Literature lesson in grade 9 Derzhavin monument. Analysis of the poem "Monument" by Derzhavin

Lesson 5. Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin is a poet-philosopher. "To Rulers and Judges", "Monument"
Today in the lesson you will study the topic: “Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin is a poet-philosopher. "To Rulers and Judges", "Monument".
1. The life of Gabriel Derzhavin.
2. Analysis of the poem "To the Rulers and Judges".
3. Analysis of the poem "Monument".
For successful learning and subsequent preparation for the final assessment, it is necessary to master all the elements of the content, as well as think and try to answer the question: For successful training and subsequent preparation for the final assessment, it is necessary to master all the elements of the content, and also remember: what is an ode? What works of this genre do you remember?
In this lesson
You will learn about the life of Gabriel Derzhavin and his poems "To the Rulers and Judges" and "Monument".
You will learn how to determine the genus-genre specificity of a work of art, to identify the features of the language and style of the work, the problem.
You will be able to improve the skills of semantic and aesthetic analysis of the text.
Ode is a solemn poem glorifying some historical event or hero.
Satire - ridiculing a social phenomenon or person; a way of artistic reproduction of reality, showing it as something perverted.
The main content of the lesson
Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin was born in 1743 into a poor noble family. Having received not the best education at home, he studied at the Kazan gymnasium, but did not graduate from it. He served as a soldier in the Preobrazhensky Regiment. The young warrior had been waiting for a promotion for ten whole years, and was finally promoted to ensign. In 1774, he served in the troops operating against Emelyan Pugachev, then was transferred to St. Petersburg for public service.
The first works that brought fame to Derzhavin appeared in 1779: “On the Birth of a Porphyrogenic Child in the North”, “On the Death of Prince Meshchersky”, “The Key”. Towards the end of his life, Gavriil Romanovich devoted himself entirely to literary activity.
“In 1779, the Senate was rebuilt, and especially the hall of the general meeting, decorated ... with stucco bas-reliefs ... among other figures, the sculptor Rashet depicted Truth naked, and that bas-relief stood to the face of the senators present at the table; when that hall was made and the Prosecutor General Prince Vyazemsky examined it, then, seeing the naked Truth, he said to the executor: “Tell her, brother, to cover it up a little.” And indeed, since then they have sometimes begun to cover up the truth more in the government.
This reminiscence of Derzhavin speaks in the best possible way of what prompted him to write poems like the ode to "Rulers and Judges." Accusatory pathos reigns in it, the poet angrily condemns the vices of the powerful of this world, hears the prayers of the destitute and oppressed and foreshadows God's punishment to their offenders. Derzhavin's poem is an arrangement of 81 biblical psalms of King David.
"Psalm 81" G. Derzhavin
"Lords and Judges"
1God stood in the assembly of the gods; Judgment has been pronounced among the gods:
2How long will you judge unrighteously and show favoritism to the wicked? Almighty God has arisen, let him judge
Earthly gods in their host;
How long, rivers, how long will you
Spare the unrighteous and evil?
3Give judgment to the poor and the orphan; do justice to the oppressed and the poor;
Your duty is: to keep the laws,
Do not look at the faces of the strong,
No help, no defense
Do not leave orphans and widows.
4 deliver the poor and needy; pluck it out of the hand of the wicked.
Your duty is to save the innocent from troubles,
Cover the unfortunate;
From the strong to protect the powerless,
Break the poor out of their fetters.
5 They do not know, they do not understand, they walk in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken.
Do not heed! see - and do not know!
Hair covered with bribes:
Atrocities shake the earth
Falsehood shakes the sky.
6I said, You are gods, and all of you are sons of the Most High;
7But you will die like men and fall like every prince.
Kings! I thought you gods are powerful,
No one is your judge
But you, like me, are passionate,
And just as mortal as I am.
And you will fall like this
How a withered leaf falls from the trees!
And you will die like this
How your last slave will die!
8Arise, O God, judge the earth, for you will inherit all nations. Resurrect, God! God right!
And heed their prayer:
Come, judge, punish the evil ones
And be one king of the earth!
We see that in the psalm the author refers to the heavenly gods. Derzhavin, in his addresses, by impious gods means earthly rulers who are judged by the "almighty God."
The poem is characterized by a "high" syllable and oratorical, declamatory intonations. Pay attention to the increasing number of exclamation marks towards the end of the poem. "Angry ode" - this is how Derzhavin defined the genre of this poem. Indignation at the sight of injustice, the inability to come to terms with violations of laws are the main themes of this ode. In Derzhavin's eyes, the power of earthly "rulers" is illegal, because everyone is subordinate to the "Most High God" and equal in their helplessness before imminent death. Derzhavin instructs the rulers - this was typical of the Enlightenment, when writers considered it their main duty to instruct those who were in power.
The poet almost threatens the rulers: “And you will die like this, / As your last slave will die!” Death is one of the most important philosophical motifs in Derzhavin's work. His philosophical motives are not built into a specific system, but arise spontaneously from the logic of the image. The “philosophy of everyday life” includes the motifs of poems that talk about striving for spiritual balance and virtue, following the rule of the “golden mean”, a combination of poetic and prosaic joys of life. In all this, Derzhavin saw the true values ​​of life. He also has a lot of reasoning about the meaning of life, immortality and God. These eternal themes are imbued with Gavriil Romanovich with a deep personal feeling.
Proudly believing in the immortality of his poetry, he wrote in one of his poems: "And I am Piit - and I will not die." Immortality, according to Derzhavin, belongs not to "rulers and judges", but to poets, about which the ode "Monument" was written. Its original name is “To the Muse. Imitation of Horace. Derzhavin refers us to the ode of the ancient Roman poet Horace "To Melpomene", in which he talks about his poetic achievements, innovations, about why his name should be preserved for centuries. About the same and a poem by Gabriel Derzhavin. In it, he sums up his work, despite the fact that he still has about twenty years of literary activity ahead of him ... Like Horace, our poet created for himself with his works "a miraculous monument." Then many poets will write poems on the same topic, starting from Pushkin and ending with modern authors.
Let's compare the poems of Horace and Derzhavin.
"To Melpomene"
(Translated by S. Shervinsky)

G. Derzhavin
I created a monument, cast bronze is stronger,
The royal pyramids rose higher.
Neither consuming rain, nor dashing Aquilon
They won't destroy it, won't crush a row
Endless years - running time. I erected a wonderful, eternal monument to myself,
It is harder than metal and higher than pyramids;
Neither his whirlwind, nor thunder will break the fleeting,
And time will not crush him.
No, not all of me will die, the best part of me
Avoid burial. I will again and again
Praise as long as the Capitol
The high priest leads the silent maiden. So! - all of me will not die, but a large part of me,
Fleeing from decay, after death he will live,
And my glory will grow without fading,
How long will the universe honor the Slavs?
I will be named everywhere - where frantic
Aufid murmurs, where Dawn, scarce in water, is king
Was with rude villagers. Rising from nothingness
A rumor will pass about me from the White Waters to the Black ones,
Where the Volga, Don, Neva, the Urals pour from the Riphean;
Everyone will remember that among innumerable peoples,
How from obscurity I became known for that,
I was the first to introduce the song of Aeolia
to Italian verses. Glory deserved, That I was the first to dare in a funny Russian syllable
Proclaim the virtues of Felitsa,
Talk about God in simplicity of heart
And tell the truth to kings with a smile.
Melpomene, be proud and, benevolent,
Now crown my head with Delphi laurels. O muse! be proud of just merit,
And whoever despise you, despise those yourself;
With a leisurely, unhurried hand
Crown your forehead with the dawn of immortality.
Both authors talk about the extreme strength of the poetic monument, poetry in these odes rises above nature itself, even it is not subject to time. The theme of the poet's immortality is reflected in the following words of Horace: "No, not all of me will die, the best part of me will escape burial"; and in the words of Derzhavin: “So! - all of me will not die, but a large part of me, having escaped from decay, will begin to live after death ... ”The rest of the lines of poems can be compared in a similar way. In general, Derzhavin touched on the theme of the poet and poetry in many works (“Recognition”, “On the Bird”, “The River of Times in its Aspiration ...”, etc.).
Let us pay attention to the penultimate stanza of Derzhavin's text. Here he mentions some of his main works - the ode "God" and the ode-satire "Felitsa", with which his real glory began. Derzhavin's "impudence" manifested itself in his departure from the norms of classicism. These norms assumed that in the ode the poet should glorify statesmen in a pathetic tone. Derzhavin, on the other hand, wrote in Felitsa about Catherine II in a “funny Russian style” - cheerfully and naturally, speaking not about the exploits and greatness of the royal person, but about her human virtues. Such a shift in emphasis made it possible for Derzhavin to reveal his own personality in the text, to talk about his own thoughts and feelings.
Derzhavin made a real "revolt" in the realm of genres. In his poems, he crosses vernacular with high expressions, combines the odic genre and style with the satirical, high - with low. This enlivens poetry, gives it more expressiveness. Derzhavin saw his poetic merit in "telling the truth to both the people and the tsars." He is an innovator of Russian verse, giving it naturalness and simplicity, opening up new horizons for it and bringing the content of poetry closer to life.
Main conclusions:
Gabriel Derzhavin made a real "revolt" in the realm of genres.
In his poems, Gavriil Derzhavin crosses vernacular with lofty expressions, combines the odic genre and style with the satirical, high with low.
Gabriel Derzhavin transformed Russian verse, gave it naturalness, brought the content of poetry closer to life.
1. Belyaeva N. V. Literature lessons in the 9th grade. Lesson development: textbook. allowance for general education. organizations. - M.: Education, 2017.
2. Korovina V. Ya. Reading, thinking, arguing... Didactic materials on literature. Grade 9: textbook. allowance for general education. organizations / V. Ya. Korovina, I. S. Zbarsky, V. I. Korovin. - M.: Education, 2017.
3. Literature. Grade 9 Proc. for general education organizations. At 2 p. Part 1 / V. Ya. Korovina, V. P. Zhuravlev, V. I. Korovin, I. S. Zbarsky. - M.: Education, 2017.
Analysis of a typical training task
Multiple Choice
Choose the correct statements about G. Derzhavin's poem "Monument".
1. its original name is “To the Muse. Imitation of Horace"
2. in it Derzhavin sums up his work
3. “I created a monument, cast bronze is stronger ...” - its first line
4. “And I Piit - and I won’t die,” Derzhavin wrote in this poem
Multiple correct statements must be selected.
Task execution strategy:
1. Carefully read the question, catch its general content, semantic load, logic, sequence.

3. Read all the presented statements, comment on each of them.
4. Choose the right statements, check yourself.
Analysis of a typical control task
single choice
Choose a line that is not in G. Derzhavin's poem "Monument".
1. Where is the Volga, Don, Neva, the Urals pour from the Riphean ...
2. Talk about God in simplicity of heart...
3. Melpomene, be proud and supportive ...
4. And who will despise you, despise those yourself ...
You must choose the correct answer
Task execution strategy:
1. Read the task carefully, catch its general content, semantic load, logic, sequence.
2. Remember the content of Derzhavin's poem "Monument".
3. Read all the answer options, comment on each position.
4. Choose the correct answer, check yourself.

Class: 9


  • compare the works of M.V. Lomonosov, G.R. Derzhavin, A.S. Pushkin on the appointment of the poet and poetry (on the example of one poem);
  • to trace how the theme of the poet and poetry develops in their work and how the position of the authors differs in understanding this topic.


  • develop the skills of comparative analysis of poems;
  • to teach to systematize, highlight the main thing, generalize;
  • enrich the vocabulary, work on mastering the artistic means of the language by students.

Forms and methods of work: frontal, group, individual; verbal (story, expressive reading, conversation), practical (analysis of the poem).

Equipment: portraits of poets, collections of poems, task cards.

You are right, Singer: you will live;
You erected an eternal monument:
He can't be crushed
Neither thunder nor whirlwind fleeting.

K.F. Ryleev "Derzhavin"

During the classes

1). Teacher's word.

The theme of the poet and poetry is traditional, cross-cutting in European culture. The poet's monologue about himself is found in ancient poetry. So, Horace's ode “To Melpomene” translated by M.V. Lomonosov served as the basis for the poems of G.R. Derzhavin and A.S. Pushkin about the “monument”. Its main aspects are the process of creativity, its purpose and meaning, the relationship of the poet with the reader, with the authorities, with himself. Thus, among the poets of different eras there was a tradition of lyrical depiction of a “not-made-by-hand” monument, as if summing up the creative activity. Today in the lesson we will compare the poems of M.V. Lomonosov, G.R. Derzhavin, A.S. Pushkin. Let's see how the theme of the poet and poetry develops in these works, what is the difference between the position of the authors in understanding this topic? Let us compare the artistic means by which the point of view of the poets is expressed.

2). Reading and analysis of poems.

A) So, for the first time he turned to the theme of the poet and poetry back in the 1st century BC. e. Ancient Roman poet Quintus Horace Flaccus in his ode to Melpomene. There were many translations of Horace's ode. Some of them (M.V. Lomonosov, V.V. Kapnist, A.Kh. Vostokova, S.A. Tuchkova) were undoubtedly known to Pushkin, while others (A.A. Feta, N. Fokkova, B. V. Nikolsky, P.F. Porfirov, V.Ya. Bryusov) appeared after the death of Pushkin.

In 1747 M.V. Lomonosov translated Horace into Russian.

  • Read the arrangement of Horace's ode “To Melpomene” (“Monument”), created by M.V. Lomonosov. Determine the theme and main idea of ​​the poem.

(The theme of the ode is the role of creativity, poetry in people's lives. What is created by the poet makes him immortal - this is the main idea of ​​the poem).

  • In what way does the poet give his poems solemnity and precision?

(The two-syllable size - iambic - gives the unrhymed lines of the poem clarity, chasing. Solemnity of sound is given by words of high style: I will raise, above, grow, fatherland, obstacle, etc., many words and expressions of Greco-Roman origin, from history and mythology: aquilon, Aufid, Aeolian poetry, muse, Delphic laurel, etc.).

Explain the meaning of these words: (aquilon- northeast wind; Awfid- a river in Italy in the homeland of Horace; Aeolian poems- exemplary, ancient Greek; Alcean lira- the lyre of Alceus = Alcaeus, one of the best ancient Greek poets; muse- goddess, patroness of sciences and arts; Delphic laurel- in the city of Delphi there was a temple of Apollo, the leader of the muses. Laurel was considered a sacred tree).

b) In 1796 G.R. Derzhavin addresses this topic, writes the poem "Monument" - this is a free arrangement of Horace's ode. But Derzhavin does not repeat the thoughts of his distant predecessor, but expresses his own point of view on the poet and poetry. The poet believed that people who are not inspired, do not care about art, remain deaf to goodness, indifferent to the joys and sufferings of those around them. Such people

Not a tear will touch the widows,
Nor orphans unfortunate moan:
Let the universe drown in blood
He would be happy... ("Art lover")

According to Derzhavin, the purpose of art and literature is to promote the spread of education and the cultivation of love for beauty, correct vicious morals, and preach truth and justice. It is from these positions that he approaches the assessment of his work in the poem “Monument”. He likens his work to a “wonderful, eternal” monument. The unhurried, solemn rhythm of the verse (the poem is written in iambic six-foot) corresponds to the importance of the theme. The author reflects on the impact of poetry on contemporaries and descendants, on the poet's right to respect and love of fellow citizens. He expresses confidence that his name will live in the hearts and memory of the “countless peoples” inhabiting the space “from the White Waters to the Black Waters”. The poet connects his immortality with the “family of the Slavs”, that is, with the Russian people:

... And my glory will grow without fading,
How long will the universe honor the Slavs?

In the "Monument" Derzhavin explains what his services to the "family of the Slavs" and Russian literature are:

... the first I dared in a funny Russian style

In the simplicity of the heart to talk about God
And tell the truth to kings with a smile.

  • Reread Derzhavin's poem "Monument". Determine its topic and main idea.

(The theme is the immortality of the poet in his works, in the memory of people about the creator of famous works. The poet sees his main merit in the fact that he could “speak the truth to kings with a smile”, “talk about God”, “dared” to tell about the virtues of Catherine !! not high, but simple syllable).

  • What size is the poem written in, what rhymes does it contain?

(The poem is written in iambic, in each quatrain the first line rhymes with the third, the second with the fourth, i.e. cross rhyme).

  • What means of artistic representation did the poet use (epithets, personification, comparison, hyperbole)?

(To give solemnity to poetic speech, the poet uses the words "high style" - brow, be proud, proclaim, dared, innumerable etc.; various epithets - with a leisurely hand, cardiac simplicity, merit fair, monument wonderful, eternal, thunder fleeting. Hyperbole and comparison at the same time - “metals are higher and harder than pyramids”. A monument is a creation left to posterity, so the comparison with pyramids, metal is clearly figurative, i.e. implying a figurative meaning. All this helps to affirm the idea of ​​the importance of creativity, of the immortality of works of art).

  • Individual message about the influence of Derzhavin's poetry on the younger generation of contemporaries (based on the ode of K.F. Ryleev "Derzhavin").

V) A year before his death, as if summing up his poetic activity, comprehending his own creative path, Pushkin wrote the poem "Monument" (1836). V.F. Khodasevich believed that this poem was a belated response to Delvig's lyceum poem "Two Alexanders", where Delvig predicted that Alexander I would glorify Russia as a statesman, and Alexander Pushkin as the greatest poet. However, the beginning of the 19th century will later be called the Pushkin era, and not the era of Alexander I.

According to its theme and construction, the poem by A.S. Pushkin is close to Derzhavin's poem of the same name, but Pushkin retreated from his former images. The plot of the poem is the fate of Pushkin, comprehended against the background of the historical movement. The poem keeps traces of heavy thoughts about the cruelty of the century, about relations with the tsar and high-society circles, about the fact that in poetry he, Pushkin, defeated the autocracy. The poem is full of bitter foreboding of imminent death and faith in the power of the poetic word, boundless love for Russia, consciousness of a fulfilled duty to the people. Who gives the poet the right to immortality? The poet himself, with his work, erects during his lifetime a “non-hand-made monument”, because he is the voice of the people, their prophet. The poet is proud that his poetry was free and appealed to freedom: "... in my cruel age, I glorified freedom ...". Pushkin affirms the unity of popular and personal ideals, he did not write for the sake of a “crown”, poetry is a disinterested service in the name of humanity. The poet was convinced that the muse must strictly follow the truth, faithfully serve freedom, beauty, goodness and justice. This is the eternal and unchanging essence of truly folk art.

  • Expressively read Pushkin's poem "Monument". Determine the topic and main idea.

(The theme of the poet and poetry, the problem of poetic glory, poetic immortality: overcoming death through glory).

  • What is the genre specificity of the poem?

(The genre is an ode, this is dictated by tradition: the verses are written as a kind of imitation of Derzhavin's poem, which, as we have already said, is a reworking of Horace's ode, known to the Russian reader from Lomonosov's translation.

Epigraph Pushkin borrowed from Horace "I erected a monument ...").

  • Name the means of poetic expression in Pushkin's ode.

(Epithets: monument miraculous, soul in cherished lyre, in my cruel age, head recalcitrant;


That I have good feelings lyre awakened...


And every language that is in it will call me,
AND proud grandson Slavs and Finns, and now wild
Tungus and friend of the steppes Kalmyk.

Personification: By the command of God, O muse, be obedient ...).

  • Find Slavicisms in Pushkin's poem. What tone do they give to the poem?

(The choice of words, intonation are distinguished by solemnity, sublimity, thanks to Slavicisms: raised up, head, corruption, piit, the language that is in it(i.e. the people), dictate and others. In terms of intonation, "Monument" is a solemn speech of a people's poet-citizen, asserting his right to historical immortality).

4). Research work. Let's compare the poems of Horace, Derzhavin and Pushkin by stanzas.

  • What do these poems have in common?

(The same number of stanzas - 5, the same number of lines in each stanza).

  • Compare poems line by line.

1 stanza. How does Derzhavin characterize his “Monument”? What new, in comparison with Derzhavin's poem, meaning arises with Pushkin's words “a monument not made by hands”, with the mention of the “folk path” and comparison with the Alexandrian pillar?

(Already in the first stanza, Pushkin emphasizes the nationality of his work. The poet “erected” himself a “non-hand-made monument”, which is higher than the “Alexandrian pillar”, that is, the column erected in honor of Alexander I on Palace Square in St. Petersburg).

2 stanza. With what facts and phenomena of social life does each of the poets associate the idea of ​​the duration of his fame?

Horace:“... until then I will grow with fresh glory, as long as the high priest with the silent maiden rises to the Capitol” (literal translation).


“And my glory will grow without fading,
How long will the universe honor the Slavic race ... "


“And I will be glorious as long as in the sublunar world
At least one piit will live.”

(Pushkin speaks of his historical immortality and prophetically predicts the future wide popularity of his poetry among all the peoples of Russia).

4 stanza. What merits of his work did each of the poets determine his right to fame?

Horace : “Because I was the first to bring the song of Italy to the Aeolian voice…”

Derzhavin :

“... the first I dared in a funny Russian syllable
Proclaim the virtues of Felitsa,
Talk about God in simplicity of heart
And tell the truth to kings with a smile…”


“... I awakened good feelings with lyre,
That in my cruel age I glorified freedom
And he called for mercy on the fallen.”

(Pushkin claims that he deserved the right to immortality, to the recognition and love of the people, firstly, by the high humanity of his work: “I aroused good feelings with my lyre; secondly, by my struggle for freedom: “in my cruel age I glorified freedom ”, and in one version of this line he called himself a follower of Radishchev: “following Radishchev, I glorified freedom”; thirdly, by the defense of the Decembrists: “and called for mercy for the fallen”).

5 stanza. For all three poets, the poem ends with an appeal to the muse. What is new in Pushkin's lines compared to Derzhavin's?

(In the last stanza, Pushkin, addressing the muse, calls on her, “not fearing offense, not demanding a crown”, to accept praise and slander indifferently and follow her own vocation).

  • So, what are the similarities and differences between the poetic positions of the authors? What is the originality of Pushkin's understanding of the role of the poet and the purpose of poetry?

(“Monument” by Derzhavin is a kind of “report” on the work done: about achievements in the “funny Russian style” and “educational” conversations with the tsars about the truth. Pushkin’s poem is cosmic in its scale - it is addressed to the entire “sublunar world”, posthumous glory the poet is identified with eternal life: “No, all of me will not die, the soul is in the cherished lyre // My ashes will survive and run away from decay ...” Derzhavin’s division into “poet” and “citizen” is canceled in it - a creative credo and human duty for Pushkin He did not teach people, did not preach, but awakened “good feelings” in their souls, striving to awaken to life that goodness that is in every soul – the only thing that art can and should appeal to. Freedom, a call for mercy - these are the "good feelings" that Pushkin's lyre awakens).

5). Final work by groups

The first group analyzes “I erected a sign of immortality for myself…” M.V. Lomonosov, the second group - “Monument” by G.R. Derzhavin, the third group - “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands ...” A.S. Pushkin.

Analysis plan (same for all groups)

1. Expressively read the poem.

2. What features of the poet's biography are reflected in the poem?

3. How does the poet see the limits of his own creative immortality?

4. With what words does the creator address the Muse? What is the relationship between them?

The result of the discussion may be the completion of the following table:

M.V. Lomonosov G.R.Derzhavin A.S. Pushkin
Biography features “I didn’t have an obscene family as an obstacle.” “... the first I dared in a funny Russian syllable // About the virtues of Felitsa to proclaim, // In sincere simplicity to talk about God // And speak the truth to the kings with a smile.” “…I aroused good feelings with my lyre… in my cruel age I glorified Freedom // And called for mercy to the fallen.”
Limits of creative immortality The poet will live as long as his Fatherland is alive. "How long will the universe honor the Slavs?" “... as long as in the sublunar world // At least one piit will live.”
What is the relationship between the poet and the muse Muse is a high patroness. Muse is the true friend of the poet. Muse is a companion in the great field of poetry.
  • Conversation on:

In which poem, in your opinion, is the author's personal beginning least traced? What is it connected with?

Why for his poem about the duty and appointment of the poet and poetry A.S. Pushkin took as a model a free arrangement of Horace's ode by G.R. Derzhavin, and not a translation more accurate to the original by M.V. Lomonosov?

6. Summing up the lesson.

So, conclude how the theme of the poet and poetry developed in the work of M.V. Lomonosov, G.R. Derzhavin, A.S. Pushkin and how the position of the authors differs in understanding this topic.


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3. We read. We think. We argue. A book for independent work of students on literature in the 9th grade / Ed. G.I. Belenky /, M., Enlightenment, 1996, pp. 115-117.

G.R. Derzhavin. Poem "Monument"

Almost every poet in his work refers totopic eternity, trying to find the answer to the question, what is the fate of his works. Homer and Horace were famous for such epic odes, and later many Russian writers, among whom was Gavriil Derzhavin. This poet is one of the brightest representatives of classicism, who inherited the European traditions of composing his poems in a “high calm”, but at the same time adapted them to colloquial speech so much that they were understandable to almost any listener.

During his lifetime, Gavriil Derzhavin was favored by Empress Catherine II, to whom he dedicated his famous ode "Felitsa", but his contribution to Russian literature was appreciated by posterity only after the death of the poet, who became a kind of spiritual mentor for Pushkin and Lermontov.

Anticipating such a development of events, in 1795 Gavriil Derzhavin wrote the poem "Monument", which he originally called "To the Muse".This work in its form was sustained in the best traditions of ancient Greek poetry, however, its content was considered by many to be defiant and immodest. Nevertheless, reflecting the attacks of critics, Derzhavin advised them not to pay attention to the pompous style, but to ponder overcontent , noting that he does not praise himself in this work, but Russian literature, which, finally, managed to break out of the tight shackles of classicism and become easier to understand.

Naturally, a huge merit in this belongs to Derzhavin himself, which he mentioned in his poem, noting that he erected a monument to himself that is “harder than metals” and “higher than the pyramid.” At the same time, the author claims that he is not afraid of either storms, or thunder, or years, since thisconstruction - not material, but spiritual properties . Derzhavin alludes to the fact that he managed to "humanize" poetry, which from now on is destined to become publicly available.And it is quite natural that future generations will be able to appreciate the beauty of the poetic style, which was previously available only to the elite. Therefore, the poet has no doubt that if not glory, then immortality awaits him. “All of me will not die, but a large part of me, having escaped from decay, will begin to live after death,” the poet notes. At the same time, he emphasizes that the rumor about him will sweep throughout the Russian land.

It was this phrase that promptedindignation of opponents of the poet a, who attributed excessive pride to Derzhavin.However, the author had in mind not his own poetic achievements, but new trends in Russian poetry, which, as he foresaw, would be picked up by a new generation of writers. And it is their works that will gain wide popularity among various segments of the population due to the fact that the poet himself will be able to teach them "in heartfelt simplicity to talk about God and speak the truth to kings with a smile."

It is noteworthy that in his assumptions about the future of Russian poetry, whose forehead will be crowned with the "dawn of immortality", Gavriil Derzhavin turned out to be right. It is noteworthy that shortly before his death, the poet was present at the final exam at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum and listened to the poems of the young Pushkin, whom he "went down to the grave and blessed." It was Pushkin who was destined to become the successor of the poetic traditions that were laid down in Russian literature by Derzhavin. It is not surprising that the famous Russian poet, imitating his teacher, subsequently created the poem “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands”, which echoes Derzhavin’s “Monument” and is a continuation of the multifaceted debate about the role of poetry in modern Russian society.

Source :

Literature lesson. Abstract and presentation. The theme corresponds to the study of 18th century literature.

"Report on Horace"

To lesson number 10

Student's report on Horace.

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"Lesson 10"

8th grade

Program of G.S. Merkin

Lesson number 10.



    to reveal the theme of individual poetic glory in the poem by G.R. Derzhavin, the significance of tradition and tradition for art and their special importance for the normative art of classicism;

    to form the skills of expressive reading, lexical work, research work with text;

    to develop the moral and aesthetic ideas of students in the process of identifying the lexical meaning of the word "dare".

Equipment: literature textbooks and workbooks for grade 8, multimedia presentation.


I. Organizing time.

II. Learning new material.

1. Identification of the topic, purpose, lesson plan.

2. Work on the topic of the lesson.

2.1. Filling in the table (task 4 of the workbook, p.28-28, part 1).

Poems "Monument"

M.V. Lomonosov

G.R. Derzhavin

Poetic size

iambic pentameter

iambic six-foot

Source realities

Antique realities: “I erected a sign of immortality for myself. // Higher than the pyramids and stronger than copper, // What a stormy aquilon cannot erase, // Neither many centuries, nor caustic antiquity.

Enumeration of Russian hydronyms: "The rumor will pass about me from the White Waters to the Black Waters, // Where the Volga, Don, Neva, the Ural pours from the Riphean"

The role of creativity, poetry in people's lives. The first Russian "Monument" is a translation of Horace's ode

2.2. Teacher's word.

Derzhavin has long been compared with the ancient Roman poet Horace. In the poem "Gorodok (K ***)", addressed, probably, to N.I. Trubetskoy (1797-1874), Pushkin wrote:

Pets of the young graces,

With Derzhavin later

Sensitive Horace

Is two.

2.3. Student's report on Horace.

The full name of Horace, the famous ancient Roman poet, a prominent figure in the "golden age" of Roman literature, is Quintus Horace Eflaccus. His father was a freed slave, and, despite the fact that Horace himself, the son, was considered freeborn, the “dubious” origin affected the formation of his personality and left a certain imprint on his work.

The first verses were written in Latin in 39-38 BC. e. and subsequently formed the basis of his first book, Satire. They attracted the attention of the public, and in 38 BC. e. Horace was introduced to Maecenas, a well-known patron of artists, an ally and friend of Octavian. This acquaintance played an important role in his poetic career, but Horace, despite the prospects that opened up for him due to his proximity to the court, did not turn into a flatterer, although he was grateful to the emperor for ending the protracted civil war. Information has been preserved that he refused the invitation of Octavian Augustus to become his personal secretary.

In 17 BC. e. Rome celebrated a series of public holidays, designed to symbolize the beginning of the era of its prosperity, and it was Horace who was commissioned by the emperor to create a hymn for them, which meant the status of the first person in literature.

An unexpected illness put an end to Horace's biography. The great poet died at the age of 57 and was buried near the grave, in which a Maecenas was buried a couple of months ago.

Horace is, in fact, the full-fledged ancestor of the “literary monument”. He speaks of his posthumous fame as a poet in the ode To Melpomene.

I created a monument, cast bronze is stronger,
The royal pyramids rose higher.
Neither consuming rain, nor dashing Aquilon
They won't destroy it, won't crush a row
Endless years, time running...

2.4. Teacher's word.

Derzhavin read Horace already in the 1770s in German translations. There are at least fifteen of his transcriptions and translations from Horace. The first translation into Russian of Horace's ode "To Melpomene" was made by Lomonosov, who, as far as possible, accurately translated the ode in pentameters, without rhymes. Apparently, he understood its significance as a certain result of the work of not only Horace, but also of himself.

2.5. Expressive reading of M.V. Lomonosov "I erected a sign of immortality for myself ..." (1747).

I erected a sign of immortality for myself
Above the pyramids and stronger than copper,
What a stormy aquilon cannot erase,
Neither many centuries, nor caustic antiquity.
Not at all I will die, but death will leave
Great is my part, as I end my life.
I will grow in glory everywhere
While the great Rome owns the light.
Where the fast jets of Aufid roar,
Where Davnus reigned among the common people,
My fatherland will not be silent,
That an obscure kind was not an obstacle to me,
To bring Aeolian verses to Italy
And the first to ring the Alceian lyre.
Be proud of righteous merit, muse,
And crown the head with the Delphic laurel.

Determine the theme and main idea of ​​the poem.

2.6. Lexical work. Task 3 of the workbook, p.28, part 1.

Aufid, Davnus, Aeolian verses, Alceian lyre. Alcey (Alkey), Delphic laurel, Muse.

Awfid - a river in Apulia, remarkable for its swift current; now Ofanto.

Davnus- Dawn, the legendary king of Apulia, the homeland of Horace.

Aeolian(by the name of one of the Greek tribes) poetry considered a model of ancient Greek poetry.

Alcean lira- the lyre of Alceus = Alcaeus, one of the best ancient Greek poets.

Muse- goddess, patroness of sciences and arts.

Delphic laurel- in the city of Delphi there was a temple of Apollo, the leader of the muses. Laurel was considered a sacred tree.

Name the words that give a solemn sound to the work.

High-style words: I will raise, above, grow, fatherland, obstacle, righteous, bring in, my great part, be proud, crown, etc.

iambic pentameter.

What ancient realities are preserved in the work of M. V. Lomonosov?

“I erected a sign of immortality for myself. // Above the pyramids and stronger than copper, // What a stormy aquilon cannot erase, // Neither many centuries, nor caustic antiquity.

2.7. Teacher's word.

Its beginning has signs of translation, but then deviations from the Latin original appear, and the poem ceases to be an imitation.

2.8. Expressive reading of the poem "Monument" by G. R. Derzhavin, p.78, part 1.

2.9. Revealing initial impressions.

Are the themes of the works of G. R. Derzhavin and M. V. Lomonosov in tune?

The first lines of G. R. Derzhavin's poem quite accurately convey the corresponding lines of Horace and are close to Lomonosov's poems. The thematic proximity is obvious.

Determine the size of the poem.

Six-foot iambic.

2.10. An expressive reading of the first stanza.

Horace saw the guarantee of his immortality in the power of Rome: "I will grow everywhere with glory, / As long as the great Rome owns the light." What is Derzhavin's guarantee of immortality?

What is the power of poetry? Why is the monument called "wonderful", "eternal"?

The power of poetry for Derzhavin is more powerful than even the laws of nature, to which he alone is ready to be subject. The monument is wonderful in its superiority over nature (“harder than metals”, not subject to whirlwinds, thunder, time) and over the glory of “earthly gods” - kings. Monument to the poet "above the pyramids").

2.11. Expressive reading of the second and third stanzas.

Find in the second stanza words consonant with the word "Slavs".

In what does Derzhavin see the strength of his fame?

In respect for the fatherland, playing on the common root in the words "glory" and "Slavs".

2.12. An expressive reading of the third stanza.

What is the meaning of listing Russian geographical names in the third stanza?

The rumor will pass about me from the White Waters to the Black ones,

Where the Volga, Don, Neva, the Urals pour from the Riphean.

The rivers listed in Derzhavin's "Monument" are at a great distance from each other. Their distance from each other sets the scale of the future glory of the poet, corresponding to the scale of the image of the world in the ode of the XVIII century.

2.13. Teacher's word.

Derzhavin did not know Latin and used German translations, as well as the advice of friends. In addition, there was a translation of Lomonosov. But, having probably accepted the description of Horace's birthplace as an enumeration of future glory, Derzhavin thereby becomes the founder of a new tradition in Russian poetry. In the future, all imitations will be written with the mention of places of future glory. We must also not forget that the 18th century was the century of geographical discoveries; expeditions of the Academy of Sciences, following the Spaniards and the Portuguese, are engaged in the study of the globe.

The first two verses of the third stanza of Derzhavin's "Monument" are explained both by a partial mistake and by the spirit of the era.

Beginning with Derzhavin, poets began to talk about their glory not locally, but all-encompassing.

2.14. Lexical work: funny, daring.

2.15. Teacher's word.

Derzhavin's program poem was "Ode to the wise Kyrgyz-Kaisak princess Felitsa, written by some Murza, who has long lived in Moscow, and lives on business in St. Petersburg."

Under the name of Felitsa, Derzhavin portrayed Catherine II. The poet uses the name Felitsa, mentioned in the “Tale of Tsarevich Chlor”, composed by the Empress for her grandson Alexander, which was published in 1781. The content of the story is didactic. The Kirghiz Khan kidnapped the Russian prince Chlor. Wanting to test his abilities, the khan gives the prince a task to find a rose without thorns (a symbol of virtue). Thanks to the help of the khan's daughter Felitsa (from the Latin felicitos - happiness) and her son Reason, Chlor finds a rose without thorns on the top of a high mountain.

Personifying modern society in himself, the poet subtly praises Felitsa, comparing himself with her and satirically depicting his vices.

"Felitsa" is a clear example of a violation of classic normativity, primarily in the combination of ode and satire: the image of an enlightened monarch is opposed to the collective image of a vicious murza; half-jokingly, half-seriously, the merits of Felitsa are spoken of; the author laughs merrily at himself. The author reveals the habits of Catherine the man, her way of life, her character traits.

Why is the word “dared” used in the fourth stanza of the “Monument”?

The poet "dared ... to proclaim" not about exploits, not about greatness - about the virtues of the empress, that is, treat her like an ordinary person, talk about her human merits, which was not accepted at that time.

2.16. Appeal to the reproduction of the portrait of Catherine II by V. Borovikovsky.

1. Catherine II in Tsarskoye Selo park against the backdrop of the Chesme column, erected in honor of the victory of the Russian fleet (1794).

2.Portrait of Catherine II (created by order of the Rumyantsevs, hence instead of the Chesme Column - the Cahul obelisk in honor of the victories of Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky).

What unites the image of Catherine II in the paintings and in the ode?

2.17. Student message.

In the works of the poet Derzhavin and the artist Borovikovsky, the coloring is similar. Borovikovsky created an unusual portrait for that time. Ekaterina is presented on a walk in Tsarskoye Selo park in a dressing gown and a cap, with her favorite Italian greyhound at her feet. Not Felice, not a god-like queen who descended from heaven, she appears before the viewer, but a simple “Kazan landowner”, whom she liked to appear in the last years of her life.

What is the meaning of the combination of the words "funny Russian syllable"? (Task 8 of the workbook, p.29, part 1)

This is the new, sublimely mundane style that Derzhavin discovered.

Write down the words belonging to the "high" style. What is their role? (Task 9 of the workbook, p.29, part 1)

To give solemnity to poetic speech, the poet uses the words "high style" - "brow", "be proud", "proclaim", "dared", "innumerable", etc.

2.18. Teacher's word.

Glorifying Felitsa, Derzhavin pays tribute to the era, to classic thinking (he served the throne well, spoke the truth, which means he was useful to the fatherland). Derzhavin placed truth above all else, both in life and in art. The poet emphasizes that he spoke the truth with a smile, in a mild form. Rather scolded than stigmatized.

2.19. An expressive reading of the fifth stanza.

Does the poet hope for the unanimous approval of his contemporaries?

What features of Derzhavin's muse are reflected in these lines?

What means of artistic expression did the poet use (epithets, personification, comparison, hyperbole)? What is their meaning?

2.20. Task 10 of the workbook, p.30, part 1. Complete the second part of the table with examples.

Means of artistic expression


With a leisurely hand, hearty simplicity, fair merit, a wonderful, eternal monument, fleeting thunder

Hyperbole and comparison

It is harder than metal and higher than pyramids


Be proud of just merit.

And whoever despise you, despise those yourself;

With a leisurely, unhurried hand

Crown your forehead with the dawn of immortality

Rhetorical address

Results of the work

The use of means of artistic expression contributes to the assertion of the idea of ​​the importance of creativity, of the immortality of works of art.

III. Summing up the lesson.

Why does the poet choose Horace's poem to imitate?

Choosing a poem by Horace, Derzhavin sets a very important theme - the theme of individual poetic glory.

    Teacher's word.

The theme of individual poetic glory was relevant for ancient poetry and completely impossible in classic poetry. A great poet, he never fits into the given framework, even if he chooses them himself: the classic poet Derzhavin chooses a given theme and creates an original variation on it - he puts himself on a par with monarchs and heroes, he "raises" the individual "I" , and this is the "I" of the artist.

In the poem by G. R. Derzhavin, the best traditions of ancient literature are continued, individual poetic discoveries are made, no less important than the stylistic tradition of classicism. And, only by appreciating the traditional character of Derzhavin's "Monument", one can discern its originality.

The traditions were continued in the work of Russian poets of the 19th-20th centuries. To the thirtieth ode of Horace (book 3) "To Melpomene", written in 23 BC. e., addressed in their work V.V. Kapnist (1805), A.Kh. Vostokov (1806), D.I. Khvostov (1826), K.N. Batyushkov (1826), A.S. Pushkin (1836), A. A. Fet (1854), B. V. Nikolsky (1899), P. F. Porfirov (1902), V. Ya. Bryusov (1912, 1913, 1918), A. P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky (1916), S. A. Yesenin (1920), V. F. Khodasevich (1921, 1928) , N.I. Shaternikov (1923), I. A. Brodsky (1962).

    Appeal to the table "Monument" by M. V. Lomonosov and G. R. Derzhavin.

    Reference to the textbook. Reading the article "Monument", pp. 82-83, part 1.

    Expressive reading of the poem.

IV. Homework.

1. Learn the poem by heart.

2. Draw up a thesis plan for the part of the textbook article (pp. 84-87, part 1.), dedicated to the biography of N.M. Karamzin (task 1 workbook, pp. 31-32, part 1).

3. Fill in the third part of the comparative table “The main features of classicism and sentimentalism” based on the materials of the textbook article (p. 84-87, part 1) (task 2 of the workbook, p. 32-33, part 1).

4.Individual tasks:

Prepare an expressive reading of fragments from the book of E.I. Osetrov "Three Lives of Karamzin";

Prepare a report on the portraits of N.M. Karamzin works by V.A. Tropinin and A.G. Venetsianov.

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G.R. Derzhavin


Quintus Horace Flaccus(65 BC - 8 BC) - ancient Roman poet of the "golden age" of Roman literature. His work falls on the era of civil wars at the end of the republic and the first decades of the new regime of Octavian Augustus.

Horace is, in fact, the full-fledged ancestor of the “literary monument”. He speaks of his posthumous fame as a poet in the ode To Melpomene.

I created a monument, cast bronze is stronger, The royal pyramids rose higher. Neither consuming rain, nor dashing Aquilon They won't destroy it, won't crush a row Endless years, time running...


M.V. Lomonosov

Two "Monuments"

I erected a sign of immortality for myself Above the pyramids and stronger than copper, What a stormy aquilon cannot erase, Neither many centuries, nor caustic antiquity. Not at all I will die, but death will leave Great is my part, as I end my life. I will grow in glory everywhere While the great Rome owns the light. Where the fast jets of Aufid roar, Where Davnus reigned among the common people, My fatherland will not be silent, That an obscure kind was not an obstacle to me, To bring Aeolian verses to Italy And the first to ring the Alceian lyre. Be proud of righteous merit, muse, And crown the head with the Delphic laurel.


I erected a wonderful, eternal monument to myself, It is harder than metal and higher than pyramids; Neither his whirlwind, nor thunder will break the fleeting, And time will not crush him.

So! - all of me will not die, but a large part of me, Fleeing from decay, after death he will live, And my glory will grow without fading, How long will the universe honor the Slavs?

The rumor will pass about me from the White Waters to the Black ones, Where the Volga, Don, Neva, the Urals pour from the Riphean; Everyone will remember that among innumerable peoples, How from obscurity I became known for that,

That I was the first to dare in a funny Russian syllable Proclaim the virtues of Felitsa, In the simplicity of the heart to talk about God And tell the truth to kings with a smile.

O muse! be proud of just merit, And whoever despise you, despise those yourself; With a leisurely, unhurried hand Crown your forehead with the dawn of immortality.


- What unites the image of Catherine II in the portrait of V. Borovikovsky and in the ode of G. Derzhavin?


"Catherine II on a walk

in Tsarskoye Selo Park. 1794

Poems "Monument"

M.V. Lomonosov and G.R. Derzhavin

M.V. Lomonosov

Poetic size

iambic pentameter

Source realities

G.R. Derzhavin

Antique realities: “I erected a sign of immortality for myself. // Higher than the pyramids and stronger than copper, // What a stormy aquilon cannot erase, // Neither many centuries, nor caustic antiquity.

iambic six-foot

Enumeration of Russian hydronyms: "The rumor will pass about me from the White Waters to the Black Waters, // Where the Volga, Don, Neva, the Ural pours from the Riphean"

The role of creativity, poetry in people's lives. The first Russian "Monument" is a translation of Horace's ode

The theme of the poet and poetry in the lyrics of G. R. Derzhavin. The poem "Monument" (1795)

Lesson Objectives: 1. Find out what place the theme of the poet and poetry occupies in Russian literature of the 18th century; 2. get acquainted with the history of the creation of the poem "Monument" by G.R. Derzhavin; 3. find out what the poet sees as the task of his work in a poem; compare views on poetry in Derzhavin's poem and in M.V. Lomonosov's translation of Horace's ode "To Melpomene";4. see how the work of G. R. Derzhavin influenced subsequent generations of poets.
You are right, Singer: you will live; You monument raised the eternal: He can't be crushed Neither thunder nor whirlwind fleeting.
K.F. Ryleev "Derzhavin"
I monument erected for himself a wonderful, eternal ...
G. R. Derzhavin "Monument"

During the classes.

Slide number 1 portrait of G. R. Derzhavin

Teacher's word: For many centuries, people have thought about the meaning of human life.

-What do you think is the meaning of human life? (D.z)

(Already now you are faced with the question: which road to take, how not to make a mistake in choosing a profession, because your future depends on it. It is very important to find your place in life, an occupation you like, not to live life in vain.)

Which of the Russian writers and poets of the 18th and 19th centuries found their place in life and did not live in vain, remained in the memory of the people? (Student answers) Why? (d.h)

(They loved their homeland very much, they wanted it to flourish, they loved the people they served, they were its honor and conscience, they loved the Russian language, which they spoke excellently, they opened for us, readers, the versatility and complexity of life. The poet bears a great responsibility to society) This can be said about the poet, whose work we study in literature lessons. Name this poet.

- In what form do poets express their thoughts, feelings, views on life and man?(Poetic, through poetry)

-Try it yourself, based on the previous answers, to understand what will be no talk in class?(about the poet and poetry)

Write down the topic of the lesson. (slide number 2)

List the objectives of the lesson.

teacher's word : The theme of the appointment of the poet and poetry was addressed in ancient times. -Which of the ancient Roman poets touched on this topic in his work?(Horace's ode "To Melpomene") This theme was one of the main ones in Russian literature of the 18th century. And in the work of G. R. Derzhavin, she occupies an important place. He showed the role of his poetry in the poem "Monument".-Where have you already met with the same name of the poem?(in the poem by M. V. Lomonosov "Monument"). Portrait of a scientist on a blackboard. - What inspired the writing of the poem?(Horace's Ode "To Melpomene")

(Yes, this is a transcription of G.'s ode into Russian in 1747)

- In 1796, after almost half a century, G. R. Derzhavin again turned to this source and wrote a free arrangement of Horace's ode. But D. does not repeat the thoughts of his distant predecessor, but expresses his point of view on the poet and poetry.(History of creation, student's message) (slide number 3 Derzhavin and Horace) (People liked to compare Derzhavin with Horace. A.S. Pushkin saw them together

Pets of the young graces

With Derzhavin later

Sensitive Horace

Is two.

Derzhavin knew Horace from German translations as early as the 1770s. Among Derzhavin's poems, one can count at least 15 transcriptions and translations from Horace. With Horace, Derzhavin associated 2 significant works in which he assessed his work: "The Swan" and "Monument". In the poem "Monument"Derzhavin used the idea and partly the form of ode 30, bk. III. The poet put his work at the end of the 1st volume as a kind of result of creativity.)

Listening to the expressive reading of a poem performed by the master of the artistic word. (Textbook, p.64)
What is the peculiarity of the intonation of reading this poem? (Read with a leisurely solemn intonation)
What words are incomprehensible in Derzhavin's poem? ( The children explain the meaning of words from the compiled dictionary; there is a comment on the desks )
Work on the analysis of the poem.
- Guys, on the desks is a printout of M.V. Lomonosov ode to Horace. We were familiar with this work in previous lessons. Let's compare the views on the role of the poet and poetry in M.V. Lomonosov and G.R. Derzhavin.
What theme unites these two poems? (The role of creativity, the theme of the appointment of the poet and poetry)
-What features of the biography of poets are reflected in the poems?
Translation of Lomonosov : « That an obscure family was not an obstacle to me ... "-Explain the meaning of these words. ( In these words full of dignity, there is a clear answer to Lomonosov’s numerous enemies, both from among the noble nobility and from among his literary opponents, who repeatedly reproached him for his peasant origin and in whose face he threw: “Whoever boasts of a breed, he boasts of a stranger”).(Lomonosov added this fact from his life to the translation).Derzhavin: " How out of obscurity I became known for that ...”, “That I was the first to dare to proclaim the virtues of Felitsa in a funny Russian syllable”, “And speak the truth to the kings with a smile.”- What biographical fact unites the two poets?(From obscurity they became famous ...) Derzhavin, who began his journey as an unknown soldier, long and hard to break into "big people" and owes all his successes on his life path only to himself).
1 stanza.- What is the monument compared to in Lomonosov's translation? ("higher than the pyramids, stronger than copper") - AWhat is the monument compared to in Derzhavin's poem? (“metals are higher and harder than pyramids”).-Why with them? (Fortress, eternity) A monument is a creation left to posterity, so comparison with pyramids, metal implies a figurative meaning.-What thought helps to validate these comparisons? (All this helps to affirm the idea of ​​the importance of creativity, of the immortality of works of art).
And what epithets does Derzhavin use when talking about the monument? ("wonderful, eternal") - Try to find the difference in the intonation of the lines of Derzhavin and Lomonosov? L: (ceremonial) D: (soft, sincere). Slide 4: 1) SINCERE, SOULNESS, "HEART SIMPLICITY OF POEMS"
Word of the teacher: Poets are convinced that the power of poetry is more powerful than the laws of nature and time. -What lines say this? M.V. Lomonosov: That stormy Aquilon cannot erase,
Neither many centuries, nor caustic antiquity.G.R. Derzhavin: (“Neither his whirlwind, nor thunder will break the fleeting,And the flight of time will not crush him. Comment on Derzhavin's idea.(His monument is not subject to whirlwinds, thunder A m, time).
2 stanza . - In what did Horace (in the translation of Lomonosov) see the guarantee of his immortality?(“I will grow everywhere in glory,While the great Rome owns the light")(I saw the pledge of immortality in the power of Rome)- And in what does Derzhavin see the strength of fame?(“And my glory will grow without fading, Dokol glory of the yanov race the universe will honor")-How do you understand these words? (He sees the strength of glory in respect for the Fatherland, considers himself a national Russian poet) Slide. Respect for the Fatherland, for compatriots.
Slide. -Pay attention to how Derzhavin perfectly plays on the common root in the words "glory" and "Slavs" (on the slide" AND glory and mine will grow ... "Teacher's word: - The poet understands that Russia is a huge multinational state. Slide . Speaking about its boundless expanses, he, according to the literary critic D.D. Blagoy, “proudly paints a picture of his posthumous glory among the many peoples inhabiting Russia”3 stanza. - What places of our vast homeland does the poet mention in the poem? Slide. Let's admire the expanses of our Russia. - And what is the geography in Lomonosov's poem?("Noisy page at yami Awfid,Where Davnus reigned in a simple outfit ... ")- Where is the river Affid located?(In ancient Rome, in the homeland of Horace)
So we find ourselves not in Ancient Rome, but in the country where Derzhavin became famous - in Russia.
4 stanza. What do poets take credit for? Horace translated by Lomonosov: "To bring Aeolian verses to ItalyAnd the first to ring the Alceian lyre. (He wrote poetry well (skillfully), like his favorite ancient Greek poet Alcaeus. There is an opinion that Horace's odes are a translation of Alcaeus' songs)
Derzhavin: " that I am the first dared in a funny Russian syllable ... "Why did the poet choose the verb " dared"?
Slide(1. Dare - dare to do something. 2. Boldly strive for something noble, high, new)
What did the poet dare to do?(" O virtues Felitsy to proclaim")
-What did the genre of ode require?(Talking about the greatness of monarchs, glorifying their deeds, creating a kind of “ceremonial image.” Derzhavin says about virtues Felitsa-Catherine 2!- Remember the ode "Felitsa". What virtues are we talking about?(Pay tribute to her energy, efficiency, ability to forgive weaknesses, simplicity, justice).- "And tell the truth to the kings with a smile."
Derzhavin sees his merit in maintaining human dignity and sincerity. He is one of the few who allowed himself to directly criticize certain actions of the queen, nobles.Slide . Therefore, Derzhavin looks at the poet asminister and champion of the truth.
Slide-Why with a smile?(A joke is the main stylistic feature of D.'s new poetry.) D's words: “Being a poet by inspiration, I had to tell the truth; politician or courtier at my service at court, I was forced to close the truth with allegory and allusions ”
Derzhavin also sees his merit in making the Russian syllable "funny." - Choose synonyms for this word. (fun, simple, sharp)
Slide . The creation of a "funny Russian style", i.e. new linguistic style, which made it possible to push the boundaries of the then poetry, saturating it with colloquial speech.) Last stanza. To whom are the last stanzas of the poem addressed? (To the Muse) Slide. What is the meaning of this word? (From homework) - Muse - Goddess - patroness of arts and sciences Muse - Source of poetic inspiration Muse - The very inspiration, creativity.
What does Horace call for the Muse? (Be proud of righteous merit, muse,And crown the head with a Delphic laurel.) Muse is a high patroness, she is sacred.- And what did Derzhavin add?
(“And whoever despises you, despise those yourself” Derzhavin does not rely on the unanimous approval of his contemporaries.With an unconstrained, unhurried handCrown your forehead with the dawn of immortality"His muse even on the threshold of immortality retains the features of militancy and grandeur.)
- Look at the vocabulary of the last stanza. Find high style words. (Puffed up, brow, crown, despise)Why does Derzhavin introduce them into the poem? (To create an intonation of solemnity)- What classic genre required a solemn reading? (Oh yeah)- Define this genre.- Why "Monument" belongs to the genre of ode? (He speaks about the greatness of creativity, poetry, about the social role of the poet, his duty to the Fatherland).Before us is an ode, and Derzhavin, the destroyer of all canons, nevertheless creates an intonation of solemnity in the last stanza and praises here by no means himself. And what does he glorify? (Creativity, poetry)

-Here are 2 translations of Horace's ode. What new did Derzhavin introduce into his poem, which Lomonosov did not do?(Personal motives sound: if Lomonosov in translation follows the original, then Derzhavin talks about the significance of his work for Russia, for Russians)

What is the main idea that unites these poems? (What is created makes the poet immortal and remains in the memory of posterity). - Can these words be attributed to the work of Lomonosov, Derzhavin? (Slide We return to the slide, which lists the merits of D.) The contribution of these poets to Russian literature is very great. We talked about the merits of the Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov in previous lessons. Once again, let us turn to the merits of D. in Russian literature. Read).
K.F. Ryleev, poet, Decembrist, dedicated G.R. Derzhavin Duma, in which he noted with great respect the merits of the Russian as a poet and citizen.(Student's speech ). Back to epigraph(Ryleev, a representative of the younger generation of poets, noted the immortality of the work of the Russian poet Derzhavin)-And in 1836 the Russian poet A.S. Pushkin will write the poem "Monument" and take as a basis a free arrangement of the ode by Horace Derzhavin. The “Monument” of G.R. Derzhavin will become the pedestal of the “Monument” of A.S. Pushkin. (Portrait to A.S. Pushkin)The poetry of Lomonosov, Derzhavin, Pushkin (portraits on the board) is worthy of immortality and respect for posterity.More than 2 centuries have passed, but the work of the master is not forgotten.-Presentation "Monuments to G.R. Derzhavin" (students)
Slide: D.z. Prove the validity of the words of G.R. Derzhavin “I erected a wonderful, eternal monument to myself ...”

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