Autumn has an initial short but wondrous one. There is in the autumn of the initial

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev is great poet, who made a huge contribution to the formation and development literary direction in landscape lyrics. He sang the charms of nature unusually melodious tongue.

The author was born in December 1803 in the Oryol province. Primary education he received at home. He was very fond of Latin, as well as poetry Ancient Rome... Upon reaching the age of fifteen, he is sent to study at a university located in Moscow - in a department that deals with literature.

He stayed at the university until 1821. Then he gets a job in the Foreign Affairs College. Here he was appointed a diplomat and sent to work in Munich. In Germany, and then in Italy, the poet spends a little over 22 years. It is here that he meets his great love - Eleanor. In marriage, they have three daughters. The second marriage will take place later, after the death of the first wife. This time Ernestina will be the chosen one of the diplomat.

The creative path of Fyodor Ivanovich is divided into three periods. The first stage refers to more early years- 1810-1820 At this time, he writes light and relaxed works that are archaic and not quite similar to the works of that time. In the second period, the lyrics become of better quality, especially when the author lives abroad.

There is also a third period of Tyutchev's work. It belongs already to a late time, when the wise life experience the poet fell in love as a young man and literally showered his chosen one with verses, both praising and sorrowful texts.

Analysis of the poem "There is in the autumn of the original ..."

The work entitled "There is in the autumn of the original ..." was presented for review to critics in the distant 57th year of the nineteenth century, namely on August 22. The work was created spontaneously, during the return of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev to Moscow. He rode with his daughter and was so much inspired by the surrounding nature that he easily wrote lines in his notebook.

This work belongs to the lyrics, created already in adulthood. At the time of writing the masterpiece, Fyodor Ivanovich was already 54 years old, and behind him was a great and fruitful experience. The work was first published in 1858. It was published by a well-known at that time magazine called "Russian conversation".

The sketch presented to the public was very much liked by its lyricism. This describes the autumn season at the very beginning. It is this time that is popularly called “Indian summer”.

The fact that it was the beginning of autumn on the street indicates the epithet - the original one. It creates a special thought and mood, allowing the reader to recreate the beginning of the autumn season in his imagination. Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev is considered a recognized master. He was able to convey the most colorfully exactly the period that personifies the change of summer for the next season. Here is a fine line between blooming summer and early fall.

Features of nature in the work

It is worth noting that all sorts of epithets used by the author play one of the key roles in the poem. They allow you to reveal the finest facets of natural nature as accurately as possible. Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev calls this time of the year in a special way, calling it marvelous. Thus, the author tries to show the reader that nature is not only beautiful, but also unusual in a special way during Indian summer days. Such a time is especially attractive and mesmerizing with its beauty. Indian summer is a kind of gift to a person and a farewell gesture indicating the imminent departure of summer.

The epithet “crystal” is no less interesting. He points to a special play of light during the passing days. At the same time, it can be attributed to the transparency of the blue sky, which is gradually losing the color that personifies the summer period of the year. In a word, the crystal author tries to convey the exceptional sonority of the day in the autumn period. Thus, a certain fragility of the surrounding nature is created, which is about to lose its original beauty.

It is worth paying special attention to the epithet - radiant evenings. Such a phrase conveys to the reader that more and more colors are constantly appearing in nature, which are created under the influence of the setting sun. The whole earth at this time is illuminated in a special warm light. The whole picture is fixed with a transparent and clear sky, which marks the holiday of the arrival of the autumn period.

It should be noted that the interconnection between natural nature and a person's life path, presented in the poem "There is an initial ..." In the work, special attention is paid to the field, which is fixed by metonymy, for example, a falling ear and sickle walks.

Features of the third stanza of the poem

The third stanza of the work "There is in the autumn of the original ..." is especially interesting. There is a kind of reminder here that winter will soon come, and with it winter storms will come.

The masterpiece contains the exclamation of a lyrical hero. Tyutchev points to a certain emptiness, which is motivated by a ringing silence. Such lines bring only peace and complete pacification. The author notes that both natural nature and man himself, sooner or later, need a break in order to truly enjoy the silence, as well as the harmony that spills over the space.

The lines provide a comparison of the autumn period with the sunset, which at a certain moment appears on the path of almost every person. Fedor Ivanovich notes not the aging period, but the time that is commonly called maturity. This is a period confirmed by the wisdom gained over the past time.

The author tries to capture with his special lyrical gaze all the surrounding space - these are both empty beautiful fields, and various little things, for example, a thin hair of a cobweb. After accepting and studying the past years on life path, people begin to feel these moments as sharply as possible. They understand their role, as well as belonging to the world around them, a special unity with natural nature.

All this allows you to convey the atmosphere of autumn as accurately as possible and form transparency in your imagination, which are able to inspire a slight sadness and sadness in your soul.

The work "There is in the autumn of the original ..." consists of three, harmoniously combined, stanzas. All of them are written with iambic differences. It should be noted that the two-syllable foot has an accent located on the second syllable.

It should also be noted that the whole rhythm in the piece is very musical. Here, both female and male rhymes alternate in the correct sequence. They can be either long or short, creating a certain feeling of impermanence and fragility associated with the beauty of natural nature.

The entire work is presented to the reader in the form of three sentences. There are repetitions of ellipses in the lines, which create a special atmosphere for thinking. After reading, there is a feeling of understatement, which is able to draw all kinds of associations in the imagination.

The work contains not only epithets, but also many other means of expression, it is worth considering the main ones:

Metaphor - azure is pouring, which is clean and warm.

Comparison - the day stands still, as if it were crystal.

Impersonation - thin web hair.

Atiteza - everything is empty, a walking sickle.

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev in the work "There is in the original autumn ..." used a special kind of metonymy, referred to as synecdoche. This is a walking sickle, a falling ear, and a thin web of hair. Such things very strongly reinforce the whole meaning of the work. They give weight to the lines and make them stand out from the crowd.

Tyutchev is able to sensitively understand natural nature. That is why he was able to show the fading season, which will captivate with its beauty. Early autumn in his work is filled with various spiritualized images that embody the harmony of peace and tranquility.

There is in the autumn of the initial

A short but wondrous time -

Transparent air, crystal day,

And the evenings are radiant ...

Where a vigorous sickle walked and an ear fell,

Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, -

Only cobwebs of thin hair

Glitters on an idle furrow ...

The air is empty, you can't hear the birds anymore,

But far from the first winter storms -

And clear and warm azure pours

To the resting field ...

Other editions and variants

3 The whole day is as if crystal

Autographs - RGALI. F. 505. Op. 1. Unit xp. 22. Sheet 3;

Album Tyutsch. - Birileva; Ed. 1868. S. 175 et seq. ed.


Autographs (3) - RGALI. F. 505. Op. 1. Unit xp. 22. L. 3, 4; Album Tyutsch. - Birileva.

First publication - RB. 1858. Part II. Book. 10. P. 3. Entered the Publishing House. 1868, p. 175; Ed. SPb., 1886.S. 222; Ed. 1900.S. 224.

Published under the autograph of RGALI.

The first autograph of RGALI (fol. 3) was written in pencil on the back of a sheet with a list of post stations and travel expenses on the way from Ovstug to Moscow. The handwriting is uneven, and some letters give out road shaking. Starting from the 9th line, with the words “I can't hear the birds anymore,” the text was added by the hand of the poet's daughter MF Tyutcheva. She also made an explanatory note in fr. lang .: "Written in a wheelchair on the third day of our trip." The second autograph of the RGALI (fol. 4) by Belova. In the third autograph from Album Tyutsch. - Birileva before the text the date on fr. lang. by Ern's hand. F. Tyutcheva: "August 22, 1857". The autographs contain options for the 3rd line: the RGALI pencil autograph - "The whole day is like a crystal", the same option in the autograph from Album Tyutsch. - Birileva, RGALI's white paper autograph - "Transparent air, crystal day".

IN RB The 3rd line is printed according to the version of the RGALI's white paper autograph, in subsequent editions - according to the version of the RGALI's draft autograph and the autograph from Album Tyutsch. - Birileva.

Dated according to E. F. Tyutcheva's autograph from Album Tyutsch. - Birileva August 22, 1857

I. S. Aksakov believed that in this poem Tyutchev's "ability to convey in several features the entire integrity of the impression, the entire reality of the image" is clearly manifested: "Nothing can be added here; any new feature would be superfluous. This "thin hair of a cobweb" is enough to revive in the reader's memory the former feeling of such autumn days in all its fullness by this sign alone "( Biogr. S. 90–91).

L. N. Tolstoy marked the poem with the letter "K.!" (The beauty!) ( THOSE. P. 147). He paid particular attention to the epithet "idle". On September 1, 1909, Tolstoy, in a conversation with A.B. Goldenweiser, recalling the lines: "Only thin cobwebs // Shines on an idle furrow", remarked: "Here this word" idle "seems to be meaningless and not in verse it is impossible to say so , but meanwhile, this word immediately says that the work is over, everything has been removed, and a complete impression is obtained. The ability to find such images is the art of writing poetry, and Tyutchev was a great master at this ”(Goldenweiser AB Near Tolstoy. Moscow, 1959, p. 315). A little later, on September 8, talking with V. G. Chertkov, the writer returned to this poem and said: “I especially like the 'idle' one. The peculiarity of poetry is that in it one word hints at a lot "( Tolstoy in rec. P. 63).

VF Savodnik ranked the poem "among the best examples of Tyutchev's objective lyrics" and noted that it was "very typical of Tyutchev's manner of depicting nature. Objectivity, complete simplicity, accuracy and accuracy of epithets, sometimes completely unexpected ("crystal day"), the ability to grasp a small, but characteristic feature of the moment depicted ("thin hair of cobwebs"), and at the same time to convey the general impression - the feeling of light calmness, serene obedience - these are the main features that characterize Tyutchev's artistic techniques. The lines of his drawing are surprisingly simple and noble, the colors are not bright, but soft and transparent, and the whole play gives the impression of a masterful watercolor, delicate and graceful, caressing the eye with a harmonious combination of colors ”( Savodnik. P. 172-173).

There is in the autumn of the initial
A short but wondrous time -
Transparent air, crystal day,
And the evenings are radiant ...

Where a vigorous sickle walked and an ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, -
Only cobwebs of thin hair
Glitters on an idle furrow ...

The air is empty, you can't hear the birds anymore,
But far from the first winter storms -
And clear and warm azure pours
To the resting field ...

Analysis of Tyutchev's poem "There is in the autumn of the original ..."

The landscape lyrics of Fyodor Tyutchev are a special world, recreated by the poet based on personal impressions. However, it has been recreated so accurately and vividly that each work allows readers, as it were, to make a small trip through the endless fields and forests that the imagination draws after each line written by the poet.

Fyodor Tyutchev did not like autumn, believing that this time of the year symbolizes the wilting and death of wildlife. However, he could not help but admire the beauty of the trees dressed in golden headgear, thick silvery clouds and the slenderness of the crane wedge that makes its way to the southern regions. True, the poet was interested not so much in the process of reincarnation of nature, as in that short moment when it freezes for a while, preparing to try on a new hypostasis. It is to this elusive moment that the author dedicated his poem "There is in the original autumn ...", created in August 1857.

Autumn has not yet come into its own, but its approach is felt with every breath of wind. This amazing time is popularly called Indian summer - the last warm gift of nature, which is preparing for hibernation. "The whole day is like crystal and radiant evenings" - this is how Fyodor Tyutchev characterizes these still hot summer days, in which, nevertheless, one can already feel the distinct breath of autumn.

Its approach is evidenced by the “cobwebs of thin hair” that glistens in the furrow of the long-harvested field, as well as the extraordinary spaciousness and silence with which the air is filled. Even "birds are not heard more", as it happens in an early summer morning, as the feathered creatures are busy preparing for the coming cold weather. However, the author notes that "it is far from the first snowstorms", deliberately skipping that period of autumn, which is famous for rains, chilly cold winds and bare trees that shed their leaves.

Tyutchev has repeatedly noted that autumn in its classical manifestation makes him bored, reminding him that human life has its finale. And if the poet could, he would gladly change the structure of the world in order to erase from it the period of slow dying of nature. That is why the poet preferred to spend autumn abroad, fleeing the dull Russian landscape. However, last days of the outgoing summer gave Tyutchev great pleasure, giving a feeling of joy and peace.

This festive and solemn mood is clearly felt in the poem "There is in the initial autumn ...". The short Indian summer, filled with sun and silence, causes the poet to feel the completion of another stage in his life, but is not identified with death. Therefore, the "initial autumn", warm and welcoming, is perceived by Fyodor Tyutchev as a short respite before the change of seasons. This is a period of debriefing and rethinking life values ... Therefore, the poet associates it not with the approaching old age, which, like autumn, is inevitable, but with maturity, wisdom and life experience, allowing the author to avoid serious mistakes in making important decisions for him, which require calm comprehension. In addition, Indian summer for Fyodor Tyutchev is an opportunity to feel truly free and enjoy the harmony of nature, which seemed to stand still in anticipation of the coming cold weather, hurrying to give the world the last colors of summer with its fragrant herbs, bottomless blue sky, warm wind, empty and from this seemingly immense fields, as well as the bright sun, which no longer burns, but only gently caresses the skin.

205th anniversary of the birth of Fedor Tyutchev

10th grade

Poem by F.I. Tyutchev
"There is in the autumn of the original ..."

Integrated lesson of literature and Russian language


- development of skills of linguistic analysis of poetic text;

- preparation and writing of a miniature essay on one of the proposed topics;

- the formation of aesthetic taste and the introduction of students to the work of F.I. Tyutchev;

- education of attention to the poetic word and love of poetry.


1. A word about the poet(says the student).

F.I. Tyutchev in the very heart of Russia - in the village of Ovstug in the Bryansk district of the Oryol province in a noble family in 1803.

There is in the autumn of the initial
A short but wondrous time -

And the evenings are radiant ...

Only cobwebs of thin hair

To the resting field ...

August 1857

After many years of living abroad, the Tyutchev family settled in the capital - St. Petersburg. And in the summer, the family went to rest in the village.

Teacher additions.

The poem that we will read today was written on August 22, 1857 on the way from Ovstug to Moscow. The first autograph was written in pencil on the back of the postage sheet. For the first time the poem was published in 1858 in the magazine "Russian conversation" and was included in the collection of poems of 1868.

We will listen to the poem and try to present the picture drawn by the poet.

2. Expressive reading of the poem by the teacher or listening to it on an audio cassette.

3. Analysis of the poem.(Conversation, linguistic analysis poems.)

What picture did you see in your mind?

What do you think the poem is about?

In the poem, we saw a picture of early autumn. But it seems to me that it is not only about that. Like any real work of art, it has several meanings. Let's try to find others, those that do not open up to the reader immediately, but require painstaking, hard work and efforts of our mind, heart and imagination at the same time.

There is no title in the poem, which means that we will call it on the first line - "There is in the autumn of the original ...".

What do you think, and how could Tyutchev call this poem ? ("Autumn", "Early Autumn", "Golden Autumn".)

But for some reason, the poet refused these options. Why do you think?

(Because, probably, I wanted to tell not only about autumn, but also about something else.)

In the absence of a title, or, as it is called in science, with a zero title, we must pay particular attention to the first line - "There is in the autumn of the original ...". For us, it will be the title of the poem. In the first place, in a strong position, the line contains the word there is.

What does it mean?

(There is- means “there is, it happens, there is”.)

What part of speech does the word refer to? there is?

(This is a verb. It stands in the 3rd person singular, and its initial formto be.)

Does it refer to the action as temporary or permanent? That which is, exists, is constantly, always, regardless of any reason. And this short, capacious word immediately gives us the opportunity to think, reflect on something eternal, independent of man.

In second place in the line - in autumn.

How do you understand the meaning of the word autumn?

(This is the time of year that comes after summer.)

Linguists have paid attention to the fact that in the language there are words that, in addition to their meaning, can evoke in our minds many associations, comparisons, they are capable of, as it were, "wake up" our imagination. These words include the word autumn... In addition to the season, it also denotes the time when people harvest, when the heat is replaced by the first cold weather. And therefore the word autumn is a designation, a symbol of life falling asleep in nature. Indeed, at this time, everything in nature is preparing for a long winter sleep, peace.

But in autumn there are several stages. Tyutchev in the first line in a strong position (end of the line) puts the word that calls this stage - initial.

How do you understand the meaning of this word?

("First", "initial, new", "early" - about autumn.)

The meaning of "first", "initial", "new", "early" we, of course, are aware, since the words are synonymous.

Why did Tyutchev choose the word for the poem initial? How does it differ from other words? (All further work requires constant reference to explanatory dictionaries).

(In the word, the original has two roots: first and -began-.)

This word has two synonymous roots that define early autumn twice. This means that it was important for the author to draw our attention to this very characteristic of autumn.

Such a long, or polysyllabic, as opposed to monosyllabic, is more solemn.

"In Tyutchev's poems, such" long "and solemn words help from the very beginning to switch the reader's perception" to a high wave ", translate it into an unusual, non-prosaic dimension." ( Maimin E.A.... Russian Philosophical Poetry: The Wise Poets, A.S. Pushkin, F.I. Tyutchev. M., 1976)

Why did the poet need to "translate" our reader's perception into such an unusual dimension?

(Tyutchev wanted us to think, and this is a long word initial enhances thinking. It creates a contemplative mood in readers.)

An interesting fact that the researchers of Tyutchev's work drew attention to: it turns out that the poet very often used long words in his poems. Almost everyone has one or two polysyllabic, i.e. long, words, and often with a word the poet seemed to be trying to decorate the poem.

(Very slowly, unhurriedly, thinking.)

This line sets a slow, solemn rhythm for the entire poem.

There is in the autumn of the initial
A short but wondrous time -
The whole day is like crystal,
And the evenings are radiant ...

The second line is A short but wondrous time... Please note: two definitions of autumn, and between them a short word but.

What part of speech is it?

(But Is a union. IN simple sentence union can bind homogeneous members sentences and shows the difference, the difference of what they mean.)

But opposes the meanings of two words to each other.

A short but wondrous time- what is it? How do you understand the meaning of the line?

(This time in autumn is special because it is both amazingly beautiful and very short, which means that it is very dear to each of us.)

There are only a few such days in nature. She gives them to us before the long cold winter, so that we remember this wondrous it's time for a long, long time. Each person understands this, because he wants to remember, capture these days in his memory. He strives to absorb as fully as possible the last, quickly leaving warmth and the last beauty of autumn nature.

The whole day is like crystal,
And the evenings are radiant ...

Notice in the third and fourth lines about the nouns: day and evenings.

In what form are they used?

(Noun day stands in the singular, and the noun evenings- in plural.)

Maybe the poet was wrong: after all, there are not only many evenings, but also days, which means that it would be necessary to say days?

(Word day in the singular, so we seem to see the separateness, the peculiarity of each day.

The singular form, as it were, enlarges the object, makes it special, makes it stand out from the rest.)

Listen to the line: ... the day is like a crystal... What artistic technique does the author use here? (Comparison.)

Why then as if, but not as?

(Using as if the comparison is bland. It seems that the poet does not impose it on anyone, it just seems to him so.)

And to us, the readers, this as if as if he allows him to select his comparisons. And this series can be continued. Day ... as if crystal- an amazing author's comparison. Crystal- this is "kind, sort of glass."

What do they have in common?

(The day is as clear, transparent as crystal, because the autumn air is gradually getting colder.)

(An autumn day is as sonorous as crystal, because the sound travels far and is clearly audible.)

(The day is as fragile as crystal. We understand that the autumn weather is unstable, at any time the wind can come in and the silence, peace, serenity will end.)

Great, you explained the meaning of the comparison day ... as if crystal.

Why evenings radiant?

(This word is long and has two roots - -Ray- and -zar-.)

From the point of view of the formation of words, this is correct. Once upon a time these two roots were really realized. But from the point of view of the current state of the Russian language, this is one root -beam-. And what does the word mean radiant?

(Light, clear, warm.)

Yes. And the form plural makes us feel that there are many such evenings, they follow one after another, so that each of us finally enjoy them.

The first stanza ends with an ellipsis. What does ellipsis convey?

(The ellipsis is an important sign for a poet because it has a lot of meaning. Firstly, this picture is day ... as if crystal and shining evenings- is indescribably beautiful, and we ourselves can present it in even more detail. Secondly, the ellipsis means a long pause between the stanzas, since the second stanza tells about something else. This sign prepares us for the next thought.)

Read the first stanza emphatically.

Now listen to the second stanza.

Where a vigorous sickle walked and an ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, -
Only cobwebs of thin hair
Glitters on an idle furrow.

What did you imagine listening to this verse?

(A field where work is in full swing. It boils because the sickle is named by the word cheerful, those. lively, active, playful.)

(And also because the action of the sickle - did not sting, did not work, but - walked. In this word - the way he worked - "easy, fun, playful.")

Right. This line repeats the use of nouns sickle, ear in the singular. Explain this.

(Here the poet deliberately uses the singular form, although we understand that many objects are at work. We also feel the "weight, singularity" of each object that is important for the poet.)

In the second line, words that denote space are deliberately "collected" next to each other.

Name and comment them.

(Empty and spacious.)

These words draw an immense space that is not covered by the eye. And the following words reinforce the impression of immensity - all and everywhere.

The third line starts with the word only... Explain its meaning.

(Only means "only". This is a particle that distinguishes the description of an idle furrow in the text against the background of boundless space. This is "cobwebs of thin hair Glitters ...".)

What do you “see” with your inner vision?

(Very long strands of spider webs. They stretch very far from object to object.)

Tyutchev in this line is a very subtle observer. Let's think about how it could be written about this phenomenon differently.

(A cobweb, a thread of a cobweb.)

But the poet chose cobweb thin hair... Why? After all, in words web and thread cobwebs there is already an indication of the "subtlety" of the web. So it's all about the word hair.

(A person has hair. And if a poet adds this word to a line, then a thin hair of a cobweb turns out like a person. thin cobweb hair leads us to the idea that the poet wrote not only about early autumn, but also about man. An artistic technique is used here - personification.)

This phrase is really very important for understanding all the meanings of the poem. Why?

(We begin to understand that the poem is not only about nature, but also about people, about a person.)

Look carefully at the first stanza and find a word in it that seems to "echo" thin cobweb hair.

(This word autumn, because it also denotes the late period of human life.)

Think about what time in a person's life can you say so: spring of life, summer of life, autumn of life?

(About childhood, youth, maturity, old age.)

Each of us understands this perfectly, and the poet only helps to feel in a new way the words that seem to be understandable and familiar from childhood.

Notice in the fourth line the words on an idle furrow. How do you understand them?

(Idle- means "empty". Nobody works on it.)

In modern Russian, this word means "free from business, occupation, spending time in idleness, idleness." The meaning "nobody and nothing occupied, not filled, empty, empty" is considered obsolete. And in the 19th century, this was almost the main meaning of the word. In the definition idle there were also such shades of meaning as "alien to worries and anxieties, immersed in peace."

L.N. Tolstoy, admired by F.I. Tyutchev, I emphasized this particular phrase. And about the epithet idle the writer remarked: “Here is the word idle as if it is meaningless and not in verse it is impossible to say so, but meanwhile this word immediately says that the work is finished, everything has been removed, and a complete impression is obtained. "

(The first line at a fast pace, energetically, and the second, third and fourth - slowly, thoughtfully.)

And from these words we ourselves feel a sense of peace, serenity, warmth. This poem gives us the opportunity to reflect on the eternal.

In the last line poems words who are in a strong position, and therefore are very important for the poet, - resting field.

What field can I say so?

(On which no work is being carried out. And before it was touched by the hands of a person, therefore the field here is humanized earth (sickle, ear, furrow), spiritualized. In addition, the field is a part of the earth that is captured by the gaze of an observer, a thinker.)

We carefully read the entire poem.

How do you now answer the question, what is it about?

(In the poem, the poet spoke not only about the beautiful time of early autumn, but also about the "autumn" time in the life of any person.)

(Tyutchev wrote that in our life there is always a time of rest, although then a time of “storms” may come. This is inevitable. But a person must accept this humbly, wisely, calmly.)

Get ready for expressive reading poems.

4. There are two themes for miniature essays to choose from:

1) How do I imagine the "wondrous time" of autumn based on the poem by F.I. Tyutchev.

2) "Wonderful time" of early autumn from the window of my house.

Samples written works 10th grade students

1. How do I imagine the "wondrous time" of autumn based on the poem by F.I. Tyutchev "There is in the autumn of the original ...".

Tyutchev is a master of poetic landscapes. But in his poems, praising natural phenomena, there is no thoughtless admiration. Nature causes the poet to think about the mysteries of the universe, about the eternal questions of human existence. In Tyutchev's works, nature is not presented as a background, it is animated, feels.

The poem has no title, which gives it a deeper meaning. The poem tells about the autumn season, which occurs not only in nature, but also in the human soul.

The author uses artistic means such as comparison (the whole day is like crystal ...), impersonation (where the bouncy sickle walked). It gives expressiveness of speech, promotes more complete disclosure artistic image... Sentences with ellipses indicate the incompleteness of the poet's thought. The author makes the reader think, reflect.

When reading the poem, an autumn sunny day of early autumn is imagined. Mid Indian summer.

Autumn is known to be harvest time. In the poem, Tyutchev shows the fields where work was in full swing until recently:

Where a vigorous sickle walked and an ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere ...
Only cobwebs of thin hair
Glitters on an idle furrow.

The air is empty, you can't hear the birds anymore,
But far from the first winter storms -
And clear and warm azure pours
To the resting field.

(Alexandra Chepel)

2. "Wonderful time" of early autumn from the window of my house. (According to the poem by F.I. Tyutchev "There is in the original autumn ...")

Autumn. What a wonderful time of year! Nature begins to prepare for sleep, but this does not prevent her from being beautiful. The sky turns blue-blue. Even in summer it is not always possible to see such a clear and beautiful sky. And the sun ... It shines so brightly and cheerfully, as if it wants to give us all the best before hiding behind the gray clouds of the coming cold, rainy and cloudy days. Despite the fact that the trees shed their clothes, and the leaves are already on the ground, forming a colorful carpet, nature becomes even more beautiful.

How nice it is to watch this picture from the window of your home or walking through the autumn forest. It becomes easy and pleasant to the soul from this picture. But at the same time it is sad that the last warm days are standing, and then the cold gray days of autumn will come and the harsh (judging by the signs) winter will come.

"Indian Summer" (as the people call this period of autumn) is one bright moment among the dull autumn days. And it is sad that in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the people, many people sometimes do not notice this beauty. After all, every moment, every moment that nature gives a person, leaves an indelible impression in the soul, some trace, some associations. This is exactly what the remarkable Russian poet F.I. Tyutchev.

(Anastasia Zaplatkina)

3. "Wonderful time" of early autumn from the window of my house. (According to the poem by FI Tyutchev "There is in the original autumn ...").

“There is an initial short, but wonderful time in autumn,” wrote F.I. Tyutchev. "But what is so wonderful about this time of year?" - you ask. Indeed, what can be wonderful in the fact that the birds fly away to the south, that you cannot hear the birdsong, as it happens in spring, that there is slush and mud on the street, that it is constantly raining and cold winds are blowing. But there is such a period in the fall, which is called "Indian summer". It's only ten days or more. It is about this autumn period that F.I. Tyutchev.

Try to wake up in an early autumn morning and look out the window! You will see how the rays of the recently awakened sun mysteriously and slowly slide along the treetops. A round dance of leaves swirls in the air. The leaves, like multi-colored confetti, slowly descend to the ground, forming a soft carpet. And looking at the light blue sky, you will truly feel peace and tranquility. But, unfortunately, such beautiful days do not last long in the fall. Most often the weather is cloudy. But it doesn't matter either! Light up the stove and listen to how the burning logs crackle merrily, how the raindrops knock on the window.

For me, autumn is a time when you can forget at least a little about life's difficulties and dream about the future.

And yet, you shouldn't stay at home in the fall: it is better to dress warmly and go into the forest, pick mushrooms, watch how the animals prepare for the onset of the harsh winter. Autumn is an amazing time of the year.

(Luiza Kabirova)

T.V. Sorokin,
Ulyanovsk region

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