May 9 - Victory Day. Lesson summary for children of the senior group of kindergarten

Scenario of the holiday dedicated to the 69th ANNIVERSARY of the Great Victory.

Popova Anna Sergeevna,

music director

MADOU "Kindergarten No. 88", Tyumen

Purpose: to form older children preschool age patriotic feelings, respect for the defenders of the Motherland on the basis of specific historical facts; vivid impressions., causing emotional experiences, through the musical and literary heritage of the times of the Great Patriotic War.


Continue to acquaint children with the concepts: “Great Patriotic War, "Veteran of War", "Participant in the War", Hero of the Great Patriotic War ". To deepen children with knowledge of the history of their native country.


Develop the child's intellectual abilities, attention, curiosity.

Develop the communicative function of speech.

To deepen the knowledge of older preschool children about the army, symbols, military ranks, military awards.


To educate children to be proud of their country, to honor the memory of the soldiers who died for the freedom of the Fatherland.

To foster in children the desire to receive vivid impressions from the works of the literary and musical heritage of the times of the Great Patriotic War.

Musical material:

Song: "Victory Day", music. D. Tukhmanov, lyrics by V. V. Kharitonov.

March: "Farewell to the Slovenian" muses. V. Agapkin.

Song: " Eternal flame»Muses. A. Filipenko, lyrics A. Sverdlov.

"Song of the World" muses. A. Filipenko, lyrics T. Volgina.

Song "Cranes" muses. J. Frenkel, lyrics R. Gazmatova.

"Metronome" - Minute of silence

Song: “Don't Forget formidable years»Muses. A Pakhmutova, lyrics by M. Lvov.

"Heirs of Victory" muses.

The course of the holiday.

Presenter: Dear children, dear guests! Congratulations

The Great Patriotic War. The path to Victory was difficult and heroic.

Presenter: Today is Victory Day,

Happy, bright day of spring.

All streets are dressed in flowers,

And ringing songs are heard.

Child: It was a Great Victory Day

Many years ago.

Grandfathers remember Victory Day,

Each of the guys knows.

Child: We are talking about the first day of victory

We love to listen to our story,

How our grandfathers fought

For the whole world and for all of us.

Presenter: We are celebrating Victory Day! We celebrate liberation

Our homeland from the fascist invaders. But this victory was not easy. Many did not return home, because they died heroically fighting for their homeland. They are alive in our hearts.

In memory of them, the "Eternal Flame" is lit and will always burn

Child: Get up early this morning

Go out into town, look.

How veterans walk

With orders on the chest.

Child: For the native country people

Gave away my life.

We will never forget

Fallen in gallant battle.

Child: A fire burns at the obelisk,

The birches stand in silence.

And we bent low, low

Here an unknown soldier sleeps. (Song "Eternal Flame")

Presenter: With pain in our hearts, we grieve for those who did not return from the battlefield.

We will honor their memory with a minute of silence, and everyone in their hearts will thank them for the happy world in which we live.

Let us stand and bow our heads before their memory.

(MINUTE OF SILENCE.) They sit on the chairs.

Presenter: People will never forget this day. For what we are now

together we rejoice, rejoice, laugh, dance, we are obliged

our grandparents, who defended the world in fierce battles. So let us with gratitude take care of this world in which

we are living.

Child: Thank you soldiers

For life, childhood and spring.

For silence, for a peaceful home

For the world we live in.

Child: We need a colorful world

And we will all be happy.

When they disappear on earth

All bullets and shells.

Child: Sailors, gunners,

Border guards, signalmen,

To everyone who protects our world

And guards the boundaries

For great deeds


(song about Peace.)

Veda: Our soldiers were distinguished not only by their heroism, ingenuity, but also by their courage and cheerful character. And how did their great-grandchildren grow up? We'll see now.

Games-attractions are held.

Forward to the flag: Two teams: Objective: to run between the pins, playing the ball, pass the ball to the next, the last

raises the checkbox. (The first team to raise the flag wins.)

And what fearless nurses were, they carried the wounded straight from the battlefield when bullets whistled overhead.

and now girls will show the ability to overcome difficulties.

- "Help to the wounded" Task: to bandage the wounded and transfer from point "A" to point "B"

Attraction for attention: Three flags: 1- green, marching.

2- blue, stand still. 3- red, shouting Hurray!

Child: The war ended in victory, those years are behind.

Medals are burning, orders are on many of them on their chests.

Child: Above, doves fly up, on a May morning at dawn.

They fly into blue, wish everyone happiness, peace on earth.

Child: Glory! Glory to the veterans, glory to the Army dear.

Fly a three-digit flag over the Motherland.

Child: Let the Victory salute thunder! The world will be warmed with this light.

Congratulations to our grandfathers, a huge hello to them!

Presenter: Glory to Victory Day! Glory! Glory!

All: Glory!

Presenter: Glory to the veterans! Glory! Glory!

All: Glory!

Presenter: Happiness, peace on earth,

All: Glory! Glory! Glory!

Song "Heirs of Victory"

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, copyright programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scripts educational activities, projects, master - classes (including video), forms of work with family and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

"These days will not cease glory"

Target: To convey to children the meaning of Victory Soviet people in the Second World War.


1. To form citizenship, a feeling of love and pride for the Motherland;

2. To educate the moral and patriotic qualities of children through musical and aesthetic education.

Preliminary work:

    learning songs, dances, poems with children;

    learning a song with educators;

    individual work with the presenter;

    individual work with children;

    music hall decoration;

    conducting classes on patriotic education;

Technical rider : piano, music center, CDs, projector, screen, laptop.


    artificial flowers and sultanas - 2 pcs. every child;

    white capes for the "Cranes" dance (according to the number of girls);

    a poster with photographs and the text "Heroes of War";

    image of the Order "Victory";

    model of the "Eternal Flame" obelisk;

    candlestick with a candle, matches;

    costumes for staging.

The course of the holiday.

To the festive song "Victory Day" (words and music by L. Melnikova), children with flowers in their hands enter the hall, make reorganizations, then stand scattered around the hall.

Leading: Dear Guys! Dear guests! Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate the greatest holiday of our people - Victory Day!

1 child: Today is a holiday - Victory Day!

Happy light spring day.

All streets are dressed in flowers

And ringing songs are heard.

2 child: Victory Day, Victory Day!
The sun shines on me brighter
Because our grandfathers

We won the war!

Children perform song "May 9" ( music and lyrics by Z. Root). At the end of the song, the children lay flowers at the model of the obelisk, then sit down

Leading: The Great Patriotic War has begun22 June 1941. The enemy attacked a peaceful country suddenly, without declaring war. The fascists wanted to seize the rich lands of our country, and make peaceful and hardworking inhabitants slaves. But they miscalculated. All people, young and old, stood up to defend their free beloved Motherland. In those days, there was such a song-appeal "Get up, the country is huge."

Watching the video "The beginning of the war"

The war lasted four long years. Our valiant army not only drove out the fascists from our land, but also liberated the peoples of other countries seized by Nazi Germany. Our soldiers reached Berlin, the capital of Germany. And there, on the most important building, which was called the Reichstag, our red flag of Victory was hoisted. On May 9, 1945, the war ended, and that day became the brightest and most beloved holiday - Victory Day!

Where did the people get the strength to resist the power of the Hitlerite army? It's all aboutfortitude Russian person. Heroes performed many feats, and the Motherland awarded them with medals and orders.

Look, here we have the Order of Victory.(Points to the center wall.) At that time, our country was called " Soviet Union". The Red Army soldiers had a red star on their caps. Red ruby ​​stars shone on the spiers of the Moscow Kremlin. And the Order "Victory" was also made in the shape of a star. Guys, how many rays does a star have?

Children: Five.

Leading: That's right, five. We can say that five forces, five heroes blocked the path of the fascist army. Who are these heroes? These are: a soldier, a sailor, a pilot, a partisan and a home front worker. Each of these heroes was called by the Motherland at a difficult hour.

Children in suits come out to the middle of the hall.

Soldier: Brought a soldier from a long march

Holy banner, hot as blood.

He walked under it in four years

All one hundred lands, one hundred rivers and one hundred forests.

Sailor (looks through binoculars): There's a plane on the horizon.

On the course - full speed, forward!

Get ready for battle, crew ...

Set aside - our fighter!

Pilot (with a map): The infantry is here, and the tanks are here.

Seven minutes left to fly.

The battle order is clear.

The enemy will not leave us!

Partisan: How many of those heroes were

Whose names are unknown.

I took them with me forever

To an unknown land of war.

They fought selflessly

They took care of the last patron,

Their names are blown by the wind,

The sad wind of that war.

Home front worker: Home front workers, you did not fight,

But to a drop of strength they gave the front.

You did not leave the factory for days,

You were a stronghold for the front and the people.

After completing the verses, the children sit on chairs.

The presenter draws the attention of children toposter with photographs "Heroes of War".

Leading: Guys, look at these faces, young and beautiful. They all believed that they would defeat the enemy and return home, but not all were destined to return. But the memory of them is alive! It seems that they are invisibly present next to us, looking at us.

Girls performdance composition for the song "Cranes" (music by Y. Frenkel, words by R. Gamzatov).

The presenter shows the children a triangular letter.

Leading: Look, guys, what letters mothers received from their sons during the war. Let's hear what they wrote about in such letters.

3 child: My dear family!

Night. The light of a candle trembles.

This is not the first time I remember

How do you sleep on a warm stove

In our little old hut

Lost in the deaf in the woods.

I remember a field, a rivulet,

I remember you again and again.

My brothers and sisters are relatives,

Tomorrow I'm going to fight again

For my Fatherland, for Russia,

That she was in dire trouble.

I will gather my courage, strength,

I will begin to smash our enemies.

So that nothing threatens you,

So that you can learn and live.

Children listen song "There was a letter" (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics S. Ostrovoy) .

The presenter lights a candle.

Leading: Look, children, at the burning candle. What does a flame look like?

Children : This is an eternal flame.

Leading : Yes, there is a fire that evokes in people special feelings and special memories, this is the fire at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Why is the grave called that?

Children : Soldiers are buried there, whose names are not known.

Leading: There are many such graves in our land. These graves contain the remains of soldiers killed on the battlefield during the war.

Viewing the video film "Eternal Memory".

Leading ( reads against the background of the video):

People come to the Eternal Flame.

Come to bow low

To those who died in a cruel war,

The Motherland is proud of their exploits.

The fire burns in rain, snow, and hail.

Blizzard and wind will not notice it.

The feat of valiant soldiers is immortal.

Both adults and children carry flowers

To those who stood for their homeland,

So that the war could not repeat itself.

People come to the Eternal Flame,

They come to bow low.(M. Sidorova)

A fragment of the song "In the dugout" (music by K. Listov) is played.

Leading: The songs of the war years ... They shared sorrows and joys with the soldiers.After the battle, there was a temporary lull, when it was possible to rest, remember about home, write a letter to loved ones. The soldiers sat by the fire, looked at the fire.

Branches crackled on the fire.

Strong tea was smoking in the pot.

You came tired of intelligence.

He drank a lot and was silent as much.

With strong trembling hands

Wiped the trembling machine

And I thought about something from time to time,

Head leaning back.

At the fire, the soldiers read letters from home, gained strength before a new battle, sang songs.The song helped to endure hunger and cold in the name of Victory. She helped the people to endure and win. And it helped!

Educators performsong "Katyusha" (music by M. Blanter, words by M. Isakovsky).

Leading: How many deeds were accomplished in those days? We do not know. There was no one to count the exploits, becauseeach while fighting likehero . The whole the people rose to fight the enemy. And thanks to his strength, cohesion, heroism, she was won A great victory... Every year on May 9, our entire country celebrates Victory Day and remembers its heroes with gratitude.

Children get up scattered across the hall and performthe song "Veterans are coming" ( music and lyrics by Z. Root). After singing the song, the children sit down.

4 child : No wonder fireworks sound today

In honor of our Fatherland,

In honor of our soldiers.

5 child: They have bright reflections of eternal fires,

They contain the peace and grandeur of tomorrow.

6 child: Congratulations to our grandfathers,

We congratulate all the souls!

Let the victory salute thunder

On this day over the whole country!

Exercise with sultans "Salute" to the song "Today fireworks" (music by M. Protasov, lyrics by V. Stepanov). After performing the dance, the children stand scattered across the hall.

Leading: The spring breeze blows

The lindens turn softly green.

Children (in chorus): It's Victory Day!

Leading: And the guys are carrying flowers to an unknown soldier.

Children (in chorus): It's Victory Day!

Children (in chorus): It's Victory Day!

7 child: For everything that we have now,

For every happy hour we have

For the fact that the sun shines on us, -

Thanks to the valiant soldiers,

To our grandfathers and fathers.

8 child : With our childish hand

We will close the path to war

Children (in chorus): We are for world peace!

Children perform song "May there always be sunshine" . At the end of the song, the children raise their hands with the sultans up, wave them and say: “Hurray! Hooray! Hooray!". Then the children go to the chairs and stand beside them.

Leading: Happy holiday, dear children and guests! WITH Happy Victory Day!

To the sound of the song "Victory Day" (music by D. Tukhmanov) children leave the hall.

The holiday is over.

Tatiana Zvegintseva
May 9 - Victory Day. Lesson summary for older children kindergarten

Goals: to acquaint children with the history of the holiday, the history of the Great Patriotic War, to foster a sense of patriotism.

Methods and techniques: conversation, artistic word, explanation, showing illustrations.

Materials and equipment: photographs of the war years, front postcards, photographs of the monuments of the native city, audio recordings of the songs "Where the Motherland Begins", "Victory Day", "Holy War".

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, today we will talk about the holiday dedicated to the Great Victory Day, the Day when our country defeated the fascist troops many years ago. Start by listening to the following poem:

May holiday -

Victory Day

Celebrated by the whole country.

Our grandfathers wear

Combat orders.

The road calls them in the morning

To the solemn parade.

And thoughtfully from the doorway

Grandmothers look after them.

(T. Belozerov)

Educator: Now, guys, let's solve a few riddles:

He fought at the front.

And he has become gray-haired long ago.

Dressed like a military

The war veteran is my (grandfather).

And the sailor's cap

Has no visor.

The cap is called

(Capless) sailor.

Educator: Well done, you guessed correctly. And now, guys, we will listen to the song "Where the Motherland Begins" (words by M. Matusovsky, music by V. Basner).

A conversation about the history of the holiday, about the war.

The Great Patriotic War came to our country on Sunday morning, June 22, 1941. On this day, nothing foreshadowed trouble. People on this day, as always, rested, rejoiced in the hot summer. Suddenly the news struck like a thunder: “The war has begun! Fascist Germany without declaring war, the offensive began. " All the grown men put on military uniform and went to the front. Those who remained joined the partisans to fight the enemy in the rear. Only women, children and old people remained in the villages and towns. They worked in factories, dug trenches, built defensive structures, extinguished incendiary bombs on roofs. And also - they raised children, saved the future of the country. The main motto of all the people was: "Everything for the front, everything for victory!"

There was a war ...

There was a war.

And people died.

And the soldier went for the Motherland.

He fought.

And he was brave.

And beat all fascists in a row.

And so he reached Berlin.

He fought for four years.

So that I'm talking about grandmother's dad

Everyone on Victory Day

I told him.

(Tatiana Shapiro)

But, despite heroic resistance, the enemy was approaching Moscow uncontrollably. To deceive the German pilots who bombed Moscow by Kremlin wall houses and trees were painted. Our fighters also blocked the path of enemy aircraft. A division under the command of General Panfilov fought on the outskirts of Moscow.

Listen to the song "The Holy War" (lyrics by V. Lebedev-Kumach, music by A. Alexandrov).

As the Nazi army moved to the east, the territories occupied by the Germans began to appear partisan detachments... Partisans blew up fascist trains, organized ambushes and sudden raids.

Berlin fell. The war of the Soviet and other peoples against German fascism ended in complete victory. But the price of this victory was great and bitter. Our country lost about 27 million people in this terrible war.

On May 9, 1945, Moscow was lit up with fireworks for the long-awaited victory. Our entire country celebrated the first day of peace with glee. Muscovites, leaving their homes, hurried to Red Square. On the streets, the military was hugged, kissed, grabbed in an armful and rocked, tossing the seething human sea over their heads. At midnight, an unprecedented salute burst out. Thirty volleys from a thousand guns were fired.

The holiday of May 9 has become sacred for each of us. We should all remember the past and thank the older generation for the Great Victory.

Thanks to the Heroes of Victory!

Thanks to the heroes,

Thanks to the soldiers,

What the world was given

Then - in the forty-fifth!

You blood and sweat

We got the Victory.

You were young

Now they are grandfathers.

We this victory -

We will not forget forever!

May the peaceful sun

Shines for all people!

May happiness and joy

Live on the planet!

After all, the world is very necessary -

Both adults and children!

(Olga Maslova)

And now let's listen to the song "Victory Day" (lyrics by V. Kharitonov, music by D. Tukhmanov).


Guys, we must not forget this terrible lesson in history. The victory was not easy for our grandfathers and grandmothers. A lot of people died. Guys, probably your grandfathers and great-grandfathers also participated in the Great Patriotic War. Tell us what they told you about that terrible time for all the people.

Now let's all look at the photographs of the war years together.

And in every city there are monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. The Motherland remembers its heroes. And you and I must remember them too. Because if it were not for them and not for their heroic actions, then there would be no peace in our country.

(for students with profound mental retardation and complex disabilities)

Compiled by: Primochenko Elena Borisovna

Purpose: to attract the attention of students to the holiday - Victory Day.


1. To enrich the knowledge of students about the great and bright holiday - Victory Day.

2. To develop attention, memory.

3. To cultivate love for the Motherland, interest in its warriors-defenders.

Equipment: presentation, flags, envelopes with riddles, holiday card, napkins, glue, stapler, musical accompaniment.


Children enter the hall to the song "Victory Day" by Tukhmanov.

1st Leading: Guys, on May 9, all our people celebrate great holiday- Victory Day. Many years have passed since the German troops attacked Russian soil. Our people, young and old, men and women, even children, began to defend our Motherland from the enemy. Shells burst with a roar, machine guns were fired, tanks were rushing into battle, crushing everything around. The earth was on fire.

For the native country people

Gave their lives

We will never forget

Fallen in gallant battle.

2nd Leading: The Great Patriotic War lasted four and a half years. Our soldiers fought bravely in battles. Those who remained in the rear, women and children, worked in factories, factories, made weapons, tanks, sewed clothes, and treated the wounded. Fierce battles were fought on the seas, rivers, on land and in the sky, in the forests and swamps .. Finally, the enemy was broken! The warriors liberated not only our Motherland from the fascist invaders, but also many European countries. They reached Berlin and planted a red flag on the Reichstag. Many did not return from the war, but their memory eternally lives on in our hearts. We always remember about them.

On Victory Day, early in the morning

Go out into town, look:

Veterans walk down the street

With orders on the chest.

Both tankers and gunners,

And the rocket men

Both marines and sailors.

1st Leading: It was a hard and bloody war. But the fighters did not spare themselves, defending their homeland. And to become a soldier, you need to learn a lot. Be agile and skillful, very dexterous, very courageous.

The sun is shining brightly

Shines for all of us above.

Thanks to the Russian soldier!

Let the kids live well!

And our children are growing up

And play fun games!

Games are held:

1. "Be careful".

The presenter shows the children three flags: blue, green, red. - Guys, be careful. If I raise the blue flag, you will swim, if the green one - stamp your feet, if the red one - shout "Hurray!"

The presenter hides behind his back and quickly raises the flags. Children imitate the movements of sailors, pilots, cavalrymen, shout "Hurray!" The flags are raised in a different sequence.

2. "Pass the report."

The presenter shows two envelopes-reports that need to be delivered to the headquarters (to the presenter). The guys sit in a semicircle and from the middle to the edge pass 2 envelopes from hand to hand.

3. "Guess the riddles."

Guys, do you want to know what is in these envelopes? (opens envelopes) Here are riddles (the host reads riddles).

A turtle crawls, a steel shirt,

The enemy is in the ravine, and she is where the enemy is.

Knows neither grief nor fear.

What is this turtle?


Like unprecedented wonderful flowers

Umbrellas flew in from heavenly heights.


The iron fish swims underwater

The enemy is threatened with fire and disaster.

The iron fish dives to the bottom.

She guards the native seas.


I don't have my eyes

And it helps to see the enemy.


2nd Leading : For four long years, 1418 days and nights, the most terrible bloody war was waged on our land. Our people defeated fascism and saved the peoples of the whole world from it. Victory came in the spring of May 9, 1945. The first Victory Parade took place in Moscow on Red Square. And since that day, every year on May 9, our people celebrate the Victory Day.

1st Leading : And now let's see episodes about how the war began and how the memory of the defenders of our country is honored in our time (view the presentation).

Now we will make a big greeting card for our veterans. (Making a postcard).

2nd Leading: Dear Guys! We live on big planet- The earth, there is a place for everyone: for people, and animals, and water, and fish, and forests, and fields. To never have a war, we need to protect this fragile planet, it is our home. And for this, all people on earth need to live in peace.

We need peace to build cities

Plant trees and work in the field

We need peace forever, forever!

We are for world peace.

Let's say together: "No war!"

Let the children sing about happiness

In our sunny country!

Thank you for attention.

Text to presentation slides

    The war began suddenly

2.3. All men went to defend our homeland

4,5,6. Our homeland was defended from land, air and water

7.The war lasted for several days

8,9,10. Nowadays, in every city of our country there are monuments to our defenders

12-15 And in our city there is a monument to the unknown soldier, which is located in our Novoilinsky district. There is a tank on Victory Square - a monument to the feat of the KMK workers during the Second World War. Also in our city there is a Boulevard of Heroes in which an eternal flame burns.

16-20. An eternal flame burns in every city in memory of our defenders

21-22. In which a minute of silence is honored in memory of the fallen in the war

23-26. Every year on May 9, festive events and parades are held in all cities with the participation of veterans, young soldiers-defenders and military equipment

27-29. The parade ends with a festive fireworks

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