Types of environmental pollution presentation. Presentation on general ecology on the topic "environmental pollution and their classification"

Introduction: The natural environment serves as a condition and means of human life, the territory on which he lives, the spatial limit of the exercised state power, a place for placing industrial, agricultural and other cultural and community facilities. A person influences the natural environment of his habitat not only by consuming its resources, but also by changing the natural environment, adapting it to solve his practical, economic problems. Because of this, human activity has a significant impact on the environment, subjecting it to changes, which then affect the person himself.

Pollution. Environmental pollution is divided into several types: 1. Dust. 2.Gas. 3. Chemical (including soil pollution with chemicals). 4. Aromatic. 5.thermal (temperature change). 6. And many others. The source of environmental pollution is human economic activity (industry, agriculture, transport).

Of all types of pollution, the main ones can be distinguished: MAIN TYPES OF POLLUTION Physical (thermal, noise, electromagnetic, light, radioactive) Chemical (heavy metals, pesticides, plastics and other chemicals) Biological (biogenic, microbiological, genetic) Informational ( information noise, false information, anxiety factors

The atmosphere (air environment), hydrosphere (water environment) and lithosphere (solid surface) of the Earth are exposed to pollution.

Environmental pollution. The main sources of pollution. Major harmful substances Atmosphere Industry Transport Thermal power plants Oxides of carbon, sulfur, nitrogen Organic compounds Industrial dust. Hydrosphere Wastewater Oil spills Road transport Heavy metals Oil Petroleum products Lithosphere Industrial and agricultural waste Excessive use of fertilizers Plastics Rubber Heavy metals

Depletion of natural resources: Development of minerals to the point of unprofitability of further development. Exceeding the rate and volume of production over the ability of natural renewal of renewable resources. These are deforestation, overfishing, overgrazing and destruction of pastures, non-compliance with agrotechnical measures in tillage and depletion of their fertility, pollution of watercourses and reservoirs with industrial waste so that they cannot be practically used, air pollution in large cities, etc. And. etc. happens naturally. For example, the rapid reproduction of the muskrat in some areas led to the extermination of its food and the death of the animal; reproduction of the mink leads to the disappearance of some fish species of its food, etc. With the development and progress of society, the use of natural resources is increasing, so the problem of preventing this process arises.

Nature protection This form is a reaction to destructive human activities in the environment. Unlike consumption, this is a conscious form of social and state activity aimed at the conservation and reproduction of natural resources. As a secondary form of interaction between society and nature, nature conservation arises and improves as consumption and use of the natural environment grows. Protection appears and is improved where there is a threat of destruction of the natural environment, where the consumption of nature arises and develops.

Rational use of natural resources: In the middle of the XX century. (5060s) the problem of rational use of natural resources as a form of nature protection develops into protection, improvement of the human environment. Unlike previous forms, where natural objects and their resources were the direct object of protection, here the protection of the natural environment puts forward a person, his life, his health, his genetic future as a direct object of protection.

Necessary: ​​Purification of harmful emissions (for example, using filters). Use of treatment facilities. Elimination of the very causes of pollution, which requires the development of low-waste, and in the future, waste-free production technologies that would allow the integrated use of raw materials and utilize the maximum of substances harmful to the biosphere. Introduction in educational institutions of environmental education, which forms respect for nature.

Conclusion: As a result, we can say that the problem of protecting the natural environment in all its three forms of conservative, rational use of natural resources and improving the human environment from a regional one is gradually turning into a national and then an international problem, the solution of which depends on the joint efforts of the entire international communities. For a global solution to the problem, it is necessary to ensure the interaction of international environmental protection, related to the implementation of international obligations and agreements, and national and regional nature protection. Pollution of the natural environment with waste harmful to humans, depletion of natural resources and the threat of destruction of ecological ties in nature are steadily leading to a global crisis.

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Lesson plan:

Types of pollution. Shell pollution. Ways to solve environmental problems.

slide 3

Environmental pollution?

  • slide 4

    Environmental pollution is an undesirable change in its properties as a result of anthropogenic intake of various substances and compounds.

    slide 5

    slide 6

    Types of OS pollution

  • Slide 7

    Types of OS pollution.

  • Slide 8

    Air pollution.

    Describe the main causes of air pollution. Prove that the circulation processes in the atmosphere have led to the fact that the problem of its pollution has become global.

    Slide 9

    "Greenhouse effect"

  • Slide 10

    "The ozone hole"

  • slide 11

    Conclusion. Global changes in the atmosphere:

    Atmospheric pollution with CO2, CH4, etc., the threat of the greenhouse effect; The occurrence of acid rain, which destroys forests, destroys life, adversely affects human health.

    slide 12

    Pollution of the lithosphere (soil cover)

    What do you know the main pollutants that lead to changes in the chemical composition of soils? How is the problem of the accumulation of household waste solved? Explain the term "garbage civilization"?

    slide 13

    Desertification. Sahara.

  • Slide 14

    Conclusion. Global changes in the lithosphere:

    radiation pollution of vast areas with tragic consequences; Soil erosion, salinization, swamping or desertification (as a result, about 6 million hectares are withdrawn from agricultural production annually); Toxification of fields with pesticides, herbicides, nitrates

    slide 15

    Desertification. Sahel.

  • slide 16

    Pollution of the hydrosphere.

    What serious water resource problems do many countries of the world face? How are the problems of shortage of clean fresh water being solved in the countries of the world? What are the problems of water pollution in the oceans and what are the consequences of this?

    Slide 17

    Water pollution by oil and oil products

  • Slide 18

    Conclusion. Global changes in the hydrosphere:

    The most polluted rivers and lakes in the world are the Rhine, Danube, Seine, Thames, Tiber, Mississippi, Ohio, Volga, Don, Dniester, Lake Ladoga, Balkhash, etc.; Pollution of the hydrosphere with oil products, heavy metals, etc.;

    Slide 19

    Solving environmental problems. Ways of implementation:

    Creation of various kinds of treatment facilities;

    Slide 20

    Recycling of garbage, waste, etc.;

    slide 21

    Application of environmental protection technologies and rational distribution of "dirty" industries.

    slide 22

    Creation of a network of protected natural areas (PAs).

    slide 23

    Protected areas are territories where protection from traditional economic use and maintenance of the natural state is ensured for scientific, educational, cultural and aesthetic purposes.

    Protected area forms: Reserves, sanctuaries, reserves, national parks…

    slide 24


    He studies the processes and phenomena that occur in the natural environment as a result of anthropogenic interference in it.

    Slide 25


    OI Anufrieva General characteristics of the world Part 1, Method. manual for the teacher. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007; VP Maksakovskiy Economic and social geography of the world. Textbook. - Moscow: Education, 2007; CD-Lessons of geography. Cyril and Methodius; http://wwf.ru - World Wildlife Fund for the living planet! http://www.greenpeace.org/russia/ru/ - Greenpeace

    slide 26


    1 Repeat topic 3; prepare for the lesson. 2 Creative task - quiz questions on the topic "World's natural resources", starting with the word "Why ..." (5-7 questions). 3Think! Option 1 Is it possible nowadays to increase industrial production without negative impact on the environment? Option 2. Why is international cooperation needed to solve environmental problems?

    View all slides

    Environmental pollution
    Completed by a geography teacher: Akhmadieva Tatyana Vasilievna

    Purpose: To prove the urgency of the problem. Tasks: Find out the main sources of environmental pollution, Ways to solve the problem of environmental pollution.

    The natural environment serves as a condition and means of human life, the territory on which he lives, the spatial limit of the exercised state power, a place for placing industrial, agricultural and other cultural and community facilities. A person influences the natural environment of his habitat not only by consuming its resources, but also by changing the natural environment, adapting it to solve his practical, economic problems. Because of this, human activity has a significant impact on the environment, subjecting it to changes, which then affect the person himself.

    Forms of human interaction with the environment:
    Economic - this is the consumption of nature by man, the use of nature to satisfy man of his material and spiritual needs. Ecological is the protection of the natural environment in order to preserve man as a biological and social organism and his natural habitat. Rational use of natural resources. The concept of "rational" includes not only economic, but also environmental content. In other words, rational is the economical, careful use of sources of natural raw materials, natural resources, taking into account the requirements of environmental protection.

    Negative human activity in relation to the natural environment manifests itself objectively in three interrelated forms:
    Environmental pollution. Depletion of natural resources. Destruction of the natural environment.

    Environmental pollution is divided into several types: Dust. Gas. Chemical (including soil pollution with chemicals). Aromatic. thermal (temperature change). And many others. The source of environmental pollution is human economic activity (industry, agriculture, transport).

    Of all the types of pollution, the main ones can be distinguished:
    Physical (thermal, noise, electromagnetic, light, radioactive) Chemical (heavy metals, pesticides, plastics and other chemicals) Biological (biogenic, microbiological, genetic) Informational (information noise, false information, anxiety factors

    Environmental pollution. Environmental pollution. Environmental pollution.
    The main sources of pollution. Major harmful substances
    Atmosphere Industry Transport Thermal power plants Carbon, sulfur, nitrogen oxidesOrganic compoundsIndustrial dust.
    Hydrosphere Waste waterOil leaksVehicle transport Heavy metalsOilPetroleum products
    Lithosphere Waste industry and agriculture Overuse of fertilizers Plastics Rubber Heavy metals

    The atmosphere (air environment), hydrosphere (water environment) and lithosphere (solid surface) of the Earth are exposed to pollution.

    Depletion of natural resources:
    Development of minerals to the extent of unprofitability of further development. Exceeding the rate and volume of production over the ability of natural renewal of renewable resources. These are deforestation, overfishing, overgrazing and destruction of pastures, non-compliance with agrotechnical measures in tillage and depletion of their fertility, pollution of watercourses and reservoirs with industrial waste so that they cannot be practically used, air pollution in large cities, etc. And. etc. happens naturally. For example, the rapid reproduction of the muskrat in some areas led to the extermination of its food and the death of the animal; reproduction of mink - to the disappearance of some species of fish - its food, etc. With the development and progress of society, the use of natural resources is increasing, so the problem of preventing this process arises.

    Protection of Nature
    This form is a reaction to the destructive activity of man in the environment. Unlike consumption, this is a conscious form of social and state activity aimed at the conservation and reproduction of natural resources. As a secondary form of interaction between society and nature, nature conservation arises and improves as consumption and use of the natural environment grows. Protection appears and is improved where there is a threat of destruction of the natural environment, where the consumption of nature arises and develops.

    Rational use of natural resources
    The concept of "rational" includes not only economic, but also environmental content. In other words, rational is the economical, careful use of sources of natural raw materials, natural resources, taking into account the requirements of environmental protection. Therefore, such a careful, economical, efficient use of natural resources, which leaves a deep negative mark on the state of the environment, cannot be considered rational. In the middle of the XX century. (50-60s) the problem of rational use of natural resources as a form of nature protection develops into protection, improvement of the human environment. Unlike previous forms, where natural objects and their resources were the direct object of protection, here the protection of the natural environment puts forward a person, his life, his health, his genetic future as a direct object of protection.

    Rational use of natural resources:
    In the middle of the XX century. (50-60s) the problem of rational use of natural resources as a form of nature protection develops into protection, improvement of the human environment. Unlike previous forms, where natural objects and their resources were the direct object of protection, here the protection of the natural environment puts forward a person, his life, his health, his genetic future as a direct object of protection.

    Purification of harmful emissions (for example, using filters). Use of treatment facilities. Elimination of the very causes of pollution, which requires the development of low-waste, and in the future, waste-free production technologies that would allow the integrated use of raw materials and utilize the maximum of substances harmful to the biosphere. Introduction in educational institutions of environmental education, which forms respect for nature.

    As a result, we can say that the problem of environmental protection in all its three forms - conservative, rational use of natural resources and improvement of the human environment - is gradually turning from a regional into a national and then an international problem, the solution of which depends on the joint efforts of the entire international communities. For a global solution to the problem, it is necessary to ensure the interaction of international environmental protection, related to the implementation of international obligations and agreements, and national and regional nature protection. Pollution of the natural environment with waste harmful to humans, depletion of natural resources and the threat of destruction of ecological ties in nature are steadily leading to a global crisis.

    Yakoviev V.N. Environmental law. K., 1998 Sheshuchenko Yu.S. Legal problems of ecology. Kyiv, 1989 Petrov V.V. Ecological law of Russia, M., 1997. http://www.bestreferat.ru/referat-62209.html

    Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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    GENERAL CONCEPTS Environmental pollution is an unfavorable change in our environment, which is wholly or mainly a by-product of human activity (B. Nebel, 1994)

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    GENERAL CONCEPTS Environmental pollution is any solid, liquid and gaseous substances, types of energy (heat, sound, ionizing radiation) in quantities that have a harmful effect on humans and the environment as a whole, both directly and indirectly.

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    Description of the slide:

    CLASSIFICATION OF POLLUTION Natural (natural) pollution - pollution caused by natural sources volcanic eruptions forest and steppe fires dust storms floods mudflows tornadoes, etc. Natural sources of pollution are scattered around the planet Background pollution - natural concentration and degree of impact of natural pollutants

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    CLASSIFICATION OF POLLUTION Anthropogenic pollution - pollution caused by human activities

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    Description of the slide:

    SOURCES AND OBJECTS OF POLLUTION TYPE OF ACTIVITY GENERAL TYPE OF POLLUTION POLLUTION OBJECTS Extraction of solid minerals Solid waste (waste rock, sludge) Waste water (mine and mine water, runoff from processing plants) Gas emissions (blasting, enrichment processes) Noise, vibrations Soil Water Atmosphere Oil production Oil leakage Wastewater Gaseous hydrocarbon emissions Noise, vibrations Soil Water Atmosphere

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    Description of the slide:

    SOURCES AND OBJECTS OF POLLUTION TYPE OF ACTIVITY GENERAL TYPE OF POLLUTION OBJECTS OF POLLUTION Industrial production Solid waste (slag, residues of raw materials and materials, spent catalysts, dust, defective products, obsolete equipment, sludge from treatment facilities, etc.) Liquid waste (waste liquids and solutions , flushing liquids) Gaseous emissions (exhaust and flue gases, ventilation emissions) Noise, vibrations Atmosphere Water Soil

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    Description of the slide:

    SOURCES AND OBJECTS OF POLLUTION TYPE OF ACTIVITY GENERAL TYPE OF POLLUTION OBJECTS OF POLLUTION Energy production Gaseous emissions (products of combustion of fuels) Solid waste (ash) Wastewater Thermal pollution Noise, vibration Emissions Atmosphere Water Soil Transport Gaseous products of combustion with an admixture of aerosols Wash water with hydrocarbons Noise, vibrations End-of-life vehicles Air Water Soil

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    Description of the slide:

    SOURCES AND OBJECTS OF POLLUTION TYPE OF ACTIVITY GENERAL TYPE OF POLLUTION OBJECTS OF POLLUTION Agriculture Fertilizers Pesticides Genetically modified plants Soil Water Air Animal husbandry and poultry farming Effluents containing organic substances Odors Water Soil Air Public utilities Waste water (domestic sewerage, storm water) Solid waste ( household and construction waste ) Gas emissions (garbage incineration) Water Soil Air

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    Description of the slide:

    CLASSIFICATION OF POLLUTION By their nature, pollution is divided into: Physical (dust, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, thermal pollution, noise, vibration) Physical and chemical (aerosols, odors) Chemical (various chemicals that have carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic, allergenic, etc. impact on living organisms) Biological (viruses and bacteria that cause infectious diseases, as well as allergic reactions; introduction of alien species of organisms into the ecosystem)

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    Description of the slide:

    CLASSIFICATION OF POLLUTION According to the nature of the impact on the environment, pollution is divided into primary and secondary. Primary pollutants enter the environment directly from sources (natural or anthropogenic), for example, volcanic gases, flue gases from power plants, wastewater from enterprises, municipal solid waste, etc. Secondary pollutants are formed during transformations (transformations) of primary pollutants and natural substances in the environment, for example, acid rain

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    IMPACT OF POLLUTION ON THE ENVIRONMENT Local pollution - pollution of a small area around an industrial enterprise, settlement and other places Local pollution is typical for cities, large industrial enterprises, large livestock and poultry complexes, mining areas

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    ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF POLLUTION Regional pollution is pollution found over relatively large areas. Regional pollution covers large areas of land and water bodies. Examples are the pollution of the Baltic and Mediterranean seas.

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    Description of the slide:

    IMPACT OF POLLUTION ON THE ENVIRONMENT Global pollution is pollution of the natural environment or its components, which is found far from sources of pollution almost anywhere on the planet. Most commonly caused by emissions to the atmosphere, they travel long distances from the point of release and affect large regions and the entire planet. For example, an increase in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere led to an increase in the average annual temperature on the planet, emissions of freons into the stratosphere - to the destruction of the ozone layer.

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    Description of the slide:

    IMPACT OF POLLUTION ON THE ENVIRONMENT STATE OF ECOSYSTEMS EQUILIBRIUM The rate of recovery processes is higher than or equal to the rate of anthropogenic destruction CRITICAL The limiting state of equilibrium of an ecosystem (on the border of its stability area) CATASTROPHIC A difficultly reversible process of fixing unproductive systems, which can end in an ecological catastrophe

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    Description of the slide:

    IMPACT OF POLLUTION ON THE ENVIRONMENT An ecological catastrophe is understood as a non-equilibrium, non-stationary transformation of the environment, which results in a loss of stability (balance) as a result of changes in its own parameters and / or a rapid change in external variables. As a result of an ecological catastrophe, the complexity of ecosystems, energy and biological potential decreases. An environmental catastrophe often occurs as a result of direct or indirect anthropogenic impact, or an unfavorable and dangerous natural phenomenon.

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    CONCLUSION Almost all aspects of modern human activity lead to biosphere pollution: industry, energy, transport, agriculture and everyday life, rapid population growth and urbanization. Environmental monitoring should provide information on the initial state of the biosphere and identify anthropogenic changes.

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