How to quickly succeed. How to achieve success in life? How to define your goals

A person who knows how to set goals in front of him, and to seek them, the people are referred to as a successful person.

Successful people know how to achieve a goal in any situation, how to achieve a goal, which is impossible for someone, and how to achieve the desired goal, which is a confident step towards true success in one matter or more.

The New Lady Day team decided to pose himself as a question, how to achieve the goal, and what to do to start achieving goals in all their affairs and plans.

You will tell you about it now ...

If you think to achieve the goal, just right enough to put before the task, you are mistaken.

The implementation of the question of how to achieve the goal is primarily based on the actions of a person and his desire to do what it may seem difficult for him, new and incomprehensible.

To know how to achieve the goal quickly and efficiently, you should understand that one desire is not enough.

To achieve the goal, you need to follow certain rules that helps in the implementation of the conceived.

The first answer, how to achieve the goal in any case will be an incentive. It is the stimulus that helps us to achieve something contrary to all obstacles and difficulties.

Psychologists advise how to achieve the desired goal, arguing that to achieve success in some kind of fact, you should not just think about the goal, you need to set out what you are planning on paper.

If simply, your desires and plans, how to achieve the goal, should grow into a clear action plan.

Since the main satellites to achieve the goal are certainness and specifics, you must clearly answer questions, how to achieve the goal that you need, namely:

  • why do I need it,
  • how I will do it,
  • how much time should I need to achieve goals.

How to achieve the goal: time frame

Ask yourself a certain time for which you must achieve the desired goal. To decide on the temporary framework to achieve the desired, analyze how to reach the goal quickly, and what you need for this.

Most often, time limitations are another complex, but useful incentive to achieve the goal.

How to achieve goals: what to do

Before reaching the goal, determine for yourself what benefit will bring you the achievement of the desired goal. What can change in your business or in your life for the better.

One of the basic rules to achieve the goal is to correctly formulate the task. Here you need to specifically understand, to achieve the goal, you need to do everything already - here and now, and not to postpone the idea of \u200b\u200bideas, because the goal, to the implementation of which they do not seek, will remain just the idea or dream.

How to achieve Objectives: A clear action plan

The next tip how to achieve the desired goal will be a clear planning of actions on the way to achieving the goal.

To successfully achieve the goal, divide the entire path to the steps. Each passed stage will give you strength to commit the following actions.

Learn to respond for your actions. Very often when reaching the goal, we can not just make a mistake, but also damage the surrounding, so you need to be responsible for everything you do.

Concentrate on the process. Planning how to achieve the goal, you need to think only about the main thing about the final result, and not consider the petty mistakes by defeat towards achieving the goal, but be sure to analyze them and correct them.

How to achieve the goal: you will be able to express priorities

One of the main rules, how to achieve the goal is the ability to arrange priorities and accurately follow the tasks. Plan and perform your actions as they are difficult and importance.

It's not enough to say: "I want" and "I can". You need to know how to achieve the desired goal, drawing a clear route of action step by step.

How to achieve the goal: self-development

Another very important advice, how to achieve the goal, it is a permanent self-development and reassessment of values \u200b\u200band opportunities on the path to the result.

Analyze your missions, learn and develop in our field of activity, only then you can really achieve something. Self-confidence on the way to achieving the goal is not the best quality.

Achieving the goal should not develop according to the scheme: "I do, because I do"

Often, people on the way to achieve the goal see the goal ahead, do something, but do not understand at all that it is from them that the purpose of the goal has been achieved.

As stated: the goal for the purpose, and not for the sake of the result! This way is erroneous. A person should not be looked at the process, he must have fun from his actions, see all possible situations that may arise when the goal will be achieved or not.

How to achieve the goal: the benefits of the result

Another stimulus how to achieve the goal is the benefit you get if the target is reached ...

Imagine how your life will change and what you will have if you achieve the goal.

Your idea of \u200b\u200bthe best future should be an additional inspiration for you to a positive result.

And the most important rule how to achieve goals is self-confidence. You should not have the thoughts that something may not work.

Do not be afraid to make mistakes, they are natural. As they say, who does not make mistakes, he does nothing.

Go to the goal with full confidence that everything will be fine, but do not forget that each of your step should be thoughtful, and your actions are analyzed to the smallest detail.

Of course, there are still a lot of tips, how to achieve goals quickly, how to achieve the goal, and achieve the desired, but if you think at least over the theses that we outlined you, and try to implement them, you are already on the way to success.

Hello, dear readers of my blog! Many of us have ever encountered that it is not possible to implement any plans or to carry out a dream. If you want to learn to put in front of you right goals And guaranteed to receive the desired result, then this article is for you. I will tell you about the setting of goals, I will describe the basic rules for their achievement, as well as provide several effective recommendations from professional psychologists. In this article, you will learn about the factors that prevent us from achieving the desired, as well as what personality needs a person for successful implementation His plans. Having learned how to correctly formulate your desires and getting rid of various barriers, you can more competently organize our activities and significantly improve the quality of life.

How to define your goals?

First of all, it is worth dealing with the concept of "goal" and its meaning. Today, many people confuse a goal with a dream, not understanding the correct meaning of these terms. It is worthwhile to know that the dream is a certain item or a phenomenon that is capable of separately taken by a person, bring him happiness. A dream can simply exist in human thoughts, but he does not have to do anything for its implementation.

For the purpose of matters are different. It is the result of a conscious human activity and represents a certain desire. In other words, the goal is a small dream, which has a clear term of execution. To achieve any goal, people usually apply certain efforts.

Before thinking about the realization of the goal, it is worth taking care of its correct production. It is imperative that this goal is not imposed to you by parents, friends, the nearest environment or in the whole society.

In 1954, Peter Drucker developed a special system setting system. It is called Smart and defines the 5 main criteria that the goal must be appropriate so that it is easier to implement. I bring to your attention the basic rules for setting goals on the SMART system:

  1. Specific. This means concreteness. You need to put the most clear goal, before this, determining the reasons why you want to implement it. You must see the end result as accurately as possible. If you want to buy a car, you can not put the target "I want cars." It is necessary to clearly formulate what car you want, specify its model and brand, year of release, condition and other details.
  2. Measurable. Your goal should be measurable. That is, a certain criterion is needed, showing that you have achieved your goal. It is not enough to simply say "I want to become rich", you need to clearly designate how much you plan to earn (for example, to earn half a year half a million rubles).
  3. Achievable (ATTAINABLE). This criterion means achievability. It is necessary to understand what methods or means you can realize your goal, and is it possible at all. If this criterion is absent, then your goal will turn into a dream, which is likely to never implement. Put only those goals that can be implemented with the conditions you create.
  4. REALISTIC (RELEVANT). This means realistic (or significant). This item partially intersects with the previous one. Such a criterion should be considered when you break one big goal into a few small. You will need to give an honest answer to the question of how significant and appropriate is every task than it will help in achieving the desired, what benefits will bring its implementation, etc.
  5. Timed.. This is one of the key factors when setting goals. It means limited time. In other words, you must put a clear time interval during which your goal should be achieved.

Following all these criteria, you will be able to correctly formulate our goals, which will further simplify their implementation.

What personal qualities should have?

To achieve success in any sphere ( interpersonal relationships, career, self-realization, etc.), you need to have a certain set personal qualities. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the main features of characterthat will help you faster to achieve the planned plans:

  • responsibility (first of all, it should be understood that everything that happens in your life only depends on you, and do not blame other people or circumstances in our own failures);
  • persistence and aspiration for growth (when you have a desire for constant growth and development, you can safely go ahead, not paying attention to various circumstances and difficulties that appear on your way);
  • confidence (we are not only confidence in your abilities and opportunities, but also about confidence in your goal, as well as what you do);
  • observation and ability to analyze (this useful quality will help you determine the causes of possible failures and avoid them later);
  • stress resistance (before you achieve any goal, you will come across a number of circumstances that can knock you out of the rut; it is important to learn to confront such situations and different obstacles to maintain a psychological balance and constantly staying with a healthy mind);
  • initiative and resourcefulness (these qualities will necessarily need you to maximally find a way out of any current situation and make the right decisions under any conditions);
  • dedication (owners of this quality will direct all their strength and resources to achieve the desired);
  • continuity (in other words - the manifestation of interest in more successful personalities and the willingness to adopt their experience, study on other people's mistakes, etc.).

If you have at least half of the described personal qualities, then the implementation of the plans will be given to you easier. If you want to develop listed qualities, it will be appropriate to visit any trainings on personal Growth, master classes, pass training courses or view webinars famous psychologists And businessmen.

Remember that in your interests to develop the qualities of successful personalities that will contribute to the achievement of the desired and will help you further become successful in any life sphere.

Basic rules for achieving goals

For a successful and maximum quick realization of the goal worth following certain ruleswhich are formulated by outstanding personalities, as well as psychologists:

  1. Determine the goal and write it down. I have already spoken about the rules of the wording, so difficulties should not with this item. If your goal requires the execution of subtasks, then describe all these steps with a clear term for each of them.

You can write plans in a notebook, however, well, if they constantly have before your eyes. Use special boards, big posters, etc.

  1. Think positively and optimistic, believe in yourself. This is one of the main rules that need to follow even when it seems that nothing of the planned will fail.

If there are skeptical people in your environment who do not believe in your success and that you can achieve your goals, it is worth cutting together to communicate or minimize it.

  1. Do not retreat before difficulties and do not be afraid to make decisions. As soon as you overcome one obstacle, you will have another one, then one more. It is important to gain courage to learn how to make the right decisions in any situation.
  2. Try to visualize your goals as often as possible. As mentioned above, you can create a poster on which your goals will be written or their photos are written. In addition, imagine yourself that has already been desirable. For example, if you want to earn some amount for the year, try to present yourself with these money, think about what you spend them.
  3. Record all the actions that you have completed in order to quickly implement your goal. It will also be good if you describe how this or that action will help you and contribute to your success. This will allow you to analyze how efficiently you are moving towards your goal.
  4. Do not be afraid to ask for help if required. If you need to help other people to achieve your goal, feel free to contact them. Do not impose too much hopes for yourself. Otherwise, you can quickly overdo it from the fact that not all intended turns out as much as I would like.

Follow these basic rules and you will see that it is not difficult to achieve the desired. A competently drawn target and the correct attitude is half of the success.

What factors prevent the desired getting?

It often happens that a person seems to be a goal, like and follows with all the recommendations, but something does not work: either to meet in the specified temporary framework, or to fulfill the plans to fully, or something else.

Thanks to numerous psychological research It was possible to highlight a number of major barriers that interfere with us to achieve the desired. So, the mainestly interfering success factors these are:

  1. Insufficient awareness. For example, someone wants to open an individual enterprise, but does not have sufficient knowledge in order to properly schedule an action plan. Or someone wants to succeed in any sphere, but, again, it does not boast of necessary awareness.

This problem is easily solved. You can finish higher educational institution, pass specialized training courses or just take the necessary information on the network. In any case, you will need to study all the information that will help you to achieve goals, and only then begin to implement them.

  1. Fears. Among the main obstacles, the fear of good luck and fear of failure is distinguished. In the first case, a person is afraid, rather, not the very success, and the responsibility that usually accompanies him. Therefore, you can observe cases when people confidently go to their goal, but at the very end stop or surrender. Usually they have a lot of reasons for this, both objective and not.

If a person did not receive proper praise in his childhood in childhood, teachers or a close environment, and he received only criticism and reproaches, then, most likely, in adulthood he will be afraid of failures. Many people are easier not to put any goals in general, than to fail and get another portion of criticism from anyone.

When fears bother live happy life And to achieve the desired, it is necessary to begin to change its own perception of the situation. If you see the strength to get rid of fears yourself, well. If you do not see, also not scary. Today you can find a lot of experienced and qualified psychologists and coaching on personal growth that will help you overcome any psychological difficulties, get rid of clamps and fears.

  1. Loss of concentration due to large number goals. If you put several goals at once, then you can overcome very quickly and do not realize any of them. It will be appropriate to formulate one goal, break it into a few small, put the grandilan for each of them and gradually implement them. When the first goal is reached, you can proceed to the formulation of the second, etc.
  2. Constant comparing yourself with more successful personalities . This may lead to the depreciation of their own achievements and the advantages that in the future will become one of the obstacles to the preparation of the desired one. Watch the development of other people in order to analyze their experience and learn something, and not to search for flaws.
  3. Lack of. It often happens that a person who achieved one vertex stops and decides that he lives so well. As a result, many opportunities are lost to improve their lives and their own well-being.
  4. Ethrenal use of Time. The lack of time factor is one of the main reasons why people stop halfway or do not have time to implement their plans for a specified period. In the days of 24 hours, 8 of which we spend on sleep. It remains for another 16 hours, which can and need to spend with benefit.
  5. Lack of funds. Many people stop halfway due to the fact that they are not enough money to achieve their goal. However, instead of surrender, you can search for.

When you are aware of what factors and why prevent you from getting the desired, you can direct all efforts to get rid of the obstacles. Almost all of the above factors belong to psychological barriers. And to eliminate them, you will need to work on yourself.

In order for all the scheduled managed to be faster, it is worth not only following the above rules. It is also necessary to take into account a number of recommendations prepared by qualified psychologists:

  1. Try to formulate your goal to be positive and does not contain a "not" particle. Psychologists explain this by the fact that we are at the subconscious level do not perceive all the instructions that are put with the prefix "not". In a positive key, you can formulate an absolutely any purpose. For example, the goal "I want during the year is not there after six in the evening" it is better to formulate in the form "I want to make the last meal for up to 6 pm during the year."
  2. To achieve the goal, divide it into several small subtasks. Each items must have its own time, depending on your capabilities. Thus, you will make a detailed plan for getting the desired to be clearly followed, realizing that and in what sequence should be done.
  3. Take care of the availability of all necessary resources to get the desired. We are talking about material benefits, knowledge, experience, useful dating, etc. First, ensure all the necessary conditionsAnd then formulate the goal and start moving to its implementation.
  4. Think about what circumstances can prevent you in achieving success. Write these factors and determine which ways you can avoid them or eliminate them.
  5. Think positively. Try to find pluses in any current situation. Even if you are faced with some trouble, do not forget that they form your experience and teach you to make decisions and act.
  6. Distribute your time rationally. If you notice that we spend a lot of free time on unnecessary affairs, which in no way contribute to the implementation of your plans, try to make a schedule of the day and clearly follow him.
  7. Praise yourself for all the successes, even for the smallest. Invent some kind of encouragement for each successfully completed step towards your goal. This will serve for you with an additional motivation.
  8. Constantly develop. This applies to absolutely all areas of your life (personal, professional, etc.). Expand the circle of your dating, read the literature in your profession, pass the courses, see the training videos. This will allow you to become more confident.

Follow the recommendations and rules set out in this article to become successful and significantly improve the quality of your life. Remember that any goal is to be achieved if it is attached to the process of its implementation is enough effort and approach it responsibly!

I hope that this article was useful and interesting. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments below.

You want to succeed in life, but it seems to you that you are not looking there? Do not worry - everyone can achieve for himself the life that wants - provided that you think in the right direction, work a lot and concentrated on our main purpose. As soon as you understand what you really want, you will need to make a plan, how to come to this goal, do not give daily routine and stood on your way. If you want to know how to succeed in life, start reading a step 1 of this article.


Think in the right direction

    Arm yourself with knowledge. You will be able to master any skill and understanding of anything if you start reading about it. For reading, you do not need to pay money if you will attend the Public Library. You can also find excellent books on sales and book fairs. The Internet is also created not only for seating in social networks. There is a bunch of knowledge: "Economics", "Forbes", TED dialogues, etc.

    • During reading, you will be able to distract from your own emotions and make part of the brain responsible for logical thinking.
    • Reading helps to understand what is happening around you, so you can better cope with daily difficulties. Reading Develops Language Skills. So you will have more chances to get a job, and you will be easier to communicate with others.
  1. Understand what your goals are. Write down on paper, for what you work, and how you can use your energy. What efforts do you attach to move forward and what you need to work to build your future? How do you see your future, and what little goals could you achieve on the way to your main goal? You can understand what you want, by the method of trial and error, but the clearer picture of your goals you have, the better.

    Make a list of what you need to do. Write down the two most important goals that you thought earlier and create a plan to achieve them. Remember, even if your goals seem great and difficult to achieve, you may need quite a bit to come to them.

    Release the past. If you are still strongly tied to your past, start letting it. Forgive those who have been guilty of you, and ask for forgiveness from those who have guessed. Complete the course of therapy or sign up into the group psychological assistanceIf you can not cope yourself and need help.

    Look at the world with a positive. Nothing prevents how to go to the goal as negative emotions that lock your energy to the castle and destroy hope! Stay positive or start keeping a gratitude diary, where you will describe at least 3 positive things that happen to you every day. Treat with awareness to your negative emotions and the warehouse of the mind and try to try to think differently, more positive.

    • In everything you need balance. However, if negative emotions prevail in your life, you will later need to get more positive to come to equilibrium.
    • It is normal - to feel upset when you fail. But if you manage to develop a positive attitude to life, you can be much better to resist failures. So you will not see failures as the end of the world.
  2. Learn to cope with stress. Perhaps you are in a state of stress, and therefore you can not think positively. If stressful states come out of control, your priority should be learned to cope with stress and manage it before you begin to do something else. Here are some ways to better control over stress:

    Follow your own expensive. Perhaps your parents want you to do in life with something that they like. Perhaps most of your former classmates or classmates are engaged in some kind of thing, and you think that you should also do this. Perhaps your satellite of life has its own point of view by what you have to do. All this can be wonderful, but in the end, you must choose what will make you happy, not what others want for you. If you have not yet decided on the choice, nothing terrible, but you have to put a goal to find what will make you happy, and where you can apply all your talents and abilities.

    • This does not mean that you have to go and become a rock star, even if you do not have any abilities to it, and at the same time you need to feed the family of 5 people. You need to find a way to combine the practical side of the question with your desires, the execution of which will bring you satisfaction.
  3. Meet someone who has already done it to you. If you want to succeed in any area, the best way Start, regardless of who you want to become an engineer, a financial analyst or an actor, it is to communicate with someone who has already worked in this area and knows all the strings. Whoever this person is a member of your family, the head at work, teacher or friend of his friend, if you have the opportunity to talk to him, listen to every word of what to them, especially - to what has been said about how to succeed in this area, What experience is required for this, with whom you need to get acquainted, etc.

    • Perhaps this person will not give you an ideal advice to achieve your dreams, but you must benefit from talking to him.
  4. Find profitable tactics at work. Of course, you think that all your work looks miserable and meaningless, and that thanks to your talent you can succeed. This is an excellent, but very idealized vision of things. In fact, if you want to succeed, you will have to play according to the rules. Watch and understand who really fills things in your workplace. Try to locate this person to yourself, while not sliding strongly. Understand what skills are really valuable at your work, and develop them. Remember that with some people should not argue, even if you disagree with their ideas.

    • Sometimes to turn on the game of the office can be disgusting and unnatural. Just think about what you do is to achieve higher goals. The main thing is not to sacrifice your principles only in order to be in the game.

    We begin to act

    1. Create such friends who make you happy. Good friendship in which there is a concern for each other - this is the basis of a healthy life! Friends are a source of power and knowledge at the time when you fail. Friends can help you find the right features and ways to solve your problems.

      Develop your social networks. It doesn't matter what area you work - success in whom you know. Be friendly with your superiors, while do not raise their intentions about real friendship. Visit conferences and seminars, trying to meet as you can more people From your area. As soon as you meet with someone, keep your business card At the ready, firmly shook the man's hand and look closely in his eyes. Flip people, while not levying. Learn to talk about your activities briefly, in one sentence, so that people are under the impression. Do not worry about this; This is all just part of the game.

      • You never know who can use you in the future. Do not put yourself in an awkward position, levying all those who are above the position above you, and neglecting those below.
    2. Do hard work. Expose - does not mean start from the top. This means starting a race from the bottom of the Niza along with uncertain, inexperienced players and follow the gradually confident step to the top. Therefore, at first you should be prepared to perform a large amount of work for a small amount of money. Do not think that being a leader or boss is your right from birth. This is not true. You will have to be laid out full, even if you feel that you are too smart for your work or that you would better use your creative abilities at a higher position. Use your creativity when you are able to work so hard as you can, and perhaps the necessary people will notice.

      • It does not mean that it is necessary to invest all his soul and time to work, which is absolutely nothing for you, if it is not a transitional bridge to the cherished goal. But, if you know that the investment of his time and effort into work on a far imperfect position can lead you to the goal, then probably it is worth it to go into all the grave.
      • If it seemed to you that it was not easy to do the hardest work, try to do it with a smile on your face. So you will respect more if you look happy at your work instead of behaving like that you deserve much more.
    3. Become an expert. Whoever you are - an expert on the use of documents in Google Docs or the best graphic design designer, the main thing is to learn how to do something better than all in your company. Then they will be respected, you will come when I need help, and think about you as an indispensable person. If you are the only in the office, owning any skills, then your workplace is safe.

      • Find what you really wonder and spend a little extra time while learning this. You may not pay for the time spent at work, but these efforts you make will let yourself know in the future.
      • Do not be afraid to take on projects or commitments that are not directly related to your area of \u200b\u200bactivity. If your chief is smart, it will appreciate your enthusiasm and desire (unless it prevents your main work).
    4. Give the priority to personal meetings. Studies show that 66% of managers and high-ranking persons prefer to talk personally instead of discussing questions on Skype, telephone or email. And, despite the fact that the generation of the 2000s prefers email as an exchange of information, you can afford to get out of the total mass and conduct conversations personally with the boss and other colleagues in the company.

      • Well, of course, you should fit into the corporate culture of your company. If you work in a supermoda startup, where everyone communicate only on Skype, you do not need to scare all your manner of personal meetings.
    5. No need to sacrifice the real for future career happiness. The execution of black work is inevitable, but you should never feel like 100% of the work that you do is just awful, depressively, and you are sick of this. You must extract at least some benefit and satisfaction from what you do. You never know if your real work will be useful to you in the future, and you may have to spend years for hated things. Even if the bucket with gold awaits you on the other end of the rainbow, it is not worth it if you need to get there by barbed wire.

      Enough to wait for the right time. If you have a dream to start your own business, write a novel or open a non-commercial organization, and, of course, you will not be able to throw everything and fulfill your dream in one day. However, you should not wait for a suitable moment to just start going to your dream. You may be waiting to start after some big event - the wedding you planned whole year, repayment of the loan this summer is everything perfectly, but you can't wait for an ever right time when you don't have anything else on the way. Otherwise, you lead forever.

      • If you always have a reason not to do what you really want to do, then it's just excuses.
      • Start with a small one. Yes, you can't quit your job and draw all day until you draw enough money. But what does you stop you from spending 1 hour a day for drawing? So in the amount you will receive 7 hours a week - and this is a lot.


    1. Take care of your health. Do not degrade your physical and psychological health Just because you want to open your business. If you really want to succeed in life, then health, and not the amount of money in the bank should always stand in the first place. No matter how busy are you, there are a number of things that must be done to stay healthy body and spirit:

    2. Do not forget about other parts of your life. Your career may seem the most important thing on earth at the moment, but this does not mean that you can fully ignore your family, friends, relationships or any other obligations. You must learn to balance all these components in your life, otherwise everything will begin to collapse. You may seem that now you must devote all your time project at work, but when your girlfriend will throw you, you will begin to bite your elbows and think that it would be better if you could find a balance between work and personal life earlier.

      • Follow the schedule and make sure that you reserved time for friends, family and loved ones. Maybe this is not the most romantic and natural thing - plan a date or highlight time for children, but so you will miss anything from sight and you will be sure that you have no work at this time.
    3. Register failures as invaluable experience. Do not waste your life, being terrified by mistakes. Failure is a part of life, she will make you stronger and will traine you to combat difficulties. If you did not know anything in life, except for success, how can you react to the situation when everything go bad? Here the case is again in a positive look at things. You do not need to jump from joy, when something did not work, but you should not hate for it.

      Do not forget about entertainment. Achieving your goals, fulfillment of dreams, etc. - All this is very important. But it is equally important to laugh with friends, shoot from water pistols or cook dishes italian cuisine. It is important to allocate time on absolutely stupid things, try something new or laugh and spend time with people you love most. It will not help you become the general director of your company, but this will help to have a fresh look at things, will make you relax, and not think that all life is work, and will help to relax, and not work 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

      • Entertainment will actually help you achieve success in life if you have fun in moderation. Choose time every day to distract from thoughts about work, projects, career purposes, and focus on life at the moment. Being able to have fun at the same time, that and to build a career - now we have come to the present definition of what it means to achieve success in life.

The author of this simple, but effective twelve hyscale system is Brian Tracy. For more than 25 years, he has been a recognized leader in studying the problems of success and personal achievements. In his "service" list of 26 published books and more than 300 curriculumTranslated by different languages World. One of the leading speakers and business professionals, Brian Tracy spoke more than two thousand times to numerous audiences.

How to achieve goals in just 12 steps "This is what Brian Tracy offers us in their twelve-hawk system - simply and effectively, and striking with their simplicity of even the biggest skeptics. Constantly performing these 12 steps, you can become the topics and achieve what you think about, and much faster than in any other way.

This system will take you from abstract uncertainty to absolute clarity. You get ready running trackwhich will help you get from the place where you are now exactly where you want to be.

I repeatedly read and studied books Brian Tracy. Once I happened to be at his seminar in Moscow along with my daughter and my husband. I was lucky, such people infect their energy for a long time. My desire and desire to increase their personal effectiveness arose in many ways, thanks to Brian's Tracy. I admit honestly, the system of 12 steps I did not use in my activity. But I really want to try to do it here on the pages of my blog along with your readers. I have one goal, I will put an experiment on it, I will later inform you about the results.

How to achieve the goal

So, the first step: Call a desire - burning, strong desire

The desire will be our motivational force that overcomes our fears. Any our decision we accept on the basis of either fears or desires. The more we talk about our desires, the faster they become strong and move our fears towardide. As a result, our burning desire allows you to rise over your fears, and moves us forward, overcoming any obstacles.

Do you all know about your strong and burning desire? What is it? It must be personal, even selfish. Any greatest achievements began with the definition of true desire.

Second step: you need to develop a conviction

We need to be confident in the possibility of achieving our goal. If this confidence is not yet, it must be developed and strengthened. If the goals are large and require considerable effort to achieve, do not try to do too much and too fast. Otherwise, you can lose the presence of the spirit and faith in achieving the goal. Need hard and strong confidence that continuing to make the necessary actions, you can attract the resources necessary to achieve the goal.

Third step: write it down

This is the simplest action that is not all of us doing. Already a million times said that the goals not recorded on paper are just desires and our fantasies. If you record a goal on paper, then you can then take it in your hands, touch, consider. Just imagine, we take the desire from our consciousness and transform into such a form in which something can be done with it. Write down the goal on paper and turn on the success mechanism for full power!

Fourth Step: Make a list of all benefits

Benefits will strengthen our desires and move us forward. It is necessary to make a list of all the advantages that you will receive as a result of achieving the goal. Than more listThe stronger our determination and motivation. It is very easy to lose the presence of the Spirit, if suddenly something goes wrong. If you have 30 advantages recorded, you can say with confidence - you will overcome all obstacles.

Fifth Step: Determine Your Source Position

Before starting actions, weigh. There must be a reference point from which progress should be measured. The clearer you present your initial position, the more likely you can go there where you want.

Sixth Step: Set a deadline

Setting the term for its own, we program its achievement in your mind. It happens, people to be afraid to set the term, afraid not to achieve their goal within the deadline. Something like: "I love when goals roll with a whistle past me." I assure nothing terrible in this. You just were not yet ready and just need to be appointed another time.

If the term of achieving your goal is large, for example, 3-5 years, it is necessary to break it on the scenes that, in turn, are also divided into temporary segments. Get the deadline for completing the scenes to be within 30 days. This will allow you to see the results in a shorter time.

I somehow looked at one interesting film about the girl who was advised to create his own blog, as she prepared very tasty. This girl had a book of culinary craftswoman who had lived many years ago. And she decided that he would prepare all the dishes, something about 500 dishes that were written in this book for 1 year. If she did not put such a term at the very beginning, she would never have reached his goal. Life always contributes to our plans. And only clearly following its plan, despite everything, the girl managed to achieve his goal. The film is called "Julia and Julia". I recommend to see.

Seventh Step: Make a list of all obstacles between you and achieve your goal

Obstacles are a reverse side of success and achievements. Strange if they are not. So then this is not a goal, but just some kind of occupation.

Write all the obstacles that can be on the way. Combine them in groups in the order of importance. Find the biggest obstacle. It needs to focus.

Do you know that obstacles can external and internal? They can be inside us or inside the situation. If the obstacle is definitely among us, then we need to strengthen some kind of your skill, or something to change something.

The external obstacle can tell you that you are not working on that work, do not communicate with those people, and so on. Find your goal blocker!

Eighth Step: Determine what additional information may be needed.

It is necessary to make a list of information and knowledge that is necessary to achieve the goal. Immediately it is worth thinking about where it can be obtained. A specialist or consultant council may be needed.

Work out the plan for buying services or mastering knowledge so that you can calculate how much time and money will need.

Ninth Step: Make a list of people whose help or mentoring is needed.

If other people should participate in achieving your goal, make a list, and distribute names in order of priority.

Tenth Step: Make a Plan

At last. So when only you need to write a plan?)) Plan is a list of actions. It is better to make a detailed plan. This is your way, this is your compass for which you can start moving. This is the basis of your planning and. To compile the plan, you will need only a notebook, pen and your goal.

Eleventh Step: Use Visualization

Pictures can activate your consciousness, so it is necessary to imagine clearly and clearly the picture of your goal as if it was already achieved. If it does not work first time - train. In the process of training, clear images will strengthen the power of your thinking and like a magnet, the necessary people, ideas and events will be attracted to the target process.

Twelfth step. Take the decision in advance that never retreat

Do you have persistence and determination? In any case, develop your determination and never think about failure. Do not let anyone prevent you from achieving your goal. Be decisive in your decision. Often, thanks to only persistence strength, we learn how to achieve their goal.

So, we disassemble the system consisting of twelve steps, the fulfillment of which, according to Brian Tracy, will help us know how to get a goal. In the course of writing the article, I worked on its purpose - the creation of another site. As far as I succeed, and for what time my desire will be realized, you will find out those of you who receive articles of my blog on your mail. Subscribe, and follow the news.

I, in turn, is interested to know what methods and methods you use, dear readers To achieve your goals. Are there any steps that you perform during the achievement process? Is there anything else that you use? If not difficult, please share in the comments below.

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And now - the video in which the desired goal was so close ... What prevented the piglery to achieve your goal? Question to you, dear readers.

Success is not the magnitude of the wings.
This is the fact that you know how to fly.

We are all so different, everyone has their own interests and problems, their plans and dreams. Some lucky and happy, others were mosted in their concerns and accuse the universe and others in their failures, and others do not even think about how to succeed in life, they simply swim downstream, live according to the principle of self-destruction and are told themselves and others that such Life and every one. Of course, it is also easier to live, small joy, minor income, and the corresponding dreams.

The path to success is not easy, there are many obstacles on the way, which alone exceeds, and others are frightened and retreat. If there were no obstacles, they would be successful without exception.

What prevents us from overcome obstacles? Where to get forces to succeed? What do you need knowledge or skills for this? First, let's see how losers think.

Lifestyle leading to failures

Losers are distinguished by their simplified response to their problems. They try to blame parents, teachers, all others, except themselves. They are absolutely irresponsible, do not respond for their words and actions.

About the future such people do not think, plans are not built, even in the near future, do not care about the consequences of their actions. Live one day, burning your life, and do not stand out among all.

Even very important things they can postpone the case, instead, watch TV, just sleep or play computer games. They do not need learning at any age, they consider themselves so too smart. And they are unlikely to think about how to succeed, everyone suits them. The only thing that she does not give rest is someone else's success.

Parable about man

One day, the grandfather told his grandson that two wolves live in a person who are trying to prove their superiority to each other. One wolf is evil, greedy, false, envious and lazy.

Another wolf is kind, truthful, loving, disinterested and hardworking. The little grandson wondered and asked his grandfather about what kind of wolf wins.

What grandfather replied to him that she wins the wolf that a man feeds.

Habits that prevent success

We all live like that because you used to live like that. You need to look back and see if we like such life.

If there is a desire to change something, today it is just that time when it is to start acting, but it is necessary to work on yourself, and not to think about where to take forces to succeed, but to start getting rid of unnecessary habits.

As soon as new habits appear, the lifestyle and thinking will change, it will immediately be seen how much life changes to the better, and the path to success becomes easier and achievable.

Habits are the most important part of life. It is they who make our future. We are moving behind them, we indulge in them. We can't live without our habits, in the end, we ourselves become our habits.

Some of them appear back from birth, some we absorb with Mother's milk, and some we develop yourself during your life. Laziness, envy, smoking, alcohol, falsehood - those habits that easily appear in our lives, but each of us can change all their inconsomial habits, for this you need to realize them. This is the first step towards success.

Habits are what we do, and we like it. From the habit to refuse difficult. It is practically losing a piece of your life, so bad habitswho interfere with successful, need to be replaced by other, useful and necessary habits.

We put priorities in life

With small children, we often told the parents about their dreams with Azart. We are growing up, dreams acquire another appearance, but not for all they are achievable. Why?

As it turns out, just dreaming is not enough, you need to strive for your dreams, act and reach them. For example, you dream to quit smoking, but do not throw - it means it doesn't matter for you. You dream, but at the same time sit and watch TV - it means that this dream is also not important for you, continue to dream.

If you still wondered how to succeed in life, and want to achieve your dreams, then draw the priority scale and divide it in half. In the top write what is important, that is, what you already do or have as a result. In the bottom, write what you want, for example, go to relax, start walking in the pool.

Suppose you want to go to the morning jog, even brought an alarm clock, but consciously decided not to go, and continue to not sleep in bed. Then you are not ready to know how to succeed in life. After all, it is priority for you only what you are doing.

The scale will show that your "want" is not in that pole, where your "do" is lying. Priorities can be placed differently, you can start acting in order to get what I wanted. The path to success lies through honesty with himself, and finding out what is really important.

Learning to take a negative situation

We know since childhood that for everything you need to fight for love, for ideas, for the place under the sun.

We are struggling with all that we consider unacceptable, we resist, taking our best, and we think that only this is how the question is how to succeed.

But it is possible to achieve success without spending so much forces. The strength of action (according to Newton's law) is equal to the strength of opposition.

Imagine when we sick, we try to resist the disease, we are angry, nervous, sadly, screw yourself, and the disease is aggravated. Where does this resistance come from? It appears when your desires with reality do not coincide. Waiting for one result, waiting for another one. What appears?

Anger appears, insult, irritability, and as a result, stress and possibly depression. In this state, no questions about how to achieve success in life and where to take forces to succeed.

And everything is quite simple! Note that you better - stay in such a state or start moving towards goal. It may better take this situation and quietly continue its way to success. What does it mean to accept?

For example, you are without an umbrella, and suddenly it rained, who are angry with whom to deal with? From your anger, the rain will not stop, and you still promoted. Perceiving it without irritation, your energy will not be spent in vain.

Learning to save your energy, that is, not to spend it on trifles and avoid negative emotions - this is another answer to the question of how to achieve success.

We introduce novelty

Only within the filter, through which we have to look at the world, the facts matter. This filter is based on past experience, as well as on beliefs.

All of us your filter, it consists of life experience, our habits and life setting.

These three components ensure the safety of our life. We perceive our present through the experience of the past, and act, relying on the past.

But there is an offer! Keeping your knowledge and realizing your habits, you need to add something new, such that there has not been in life: new acquaintances, knowledge, feelings, and start living in a new way.

With the advent of novelty, the question of where to take forces to succeed will not arise, all new inspires a person, this is our nature.

What to do with failures

There is a goal, the first part of the question of how to achieve success, solved, you only need to strive to make it reality. And what to do if after a few attempts it does not work?

Thomas Edison (bulbs inventor) knew exactly how to achieve success. He said that to become a genius need 1% inspiration and 99% sweat.

That is, failure is not always perceived as a fact, it can be a personal attitude towards what is happening. In fact, failures mean the replenishment of knowledge, you need to continue to go. It is necessary to turn obstacles to the ability.

Correctly wording goals

Example from life! We all go to the shop for purchases, clearly know what you need to buy, or we have a list of purchases. The list we make up, based on what you need and is important now. Yes, if the list consisted of what I want, it would not have enough strength, no money for shopping. Why not resolve the question of how to achieve success in life, in the same way - drawing up a list for a day, month, year?

Suppose you already have a scale of priorities, you have already noticed that I want "do not correspond to your actions, suppose you even realized and changed your habits, how to continue? Where to get forces to succeed? How to continue the path to success?

Technology is simple! Give a promise, just not yourself, it is always easy to negotiate with you, in case of turns. The promise needs to be given to loved people who are interested in your achievements, at the same time, it is necessary to determine the implementation period.

Promise, of course, guarantees does not give, but it makes it possible to keep your word. Moreover, there will be a chance to learn to keep your word. All relationships are built on how a person knows how to keep the word.

What to do if scary

Are you scared? And who is not scary? Let it be scary. The courage is not the lack of fear, but the ability to take it acting. He arises when we go beyond the scope of usual life. While we do not work, there is no fear.

The path to success is accompanied by fear, it is an exit indicator for the usual framework. And the choice is behind you. As soon as you cross the line of your usual life, fear will disappear.

Little secret! Life guarantees does not give! All the work we do does not give any guarantees, all actions open our opportunities.

How to make the right choice

We were told from the very childhood that we should something, only so we could explain what we need to do. We grew up, but now we are in some error that we constantly have something to someone.

This means that it is impossible not to do. But we do something not because we must, but because we choose these actions. For the consequences of your choice, we answer.

rules road We, in fact, can not be observed, but the consequences of non-compliance can be deplorable. We also should also take care of your health, but the result of such a relationship can become an incurable disease.

The conclusions are: it does not matter what we want or do not want, should or should not. It is important that we choose. Our life is apparent from the consecutive election chain.

All our dreams can become a reality. Their implementation depends on us. No need to think where to take forces to succeed in endeavors, you just need to start acting. Everything is real and fulfilled. The right to choose is yours. And doubts and oscillations need to remove.

Samurai was supposed to be required to take decisions for seven breaths, because the largest energy rate is spent in the time when a person needs to make a decision to action.

The most wrong choice of a person is to eliminate the choice. Everything else is the accumulation of experience.

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