

Philosopher's Stone Room:

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

click on the plate behind one of the bars

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

The stone and the floor in the room begin to glow.

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

We approach the stone, push it away from us. We go behind the bars, repeat the process, go around the stone from behind and push it to the orange cell. The grate opens opposite and the passage to the teleport. Back behind bars, you have to press the button on the wall

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

A secret room will open nearby, a ratman is sitting in it, guarding the brigandine (+5 armor, -5 evasion in the absence of Light armor) and a master key. We dive into the portal. We approach the wall with a niche, take the key, 4 skeleton warriors appear from the opened niches.

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

We kill them. In one of the niches from which the skeletons appeared, there are 3 darts and a blowpipe, in the other - leather pants +4 defense. In a niche with a torch, on the opposite wall there is a button that opens a secret, it contains a reed helmet +4 defense +2 (-5 in the absence of the Light Armor skill) evasion, and in the third there is a knife switch that opens a teleport.

If you fall into the pit, 3 ratmen will be waiting for us below, 2 health potions will lie in the niche, you can also pick up one healing mushroom and 2 arrows.

After teleporting from the room with skeletons back to the philosopher's stone, you can open the secret by pressing the button on the opposite wall from the teleporter.

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

A passage will open to the left, there 4 mummies are waiting for us, a potion of survivability (+1 to survivability) in a niche and mana under it.

We return back to the door that requires the key, unlock it. We pass further, we meet with the boss - the stuntman.

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

After killing him, we select the note and key that fell from him.

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Near the wall with a torch, press the button, a secret will open with a potion of dexterity (Dexterity +1), as well as a box of bullets. We fall down into one of the three open pits, we get to a level teeming with mummies. In the upper right corner there is a niche with the inscription "Temple of Gluttony",

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

put any 3 pieces of food in it. A passage opens into a secret room with a large number of mummies - 10 or more. We search the room, take the potion of speed

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

and the book "The Well of Health" (+25 to health).

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

We leave the room. Exploring the basement, we find in one of the corners a master key and a piece of cheese.

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

We go back, we approach the door, unlock it with the key. We pass along the corridor straight to the stop. There is a lever on the wall. A room with a healing crystal opens. If treatment is not required, we go further along the corridor, then - to the left. We reach a room with stones hanging behind a grate on chains. We go around the grate, pick up a mushroom, a piece of bread and a note: “Here, below, I found a temple, it’s a pity that I didn’t stock up on food” - this is a hint for the Temple of Gluttony we have already found.

We return to the locked grate, raise it, go into the room. On the right is a niche, in it is the recipe for the "Potion of Protection", and under it is a scroll of the spell "Barrier". Turning to the right, we will see a square button in the wall

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

She opens a room with a secret on the opposite side of the niche. It contains a cane cuirass (requires breaking barrels and boxes)

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

And also a box of bullets. Climb the stairs outside, go left. Along the way, two treelegs will meet, and at the end of the "corridor" - a locked chest.

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

It opens with a lockpick. It contains bullets and a small shield (+2 to evasion). Returning towards the descent, on the way we come across a locked grate, lower it with a knife switch. We go straight to the stop, then we cut through the path through the thickets on the right, we select the box with bullets. Turn left towards the building. On the way we pick up an edible mushroom. A chest is visible ahead. It is also locked. We unlock with a master key. It contains the embalmer's shoes (+2 defense, +1 survivability)

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

and the rod of the thunderer.

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

On the right, the roots, which, when damaged, turn out to be a disguised tree leg, we kill - 90 exp is not superfluous. We return to the fork, go left. Along the road, another 1 treeleg is hiding in the bushes. A passage is visible ahead, but for now we will go down. At the end of the "corridor" we are waiting for a switch

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Opening the way to the gem of power. And on the way, look around, where the road makes a turn there is a “niche”, pick up a master key in it.

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

On your way back, keep to the left, the path will take you to a Gem of Power and a Leather Legguard (+4 Defense, -5 Evasion without Light Armor skill).

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest
Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

And on the sides are three living stone masks. Each one gives a clue. The main one is “take possession of 4 gems of power to smelt the essence of the elements from them.” We put 4 collected stones of power on the altar, they merge into the essence of fire.

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest

Passage of Legend of Grimrock II. Part 2. Treefoot Forest


Here are a few details to keep in mind when reading this guide.

  • First of all, the most important thing is that this guide is translation passing from . For the most part, it is made for people who are either bad with English, or just too lazy to read the text in English. The translation is EXTREMELY free. I'm trying to convey information. There is almost no word-for-word translation.
  • For each level, a level image will be provided, which will show important points with numerical identifiers, on which the guide will be built. I recommend opening the image in a separate tab and consulting it.
  • The original English-language guide is quite detailed, but in some places I got confused on it. At such moments, I will try to paint a little more precisely where and what to find. But do not forget that I am still a person and could simply forget about some details.
  • There is a fairly good crack from Zone of Games. I played with it and will try to write the names of items based on it. Or not)
  • I will use the word "switch" quite often. This is anglicism from switch. Simply put, a switch. It’s just more convenient for me and I hope there will be no objections.

Level 1: Into the Dark

1 - Arrival

We begin our journey in almost complete darkness, without weapons or any other equipment. But do not worry, because this is the first level, designed to accustom us to game mechanics. It's worth running around and getting used to the controls.
In the northern part of the room we see a door, and on the wall next to it we see a hint on how to open this door - take a torch (Damage: 4, Speed: 16, 1.2kg). We take out the torch from the stand and give it into the hands of any member of our group - the light will come in handy.

2 - Secret

The first secret can be found in the very first room. Looking at the south wall. On its right side (relative to the image, and not the view of the group) we find a hidden switch - a small chipped stone in one of the bricks. Get used to this kind of switches - there will be a lot of them. We press the switch and the left side of the wall will rise. Inside, we will find Boots of the Spy (+5 Evasion, 0.3kg) and Shuriken (Damage: 11, Speed: 14, 0.1kg) to boot. Boots are especially important because they have an achievement that requires you to collect a full set of the Spy's clothes.

3 - Gate

Standard gates for the game, pull the iron chain from the side.

4 - Supplies

In this area you can find the first "armor" in the game - a peasant tunic and trousers (+2 defense, 0.5kg for both items). In the alcove you can find the first melee weapon - Mace (Damage: 12, Speed: 10, -5 Accuracy, 3.8kg). The door to go further can be opened by clicking on the switch on the adjacent wall.

5 - Gate and puzzle

The first mini-problem in the game. The solution is simple - put any item on the button and move on. Nearby you can find a stone (Damage: 5, Speed: 12, 1kg).

6 - Closed gate

And here we need a key, it lies in (7).

And here it is, take it and open the door at (6).

8 - Closed gate

Another gate and they also need a key. In this case, the well is no longer on the gate itself, but on the side. The key can be found in (9).

9 - Secret room with a key

We read the text on the wall, saying that we need a certain stone. We search the nearest walls until we find the same hidden switch that was in (2). We press it and a room will open, in which we get the Iron key for the door in (8).

10 - Supplies and a giant snail

And here is our first enemy in the game - a giant snail. This is a very weak and dead enemy, but it is worth learning the main rule of tactics in this game - for convenience, we need a 2x2 platform. On such a square, you can easily defeat almost any enemy in a 1-on-1 battle. We kill a snail and from it we get its meat - a very good type of food that weighs as much as 2.4 kg. It is better to save such a tasty treat in case of severe hunger.
We examine the area and get into our inventories leather pants (+3 Defense, 2kg), leather boots (+4 Defense, 2.6kg) and a knife (Damage: 5, Speed: 15, 0.8 kg)

11 - Gate

We pull the nearest switch and open the gate.

12 - Throwing knife

Here you can find a knife (Damage: 8, Speed: 12, 0.2 kg). It is worse than Shuriken, but it will not be superfluous. Don't forget that thrown weapons (except bombs) can be picked up again. But if such a weapon stuck into the enemy, then in order to return the enemy, you will first have to kill.

13 - Closed door and snails

Here we will be met by a door, which requires the key from (15) to open. There are a couple of snails crawling in the corridors here. Be careful and don't let yourself be surrounded.

14 - Supplies

Here you can get useful items. Namely, the Belt (-1 Willpower, +1 Damage, 0.4kg), also the Stone, Baked Maggot (food, 1.1kg) and Sandals (+1 Defense, 1kg).

15 - Pit Puzzle and Iron Key

We pull the switch and go to (16).

16 - Supplies

In fact, the pit puzzle is here, not in (15). We read the hint and understand that we need to throw the object so that it falls on the button on the other side of the pit. For this, any throwing weapon is suitable, not necessarily a Stone. You can throw Shurikens, Knives and even shoot from the Bow. The switch is pressed and the pit closes. We pass and take the key, and next to it we find Bread (food, 1kg). You can and often will need to fall into the pits. From this, all members of the group receive damage and quite a lot, but they are unlikely to die completely. In this case, there is nothing in the pit, so there is not much point in falling there. Unless you want to pick up the stone with which you clicked on the switch. Then we take a stone and fall.

17 - Closed Door and Blind Statue

Here we will find the face of the demon. The clue next to him says that we need to heal his vision. For this we need the blue stones from (18) and (21). We put "eyes" and from behind the door a new enemy will attack us - the Skeleton Warrior. He is very tenacious at this stage of the passage. In front, he is covered by a shield and receives reduced damage, so we catch him on turns and hit him on the flanks. There will be many such skeletons in the future. Each one always drops a Legionnaire's Shield (+5 Evasion, 6.5kg) and a Legionary Spear (Damage:10, Speed:10, 3kg). The latter is especially interesting, because they can be hit from the back rows, so you can give it to the mage / archer, as long as they do not have normal equipment for their classes. But the spear does not belong to any category of weapons, so it does not improve from the skills of the heroes.

18 - Room with the first blue stone

Here we will meet a new enemy - Herder (well, or Mushroom). They are only a little scarier than snails, but in general they are still the same slow, weak and dead enemy. They can sometimes drop a Mushroom Hat (food, 1.8kg), but the chance is far from 100%.
We look behind the bars and see there a brightly glowing stone that we need.

We pull the lever and it will open the door for us at (18)

20 - Secret room

We go into the room with the blue stone at (18) and click on the switch on the wall. We go to (20) and a room will open there. In it you can find a replacement for the Knife - Dagger (Damage: 7, Speed: 20, +5 Accuracy, 0.8 kg) and alchemical ingredients: one Bead (0.1 kg, needed for health and antidote potions) and two Nettles (0.2 kg , needed for antidote and rage potion). While they are of little use, but will come in handy later.

21 - Room with the second blue stone

Here you can already jump into the hole. There we will be met by one snail guarding the Stone and the Peasant's hat (+1 Defense, 0.2kg).
We get out and pull the lever to close the hatch in the pit. We pass forward, fight with snails and get to the stone we need. We are locked up. We put some object on the button closer to the grate (you can use the blue stone itself). We move deeper and there we click on the hidden switch on the wall. The grate will rise, we pass forward and pick up the blue stone.

22 - Supplies

Another room with all sorts of goodies. Here you can find one more Belt, Ragged Cloak (+2 Evasion, 0.1kg), one more Stone and the most "valuable" - a scroll of Fire Flash. Scrolls should be dealt with immediately. They only provide information, so if you already know how to cast the spell, you don't need a scroll at all. If we consider the rune table when using magic as a numpad-keyboard, then for the Fire Flash you need to "type" 7 and apply. The spell deals fire damage to the tile in front of us. Do not use point-blank against walls or other obstacles - then damage will be done to us. Magic is good because it deals damage to the entire group of enemies at once (then they will actively meet) and cannot miss. Requires Fire Magic level 2 to use. Each scroll weighs 0.3 kg, so it's better not to carry them with you, but to throw them away or press them on the switches.

23 - Iron door

The first of 10 iron doors in the game. Each of them is considered a secret, and a separate achievement is given for opening all of them. In addition, behind some doors are pieces of armor that are also associated with achievements. This door opens easily - look around the room and find 2 hidden switches in the walls. Click both and the door will open. A very tasty reward awaits us behind it - a White Wood Staff (+5 Energy, 3.5 kg). Requires Affliction Level 1 to use. From now on, our magician can finally be a magician.

Level 1: Into the darkness, almost got in

24 - Life Crystal

And here we are met by our best friend - the Crystal of Life. Touch it and the game will automatically save, and all members of our group will fully restore health and energy. It is also the only way to resurrect dead party members. Feel free to return to the Crystals if things get tough. It has some recovery time, but in general it serves and helps.
At the turn we find another scroll - Poisonous Cloud. The effect is similar to a fiery flash. The cloud is weaker, but stays on the tile for a while. Requires Earth Magic level 3 to use. To use, you need to press 1 on the runepad.

A - Advance to Level 2

Level 2: Old tunnels

1 - Arrival

And here is the 2nd level. Enemies are stronger, supplies are harder to get.
In the north, he can find a room and go into it. If we fell down in the previous level, then this is exactly the room with the snail, the Stone and the Peasant's hat.

To open, we need the key from (4).

3 - Supplies

There is a bunch of useful stuff here. Another Dagger and Silk Pants (+2 Defense, 0.2kg), Dried Mole (food. 1.4kg) and Doublet (+2 Defense, 1kg). We hang all this stuff on our wards.

4 - Room with a key

Here we are met by the first really dangerous enemy - Small Herder. These guys, although they cannot boast of good health, are very dangerous, because. do not scratch with their branches, but spit poisonous projectiles. Not only do they inflict impressive damage to our entire group at once, but they can also poison, which is not very fun at all. Like their adult counterparts, they can drop Mushroom Hats, but the chance is also far from high. And the game is brutal enough to give out a couple of these Small hearters, complementing them with medium ones. Take them out one by one and carefully kill them.
In addition to the key, for which we came, there is a very useful item at this stage - Machete (Damage: 9, Speed: 15, 2.2 kg). Also here you can find the Compass (0.2kg). Regardless of whether it is in the hands or in the inventory, it shows the north. In general, it can be useful if you play in Old School mode, but in normal mode it does not make much sense.

5 - Secret room

We put any torch in the stand on the wall and the room will open. Inside we are waiting for the Iron Basinet (+8 defense, Heavy armor, 2.1kg). This is the first item that has an armor category, so I'll talk about it. Armor tagged "Light Armor" will inflict a -5 penalty to Evasion. Same story with Heavy Armor, but it gives a -10 penalty to Evasion. To cancel this penalty, you need to learn the skill "Light Armor" (you need to upgrade the skill "Protection" for a warrior to a certain level, "Evasion" for a horn and "Protection with a staff" for a mage). The "Heavy Armor" skill can only be learned by a warrior with the "Protection" skill.

6 - Closed door and key

There is a grate guarded by a warlike snail. We calm her down and find the key behind the bars. Stop, we can't find it. First you need to pick up the armor lying behind the bars. She turns out to be a Leather Vest (+3 Defense, Light Armor, 3kg). Under it lay the key, which we pocket.

7 - Secret room

We're not trying to get it from the south. We go into the tile north of this room. There on the wall we find a hidden switch and the room will open. Inside we find 3 Poison Arrows (Damage: 1, +5 poison damage, 0.1kg). A great gift for our archer... The only pity is that the game hasn't given us a bow yet...

8 - Closed door

Everything is extremely simple here. There are two buttons in the room. We put any objects on them and the door will open.

9 - Corridor

Here in the corridors we meet a new enemy. This is a Croverna, a hybrid of a wyvern and a crow. They are generally weak and dead, but have two characteristics. First, if during their attack you leave the attacked tile, then Croverna will occupy this tile immediately after the attack. Secondly, Croverns fly, and then they can easily be above the pits. Now this feature of theirs will not play a role, but later there will be situations ...
At the end of the corridor we find two doors in a row, for each of which we need an Iron Key.

10 - Room "without weapons" and Secret room

The hint says that to enter you need to remove the weapon. But it's not all that terrible. You just need to take any weapon and put it in the recess opposite the grate. It will open and let us inside to chop the local snails. In addition to the key, here we find the Gloomy Mushroom (food, 0.3 kg), which is also an ingredient for the Rage Potion.
There is also a secret room here. We examine the room and find a hidden switch in the wall. In the opened room we find Pointy Boots (+1 Defense, +1 Agility, 1kg).

11 - Portals

These two points are portals.

12 - Ambush

It's going to be a tough fight. We step on the switch in the center and 3 walls will open along the edges, from each of which one Skeleton Warrior will come out. The front door will close.
When the skeletons are finished, we go into each alcove and pull the levers there - this will open the exit. In the alcoves themselves, you can also find another Ragged Cloak, a Bone Amulet, and a scroll of Ice Shards. This is a very good spell that creates ice spikes from underground on the entire line in front of a group of heroes. It does not deal very much damage, but can hit enemies at long distances and deal damage to several enemies at once. To apply, enter 1.3 on the runepad. Requires Ice Magic level 3.

13 - Prison

There are several cells and two switches on the walls. We click on them and the portals will change the contents of the cameras. There are only 2 interesting cameras. In one sits a Skeleton Warrior. If you want some experience, you can free him and kill him. In the other chamber lies a Knot (0.4 kg). This is a sort of inventory bonus. By right-clicking on it, we will open the Bundle and see that it has 6 slots for items. Inside we find the Key we need, a loaf of Bread and a Leather Helmet (+4 Defense, Light armor, 0.4kg). We leave back through (11).

14 - Life Crystal

Having opened both doors in (9) we get to the Crystal. We are not in a hurry to go north, to (19). Yes, we will not pass, because again we need 2 keys.

15 - First key and Secret room

We go here and kill Crovern. We find a hidden switch on the southern wall next to the torch, press it. A room will open in the north, where we need to snort another switch. He will open another wall, because of which Kroverna will attack us, and inside we will find another switch, which we will press, opening the last wall here. Inside we find the Key we need and one Throwing Knife.

16 - Portal

This cunning portal, when you try to enter it, will throw us back. In the wall directly opposite him, you can find a hidden switch that will temporarily turn off the portal. But little time is given, and in order to be in time, you need to press the switch and immediately run into the opened passage, i.e. do not waste time turning around and do it backwards.

Another puzzle where you just need to throw something at the button on the other side of the pit and it will close. You can fall into the pit itself, but there is only one Grim Mushroom.

18 - Second key

Here, under the protection of Kroverna, there are several nice items. First of all, the Key that we need. Second thing, one sprout of Nettle. Well, the third is the Hand Ax (Damage: 10, Speed: 11, 2.4 kg), the weakest, but also the fastest ax in the game.

19 - Portal

As we got both Keys, we come here, unlock the door and teleport.

20 - Closed door

The door opens with a hidden switch on the wall. But we're not in a hurry, it's better to first look through the scroll, which contains the recipe for using the Poison projectile. This is a ranged spell that can poison enemies. It is worth clarifying that both types of skeletons in the game are immune to poison. Requires 7th level of Earth Magic to use. Enter 1.9 on runpad. With the skill "Earth Magic" level 27, the damage from the Poison Projectile will increase significantly.

21 - Corridors

We clean the area from assorted Herders. Later, we examine the area and find Bread, and then we pull the switch on the wall. In addition to the door in front of us, the switch will also open the wall behind us, where there will be one regular Hurder and one Small. We deal with them, deducing one by one. Inside we find (hard to notice, so be careful) Sling (Damage: 5, Speed: 8, 0.5 kg). This is a special weapon that will allow you to throw stones with increased damage. Used similarly to a bow (which we still don't have...).

We clean the area from the Herders and find the key here. Here you can also find a hidden switch in the wall, which will open a secret room at (23).

Level 2: Old tunnels, continued

23 - Secret room

Having opened this room from (22), we clean out all the Herders inside. We look around and find a number of useful items: Phalanx Helmet (+6 Defense, Heavy Armor, 2.4kg), one more Leather Pants, one Beads and a Skull (1kg). The latter is especially interesting. If at the beginning of the game you gave your minotaur the appropriate perk, then for each skull in his inventory, he will receive an increase of +5 damage. Without this feature, the skull is completely unnecessary, but there is an achievement in the game that requires you to collect 5 skulls, i.e. All.

There is a door here that can be opened with the key we obtained at (22).
Search the room and find a Gloomy Mushroom, Nettle and Nomad's Boots (+2 Defense, +5 Cold Resist, 3.5kg).
Here, on the south wall, you can find a hidden switch that opens the entrance to the secret room (25).

25 - Treasure

Clicked on the switch in (24)? Then you are here. In the opened room, the first of the seven treasures in the game is found - the Golden Cup (0.3 kg). They are absolutely useless, but finding all 7 pieces grants an achievement to our profile.

26 - Return

Here you can pull the switch and open the passage to the already explored part of the location and, most importantly, to the Crystal of Life nearby.

Another door, opens with a button, behind which we will be met by a Skeleton Warrior.

28 - Crypt and Iron door

Here we will meet a pseudo-new enemy - a group of skeleton warriors. It's 4 skeletons in one. They attack and move as a single entity, but take damage depending on who hits where. The most useful against them is magic, because. strikes all four at once. With each such pack, the game will give us 4 shields and 4 spears.
There is also an iron door, in front of which there is a hint about patience. We turn to face the head of the demon, standing at close range to it and stand like that for 15-20 seconds. The iron door will open and another group of Skeletons will attack us from there, so immediately after opening we retreat back. Inside, behind the door, 3 Firebombs (0.8kg) are waiting for us - a powerful, but disposable weapon.

29 - Secret room

Another standard stash, for which you just need to find a switch on the adjacent walls. Inside we are waiting for the Skeleton Warrior. We kill and collect trophies in the room. Wooden box (3kg) - an analogue of the same Bundle, but weighs more, in return giving 10 additional slots for items. Next, Leather brigandine (+4 Defense, Light armor, 8kg). The magician will need a scroll of Protection from Poison. It will temporarily increase the party's resistance to poison by 35%. To use, the 13th level of Earth Magic is required, and on the runepad you need to knock out 1.5. Incredibly useful spell on a future level. And the last yummy will be 2 health potions (0.6 kg), which will come in handy someday.

30 - Alchemy

At the very end of the level we find extremely important items wrapped in a Bundle. There are 2 sprouts of Beads, 1 Nettle, 2 empty bottles (0.2kg) and, most importantly, a Mortar and Pestle (this is one item, 1kg). This is the only such item in the game and, accordingly, the only way to make potions. To create potions, you need to right-click on the Mortar and put items in the opened slots, one of which must be an empty flask (after drinking any potion, the flask always remains). As soon as you take the created potion from the slot, it will be counted as made. There are 2 achievements in the game that require you to make 10 and 50 potions respectively

A - Advance to Level 1

B - Advance to Level 3

Level 3: Pillars of Light

1 - Arrival

We get to the level and he immediately meets us with a riddle. We need to remove all the torches on the side walls and hang them on the central "column". There are 3 stands on it, so one torch will have to be given from your inventory or brought from the previous level. You cannot remove them - the door will close.

2 - Passage

Here Crovern will try to make friends with us, but she is too materialistic and it is better to kill her. In the alcove on the side, we will find one Frost Bomb. From the darkness ahead, an arrow may fly at you...

And here is the shooter. New enemy - Skeleton Archer. They are not as tenacious as warriors, but are armed with a bow from which they fire ice arrows. Shooters are cunning and often avoid close contact. They are also interesting in that they can move sideways through the cells, like a crab. They shoot very fast, so you should carefully monitor their movement. They can sometimes drop 1 frost arrow.
Having dealt with the skeleton, we fall into the pits. The Snails will meet us there. We kill them and search the area. We find some Beads and, most importantly, another Skull. We pull the lever and with the help of the created portal we return.
Now it's time to solve the puzzle. We check the western wall on the western "block", we find the switch there and press it. A gap will open between the two "blocks". There we find Shuriken and another switch on the wall. We press it and see the next button at the end. We throw a stone / knife / shuriken there so that he puts pressure on the switch. This will close the holes and we can get through. And the reward will finally be a Shortbow (Damage: 12, Speed: 12, 1kg) and some standard arrows (Damage: 1, 0.1kg). If you want to take all the items with you, you will have to fall into the pit.

4 - Fork

There are no options here. One door wants the Key from (5), and the other opens just like that. We enter there.

5 - Battle with skeletons

Another dangerous fight. There are several skeletons and not the most convenient area. The pit in the center leads to the same place as the pits from (3). Partially, it can help in combat. The skeleton fell into the pit, you followed it, figured it out, returned, repeated.
There are 2 Beads, a Baked Larva, a Nettle, an empty Flask and the Key we need for (4).

6 - Turum's note

And here is the first of 16 notes of Turum. She just lies, we select and move on.

7 - Life Crystal

There is a Crystal here, to which I personally oh-oh-very often returned. We fall into the pits. One Herder is waiting for us there. In my opinion, this is a great place to get an achievement for killing an enemy by falling on him, because. Herder has only 3-4 points below where he can be. Load back and forth and it should work (although I did before). Why did we fall here? There are Leather Greaves (+4 Defense, Light armor, 5kg).

Yes, a new enemy. And extremely dangerous. Spiders are tenacious, strong, incredibly fast and poison very easily. And they almost never happen alone. Remember the mage's Poison Protection? Remember quickly, because it will come in handy.
Have you dealt with the cute arthropods? Great, because There are 3 secrets in this room.
The first one is done right here. There are 2 holes in the room. In front of the first of them, there is a hidden switch on the wall, pressing it closes the pits with hatches for a short time. We close the hatches and quickly run to the place of the second pit, quickly turn around and hit the switch on the wall until the pit below us opens again. Immediately after pressing, we move aside, because. the pit will still open. A secret room will open, in which Shuriken and a very useful thing, the Tom of Life, are waiting for us. The character who reads it will receive an increase of 25 health points and will probably get hungry because the book will disappear.
For the second secret, we drop our prisoners into any of the pits. We get into a large room with portals and buttons. We throw an object on the first button. Then we find a switch on the wall in the eastern part of the room and press it. After that, we put the item on the buttons behind the bars. Once everything is done, the grate will open. We pass inside and at the end we take the Serpentine bracelet (+2 Defense, +50 resistance to poison, 0.5 kg). This is an incredibly useful item against spiders, it's a pity that there is only one.
For the third secret, you need to go in the same position to all the items in the room and again press the switch on the wall. The portal will be restored, go into it. Inside we will find the Scroll of Invisibility. This spell requires 19th level Air Magic and temporarily makes us invisible. To apply, dial 2,5,9 on the runepad.
Everything, all the secrets are collected, we bring down back.

9 - Portals

Here we are waiting for a riddle with portals. We have a ring along which 2 portals "run". Upon contact with them, we will be returned to the beginning of the puzzle. The puzzle is played in 2 stages. First, we pick up something throwing and turn our faces to the east. We go into the "ring", avoiding portals, take a step back and step to the right, throw an object. He will fall on the button on the floor and the hatch in the center of the ring will close. Now, having correctly calculated the time, we can go to the eastern piece of the room. Let the pebble lie on the button. In the recess on the wall, you can get 1 Poison Bomb. Now we turn our muzzle to the south and stand on the hatch in the center of the ring. We arm ourselves with any object and wait for the moment when we can take a step to the right and put the object on the button. As soon as this happened, we immediately take a step to the left and rush through the opening door. In that case, you'll be on time.
It makes no sense to fall into the pit, it leads to the same place where the pits from (8) lead.

Here you can pull the lever to make it easier to pass through the room with the ring of portals. Useful if you have to run away from spiders.

11 - Collapsed Tunnel

At the very point, the tunnel collapsed and there is no way to go through. In front of it you can find a clutch of spider eggs. They count as a normal destructible obstacle. Near them, you can find a few common arrows for a bow.

12 - Locked door

Another door for 2 keys, which we add in (13) and (14).

13 - Spider Room

And this is real hell. There are a whole bunch of spiders in this room. They take out a full squad of heroes with poison protection and a Serpent's Bracelet in a matter of seconds ... Make every effort to take them out one at a time.
In the room itself we find a number of trophies. From the old: Leather vest, Belt and the Key we need. From the new: Krovyanka (0.1 kg). It is an ingredient for creating potions of energy, rage and speed, useful and rare. And also we find the Long Sword (Damage: 11, Speed: 15, 3.2kg).

14 - Sacrificial altar

I think the clue on the wall is pretty obvious. You need to put any object on the button behind the bars and pull the lever. We take something unnecessary, because. the item cannot be returned. We get Silk Pants and the required Key as a reward.
Here we make a secret. We tearfully say goodbye to the received pair of pants and donate them according to the same scheme. The reward will be Nomad's Gloves (+1 Defense, +5 cold resistance, 0.4kg).

15 - Iron Door Puzzle

Remember the riddle from (1)? Here you have to do the opposite. Hang torches only in the extreme stands. Having done this, we will open the Iron door. We return to (10) and go to the open pit, behind which we can see the Iron door we need. Temporarily remove the item from the button that keeps the hatch in the center of the ring of portals closed. Because of this, the hatch in front of the door will close and we can go through. We pick up Nettle in front of the door, and behind the door we find the Hunting Cloak (+4 Evasion, +1 Agility, +1 Endurance, 0.8kg) - a very useful item.

Level 3: Pillars of Light, continued

16 - Gate puzzle

The spiders won't leave us alone. We retreat to the left piece of this area and there we find one Beads and one Shuriken. We go between the "blocks" (above and to the right 1 tile from the marker in the image) and there on the south wall we find a hidden switch. He will raise a couple of walls, opening a much-needed passage for us later. Along with this, one spider will come out. Now we look at the lower "block" (to the right of the marker), on its western side and press the switch there. He will temporarily open the gate we need in the eastern part of the room. If you didn’t open the tunnel with the previous switch, then you won’t have time. You need to have time to run along the opened passage, where the spider was sitting. On the other side of the gate, you can find a switch that will open the same gate, but forever.

17 - Supplies

Small food room: Grim Mushroom and Fried Beetle (0.5kg).

18 - Spider Tunnels

Get ready to fight a whole horde of spiders. They will climb and climb and climb. No, they are not endless, there are just a lot of them.
In the southern part of the room there is a door that you can open if you wish if the spiders pinch you there.
Approximately at the same point where the marker is placed on the image, there are Leather gloves (+2 Defense, 0.5kg)

19 - Secrets, key and achievement

A very dirty secret indeed. This room will open automatically as soon as our heroes are at a specific point. The trigger is 2 tiles north and 1 tile east. South of this point there will still be spider eggs.
2 spiders will come out of the opened room. And the trick is that the thing we need is in one of the spiders. We kill them, carefully watching the floor, so as not to lose the item - the Golden Key.
In the room itself, you can find a pair of Beads.
Examine all the walls in the secret room and find the hidden switch. He will open a passage with stairs leading to the slime dungeon. Slimes are very dangerous at this stage of the passage and it is recommended to go to them later. In the original guide, information about this section with slimes was moved to the passage of the 4th level. To avoid confusion, I will do the same. See points (15) to (18) in the passage of the 4th level.

20 - Spider Tunnels

More spiders. Be alert, extremely careful and do not forget about protection from poison.
Turum's note can be found next to the torch, but it does not count towards Turum's notes. For some reason.
In the corner you can find a good replacement for the Legionnaire's Shield - Round Shield (+7 Evasion, 3.5kg).

21 - Supplies

A small cul-de-sac in which lies the Gloomy Mushroom.

22 - Supplies

And here is more of any tasty, lying in a Wooden box. There are two Beads, three Nettles, Dried Mole and Firebomb. Already good.
Next we have the Scroll of Shock. This is a basic spell that requires Air Magic 4th level. It just powerfully flashes lightning in front of it, which is generally not bad. To use, dial 9 on the run-pad.
In addition to it, there is a note in which an incomplete recipe for a rage potion is written - you need a Gloomy Mushroom and Bloodweed. The third ingredient is unknown, but it is Nettle. We stuff all this into an empty flask, drink it and get a temporary bonus to damage (+10) with the same penalty to evasion.

23 - Spider Lair

There's a little mystery here. One button activates the shooting of a white ball from the demon's head. The second button behind the grate opens this same grate. It's simple: we put some trinket on the button behind the bars, stand on the button and move away so that the ball hits the receiver and opens the door for us.
In the room with the demon's head, you can find the Baked Maggot.

25 - Time to go

The final stage of the level. We've been here before, but on the other side of the pits. Next to the pits we find the Leather Hat, and under it is the second note of Turum. The note says that Turum dropped a piece of leather armor into the pit. If in (7) we fell into a pit, then we found precisely those very greaves. There is a lever on the wall that will close one of the two holes, allowing you to go to the Crystal of Life from (7) and loop the location.
Remember the golden key we got from the spider at (19)? Approach the locked door and stick the key. Behind the door, 2 items are found: Mail Boots (+6 Defense, Heavy Armor, 3.8kg) and Spiked Mace (Damage: 14, Speed: 11, 5kg).
With a pure soul we go to a new level.

A - transition to Level 2

B - go to Level 4

C - go to Level 4, to the secret area with slimes

Level 4: Archives

1 - Arrival

This level does not stand on ceremony. In the very first room we meet a new and very dangerous enemy - the Adult Herder. This type of mushroom is very tenacious, slow and dangerous. The fact is that his attack is the creation of a poisonous cloud on an adjacent tile. The cloud itself is dangerous, because deals damage to the whole group at once, but it also stays on the tile for a while and can poison someone. The main feature of such herders is that they can attack without turning, i.e. they don't have to be "facing" us in order to attack. Because of this, they attack very quickly. It is recommended to change position as often as possible. As with other hurders, they can drop a Mushroom Hat.
After killing two such monsters, we pull the lever, opening the way both forward and back to the Crystal of Life at the same time.

2 - Supplies

Here we will find a very useful recipe (although it is useless like other scrolls if you already know the formula) telling how to concoct a potion of energy. To do this, you only need an empty bottle and a blood drop.
You can also search here and find one empty Flask and a Gloomy Mushroom.

3 - Main hall

The main room in this level. Pairs of skeleton archers will be crawling around here. We kill them. When you return to this room later, more archers or warriors may start to appear here, so be prepared.
After returning after passing through some portal, we will also be met by a new enemy - Tentacles. They are very tenacious, fast and quite strong, but they cannot move, because. they only come out of the grate in the floor. If you move away from them, they will hide. The tactic is simple - approach, strike quickly and back away before the Tentacles strike.
In the corners of the room you see four portals, each of which leads us to different puzzles. Each such puzzle will lead us to another hall, where we will find scrolls, one at the end of each chain of tasks. These four scrolls must be placed in special niches on the pillars in the Main Hall. There are runic inscriptions on the walls near the niches. We need to match the inscriptions on the walls with the inscriptions on the scrolls. Here is their ratio in the English version:
"Put to sleep" - "but still dreaming"
"Eternally imprisoned" - "to depths beyond measure"
"Caverns still echoing" - "by his call"
"Crimes forgotten" - "but never forgiven"
As soon as all the scrolls are in place, I recommend an urgent retreat, because. side sections will open, from which a whole horde of new enemies will crawl out - Scavengers. These are small four-legged lizard-like creatures. They are dead, fast and have no features, just crushed by numbers. There will be both singles and couples. Staying in this room makes little sense - Scavengers easily and quickly pinch from all sides and eat.
The portals turn off after the scrolls are installed, but if you forgot something there, then in the southern section, from where the Scavengers got out, there is a lever that makes the portals work again.
In the sections you can also dig up some useful items: one Bead in the southern section, one Bead, Nettle and Battle Ax (Damage:20, Speed:9, 4kg).
But all this will be later, now it's time to start collecting scrolls in the portals, which is essentially the whole level.

4 - Scroll one

We enter the portal and we are met by a simple task. Pressing the switch releases a white ball from the demon's head, which flies into the receiver. Our task is simple - we pressed and immediately stood in the way of the ball so that it would not lock the gate.

5 - Endless Skeletons

Yes, that is right. Enemies (warrior skeletons) spawn here endlessly. In the room itself, we have 3 "cages" - single cells, each of which has a button. Before solving the riddle, I advise you to open the secret:
There is a hidden switch in the southeast chamber. We press it and a secret room will open in the northwestern part of the room, in which a number of useful items await us: Leather boots, a piece of Bread and Mail gloves (+6 Defense, Heavy armor, 2.5 kg).
Now let's get to the solution. Next to each chamber there is a switch on the wall that raises the bars on both sides. Our goal is to open the chamber and drive the skeleton into it. You should not go there yourself, because. The camera will close as soon as the button is pressed. And yes, you cannot press these buttons with objects. We drive in this way a skeleton into each chamber and the door in the south will open. If there are skeletons left in the room, finish them off
And yes, this camera is in fact a source of endless experience, but it is long and boring.

6 - Central room

Here is the same room with a bunch of pits and portals in the center, in front of which lies one of the scrolls we need. The room is inhabited by Croverns. If you fall into a hole, then we will get into a large room, but about it in (14). We take the scroll and jump into the portal.

7 - Timing

Yes, get ready for the timing challenge. To begin with, we examine the area and find three Throwing Knives. Next, we see a button in front of the pits. We step on the button and hear clicks. There are 3 clicks and at the moment when there should have been a fourth, a portal appears above one of the pits. Take something throwable in your paws, calculate the time correctly and throw it. Save so as not to throw too much.
The thrown object will fall on the button and the pits will close. It makes no sense to fall into the pits.
Now it's time to make a very profitable secret. It is simple - press the button and stand where the portal appears. We will appear not where our throwable object came from, but behind bars nearby. There, in a niche, lies a very useful item - the Tome of Infinite Wisdom. The character who eats it will receive 5 skill points. We leave the secret through the local portal

8 - Moving bridge

This is the first puzzle in the game with a moving bridge. When we step on the button, the hatches will begin to close sequentially, allowing us to pass, but we need to hurry, because. they quickly open back. But just running won't work. First of all, Kroverna flying here will interfere with us. If you're lucky, it will stick to us only after passing the bridge, but if not, you'll have to fall into the pits (again, see (14)). Second - at the end of the "bridge" we are waiting for a closed grate. To open it, you need to throw something throwable to the east, standing on the penultimate hatch in front of the door. The object will fall on the button and the door will open.
But stop! There is also a secret, and a very important one. We step on the button and look at the wall to the right of us. On it (like on the second hatch) there is a switch. We press and the wall, to the right of the fifth hatch will rise. That. this will open up a second path for us to pass the "bridge". But we need an item from there (although the secret will be counted simply when we are in the tile we need). And the tile we need is exactly behind the raised wall. We examine the niche on the southern wall and there we find the Chitin mask (+9 Defense, Light armor, 2kg). This is not just a great helmet, but also a piece of chitin armor that we need for one of the achievements.
We reach (6), take the second scroll and return.

Level 4: Archives, continued

9 - Catacombs

There is a fairly large room with all sorts of skeletons, which should be methodically exterminated. Throughout the room, you must find 3 buttons on the floor and make sure that they are not pressed. From two of them you will have to remove the Stone and the Rat Ham (food, 3kg). On the third button is a group of four skeletons, don't miss it. Pull the lever in front of them and they will come out to you so that you kindly take their lives (one more time).
Do not rush to leave, in the same room where the skeletons have just been released, there is a switch on the wall. Poke it and prepare to fight the lone skeleton warrior. You can't retreat, so try to deal as much damage per second as possible. We pass forward and find a Knot (inside there are two Beads, Leather Gloves and a Rat Ham), and next to it, a Bone Amulet, which is hard to distinguish on the floor (already the second one, will come in handy later in the secret.
The second secret: near the label (X), find another hidden switch. He will open a secret room in the northwest and a group of Skeletons will come out from there. We deal with them, go into the room and find one Firebomb, and next to it is a Hat with a Feather (+1 Defense, +2 Agility, 0.3kg).
Look around the area, in addition to the secrets, here you can find the third note of Turum in the southern part, and in the alcove in the north you can find a couple of simple Crossbow bolts (Damage: 2, 0.1 kg). Thanks to the game for the ammo for the crossbow, it's a pity that we don't have the crossbow itself yet...
We pass to (6), pick up the third scroll and return to the main hall.

10 - Test of the mind

And here a very annoying riddle awaits us, where you have to stomp on the buttons and they will create portals here and there. But it's easier to save and just follow the scheme below. Again, let's turn to numpad "y on the keyboard and it will be calculated according to a similar scheme for this riddle. The calculation will be relative to the player's gaze, so the base point, which we want, don't want, but get up, will be 2. So, the sequence is as follows:
2, 5, 8, 9, 6, 5, 2, 3, 6, 5, 2, 1 (turn your face to the north and press the switch on the wall), continue:
4, 5, 2, 1, 4, 5, 2, 3, 6, 5, 8, 9 (let's get out of here).
I don’t argue, you can suffer yourself, but it’s easier in every way.

11 - The last test

Here it is better to immediately paint the first secret. Ahead of you is a room with several buttons and pits. We go 1 tile forward, stomp 1 tile to the right, turn around and press the switch on the wall. We return to the previous room and there will open a room in the west. Inside we will meet an unusual weapon - a unique knife Poisonous edge (Damage: 7, Speed: 10, 0.8 kg). It has 9 charges. Each successful hit will be guaranteed to poison the enemy with a powerful poison, but as soon as the charges run out, the knife will become a regular weapon. I advise you to save this knife in case of a fight with someone dangerous.
Now the mystery itself. She is unpretentious. We take a step on the button and the hatch in front of us will close, take a step back, stepping on the same button again (the hatch will open), take a step to the right (the hatch will close in the center), left again (the left hatch will close) and that's it, we go forward, grab the Iron key, we open the door forward for them and go to (6), where we take the last scroll, but we are not in a hurry to leave. There is another important secret here.
In the alcove in front of the entrance to (6) we find a hidden switch and press it. It will close two hatches at (6). We go there, go through the closed hatches and poke on the switch on the wall. It will briefly disable the central portal. We rush there and fall into the pit. There we find another Gear Key, which will come in handy later. We open the grate with the help of a switch and leave here, simultaneously fighting off skeletons of different types, we go behind obstacles and there we enter a portal that will take us to (3). This room itself is part of (14), but more on that later.

12 - Iron door

We pass here and insert the key obtained in (11). Behind it, the second piece of chitin armor awaits us - Chitin Greaves (+9 Defense, Light Armor, 4kg).

13 - Life Crystal

Finally, another Crystal. But it's nicer what lies next to him. Here you have the Rat Ham, and the Ice Bomb, and a new scroll. Frost Arrow this time. This is an incredibly useful and effective spell. It requires 13th level of Ice Magic (at 24th level, the damage will increase dramatically). The main advantage of the spell is a high chance to freeze the enemy, which will allow you to inflict several hits on the target with complete impunity. Do not forget only that freezing does not cancel the attack of the enemy and he will finish it when he unfreezes. To apply, enter 3.9 on the runpad.

14 - Sublevel

It has already been mentioned more than once in the text. This area is not shown in the image of this level, but it can be seen at level 5. We have already fallen into it in (11), but this is only the central part. The zone itself consists of three more sections. From inside each area, you can pull the switch and get into the central zone.
Central area - you can fall here from (6). To get to the center, follow the advice from (11). There is also one Baked Maggot here.
Western area - you can fall here from (8). There are a lot of skeletons here, get ready for a hard fight, but there is a lot of space. Items: Beads and Nettles.
Eastern area - you can fall here from (11). Items: two Bells (0.3kg). It's an ingredient to create an antidote.
Southern area - you can fall here from (9). Items: Beads and 2 Crossbow bolts.

15 - Slime Dungeon

And here is the very section that we can get into through (19) from level 3. Inside, a small labyrinth with bars awaits us, in which a new enemy roams - the Green Slime. This is a very tenacious, but slow enemy. He attacks quickly, splashing his entire group with himself. This attack has a chance to inflict Disease on our guys. A sick party member cannot regenerate health. The most dangerous ability of the slimes in this section is that they can attack through the bars, so choose your position very carefully.

16 - Treasure

And here is the second golden treasure in the game - the figurine of the deity. We pick up.

17 - Green Stone

First, examine the southwestern wall of this room and find a hidden switch there. Then go to the very point where the secret room will open. Inside we will find the Green Gem.

18 - Reward

We go here and put the Green stone in the mouth of the demon's head. The door will open. We go inside and get not only the secret in the counter, but also a separate achievement for finding this particular secret.
Here you can find a very valuable item - Crossbow (Damage: 20, Speed: 9, 1.5kg). Finally, there is something to shoot bolts from. Speaking of them, there are also 6 Poison Bolts here (Damage: 2, +5 poison damage, 0.2kg). Oh, and two Poison Bombs to boot.

A - go to Level 3

B - go to Level 5

C - go to Level 3, slime dungeon

Level 5: Halls

1 - Arrival

There is nothing worthwhile in the starting room. One has only to say that from this level the visual of the game changes. Instead of primitive stone walls, they will now be more even, smooth and beautiful. Switches on such walls look different.

2 - Supplies

Here you can find a couple of regular Crossbow bolts and a scroll of Fire Protection. This is another useful defensive spell that will be in high demand a little later. To use it, you need a 16th level of Fire Magic, and on the runepad you need to dial 5.9. So far, this spell will be of no use.

3 - Collapsed tunnel

4 - Cells

There are two cells here. The north is locked, we go into the south. We find a switch there on the eastern wall and get used to how they look on the new walls. The switch opens a passage to the northern cell.
There we find the Key and the Wooden Box, inside of which there is a bunch of food and ingredients: two Baked larvae, two Beads, Nettle and Bell. In addition, there is a scroll of Light. This is a very useful spell indeed. Requires 5th level Spellcraft to use. To use, enter 5.8 on the runpad. The spell will keep lighting up and actually devalue torches. The spell, like torches, gradually goes out, but it requires only a little energy to use.
There is also a secret here. We press the switch between these two cells and a room will open in which there is an excellent item - Scaled Cloak (+8 Evasion, 1.5kg).

Open it with the key from (4).

Another closed door, the key is at (10).

7 - Collapsed tunnel

8 - Shuriken

Here lies a lone shuriken.

9 - Dragon room

No, the dragon is not alive, just a statue. Remember which way the statue is facing, this will come in handy in (14).
Here, in two niches, there is a piece of Bread.

There are a lot of holes in front of us. Our target is on the other side on the right. To move, you need to pull the levers. There are three of them. For the "left" lever we will take the one that is on the wall farthest from us. The middle and right levers are on this side. Then we pull: right, left, right, middle, left. Now the path to the Key is open to us, with which we will open later (6).
Immediately after taking the key, two rooms will open, from which one Crovern and a new extremely dangerous enemy, the Wyvern, will fly out. Wyvern can not boast of special survivability and can fly. The main danger of the Wyvern is its attack. She breathes lightning and spits lightning at long distances. Lightning deals massive damage to the entire group at once. Do your best to dodge Wyvern attacks.
There are items in the rooms that the monsters came out of. In one grows Krovyanka, in the other lies the fourth note of Turum.
There is also a secret here. We fall into any hole and find a switch on the wall next to the portal. A double room will open, from which one Crovern and one Wyvern will fly out. We deal with them and pick up two Fire and two Lightning bombs from the opened section.

11 - Secret room

Here the original guide is clearly nonsense, so I will describe it as it should. This room has 2 switches (one next to the door, one opposite) on the walls and a lever. Click on the switch opposite the door, then go to the lever. We pull it many times (about 10), but so that with the last movement it is in the upper position. Now we click on the switch near the door and, if everything is done correctly, the door will open. Inside, you will be attacked by a couple of Small Herders and one regular one. The reward will be a Mushroom Hat (in addition to those that can fall from the Herders themselves) and a Caster's Hat (+1 Defense, +2 Willpower, 0.5kg).

12 - Life Crystal

New Crystal. We are not in a hurry to open the gate, there are a couple of useful things here.
First, search the south wall and find a hidden switch there. It will open a room where we will find a Fist Knife (Damage:12, Speed:20, 1.5kg). In fact, this is a katar, a very fast weapon.
Then we fall into the pit next to the Crystal. There we find the fifth note of Turum.

You may have already seen them through the bars. Yes, we have a new extremely dangerous enemy - the Cave Crab. They are incredibly survivable, it can take several minutes to kill each one (if you have starving party members). He attacks with normal claws. Can move sideways, like a crab. Stop, he is also a crab... There will be two of them here. I advise you to take out one, go around it and close the grate so that the second crab does not come to the aid of the first.
Having got rid of both Crabs, we go to a dead end and there we find Mail Boots.

Yes, here we come to the exit from the level. But we need two Patterned Keys to leave, and they will already have to be looked for in (18) and (20).
As soon as both Keys are found, skeletons of different types will spawn in this zone in groups. Be alert.
There is also an iron door. Next to it is a hint on how to open the door. We need to "rest under the gaze of two dragons." There are two dragon statues on the level. We have already seen one in (9). The second is in (18). We find the point where the lines of their views intersect (in the image this place is marked with an X). We stand at this point and begin to rest (R key or button in the characters' inventories). We rest for a long time. Have a rest? Check the door, it should open. There we are waiting for a new element of the Spy costume - the Spy Vest (+5 Evasion, 0.8 kg).

15 - No return

Here is a mystery. We arm ourselves with something throwing (here you can also find a Stone), go into the alcove and pull the lever there, immediately exit and throw a stone (or something else) along the corridor to the west). The stone will fall on the button and a door will open slightly to the south. We instantly rush there and run into the door, because. a portal is created very quickly, which will remove our stone from the button. As soon as you go through the door, there is no return temporarily, you will not be able to open the door from here.
If you press the button for a long time and pull the lever, then another alcove will open in the corridor, but there is only a runic inscription on the wall and nothing more.

16 - Locked up

Get ready for the pain. This room has a bunch of hidden rooms with Cave Crabs and Hurders (Small and Mature). There are enough of them here to pinch a group of heroes and kill them in a couple of seconds. I recommend immediately running to (18), there you can open a passage leading back to (15) and you can take the enemies there one at a time. The fact is that the enemies are hidden in the walls here. These walls rise when our group is on certain tiles, and if you randomly run, then a huge number of enemies will be released. Listen carefully so you don't get caught off guard.
However, in the room itself and in the sections where the monsters come from, you can find Grim Mushroom, Fire Bombs and Milk Cane (0.1kg), an ingredient for creating a potion of speed. In the northeast part of the room in the niche is War Hammer (Damage: 18, Speed: 11, 5.7 kg), but to use this hammer you need the Mace skill level 3.

17 - Supplies

When the room is safe, you can look here and collect useful items: Beads and Mail Gloves.

18 - Dragon room

Here is the second statue of the dragon, and next to it lies the very Pattern Key that we need to pass. We pull the lever nearby and we will open the passage back to (15) and (14).
There is a secret right there. In the opened passage, we pull the already pulled lever and run to the northwest to the opened chamber until it slams shut. It will still slam shut later, but there is a switch inside it to open it. There are enough useful items here: 5 Ordinary arrows, three Fire arrows (Damage: 1, +5 fire damage, 0.2kg), Gloomy Mushroom and another Hunting Cloak.

Level 5: Halls, continued

19 - Movable bridge

They got one, and then the second. The game meets us with a large number of holes and another puzzle from the "moving bridge" class, but much faster than the past.
We immediately fall into the pit, where several skeletons will invite us for tea. We politely refuse, pay for kindness with axes in the ribs and search the room. We find Ragged Cloak, Rat Ham, Gloomy Mushroom and Bloodweed. We go up the stairs and get into another section, in which we find a Fried Bug and another Bow in our collection, after which we open the walls and go back to the puzzle with the "bridge".
There is also a secret here and it would be better to complete it in parallel with the passage of the riddle itself. To begin with, the very solution: next to us there is a lever on the wall and a switch on the wall. The switch turns on the "bridge", but the first attempt will make it clear that the "bridge" is transformed in the reverse order. We pull the lever and invert the direction - now the switch will launch the bridge in the sequence we need. Carefully study the let of the "bridge" so as not to screw yourself into holes during the run. As you progress through the west wall, you'll see a fairly obvious switch on the wall. Tap it quickly while moving. I recommend passing the "bridge" without turning the group, i.e. keep looking to the west. After pressing the switch, turn to the east. The pressed switch raised the wall, behind which in a niche lies our reward - the Bracelet of Fortitude (+1 Strength, + 20% health regeneration, + 20% starvation speed, 0.1 kg), a useful item if there are no problems with food.

20 - Second key

And here is the room itself with the key. The key lies on the central block on the south side. Immediately after taking it, the exit from the room will close and the side sections will open, from where Cave Crabs and Hurders of various types will crawl out. Pretty dangerous fight...
...but there is a tricky way to avoid it completely. The fact is that to open the closed door, you need to put something on the same shelf where the Key lay. We act cunningly - we just put another item on the shelf and only then we take the Key.
If you want to fight, then in the rooms where the monsters came from, we will find one Bead and two Lightning Bombs.

This is where we fall into the pits at Level 4. See point there (14).

And here we get from Level 6.

A - go to Level 4

B - go to Level 6

C - transition from the room where we fall in (19)

D - go to Level 6, secret section

Level 6: Trapped

1 - Arrival

The game clearly does not like us. Immediately upon entering the room, we step on the button. The grate closes behind us and hints that the level is called "Trapped" for a reason - you will not return back. Moreover, the game immediately gives us three Spiders that attack us from all sides. Just beautiful. Kill one spider as quickly as possible to break out of the arthropod cordon. In general, there is enough space for the battle with the remaining two spiders.
But in this large room there is another enemy, a new one. Meet Ogre. He has an unrealistically huge supply of health and deals huge damage with one blow. The Ogre itself is very slow, but it attacks extremely quickly, so be on the lookout. He also has a dangerous attack in his arsenal - a ram. The ogre will growl and then run towards us. If hit, it will deal damage to the entire group at once. But if you slam him into the wall, he will be stunned for a short time and you can beat off his kidneys completely free of charge. Against the Ogre, the already mentioned Ice Arrow will be extremely useful, allowing you to control such a dangerous enemy. For killing this Ogre, you will get an achievement.
Each Ogre always drops an Ogre Hammer (Damage:36, Speed:8, -20 Accuracy, 13kg) - a very powerful, but slanting, slow and heavy weapon.
A Knot will also fall from this Ogre, inside which we will find the Golden Key, which we will not soon, but come in handy.
Search the floors and find two Throwing Knives and a Milk Cane.
The very essence of this level is in the collection of Round Keys. There are only 4 of them, one in each of the branches. It is better to use at least one key at once in order to gain access to the Crystal of Life in (12). To complete the level, you need to collect 3 keys. The fourth key is needed to open the Iron Door at (19).

2 - Secret

Go to the alcove next to this point and stick the torch in the stand there. A secret room with a Skeleton Warrior will open. There are two Firebombs in the room itself.
But stop, in the same secret on the wall you can find a new type of switches - runic. It looks like a brick with a symbol drawn on it. We press it and another secret passage will open in the secret room. Inside we stand on the button and a portal will be created in front of us. We put (do not throw) any object into it. The object will press the button and raise the gate for us. We pass inside and take the Sphere of Radiation (+15 Energy, +2 Willpower, Increased spell speed, Light source) - an extremely useful item. Firstly, it is more effective by itself than our old staff (yes, the sphere plays the role of a staff). Secondly, it speeds up the use of magic. Not very strong, but already nice. Thirdly, this Sphere constantly emits light and cannot go out at all. Before us is an eternal source of light and with it you can not worry about light at all until the very end of the game.
After taking the Orb, cave crabs will spawn in the next room, be careful.
By the way, here I had a bug: the arrows fired at the portal simply disappeared without the possibility of returning them. It's a shame (

3 - Weapon

In this corner, you will have to fight with several spiders. The reward will be a new weapon - Saber (Damage: 19, Speed: 15, 3.5 kg).

4 - Walk

There is a secret here. Do you see three x's in the image? We need to walk around the perimeter of this room clockwise. During this walk we will hear clicks. On each circle, something will appear on the western x. The first time it will be just a Stone. Let's take it, what would not? The second time, a Skeleton Warrior will appear. For the sake of reliability, it is worth killing him without moving. Well, for the third time, the secret itself will appear - the Knot. In the Knot, a Potion of Speed ​​and a scroll with its recipe are put on. Mix in one jar Krovyanka and Milk cane. The potion temporarily doubles the attack speed of any weapon.

5 - Snails

But this is a very useful room. Many Giant snails, already extremely weak for our group, are crawling here. For what? Food! Remember that very tasty meat falls from snails? Here you can get a good meal. Moreover, snails will gradually respawn here, albeit slowly.

6 - Labyrinth of Madness

Another puzzle with portals. I'll try to describe everything in as much detail as possible. The secret here is done along with the solution. So, we go in and, without touching the portals, we pass to the southern wall and press the switch on it. Now we go and go into the northeast portal. It turns out in the very center, turned to the east. We do not turn around and give back (to the west), entering another portal. We appear at the western wall, looking at it with curiosity. We do not turn our heads, we take a step to the left (south). We appear where, without touching the portals, we can enter the room with the Round Key in the northwest. Atlichna!. We take the key and on the north wall here we click on the switch on the wall. We enter the portal closest to us (to the south). We appear in the center, turned to the west. Without turning, we take a step to the left (south). We appear on a straight line leading to the secret. There we pick up our reward - Pendant with a mirror of spirits (+25% to the experience gained). This is the only item in the game with a similar effect, so only one character can speed up the leveling. We leave on a non-portal path. One Key is there, now you can go to (12) and open the gate there to have access to the Crystal of Life.

Again, a large area in which Skeleton Warriors constantly respawn. Well, do it, they will come in handy for solving the problem and getting the key, but more on that later

8 - Secret

Examine the walls near this marker and find a hidden switch, which you treacherously poke at. A small room will open in the north, in which an honest company of Skeleton Warriors will immediately want to discuss something unpleasant with you. Kill them, enter and find Mail Boots and Heavy Shield (+10 Evasion, 6kg), the best shield up to level 10.

9 - Secret

The same story. We found the switch, pressed it, ran south, crushed a couple of Skeleton Archers and found a reward inside: Frost Necklace (+50 cold resistance, 0.2kg). Useful in the later stages of the game.

10 - Button

And here is the button for which we need a skeleton. We stand on the button and wait for the skeleton to come closer to us (after luring it). It is desirable to make the skeleton approach us from the north side. As soon as he is nearby, we retreat to the south and run to (11). While we were standing on the button, the wall was open. The skeleton will step on the button and hold the door open even longer, just in time for us to get through. Can also lure a skeleton to the button and try to freeze it.

We get into the room and kill a group of skeleton warriors in cramped conditions. We search the area, we find two Beads, Nettle, Krovyanka and our main reason to stick here is the second Round Key.

12 - Life Crystal

Open the door here and use one Round Key to open the passage to the Crystal of Life. Because we can no longer return to previous levels, then it will be very useful to us here. If you open the second gate with the second Round Key, you will find a scroll with the Antidote recipe there. To prepare it, you need to stuff the Bell and Beads into an empty Flask. The resulting potion removes the "Sickness" effect that Green Slimes can impose. In general, not a particularly popular potion in the game.
When we get the third Round Key, it will be possible to leave the level.

Level 6: Trapped, continued

13 - Think Portally

An almost stationary puzzle. When we enter the local portal, it will begin to sequentially move us between four points. The first is the current room. The second is a room with a door. When you see it, pull the chain from the side to open it. A giant snail will be waiting for you inside, but you are unlikely to have time to kill it, but that's okay, we'll come later. The third is a deception room. It has a demon head and a switch on the wall. If you press it, the room will fill with poisonous gas (this is definitely not a reference to Portal?). The fourth is our goal, but the passage is closed with an iron grate. The point is simple. We open the door, kill the snail, jump out of the portals into the room where the snail was sitting and pull the lever there. Now we go into the room where the grate was, kill the Crab there and find the third Round Key there. Exit through the first portal.

14 - Halls of Fire

We go in and pick up two Firebombs from the niche. We don't need the pits in this room, so we can close them. To do this, you need to "show your fire skills." Here we’ll come up with the Fireball spell ... But we don’t know it yet during a normal walk ... But nothing, in case of ignorance or inability to use Fireballs, there is a Flaming Blade from (16) in the game, which can also launch a Fireball. Where? Into the demon's head on the other side of the pits. It might be possible to throw a Firebomb at her, but I'm not sure. As soon as the test is passed, the hatches will close and we can go further.
There is a button next to the demon's head. We move away and throw a stone or something like that on it. The status will spit out a fireball, so we leave the trajectory of its flight. The ball hits the receiver and the door next to it opens. That. we opened two passages for ourselves, great!

15 - Fall

This is a much larger area than it seems. The solution is obvious - we fall down into the pit. We look around and find a Shuriken in a niche and, more importantly, Pants of the Spy (+5 Evasion, 0.5 kg), the third item of this suit, it remains only to find the mask.
As soon as the items are taken from the niche, a passage will open into an extensive network of corridors. Several Croverns and Wyverns fly back and forth across them. The latter is almost guaranteed to meet you immediately after opening the door, so be on the lookout.
We search the area and find two Beads and a Wooden Box. The box contains a health potion, an antidote, Peasant Pants, and a scroll that reads "Due West."
Further at the fork we meet a portal and a pit. Because we are explorers at heart, then we fall into a pit (i.e. technically we are already at level 8). There you meet a handful of Scavengers locked behind an iron door (lower case, because that's not the iron door you need for the achievement). We examine the floor and find Krovyanka, and in a niche in the wall we pick up three Frost Bombs. We see a button on the floor behind bars. We put an object on it. I advise you to put it on the corner closest to the Scavengers in the center (so it can be taken later in one action). The door will open and we will have to subdue the Scavengers. We go inside and pick up the item from the button. This will close the iron door we entered through, but open a new one. We go there and get a Full helmet (+12 Defense, Heavy armor, 4kg). This helmet is part of the Plate Armor, which is also needed for the achievement associated with it. Unlike chitin armor, Valor armor, and the Peeper outfit, the Plate Set is not unique. But, as you can see from the way this helmet is obtained, it will still require some perseverance in its production. We leave, having again done the manipulations with the button and go into the portal.

16 - Fire Corridor

A very dangerous corridor for health, so it will not be superfluous to hang yourself with Fire Protection. The corridor has a "depth" of 6 tiles. On the fourth tile is a button that, when pressed, will permanently turn on the demon's head at the end of the corridor, which will constantly spit fireballs at intervals of a few seconds. Dangerous. Before pressing the button, look at the western wall on the third tile. Click on the switch and an alcove will open. Now the problems begin, because the next switch is on the east wall of the fifth tile, i.e. we have to turn on the head. The switch will open another alcove. We carefully run into it and press another switch on its northern wall. He will raise the walls in the previous alcove, but from here you can take what the demon's head guards.
There are two niches. One of them contains a scroll of the Fireball. This is an incredibly effective spell, the whole point of which is to deal a lot of damage at once (yes, fire does not ignite at all in this game). It needs a 13th level of Fire Magic (at level 24, the Fireball will increase). To use, you need to dial 6,7,9 on the runepad. Yes, it takes a long time, but in most cases it's worth it.
In the second niche, you will find a Flaming Blade (Damage: 14, Speed: 10, 4kg). This sword has 9 charges. With each hit, even just air, it expends 1 charge, launching a full-fledged fireball forward. Not bad!
Well, now we return to the previous alcove and climb the stairs there. This zone could be seen before, but now we can visit it in person. And what is here? And here we are waiting for a new enemy - Uggardian. These are very dangerous guys and you should quickly get used to fighting them. They have an average health reserve, but an extremely dangerous attack - regularly launched fireballs that can severely damage our entire group at once. In addition, Uggardians are fast fliers and can move sideways like crabs. There will be two of them in this room, but in the future they will become frequent guests. Fire is useless against them, but freezing them with ice and beating them until they are helpless is a sweet thing.
At the end, we immediately find 2 pieces of Plate armor - Plate armor (+12 Defense, Heavy armor, 16kg) and Plate gloves (+12 Defense, Heavy armor, 3kg). Total already 3 items from the set for one level.
We go back and do not forget about the demon's head, which is still spitting balls.

17 - Trial of the Warrior

We go here and press the runic switch on the wall. But don't be too hasty. To get into the room we need, we need to have the Nex Sword from (18) in our inventory.
When you get the sword, go here and prepare carefully before approaching the demon's head here. Make potions, put them in convenient slots, feed your guys so they do full damage. Ready? We approach the head and it teleports us to the arena, where we will be met by just a huge number. The fool understands that in this situation it will not work to run away from enemies, so you need to limit the approach to your carcass to the maximum. The first logical option is to hide in a corner. Then we will be attacked from both sides. But it is much more profitable to hide in the corridor, then you will have to fight back only from one side. To do this, we do this: immediately upon the appearance in the arena, we turn left and make our way to the wall until it stops. We find a switch on the wall, press it and the door will open a little to the right. We turn right, make our way forward 1 tile, and then go into the opened secret room. Everything, now it remains only to fight back on the one hand, periodically feeding potions of health and energy to their soldiers.
In the most secret room, we find the third treasure in the game - the Golden Apparatus. Well, the Poison Bomb lies next to him.
Now we search the arena. On the floor we find two Firebombs, one Poisonous and, most importantly, the Golden Key (already the second after what we picked up from the Ogre's corpse).
We approach the grate and open the gate by inserting any of our Golden Keys into the well. The gates will open, and we will take the first part of the armor of Valor - Shield of Valor (+10 Defense, +2 Strength, +20 fire resistance, 6.5kg)
And yes, if you are looking for this arena on the maps, then it is in paragraph (11) already at the 11th level.

Level 6: Trapped, continuation of the continuation

18 - Riddle with holes

Here we are met by a very large room with a bunch of holes. To begin with, we will clear the area from the Uggardians. If you did not meet them in (16), then this will be our first meeting with them. Do not forget that they can fly and do not care about the pits. I must say right away that there is not much point in falling into the local pits, we will get to the same place where the pit leads in (15), and we have already been there.
Now it's time to solve problems. There are three of them. Let's start with the extraction of the Round Key.
We go exactly to the tile on which there is a marker on the image. There, on the north wall, press the switch. Now quickly (the task is limited in time) we take a step to the west, three steps to the north and stomp to the west until we hit the central "block". On its eastern wall, press another switch. Now go south, go around the hole south of the block (2 tiles south, 2 tiles west), and then rush all the way north. There we find a niche in which lies the Round Key we need. Now we take out the torch from the stand nearby and the pit east of us will close with a hatch. This is important for the next problem.
Now it's time to open the secret room. To do this, click on all 4 switches on the central unit. We do everything exactly the same as in the previous secret, but when it goes north, we slow down near the "block" and press the switch on its western wall. Now we go around the "block", go from the north and press the switch on the northern wall of the "block". From here we surrender back (to the north), take a step to the side (to the east), even back (to the north), three steps to the stop to the east, three steps to the south, two steps to the west, one to the south and, finally, two steps to the west, where we press the switch on the southern wall of the central "block". It may take several tries. A secret room will open in the south, in which Uggardian will attack you, we deal with him. In the room we find the Mail Breastplate (+6 Defense, Heavy Armor, 6kg) and the main reason for our running between the pits is the Nex Sword (Damage:24, Speed:13, +10 Accuracy, 3.2kg), which requires 10th skill level "Swords". Not only is it good on its own, but it is also required to enter the arena in (17).
The third riddle is simple and is solved separately from the others. Remember how in (15) we found a scroll with the inscription "Far in the west"? She just tells us what to do. We fall into the westernmost hole in this room. We find ourselves in a modest area where we are closed with the Crab and separated from him by a grate. We sit, blunt and wait for the grate to open. She won't do it right away, but she will. We kill the Crab, go forward and pick up another treasure - the Golden Crown. Having picked it up, we activate the rise of the wall and leave.

19 - Iron door

Finally, we got all four Round Keys. We go here and open the door. Behind it, we are met by a new part of the set - Chitinous breastplate (+9 Defense, Light armor, 7kg).

20 - Treasury

And here we can miss the second Golden Key. There are 3 rooms in the treasury, we can open only one.
In the northern room - Tome of Fire (+10 fire resistance, +3 to the "Fire Magic" skill). Can only be used by a mage with the skill "Witchcraft" level 5.
In the east room is another Crossbow.
In the southern room - two Firebombs, an empty Flask, two Beads, two Nettles, Bloodweed
If you wish, you can leave the Golden Key and open other treasures at levels 9 or 13.

A - go to level 5

B - go to level 7

C - go to level 11, Trial of the Fighter

D - go to level 5, basement

E - go to level 5, room with Uggardians

Level 7: Ancient Chambers

1 - Arrival

We are coming to a new level. Here we will be met by enemies we have already seen in one secret - Green Slimes. Do not forget that the disease they impose can be removed with an antidote.

2 - Secret

Here we find the sixth note of Turum. It also contains a hint on how to open the local secret. To do this, you need to open in (2) and (3) all the doors, except for the south door in (3). Then the wall at (2) will open. There we will find Mail Pants, a Battle Ax and three Throwing Knives.

3 - Supplies

Here you can find Beads and Gloomy Mushroom.

4 - Collapsed tunnel

5 - Labyrinth of Shadows

Here we find ourselves in a special labyrinth, in which there are a bunch of torches on the walls. But the thing is, if we hit tiles lit by torches, we'll be teleported back to the beginning of the maze, so we avoid the light. Our torch, the spell Light or the Sphere of Emission do not have such an effect, if anything.
After passing through the northern part of the labyrinth, we find the seventh note of Turum, in which he talks about how the labyrinth works.

6 - Scroll

Here you can find a Scroll of Darkness. This strange spell simply disables the Light spell. And that's it. To use, you need the 5th level of Sorcery, and on the runepad you need to dial 2.5.

7 - Supplies

There are two points with this marker. In each of them you can find a bell.

8 - Bracelet

And here in a niche you can find a Hard Stone Bracelet (+1 Defense, + 20% damage, -20% speed). A good item for an assassin. Damage will increase, and his speed is already high.

9 - Box

Here we find a Wooden box, in which a whole set of all kinds of food: Mushroom hats, Baked larva, Bread, Fried beetle and Dried mole.
Nearby on the wall we find a hidden switch that will open the passage to us to (10).

10 - Secret

We run into the portal and find ourselves in a room where we distribute cradles to the local Small herders. We examine the room and find a Dried Mole, a couple of Crossbow bolts and a new throwing weapon - Throwing Ax (Damage: 15, Speed: 9, 0.5 kg) in the amount of two pieces.
Here we search the walls and find a runic switch on the eastern wall. He will raise a wall for us and we will be on the other side of the portal with which we got here, and there we will be waiting for four Frost Bombs.

There are potholes blocking our path. We need a key from (12). And Uggardians fly here, with whom it is not very convenient to fight in the corridors.
There is also a simple secret here - fall into the southern pit and find Tyrin's Bracelet (+1 Defense, + 15% speed), a great bracelet for any character.

12 - Ambush

We take the key here, calling the Green Slime to our misfortune. We will quickly deal with him, because. a section will open soon, from where more will come out.
We deal with everyone and examine. Find Fried Beetle and Seer's Cloak (+5 Evasion, +20% energy regen, -10% starvation) - just a great item for any character.
We return to (11) and use the key.

13 - Riddle with spheres

To begin with, we clean the area from the Uggardians, if they are still there.
Let's look at the mystery. We find a switch on the wall. We press it and the head in the north will send a white sphere to the receiver in the south. We do not interfere and stand to the right of the pit. As soon as the sphere hits the receiver, the head in the west will release the sphere. We quickly move away from the pit to the right and leave the flight path of the second sphere to the north or south. The sphere will fly through the gate opened from the first receiver and activate the hatch through which we will pass further. If the second sphere hits us, then the riddle will have to be solved from scratch.

14 - Slimes

We fight with a bunch of slimes, inspect the rooms and find the Throwing Axe.

15 - Life Crystal

We live! We heal and find a Belt of Fire on the floor (+50 fire resistance, 0.2kg). Given the crowd of Uggardians, a great thing.

16 - Puzzle with a sphere

Here is a simple puzzle. There are two buttons. One opens the grate, the second launches the white sphere. We do it simply: open the door, take a step forward on the button, launching the sphere, and immediately return to the previous button. The sphere will fly by and open several walls, from which several Uggardians will fly out at us.
We check the western room and there we find the eighth note of Turum.
We check the eastern room and behind the bars, which we raised, we find another scroll of Invisibility and the Shaman's Staff (+20 Energy, +2 Willpower, Earth Connection, 4.3 kg). The latter property means that Poison Cloud and Poison Arrow spells will deal increased damage.

17 - Portal and secret

We are not in a hurry to run into the portal, we fall into the pit. We fall into a long three-tile corridor dotted with buttons. The button activates the demon head set in the distance on the row on which this button is located. Heads spit poisonous projectiles, so Poison Protection won't be superfluous. The reward for this whole thing will be Boots of Valor (+15 Defense, Heavy armor, 4.5kg), the second piece of the Valor set.
To leave the area, pull the lever on the wall. This will open the walls at the end of the corridor and spawn Spiders and Crabs (3 in a random 1-to-2 ratio). We kill arthropods, we can use buttons with poisonous projectiles against them. Finished off, we go into the opened passages to the portal, carefully trying not to get a poisonous bolt in the back.
We returned, we enter the portal, we move to (18).

18 - Portal

It's just a portal. We enter it and fly away to (21).

19 - Levers

There are five levers here. We need to click on the third and fifth, if we count them from north to south. The reward will be the Assassin's Dagger (Damage: 15, Speed: 17, +10 accuracy, 1kg, Leech). Requires level 10 Daggers to use. The last property means standard lifesteal, which is very valuable.

Pits again. In the center of the pit, on one wall is a demon's head that spits white orbs into a receiver on the other side. Each time the sphere hits the receivers, all hatches in this room close/open. We correctly calculate the time and run in such a way that block the flying spheres. There is a switch on the northwestern wall that opens the door for us to proceed further. At the same time, two rooms will open, from each of which one Uggardian will come out. We deal with them.
In one of the rooms where the Uggardians flew out, you can find another Bracelet of Fortitude. The one that will speed up the regeneration of health at the cost of accelerated starvation.
If we fall into the pits, we don't worry. Here we will meet the Giant Spider and, more importantly, the Ogre. But there is enough space here to dodge their attacks and not be cornered. We examine the area and find a Milk Cane, one Crossbow Bolt and a Heavy Shield. We will fall into the same area from (21).

21 - Portal

Here we come from (18). Here we find a Knot, in which there are Beads, two Krovyankas and an empty Flask. The pits lead to the same place where the pits from (20) lead. The portal leads to (17).

This is the exit from the level, but do not rush, we will do it differently. Here in the niche lies another Skull for achievement and increase the damage of our minotaur.

Level 7: Ancient Chambers, continued

23 - White Orbs

Here we are waiting for a riddle of dexterity. We pass here and see three receivers on the wall in the south. As soon as we enter here, after a couple of seconds, the heads of demons in the north will begin to shoot white spheres. If at least one sphere hits the receiver, the puzzle will be reset, and we will be teleported outside the room. We go in, turn our backs to the receivers and with our body block all the white spheres to a single one. There are a lot of them and their firing sequence is random, so it makes no sense to memorize the schemes of how they fly. Just be careful and pay attention to the spheres as soon as they fly out.
As soon as you catch all the spheres, the Iron door on the side will open, and you will be given an achievement for completing this secret.
We go into the room behind the door and there we meet the last piece of chitin armor - Chitin boots (+9 Defense, Light armor, 3kg). That. we have collected a full set of chitin armor and get an achievement for that as well.
Here we find a scroll of Enchant Arrows with Fire. This is not a very convenient spell that allows the magician to make ordinary arrows or bolts fire. You need only the 7th level of the Fire Magic skill. To activate, we type on the run-pad 2,6,7,8.

24 - Secret passage

A very important secret. We look at the wall near the marker and find a runic switch. We press it and a passage will open in the east. If we go there, the door will close behind us, so search the level beforehand. We go here and find ourselves in a special department of level 8, which is not accessible in the usual way. Be sure to choose this option, because a lot depends on it.

25 - Weapon

Here you can find the Flail (Damage:25, Speed:10, -5 Accuracy, 6.5kg) guarded by a couple of Uggardians.
Milk cane can also be found here

26 - Trial of the Fighter

This is the same entrance to the Trial of the fighter

A - go to level 6

B - go to level 8

C - go to level 8, section with Ogre

D - go to level 8, entrance to a special sector

E - go to level 6, Trial of the Fighter

Level 8: Vault

1 - Arrival

This level is extremely unusual. The fact is that more than 90% of the level is a secret and to get there, you need to find a secret entrance at (24) at the 7th level. And only so. Otherwise, we will be met by an extremely short level that can be run in a couple of minutes.
Here you can find a Scroll of Lightning Protection. A familiar spell that increases resistance from this type of damage by 35%. We need the 22nd level of Air Magic, to activate we dial 5.9.
Here you can pick one Nettle.

We find a hidden switch next to the entrance and a room will open in which we kill the Giant Spider. We examine the spider eggs and find among them the Blueberry Pie (food, 1kg). This is a unique grub, for finding which they give a separate achievement.
Milk Cane and Gloomy Mushroom can also be found here.

3 - Vault Gate

This gate can be opened with a switch from the south, i.e. only if you get to level 8 using the secret stairs from level 7.

4 - Life Crystal

Well, the Crystal will come in handy.
Next to it, you can find a note on which some kind of diagram is drawn. It is extremely crooked and non-obvious showing how to open the secret passage on level 7 to get into the Vault.

5 - Iron door and exit

To open the door, you need a Gear Key, which can be obtained at (11). Yes, again we need to go to the Vault. Inside we will find the Helmet of Valor (+15 Defense, Heavy armor, 3.5 kg), part of the Valor set.
Just south of the descent to level 9, but nope, we need to collect everything.

6 - Entrance to the Vault

For some reason, this point is not shown in the picture, but it is to the south (3) and north of C.
Actually, in the north there is a grate and a lever that opens it. With their help, we can get to the northern part of the level.

7 - Ambush

When we get here, a couple of walls will open, from which Uggardian and Ogre will attack us. There is not enough space, so we fight carefully.
We dealt with and press the switch in the room, from which the Ogre got out.

8 - Lightning channel, west

Here we will be met by a long corridor, at the end of which is the head of a demon, every few seconds spitting an electric sphere flying through the entire corridor. It is quite dangerous, so we are not shy about putting Lightning Protection on ourselves.
We guess the moment and run forward, pulling the chain. We immediately hand over back, because. the door will not open immediately. We wait for another sphere of lightning and run into the passage.
Inside, the Uggardians will be waiting for us. You can cleverly lure them into the Channel.
We look around and find a Baked Larva and a cluster of three Lightning Bombs.
Our goal is a wooden door. To open it, you need to pull the lever in the north.

9 - Lightning channel, east

Through the open door we repeat the process. We guess the moment, pull the chain on the neighboring northern door and run through there, avoiding the shock spheres in the Channel. Inside, Uggardians and Giant Spiders are waiting for us.
We find a lever on the wall in the next room, which will open the door for us at (10).
There is also a secret here. First you need to find 3 switches on the walls. The first one is in the room itself (9), next to a clutch of spider eggs. The other two are in the east room. One is on the northwest wall. One on the central "block" on the east side. Each such switch will open an alcove, each of which will have a button. We put an item on each button and a secret will open in the northeastern part of the eastern room, in which the Banded Boots and Banded Gloves are waiting for us.

10 - Lightning channel, south

We clear the room from Uggardians and Spiders, pull the lever on the wall and it will open the door for us at (12).
But we are not in a hurry to leave, in the southern part of the room on the western wall we find a switch that will raise the wall leading to the Channel. We go to the open passage, facing the Channel, take a step forward, step to the left and click on the switch on the north wall. This will open a secret room at (11).

11 - Lightning channel, end

Here we find 3 Lightning Bombs. If you pressed the switch at (10), then a passage to the south will open here. We pass there and meet the Ogre. We calm him down and find two very good items. First of all, the Gear Key for the Iron Door at (5). Second thing, Lightning Wand (Damage: 14, Speed: 10, 1.7kg). It is a melee weapon (i.e. it is NOT a staff and cannot be used to cast spells. It has 9 charges and sends a shock orb forward with each hit. Just like the Legionnaire's Spear, the Wand does not belong to any category of weapons, and therefore does not improve from pumping skills.

Here, Spiders and Uggardians will simply interfere with us.

13 - Supplies

In this room you can find three Throwing Axes.

14 - Items

Here you can find the ninth note of Turum and two Frostbolts.

15 - South tunnels

There will be quite a few Uggardians and two Ogres. Make the most of the level's architecture so you don't get caught off guard.

16 - Closed door

We need the key from (18) to open it.

17 - Portal

Prepare before entering the portal. A tough fight awaits you.

18 - Mushroom Horde

We are met by a whole bunch of Herders of all three types. First of all, I advise you to get rid of the Small ones - they are fast and know how to shoot. By getting rid of them, it will be much more comfortable to fight with normal and Mature herders.
We carefully examine the area and find 2 keys. With one we will open the passage to the portal, which will return us to (15), and with the second we will open the door to (16), but we are not in a hurry.
We examine the area again and find three Milk Canes, two Throwing Axes and another Skull.
Now you can leave.

19 - Buttons

We examine the room and find 3 buttons. Place an item on each of them and the door to the next room will open. And with it, rooms with Uggardians and Spiders will open. Well shield to do, we kill them.

There is a large room with a bunch of Uggardians. We kill them all and search the room, there is a lot of junk lying on the floor. Namely: frankly not worthy of the 8th level Leather Hat and Knife, a pair of Shurikens, Dried Mole, Bread and Gloomy Mushroom.
There are two switches in this room at once, which open the same secret. The first is on the western "column", the second is east of the door leading further up the level. They both discover the secret at (21). Press first one switch, then the second and the passage will close, so we only need one switch.

21 - Secret room

The same room opened by switches from (20). Inside we are waiting for a Wooden box, inside which we are waiting for two Throwing Axes and three Crossbow bolts.

Level 8: Vault, continued

22 - Lightning Room

Here's a fun challenge. There are a number of holes, we are on one side and a Giant Spider on the other. He crawls left and right, pressing buttons that activate demon heads in adjacent lanes, spitting shock orbs. The spider is quite active and often moves so that more shells fly at us. In general, it is not necessary to kill him, but it is highly recommended so that he does not interfere with us. To get to the other side, we go around the corner and there we find a lever that will close one hatch and allow us to lure the spider into melee or just go to the buttons to collect the shells that stuck into the spider.
We find a lever on the wall, pull it and open our way to (6).
Like falling into holes? Let's go there one more time. Inside, a Giant Snail is waiting for us, guarding two Throwing Axes and a piece of Bread. There are no secrets here, but food will come in handy.
The secret is outside and, in fact, this is the most important secret of the level. We find two switches in this room with pits. One to the left of the northern grate, the second on the wall near the grate in the floor. Pressing both switches will open the room to the south.

23 - Vault

Inside we are met by the Vault itself. On it lies the sword we need, but if you just take it, the door will close behind us, and the demon's heads will turn on in the room, which sooner or later will take us apart. OK understood. Just put any other object on the postmayent and take the sword for yourself. It turns out to be the Separator (Damage: 27, Speed: 12, 4.8kg). In fact, this is a very good sword, with some chance of shocking enemies on impact, but it requires as much as the 15th level of the "Swords" skill. However, this is a legendary sword and a separate Steam achievement is given for finding it.

24 - Dragon

There is a secret in the same room. We press the switch on the southeastern wall and a room will open in which we will find the fifth treasure in the game - the Golden Dragon Figurine.

25 - Basement

And this is just the basement where we fought Ogre at the previous level.

A - go to level 7

B - go to level 9

C - go to level 7, secret passage to the Vault

D - transition to level 7, basement sector

Level 9: Goromorg Temple I

1 - Arrival

New level, new difficulty. At this level, there will often be canvases on the walls (banners). These banners can be destroyed and some objects can be found behind them. At the beginning, we will meet one such banner, but it is an exception to the rule - it is empty behind it.
There will also be secrets that require other items to discover. Make sure you have:

  • At least three Stones
  • Multiple Arrows/Bolts
  • At least one Skull
  • At least one Bone Amulet
  • At least three Torches

2 - Supplies

Here you can get a piece of Bread

3 - Room with scriptures

We tear the banner next to the door and click on the switch that opens the door. We kill Uggardian and take the Decorated Key from his body. In the niches we find 2 scrolls, which contain so far unnecessary information. The key will come in handy at (13), the scrolls at (16).

4 - Chess room

In the crack from ZoG, it is called "changing", but the word Checkered in this case directly hints at Checkmate - checkmate. The entire floor of the room is littered with buttons. There are several banners, one of which has a scroll warning that the room can fool us. Take a scroll, it can be useful. Now we need to press the buttons. The name of the room hints at exactly how. That's right, checkerboard. The exit will open only when the buttons are pressed in a checkerboard pattern, and all other buttons should not be pressed. To do this, immediately after entering, we put items on the buttons to the right, left and in front of us. Did you get the point? Then we take two steps forward and put another object on the left, right and front. We stand on the last button in front of the grate and the door will open, because. will press the buttons in a checkerboard pattern. The location of objects on the buttons can be inverted and then the door will also open, but we will not be able to go through it, because. will step on the button in front of the door, so there is only one solution to the puzzle.
And yes, you correctly understood that in order to pass the room, it will be necessary to throw out as many as 6 items. Any useless scrolls in this case will be useful. Until this moment, I was wearing a scroll telling what a Crystal of Life is (from level 1). That's where it came in handy.
As soon as you step through the open door, you will be given an achievement for completing this puzzle.

5 - Armory

We go here, kill one Uggardian and collect things. There are five Cold Arrows, a Long Sword, a Mail Breastplate, an Iron Basinet, and one Lightning Bomb.
We break the boxes in the alcove and there on the wall without shackles we find a switch. We press it and the alcove will open. We kill Uggardian in it and get our reward - Norya's ax (Damage: 24, Speed: 8, 8kg). To use, you need the "Axes" skill level 10.

And here is the moment that I really love in video games. When you pass through this tunnel, you will find that ... returned back. The fact is that when the player reaches certain points in the tunnel, the game forcibly turns the character around, and does it quickly and almost imperceptibly. There are two such points. If you are playing in normal mode, then you can simply check the map at every turn. If in old school fashion, then walk slowly, carefully looking at the walls. As soon as they "twitch", turn around. At the end of the tunnel you will see the light from the torch.

7 - Foundation of the Temple

Here we face a severe test. Confusing halls and tunnels in which new enemies spawn endlessly (yeah) - Ice Lizards. These are very tenacious opponents, moving at an average speed and biting in close combat. As you might guess, ice spells are useless against them. They can often drop Ice Raptor Steak (food, 2.2kg), which is useful. Another problem is that lizards are very quiet and can easily sneak up from behind.
Be extremely careful. The lizards here spawn endlessly, and this is to our advantage, because. one of them can drop a Golden Key! So carefully inspect the place of death of each lizard. If a Steak falls from it, pick it up and look under it so you don't lose the key.

8 - Secret

In this alcove, click on the hidden switch and hear noise in the north. We go there and find an opened room in which there is one Firebomb, one Lightning Bomb and Fist Fighter's Gloves (+3 Defense, +2 Strength, +6 damage from fists, 0.9kg). Even for a non-pugilist it will be a useful item.

9 - Closed door

You need a lever at (10).
After opening, you can take a scroll of Lightning here. This is a ranged air magic spell that requires 14th level air magic. To use, we type 4.9 on the run-pad. When it improves at 27th level Air Magic, it becomes extremely powerful.
We must take the scroll. We can throw it out later, but for now we need it.

And here he is.

Here you can find the Hoop of War (+1 Defense, 3 Strength, 1.5kg), an item for the head.

12 - Supplies

Here you can pick up 2 Lightning Bombs

13 - Supplies

Beads can be found at these two points

14 - Outer Shrine

Use the Pattern Key obtained in (3) and get inside. The door will close behind us and three Uggardians will appear. We kill them. There is a switch on the southwest wall of the Sanctuary's central room that opens a door that closes.
There are 3 separate rooms, each with a portal. Each portal takes us back to the central statue. We go into any portal in the amount of 3 times and a scroll with a hint will appear on the central statue: III-II-I-III.
Now let's study the runic inscriptions on the walls near each portal. It says "The Sun of Hate", "Hands that kill. Eyes that deceive" and "Three ancient creatures from the depths." We carefully read these phrases, they are the whole point. Each is about some things: the sun, hands and eyes, three creatures. This is the key, namely the number of items. The sun is one thing. hands and eyes are two objects (yes, you can not understand if you imagine them as 2 hands and 2 eyes), but three creatures are three objects. We understand this and enter the portal in the desired sequence: Three creatures-Hands and eyes-Sun-Three creatures. We fall into (21).
Having solved the riddle once, it will not be necessary to repeat it again. We just enter the "Three Creatures" and immediately fall into (21).

15 - Supplies

There are only Beads here.

16 - Tunnel of columns

Remember the snag from (6)? It's about the same here. Reaching certain points, our group is imperceptibly teleported back, which makes it feel like we are walking along an endless corridor. But stooop. We picked up some kind of scroll in (3), which tells how a certain "She" passed this test. We repeat exactly everything that is written there and go through. But if you threw the scroll somewhere, then here are the sequences of actions. Before each change "left-right" you need to take a step to the side and it does NOT count. Those. first we take a step to the side, and then we begin to count the steps. Left and right are the south and north sides of the tunnel, respectively. So:
2 times on the left
1 time on the right
1 time on the left
3 times on the right
4 times on the left
1 time on the right
1 time on the left
3 times on the right
3 times on the left
Done, tunnel passed.
If you have been collecting items correctly throughout the level (the Lightning Scroll at (9), the Patterned Key at (21) and the Tome of Wisdom here), then the walls of the chamber will open and we will finally finally get to (23).

21 - Room with riddles

We get here if in (14) we pass through the portals in the correct sequence. We are on the button. Behind us is a portal leading back to (14). Left and right heads of demons. If we stand next to them, then poison will splatter on us. There is a hatch in front of us. The button we're standing on keeps the hatch closed. Well, everything is clear, we put some object on the button and calmly walk along the hatch.
Before us is another hatch and a portal on the right. They both open/close with some frequency. Let's start by taking something in the cursor and, when the hatch closes, quickly put it on the button behind the iron bars opposite the portal. This will open the grate and we can go inside, where the lever is waiting for us. And now get ready for a very precise timing task. As soon as the hatch opens, we need to pull the lever and head towards it. The lever slightly increases the amount of time the sunroof stays closed. "Slightly" - loudly said, because. for just about a second. We need to have time to run through the hatch and have time to slip through the "flashing" portal. This is the first moment in the game where it really bothered me that my party members were overwhelmed. I couldn't get the timing right at all. But as soon as I dropped the items (you can right here, in the room with the lever), I ran right away. For items do not be afraid, take later. Behind the portal is a lever that will open the steel door that you probably noticed earlier. Behind the door we find the Decorated Key, which will come in handy later.
If we fall into the pits, then we will fall into (22).
All things are done, you can go back to the portal and return to (14).

22 - Breastplate of Valor

We examine the room, we find Beads and Bread.
We look behind the bars and find a scroll there, saying that you need to throw a stone to the north and east, standing where the shadows of the torches intersect. Frankly, I was notably stupid here, not realizing that we DO NOT need shadows from all three torches. Technically, torches are not required at all, the puzzle is solved even without them installed. But okay, put the torches in the stands in the north and south. We do not need an eastern stand. We put and look where the shadows from the columns intersect. This should be the next point: if you stand in the 3-tile north section of the room and stand in its western tile, then take one step to the south and stand where you want to. Now we throw throwing weapons (any one will do, not necessarily stones) to the north and east. The grate will open, and we will get the Breastplate of Valor (+15 Defense, Heavy armor, 12kg).
We go into the portal and appear at (21).

23 - Central room

As already mentioned, to open the walls we need to collect 3 items from niches along the level. When all the niches are empty, the walls will go down. In the western part of the room there is a door and a button that opens it. Nearby in the niche there is a potion of rage.

24 - Life Crystal

Heal if necessary.
There are four niches in front of which there are runic texts. We need to put certain items in each. The texts are quite vague and it is difficult to understand what exactly they want from us. Don't be afraid of items. Once the riddle is solved, we can get all the items back. When a suitable item is placed in a niche, you will hear a click.
"Gaming curse with a head of steel" - an arrow or bolt of any type (in the version with localization from ZoG it says "Poison of the Game", which may seem like an allusion to strictly poisonous versions of arrows / bolts, but no, any type will do).
"Tear of the Earth" - a stone.
"Severed fear" - a skull (in the version with the crack "Destroyed fear", which is less clear).
"Solver of mysteries" - any key. A Patterned Key from (21), a Golden Lizard Key from (7), or another Golden Key that you probably brought back from level 6 (if you didn't open the Treasury there) will do.

25 - Scroll

Here lies a scroll saying how great we are and what's cool that we've already reached here.

26 - Treasury

Another one, the same as it was at level 6. That is. 3 rooms, each of which opens with a golden key. You may now have two. We got one from the Lizard at (7), brought one from level 6, deciding that we didn’t need the treasures there. There will also be a third Treasury in the game, at level 13.
South Room: Tome of Infinite Wisdom (5 skill points)
West Room: Plated Leggings and two Frost Bombs.
North room. Feather hat and snake bracelet.
If we take Plate Leggings (+12 Defense, Heavy Armor, 10kg), then we will collect a full set of Plate Armor and get an achievement for it.

27 - Spiral

There is a gate here that opens with the Pattern Key that we obtained in (21). Inside we are waiting for a long spiral location in which 2 Ogres live. Be careful and freeze if you can.
Note that after the first turn there is a wall that will close as you go a little further down the spiral. To open it, press the switch on the wall near it.

28 - Iron door

Remember, a long time ago we found two Bone Charms? Here, put one of them in a niche and the door will open. The reward will be Zandul's Orb (+35 Energy, +5 Willpower, Intense Fire). Requires 10th level of "Affliction" to use. The latter property increases the damage of Fireflare and Fireball). Getting this item will give you an achievement on Steam.

A - go to level 8

B - go to level 10

5 - Riddle

There are two switches on the walls here. The western one releases the orb from the demon's head at (3), while the eastern one reverses the position of the doors. As soon as we open the sections with the demon head and receivers in (3) and (4), we go here. We open the western door, launch the sphere and quickly run to change the position of the doors (close the western one, open the eastern one). The sphere should successfully fly all the way and the door to the north will open.

6 - Iron key

We just come here and take the key from the niche.

7 - Opener

This room has a button and two niches in the walls (one is hidden behind a banner). There is a Red Gem in the western niche. Pressing the button opens the door that is on the same side as the niche with the stone. Those. we take a gem from the western niche, put it in the eastern niche, put some object on the button and the passage to (8) opens.
When you finish all the puzzles in these rooms, come back here and pick up the Red Gem, it will come in handy.

8 - Iron key

You can get here from (7).
We pass along the path leading from here to (4) and pull the lever. Hidden walls will open along with the door. From there, one Uggardian and two Shrakk Torra will attack us. We kill them and in one of these sections we find Gloves of Valor (+15 Defense, Heavy armor, 2.5 kg).

9 - Inner Sanctuary

We stand on the button and the whole room in front will begin to gradually "open", raising more and more walls until it looks like an empty hall with columns. 2 representatives of new enemies fly here. Meet Goromorg. Wizard with tentacles. Like the Uggardians, they can fly and move sideways. But now they throw not only fireballs, but generally any elemental projectiles (lightning, fire, ice, poison), and can also create Ice spikes. Their main problem is the shield. Goromorgs are covered with a protective field, which reduces the first few hits to 0. So at first it is advisable to attack them with something weak, but more often. And as soon as the shield falls - hit at full strength, since they do not have so much health (although enough).
In the east room, you can find a pair of Crossbow Bolts.
In the western room we find the Baked Larva and two Throwing Axes. There is also a switch that will create a portal in the center of the hall leading to (10). Together with the portal, three more Goromorgs will spawn in the hall. If you don't want to fight them, just run through the portal.
It makes no sense to step on the button in the northern part of the hall, you will just be covered with poison.

10 - Life Crystal

Immediately we see a portal that leads back to (9). We go around and find our Crystal.

11 - Iron door

Remember the Red Gem we picked up at (7). If you haven't, go now.
We tear the banner next to the door and put the gem there. All right, the door is open. If you followed the guide, then this was the last Iron Door in the game, for which you will be given an achievement on Steam.
Inside we have one Throwing Ax and a Long Cunning Bow (Damage: 19, Speed: 11, 1kg). The bow requires the Ranged Weapon skill to be level 17. It is only 1 point slower than the Shortbow, but much more powerful. In combination with a regular projectile, this bow is only 2 points weaker than a crossbow (damage 19 vs. 20, projectile damage 1 vs. 2).

There's a staircase here that leads to level 11. Inside you'll find a branch with a scroll saying "the level is sealed" and another staircase leading to level 12. Look at the cool walls, realize the door needs a key, and head back. Open the door at level 10 and move on. Ahead of us is a long winding path, where we meet Shrakk Torr and Goromorg more than once.

13 - Nettle

14 - Room

There are 3 doors in the room, we enter through any and kill a couple of Shrakk Torrs inside. In the niche we pick up Leggings of Valor (+15 Defense, Heavy armor, 8.5 kg). That. we not only collected the Armor of Valor set, but also collected all 4 sets in the game. Great!

15 - Long sword

Rolls on the floor.

16 - Two Shuriken

17 - Anything

We examine the niches, we find two Ice bombs and three Poisonous ones.
In the eastern part there is a hole, we fall into it. Inside, there is a room filled with four Cave Crabs. The place is quite small, so kill them as quickly as possible so that you don't get squeezed. We search the area, we find Beads, Milk Cane, three Ice Bombs and two Shuriken.
We find a ladder and climb it. At the exit we meet in a niche Elemental Shield (+10 Evasion, +15 resistance to fire, cold, lightning and poison,). This is the second best shield in the game along with the Shield of Valor. They have the same Evasion bonuses, but different additional bonuses. Open the grate and move on.

18 - Secret

Near this place, you can find the Full Helmet on the floor.
Opposite the alcove there is a hidden switch. Press it and a secret passage will open. It contains two Bloodstones, four Firebolts and the twelfth note of Turum. And among other things - direct access to the Crystal of Life.
Then we go north, there is a button that opens the door (permanently) and turns on the head of the demon, which spits lightning at us (every time you press it. Put the item on the button and move away so as not to lose health.

19 - Portal room

To get there, you need Pattern Keys from (20) and (25).
As we get it, we open it and enter. On the northwestern wall we find a switch on the wall, press it and the portal in the center of the room will turn off. We fall into a hole.
Inside we find a secret, in which lies a Scaled Cloak and a Knot, in which there are two Rat Hams and one Beads. As soon as you take the item from the niche, the demon's head will shoot three balls of lightning at you, which can be fatal. Moreover, the head shoots for each empty niche. Because objects lie in two niches, then the head will release 6 balls at us. We leave through the portal, heal / resurrect the group, click on the switch again and the portal turns back on. We enter and get into (27).

20 - Shrine

Suspicious large hall... Well, ok. We take the key from the pedestal and two Goromorgs will appear in the room, and Tentacles will come out of almost all the bars (except for the "middle ones") (did you miss them, right?). If you do not want to fight, before taking the key, put another object on the pedestal.

21 - Caves

Here we find ourselves in a huge room with a bunch of holes, in which several Scavengers and as many as four Ogres are waiting for us. A Bundle will fall from one of them, in which there are two Beads, two Bloodstones and a Bell).
If you fall into the pit, then we will get into a large sublevel, where a lot of Green Slimes are crawling. After searching the floor, we can find three Poison Bombs, Fried Bug, Shuriken, a piece of Bread and four bunches of Beads. But the most important thing lies in the western part of this location - the last one we need to reach the Skull.

Level 10: Temple of Goromorg II, continued

22 - Secret

At this point we find the thirteenth note of Turum.
We need the nearest pit to the east of the note. We fall there. We get into a slightly different section, in which we calmly and peacefully go to the end, until we find a niche in which lies the Ice Breaker Hammer (Damage: 35, Speed: 8, -5 Accuracy, 6.5 kg). Maces skill level 14 is required to use the weapon. With each hit, he can douse the enemy with cold (with a chance of freezing). As soon as we take a weapon, a bunch of walls will open, from where a whole horde of Cave Spiders, Small and Mature herders will climb on us (in one of these rooms you can find two Throwing Knives). We back off and leave. Along with the walls, a grate will also open leading to the part where we fell in (21).

There is one Throwing Ax in this room. Somehow it is not enough, but he is also under protection. But the guards can be useful to us, because the meat of two Ice Lizards satisfies hunger very well.

24 - Room

There are a bunch of Scavengers in the room. Kills them and inside we find the fourteenth note of Turum.

Now it's time to get the key. According to Turum's note, we need to pay attention to the columns in front of the levers. And here, in general, everything is clear. If the column opposite (slightly east) of the lever is one tile away from it, then the lever must be raised. If in two tiles, then omitted. And it turns out that the combination is from left to right: lowered, lowered, raised, lowered, raised.
The hatch a little to the south will close and we can pick up the second Pattern Key from the niche.
After taking the key, several Goromorgs will appear in the room.

We look at the wall near the X in the image and click on the hidden switch there. We go into the opened room (26). There inside we find the fifteenth and sixteenth notes of Turum.
In the niche we find Phalanx Helm and Hardstone Bracelet.
On the floor is a Ragged Cloak (the sixteenth note below it), an Ancient Ax (Damage: 36, Speed: 7, 7.3 kg), which requires the skill "Axes" level 15, and Turum's Remains (5 kg).
Now we need to take these remains to any Crystal of Life and put them "in" it. The remains will disappear, and we will get an achievement on Steam.
This will also unlock the ability to play Turum-Mod. A good choice for your second playthrough if you decide. To do this, at the beginning of the game in the character creation mode, enter the name of Turum in English - Toorum in the "Name" line and press Enter.
The game will automatically start and we will play for Turum himself, and only for him. Turum has fixed parameters: 95 health, 55 energy, 18 Strength, 15 Agility, 16 Endurance, 12 Willpower. Turum is a warrior mage and has a mixed skill set of warrior and mage: Armor, Axes, Swords, Earthbending, Firebending and Sorcery. His traits are also fixed - Tough (+15 Health) and Experienced (+3 skill points), but he will also have the unique trait "Lightning Fast" (+100% movement speed).

We get here from (19). We pick up the Prison Key on the pedestal, open the door outside and go to the exit, to level 12, where we open the door with this key.

2 - Tomb of the Builders

This is where we get when we enter the portal (5) on level 12. On the right, you can pick up a Stone.

3 - Trap

As soon as we press the button, the doors will close and the room will fill with gas. Examine the walls and find 3 hidden switches. We need to quickly press them all and the doors will open.

To open, you need two Pattern Keys, mined in the western and eastern branches.

5 - Eastern path

There is a corridor with three buttons on the floor, on the sides of which are the heads of the demon. There are no problems on the way to the key, just follow the buttons to the key. Let's take it. On the way back, we put some object on each button in front of us. The heads will powerfully puff with fire, cold and lightning, respectively. If you need items, pick them up by standing on the button.

6 - Treasure

We press the switch on the wall nearby and in the opened room we take away the last treasure - the Statuette of Goromorg. That's it, we have collected all the treasures and get this achievement for this.

7 - West way

I must say right away that there is no point in falling into the pit. One Shrakk Torr flies there and that's it, so it makes no sense.
To begin with, we throw some object forward so that it hits the far end of the corridor. The path is blocked by a portal, which, if something happens, will throw the object thrown by us in our face. We guess the moment and throw. The item lands on the button at the end of the corridor and the first pit will close.
Now we need to quickly run to the tile with the portal when it is not there and hit the switch in the west. He will close the second hatch for us. Now you need to have time to run while the portal is turned off. The easiest way I found is to stand with your back to the portal and just hold down the "Back" key. Our group will try to go through the portal and, as soon as it turns off, they will do it right there, without even having to guess the timing.
Inside, we take the second Pattern Key and leave.

8 - Tomb

We open the door with two keys and inside we meet a lonely Uggardian. It seemed to me personally that it is noticeably thicker than the previous ones, but it still kills in the same way as before.
We read the scrolls and understand how to kill the Immortal. To do this, we need the Weapon of Power, which lies right here. What don't you see? To do this, you need to remove all the light from the room. First, we remove the Torch from the stand, and then put out all our light (the only moment where the Darkness spell can come in handy). A weapon of power (4kg) will appear on the pedestal.
This non-damaging weapon hurls a bolt of lightning forward. When it hits an Immortal, it temporarily deactivates it. Keep in mind that Power Weapons have extremely low speed, so it's a good idea not to miss.
Immediately after taking the device, our party will automatically heal, and a portal will appear at the exit leading to the final boss in (6) level 12.

9 - Dungeon

This is where we fall from the large room on level 10. Green slimes crawl here.

10 - Dungeon

Fall here from the east pit at level 10. When we get out, we get an elemental shield.
As soon as the key enters the well, we will be contacted by a mysterious voice that we could hear (well, read) while resting throughout the game earlier. He will need to find some mechanism.
As soon as we step out the door, we get a story achievement.

2 - Prison

Welcome to the Prison, here we will be met by Goromorgs (although they can always fly away and you will meet them later).

3 - Scroll

Here we find a scroll saying that a certain seal will be broken when the shackles are destroyed. OK.

4 - Watchers

Here we will meet new enemies. The Overseer is the toughest enemy in the game. At least in terms of strength. They are extremely durable and, importantly at this stage of the game, they cannot be killed with a single hit from an assassin. Their behavior is identical to the Ogres - they can ram and hit the diagonal cells if you are arrogant enough to try to get through there. Never fight multiple Overseers at the same time. They also differ from other enemies in that they stand still, and do not roam around the location.
We carefully kill all four, approach the mechanism and again listen to the mysterious voice that says that we need to find spare parts for the mechanism. They're lying around on level 13, which can be accessed by falling into any of the pits here.
We check if everything is ready for a one-way trip, because after installing all the spare parts, the game will "turn on" the ending and it will no longer be possible to go back.
Hellish horror and a nightmare will begin, so we urgently need to bring down the portal (5).

5 - Portal

It will appear when we install all the parts of the mechanism.

6 - Final boss

Here we have to fight with the final boss.
We return here when we get the Weapon of Strength from level 11. Before the fight, I recommend throwing out unnecessary things so that not a single member of our group has an overload. Overload reduces movement speed, albeit slightly, but in the final battle speed will come in handy.
The Immortal himself (in the original, he is Undying, i.e. Undying) is a huge mechanical cube, constantly moving towards the player, wanting to distribute it. It does a lot of damage to the whole party at once and moves it to the next tile, so it may well be thrown into the pit.
We need to shoot the Immortal with the Weapon of Power, temporarily disabling it. We quickly run up and tear off one of the parts that we inserted into it earlier. Immortal is disabled for about 10 seconds, but you can only tear off one spare part at a time, because. after that it immediately turns on again. Details can be thrown directly on the floor, some of them weigh a lot, and overload is undesirable for us. The Immortal himself will not be able to pick them up from the floor. That. tear off all 4 parts. Once this happens, the Immortal will be able to take damage from normal attacks. Power weapons can still be used, but will now deal damage. Immortal is vulnerable to lightning, so if you have an experienced Airbender in your squad, he will be very useful in the second phase. And also Lightning bombs will not be superfluous.
In addition, Scavengers, Uggardians and Shrakk Torrs will spawn in the location. If the Immortal runs into them, he will instantly kill them.

10 - Secret

We press the switch here and a passage will open in the same room that opened (9), but in its northern part. There is a Wooden box in which there are four bunches of Beads, a Bell and two empty Flasks.
If you followed the guide, then this will be your last secret and you will get an achievement for collecting all the secrets.

11 - Tunnels

There are additional tunnels with all sorts of junk and a Crystal of Life.
To open the door, click on the hidden switch located near (2).
In the tunnels you will meet a lot of Giant Spiders.

There are also Cave Crabs in the tunnels. Kill one and pick up the Golden Key from his corpse. Keys do not drop from other crabs.

13 - Supplies

Another wooden box. Inside is a piece of Bread, two Dried Moles, a pair of Torches and an empty Flask.
There is a switch on the wall next to it. Click and a passage to (14) will open.

14 - Treasure

It opens with a switch in (13). Here we pick up the Globe of Tetarion, the sixth treasure in the game.

There are two ice lizard steaks here

16 - Life Crystal

There is a Crystal here, which we may well need and a new Treasury. Because the point "Treasuries" is very close, I will not additionally describe what is there.

A - portal to level 12


There are three Treasures in the game. Each of them is a room in which there are 3 chambers. Each grate is locked and requires a Golden Key to open.
They are located on the levels 6, 9 and 13 and are always located at the end of the levels.
At each of these levels, it will be possible to obtain one such key. At level 6, you can get 2 keys at once, but one of them will have to be spent to get the Shield of Valor.
If you wish, you can NOT open the Treasury and go through further. Then for the next Treasure you will have 1 additional key. Here is a list of all the rewards inside the Treasures to help you decide what to get:
Level 6:
-Volume of fire. Increases the level of "Fire Magic" by 3 and increases resistance to fire by 10%. Can only be cast by a mage with Spellcraft level 5 or higher.
-Crossbow. When following the guide, the Crossbow can be obtained before that.
-Fire Bomb (2pcs), Vial, Tar Beads (2pcs), Cave Nettle (2pcs) and Bloodweed.
Level 9:
-Tome of Infinite Wisdom. Gives the reader 5 skill points.
-Plate Leggings and Frost Bomb (2pcs).
- Hat with feather and snake bracelet.

Level 13:
-Torch (3pcs), Bundle (Tar Beads (3pcs), Bloodweed (3pcs) and Bundle (Gloomy Mushroom (4pcs), Energy Potion, Health Potion)
-Full Helmet, Plate Chestplate, Plate Leggings, Plate Boots, Plate Gloves. That. a full set of Plate Armor.
-Fire Bomb (2pcs), Lightning Bomb (2pcs), Flame Blade

At the beginning walkthrough of the game Legend of Grimrock 2 you have to pick up the stick - use LMB. It must be placed in one of the slots of any selected character. Then turn around to face the entrance to the cage and, aiming at this hero (more precisely, at his hand), press RMB. This is how you will carry out attacks.

Move along the beach to the left, and after you go around the rocks, use the stick to break the branches. Not far from the branches, you will be able to find a bone, which can also be used as a weapon. After killing the giant turtle, place its meat in the inventory of any of the characters. Approaching the door, look to the right - there is a button that you need to press. After killing a couple more turtles, pick up the key - it will help open the door that you will see further. Use TAB to open the map and note that, thanks to an innovation from the developers of the game, you now have the opportunity to make notes on it at any time. Do not neglect this opportunity so as not to get lost.

Moving forward, turn right, and not far from you you will see a tunic - you can put it on any of the heroes. There will be two plates in front of you: one of them opens the gate (far), and the second closes (near). You must first stand on the nearest plate, and then put any heavy object (you can use, for example, a turtle egg or its shell) on the one located in the distance. To save, touch the blue crystal.

Turning your back to the crystal, go forward. On the starboard side, go around the ship, and you will see a statue with outstretched arms between it and the coastal rocks. Something must be placed in these hands. Turn around and walk back a little, turn left. You will see a locked door, as well as nine tiles. Near the door you can see a hint and an "X" sign. Such a sign must be depicted on the plates, using stones, turtle eggs and any other items that you can find. And make sure that the stone is always in the center and in four positions diagonally. Only then will the door open.

Use it to kill the blue monster. Then you will see the door again (to your right), as well as the statue and the hint inscribed on the slab. After reading the story about the captain's sword, you will understand that it is he who needs to be placed in the hands of the statue. However, first you have to find this sword. So go forward a little from the door, deal with a couple of monsters, turn left and you will find a grate with a keyhole. There is a button on the plate on the right - you need to press it so that a portal opens on the other side. Using this portal, you can kill another turtle, as well as find a closed chest behind bars and a button located right on the ground. Place any heavy object on this button, and the grate will immediately crawl up. After opening the chest, you will become the owner of a medicine, a knife and a golden key. Use the portal to go back, and then open the grate with the golden key you found.

After killing a couple of monsters, you will see a box to your left - you need to place it in your inventory. There, click, aiming at the box, RMB - this will help you extract items from it that you will use in the process of further progression of the game. There was a sword in the box, so now you can return to the statue. The door will immediately open, after which you can take the sword back. That's all - it's time to move to a new location.

When viewing video walkthrough of the game Legend of Grimrock 2 to switch between videos, use the "Playlist" button

Dead Sailor's Cave

Turn right and pull the chain to open the grate. On the shelf, in the very corner of the room, you can find many useful items. Go back to use the chain to open the second grate. There are torches on the walls - use any of them if your own goes out. Go deep into the location to deal with the zombies. There is a button in front of the next door - you need to place a heavy object on it. Go back and on the wall, right around the corner, you will see another button. Click on it to raise the grate and move on. After killing the zombies, you will be able to see a door to your right - in order to open it, you need a key. Going around the entire corridor, you will find this key in the wall niche. Returning back, open the door, kill a couple more zombies and take the horn from the stand. Use the nearby stairs to get out of the catacombs.

Shipwreck Beach

Ahead, to your right, you will see a button - you must click on it. The rock blocking the passage will move away, and you will be able to play the game further. Go to the location to the stone circle - you need to stand in this circle and place the horn in the hand of one of the characters in the game, and then click on it with LMB. As soon as the sound of the horn subsides, giant plants will appear in front of your hero, which must be overcome. But make sure that the monsters attack you one by one. When you do it, a new grate will open in front of you.

Twigroot Forest

Turn left at the crossroads. After killing the opponents, go to the fork, and then turn left again and go down into the Twigrut tunnels.

Twigroot Tunnels

Move along the corridor and on the right you will see a locked grate, and right in front of you - a pit. Behind this hole is a button - you need to throw something in there to press it. A bridge will appear that you can cross over to find a room at the very end of the corridor. Deal with the skeleton dressed in knightly armor and take the key that lies in the corner. Go back to open the grate with the key, and look into the chest. The chest contains another key and other useful items - take them all. And then get out of here - like the game further you will be on the surface.

Twigroot Forest

Explore the location, and in the upper part (if you navigate the map) you can find a passage with a grate. Use the key found in the tunnel to open it.

Walk forward and you will see a building. Use the button to be able to enter inside. You will see three statues with a head - to get a hint, you need to go to each of them in turn. After leaving the building, go around it and stop at the rear. Here you will find a chest that can only be opened with a key. However, you can try to use master keys.

Turning your back to the building, go forward, turn left, and then right. Find the lever. Lowering it, you will notice on the right a gazebo with a crystal hanging right in the air - a grate has opened there. Approach the gazebo and, after defeating the enemies, take possession of the Power Gem. Return to the building where you saw the statues, turn right twice in a row. Kill the wolves and find the entrance to the cave - then you will pass the game already there.

Twigroot Tunnels

Use the chain to open the doors. Move forward and to your right you will see a grate with a chain. Not far away in the corridor is a magician - the Guardian of the Island. However, when you try to approach him, he will disappear. After defeating a couple of opponents, break the boxes and collect all the items that may be useful in the further adventure of the game. Go to the grate again and open it with the chain. When you step on the button, two holes will appear behind you and directly in front of you. Look to the right, there, on the brick wall, you can see a button - just press it, and the pit ahead will close.

The Four Plagues

Turn left, and soon you will notice a room in which there are four niches. There is a locked grate right in the middle, and a special signature can be seen near each niche. Set items as follows: Disease - a healing potion, Battle - a sword or any other weapon, Cold - a wardrobe item, Famine - any food item. When you complete this task, the grate will rise, and you can get at your disposal a cape, as well as a potion of strength.

Go back to the first grate and turn right near it. On the way you will come across a stone with which you can save. And keep in mind that this stone is also able to revive a previously killed character. Move along the corridor until you see a gnome in front, who has taken to flight. The dwarf slammed the bars behind him, which means you need to take possession of the key to it.

Move on, kill the monster along the way and to your right you will see a door through which you can get to The Nest. Turn left to enter the Philosopher's Stone room. On both sides of you there will be bars, behind one of which there is a button - you need to put a stone there. Hurry to the big stone that is on fire - it must be moved directly to the yellow square. Push the stone, focusing on the highlighted points, and move it to the right. And then go behind the bars, and from there push the stone in the other direction. Once he is in the yellow area, a grate will open that can lead you to a portal.

In the niche in front of you lies the key - take it. When you see three skeletons, kill them, use the lever and go back. Go behind the bars to take possession of the stone, and press the button that is on the wall. Once in a secret room, take the loot, having previously finished with the rat.

Return to the grate closed by the gnome and use the found key to open it. Next, go forward, and the gnome will open another one in front of you. Keep up with this character and eventually you will have to fight him. Having won, take possession of the key and other useful items. In the room you will find a door that can just be opened with this key. Get to the crystal of Strength and take possession of it.

Walk back to the open door to move on. Raise the grate to clear the way and look for the lever at the end of the corridor. Using this lever will take you to the room where the save crystal is located. Walk back a little. Open the grate and carefully inspect the niches. Go up the stairs.

Twigroot Forest

Near the building with statues, you need to put four crystals of Strength on the table at once. As a result, a fiery sphere is formed, which you should pick up. After leaving the building, turn left, and you will be able to proceed to the passage of a new location.

Forgotten River

First, go forward, and then turn left, and you will see an area with traps that look like spikes - Shrine of Pain. Let the spikes move a bit and then move forward along the right wall. Turn left and find a lever that needs to be lowered. Go to the turn, which you have already passed, and turn left again. Take advantage of the open hike and the spikes will be left behind. On the table you will find a letter - pick it up and go right. Kill the monster.

In order not to go through the area with spikes a second time, stand on the button, and a wall will open in front of you. To your left, you will notice a passage to a new location - go there.

Sleet Island

Turn right, cross the bridge and you can see the musket on the stand. Armed, hurry to the basement, kill one monster and take a position so that the rest of the opponents can only attack you one by one. After dealing with everyone, take the musket again and use the portal. Thus, you will return to the location. You need to turn right and go to a new part of the territory to solve the puzzle.

mind and matter

There are two stones in front of you. On the right side is a lever - you need to find and activate the stones. Move the nearest stone forward, and you will have the opportunity to go to the free part of the location. From the stone, turn right, and you will see a hole ahead, and gratings on the sides. One step before the pit, on the right side, you will be able to notice a plate with a button. Pressing it will cause a spark to fly out of the stone head located on the other side of the pit. However, because of the stones, the spark is not able to reach the hole. Go back to clear the obstacle by moving them to the left. Press the button and hurry to jump out of the way of the spark. Both gates will immediately open, and you will have to go to the right. Moreover, the first stone along the way must be moved so that it takes the yellow mark. The second stone is pushed forward through the grate, and then you need to go past it all the way, turn right and on the right wall find the button responsible for raising the wall. Go around the stone through the wall and push it forward one step. Push further until you reach the desired location.

So, we start the game by raising a stick from below, then click LMB. Move it to any slot of your heroes. Once you are facing the cage doors, right-click on the hero who has the stick (required on the hand in which the picked up stick is). Remember that this principle will be followed by further attacks.

As you exit, then move to the left side along the way moving along the local beach. Go around the rocks and use your stick to break the branches. Near the branches lies a bone (it can also be used as a weapon). Soon you will have to defeat a huge turtle. Take the meat from her and add it to the inventory of any of your heroes. Near the doors, you will need to press the button on the right side. Kill two more turtles further and pick up the key that is lying around. The key will need to be inserted into the well near the doors that you will come across in the future. And by the way, press the TAB key - thus, open the map. The developers of the game have introduced a feature in which you can add various signs as symbols and even sign key points. This will soon help you not get lost in the game.

Go forward a little, and then to the right side. On the right side you can find a tunic (you can put it on absolutely any hero). Next, there will be two tiles - the closest gate closes, the farthest itself opens. You will need to stand on the near one and on the far one you will need to put something (you can skin a turtle or its egg). Now you can leave the first slab and the gate will be open for you.

Go further and again you will need to kill the turtles, but this time they will be on the right side. If you go to the left, you will come across two doors. The first is locked with a key, the second has a hint that says: "If you are ready, then stand in a circle in the center and call the guards." Go back to where the turtles were once killed. Now touch the blue crystal to save the game.

Turn back from the crystal. Go around the ship on the right side and between them you can find a statue with outstretched arms. You need to put something in these hands. Turn around, then go a little in the back direction and turn left. There will be locked doors and nine large slabs. There will be a hint near the gate. They will have an icon - X. You will need to arrange unnecessary objects in such a way that a cross comes out of the tiles, that is - X. The stone should be in the very center, and diagonally in all four dots. Only then will the doors be opened.

Next, you will need to go through these gates and kill an incomprehensible blue monster. On the right side there will be a door, and on the side there is a statue and another clue, but already on the tile. In the hands of this statue, based on this story about the captain, you should put the sword of this very captain. But first you have to find it. Turn around back from the doors and go straight ahead and kill the two monsters. Then turn to the left side and again on the left side there is a locked grate with a lock. On the right side is a button on the tile. Click on this button, after which a portal will open for you on the left side. Enter this opening portal and kill the turtle inside, then move to the chest (the button is located on the ground - put some object on it). Inside the chest you can find a knife, medicine and a golden key. Now you can go back the same way you came here. With the key found, you can open the locked grate.

Kill two monsters and go to the box on the left side (take it in your inventory). You can open it inside the inventory simply by right-clicking. Among all the items there will be the same sword you are looking for. Now you can go back to the statue and put the sword on it. Subsequently, doors will open for you. Please note that you can take the sword back. After passing through these doors, you will find yourself in a completely new territory.

Dead Sailor's Cave

Go to the right side and open the grate, after pulling the chain. Do not forget to collect all valuables from the shelf and in the corner of the room. Now you can go back and open the next grate by first pulling the chain. If your torch starts to go out, then you can safely take any other from the stands that are here. After going a little deeper, you will meet a zombie - kill him. In order to open the next doors, you must first put any item on the button in front of it (the button, when pressed, will close the grate). Now you can go back a little and on the wall around the corner - there is a button. Click on this button and the grate will rise. Move on. Along the way, kill another zombie. On the right side is another door, but it needs a key. You need to go around the corridor, and then find the key in the niche of the wall. Now go back to the doors and open them with the key. Soon you will have to kill two more walking corpses - there will be a stand, there is a horn on it - take it. You can now leave these catacombs using the stairs nearby.

Shipwreck Beach

Click rather on the button, which will be a little ahead on the right side. After pressing, the rock will begin to move away. Exit through the open passage. You need to go to the location where the stone circle is located. You need to stand in this circle and put the horn in your hand. Just take one of the heroes and LMB click on it. After the horn is played, two creepy monster plants will appear, so you have to defeat them. You will need to find a place where they can only attack you one at a time. After defeating them, a grate will open for you, through it you can go to a new territory.

Twigroot Forest

Go to the left side of one intersection. Along the way, kill all your enemies. You will have to move until you get to the next fork. From it you will need to go to the left side and will soon go down into the Twigrut tunnels. Come inside.

Twigroot Tunnels

Walk along the corridor and soon you will reach a locked grate on the right side. After going a little further there will be a pit, but behind this pit there is a button. You will need to throw any unnecessary item through this hole in order for the button to activate. After a successful hit, a small bridge will appear. Go further and at the very end of the corridor is a room. In this room there will be a skeleton in knight's armor - kill him. Right there in the corner is a key - take it. Now go back and with the found key you can open the grate. Ahead finds a chest - look into it. It will contain another key and many other useful items. Now you can return back to the forest from the tunnels.

Twigroot Forest

Wander around this area. If you look at the map of the area, then at the top there will be a transition with one grate. You will need to remove the grate after inserting the key that you found back in the tunnel.

Move on and there will be a quest ahead. Go inside and press the button. There are three statues here, you need to go up to each and click, and then read a unique text clue on each statue. Now exit the building and go around it, then stand behind. There is a chest here, but to open it, you need another key. You can try to unlock it with the lockpicks you have.

Stand with your back to the building and go to the left, then turn to the right. But do not rush to move to the next territory, first find the lever here. You will need to lower it and soon on the right side you will be able to notice a gazebo with a crystal in the air - a grate has opened here. You need to go to this grate, kill the enemies along the way and subsequently pick up the Power Gem. Now go back to the building with the familiar statues (heads), from them go a little to the right side and after, again to the right side (top of your map). Along the way, kill hostile wolves and find a passage to the dungeon.

Twigroot Tunnels

Pull the chain and open the doors. Walk a little forward and on the right side there will be a grate with another chain. Going further down the corridor you will encounter a mage. Most likely this is the very Guardian of the Island. Walk up to it and it will soon disappear. Next, you have to kill two opponents, then break the boxes and pick up a variety of useful things. Now go back to the grate and pull the chain to open it. Step on the button and open two pits. You can’t go back - a hole and ahead - a hole. On the right side of the pit, find a barely noticeable button in the wall. If you press this button, the pit will immediately close.

The Four Plagues

First, go to the left side - here you will stumble upon a room with 4 signed niches. In the very middle there will be locked bars. Near each niche there is also a signature. You need to put the following items: Disease (Disease) - here a jar of healing potion, before Battle - you need to put a sword or some other weapon, to Cold (Cold) - an item of some kind of clothing, well, to Famine (Hunger) - absolutely any food. As a result, the grate will rise, after which you can take a jar of strength potion and a cape.

Now you can go back to the grate, through which you arrived here. Walk to the right side of her. Along the way, you will pass a save stone (save). And by the way, if one of your heroes died, then after touching this stone, your fallen character will be on his feet again. Move further along the corridor and notice the gnome, who is leaving in a hurry. He will close the grate behind him and you will need to find the key.

Go further and soon you will need to kill the monster, after which there is a door on the right side, and it will lead you to The Nest. Now go to the left side and go into the room Philosopher's Stone. Walk a little further along the corridor on the left side. There are gratings on both sides. Behind one grate is a button - you will need to put a stone on it. You need to go back to the big stone, but it is on fire, as well as the floor under this stone. You need to move it to the yellow square. You can push it only from behind and only on the areas that are highlighted. Move it to the right side, then go behind the grate and through it you will need to push to another part. As soon as he finds himself on the coveted yellow dot, the grate will finally open nearby. Go through the portal right behind it.

Now take the key, which lies further in the niche (Brass Key). Three skeletons will appear next. You will need to kill them all. After another victory, pull the lever and go back. Go behind the bars, which is located behind the stone. Further on the wall there will be a button - click on it. Enter the secret room, kill the rat and take all valuable items.

Go back again to the grate, which the fleeing dwarf once locked. Now you can open it with the found key. After going a little further, the dwarf will open the bars for you and soon you will need to fight him. As you defeat him, then collect all the valuable items and another found key. There are doors in this room that you can unlock with the Gnome Key. In addition, you need to find a passage to the crystal of the Force and pick it up.

Go back to the open doors and go inside. Along the way, you will need to raise the grate. If you go to the end of the corridor, you will find a lever and if you lower it, you will be able to find a save crystal. But let's go back. As you open the grate, then carefully examine all the corners of this place and after a thorough search, you can climb the stairs to the top.

Twigroot Forest

Exit to the building with the statues and place the found four Crystals of Power on the table. As a result, you will collect one large fiery sphere from them - take it. According to your map, now you need to go to the left, that is, to the left when leaving this building. Then move on to new territory.

Forgotten River

Now go forward a little, and then turn left. Note that there will be terrain with traps - spikes (Shrine of Pain). You will need to wait for the moment when the spikes go a little further. You need to move on, along the right side wall, then turn left and find one lever around the corner. As you find it, lower this lever and return to the first turn, where you once turned to the left. Do not be surprised, but you will need to turn left again. Go to the open passage and in the end you will overcome the spikes. Now take the letter from the table, go to the right side and kill another monster.

There is a button here - stand on it and open the wall - this way, you will not need to move through the dangerous spikes again. If you go to the left side, you will pass to another new territory. Go there.

Sleet Island

Go to the right side of the bridge. On the right side, on one stand, there will be a musket. Take it and you will be thrown into an unknown basement. Rather, kill the monster that is behind you and stand in its place - this way, the rest of the monsters before you will come up one by one. As you deal with all the enemies, then take the found musket and go through the open portal. You will be back at the same location. Go to the right side and go to the new part, where you will need to solve another puzzle.

mind and matter

There are two large stones here. On the right side is a lever - find and turn on the stones. The nearest stone must be moved forward in order to go to the next part of this location. From the stone, go to the right side, there will be a hole in front, and a grate on the right and left sides. On the right side, a step away from the hole, there is a tile with a button. If you click on it, a small spark will fly from the stone head on the opposite side. Since it is hindered by stones, it will not reach its intended goal. You need to go back and move two stones to the left side. One should rest against the grid, and the other will be moved closer to the yellow dots. Now you can go back to the button and click on it. But you will need to immediately run to the side as a spark will fly. After that, the grill doors will open. Now go from the hole in the right wall and push the first stone that comes across, but you need to push onto one of the yellow platforms. Next, you need to push the second stone through the grate a little forward. Now move to the second cobblestone and walk past it until you hit it, then turn right and on the right wall you will find another button. You will need to click on it, after which the wall will rise. You can walk around the stone through the wall. Push him one step forward. In general, now it will not be difficult for you to push this cobblestone to the desired point.

As a result, the lattice will open. Go through the opened passage. Move on and soon you will need to kill the stone golem. There is a button here, but if you step on it, nothing useful will happen, except that a couple of flying monsters will appear. After the fight is over, go a little further and turn to the right side - then go to the next territory.


Ahead there will be a stone and more illuminated slabs. There are four yellow key points here, but there is only one stone. Unusual. If you go to the left side, you can find a couple of graves and some useful items, but this is not necessary.

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