Report: India. General economic and geographical characteristics of one of the Asian countries

India is a truly fabulous country, after visiting which any traveler will have amazing memories for life. Once acquainted with this country, everyone will become its prisoner and forever lose peace. In this unique country, everything is unusual, different, everything is new and special. India captivates guests with its exoticism, rich culture and magnificent nature. A large number of different species of animals live here: nimble monkeys, vociferous peacocks with bright plumage, tigers and crocodiles. Gorgeous beaches, gentle waters of the Indian Ocean, ancient monuments of one of the most ancient civilizations and a spicy smell on the streets, a large number of various saints and nosy rickshaws, colorful saris and white-toothed smiling locals - these are all signs of India, full of mysteries and open to guests!

Official name of the state: Republic of India.

Location - South Asia. The northern border separates the country from Afghanistan, China, Nepal and Bhutan, the eastern border from Bangladesh and Myanmar, and the western border from Pakistan.

The form of government is a federal republic. Part of the British Commonwealth.

The total area is 3.29 million square kilometers.

The capital of India is the city of New Delhi.


Geographically, India is located in three large orographic regions: the Himalayan mountains, the Indo-Gangetic plain and the Deccan plateau (Hindostan peninsula). The Deccan is a vast ancient land mass composed of Precambrian crystalline rocks, predominantly gneisses, shales and granites. Most of the surface is covered by volcanic lava, the greatest thickness of which is observed in the northwest. Once the Deccan was part of the ancient continent of Gondwana, in which Africa, India and South America were united. About two hundred million years ago, this mainland broke up into several separate blocks. Between the Himalayas and the Deccan lies the vast Indo-Gangetic plain.

In the part of the Eastern Himalayas located on the territory of India, high altitudes are noted, but the very structure of the mountains is relatively simple. To the north of the Ganges valley, a swampy strip of terai covered with jungle (as the locals call its natural vegetation cover) stretched out. Merging proluvial plumes gradually rise above it at the foot of the Sivalik Mountains. In the northern direction rise the ridges of the Lesser Himalayas (up to 3000 m). The next highest step is the Great Himalayas (up to 5800), the brightest heights of which are Everest in Nepal (Chomolungma - 8848 m), and in India - Kanchenjunga (8598 m).

Animal world

According to the fauna presented in India, this country is considered to belong to the Indo-Malay region. The most widely represented mammals here are monkeys (gibbons, thin-bodied macaques), antelopes, deer (black, spotted and sambar), bulls (pygmy and Indian buffaloes, gaur), there are panthers, tigers, Indian elephants, Himalayan bears. Today, leopards, lions, and Kashmir deer are almost completely exterminated. The fauna of India is very rich in reptiles, birds and fish.

There are 47 national parks and reserves on the territory of India, the largest of which are the Gir Forest located in Gujarat (under the protection of the Asian lion), in Assam - Kaziranga and in West Bengal - Jaldapara (under the protection of the Indian rhinoceros).


South India has a predominantly tropical climate, while the northern part of the country is characterized by temperature fluctuations from below zero to 50°C. In addition, the northern part of the country has distinct seasons. Here winter lasts from December to February, March and April are considered to be spring months, May and June are considered to be summer months, monsoon period is from July to September and October and November are considered to be autumn months.


The time zone of India is UTC + 5:30, the time is ahead of Moscow by 1.5 hours (during the transition to winter time, the difference is 2.5 hours).


The official currency is the Indian rupee, which is equal to 100 paise. Coins of 1 rupee, 2 rupees and 5 rupees are widely used. The denomination of banknotes is 5-10-20-50-100-500-1000 rupees.


In terms of the number of citizens, India is in second place in the world ranking after China, with a population of 1.2 billion people. Most Indians (almost 70%) live in rural areas, although in the last 10-20 years migration to large cities has greatly intensified, due to which the number of urban population has increased dramatically. The largest cities in the country are Delhi, Kolkata (former Calcutta), Mumbai (former Bombay), Hyderabad, Chennai (former Madras), Bangalore, Ahmedabad. The Indian population has an average literacy rate of 64.8%. In India, there is an excess of the number of males over the number of women. The annual population growth in the country is on average 22 children per thousand people. The average age of the citizens of the country is about 25 years old.


According to the Constitution of the country, the official languages, that is, the languages ​​in which the national government operates, are Hindi and English. English is ubiquitous in business and administration, its status is an auxiliary official language, and it also plays a large role in the education system, especially in secondary and higher education.


The majority of Indians (more than 80%) profess Hinduism. Islam (believers - 13.4% of the population) and Christianity (2.3%) are also distinguished by a significant number of followers. There are also adherents of Sikhism (1.9%), as well as Buddhism (0.8%) and quite a bit of Jainism (0.4%). In addition, a small number of believers in India are represented by Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Baha'is and some other religions. In addition, animism is widespread among the population belonging to the natives of this area (8.1% of the population).

Administrative division

India is a federation of republics, it consists of the National District of Delhi (capital), 6 union territories and 28 states. Own government in all states, the National Capital Territory of Delhi and the Union Territory of Puducherry is elected, the remaining 5 Union Territories are governed by administrators who are appointed by the central government, so they are directly subordinate to the President. All union territories and states, in turn, are divided into administrative units - districts. In total, the country includes 600 such districts, each of which consists of even smaller administrative units - taluks.

State structure

This country belongs to the sovereign, socialist, secular liberal democratic republics. The state power consists of three branches, which include legislative, executive and judicial.

The head of state of India is the president, who is elected by an electoral college through indirect voting for a term of 5 years. The head of government of India is the prime minister, who controls the executive power.

The legislative branch of government in India is represented by a parliament consisting of two chambers: the upper, called the Council of States (Rajya Sabha), and the lower house, called the People's House (Lok Sabha).

The executive branch includes the President and Vice President, as well as the Council of Ministers (headed by the Prime Minister). Each of the Ministers must go to either House of Parliament. In the republic, the executive branch is subordinate to the legislative branch.

India is characterized by a three-stage unitary judiciary, consisting of the Supreme Court, twenty-one High Courts and an incalculable number of smaller judiciaries.

Economy of India

Currently, certain sectors of the Indian economy are opening up to private business, as well as to foreign capital. The past three decades have seen annual GDP growth averaging nearly 5.5%, making the Indian economy one of the fastest growing in the world. Among the important resources of India is the second largest labor force in the world. The distribution of employees by areas of activity is as follows: 60% are involved in agriculture, 28% in services, and 12% in industry. The main crops include rice, potatoes, wheat, sugarcane, tea, and cotton. Major industries include automotive, cement, chemicals, engineering, consumer electronics, food processing, pharmaceuticals, petroleum, textiles, metalworking, and mining. Among the countries of the world, India is in sixth place in terms of oil consumption, and in terms of coal consumption, it is in third place.

India is characterized by a significant social stratification of the population. Although the country is experiencing economic growth, a quarter of the population of India is forced to live below the subsistence level set by the state.

India is among the exporters of software, technological and financial services, jewelry and textiles. The main imports are oil, chemicals, fertilizers and machinery. Among the main trading partners are the USA, China and the European Union. India's main natural resources include arable land, diamonds, iron ore, manganese, chromites, coal, bauxite, micas, limestone, titanium ores, natural gas and oil.


Indian culture is remarkably diverse. All the historical development of this country is preserved in the ancient cultural traditions, in addition, some new traditions were borrowed from other countries and peoples. The cultural influence of India is quite strong in other regions of Asia as well.

Honoring elders and other traditional family values ​​are especially respected in this country, which is mainly due to socio-economic relations established according to the extended family system corresponding to traditions.

Indian Cuisine

Indian culinary traditions are considered one of the most ancient and popular in the world. Local cuisine is based on a variety of "sabji" vegetables (most Indians do not eat meat, and it is better for guests to wait until home with meat-eating), rice, fish, various flour products, puri cakes and a wide variety of dairy products. Probably no one will be able to count how many original dishes there are in Indian national cuisine. The hallmark of Indian food is spices, added to almost any dish, even salty, even sweet, and in the most unpredictable combinations for other peoples. The widely known "curry" seasoning in this country is a large selection of a wide variety of recipes, which, when used, make it possible to turn even the most banal dish into an unusual dish.

Especially popular here is tea, which is traditionally drunk with spices or hot milk, as well as coffee, fruit waters and fresh juices. Drinking alcohol at the table is not accepted here, most of the dishes are washed down with cold clean water. It is worth noting that in India it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol on trains and public transport.


Travelers do not have any obligations regarding vaccinations before visiting India. So, to do or not not is a personal matter for everyone. Of course, some vaccinations will not be superfluous, especially if you are going to India for a relatively long period (at least three months) and are going to go to ecologically disadvantaged areas of the country, but these vaccinations are not absolutely necessary. One has only to follow elementary hygiene and safety measures, and this will most likely allow tourists to avoid any diseases.


India has a fairly developed network of domestic airlines, and there are airports in almost all major cities and district centers. Most often, tourists arrive at the airports of Delhi, Goa, Bombay, Calcutta or Chennai. As a rule, airports have toilets, restaurants, banks, bus stops and taxis. Some airports have equipped lounges. It is also worth considering that small airports, as a rule, close at night.

India has long been a rich country where Europeans sailed for interesting goods, fragrant spices, bright fabrics, precious metals and stones. The development of trade routes was facilitated by a unique and convenient location with direct access to the ocean. The lack of a competent government policy to preserve unique natural features and ecosystems has led to environmental disasters.

Geographic characteristics

The Republic of India is located in southern Asia on the Hindustan Peninsula. The territory of the state is 3.3 million km. The country ranks seventh in terms of area in the world.

India's neighbors are: Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Afghanistan. The country's maritime borders are adjacent to the Maldives, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. The country is densely populated. The total population exceeds 1 billion 300 million people.


Mountains and plains

The relief of the country is represented by high mountain ranges, plateaus and a large plain. The main and only mountain ranges of India are the Himalayas, stretching along the borders of Nepal, Afghanistan and China.

The ranges within the borders of India are still high mountains, but they differ in their complexity of structure from the main ranges located in other countries. The highest point in India is Mount Kanchenjungu with a height of over 8.5 thousand meters.

The flat part of the country is stretched parallel to the Himalayas. It is absolutely flat, and its length is 2,400 km. The remaining territory of the state is fragmented plateaus ...

Rivers and lakes

The rivers of India play an important role in the country and are the main source of water and a means of irrigating fields and lands. At the same time, they are the cause of natural disasters and catastrophes. The most famous rivers in India are the Ganges and the Brahmaputra. In general, more than a dozen large rivers flow through the country. For some, the main source of water is rain. Recharge and risk of flooding in their valleys occurs during the monsoons.

For other rivers, including large ones, the source of water is the glaciers of the Himalayas. The main periods of their flood and exit from the naturally low shores are the hot summer months. Many rivers in India empty into the Bay of Bengal.

There are practically no lakes in the country. There are only small ones. They are concentrated mainly in the Himalayas. Among the large reservoirs of this kind, only Sambhar Lake can be noted, which is used by the population for boiling salt ...

Seas surrounding India

The extremely favorable location of the state, which has access to the ocean, several centuries ago led to the economic prosperity of the country. This location matters to this day.

The shores of India are washed by the waters of the ocean of the same name and the seas that make up its basin. These are the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal and its waters of the northern part of the Indian Ocean. The length of the coastline of the state is 7.5 thousand km.

Plants and animals of India

India is one of the few countries that can boast of a variety of animal and plant species. There are endemics here. There are about a third of them. On the territory of the state you can find coconut palm, sandalwood, bamboo, banyan and more. There are pine evergreen forests, monsoon forests, as well as mountain meadows.

In terms of the diversity of the animal world, the country has begun to lose ground over the past few decades. But here you can still meet the Indian rhinoceros, the Asiatic lion, the Himalayan bear, and also the leopard...

Climate of India

The climate of India is due to the presence of the Himalayas and the Thar Desert. Mountains are a natural barrier to cold air flows from Central Asia. It is for this reason that the air temperature in the country differs from the climate of states located in a similar zone.

In summer, monsoon winds with significant precipitation are attracted by the desert. It rains heavily from mid-summer to mid-autumn. On the territory of the country, there is the rainiest place on earth - this is the city of Cherrapunji, with an annual rainfall of 12,000 mm ...


Natural resources of India

The natural resources of India are represented by large deposits of minerals, the list of which includes: manganese ores, iron ores, aluminum, precious stones and metals.

Forests occupy about a quarter of the country's territory and are a source of timber and fodder for livestock, but do not fully cover the needs of the state. The problem is deforestation in the Himalayas.

The land in the country is infertile. They require a well-thought-out system of irrigation, processing and fertilization. Because of this, there are few clean pastures in the country and there are not enough fodder plants for animals.

In India, wind energy is actively used. According to this method of energy generation, the country ranks fifth in the world...

Industry and agriculture in India

Mechanical engineering is the leader of India's industrial sector. Basically, local enterprises are engaged in the production of parts and components for cars.

In the list of the main types of industry of the state, it is worth noting ferrous metallurgy and the production of coal. The textile industry is actively developing in the country, significant investments are being made in it.

Agriculture is represented by the production of wheat and rice...


Peoples of India

India is especially interesting for the mentality of its population. For a long time, an unusual social system existed here, in which there were various estates, the so-called castes. Residents treated them by profession, income level, place of residence or birth. According to the foundations, representatives of different castes could not marry. Today, at the official level, all this has been canceled, but in practice there are representatives of orthodox views who adhere to the same principles ...

General information

Remark 1

India is one of the oldest countries on our planet. It keeps many mysteries of our earthly civilization. India is the country of ancient farmers, scientists, the land of fairy tales and fabulous riches, the pearl of the former British colonial empire. India was a British colony for $200 years. It gained independence only in $1947$. Its official name is the Republic of India.

The life and work of many great people of the past are connected with India. Today India is a country of great contrasts in culture, population, economy. Let's consider the characteristics of the country in more detail.

Geographical position

India is located in South Asia, on the Hindustan Peninsula. It is washed by the waters of the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea, which belong to the Indian Ocean basin. The territory of India has a diamond shape, elongated from north to south. India is crossed by the southern tropic. In the north, the natural border of India is the Himalayan mountains.

Territory and borders

India occupies an area of ​​$3.3 million $km^2$. From the southwest and southeast, the territory faces the Indian Ocean. In the north - the Indo-Gangetic lowland passes into the Himalayan mountains. The Deccan Plateau is located in the center of the country.

India's neighboring countries are:

  • Pakistan,
  • Afghanistan,
  • China,
  • Nepal,
  • Butane,
  • Myanmar,
  • Bangladesh.

Remark 2

The border with Pakistan is one of the sources of international tension in this region. The question of the nationality of the states of Jammu and Kashmir, now occupied by Pakistan, remains unresolved.

The border with Afghanistan is also unfavorable (especially in the region of the state of Punjab), on whose territory the civil war continues. The borders with China and Nepal pass in the difficult conditions of the Himalayan mountains. Therefore, there are difficulties in joint economic activity. In addition, China often acts as an ally of Pakistan in conflicts.

The southern borders of the country (the coast), on the contrary, are very conducive to economic development. India is located in close proximity to the intersection of important trade routes between the countries of Europe, Africa and Southwest Asia on the one hand and the states of Southeast Asia and Australia on the other.

Form of government and state structure

The form of government of India is federal Republic. The head of state is the president. Administratively, the territorial division allocates $25$ for states and $7$ for union territories on the territory of the state. capital state is Delhi (New Delhi).

In terms of economic development, India belongs to the group of developing countries. But lately, the country's economy has made important progress in the development of the most modern industries.

Remark 3

Despite international agreements, India (like Pakistan) owns nuclear weapons.

From the history of the country's development

States on the territory of the Hindustan peninsula arose in ancient times. Thanks to the favorable climate and fertile soils, agriculture ensured the economic development of the ancient states. Alexander the Great failed in his attempt to conquer India. In the $XV$ century, Vasco da Gama announced the beginning of the European colonization of India with cannon volleys. Subsequently, the entire south of Asia was captured by Great Britain.

At the beginning of the $XX$ century, the national liberation movement intensified in India. India was granted independence in $1947. But at the same time, the former British colony was divided. Instead of one state, in addition to India, West and East Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bhutan were also formed. The division was carried out on a national and religious basis and caused political clashes and inter-ethnic conflicts. The conflict with Pakistan has not yet been resolved.

Today India is the leader of the non-aligned movement. It is pursuing a peaceful policy aimed at reducing international tension.

India is a state with a total area of ​​3.3 million square meters. km. located in South Asia, occupying the Indian subcontinent. In the north it borders with Afghanistan, Bhutan, China and Nepal, in the east - with Bangladesh and Myanmar (Burma), in the west - with Pakistan. In the east it is washed by the Bay of Bengal, in the south - by the Polk Strait and the Indian Ocean, in the west - by the Arabian Sea. India includes the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, as well as the islands of Laccadive, Amindive and Minicoy in the southeastern part of the Arabian Sea.
Goa is one of the smallest states in India: a short distance can be covered by car in just 2-3 hours. On the western side stretches the boundless Arabian Sea. Goa is located in the west of India. Unlike the rest of India, which was a colony of Great Britain for 150 years, Goa, as well as two small territories of Daman and Diu, were colonies of Portugal for 450 years. This explains its European appearance and a large percentage of the Christian population. Goa is often referred to as Little Portugal.

Dominant Religion:

Hindus - 82% of believers, Muslims - 11%, Christians - 2%, Sikhs - 2%, Buddhists - 0.7%, etc. Any discrimination based on religion is punishable by law.
Hinduism is the oldest national religion of India. Its origins are usually traced back to the time of the existence of the Proto-Indian (Harappan) civilization, i.e. to II-III millennium BC Consequently, by the turn of the new era, he had already counted more than one millennium of his existence. We, perhaps, will not see such a long and full-blooded existence of religion in any other place on the globe, except for India.
Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Sikhism and other religions coexist peacefully in India.

State capital

Delhi is the capital of India, the third largest city (its population is 13.8 million people) and the largest industrial center in the north of the country. Old Delhi was the capital of Muslim India in the 17th-19th centuries, many mosques, monuments, forts remained from this period. New Delhi was built by the British as the imperial capital of India.
Panaji is the capital of Goa and the center of North Goa. Located on the left bank of the Manduri River. From the top of the hill there is a beautiful view of the southern part of the coast. Panaji became the official capital of Goa in 1843. This is a very pleasant town with narrow winding streets and well-preserved old houses, white churches, a modern port. Among its attractions are the Archbishop's Palace, the Adil Shah Palace - the residence of the Viceroy of Portugal until 1759, the Church of St. Sebastian, the temple of Mahalakshmi - the goddess of love.

Official language

commonly used - English. More than half of the population speaks Hindi. The most common languages ​​are: Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu. Official languages ​​- 14.


About 968 million people (according to some sources - about 1 billion). India is a multinational state - 72% of the population are Indo-Aryan peoples, 25% are Dravidians and up to 3% are representatives of the Mongolian subrace. The most numerous are Hindustanis, Telugu (Andhra), Marathas, Bengalis, Biharis, Tamils, Gujaratis, Kannaras, Malayalis, Punjabis, etc.

State structure:

The supreme legislative body is the parliament, which consists of two chambers: the upper - Rajya Sabha (Council of States, 250 seats) and the lower - Lok Sabha (People's Chamber, 545 seats).
The head of state is the President (since July 25, 2002 - A.P.J. Abdul Kalam). Elected for five years by an electoral college, which includes deputies of the central parliament and state legislatures. For the same term, a vice-president is elected, who is also the chairman of the upper house of parliament (since August 19, 2002 - Bhairon Singh Shekhawat).
In practice, executive power is concentrated in the hands of the prime minister, who, as a rule, becomes the leader of the parliamentary faction of the party, which enjoys the support of the majority of deputies in the People's Chamber. Since March 19, 1998 - Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
Territorial-administrative structure. India's constitution is a union of states. The territorial division of the country was based on the linguistic community of the population. The states have legislatures and local governments.
India consists of 28 states, the National Capital Territory of Delhi and six union territories - administrative units of central subordination, relatively small in size and population.
India is a member of the UN, IMF, World Bank, UNESCO, British Commonwealth of Nations.

Currency unit:

The monetary unit of India - INDIAN RUPIE - there are two versions of the origin of the name: from rupua - processed silver, or rura - cattle, both words are in Sanskrit. International designation - INR. On price tags, Rs is usually written in front of the number. There are 100 paise in one rupee. Coins denominated in paise are called "small" (small). The Indian rupee is a limited convertible currency. The import and export of rupees is prohibited. The exception is passengers traveling to Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. You can exchange currency at the airport, at a bank (passport is required) or at certified exchange offices. When exchanging, you must take a receipt that allows you to make a reverse exchange of money when leaving the country (but not more than 25% of the officially exchanged amount). It is best to import dollars, the currency of other countries is not changed in all banks and at a less favorable rate. Traveler's checks can only be cashed at major banks, with Thomas Cook and American Express checks preferred. Credit cards are of limited circulation only in the capital and large resort areas; in the provinces, it is almost impossible to pay with them (and often in foreign currency).


from Moscow in summer + 1 hour 30 minutes, in winter, respectively, + 2 hours 30 minutes.

Mode of entry and movement within the country:

you need to apply for an entry visa. Tourist visa to India for citizens of Russia: the visa application form must be filled in two copies, preferably in English. One photo is pasted on each visa application form. A round-trip air ticket or a computer printout for an air reservation is presented. If the applicant is applying for a visa for a stay of more than three months, he must present a certificate from an officially recognized doctor about the absence of antibodies to HIV. (Such a certificate is required when requesting all types of visas for Russian citizens applying for a visa for a stay of more than three months). Each applicant is charged a processing fee in rubles equivalent to 45 US dollars.
Registration of citizens who arrived in the country for a short time is not carried out.

Customs control:

It is best to take US dollars or travelers checks to this country. Currency rules in India are quite liberal. Import and export of previously imported foreign currency is not limited, national - is prohibited. Cash in the amount of more than 10 thousand USD, as well as personal computers and laptops are subject to mandatory declaration. Allowed duty-free importation of cigarettes - up to 200 pcs., or cigars - up to 50 pcs., or tobacco - up to 250 gr., alcoholic beverages - up to 0.95 liters, jewelry, food, household items and items - within the limits of personal needs. Cameras, musical instruments, household audio and video equipment, typewriters and sports equipment are imported in the amount of not more than one item of each item, souvenirs - in the amount of not more than 500 rupees. It is forbidden to import drugs and narcotic drugs, weapons and ammunition without appropriate permits.
The export of tiger skins, wild animals, bird plumage, skins and skin products of rare reptiles, live plants, jewelry worth more than 2000 rupees, gold and silver bars, antiques and antiquities (more than a hundred years old) is prohibited.

Telephone communications:

It is more profitable to make international calls via automatic communication of private or public telephone companies (STD / ISD, tariffs practically do not differ) or order a conversation through a telephone operator. Telephone booths usually have an electronic display showing the time and cost of the call. You can also call from the hotel, but in this case the rate will be 3 times higher.
Mobile telephony in the country is experiencing rapid development. By purchasing a SIM card from local companies (city card - about 1500 rupees, long-distance - from 3500 rupees and above) you can get a direct Indian number. At the same time, roaming of local mobile companies does not cover the entire territory of the country, so some areas are still inaccessible in this regard.
To call India, dial 8 - 10 - 91 - - . Codes of some cities: Ahmedabad - 79, Bangalore - 80, Mumbai (Bombay) - 22, New Delhi - 11, Jaipur - 141, Kolkata (Calcutta) - 33, Kanpur - 512, Lucknow - 522, Chennai (Madras) - 44 , Nagpur - 712, Nasik - 253, Patna - 612, Pune - 212, Surat - 261, Hyderabad - 40, Chandigarh - 172, Shillong - 364.

Embassy and Consulates of India

Embassy of India Consular Section:
Moscow, Vorontsovo Pole st., 4 Phone/Fax: (095) 916-23-43
e-mail: [email protected]

St. Petersburg, st. Ryleeva, 35 Phones: (812) 272-17-31, 272-19-88 Fax: (812) 272-24-73
e-mail: [email protected]
Consulate General of India:
Vladivostok, st. Verkhneportovaya, 46, PO box 90308 Phone: (4232) 41-39-20 Fax: 41-39-56, 007-50985-11015
e-mail: [email protected]

Embassy of Russia in India:

Address: Shantipath, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi - 110021B
Phones: (91-11) 26873799; 26889160; 26873802; 26110640/41/42
Fax: (91-11) 26876823
Email: [email protected]
Opening hours: Monday and Thursday - from 08.00 to 14.00 from 15.30 to 18.30, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday - from 08.00 to 14.00

Main resorts and attractions:

Read the articles in the READ MORE section of this page.

Mains voltage

230-240 V., frequency 50 Hz., sockets differ from standard European ones, and in different states they are different. Before turning on electrical appliances, it is recommended to consult with service personnel about the network parameters.

Useful little things

Sikh temples can only be entered with a covered head; a woman can enter a mosque only with a covered head and shoulders, as well as in long clothes. No leather goods should be brought into temples. According to tradition, some money should be donated to the temple (lowered into the donation box). Photographs are allowed only with the permission of the temple minister. For shooting in nature reserves and national parks, you must pay in agreement with the administration. It is strictly not recommended to photograph representatives of some ethnic groups and castes. All buildings, especially religious buildings, should be bypassed on the left side. Any items of worship should be treated with respect. It is not customary to hug and kiss in public. The traditional greeting looks like folded palms in a greeting. Kisses and the desire to be the first to shake hands are not accepted - many religious taboos can generally prohibit these gestures for the Hindu. Handshakes between men are not forbidden. You can not shake hands with a woman (unless she is the first to extend her hand) or put a hand on the shoulder of the interlocutor. It is not customary to wear long or loose hair. Women's legs should be covered with clothing (but not tight!) At least ankle-deep. The soles of shoes should not be turned towards the interlocutor, this is considered a sign of disrespect. Do not point anywhere with your index finger. In a conversation, try never to raise your voice and not lose your temper, otherwise they will simply not communicate with you. Even if tea is already poured for you, this should not be regarded as an invitation to join the tea party - this should be followed by a clearly expressed invitation. When leaving, empty the bowl and leave it empty on the table. The rule of good manners is allowed to eat with fingers, but only with the right hand. Shoes are removed at the entrance to each temple and before burials, as well as in offices, medical institutions and guests, and often quite far from the destination itself. It is recommended to take cheap socks with you, which you can safely throw away after a visit or excursion. Some establishments may offer specialty slippers. Tipping in restaurants is usually 10-11% of the bill (depending on the level of the institution). In hotels, the service surcharge is 10% and is usually included in the bill, but usually the maids are left with an additional 2-3 rupees, the porter and porter - from 2 to 5 rupees. Taxi drivers or rickshaws are recommended to leave from 2 to 10 rupees, drivers of sightseeing cars - 300-400 rupees from the whole group.

Have a nice holiday!

Useful information for tourists about India, cities and resorts of the country. As well as information about the population, currency of India, cuisine, features of visa and customs restrictions in India.

Geography of India

The Republic of India is a state in South Asia, occupying most of the Hindustan peninsula. It borders with Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar. It has sea borders with the Maldives, Sri Lanka and Indonesia.

Most of the country is occupied by the Deccan highlands, bounded on both sides by the Eastern and Western Ghats, and the entire territory of India is crossed by 7 mountain ranges, among which is the highest mountainous country in the world - the Himalayas. Between the Deccan and the Himalayas, the vast Indo-Gangetic lowland (Jamno-Gangetic plain) stretches in a wide arc, the coasts are also framed by a narrow ribbon of plains.


State structure

Federal Republic. Included in the Commonwealth.

The head of state is the president. The legislature is a bicameral parliament (Council of States "Rajya Sabha" and People's Chamber "Lok Sabha"). Executive power is exercised by the Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister.


Official language: Hindi, English

Languages ​​other than two state languages: Urdu, Bengali, Telugu, Tamil, Kannara and about 10 more languages ​​used as state languages ​​in various states. In total, more than 1600 languages ​​and dialects are spoken in India.


Hindus - 80%, Muslims - 14%, Christians - 2.4%, Sikhs - 2%, Buddhists - 0.7%, Jains - 0.5%.


International name: INR

One Indian rupee is subdivided into 100 pise.

History of India

Already in the 3rd millennium BC, statehood arose here, in the Indus Valley, and in the 2nd millennium BC, important ethnic changes took place. From the north, in the interfluve of the Indus and the Ganges, tribes of tall fair-haired Aryans (Aryans) invaded and subjugated the local peoples. In the 1st millennium BC, the Aryans created their own state, one of the princes of which was Gautama (Buddha) - the distributor of a new religion. At the same time, India waged exhausting wars of independence, now with Persia, now with Alexander the Great. With the collapse of the Macedonian state, the Indian kingdom experienced its first flowering. By 236 BC, the great Magadhian Empire was formed, which managed to unite almost the entire territory of the modern states of Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. However, already from the second century BC, the formidable empire fell into decay. A significant part of its lands was seized by neighboring states. One of them was the kingdom of the Kushans. After its collapse in the first centuries of our era, the Magadha empire began to gain strength again, which in the 4th-5th centuries already controlled most of the Hindustan peninsula.

Short-term association (since the 6th century) was replaced by feudal fragmentation, which stopped only by the 13th century in connection with the emergence of a strong Delhi sultanate. Its rulers entered into a struggle with Buddhism and began to spread Islam. The sultanate repulsed the raids of the Mongols-Tatars, but could not cope with the separatism of large feudal lords, who ruined the country at the end of the 14th century. The economic backwardness increased, there was no defense capability, and opportunities for new conquests of India opened up. At the end of the 15th century, the first European colonizers appeared on its shores. In the 16th century, almost the entire peninsula became the prey of the Mongol conqueror Babur. In the 17th century, France and Great Britain fought for the possession of South India. In the first half of the 18th century, the power of the Mongol dynasty weakened so much that it could no longer protect the Indian people from other invasions. An attempt by local princes to organize an alliance capable of resisting the conquerors did not bring success.

By the middle of the 19th century, Great Britain had colonized all of India; the liberation uprising of 1857-1859 failed. The dominion of the British crown remained until 1946, when, under the pressure of the Indian public, led by M. Gandhi, she was granted the right of dominion (self-government). At the same time, the first government headed by J. Nehru was formed. The next year (1947) the British finally left India. However, the country could not maintain unity. The sectarian war split it into three states: Pakistan, India and Bangladesh.

On January 26, 1950, the Constituent Assembly of India adopted a constitution declaring India a parliamentary republic. But at the same time, India remained in the British Commonwealth of Nations.

Being a multinational and multireligious state, India is experiencing strife and confrontation on religious grounds in different parts of the country. However, India has always presented itself as a secular state with a liberal democracy, except for a brief period from 1975 to 1977, when Prime Minister Indira Gandhi declared a state of emergency with limited civil rights.

In the second half of the 20th century, India regularly had problems with neighboring states due to disputes over borders. The dispute with China has not been resolved so far, in 1962 it turned into a short war. India fought Pakistan three times: in 1947, 1965 and 1971. The last conflict between India and Pakistan broke out in 1999 in the state of Kashmir.

Already in the 3rd millennium BC, statehood arose here, in the Indus Valley, and in the 2nd millennium BC, important ethnic changes took place. From the north, in the interfluve of the Indus and the Ganges, tribes of tall fair-haired Aryans (Aryans) invaded and subjugated the local peoples. In the 1st millennium BC, the Aryans created their own state, one of the princes of which was Gautama (Buddha) - the distributor of a new religion. At the same time, India waged exhausting wars of independence, now with Persia, now with Alexander the Great. With the collapse of the Macedonian state, the Indian kingdom experienced its first flowering. By 236 BC, the great Magadhian Empire was formed, which managed to unite almost the entire territory of the modern states of Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. However, already from the second century BC, the formidable empire fell into decay. A significant part of its lands was seized by neighboring states. One of them was the kingdom of the Kushans. After its collapse in the first centuries of our era, the Magadha empire began to gain strength again, which in the 4th-5th centuries already controlled most of the Hindustan peninsula ....

Popular Attractions

Tourism in India

Where to stay

Hotels in India has a standard classification - from five to two categories. In addition, here you can find quite modern and high-level hotels that are not marked with stars. As a rule, such hotels are owned by high-ranking officials or families of the highest Indian caste. In India, you can also find hotels of famous world chains, for example, Marriott, Hyatt.

As for five-star hotels, in India, these are not just beautifully furnished hotels with a high level of service, but real palaces. As a rule, such hotels are located on the coast, in the most popular places among tourists. The hotel has Ayurveda centers, yoga centers, massage services, beauty treatments, as well as numerous entertainment programs.

It is worth considering that hotels of the same category, for example, four stars, can differ significantly from each other. So, if in a hotel in one of the resort areas or located in a wealthy area of ​​​​a big city, you will be offered really good service, clean comfortable rooms and special health programs, then in other cities of India, the stars are more likely to decorate the facade of the hotel building. Therefore, be careful when choosing a place to stay for the night. The same applies to the category of three and two stars. Their owners may have their own concept of service, so it is better to stay in hotels that you have found positive reviews from tourists who have already been there.

It is noteworthy that India is famous not only for its coast, but also for its ski resorts. In the mountains you will be offered to stay in one of the small but very cozy hotels. They will offer you good service, cozy interior and, as a bonus, excursions around the area and entertainment in the evenings.

Popular hotels

Tours and attractions in India

India is one of the most interesting Asian countries. This is the birthplace of ancient civilizations, famous for its natural and historical riches. The mixture of different religions, cultures and traditions gives the country a special flavor and unique charm.

Of course, the "pearl" and the most famous landmark of India known to the whole world is the mausoleum-mosque of the Taj Mahal in the city of Agra. This is a magnificent structure of translucent marble, built by order of the Mongol emperor Shah Jahan in honor of his deceased wife. Agra is one of the largest tourist centers in India. It is also worth visiting the majestic Fort of Agra (the residence of the Mongol rulers), the palace of Shah Jahan, the Pearl Mosque, the Tomb of Itimad-Ud-Daula, the mausoleum of Chini-ka-Rauza, the Tomb of Akbar the Great in Sikandra (a suburb of Agra), the Rambah Garden and Fatehpur Sikri .

The capital of India, Delhi (or rather, the capital is officially considered New Delhi - the Delhi region) is an ancient city with a huge number of temples of all religions, each of which is a real masterpiece of architecture. The most interesting religious buildings are Lotus Temple, Lakshmi Narayan, Akshardham, Gurdwara Bangla Sahib, Qutub Minar, Jama Masjid Mosque, St. James Church and Bahai Temple. Among the main attractions of the city, it is worth highlighting the Gateway of India and the Rajpath ("royal road"), the Rashtrapati Bhavan Palace, the Red Fort, Humayun's Tomb, Safdarjang's Tomb, Nizamuddin Mausoleum and Lodi Gardens. In Delhi, it is also worth visiting the National Museum, the Tibetan House, the Museum of Crafts, the Indira Gandhi Memorial Museum, the Planetarium, the National Zoo and the unique International Toilet Museum.

A popular tourist destination is the city of Mumbai (Bombay) - the largest and one of the most cosmopolitan cities in India on the coast of the Arabian Sea. Mumbai is the birthplace of Indian cinema and an important cultural center of the country. The most interesting sights are India Gate, Chhatrapati Shivaji Station (former Victoria Terminus), Jama Masjid Mosque, St. Thomas Cathedral, St. Ali, Planetarium, Prince of Wales Museum, Gallery of Modern Art, Victoria Gardens and Elephanta Island.

India is an amazing country, every corner of which is famous for its historical, cultural, architectural and natural attractions. It is impossible to list all the interesting places of this tourist paradise. Among all the variety, you should definitely visit the Golden Temple of Harmandir Sahib in the city of Amritsar, the holy city of Varanasi on the banks of the Ganges River, Hawa Mahal or the Palace of the Winds and the Amber Fort in Jaipur, Nalanda in the province of Bihar, the Mahabodhi Mandir temple in the vicinity of Calcutta, Ajanta caves in Maharashtra, the Virupaksha Temple in Hampi and the Lake Palace in Udaipur.

The nature reserves and sights of India impress with their magnificence - Kanha National Park, Valley of Flowers, Dudhsagar Falls in the Bhagwan Mahavir Reserve, Anshi National Park, Nanda Devi National Park, Zuari Reserve, Lal Bagh Botanical Garden, Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary, Sanjay Gandhi National Park, National Eravikulam Park and, of course, the stunning beaches of Goa.

Indian Cuisine

Vegetable food is the basis of the nutrition of the peoples of India. Rice, corn, dal, peas, lentils and other legumes, as well as flatbreads made from lower grades of flour (chapati) and vegetables are an integral part of Indian cuisine.

Most of the inhabitants of this country do not eat meat. The exception is Muslims who eat dishes from lamb, goat, poultry. It is strictly forbidden by various religious laws and ancient customs to eat the meat of a cow and, in general, the meat of cattle. Preference is given to fish dishes (especially freshwater), as well as squid, lobster, shrimp and oyster dishes.

Indian national cuisine is characterized by the use of a large amount of garlic and pepper. The most popular condiment in India is curry, which is used in many sauces. They include red and black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, nuts, mint, mustard, mayonnaise, parsley, dill, garlic, saffron, onions, tomatoes, etc. Sauces such as spicy anchar sauce, cooked from fruits and vegetables, are also common. spices, red hot masala sauce.

Indians are very fond of pilaf, boiled with legumes, and sometimes with vegetables, with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil.

An important place in the diet is occupied by fruits: melons, dried and fresh mulberries, apricots, apples, etc.

Tea is very popular in India, which is drunk with hot milk, and milk is served separately. Drinks such as coffee, nimbu panch made from lemon juice and water, kanji made from pickled carrot juice and mustard seed, and mango juice are no less sympathetic.

Meals in India are served on a large, round tray, either copper or stainless steel. Katori are placed on the tray - metal cups for each dish, which are located along the edges of the thali, and in the center of the katori with a mandatory attribute - boiled rice.

Alcoholic drinks in India are not usually served at dinner, and food is usually washed down with cold water, which is poured into metal glasses and must be placed to the left of the hoist.

At every meal, fruits or fruit juices, spices are always put on the table.

Vegetable food is the basis of the nutrition of the peoples of India. Rice, corn, dal, peas, lentils and other legumes, as well as flatbreads made from lower grades of flour (chapati) and vegetables are an integral part of Indian cuisine....


Leave a tip only in expensive establishments. In hotels and restaurants, a service charge (10%) is often included in the bill. In more modest places, you can leave a few rupees. Doormen - 5-10 rupees. In India, baksheesh is common - an advance payment for services (for example, for baksheesh at the hotel they will find the letter you need, give you the necessary information, etc.).


Office Hours

Banks are open on weekdays from 10:00 to 14:00, and on Saturday from 10:00 to 12:00.


In India, high-quality and inexpensive fabrics: silk (in Varanasi), cotton (in Rajasthan, Chenai), wool, brocade, cashmere, chiffon. Carpets are the cheapest and most common commodity in India. It is inexpensive to buy silver jewelry, precious stones: diamond, ruby, sapphire, pearl (in Hyderabad), aquamarine and moonstone.

According to tourists, the best gift from India is excellent Indian tea. And often the highlight is not in the variety - they are all excellent, but in the fact that the tea is packed in elegant satin bags.

The usual ground pepper, turmeric, saffron, cloves, cinnamon, as well as spices unknown to us, which are indispensable for curry preparation, are of excellent quality in India and, by our standards, practically free. Experienced tourists recommend trying a delicacy - cashew nuts fried with Indian pepper. Attention: spices can only be carried in those bags that you check in as baggage.


High risk of contracting hepatitis A. Pre-vaccination is highly recommended. Avoid raw water and unpeeled fruits and vegetables.

Emergency Phones

Police - 100, fire brigade - 101, ambulance - 102.

National features of India. Traditions

Tips for women: legs should be covered with clothes, but not tight. It is not customary to hug and kiss in public. Greet by joining the fingers at the level of the forehead. Do not try to be the first to shake hands and even more so to kiss. Go around all the buildings, especially religious buildings, on the left side. If you are served tea, wait until you are invited to a tea party. If you leave, empty the cup and leave it.

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