Minerals Urals Presentation. Minerals of the Chelyabinsk region Presentation to the lesson on the environment (4th grade) on the topic

Among natural resources The Urals prominent role belongs, of course, the wealth of his subsoil. Major raw materials are essential among minerals, however, many of them have been opened for a long time and are exploited for a long time, therefore, they are largely exhausted.

The most "mineral" place in this area is Ilmen, where more than 260 minerals were found and 70 mountain breeds. About 20 minerals are open here for the first time in the world. Here are such precious stones like: sapphire, ruby, diamond, etc., semiprecious stones: Amethyst, opal, topaz, granite, malachite, sunny, lunar and arabic stone, mountain crystal, etc.

Emerald (or green stone) -Od from the most famous precious stones, it is known since ancient times and was used as an ornament. Emeralds are found on the eastern slope of the Ural Mountains near the current river. The deposit accidentally found a peasant in 1830, noting several green stones among the roots of the sovereign tree.

Slide 1GP, Relief, geological structure and minerals of the Urals
Slide 2-headed GP Factors Ural Border Concept 1. Between two parts of light 2. Between different sections earth crust. 3. Between a variety of relief shapes 4. between the basins of the largest rivers. 5. Between climatic belts and regions. 6. Between several natural zones. Geographical position CONSTRUCTION 2. Position at the border of Europe and Asia Ural ridge
Slide 3 distribution (using physical card) As the geographical position of the Ural affects its nature. Position factors Position inside the mainland stretched from the north to south availability winds from the North-Ice Ocean
Slide 41800m 1200m 1600m West Slope Oriental Slope Main Ridge Metamorphic and Sedimentary Breed Magmatic and Volcanic Breed Metamorphic Breed Eastern European Plain PZ PT PZ West Siberian Plain
Slide 5Shem of the Ural Mountains 1. Poy-Hoi 2. Polar Ural 3.Pripolar Urals 4. Source Urals 5. The Urals 6. Southern Urals 2 1 3 4 6 5
Slide 6 Polar Urals
Slide 7Pripolar Ural
Slide 8Pripolar Ural Mount Sable
Slide 9Sere Urals
The slide of 10 Urals
Slide 11Stern Urals River Chusovaya
The slide of the 12pc. The length of the river is about 600 km. The harsh beauty of this river give cliffs up to 100 m. The shores of Chusovoy with numerous cliffs and caves - a peculiar chronicle of the Urals. In the caves, traces of sacrifices of ancient hunters have been preserved. According to legend in the stone cave, Ermak wounded the squad of the legendary conqueror Kuchumov Kingdom.

Slide 14yzhny Ural
Slide 15Gora Small Doodles Palking Stone Tents. Cherto fortification How could such form of relief be formed?
Slide 16Pole Fossil Urals Western Slope Main Ridge Oriental Slide Sediment Metamorphic Magmatic and Volcanic Salts Coal Limestone Sandstone Gneis Quictersite Mica Rhinestone Dragots. Stones Crystal Slants Iron Rud Platinum Gold Silver Copper Boxitics Minerals
Slide 17Realous Unicumes of the Urals
Slide 18Ilmen Mineralogical Reserve
Slide 19 "Mineralogical Paradise" Ilmensky State Reserve is located in the Southern Urals in the Ilmen Mountains. Created a reserve in 1920 due to the efforts of Academician A.E.Fersman. Minerals and rocks are guarded here: precious and diverse stones. In the reserve more than 200 minerals. There are such rare, which have not yet been found in the world in any mountains.
Slide 20 "Edge of Gems" Amethyst AMazonite Rhinestone Corundum
Slide 21 Sllude Topaz Malachite Topaz
Slide 22Gorn Crystal Chalcedon Rodonit Aventurine Crystals Emerald Precious Stones and Gems
Slide 23Burizose Alexandrite Sapphire Rubin Diamond Precious Stones and Gems
The slide of the 24-day beauty of the colors is highlighted by the Urals' diverse stones: jashers, marbles, birds of pests. But especially appreciated: green patterned malachite and pink orles.
Slide 25-time products with sapphires

Slide 27 "Underground Kingdom"
Slide 28kungur Ice Cave One of the largest caves of Russia. Located near Kungur on the right bank of the R. Sylva. Ice mountain is composed of soluble aquatic rocks: limestone, gypsum, dolomite, anhydride. Kungurskaya cave - the result of dissolving water of rocks (karst). The cave consists of grottoes located on four tiers. Length 58 grottoes and transitions about 5 km
Slide 29Exological problems of the Urals
Slide 30Lule has long been mastered. This is a major industrial area of \u200b\u200bRussia. Especially many cities on the Middle and South Urals. Often the distance between cities 5 - 10 km. In the cities of the Urals there are "dirty" production: metallurgical and chemical enterprises. In cities, high smokeiness of the air (swag, acid rain), in the soil there is a heavy metals, polluted by the industrial drains of the river and lake. Foresting, mining of minerals (careers, dumps) worsened the quality of the landscapes of the Urals. Cutting valuable coniferous species of trees. In the Chelyabinsk and Orenburg region - radioactive pollution - the result of the tests of nuclear weapons.
Slide 31Lides in the list of the most unfavorable cities of Russia Ekaterinburg N. Tagil Chelyabinsk
Slide 32Shable contaminated rivers of the Urals Oale Miass Pyshma
Slide 33AFA Chusovaya Measures to improve the ecological situation in the Urals: the use of waste-free technologies; construction of wastewater treatment facilities; reforestation; Creating reserves and reserves.

Ural. Minerals.


Place of Birth

Iron Ore

Magnitogorsk, High-Ukrainian, Kachkanar, Bakalskoe, Khalilovskoye

Non-ferrous metals

Krasnoral, Guyskoye





Ural Gems: Amethyst, Smoky Topaz, Emerald, Sapphire, Mountain Crystal, Alexandrid

East slope

DIY STONES: YASHMA, marble, coil, malachite, pink orles

Potash salts, stone salt, gypsum

Verkhnekamskoe, Sol- Iletsk, Usolskoe



The originality of the nature of the Urals.

Nature PreiRoga

Nature of Zauralya

More precipitation falls out, wet climate

There are little precipitation, the climate is dry

In taiga fir-fir forests

There are broad forest

In taiga pine forests

In the steppes, colorful carpet of dispersion

No deciduous forests

In the steppe saline soils with scarce vegetation

Characteristic of the Urals


Polar Ural

1.Working point

2. Minerals

Porcelary Urals

Northern Ural

3. Natural zones

Medium Ural

Southern Urals

2. Using clause 33 textbooks, fill in the table

Characteristic of the Urals 1. Apply to the contour map of the Urals: Polar, Polar, North, Middle, South and their highest points.


1.Working point

Polar Ural

Porcelary Urals

Northern Ural



Medium Ural

Southern Urals

Pavdinsky Stone


Characteristic of the Urals


Polar Ural

2. Minerals

Porcelary Urals

Stocks ore iron, chromium, polymetals

Northern Ural

Iron, polymetal ores

Medium Ural

Boxitics (red hat), manganese and iron ore (midnight, etc.), brown coal (Karpinsk), Serovskaya group of milking ore deposits

Southern Urals

Iron, Copper, Nickel, Gold, Stone Coal

Nickel, Copper Ore, Uranium Ore

Characteristic of the Urals


Polar Ural

3. Natural zones

Mountain deserts

Porcelary Urals

Mountain tundra

Northern Ural

Mountain deserts

Mountain tundra

Mountain tundra

Medium Ural

Mountain tundra

Podoltsy belt (forest-loving)

Southern Urals

Mountain Taiga (coniferous forests)

Mountain Taiga (coniferous forests)

Podoltsy belt (forest-loving)

Mountain tundra

Podoltsy belt (forest-loving)

Mountain Taiga (coniferous forests)

Mountain Taiga (coniferous forests)

Mountain forest-steppes and mountain deciduous forests

Characteristic of the Urals


4. Vegetable and animal world

Polar Ural

Porcelary Urals

Lichens, perennial herbs, splashing shrubs.

Sands, Leming, White Owl, Northern Deer, Hare - Sky, Wolf, Ermine, Lask.

Northern Ural

Medium Ural

Sable, Bear, Chipmunk

Dark coniferous firing forests,

Southern Urals

Taiga Taiga, Larch, Pine, Rowan, Cherry, Kalina, Bezin, Honeysuckle

Wolf, lynx, squirrel, chipmunk, cuckor, sable

Pine, aspen, birch

Squirrel, Cork, Horing, Dyatla, Owl

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Minerals of Chelyabinsk Region

The subsoil of the Chelyabinsk region (especially its mining is rich in various minerals. The Ural Mountains are very ancient and strongly destroyed. Essentially, it is only the preserved bases of the former mountains. All that was when it was hidden on a big depth, now it turned out to be almost on the surface. A significant proportion of mineral resources of the Urals is concentrated within the Chelyabinsk region.

More than 20 deposits contain iron ore. First of all, it is a Magnitogorsk deposit, on the basis of which the largest Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant began work. The deposit is known since 1747. Common reserves of ores were approximately 200 million tons, iron content in ores - 50-54%.

Ore black and non-ferrous metals.

Copper aluminum

As a result of intensive operation, many ore place of birth of the southern Urals are cuddled. So, at present, the ore of the Major Mountain is almost fully developed.

Chemical raw materials from minerals related to chemical raw materials, on the territory of the region there are talcs, phosphorites, sulfuric soles, salts. The largest talc deposits are located in the Miass area.

Talc phosphorites

Gold Chelyabinsk region is an old golden-industrial area in the Urals. The gold deposits are associated both with indigenous rocks (ore gold) and with river deposits (paint gold).

The extraction of plastic gold in the region is conducted in the Mias golden area. Here were found rather large gyling nuggets. So, in 1842, a nugget was found weighing about 36 kg, which is the largest of those found in the country. In 1936, two nuggets weighing 14.4 and 9.5 kg were found.

Ural. Geographical position. Relief and minerals. Presentation compiled: Sulina N.L. Teacher 1 category MKOU SOSH 25 P.Svobld Sverdlovsk Region Ural When they talk about Russia, I see my blue Ural. Like girls, barefoot pines run away from subsequent rocks. In the meadows, on carpet spaces, among the fruitful fields lie blue Lakes Fragments of the ancient seas. Richer than dawn paints, lighter than starry pattern, globe gems in solemnly dusk mountains. I died all this with my heart, having loved my edge forever. But the main power of the Urals in the wonderful art of labor. I love the fire of creating in harsh beauty, martin and domain breath and wind large speeds. I am easy to face and hands that mock metal. ... when they talk about Russia, I see my blue Ural. L. Taticheva.

Antique authors, the Ural Mountains were called Riphs. "Stone belt of Russian land", "Stone", "Earth belt" - so called the Urals until the 18th century. The name "Ural" appears from the 18th century in the works of the famous Russian historian and geographer Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev.

"For two hundred years, all Russia plowed and sting, Kovala Kopala and chopped the products of the Urals factories. She wore crosses from the Ural copper on the chest, drove in the Urals axes, shot from the rifles of the Ural Steel, baked pancakes in the Urals in the Urals, Brenited the Ural Pigasks in his pocket. "

Fig. Building and minerals of the Urals. Conclusion: the Urals is a complex folding-shaped medium-duty destroyed mountain structure of the Hercyrian age, which has undergone rejuvenation in the neogen-quaternary period. The greatest rejuvenation was tested by the Summer and South Urals. Complex geological structure and geological History Explain the richness of the Urals with minerals.

Ural grapes Barsky house, iron furnished, lace pig-iron fence. He commanded the host Kamnesis cut out of the stone grapes: so that it was just like a real, like the sun poured a bunch. Only Kamnerise, on the misfortune, see grapes did not happen. What did he see? White blizzards, islandochies blue taganai, pines and frowning fir eats a cute heart, but a stern edge. No fruit of blooming Ukraine and not Crimean fruit fragrance, he knew only bitter rowan, red, like a windy sunset. And the Ural Master said: a lot of trouble is always one ... - he took not transparent Tumeps, not sea water Aquamarine, and bloody-red rubies and thick, pensive grenades, cut off the bunch of his native rowan: here is you, barin, local grapes. There were rogues master award. But since then, the people have led to the red rowan bunch of the Ural grapes. L.Tejanicheva.

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