Give examples of areas where mineral deposits are located nearby? Natural zones of the temperate climatic zone.

The mainland is a significant land mass, washed by seas and oceans. In tectonics, continents are characterized as areas of the lithosphere with a continental structure.

Mainland, continent or part of the world? What is the difference?

In geography, another term is often used for the mainland - the continent. But the concepts "mainland" and "continent" are not synonyms. IN different countries accepted different points of view on the number of continents, called continental models.

There are several such models:

  • In China, India, as well as in the English-speaking countries of Europe, it is generally accepted that they consider the 7 continents - Europe and Asia separately;
  • In Spanish speaking European countries as well as in countries South America imply division into 6 parts of the world - with a united America;
  • in Greece and some countries of Eastern Europe a model with 5 continents was adopted - only those where people live, i.e. except Antarctica;
  • in Russia and the neighboring countries of Eurasia, they traditionally designate 4 - united in large groups, continents.

(The figure clearly shows different representations of continental models on Earth, from 7 to 4)


There are 6 continents on Earth. Let's list them in descending order by the size of the area:

  1. - the largest continent on our planet (54.6 million sq. Km)
  2. (30.3 million sq. Km)
  3. (24.4 million sq. Km)
  4. (17.8 million sq. Km)
  5. (14.1 million sq. Km)
  6. (7.7 million sq. Km)

They are all separated by the waters of the seas and oceans. Four continents have a land border: Eurasia and Africa are separated by the Isthmus of Suez, North and South America - by the Isthmus of Panama.


The difference is that the continents do not have a land border. Therefore, in this case, we can talk about 4 continents ( one of the continental models of the world), also in descending order of size:

  1. AfroEurasia
  2. America

Parts of the world

The terms "mainland" and "continent" have a scientific meaning, but the term "part of the world" divides the land on a historical and cultural basis. There are 6 parts of the world, but unlike the continents, Eurasia differs by Europe and Asia, but North and South America are defined together as one part of the world America:

  1. Europe
  2. Asia
  3. America(both North and South), or New World
  4. Australia and Oceania

When talking about parts of the world, they mean the islands adjacent to them.

The difference between the mainland and the island

The definition of the mainland and the island is the same - part of the land, washed by the waters of the ocean or seas. But there are significant differences.

1. Size... Even the smallest mainland, Australia, is significantly larger than the world's largest island, Greenland.

(Formation of the Earth's continents, a single continent of Pangea)

2. Education... All continents are of tiled origin. According to scientists, there was once a single continent - Pangea. Then, as a result of the split, 2 continents appeared - Gondwana and Laurasia, which later split into 6 more parts. The theory is confirmed by both geological surveys and the shape of the continents. Many of them can be put together like a puzzle.

Islands are formed in different ways. There are those that, like the continents, are located on the fragments of the oldest lithospheric plates. Others are formed from volcanic lava. Still others are due to the activity of polyps (coral islands).

3. Habitability... All continents are inhabited, even Antarctica, which is harsh in terms of climatic conditions. Many islands still remain uninhabited.

Characteristics of the continents

- the largest continent, occupying 1/3 of the land. Two parts of the world are located here at once: Europe and Asia. The border between them runs along the line of the Ural Mountains, the Black and Azov Seas, as well as the straits connecting the Black and Mediterranean Seas.

This is the only continent that is washed by all the oceans. The coastline is indented, it forms a large number of bays, peninsulas, islands. The mainland itself is located on six tectonic platforms at once, and therefore the relief of Eurasia is incredibly diverse.

Here are the most extensive plains, the highest mountains (the Himalayas with Mount Everest), the most deep lake(Baikal). This is the only continent where all climatic zones (and, accordingly, all natural zones) are represented at once - from the arctic with its permafrost to the equatorial with its sultry deserts and jungles.

¾ of the world's population lives on the mainland, 108 states are located here, of which 94 have the status of independent ones.

- the hottest continent on Earth. It is located on an ancient platform, so most of the area is occupied by plains, mountains are formed along the edges of the mainland. Africa has the most long river in the world - the Nile and the largest desert - the Sahara. Climate types represented on the mainland are: equatorial, subequatorial, tropical and subtropical.

Africa is usually divided into five regions: North, South, West, East and Central. There are 62 countries on the mainland.

It is washed by the waters of the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic oceans. The result of the movement tectonic plates became heavily cut coastline mainland, with a huge number of bays, straits, bays and islands. The largest island is in the north (Greenland).

The Cordillera Mountains stretch along the west coast, and the Appalachians along the east coast. The central part is occupied by a vast plain.

All climatic zones, except for the equatorial one, are represented here, which determines the diversity of natural zones. Most of the rivers and lakes are located in the northern part. The largest river is the Mississippi.

Indigenous population- Indians and Eskimos. Currently, 23 states are located here, of which only three (Canada, USA and Mexico) are on the mainland itself, the rest are on the islands.

Washed by Quiet and Atlantic oceans... The longest mountain system in the world stretches along the western coast - the Andes, or the South American Cordilleras. The rest of the mainland is occupied by plateaus, plains and lowlands.

This is the rainiest continent, as most of it is located in the equator zone. Here is the largest and most abundant river in the world - the Amazon.

The indigenous population is Indians. Currently, there are 12 independent states on the mainland.

- the only continent on the territory of which only 1 state is located - the Australian Union. Most of the mainland is occupied by plains, mountains are located only along the coast.

Australia is a unique continent with the largest number of animals and plants - endemic. The indigenous population is the Australian aborigines, or Bushmen.

- the southernmost continent, completely covered with ice. The average thickness of the ice cover is 1600 meters, the largest is 4000 meters. If the ice in Antarctica melted, the sea level would immediately rise by 60 meters!

Most of the mainland is occupied by an icy desert, life glimmers only on the coasts. Antarctica is also the coldest continent. In winter, temperatures can drop below -80 ºC (record -89.2 ºC), in summer - down to -20 ºC.

In Russia, precious stones are mined mainly in the Urals, and abroad - in Brazil, India, on the island of Madagascar. Coal is a combustible sedimentary rock of plant origin with a carbon content of up to 97%. It occurs in layers, the thickness of which sometimes reaches several tens of meters. Coal is one of critical species fossil fuel. The first group includes diamond, ruby, sapphire, emerald, amethyst, aquamarine. The second group includes malachite, jasper, rock crystal. All gemstones are generally of magmatic origin. However, pearls, amber, coral are minerals of organic origin. Coal with a high calorific value (8000 kcal / kg) is called anthracite. It is black in color and has a metallic luster. It lies between layers of sedimentary rocks. Anthracite is used as a high quality fuel. The main deposits of coal in Russia: Kuzbass, Pechora, Tungusskoye, Irkutskoye, Lenskoye, Yuzhno-Yakutskoye, Zyryanskoye. Abroad: Appalachian (USA), Upper Silesian (Poland), Ruhr (Germany). China is the world's leading coal producer. Coal is mined in Great Britain, France and other countries. Oil is a flammable oily liquid, usually dark in color, which lies among porous sedimentary rocks, impregnating sands and limestones. It consists of a variety of hydrocarbons. Most scientists assume that oil is a product of alteration in organic residues. Oil is widely used as a high-quality fuel (its calorific value is 11,000 kcal / kg), a raw material for the production of gasoline, kerosene, paraffin, lubricating oils, and it is also a raw material for the chemical industry. In Russia, oil is produced in the West Siberian Basin (almost 2/3 of all Russian production), in the North Caucasus, in the Volga region, in the north of Sakhalin Island. Abroad: in the countries of the Persian Gulf, Algeria, Libya, Indonesia, Venezuela, USA, Mexico and other countries. Natural gas - gases that can burn; meet in voids rocks, sometimes forming large gas accumulations. Most of the industrial gas deposits are associated with oil, but there are also independent deposits. Natural gas reserves sometimes reach hundreds of billions of cubic meters. The richest deposits of natural gases are Russia, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia. Natural gas is the cheapest and most convenient fuel. Brown coal is a fossil coal containing up to 78% carbon. Occurs in layers among sedimentary rocks, formed from plant remains. In brown coal, a clay substance is usually found as an impurity, which increases its ash content.

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In Russia, precious stones are mined mainly in the Urals, and abroad - in Brazil, India, on the island of Madagascar. Coal is a combustible sedimentary rock of plant origin with a carbon content of up to 97%. It occurs in layers, the thickness of which sometimes reaches several tens of meters. Coal is one of the most important fossil fuels. The first group includes diamond, ruby, sapphire, emerald, amethyst, aquamarine. The second group includes malachite, jasper, rock crystal. All gemstones are generally of magmatic origin. However, pearls, amber, coral are minerals of organic origin. Coal with a high calorific value (8000 kcal / kg) is called anthracite. It is black in color and has a metallic luster. It lies between layers of sedimentary rocks. Anthracite is used as a high quality fuel. The main deposits of coal in Russia: Kuzbass, Pechora, Tungusskoye, Irkutskoye, Lenskoye, Yuzhno-Yakutskoye, Zyryanskoye. Abroad: Appalachian (USA), Upper Silesian (Poland), Ruhr (Germany). China is the world's leading coal producer. Coal is mined in Great Britain, France and other countries. Oil is a flammable oily liquid, usually dark in color, which lies among porous sedimentary rocks, impregnating sands and limestones. It consists of a variety of hydrocarbons. Most scientists assume that oil is a product of alteration in organic residues. Oil is widely used as a high-quality fuel (its calorific value is 11,000 kcal / kg), a raw material for the production of gasoline, kerosene, paraffin, lubricating oils, and it is also a raw material for the chemical industry. In Russia, oil is produced in the West Siberian Basin (almost 2/3 of all Russian production), in the North Caucasus, in the Volga region, in the north of Sakhalin Island. Abroad: in the countries of the Persian Gulf, Algeria, Libya, Indonesia, Venezuela, USA, Mexico and other countries. Natural gas - gases that can burn; are found in the cavities of rocks, sometimes forming large gas accumulations. Most of the industrial gas deposits are associated with oil, but there are also independent deposits. Natural gas reserves sometimes reach hundreds of billions of cubic meters. The richest deposits of natural gases are Russia, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia. Natural gas is the cheapest and most convenient fuel. Brown coal is a fossil coal containing up to 78% carbon. Occurs in layers among sedimentary rocks, formed from plant remains. In brown coal, a clay substance is usually found as an impurity, which increases its ash content.

1) Which of the components of nature have the greatest impact on human life and activities?

Relief, climate, properties of soil and vegetation cover, nature of occurrence of ground and underground waters, regime of surface waters, mining and geological conditions of mining.

2) What natural resources do you know?

Mineral, climatic, water, land, biological.

Questions in paragraph

* Using the maps, determine which territories of our country have the most favorable natural conditions for life and economic activity person.

The most favorable conditions for life and farming are in the middle zone of the Russian Plain, southern regions of western Siberia.

Prove that the division of resources into exhaustible and inexhaustible is rather arbitrary, and that even inexhaustible natural resources may be unusable.

Exhaustion and inexhaustibility of resources are conventional concepts. These states largely depend on the rationality of their use. For example, the resources of flora and fauna are exhaustible, but with proper use and protection, they can exist for a very long time. Water resources are inexhaustible, but as far as supplies of clean drinking water are concerned, they are extremely limited in some areas.

* Using the maps of the atlas and the textbook, determine which large deposits of Russia are located at polar latitudes; the extraction of which minerals is complicated by the strong swampiness of the territory and the presence of permafrost.

In the polar latitudes, there are apatite deposits in the Khibiny, the Pechersk coal basin, and nickel deposits in the Norilsk region. In wetlands, oil and gas are produced in Western Siberia... Most of the country's natural resource potential is concentrated in the permafrost zone. About half of the total coal reserves are located in Eastern Siberia, the resources are huge Of the Far East(South Yakutsk Basin). Allocated by reserves of copper (Eastern Siberia), lead and zinc (Eastern and Western Siberia, the Far East), nickel (Norilsk region). Reserves of precious metals and diamonds are of great importance for the country's economy. Russia possesses large reserves of gold, silver, platinoids and diamonds. Most of the deposits are located in the regions of Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

* Using the map, determine which resorts exist in Russia, where they are located.

Resorts of North-West Russia: Svetlogorsk, Hotel Volna

Kurortny district of St. Petersburg

Resorts of Central Russia

Resorts of the Volga region

Caucasian Mineral Waters: Zheleznovodsk, Essentuki, Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk

Resorts of the Krasnodar Territory: Anapa, Gelendzhik, Sochi

Ural Resorts: Ust-Kachka Resort

Siberia Resorts: Belokurikha: Lake Shira

Far East resorts

Questions at the end of a paragraph

The natural resource potential of Russia is great. The country has huge reserves of almost all types of minerals. Powerful and versatile natural resource potential Russian Federation, capable of providing the necessary volumes of intra-republican consumption and export, is characterized by an extremely uneven distribution over the territory - a significant part of it is concentrated mainly in eastern regions the country and in the underdeveloped remote northern regions. For natural resources Russia as a whole is characterized by a disproportion in their distribution between the western and eastern regions. In general, the resource potential of the European part is much more limited than the eastern one. This imbalance creates difficulties in the development of the economy and the development of new deposits.

4. What patterns can be traced in the distribution of natural resources in our country?

The natural resources of Russia as a whole are characterized by a disproportion in their distribution between the western and eastern regions. In general, the resource potential of the European part is much more limited than the eastern one. More than 90% of all fuel and energy resources are located in the eastern regions of the country, while the European part, including the Urals, accounts for less than 10%. At the same time, 3/4 of all fuel energy consumption falls on the European part and the Urals. Industrial resources prevail in the regions of the Far East and Siberia. In all other areas, agricultural resources are allocated.


1.Which continents and countries does the plant and animal world our country? Why do you think?

The fauna of our country is similar to the fauna of North America, since Eurasia and North America in the past were one continent. The fauna of Russia is similar to the fauna of neighboring countries, which is explained by similar natural conditions.

2. How is the human influence on the composition and number of living organisms manifested?

The influence of man is manifested in the form of a reduction in the species diversity of the animal and plant world. First of all, this happens because as a result of human economic activity, the natural habitats of living organisms are destroyed.

3. Practical work No. 8. Defining the role of specially protected natural areas in preserving the nature of Russia. What is the purpose of creating reserves and national parks?

The purpose of creating reserves is to protect certain species of animals and plants from complete destruction, preserve intact natural complexes, and track the course of all natural processes.

National parks are established for nature conservation and controlled recreational use.


1. Using specific examples, establish the relationship between the relief and the tectonic structure of the territory (for example, West Siberian Plain or the Central Siberian Plateau).

The relief of the West Siberian Plain is flat with small glacial hills in the north. This can be explained by the fact that it is based on the young West Siberian platform with a thick sedimentary cover.

2. Explain why a scientific forecast is needed in the search and extraction of minerals.

Scientific forecast makes it possible to assess the volume of resource reserves, the conditions of their occurrence, methods of extraction, environmental damage to natural complexes and draw conclusions about the profitability of their extraction.

3. Illustrate with specific examples the dependence of the distribution of minerals on geological structure territory.

Fuel minerals are confined to sedimentary covers of platforms and foothill depressions - oil and gas fields in Western Siberia and the Urals. Deposits of iron ores are confined to the protrusions of the crystalline basement, ancient mountain systems - the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, the Ural Mountains.

5. What environmental problems are associated with open pit mining of iron ore or coal? With oil production in Western Siberia or in the north of the Caspian? What are the measures to protect environment should be taken?

With the open-pit mining of iron ore or coal, huge areas of soil are destroyed, mountains of overburden and dumps are formed, after mining, huge open pits remain, and the level of groundwater can change. Oil production in the north of the Caspian Sea is associated with severe pollution of sea waters and degradation of flora and fauna. In Western Siberia, there is a problem of utilization of associated gas. Every year, 6-7 billion cubic meters of associated gas, or 75-80% of its total volume, are flared at the oil fields, while under the terms of licensing its losses should not exceed 5%. Gas flares formed during gas combustion are clearly visible from space. To solve environmental problems, it is necessary to observe the principles of rational use of natural resources, introduce new technologies for the extraction and processing of minerals, and rehabilitate natural complexes.

6. Make a description of the climate of the temperate zone.

Moderate is the largest climatic zone in Russia. That is why it is customary to divide it into four zones: temperate continental, continental climate, sharply continental, monsoon climate. A characteristic feature of the entire temperate climatic zone is the presence of clearly defined four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Moreover, the temperature regimes of summer and winter differ quite sharply from each other.

Moderate continental climate of Russia

The main features of this type of temperate climate are hot summers (in its middle, the temperature rises to 30 ° C) and frosty winters (the temperature drops to -30 ° C). Rainfall varies depending on the proximity to the Atlantic. Humidification in the moderate continental climate zone varies from excessive in the north, northwest, to insufficient in the south, southeast.

Continental climate of Russia

It is formed under the influence of air masses of temperate latitudes coming from the west. At the same time, colder arctic air masses are moving from north to south, and continental tropical air is moving to the north. As a result, the north receives 3 times more precipitation than the south. Here the difference between summer and winter temperatures increases even more. The average temperature in July reaches 26 ° С, and in January -25 ° С.

Russia's harsh continental climate

A characteristic feature of the sharply continental climate is little cloudiness and a small amount of atmospheric precipitation, which fall mainly in the warm season. The result is hot summers and freezing winters. Low precipitation in winter contributes to strong soil freezing and the preservation of permafrost. Within this climatic zone there is only one natural zone - the taiga. This is due to the fact that within the sharply continental climate there are practically no temperature differences between north and south.

Monsoon climate

As the continent cools in winter, the Atmosphere pressure, and cold and dry air masses move towards the ocean, where the air is warmer (water cools more slowly). In summer, the mainland warms up better than the ocean, and cold air from the ocean rushes to the continent. This creates strong winds called monsoons, hence the name of the climate. Sometimes typhoons even form here. In this regard, precipitation also falls mostly in summer and in rather a large number... If they start at the time of snow melting, then floods usually occur in these places. Humidification throughout this climatic zone is excessive. Since in summer enough cold air comes to this territory from the north, it is quite cool here (the average temperature in July is 15-20 ° С). In winter, the temperature sometimes drops to 40 ° C (average about 25 ° C).

7. Think if the fact of allocation of climatic regions within the climatic zone contradicts the law of geographic zoning.

I think that the allocation of climatic regions does not contradict this law, since within each climatic region there are changes that obey the law of geographic zoning.

8. What are agroclimatic resources? Estimate the agro-climatic resources of Russia.

Agroclimatic resources - properties of the climate that provide the ability to conduct agricultural production: light, heat AND moisture. These properties largely determine the location of crop production. Adequate illumination, warm weather, and good moisture are favorable for the development of plants. The best combination of agro-climatic resources was formed in the Central Black Earth, North Caucasian and partly in the Volga economic regions. Here, the sum of the temperatures of the growing season is 2200-3400 ° C, which makes it possible to grow winter wheat, corn, rice, sugar beets, sunflowers, heat-loving vegetables and fruits.

In the main territory of the country, the sum of temperatures from 1000 to 2000 ° C prevails, which by world standards is considered below the level of profitable agriculture. This applies primarily to Siberia and the Far East: here the sum of temperatures in most of the territory ranges from 800 to 1500 ° C, which almost completely excludes the possibility of cultivating crops. If the isoline of the sums of temperatures of 2000 ° C in the European territory of the country passes along the line Smolensk - Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod- Ufa, then in Western Siberia it goes down to the south - to Kurgan, Omsk and Barnaul, and then appears only in the south of the Far East, in a small area of ​​the Amur Region, the Jewish Autonomous Region and Primorsky Territory.

9. Explain the reason for the increase in the continental climate when moving from west to east, indicate the typical features of a sharply continental climate.

The increase in continentality occurs as a result of the transformation of air masses when moving over the mainland. Typical features of the sharply continental climate are hot dry summers, very frosty winters with little snow, large annual temperature drops.

10. What types of inland waters are found in our country?

Rivers, lakes, swamps, underground waters, glaciers, permafrost or permafrost, artificial reservoirs and ponds, canals.

11. What is the river regime? What does it depend on? What are the main types of water regime of Russian rivers?

The regime of rivers is a natural change in the state of a river over time (change in level, discharge, flow, speed, temperature, etc.). The regime of rivers depends primarily on the climate. In our country, according to the water regime, three groups of rivers are distinguished: with a spring flood, with a summer flood, with a flood regime.

12. Explain the reasons for the strong swampiness of Western Siberia.

Western Siberia is characterized by large areas swamps. The reasons for this phenomenon are the following factors: a concave surface, excessive moisture, flat relief, permafrost and the ability of peat, which is present in large quantities, to retain a significant mass of water.

Most of the country's territory is well supplied with water resources: fresh river, lake and groundwater. These resources are sufficient to supply cities, villages, industrial enterprises, and irrigate agricultural land. Reservoirs have been created on many rivers, some of which are larger than large lakes in area. Russia's huge hydropower resources (320 million kW) are also unevenly distributed. More than 80% of the hydropower potential is located in the Asian part of the country. Groundwater is a source of clean water. They are much better protected from pollution than surface waters. Increasing the content of the row chemical elements and compounds in groundwater leads to the formation of mineral waters. There are about 300 known springs in Russia, 3/4 of which are located in the European part of the country (Mineralnye Vody, Sochi, North Ossetia, Pskov region, Udmurtia, etc.).

Almost 1/4 of Russia's fresh water reserves are located in glaciers, which occupy about 60 thousand km2. These are mainly the cover glaciers of the Arctic islands (55.5 thousand km2, water reserves 16.3 thousand km3).

14. Do you think it is necessary to conserve inexhaustible resources?

Inexhaustible resources must be conserved, since the very concept of inexhaustibility is very conditional. At irrational use of natural resources they may not be depleted, but the quality characteristics may deteriorate.

15. Tell us about the features recreational resources Russia. Name the conditions necessary for their development.

Russia has a huge recreational potential, as it has extremely diverse natural conditions, landscapes. This makes it possible for the development of all types of recreation. But climatic conditions environmental problems, underdeveloped infrastructure significantly reduces the possibility of their full use. At the same time, large territories in Russia are virtually untouched by civilization. The demand for such territories is constantly growing all over the world. Monuments of history and culture of Russia were badly damaged in the XX century. Their restoration requires large financial investments. The largest recreational areas in Russia are the North Caucasian, Central and Northwest.

The warmth of the sun, clean air and water are the main criteria for life on Earth. Numerous climatic zones have led to the division of the territory of all continents and water areas into certain natural zones. Some of them, even separated by huge distances, are very similar, others are unique.

Natural areas of the world: what is it?

This definition should be understood as very large in area natural complexes (in other words, parts of the geographic belt of the Earth), which have similar, homogeneous climatic conditions. The main characteristic of natural areas is animal and vegetable world that inhabits the given territory. They are formed as a result of uneven distribution of moisture and heat on the planet.

Table "Natural zones of the world"

Natural area

Climatic zone

Average temperature (winter / summer)

Antarctic and arctic deserts

Antarctic, arctic

24-70 ° C / 0-32 ° C

Tundra and forest-tundra

Subarctic and subantarctic

8-40 ° C / + 8 + 16 ° C


8-48 ° C / + 8 + 24 ° C

Mixed forests


16-8 ° C / + 16 + 24 ° C

Broadleaf forests


8 + 8 ° C / + 16 + 24 ° C

Steppe and forest-steppe

Subtropical and temperate

16 + 8 ° C / + 16 + 24 ° C

Temperate deserts and semi-deserts


8-24 ° С / + 20 + 24 ° С

Stiff-leaved forests


8 + 16 ° С / + 20 + 24 ° С

Tropical deserts and semi-deserts


8 + 16 ° С / + 20 + 32 ° С

Savannah and woodlands

20 + 24 ° С and above

Variable wet forests

Subequatorial, tropical

20 + 24 ° С and above

Constantly wet forests


above + 24 ° С

This characteristic of the natural zones of the world is only for informational purposes, because you can talk a lot and for a long time about each of them, all the information will not fit into the framework of one table.

Natural zones of the temperate climatic zone

1. Taiga. It surpasses all other natural zones in the world in terms of land area (27% of the territory of all forests on the planet). It is characterized by very low winter temperatures. Deciduous trees cannot withstand them, so the taiga is dense coniferous forests (mainly pine, spruce, fir, larch). Very large areas of the taiga in Canada and Russia are occupied by permafrost.

2. Mixed forests. Typical to a greater extent for the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth. It is a kind of border between taiga and deciduous forest. They are more resistant to cold and long winters. Species of trees: oak, maple, poplar, linden, as well as rowan, alder, birch, pine, spruce. As the table "Natural zones of the world" shows, the soils in the mixed forest zone are gray, not highly fertile, but still suitable for growing plants.

3. Broadleaved forests. They are not adapted to harsh winters, they are deciduous. They occupy most of Western Europe, the south of the Far East, the north of China and Japan. Suitable for them is the maritime climate or temperate continental with hot summers and warm enough winters. As the table "Natural zones of the world" shows, the temperature in them does not drop below -8 ° C, even in the cold season. The soil is fertile, rich in humus. The following types of trees are characteristic: ash, chestnut, oak, hornbeam, beech, maple, elm. Forests are very rich in mammals (ungulates, rodents, predators), birds, including game birds.

4. Temperate deserts and semi-deserts. Their main distinctive feature- almost complete absence of vegetation and a meager fauna. There are a lot of natural zones of this nature, they are located mainly in the tropics. There are temperate deserts in Eurasia, and they are characterized by sharp temperature changes over the seasons. Animals are mainly represented by reptiles.

Arctic deserts and semi-deserts

They represent huge areas of land covered with snow and ice. The map of the natural zones of the world clearly shows that they are located on the territory of North America, Antarctica, Greenland and the northern tip of the Eurasian continent. In fact, these are lifeless places, and only along the coast are polar bears, walruses and seals, Arctic foxes and lemmings, penguins (in Antarctica). Where the land is free of ice, lichens and mosses can be seen.

Humid equatorial forests

Their second name is rain forests. They are located mainly in South America, as well as in Africa, Australia and the Greater Sunda Islands. The main condition for their formation is constant and very high humidity (more than 2000 mm of precipitation per year) and a hot climate (20 ° C and above). They are very rich in vegetation, the forest consists of several tiers and is an impenetrable, dense jungle, which has become home to more than 2/3 of all types of creatures living on our planet. These rainforests surpass all other natural areas in the world. Trees remain evergreen, changing foliage gradually and partially. Surprisingly, the soils of humid forests contain little humus.

Natural zones of the equatorial and subtropical climatic zone

1. Variable wet forests, they differ from rain forests in that precipitation falls there only during the rainy season, and during the period of drought that follows it, the trees are forced to shed their foliage. The flora and fauna are also very diverse and rich in species.

2. Savannas and woodlands. They appear where moisture, as a rule, is no longer sufficient for the growth of variable-wet forests. Their development takes place in the interior of the continent, where tropical and equatorial air masses dominate, and the rainy season lasts less than six months. They occupy a significant part of the territory of subequatorial Africa, the interior regions of South America, partly Hindustan and Australia. More detailed information about the location is reflected in the map of natural zones of the world (photo).

Stiff-leaved forests

This climatic zone is considered the most suitable for human habitation. Stiff-leaved and evergreen forests are located along the sea and ocean coasts. The precipitation is not so abundant, but the leaves retain moisture due to the dense leathery shell (oaks, eucalyptus), which prevents them from falling off. In some trees and plants, they are modernized into thorns.

Steppe and forest-steppe

They are characterized by an almost complete absence of woody vegetation, due to the scarce level of precipitation. But the soils are the most fertile (chernozems), and therefore are actively used by humans for agriculture. The steppes occupy large areas in North America and Eurasia. The predominant number of inhabitants is reptiles, rodents and birds. Plants have adapted to the lack of moisture and most often have time to complete their life cycle for a short spring period, when the steppe is covered with a thick carpet of greenery.

Tundra and forest-tundra

In this zone, the breath of the Arctic and Antarctic begins to be felt, the climate is becoming more severe, and even conifers cannot withstand it. Moisture is abundant, but there is no heat, which leads to swamping of very large areas. In the tundra, there are no trees at all, the flora is mainly represented by mosses and lichens. It is believed to be the most volatile and fragile ecosystem. Due to the active development of gas and oil fields, it is on the verge of an environmental disaster.

All natural zones of the world are very interesting, be it a seemingly absolutely lifeless desert, endless arctic ice or thousand-year-old rainforests with boiling life inside.

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