Nanotechnology has breathed new life into bionics. At the request of readers

10/24/2003, Fri, 18:10, Msk

In the last decade, bionics has received a strong impetus for new development, as modern technologies make it possible to copy miniature natural structures with unprecedented accuracy. At the same time, modern bionics is largely associated not with the openwork structures of the past, but with the development of new materials that copy natural counterparts, robotics and artificial organs.

The concept of bionics is by no means new. For example, as early as 3,000 years ago, the Chinese tried to adopt the method of making silk from insects. But at the end of the twentieth century, bionics gained a second wind, modern technologies make it possible to copy miniature natural structures with unprecedented accuracy. So, a few years ago, scientists were able to analyze the DNA of spiders and create an artificial analogue of the silky web - Kevlar. This review material lists several promising areas of modern bionics and presents the most famous cases of borrowing from nature.

smart nature

The main difference between human engineering structures and those created by nature lies in the incredible energy efficiency of the latter. Improving and evolving over millions of years, living organisms have learned to live, move and reproduce using a minimum amount of energy. This phenomenon is based on the unique metabolism of animals and on the optimal exchange of energy between different life forms. Thus, by borrowing engineering solutions from nature, it is possible to significantly increase the energy efficiency of modern technologies.

Natural materials are super-cheap and abundant, and their "quality" is much better than those made by man. So, the material of the deer antler is much stronger than the best examples of ceramic composite that people manage to develop. At the same time, a person uses rather "stupid" energy-intensive processes to obtain certain super-strong substances, and nature makes them in much more intelligent and efficient ways. For this, the surrounding natural substances (sugars, amino acids, salts) are used, but with the use of "know-how" - original design and engineering solutions, ultra-efficient organic catalysts, which in many cases are not yet accessible to human understanding. Bionics, in turn, deals with the study and copying of natural "know-how".

Bionics(English titles - "biomimetics") is a promising scientific and technological direction for borrowing valuable ideas from nature and implementing them in the form of design and design solutions, as well as new information technologies.

Item bionics known by various names: for example, in America the term is commonly used "biomimetics" but sometimes they talk about biogenesis. The essence of this promising scientific and technological direction is to borrow valuable ideas from nature and implement them in the form of original design and design solutions, as well as new information technologies.

In the last decade, bionics has received a significant impetus to new development. This is due to the fact that modern technologies are moving to the giga- and nanolevel and allow copying miniature natural structures with unprecedented accuracy. Modern bionics is mainly associated with the development of new materials that copy natural analogues, robotics and artificial organs.

The design of natural structures also cannot be compared with human attempts to construct something that claims to be natural efficiency. The shape of a biological object (for example, a mature tree) is usually created as a result of a long adaptive process, taking into account many years of exposure to both friendly (for example, support from other trees in the forest) and aggressive factors. The processes of growth and development involve interactive regulation at the cellular level. All this together provides incredible durability of the product throughout the entire life cycle. Such adaptability in the process of shaping leads to the creation of a unique adaptive structure, called in bionics intelligent system. At the same time, technologies for creating intelligent systems that interact with the environment and can adapt by changing their properties are not yet available to our industry.

Currently, scientists are trying to design systems with at least minimal adaptability to the environment. For example, modern cars are equipped with numerous sensors that measure the load on individual components and can, for example, automatically change tire pressure. However, developers and science are only at the beginning of this long journey.

The prospects for intelligent systems are fascinating. An ideal intelligent system will be able to independently improve its own design and change its shape in a variety of ways, for example, by adding missing material to certain parts of the structure, changing the chemical composition of individual components, etc. But will people have enough observation and intelligence to learn from nature?

Other developers concentrate on the study of natural organisms. For example, researchers from Bell Labs (Lucent Corporation) recently discovered a high-quality optical fiber () in the body of deep-sea sponges of the genus Euplectellas. According to the test results, it turned out that the material from the skeleton of these 20-cm sponges can transmit a digital signal no worse than modern communication cables, while natural fiber is much stronger than human due to the presence of an organic shell. The second feature that surprised scientists is the possibility of forming such a substance at a temperature of about zero degrees Celsius, while high-temperature processing is used at Lucent factories for this purpose. Now scientists are thinking about how to increase the length of the new material, since the skeletons of sea sponges do not exceed 15 cm.

In addition to the development of new materials, scientists are constantly reporting on technological discoveries that are based on the "intellectual potential" of nature. For example, in October 2003, the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center developed a new feeder technology for copiers and printers.

In the AirJet device, the developers copied the behavior of a termite swarm, where each termite makes independent decisions, but at the same time the swarm moves towards a common goal, such as building a nest.

Designed in Palo Alto, the printed circuit is equipped with many air nozzles, each of which operates independently, without commands from the central processor, but at the same time they contribute to the overall task of advancing the paper. There are no moving parts in the device, which makes it possible to reduce the cost of production. Each printed circuit contains 144 sets of 4 nozzles directed in different directions, as well as 32,000 optical sensors and microcontrollers.

But the most devoted adherents of bionics are engineers who design robots. Today, among developers, the point of view is very popular that in the future robots (more) will be able to operate effectively only if they are as similar as possible to people. Scientists and engineers proceed from the fact that they will have to function in urban and domestic conditions, that is, in a "human" interior - with stairs, doors and other obstacles of a specific size. Therefore, at a minimum, they must correspond to a person in size and on the principles of movement. In other words, the robot must have legs (wheels, caterpillars, etc. are not suitable for the city). But from whom to copy the design of the legs, if not from animals? Scientists from Stanford University have advanced the farthest in the direction of creating upright bipedal robots. They have been experimenting for almost three years with a miniature six-legged robot, a hexapod, built from a study of a cockroach's locomotion system.

The first hexapod was designed on January 25, 2000. Now the design runs very fast - at a speed of 55 cm (more than three own lengths) per second - and also successfully overcomes obstacles.

Stanford has also developed a human-sized one-legged jumping monopod that is able to maintain an unstable balance by constantly jumping. As you know, a person moves by "falling" from one leg to another and spends most of the time on one leg. In the future, Stanford scientists hope to create a bipedal robot with a human walking system.

First examples of bionics

Almost any technological problem that confronts designers or engineers has long been successfully solved by other living beings. For example, soft drink manufacturers are constantly looking for new ways to package their products. At the same time, an ordinary apple tree solved this problem a long time ago. An apple is 97% water, packed not in wood carton, but in an edible peel appetizing enough to attract animals that eat the fruit and spread the grains.

Bionics experts argue in this way. When faced with an engineering or design problem, they look for a solution in the "science base" of unlimited size that belongs to animals and plants.

Gustav Eiffel, who in 1889 built a drawing of the Eiffel Tower, did about the same. This structure is considered one of the earliest clear examples of the use of bionics in engineering.

The design of the Eiffel Tower is based on the scientific work of the Swiss anatomy professor Hermann Von Meyer. Forty years before the construction of the Parisian engineering miracle, the professor studied the bone structure of the femoral head at the point where it bends and enters the joint at an angle. And at the same time, for some reason, the bone does not break under the weight of the body.

Von Meyer discovered that the head of the bone is covered with an intricate network of miniature bones, thanks to which the load is redistributed in an amazing way over the bone. This network had a strict geometric structure, which the professor documented.

In 1866, Swiss engineer Carl Cullman provided a theoretical basis for von Meyer's discovery, and 20 years later, natural load distribution using curved calipers was used by Eiffel.

Another famous borrowing was made by the Swiss engineer Georges de Mestral in 1955. He often walked with his dog and noticed that some incomprehensible plants constantly stick to her fur. Tired of constantly cleaning the dog, the engineer decided to find out the reason why the weeds stick to the coat. After investigating the phenomenon, de Mestral determined that it was possible thanks to the small hooks on the fruits of the cocklebur (this is the name of this weed). As a result, the engineer realized the importance of his discovery and eight years later he patented the convenient Velcro, which is now widely used in the manufacture of not only military, but also civilian clothing.

Nature opens up endless opportunities for engineers and scientists to borrow technologies and ideas. Previously, people were not able to see what is literally in front of their noses, but modern technical tools and computer modeling help to understand at least a little how the world works and try to copy some details from it for your own needs.

Bionics in human life

They say that once a century a genius is born on Earth. Leonardo da Vinci was such a genius. The greatest artist, sculptor, mathematician, engineer and anatomist Leonardo da Vinci sought to find the truth, to know and describe it.

“I took nature as my mentor, the teacher of all teachers.”

Why did this great scientist take nature as his teacher?

Life in its most primitive form arose on Earth about 2 billion years ago. Merciless natural selection lasted for millions of centuries, as a result of which the strongest and most perfect survived. Borrow the best from nature to empower man first and suggested Leonardo da Vinci. In 1485, he created a mechanical aircraft - ornithoptel, the principle of which he copied from birds. And although then a person did not manage to learn how to fly, but this laid the foundation for a new science - bionics. Bionics is a symbiosis of biology and technology.

If the history of the Earth - 4.5 billion years - is presented as one day, then it turns out that a reasonable person appeared on the planet less than a minute ago. Literally a fraction of a second passed, and he already imagined himself a creator and can already create no worse than nature. Until recently, when inventing something new, people did not realize that it already exists. You just need to see and apply. 99% of scientific discoveries man has spied on nature. Everything that surrounds us has its natural counterpart.

Bionics(from Βίον - living ) - applied on the application in technical devices and systems of the principles of organization, properties, functions and structures . Simply put, bionics is a connection And . Date of Birth of Bionics: September 13, 1960.Bionics has a symbol: a crossed scalpel, a soldering iron and an integral sign. This union of biology, technology and mathematics allows us to hope that the science of bionics will penetrate where no one has penetrated yet, and will see what no one has seen yet.

Man has always dreamed of conquering the sky. But it was available only to birds. And it was the birds that gave people the idea of ​​flight.

Dreams of flying and their actual implementation are very different things. And despite the bold ideas, such as those of Leonardo da Vinci, humanity would remain chained to the earth for many centuries to come. The study of birds, the structure of their wings and tail, led to the fact that man invented the airplane. The structure of the human eye laid the foundation for the photographic lens, the structure of the sunflower inflorescence - for solar panels. Combing out the inflorescences of burdock and the hair of an owl dog after a walk, the famous designer invented Velcro fasteners. Insects gave scientists the idea of ​​helicopters. Fish prompted the creation of submarines. MercedesBenz Corporation has developed a bionic vehicle copied from a tropical bodyfish. Despite its suitcase shape, the machine has extremely low air resistance.

We are confronted every day with bionic inventions without even knowing it. Most often, the principles adopted from nature are found in architecture. For example, in the design of the famous Eiffel Tower lies the structure of the human femur. On the head of the bone there are many reference points, thanks to them, the load on the joint is distributed evenly. This allows the curved femur to support a large body weight. The same reference points can be found at the base of the Eiffel Tower. Its design is considered an architectural benchmark for sustainability.

Another tower, Ostankinskaya, also has a natural analogue. Her slender silhouette is recognizable. The prototype of the Ostankino Tower is a stalk of wheat. Its ability not to break under the weight of the inflorescence formed the basis of the tower.

Architects are increasingly turning to the principles of the functioning of living organisms. To understand how it works, the designer has to study biology. Fish, birds, plants and even the human body become natural prototypes of architectural structures.

Bionics does not stand still. This science creates a real revolution. Ordinary observation, modeling is capable of much.My future profession is related to mechanical engineering. The engineering industry is the most robotic. For the first time its practical applicationindustrial robotsreceived thanks to the American engineers D. Devol and D. Engelberg in the late 50s and early 60s of the twentieth century. They are used to perform various technological processes in order to increase the efficiency of the enterprise.

The design of the robot may contain one or more manipulators, while the manipulator itself may have a different load capacity, positioning accuracy, degree of freedom. When creating an industrial robot, bionic models are actively used. The manipulator of an industrial robot consists of a certain number of movable links (axes) connected to each other. It is arranged on the principle of arthropod limbs. The more axes, the more versatile the design of the robot.The location and flexibility of the connection of the axes of the robot was carefully made according to the human model (connection of the joints). The axes of the manipulator are controlled by sensors. They are similar to the sense organs and react to light, position in space

Nature still keeps many mysteries, the harmony of its creations has always surprised and will continue to surprise the human world. But the question is: “Will we have time to use the remaining “patents of wildlife”? Given the rate at which plants and animals are disappearing from the face of the earth, and the statistics inexorably states: annually - one species of animals and daily - one species of plants, the question posed sounds very alarming. In this regard, the preservation of rare and endangered species of animals and plants, maintaining the environment in conditions favorable for the life of all life on Earth is an urgent problem and a guarantee of the further development of mankind.

Bionics(from Greek. bion- element of life, literally - living), a science that borders between biology and technology, solving engineering problems based on modeling the structure and life of organisms.

More recently, the science of bionics was born (in 1960), the purpose of which is to help a person to adopt the "secrets" from living nature. Nature has created unusually perfect living mechanisms. Scientists are attracted by the speed and principle of movement of dolphins, whales, squids, spiders, moles, kangaroos, the art of flight of birds and insects, the peculiarities of the organs of vision of flies, frogs, the organs of hearing of jellyfish, the "secrets" of bat echolocators, rattlesnake thermolocators, etc. and so on.

Bionics has found application in such areas as aircraft and shipbuilding, astronautics, mechanical engineering, architecture, navigation instrumentation, mining, etc.

Bionics in construction and industry

Let us consider some concrete achievements of bionics, which have already been realized for practical purposes.

Penguins move by sliding on the snow, pushing off with flippers. The snowmobile was designed on the same principle. at the Gorky Polytechnic Institute. Lying on the snow with a wide bottom, it does not form a rut, does not slip and does not get stuck.

Shipbuilders around the world have long drawn attention to the pear-shaped head of the whale, which is more adapted to moving in the water than the knife-shaped noses of modern ships. Compared to conventional ships, the whale steamer proved to be more economical.

Cone-shaped forms are found in the designs of crowns and trunks of trees, mushrooms. It is this form that coal mining combines have. This is the optimal shape to resist wind loads and gravity. Architects often use cone-shaped structures (Ostankino television tower.)

The structures created by nature are much more perfect than what a person can do so far.

The world of animals living underground is rich and diverse. Earthworms, moles have amazing adaptations with which they build underground passages.

They are of great interest in the creation of underground digging units. For example, an original model has been developed, which, moving underground like a mole, breaks through a tunnel with smooth dense walls.

Bionics took from amphibians the principle of the structure of the hind limb. By embodying this in such an object as flippers.

These are just a small number of examples of how humans apply biological models. But animals also have many other properties that are used, or can be used by humans: ultrasonic vision of bats, echolocation of dolphins (at a distance of 20–30 m, a dolphin accurately indicates the place where a pellet with a diameter of 4 mm fell).

Last year, while carrying out my project on the topic: “My School No. 2 of the Future”, I was faced with how many houses, buildings, structures in the modern world that harmoniously merge with nature. And I started searching the Internet for such projects, and to my surprise I made a discovery for myself that there is such a science that allows you to combine wildlife with technology, it is called bionics.Bionics (from the Greek BION - living) is a science that has helped man apply the laws of nature in technological progress. There are many examples of this, I was convinced of this. Now, walking around the city, I know exactly where in which building the knowledge of nature was applied, for example, the pipes of the boiler house (see the appendix) by analogy coincide with the stem of plants that do not break when the wind gusts.In addition, I learned that bionics are distinguished by types:

Biological bionics, in which a person studies nature, how everything works in it, why and for what exactly it is arranged;

Theoretical bionics, which, with the help of mathematical examples, can calculate the structure of nature;

Technical bionics, which uses theoretical bionics to build some kind of blueprint, for example, a robot.

In general, as I understand it, bionics combined several sciences - biology, drawing, physics, chemistry, mathematics, electronics, etc. To build an airplane, a person had to watch birds for a long time, study the structure of their wings, then draw and design such an apparatus that could fly. By the way, Leonardo da Vinci was able to build the first aircraft with flapping wings. The drawings have survived to this day, and he lived in the 15th century.This science is not at all new, as we see from the examples, a person in any of his creations draws inspiration from wildlife. I will also try to create my own project, applying the knowledge of biology.I think the topic I have chosen is relevant, because, in my opinion, people should live in harmony and protect nature for the future generation.

Research methodology

From the stories of Aygyul Minirasimovna at the lessons of the World around me, I concluded that a person has recently treated the environment barbarically, did not properly use natural resources, cut down forests. But when I started working on the topic "Bionics", I saw and became convinced that people can live without harming nature and animals. I'll tell you how I got it.

architectural bionics

So, a bit of history, the first to use natural forms in the construction of Antonio Gaudi in the early 19th century. Only in 1960, at the council of scientists in Daytona, bionics was recognized as a separate science. She has her own symbol (see appendix) - a scalpel and a soldering iron, connected by an integral sign. A scalpel is a symbol of biology, a soldering iron is a technique, an integral is a sign of infinity.As I said above, there are many applications of bionics in construction, but I will show you, in my opinion, the most interesting ones:The architect Gaudi conceived it in 1883, construction should be completed in 2026, a hundred years after his death.As we can see, the columns look like trees with branches that firmly hold the roof of the building.Its roof is designed in the form of wings that open and close, protecting the building from bright sunlight. The author was inspired to create this project by the nearby Lake Michigan with numerous boats and sails.The basis of the building is an exoskeleton structure, thanks to which air passes through the entire building.Built in 2004. In my opinion, this is the most harmonious merging with nature. The building in the form of a pipe smoothly bends around the unevenness of the landscape.Looks like a clam washed up on the shore. The shell of the building resembles the skin of an animal that shimmers in the sun.I think this is the building of the future. Algae inside transparent glasses,

provided with nutrients and carbon dioxide. It is they who produce biogas, with the help of which the building is supplied with energy and heat.It is a symbol of Australia, surrounded by water on three sides. It resembles a huge ship flying at full sail to meet the wind.As we can see from the above examples, the buildings really either symbolize wildlife, or have merged with the local landscape. This fact confirms that bionics exists in architecture and construction, moreover, it makes the world around us harmonious and beautiful to our eyes.

Bionics in design

There are many applications of bionics in design. In the modern world, designers strive to make the space around us more natural to a person, so that it would be comfortable to live, relax, work ... I found several options for how designers apply knowledge about bionics in practice, here are some of them, more or less simple:

A chair in the form of a frozen oak leaf, I think it is very comfortable and beautiful.

Lampshade in the shape of a pumpkin, homely cozy.

The interior, decorated in the form of a picturesque forest.

I chose this example for a reason, it seems to me that this is an ideal option, because a person comes home to rest, and now, it turns out, in the middle of a clearing in the forest, even this small table resembles a tree with branches, green and white colors relax, make the air transparent. Living greenery around makes the atmosphere cozier.Thanks to the discovery of such a science as bionics, people began to draw inspiration from nature. A standing tree next to the house can lead to the creation of a table, chair, wardrobe, etc. Thus, mood, comfort, colors that delight our eyes come to our house. We involuntarily reproduce around ourselves a piece of nature, a sweet corner in the stone jungle, we live in harmony with the environment without disturbing the balance.

Miracle technology. Complex in simple

I told earlier how people in ancient times peeped at living organisms and tried to make something similar, for example, wings, birdsong, a tool resembling tusks, etc.So, nothing has changed since then, man to this day studies and peeps at the structure of living beings, repeats everything that is useful for people. In 1948, on a clear summer day, inventor Georges de Mestral was walking his dog. After a walk, he noticed thorns on his trousers and on his pet, then he decided to look at them under a microscope and saw a lot of hooks that caught on threads of clothing and wool. After that, de Mestral decided to make a fastener, the design of which would work according to this principle. He consulted with fabric experts, but many did not understand him. Nevertheless, one weaver was found and wove two strips by hand (one with hooks, the other with loops). This is how the lipun fastener familiar to all of us appeared, which we fasten and unfasten every day on a jacket, hat, shoes.


Having familiarized myself with this topic, I began to create my own object. Around a large number of apartment buildings. They are necessary because people have to live somewhere and they do not take up much space. Therefore, I have to come up with something, like such a house, borrowing something from nature. And a thought came to my mind - honeycombs of bees. Why not? Unusual and practical. And what about the shape of a hexagon, so people live in round houses, and in triangular ones. And I started drawing. And here's what I got.It seems to me that such houses should be built where earthquakes often occur. Solar panels can be installed on the roof to provide for the needs of the building and so that in winter the snow does not accumulate, but melts.


In the course of my research, I came to the conclusion that the new science of bionics exists in our lives everywhere and is of great benefit to people.My supervisor Aigul Minirasimovna and I studied the positive and negative aspects of the influence of bionics on the outside world and reflected this in the form of this table.



On the appearance of facades, structures, buildings, etc.

+ + +

On the environment (in terms of ecology)

+ + +

On a person's mood

+ + +

Economical in terms of financial costs

+ -

In harmony with the environment

+ + +

Variety, difference from the usual look of boxes - gray buildings, square tables, stools ...

+ + +

For the future of the world (i.e. what the world will look like in a few years)

+ + +

It can be seen from the table that the new science has mostly positive qualities for nature, for man.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Completed by: Olesya Kryukova, 11th grade student Leader: Voytikhina G.A. chemistry and biology teacher

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Relevance of the research: In every creation of Nature, we see the highest degree of expediency, reliability, strength, economy, and at the same time, the variety of forms and designs of natural creations is endless. This synthesis of biology and the human mind opens the world of plants and animals to us as an inexhaustible source of new ideas for various forms of modeling.

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Purpose: the study of Nature as a brilliant designer, engineer, artist and great builder.

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Tasks: When studying the living workshop of nature, find out what the science of bionics studies. The history of its development, symbols, directions of bionics, prospects for the development of science. To study the literature and Internet - resources on this issue; Conduct observation in nature, photographing and studying natural objects. To develop the ability to find the necessary material in educational and reference publications, the Internet, to correctly present the material; Prepare a presentation on this issue and a presentation at a scientific forum of research papers.

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Project content: What does the science of bionics study? Bionics symbol. Progenitor of bionics. Types of bionics. Modeling of living organisms. Directions of bionics. Examples of using the principles of operation and arrangement of biological objects in bionics. The emphasis of bionics on humanoid robots. Triumph of bionics - an artificial hand. Prospects for the development of bionics. Information sources

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What does the science of bionics study? Bionics is the science of using knowledge about the design, principle and technological process of a living organism in technology. The formal birth year of bionics is considered to be 1960.

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Symbol of bionics Bionics scientists have chosen as their emblem a scalpel and a soldering iron connected by an integral sign, and as their motto - "Living prototypes - the key to new technology." This union of biology, technology and mathematics allows us to hope that the science of bionics will penetrate where no one has penetrated yet, and will see what no one has seen yet.

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The progenitor of bionics is Leonardo da Vinci. His drawings and diagrams of aircraft were based on the structure of a bird's wing. In our time, according to the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci, the ornithopter was repeatedly modeled. Airplane drawing by Leonardo da Vinci

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Ornithopter The term "ornithopter" comes from the Greek words ornithos meaning bird and pteron meaning wing. An ornithopter is an aircraft that moves by flapping its wings. Mentions of people capable of flying like birds with the help of artificial wings are found, for example, in the myths of Ancient Greece.

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Types of bionics: biological bionics, which studies the processes occurring in biological systems; theoretical bionics, which builds mathematical models of these processes; technical bionics, which uses models of theoretical bionics to solve engineering problems. Silver spider air bell Halley's diving bell

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Nature knows best. In the last decade, bionics has received a significant impetus to new development. This is due to the transition of modern technologies to the giga- and nano-level and allow copying natural structures with unprecedented accuracy. It is in this area, bordering on the intersection of biology and technology, that the greatest discoveries of our time are being made.

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Architectural bionics Architectural and construction bionics studies the laws of formation and structure formation of living tissues, deals with the analysis of structural systems of living organisms on the principle of saving material, energy and ensuring reliability.

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What is a bionic building? Hobbit houses are built according to all the laws of bionics. Buildings in the bionic style are knocked out of the correct geometry. In bionics, walls are like living membranes. Plastic and extended walls and windows reveal the load force directed from top to bottom and the resistance force of materials opposing it. Thanks to the rhythmic play of the changing concave and convex surfaces of the walls of the structures, it seems that the building is breathing. Here the wall is no longer just a partition, it lives like an organism.

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Neurobionics The main areas of neurobionics are the study of the nervous system of humans and animals and the modeling of nerve cells-neurons and neural networks. This makes it possible to improve and develop electronic and computer technology.

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Bionics has found its wide application almost everywhere: in fashion, in medicine, in the arrangement of some objects, in the dance direction.

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1. Fastener - lightning. In recent years, bionics has confirmed that most human inventions are already "patented" by nature. Such a 20th century invention as zippers and Velcro was made on the basis of the structure of a bird's feather. Feather barbs of various orders, equipped with hooks, provide reliable grip. Examples of using the principles of operation and arrangement of biological objects in bionics

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2. Invention of Velcro Fasteners Another famous borrowing was made by the Swiss engineer George de Mestral in 1955. He often walked with his dog and noticed that some incomprehensible plants constantly stick to her fur. Tired of constantly cleaning the dog, the engineer decided to find out the reason why the weeds stick to the coat. After investigating the phenomenon, de Mestral determined that it was possible thanks to the small hooks on the fruits of the cocklebur (this is the name of this weed). As a result, the engineer realized the importance of his discovery and eight years later he patented a convenient Velcro. Cocklebur fruit on a shirt Velcro fastener

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3. Eiffel Tower The design of the Eiffel Tower is based on the scientific work of the Swiss anatomy professor Hermann Von Meyer. Forty years before the construction of the Parisian engineering miracle, the professor studied the bone structure of the femoral head at the point where it bends and enters the joint at an angle. And at the same time, for some reason, the bone does not break under the weight of the body. Bone Structure The base of the Eiffel Tower resembles the bone structure of the femoral head.

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4. Torpedo plating Thanks to the study of the hydrodynamic features of whales and fish, it was possible to create a special torpedo plating, which, with the same engine power, provides an increase in speed by 20 - 25%.

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5. Whale-like vessel Japanese engineers and biologists have established through numerous experiments that the body shape of a whale is more perfect than that of modern ships. A large ocean whale-like vessel was built, and the benefits of the new design were immediate. With engine power reduced by a quarter, speed and payload remained the same.

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6. Snowmobile "Penguin" The bionic principle is also the basis for the design of the snowmobile "Penguin". It fully justifies its name. How do penguins move on loose snow? On the belly, pushing off the snow with flippers, like ski poles. Also, lying on the bottom of the snow, glides on the surface of the snow and the “Penguin” is mechanical.

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6. Factory chimneys The stems of cereal plants are able to withstand heavy loads and at the same time not break under the weight of the inflorescence. If the wind bends them to the ground, they quickly restore their vertical position. What is the secret? It turns out that their structure is similar to the design of modern high-rise factory pipes - one of the latest achievements of engineering. Both designs are hollow inside. Sclerenchyma strands of the plant stem play the role of longitudinal reinforcement. The internodes of the stems are stiffening rings.

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In Stuttgart, they created a new experimental "bionic Mercedes car" that looks exactly like a fish! Mercedes began work on the project by introducing a tropical boxfish into the aquarium. Having studied it up and down, the engineers made an exact model of the fish and sent it to the wind tunnel for blowing. Engineers also turned their attention to fish scales - the hexagonal scales form a strong surface with minimal weight. If this technology is applied, for example, when molding external door panels, then their rigidity will increase by 40%. And if you make the whole body scaly, then it will become a third lighter than the traditional one, without losing strength! 7. "Mercedes Bionic Car",

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Bionics focuses on humanoid robots As you know, the most devoted adherents of bionics are engineers who design robots. Today, there is a very popular point of view among developers that in the future, robots will only be able to function effectively if they are as similar as possible to people. Bionic developers proceed from the fact that robots will have to function in urban and domestic conditions, that is, in a "human" environment - with stairs, doors and other obstacles of a specific size. Therefore, at a minimum, they must correspond to a person in size and on the principles of movement. In other words, the robot must have legs, and wheels, caterpillars, etc. are not at all suitable for the city. And from whom to copy the design of the legs, if not from animals? A miniature, about 17 cm long, six-legged robot (hexapod) from Stanford University is already running at a speed of 55 cm/sec.

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