Test on the topic of the reign of Ivan 4. Test work on the topic “Board of Ivan the Terrible

Option 1

1. Which state until the 13th century had a very strong influence on the culture of the Russian lands?

1) Poland 2) Ottoman Empire 3) Byzantium

2. Who of the former companions of Grozny was able to "escape" the tsar's wrath?

1) Kurbsky 2) Sylvester 3) Adashev

3. Such attributes were worn by representatives

1) Broom 2) Sable coat 3) Black clothes 4) Dog head 5) Shovel

4. According to the descriptions of contemporaries, the library of this Russian tsar was one of the best in Europe.

1) Ivan Kalita 2) Vasily the Dark 3) Ivan the Terrible 4) Ivan Red

5. What is the name of the person associated with the annexation of Siberia to Russia.

Write down your answer ______________

6.Near what settlement a decisive victory was won over Crimean Tatars?

1) Poltava 2) Rzhev 3) Juveniles

7. Which of the listed countries at different times opposed Russia in the war for access to the Baltic?

1) Sweden 2) ON 3) England 4) Poland 5) France

1) 2) 3) 4)

Plyuska truce

Yam-Zapolsk truce

10. This was the name of the first Russian printed book.

Write down your answer: _____________________

Control test on the history of Russia, grade 7 (Ivan's reign 4)

Option 2

1. This name was given to the first Russian printed book.

2.According to the official doctrine of autocracy, from this Byzantine emperor the Russian princes received royal regalia. Write only the name.

3. Match the event and date.

1) 1563 2) 1571 3) 1553 4) 1572

4. What Moscow temple was built in honor of the victory over the Kazan Khanate?

1) Smolensk Church of the Novodevichy Convent 2) Church of St. Basil the Blessed 3) Assumption Cathedral

5. The Stroganov merchants were known throughout Russia. What was their main business?

1) Extraction of salt 2) Growing bread 3) Fishing

6.What was the name the new kind temples, spread by the 16th century in the Russian lands?

1) Cross-dome 2) Baroque 3)Tent4) "Byzantine"

7. Indicate the order in which the events took place.

8. What events influenced the formation of the national Russian culture?

1) Agrarian revolution 2) Centralization 3) Victory over enemies 4) Introduction to everyday life of the Latin alphabet 5) Increased international authority of Russia

9. What were the results of Russia's victories in the East?


10 what were the main directions foreign policy Ivan the Terrible?

1) Western 2) Middle 3) Southern 4) Northern 5) Eastern

Control test on the history of Russia Grade 7 (Ivan's Board 4)

Option 3

1. Correlate the approximate percentage of literacy of the Russian population with its categories.

1) Citizens 2) Peasants 3) Know

Up to 15%

Up to 65%

Up to 40%

2. Compare the genre and the work.

1) Correspondence of Ivan the Terrible with A. Kurbsky 2) Nikon's vault 3) Domostroy 4) Legend of the princes of Vladimir


War story


Secular literature

3. The management system of which country was the standard for Ivan the Terrible?

1) England 2) Byzantium 3) Netherlands

4. Determine the results of the confrontation with the Tatars during their second Crimean campaign to Russia.

1) The Russian state retained its independence 2) The Russian state lost Kazan and Astrakhan 3) The power of the Crimean Khanate was undermined 4) Turkey abandoned plans to return the Volga region5) the Crimean Khanate was included in Russia

5. What were the results of Russia's victories in the East?

1) The international position of the country has been strengthened2) Crimea became part of Russia 3)The Volga region became part of Russia4) The Russian state turned out to be weakened and soon lost everything 5)The raids on Russian lands have ceased

6.According to the official doctrine of autocracy, from this Byzantine emperor the Russian princes received royal regalia. Write only the name.

Write down your answer: ________________

7. Relate the event and its result (consequences).

1) The deprivation of the boyars of estates 2) Complications of relations with the church 3) Disgrace on the participants of the Chosen Rada 4) Looting of Novgorod

Failures in the Livonian War

The imaginary conspiracy of the boyars

Death of Macarius

8. Relate the ruler and his state.

1) Kuchum 2) Stefan Bathory 3) Ivan 4


Siberian Khanate

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

9. This was the name of the first Russian printed book.

Write down your answer: ______________

10.This name was new order, installed in Russia under Ivan the Terrible.

Write down your answer: ___________________

Assignment 2


What events influenced the formation of the national Russian culture?

1) Agrarian revolution

2) Centralization

3) Victory over enemies

4) Introduction to the everyday life of the Latin alphabet

5) Increased international prestige of Russia

Assignment 3


According to the official doctrine of autocracy, the Russian princes received royal regalia from this Byzantine emperor. Write only the name.

Write down the answer:

Assignment 4


Match the type of building with its name.

1) Kolomna Kremlin

2) Church of the Ascension

3) Oprichnina yard

Civil stone construction

__ Military engineering structures

Religious buildings

Assignment 5


What was the name of the new type of temples that spread to the 16th century in the Russian lands?

1) Cross-dome

2) Baroque

3) Tent

4) "Byzantine"

Assignment 6


Correlate the approximate literacy rate of the Russian population with its categories.

Match all 3 answers:

1) Citizens

2) Peasants

3) Know

Up to 15%

Up to 65%

Up to 40%

Assignment 7


According to the descriptions of contemporaries, the library of this Russian tsar was one of the best in Europe.

Choose one of 4 answer options:

1) Ivan Kalita

2) Vasily Dark

3) Ivan the Terrible

4) Ivan Red

Assignment 8


Recover the chronology of events.

Indicate the order of all 4 answer options:

Publication of the first Russian printed book

The beginning of the construction of the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed

Casting "Tsar Cannon"

Construction of the fortress wall in Smolensk

Assignment 9


This was the name of the first Russian printed book.

Write down the answer:


Assignment 10


Compare the genre and the piece.

Match all 4 answers:

1) Correspondence of Ivan the Terrible with A. Kurbsky

2) Nikon's vault

3) Domostroy

4) Legend of the princes of Vladimir


War story


Secular literature


1) (1 p.) Correct answers: 3;

2) (1 p.) Correct answers: 2; 3; 5;

3) (1 p.) The correct answer is "Constantine".

4) (1 p.) Correct answers: 3; 1; 2;

5) (1 p.) Correct answers: 3;

6) (1 p.) Correct answers: 2; 3; 1;

7) (1 p.) Correct answers: 3;

8) (1 p.) Correct answers: 2; 1; 3; 4;

9) (1 p.) The correct answer is "apostle".

10) (1 p.) Correct answers: 2; 4; 1; 3;


Exercise 1


Which country's management system was the standard for Ivan the Terrible?

1) England

2) Byzantium

3) Netherlands

Assignment 3


Indicate the order in which the events took place.

Indicate the order of all 4 answer options:

The massacre of Vladimir Staritsky

Departure of Ivan the Terrible to Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda

Completion of the "Novgorod pogrom"

Serious illness of Ivan the Terrible after the trip to Kazan

Assignment 4


This was the name of the new order established in Russia under Ivan the Terrible.

Write down the answer:


Assignment 5


Near what settlement was the decisive victory over the Crimean Tatars won?

Choose one of 3 answer options:

1) Poltava

2) Rzhev

3) Juveniles

Assignment 6


Correlate the event and its result (consequences).

Match all 4 answers:

1) Deprivation of the boyars of estates

2) Complications of relations with the church

3) Opal on the participants of the Chosen glad

4) Looting Novgorod

Failures in the Livonian War

Resettlement to zemstvo lands

The imaginary conspiracy of the boyars

Death of Macarius

Assignment 7


Such attributes were worn by representativescorps of the personal guard of Ivan IV.

Choose a few of the 5 answer options:

1) Broom

2) Sable fur coat

3) Black clothes

4) dog head

5) Shovel

Assignment 8


Relate the event to the date.

Match all 4 answers:

1) 1563

2) 1571

3) 1553

4) 1572

The first Crimean campaign to the Russian lands

Serious illness of Ivan the Terrible

Second Crimean campaign to Russian lands

Assignment of the title of Metropolitan to Athanasius

Assignment 9


Correlate the person and her "position".

Match all 4 answers:

1) Crimean Khan

2) Executor of royal orders

3) The leader of the Russian troops

4) The last appanage prince in the Russian state

__ Mikhail Vorotynsky

Vladimir Staritsky

__ Devlet Giray

__ Malyuta Skuratov

Assignment 10


Determine the results of the confrontation with the Tatars during their second Crimean campaign against Russia.

Choose a few of the 5 answer options:

1) The Russian state retained its independence

2) The Russian state lost Kazan and Astrakhan

3) The power of the Crimean Khanate was undermined

4) Turkey abandoned plans to return the Volga region

5) the Crimean Khanate was included in Russia


1) (1 p.) Correct answers: 2;

2) (1 p.) Correct answers: 1;

3) (1 p.) Correct answers: 3; 2; 4; 1;

4) (1 p.) The correct answer is "oprichnina".

5) (1 p.) Correct answers: 3;

6) (1 p.) Correct answers: 3; 1; 4; 2;

7) (1 p.) Correct answers: 1; 3; 4;

8) (1 p.) Correct answers: 2; 3; 4; 1;

9) (1 p.) Correct answers: 3; 4; 1; 2;

10) (1 p.) Correct answers: 1; 3; 4;

Foreign policy of Ivan IV. Development of Siberia


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Exercise 1


What were the main directions of Ivan the Terrible's foreign policy?

Choose a few of the 5 answer options:

1) Western

2) Median

3) Southern

4) North

5) Eastern

Assignment 2


Compare the territory and the date of its annexation to Russia.

Match all 4 answers:

1) 1582

2) 1556

3) 1552

4) 1557

Astrakhan Khanate

Kazan Khanate

Nogai Horde

The beginning of the annexation of the Siberian Khanate

Assignment 3


What is the name of the person associated with the annexation of Siberia to Russia?

Write down the answer:


Assignment 4


What Moscow temple was built in honor of the victory over the Kazan Khanate?

Choose one of 3 answer options:

1) Smolensk Church of the Novodevichy Convent

2) St. Basil's Cathedral

3) Assumption Cathedral

Assignment 5


Recover the chronology of events.

Indicate the order of all 4 answer options:

__ Plus truce

__ Poland entered the war against Russia

__ The capture of Polotsk by the Russian troops

__ Yam-Zapolsk truce

Assignment 6


What was the name of the war fought by Russia for access to the Baltic Sea?

Choose one of 3 answer options:

1) Patriotic

2) South

3) Livonian

Assignment 7


The Stroganov merchants were known throughout Russia. What was their main business?

Choose one of 3 answer options:

1) Extraction of salt

2) growing bread

3) Fishing

Assignment 8


Relate the ruler and his state.

Match all 3 answers:

1) Kuchum

2) Stefan Bathory

3) Ivan 4

__ Russia

__ Siberian Khanate

__ Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Assignment 9


What were the results of Russia's victories in the East?

Choose a few of the 5 answer options:

1) The international position of the country has been strengthened

2) Crimea became part of Russia

3) The Volga region became part of Russia

4) The Russian state turned out to be weakened and soon lost everything

5) The raids on Russian lands have ceased

Assignment 10


Which of the listed countries at different times opposed Russia in the war for access to the Baltic?

Choose a few of the 5 answer options:

1) Sweden

2) ON

3) England

4) Poland

5) France


1) (1 p.) Correct answers: 1; 3; 5;

2) (1 p.) Correct answers: 2; 3; 4; 1;

3) (1 p.) The correct answer is "Ermak".

4) (1 p.) Correct answers: 2;

5) (1 p.) Correct answers: 4; 1; 2; 3;

6) (1 p.) Correct answers: 3;

7) (1 p.) Correct answers: 1;

8) (1 p.) Correct answers: 3; 1; 2;

9) (1 p.) Correct answers: 1; 3; 5;

10) (1 p.) Correct answers: 1; 2; 4;

Test on the topic "The Board of Ivan the Terrible"

1. The wedding to the kingdom of Ivan IV took place

2. Ivan the Terrible's contemporaries were

a) Elena Glinskaya, Metropolitan Macarius

b) Boris Godunov, Patriarch Filaret

c) Archpriest Avvakum, Patriarch Nikon

d) Khan Batu, Lithuanian prince Mindovg

3. After the wedding, Ivan IV began to be called

a) "Emperor of Russia"

b) "the tsar and the great prince of all Russia"

c) "the autocrat of all Russia"

d) "the monarch of all Russia"

4. The army created during the reign of Ivan the Terrible

a) Streletskoe

b) recruiting

c) dragoon

d) hussar

5. One of the governing bodies in Russia in the middle of the 16th-17th centuries

a) collegiums

b) ministries

c) orders

d) Synod

6. The oprichnina was directed against

a) noble opposition

b) rebellious peasants

c) residents of national outskirts

d) obstinate boyars

7. The failure in the Livonian War was a consequence

a) the lag of the Russian economy

b) Russia's lack of allies

c) numerical superiority of enemy forces

d) lack of talented commanders

8. A large role in the activities of the Chosen Rada belonged to

a) Alexey Adashev

b) Alexander Menshikov

c) Andrei Kurbsky

d) Boris Godunov

9. Set the correspondence between date and event

10. Establish a correspondence between the term and its definition



A) localism

B) boyars

C) nobles

D) oprichnina

E) terror

E) feeding

G) crisis

H) despotism

I) Boyar Duma

1) the territory from which the boyars received rent ("feed") for judicial and administrative power

2) the highest, along with the great and appanage princes, the stratum of society in Russia from the 10th to the 18th centuries, who had land as hereditary property.

3) the system of extraordinary internal political measures of Ivan IV the Terrible in 1565 - 1572. (mass repressions, executions, land confiscations, etc.) to combat the boyar-princely opposition and strengthen the autocratic power.

4) predicament

5) the procedure for appointment to the position according to the nobility of the family and the prescription of service to the Grand Duke

6) intimidation of their political opponents or the population, expressed in physical violence, up to destruction.

7) supreme council, consisting of representatives of the feudal aristocracy.

8) service people, conditional land holders; made up the court of the feudal lord.

9) shape state structure and government, in which the autocratic ruler unrestrictedly disposes of the state, acting in relation to the subjects as lord and master.

For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down in the table with the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

11. Set the correspondence between date and event

For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down in the table with the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

12. Arrange the time of events in chronological order

A) adoption of the new Code of Law

B) carrying out the oprichnina

C) the wedding of Ivan IV to the kingdom

D) Ermak's campaign to Siberia

E) Livonian War

E) unsuccessful trip to the Crimean Khanate

13. What are the provisions that are the consequences of the reforms carried out

Ivan IV and "The Chosen Rada"

1) restriction of parochialism

2) creating a fleet

3) the creation of colleges

4) creating orders

5) adoption of the Code of Law

6) the introduction of general conscription

7) the creation of a streltsy army

8) canceling feedings

9) subordination of the church to the state

Answer: ___________

14. What are the provisions that are the goals of the oprichnina

1) establishment unlimited power king

2) enhance the role of the people's veche

3) increase tax oppression

4) the fight against the feudal aristocracy (the independence of the boyars)

5) accelerate the socio-economic development of the country

6) elimination of the remnants of feudal fragmentation (appanage reigns, Novgorod freemen)

7) suppression of hotbeds of popular discontent

8) introduction of new duties

Answer: _________________

15. What are the features that characterize the consequences of the oprichnina

1) the seizure of new territories

2) centralization of the country

3) severe economic crisis

4) strengthening the position of the boyars

5) contributed to the establishment of serfdom

6) the formation of despotic autocracy

7) weakening the power of the autocracy

Answer: _________________







6 g



13. 1,4,5,7,8

14. 1,4,6

Test on the topic: "The Board of Ivan the Terrible"

Dear colleagues, please note that for the correct display of the work, you must download the file in the .doc format

Ivan IV is the first Russian tsar. I am sure that each of you has seen the comedy "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession", in which the formidable tsar finds himself in the future. The famous Soviet director Leonid Gaidai shot this film based on Mikhail Bulgakov's play. Later, in 2008, Ivan the Terrible entered the list of 50 historical figures fighting for the right to bear the honorary title "Name of Russia".

Fragment of the painting by V. Vasnetsov "Ivan the Terrible"

Ivan IV, who would later be called Ivan the Terrible, was born in 1530, when his father, Vasily III, was already over fifty. He was a very welcome child, the whole country was awaiting his birth. They say that before his appearance, the holy fool Domitian announced to Elena Glinskaya that she would be the mother of Titus, a broad mind. They wrote that at the moment of Ivan's birth, the earth and the sky were subjected to unheard-of thunderous blows, which was taken as a good sign.

Fragment of N. Nevrev's painting "Guardsmen"

Part one. Test

In what year was Ivan IV crowned?

In what year did Ivan's wedding take place?IVto the kingdom?

When was the first Zemsky Sobor in the history of Russia?

What is the date of the adoption of the Code of Laws of IvanIV

When IvanIVcarried out the Military Reform?

When did the Russian troops take Kazan?

When was the Cossack detachment equipped against Khan Kuchum?

When IvanIVdeclared war on the Livonian Order?

What are the dates of the Oprichnina

Part two. Working with terms

Part three. Working with Ivan's "Code of Laws"IV

Fragment of the "Code of Law" by Ivan IV

Titular Book and Epistles of Tsar Ivan IV Vasilievich

1. The court of the king and the grand duke shall be judged by the boar, and by the warden, and by the butler, and by the treasurer, and by the clerk. And do not be friends with the court and do not take revenge on anyone, and do not imitate the promise in the court; so is it that every judge has no promises in court.

2. And to which the boyar, or the butler, or the treasurer, the ilidak is prosecuted, but he will accuse someone not by the court artlessly, or he will sign the list and give the right letter, but he will look in truth, and the boyar, and the butler, and the okolnik, and the treasurer, and there is no penalty for the deacon; but the plaintiff is judged from the head, and what is taken is given back.

3. And to which the boyar, or the butler, or the treasurer, or the clerk in the court will take the promise and accuse not by the court, but will search for the truth, and on that boyar, or on the butler, or on the treasurer, or on the clerk, the lawsuit was taken, and the duties of the tsar and the grand duke, and the rides, and the truth, and gossip, and the usual, and the right, and ten, and the lawful take three times the gift will indicate.

How does the "Code of Laws" of 1550 differ from the "Code of Laws" of 1497?

What is the second name of Ivan's Code of Law?IV?

Part four. Essay

After choosing one of the suggested topics, write a short essay or essay (about 50 words).

Ivan the Terrible - a tyrant or a reformer?

Oprichnina and its consequences for the country

The image of Ivan the Terrible in the mass culture

Examination on the topic "The Board of Ivan the Terrible"
1. Ivan IV rules
a) from 1505 to 1533. ; b) from 1533 to 1584;
c) from 1462 to 1505; d) from 1584 to 1598.

2. What event happened earlier than others
a) Stoglavy Cathedral; b) the capture of Kazan;
c) the beginning of the oprichnina; d) the introduction of reserved years.

3. What happened later than other events
a) adoption of the Code of Law of Ivan IV; b) annexation of Astrakhan;
c) the beginning of Yermak's campaigns; d) ending Livonian War.

4. During the reign of Ivan IV, according to the form of government, Russia became
a) estate-representative monarchy; b) unlimited monarchy;
c) constitutional monarchy; d) a parliamentary monarchy.

5. The oprichnina appeared:
a) measures to strengthen autocratic power and overcome the remnants of feudal fragmentation;
b) administrative - territorial reform;
c) the manifestation of a morbid state of mind, Ivan IV;
d) redistribution of land ownership;
e) there is no correct answer.

6. During the oprichnina, the territory of the country was divided into:
a) counties and provinces; b) Zemshchina and Boyarshchyna;
c) oprichnina and zemstvo; d) provinces and provinces;
e) there is no correct answer.

7. Established in 1597, "school summer" introduced:
a) localism; b) punishment for state criminals;
c) a five-year period for tracing runaway peasants; d) a ban on peasant passage on St. George's Day;
e) there is no correct answer.

8.The Livonian War is over:
a) the defeat of Russia; b) the victory of Russia and the annexation of new territories;
c) a mutually beneficial truce between the warring parties; d) to no avail;
e) there is no correct answer.

9. Orders are:
a) administrative documents of the king;
b) institutions in charge of branches of government;
c) territorial entities;
d) craft shops;
e) there is no correct answer.

10. As a result of the oprichnina
a) the rise of the country's economy began; b) devastation and desolation began in the country;
c) serfdom was limited; d) trade has revived, tk. Russia got access to the Baltic Sea

11. Establish a correspondence between actors and activities
1) Metropolitan Macarius; a) monetary reform;
2) Elena Glinskaya; b) construction of the Sviyazhsk fortress;
3) Ivan Vyrodkov; c) the rite of marriage to the kingdom;
4) Ermak Timofeevich d) hiking in Siberia.

12. What reforms were carried out by the Chosen Council?
a) the creation of a streltsy army
b) the institution of the oprichnina
c) restriction of parochialism
d) introduction of protected years
e) adoption of a new Code of Law
f) the introduction of the patriarchate

13. What were the results of the Livonian War?
a) Russia got access to the Baltic Sea;
b) Russia lost all the lands conquered in the Baltic States
c) there were huge human losses;
d) the economy of the country suffered significant damage;
e) Russia lost the city of Pskov.

Part B:
1. Match historical terms and their definitions.
a. People who oppose the church. 1) The estate.

b. Service people. 2) Mural

d. The land, which was given for the service of a nobleman. 3) Heretics.

e. Owner of the estate. 4) Nobles.

e. Certificate of reign. 5) Orders.

f. Allocation of a significant part of the state into a special personal possession of the king. 6) Label.

h. Estates representative body... 7) Landowner.

i.Paintings made of pieces of glass or pebbles. 8) Oprichnina.

j. Paintings on raw plaster with raw paints. 9) Zemsky Sobor

l. Standing management bodies. 10) Mosaic.

2. Relate the historical figure and the fact of his biography.
1.Conquest of Siberia. 1) Andrey Rublev

2. Icon "Trinity" 2) Akhmat

3.Cause 3) Ivan the Third

4. Grandson of Ivan Kalita 4) Ermak

5. Standing on the Eel. 5) Peresvet

6.Code of 1497 6) Ivan the Terrible

7. Fight with Chelubey. 7) Dmitry Donskoy

3. Complete tasks for the text.
“Since the king was the owner of this inheritance, there could be no other owners with full rights. Princes, boyars, nobles, clerks who did not recognize this order, were evicted by force and their property was confiscated. Evictions, confiscations of property were accompanied by terror, accusations of conspiracy against the king, etc. Novgorod especially suffered, where strong private ownership tendencies persisted, there was an influential opposition and resistance to centralization and nationalization. All chroniclers testify that the tsar "smashed Veliky Novgorod" The pogrom in Novgorod lasted more than five weeks "
- What kind of king are we talking about in the text?
- What are the known victims of terror?

3. Relate the historical figure and the fact of his biography.

Answer: 1 - 4, 2 - 1, 3 - 6, 4 - 2, 5 - 3, 6 - 5

2. Match historical terms and their definitions.

Answers: a - 3, b - 4, d - 1, d - 7, f - 6, g - 8, h - 9, i - 10, k - 2, l

MBOU SOSH №66 Samara

Kuznetsov Artem Valerievich

Topic: The role of Ivan IV the Terrible in Russian history: reforms and their cost

Part 1

1. Arrange in chronological order historical events... Write down the numbers that indicate historical events in the correct sequence in the table.

1) Ivan IV's acceptance of the royal title

2) Livonian War

3) Adoption of Ivan's Code of LawIV


2. Establish a correspondence between events and years: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) Regency of Elena Glinskaya

1) 1565-1572

B) Livonian War

2) 1533-1538

C) Oprichnina

3) 1538-1547

D) The reign of Fyodor Ivanovich

4) 1558-1583

5) 1533-1584

6) 1584-1598


3. Below is a list of terms. All but one are event related.Xviv.

1) impostors 2) oprichnina 3) orders 4) archers 5) Chosen Rada 6) Zemshchina.

Find and write down the serial number of a term related to another historical period.


4. Write down the term in question.

The main part of the territory of Russia, not included in the oprichnina of Ivan the Terrible.

Answer: ________________________

5. Indicate the correspondence between the processes (phenomena, events) and the facts related to these processes (phenomena, events). For each position in the first column, match the corresponding position from the second column.

Processes (phenomena, events)


A) the board of Elena Glinskaya

1) oprichnina march to Novgorod

B) reforms of the "Chosen Rada"

2) unification of the monetary system

C) the fight against the independence of the lands of the Muscovite state

3) annexation of the Ryazan principality to Moscow

D) development of Siberia

4) convocation of the first Zemsky Cathedral

5) the campaign of Ermak Timofeevich

6) the introduction of the patriarchate


6. Establish a correspondence between fragments of historical sources and their brief characteristics: for each fragment indicated by a letter, select two corresponding characteristics, indicated by numbers.

Fragments of sources


(...) The same winter, December 3, a week, the king and Grand Duke all of Russia with her queen and the great princess Marya and with my children (...) went from Moscow to the village of Kolomenskoye. (...) His rise was not like that, as if he had previously traveled around the monastery to pray, or to which he took his amusements on detours: he took with him holiness, icons and crosses, adorned with gold and stone, and gold and silver courts And the purveyors of all kinds of ships, gold and silver, and wages and money, and all their treasury were commanded to be taken with them. Which boyar and nobleman, a neighbor and a commanding man, led him to drive with him, and to those he led many with him to drive with him with wives and children, and as a nobleman and a boyar's child, by choosing from all the cities that the sovereign of life had cleaned up with him, he ordered those all to drive with him. with people and with whom, with all service attire. And he lived in a village in Kolomenskoye for two weeks for bad weather and bezput, that there were rains and there was a lot of reins in the rivers ... And the tsar and the grand duke put his anger on his pilgrims, on archbishops and bishops and on archimandrites and abbots, and on his boyars and on the butler and equestrian and on the attendants and on the treasurers and on the clerks and on the children of the boyars and on all the clerks he put his disgrace in the fact that after his father ... the great sovereign ... in his sovereign uncompleted years, the boyars and all the orderly people of his kingdom made many losses to the people and the treasury of his sovereign wasted, and they did not add any profits to his treasury, the sovereign's boyars and governors also rooted the sovereign's lands for themselves, and their friends and their nephew his sovereign lands were distributed; and the boyars and governors hold great estates and estates for themselves, and the emperor's salaries are well-fed, and having collected great riches for themselves, and about the sovereign and about his state and about all Orthodox Christianity, they are not at least happy, and from his enemies from the Crimean and Lithuanian and from the Germans, not even though the peasantry was to defend, especially the peasants' violence was repaired, and they themselves taught to retire from the service, and for the Orthodox peasants there was bloodshed against the bezsermen and against Latyn and Nemets did not want to stand ...


Summer 7058 June Tsar and Grand Duke all of Russia [with] his brothers and the boyars ses the Code of Law laid down; how to judge by the boyar, and by the warden, and by the butler, and by the treasurer, and by the clerk, and by every orderly person, and by the city as the governor, and by the volost, by the volost, and by the tiun and all judges.

1. The court of the king and the grand duke judges by the boar, and by the guard, and by the butler, and by the treasurer, and by the clerk. And do not be friends with the court and do not take revenge on anyone, and do not imitate the promise in the court; so is it that every judge has no promises in court.

2. And to which the boyar, or the butler, or the treasurer, or the dyak is prosecuted, but he will accuse someone not by the court without ingenuity, or he will sign the list and give the right letter, but he will look in truth, and the boyar, and the butler, and the okolnich, and the treasurer, and there is no penalty for the deacon; but the plaintiff is judged from the head, and what is taken is given back.

3. And to which the boyar, or the butler, or the treasurer, or the clerk in the court will take the promise and accuse not by the court, but will search the truth, and on that boyar, or on the butler, or on the treasurer, or on the clerk, the lawsuit was taken, and the duties of the tsar and the grand duke, and rides, and the truth, and gossip, and the usual, and the right ten and the wisest are taken three times, and in the foam that the sovereign will indicate.


1) this document describes the events associated with the beginning of the oprichnina

2) this document is a collection of law Of the Russian state

3) the document was adopted at the Stoglav Cathedral

4) the document dates back to the reign of Boris Godunov

6) this document dates back to 1564.

Fragment A

Fragment B


7. Which of the following applies to the period of the Chosen Rada's activity? Choose three answers and write down the numbers under which they are written in the table.

1) the convocation of the first Zemsky Sobor

2) the conclusion of the Yam-Zapolsky peace treaty

3) adoption of the Code of Law of 1550

4) the institution of the oprichnina

5) organ reform central administration

6) monetary reform


8. Establish a correspondence between events and participants in these events: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second column.

Processes (phenomena, events)


A) Livonian War

1) A.M. Kurbsky

B) wedding to the reign of Ivan IV the Terrible

2) I. Viskovaty

C) management of Zemshchina

3) Metropolitan Macarius

D) the introduction of a penny

4) A. Adashev

5) Elena Glinskaya

6) Metropolitan Philip

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


9. Read the passage from the annals and indicate what event is referred to in the text.

Tsar and Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich of All Russia spoke with Prince Vladimir Andreevich and his pilgrims with archbishops and bishops ... service people, and with guests and misers and with all the traffickers. "

Answer: _________________ .

10. Fill in the blank cells of the table using the data given in the list below: for each cell marked with a letter, select the number of the required element.




Livonian war



_______________ (B)


Ermak Timofeevich

_______________ (V)

____________ (G)

Ivan the Terrible

_______________ (D)


_______________ (E)

Missing items

1) 1556

2) Russo-Swedish war

3) Stefan Bathory

4) Promotion to Siberia

5) Metropolitan Macarius

6) 1552

7) Tsarevich Dmitry

8) Fedor Ivanovich

9) the capture of Kazan

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


11. Read the passage from the historical source.

“Accession of Siberia. By the end of the Livonian War, the economic chaos in the country intensified sharply. In some areas Novgorod land 80 - 90% of villages and villages have become desolate. The hardships of increased extortions, pestilence and famine led to the extinction of the population and the flight of peasants to the eastern and southern outskirts. The Grozny government tried to take care first of all about the well-being of the "military rank", that is, military service people. Since 1581, a census of the population begins in order to restore order in the imposition of government taxes... In areas where the census was carried out, the peasants were temporarily, during the "reserved years", prohibited from leaving the masters. This was how the abolition of the peasant exit and the final exit and the final approval of serfdom were prepared. The flight of peasants and slaves continued. On the southern borders of the country, the fuel element accumulated, which at the beginningXVIIv. will lead to a grand fire of the peasant war.

The introduction of the "reserved years", these heralds of the final triumph of serfdom, coincided with the annexation of Siberia. Its vast uninhabited or poorly developed expanses attracted refugees from the serf center of Russia. "

Using the passage and knowledge of history, select three from the list below. correct judgments... Write down the numbers in the table under which they are indicated.

1) a participant in the described events is Ermak Timofeevich

2) the document describes the process of enslaving the peasants

3) Ivan the Terrible took care of the welfare of the peasants

4) the peasantry fled to the east and south of the country

5) the document describes the period that eventually ended with the introduction of the oprichnina

6) the introduction of "reserved years" meant the introduction of a ban on trade


12. Establish a correspondence between cultural monuments and their brief characteristics: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Cultural monuments


A) Assumption Cathedral

1) the wedding of Ivan IV to the kingdom took place in this temple

B) St. Basil's Cathedral

2) the temple was built in honor of the capture of Kazan

C) "Domostroy"

3) a collection of tips on various everyday topics

D) "Apostle"

4) the first printed book

5) the temple was built under Elena Glinskaya

6) the book is popular science in its content.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


13. What judgments about the image presented in the test are correct. Choose two judgments from the five suggested. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) the painting depicts the capture of Astarani

2) the events of the painting date back to the reign of Ivan the Terrible

3) the events of the picture are related to the activities of the Chosen Rada

4) Stepan Razin was a participant in these events

5) these events took place beyond the Urals


14. Which of the buildings below was built in the same century as the event depicted in the picture. In the answer, write down the number under which this building is indicated.


3. 4 .


15. Write the name of the war, the events of which are reflected on the map.

Answer: _________________________ .

16. Write the name of the city to which the punitive campaign of government troops, accompanied by massacres, was carried out.

Answer: _____________________ .

17. Write the number that denotes the "unofficial capital" of the state after the departure of the tsar from Moscow.


18. What judgments regarding the events indicated in the diagram are correct? Choose three judgments from the six suggested. Write down the numbers in the table under which they are indicated.

1) Russia won this war

2) during the war, the government lifted restrictions on the transfer of peasants to another owner

3) Sweden was the enemy of Russia in the war

4) during the war, a new state was formed - the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

5) during the war, there was a tightening domestic policy

6) the war took place in the final period of the formation of a unified Russian state.


Part 2

From the work of the French historian Henri Troyes.

“A strange, unprecedented event happened in the Moscow Kremlin. At the end of 1564, many sleds appeared there. The tsar, without saying anything to anyone, gathered with his entire family and some courtiers somewhere on a long journey, took with him utensils, icons and crosses, a dress and his entire treasury, and left the capital. It was evident that this was not an ordinary pious, not a pleasure trip of the tsar, but a whole resettlement. Moscow remained perplexed, not realizing that the owner was small. Having visited Trinity, the tsar with all his luggage stopped in the Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda ... From here, a month later, upon his departure, the tsar sent two letters to Moscow. In one, describing the lawlessness of boyar rule in his early childhood, he laid his sovereign anger on all the clergy and boyars, on all servicemen and orderly people, without exception accusing them that they did not care about the sovereign, the state and all Orthodox Christianity, from they did not defend their enemies, on the contrary, they themselves oppressed Christians, plundered the treasury and lands of the sovereign, and the clergy covered the guilty, defended them, interceding for them before the sovereign. And so the king, the letter said, "from the great pity of the heart," not enduring all these betrayals, left his kingdom and went to settle somewhere where God would tell him. It is as if the abdication of the throne in order to test the strength of his power among the people. The tsar sent another letter to the common people of Moscow, merchants and all the burdensome people of the capital, which was read to them publicly on the square. Here the tsar wrote that they should not hold doubts, that there was no royal disgrace and there was no anger at them. Everything froze, the capital instantly interrupted its usual activities: shops were closed, orders were empty, songs were silent. In confusion and horror, the city screamed, asking the metropolitan, bishops and boyars to go to the settlement, to beat the sovereign with his forehead so that he would not leave the state. ... A deputation of the highest clergy, boyars and orderly people went to the settlement .... The tsar accepted the petition for the land, agreed to return to the kingdom, "packs to take their states," but on conditions that he promised to announce later. A few time later, in February 1565, the tsar solemnly returned to the capital and convened a State Council of boyars and higher clergy ... In the council, he proposed the conditions on which he would accept the power he had thrown back. These conditions were that he should put disgrace on his traitors and disobedient ones, and execute others, take their property into the treasury, so that the clergy, boyars and clerks would put all this on his sovereign will, he would not interfere with that. " ...

1. Name the name of the king in question in the document. What was the name of the order introduced as a result of the events described in the document?

2. What did the tsar blame the boyars, clergy, servicemen and orderly people? Give at least three provisions.

3. Based on the text and knowledge of history, name at least three main features of the order established as a result of the events described.

4. Review the historical situation and answer the questions.

After the death of Elena Glinskaya in 1538, a fierce struggle of boyar families for power began, which lasted until Ivan reachedIVcoming of age. Why was “boyar rule” established in Russia? What consequences did it have? State at least two consequences.

5.In historical science there are controversial issues on which different, often contradictory points of view are expressed. Below is one of the controversial points of view that exist in historical science.

« The main goal of the oprichnina policy of Ivan the Terrible is the fight against the large nobility - the enemy of the centralization of the state ».

Using historical knowledge, give two arguments that can be confirmed this point view, and two arguments that can refute it. Be sure to use historical facts when presenting your arguments.

Write down your answer as follows.

Arguments in support:

1) …

2) …

Arguments in rebuttal:

1) …

2) …

6. You need to write historical writing about ONE of the periods in the history of Russia:

1) 1547-1560; 2) 1533-1547; 3) 1564-1572

Answers to the first part










Zemsky Cathedral








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