Water oceans in the life of the Earth. The world ocean and its meaning in providing life on earth

There is a fair assertion that people incorrectly correct our planet, assigning it the name of the earth, while it should be called the ocean, because more than 70 percent of its area is occupied by water. In all solar system Only the land of the racket is a sufficient water volume and thermal conditions that, combined, ensure the existence of an extensive ocean.

Water medium - hydrosphere - occupies a significant part biosphere - Areas of life consisting of sushi, air and water. The main part of the hydrosphere is the ocean. Water and substances dissolved in it are in the seas, rivers, lakes and glaciers, as well as hidden at different depths under the ground.

Diver explores the continental spill in Silfra, Iceland, 2010.
The photograph won the highest award in the category "Diving" in the fourth international Competition Underwater photography in Indonesia.

The role of the world's ocean in the life of the Earth is difficult to overestimate. The ocean is a cradle and a source of life on our planet. More than half of the oxygen required for breathing, rolling in the process of photosynthesis in the upper bed of ocean waters. If the interaction of the ocean and the sun suddenly broke out, every life on Earth would stop.

Ocean - heat battery, creator and climate regulator. The role of it in the preservation of the constancy of the climate is enormous. It is the interaction of the world ocean and the atmosphere determines the weather on our planet.

The ocean is a comfortable and cheap road that connects continents and Ost-Rove, industrial centers, agricultural areas, sources of raw materials. Dozens of you ships are transported by sea transportation of passengers and all sorts of cargo, transporting hundreds of millions of tons of cargo annually.

The ocean is an inexhaustible treasury of chemicals. Only in the sea water dissolved almost all elements of the periodic Mendeleev system. It contains literally everything is from the cooking salt to uranium and gold. Innumerable riches of the bottom of the World Ocean. From the indigenous seabed deposits, coal, iron ore, tin, sulfur extracted. In the beach and coastal zones are already being developed by paint deposits of tin, platinum, rare earth elements. Serious attention is paid to the development of deep-water ore deposits. Large fields of phosphorites are located on the shelf and the mainland slope of the ocean. The huge bottom plains of the ocean are covered with iron orders, in the development of which the first steps are already made. Full passage is the production of building materials - sand, gravel, shell.

The most valuable mineral raw material extracted from wells at the bottom of the seas is undoubtedly oil and gas. To date, world oil production in the sea amounted to 30 percent.

Finally, the ocean is an inexhaustible source of the replenished energy. These are in water in water of heavy hydrogen - deuterium - thermonuclear fuel of the future, and the energy of sea waves, flows, tides, the difference in the temperatures of deep and surface water ...

From time immemorial, the ocean served as a source of food for a person who mined fish, crustaceans, mollusks, marine animals and plants. Throughout the centuries-old history of mankind, the methods and tools of coastal fishing were almost unchanged. In the ocean fishing, exercising fishing of the fish away from the shores, there were huge changes. Especially in recent decades. The present revolution in the development of fisheries in the ocean was made by the invention of the steam engine and an internal combustion engine, the use for the manufacture of fishing guns of synthetic materials and the equipment of fishing vessels by fishing equipment. Modern trawls, purses, tiers are quite complex engineering structures, providing the possibility of catching a large number of fish - up to several tens of tons for one trawling!

For a long time there was an opinion on the inexhaustibility of ocean fish resources. This largely contributed to the rapid growth of world catch fish - especially in recent years. If in a century, from 1850 to 1950, the catch of sea fish and other Ocean products increased 10 times, increasing by an average of 25 percent over the decade, then from 1950 to 1960 he doubled! The subsequent doubling of world ulov occurred from 1960 to 1970. The world fisher extraction by this time approached 100 million tons.

Already since 1970, the pace of world catch of fish and seafood began to slow down, despite the ever-growing intensity of the fishery. In some traditional areas of fishing, fish mining began to fall, the species composition of catch has changed, the average sizes of fish have decreased, and some commercial species were threatened.

Thus, mankind was convinced of the limited fish resources of the seas and oceans.

Most scientists dealing with the determination of the annual fish products of the ocean converges on the fact that it is 100 - 200 million tons. The magnitude of the annual catch, achieved by now (about 100 million tons), is close to that magnitude that can be removed from the ocean without violating the natural reproduction process.

One of the most acute problems on Earth is the problem of providing the population of our planets with a sufficient amount of protein food, some of which man takes in the ocean, catching marine animals. This problem acquires even greater importance if you consider the natural increase in the population of our planet. So, according to the forecasts of scientists, the population number of the earth by the beginning of the third millennium approaches 6 billion people. It is known that the physiological need of a person in fish is an average of 20 kilograms per year.

How to ensure the natural reproduction of biological resources in the seas and oceans?

Some prospects for increasing the catch of fish are laid in fresh waters, but they still give only the tenth of the world catch. Opportunities to expand fisheries in the seas and oceans is much richer.

Great importance Currently attached to the development scientific methods Fields that take into account the features of biology of fishing species of fish, the nature of their distribution, age composition, number and other indicators. Not the last word also belongs to the improvement of fish guns, fish processing technology.

Of particular importance acquires the development of new areas and fishery. First of all, this refers to the fishery of the inhabitants of the ocean's top layer - epipelagial, such as machelism, volatile fish, small tuna, squid. The fishery of small-sized fish - luminous anchovs, gym, dwelling in the intermediate layer of ocean water - mesophelagial. Significant progress was achieved in the development of deep-water lifts of the World Ocean with relatively large debt depths - 800-1000 meters, where powerful accumulations of macrours, soils, smooth-heads and other species of fish were found.

The objects of a lower trophic level of the world's ocean will be crucial in increasing the volume of the catch of biological resources than fish, for example, the Antarctic curve, whose fishery is now carried out by many countries.

Until now, speaking about the possibilities of increasing catch fish and seafood, we only meant the rational use of natural food resources of the World Ocean, showing some ways to improve the traditional "gathering or hunting", which, until recently, was, in essence, fishing fishery. Scientists of many countries work on how from "gathering and hunting" to move to the waters.

According to some scientists, the transition of the fishing industry from fishing to the breeding of marine plants and animals can cause changes in human civilization, which is not inferior to the emergence of agriculture when a person has moved from "gathering and hunting" to cultivating the soil. Such reorganization of fisheries will appear, in fact, the "blue revolution". The offensive of such a revolution is not far off. Already, successful experiments on artificial fish breeding were carried out. Work is underway to increase the biological productivity of seawater by lifting the deep rich in nutrients layers to the surface. The creation of artificial reefs, the elimination of new, more productive species of plants and animals, the achievements of genetics and ethology, science learning the behavior of animals is the paths of continuous and human-controlled growth of the ocean gifts.

The future of humanity is closely related to the use of worldwide resources. Growing demands in mineral raw materials, energy and food resources are forced by a person more often and more often to pay their attention to the ocean. The problems of developing the World Ocean are complex, closely related to each other and should be solved by the combined efforts of various specialists of all countries. The ocean belongs to everyone, and we are all responsible for his destiny!

World Ocean and Life on Earth

Now we already know what our land looks from space looks like, is an unusually beautiful blue planet. It is obliged to the World Ocean, which covers 71% of its surface. The world ocean is a powerful lifestyle on Earth. It cleans the air, refreshes its wet winds. There was once a life was born, and now he supplies us the most valuable products.

Without oceans and life on land would be completely different. Sea plants, in particular phytoplankton, released by photosynthesis oxygen, play an important role to purify air on our planet. The ability of water to accumulate heat to a large extent affects the weather and the climate of the Earth. In the marine food chain there is a peculiar circuit of the earth's flora and fauna: a vegetable plankton, as the primary product of marine life, eaten by the "vegetarians" of the ocean - zooplankton and mollusks, which, in turn, go into food with small carnivorous, such as Hams or Cambala, and those become the prey of larger marine predators. Remains of plant or animal food by mineralization again in the form of organic substances are returned to the chain, thanks to the action of baqueroplankton.

The sea creates many factors that have favorably operating on the body. Of great importance is sea air, which has a uniform temperature, contains a large number of Oxygen is enriched with mineral salts such as calcium, sodium, iodine, chlorine, etc. due to such composition, sea air causes an improvement in the activities of cardiovascular, nervous systems and body respiration.

Sea water contains sodium, magnesium, iron, iodine, chlorine, chlorine, bromine, etc., including a table salt.

The world ocean is the main base of fisheries. Sea expanses are used to transport large cargo and passengers. From the seabed, a variety of minerals (iron, manganese, gold, diamonds, titanium, chrome, etc.) are already produced, about 20% (on a global) oil and gas production - for many countries of Western Europe, marine deposits are the main sources of oil .

A wide range of economic use by the seas by the man is accompanied by their pollution. The sea and oceans until recently (20-30 years ago) were perceived as unlimited expanses, in which you can produce any waste and garbage. It was believed that in seawater, the discharges are subjected to biological decay and transformations. During this short period in the world ocean managed to make significant amounts of radioactive waste and other pollution.

It is known that all discharges in rivers, lakes and other water bodies located on the territory of large industrial centers and agricultural areas, ultimately reach the sea. With the waters of rivers in the sea and oceans, 320 million tons of iron falls, 6.5 million tons of phosphorus, 2.3 million tons of lead, 1.6 million tons of manganese, as well as a large amount of fats, surfactants, acids , Yadogymicates, radioactive compounds, from 3 to 10 million tons of oil and other substances. According to the calculations of the famous oceanologist-geochemistry B. A. Skopintsev, rivers bring about 700 million tons of organic substances to the sea and oceans per year. In the sea, the most of all those pollution are washed off, which have a property to keep their toxic effect.

Significant pollution in the sea makes various development of minerals (oil and others), as well as sea transport.

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The ocean lives in the hot sague desert and hot keys on Kamchatka, on polar ice and in the conditions of permafrost, highly in the clouds and in the depths of the oceans - everywhere there are live creatures. If we compare the volume of the settlement of the living beings of sushi and the sea, we will see that the sea

About 2/3 of the earth's surface occupies the world ocean, which is divided into oceans, sea, bays, straits, bays, etc.

Inland reservoirs include rivers and lakes located on the mainland and islands. In a person's life, they play a large, often defining role, being:

- means of communication (communications), main transport arteries;

- sources of food resources, energy, raw materials and materials;

- place of rest, conflict resolution (wars).

For rivers, seas and oceans, about 60% of all world freight and passenger traffic between countries and continents are carried out. As well as inside the continents on the inland waterways. Sea shipping is most effective.

One railway car accommodates "40-70 tons of cargo; The train from 50 cars "2500 tons. The vessel with an average load capacity of 40-50 thousand tons accommodates about 20 such trains, not to mention the super-tankers (up to 700 thousand tons) and the courts of greater carrying capacity.

In the ocean there is huge stocks of industrial raw materials:

Ø Water itself, salts dissolved in it, hydrogen isotopes deuterium, tritium, heavy water used in atomic energy, etc.;

Ø Ironarganic concretions, ores of other metals, polymetals;

Ø Shelf oil and gas.

In addition, the ocean energy is inexhaustible: tides and flow, waves, salinity drops, temperatures (all this can be a source of energy).

All this forces man to learn and master the water element, creating funds:

Ø movement on water;

Ø penetration into the depths of the ocean;

Ø Cargo transportation by water;

Ø Seafood, industrial raw materials and energy from the ocean;

Ø Services of ships and port facilities.

With the development of society, specialization of production, internationalization of the world economy occurs. The role of freight turnover increases, and maritime transport - many times. All the more advanced vessels and the means of mastering the World Ocean are required.

Fishing vessels are improving and more narrowly specialize in the extraction of certain species of seafood (trawlers, seinols, corneus, tunocels, etc.). In addition, the most comprehensive and most advanced combat vessels are created for the sea (ships).

Floating marine facilities are also created: pier, ports and even ... cosmodromes. Human activity is increasingly moving to the sea: there are experimental organizations attempts for housing under water (Custo, US laboratory). In Japan, the artificial islands are poured out of waste, which are used for the construction of housing on them.

Illustrations of technical developments on the use of ocean energy:

Ø tidal stations;

Ø Wave devices on the surface of water;

Ø Temperature installations;

Ø installation of salinity drops and so on.

Topic 6.


See more:

Report: The significance of the World Ocean

The meaning of the world ocean

The significance of the world's ocean for a person and all the lively alive is so great that it is difficult to appreciate it. The world's ocean has long been one of the main sources of food and the living condition on Earth. It has not only rich and diverse flora and fauna, but also a large stock of minerals. To date, the world ocean is the richest source of resources on the planet. The ocean is used not only for the extraction of biological, mineral resources, but also serves as a space for the development of shipping, and is also a medical and wellness medium.

Recently, the possibilities of mastering the territory of the world's ocean for recreation and tourism are growing. Thus, the ocean gives humanity all its wealth, so at this time there is a problem of its rational use.

The low temperature of the World Ocean and its huge thermal inertia play an essential paleogeographic role. The deep layers are not only a long-term thermal regulator of the earth.

Changes in the heat transfer of the deep masses of the ocean with superficial, as well as the distribution of surface flows can change during decades, i.e. Extremely quickly, taking into account the size of the World Ocean, which can lead to an equally rapid change in the natural situation.

Water has a huge heat capacity, which allows it to accumulate heat in the summer, saving the adjacent territories from destroying for all living heat.

In winter, the ocean gives heat accumulated in the summer, saving everything alive from freezing. In addition, the ocean is the source of moisture (atmospheric precipitation).

Oceans, seas, as well as fresh reservoirs are the most important source of food for the population of the Earth.

Fish catch is constantly increasing (at the beginning of the century - 3 million tons per year, now more than 80 million tons.) The sea and oceans are not only sources of fish, but also sources of obtaining valuable raw materials and fuel. Oil, coal is mined from under the seabed. Manganese ore, cobalt, nickel and other types of metals are in water in the form of concrete, which can be collected and extracted to the surface. Also, many useful substances are dissolved in sea water.

In seawater, which is also the component of the World Ocean, a lot of mineral resources and elements belonging to the Mendeleev table are hidden. Sodium, chlorine, bromine and magnesium remove from seawater.

In connection with the growing world population, a greater amount of energy is required, which served as an impetus for the use of the World Ocean as a source of electricity.

In addition to extracting from the water of various resources, the world ocean also carries the transport function, being one of its main links.

In recent years, the development of the global economy and maritime transport occurs. It is important here to note that the volume of world shipping reached a record level of 6.76 billion tons.
The general deadweight of the World Fleet amounted to 895.8 million tons. According to the World Ocean, not only "freight", but also passenger transportation is carried out.

World Ocean Resources

According to many oceanologists, the world ocean is a huge storage room natural resourceswhich are quite comparable to the resources of the earthly sushi.

First, the marine water itself belongs to such wealth.

Its amount is 1370 million km3, or 96.5% of the entire hydrosphere. For each resident of the Earth accounts for about 270 million m3 of sea water. This volume is equal to seven such reservoirs like Mozhayskoye on the Moscow River. In addition, 75 chemical elements are contained in seawater: salty, magnesium, potassium, bromine, uranium, gold.

Sea water also serves as a source of iodine.

Secondly, the global ocean is rich in mineral resources that are mined from its bottom. Oil and gas has the greatest importance, which are mined from the continental shelf.

They constitute 90% of all resources received today from the seabed. Sea prey Oil in total amount is approximately 1/3. It is expected that by 2000 half of all oil, which is mined on Earth, will have marine origins.

Significant oil production is now being conducted in the Persian Gulf, in the North Sea, in the Venezuelan Gulf. Excellent experience in the development of underwater oil and gas deposits accumulated in Azerbaijan (Caspian Sea), USA (Mexican Bay and California Coast).

The main wealth of the deep-water base of the ocean is iron orders, containing up to 30 different metals.

They were discovered at the Day of the World Ocean in the 70s years XIX A century English Research Ship "Challenger". The greatest volume of iron ordered concretion occupy in the Pacific Ocean (16 million.

km). The first experience of the production of concretions was taken by the United States in the Hawaiian Islands.

Thirdly, the potential of energy resources of the world's ocean is huge. The greatest progress has been achieved in the field of use of tide and tide energy. It has been established that the best opportunities for creating large tidal stations are available in 25 places of the Earth. The following countries have large resources of tidal energy: France, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Argentina, USA, Russia.

The best features of these countries are explained by the fact that the height of the tide reaches 10-15 m. Russia on the potential reserves of tidal energy occupies one of the first places in the world. They are especially great on the coasts of White, Barents and the Okhotsk seas. The total energy of them exceeds the energy produced by the country's hydroelectric power plants today.

In some countries of the world, projects for the use of energy of waves and flows are being developed.

Fourth, it is impossible to forget about the biological resources of the World Ocean: plants (algae) and animals (fish, mammals, molluscs, crustaceans). The volume of the entire biomass of the ocean is 35 billion

tons, from it there are 0.5 billion tons of fish, as on land, in the world ocean there are more and less productive territories. They cover the shelf area and the peripheral part of the ocean. The most productive in the world is Norwegian, Bering, Okhotsk, Japanese Seas. Oceanic spaces, characterized by low productivity, occupy almost 2/3 of the Ocean Square.

More than 85% of biomass, which man uses, make up fish. Miserer share falls on algae.

Thanks to the fish, mollusks, crustaceans caught in the World Ocean, humanity is 20% by proteins of animal origin. The ocean biomass is also used to obtain high-calorie feed flour for animal husbandry.

In recent years in the world, the development of certain types of organisms on artificially created maritime plantations is becoming increasingly widespread.

These fishery are called maricity. The development of mariculture takes place in Japan (pearl oysters), China (pearl oysters), USA (oysters and mussels), France (Oysters), Australia (Oysters), the Netherlands (Oysters, Middes), Mediterranean countries of Europe (mussels). In Russia, in the seas of the Far East, they grow sea cabbage (laminaria), marine scallops.

The rapid development of technology and technology has led to the involvement of the ocean resources in the economic turnover, and its problems have gained global.

There are many of these problems. They are associated with the pollution of the ocean, a decrease in its biological productivity, the development of mineral and energy resources.

The use of the ocean has become particularly increased in recent years, which sharply strengthened the load on it. Intensive economic activities led to growing water pollution. Especially adversely affect environmental setting In the world's ocean, the accidents of oil ships, drilling platforms, drained water polluted water from ships. The outdoor seas are especially contaminated: North, Baltic, Mediterranean, Persian Bay.

The waters of the World Ocean and Waste Industry are polluted, and household waste and garbage.

Strong pollution of the World Ocean reduced the biological productivity of the ocean.

For example, the Azov Sea is severely contaminated with fertilizers with fields. As a result, the fish productivity of this reservoir decreased noticeably. In the Baltic Sea, severe pollution destroyed all sorts of biological life on 1/4 of its water area.

The world's ocean problem is the problem of the future of the entire civilization, since how reasonfully humanity will affect their future.

The solution of these problems requires agreed international measures to coordinate the use of the ocean. In recent years, a number of international agreements have been adopted, limiting the pollution of the ocean water.

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The role of the oceans and seas in a person's life

The planet on which we live, with great right, you can call the "planet ocean" than the "planet earth". After all, the area of \u200b\u200bthe World Ocean is more than 2 times the area of \u200b\u200ball sushi. If all continents cover the water of the World Ocean, then a layer of 9 is formed. kM! There are 1370 million in the oceans. kM3 water! A lot of water on earth, and it affects all its nature.

World Ocean - Earth Climate Regulator. He accumulates warmly in the summer and gives it in winter. The water of the surface layer of the World Ocean, heating in the tropical region, moves to the northern latitudes and south, to Antarctica, and in depths cold water Moves from high latitudes to the equator. If there were no such exchange with water masses between the tropics and high latitudes, then the tropical heat and polar cold would be so strong that the lives of most living creatures inhabiting in these latitudes would be impossible.

With sea currents are associated with the features of the climate of coastal countries.

The flows cooled or sweep the climate. So, in Norway at 60 ° C. sh. The average annual air temperature is the same as in New York, which lies at 20 °, i.e. at 2160 kMsouth. This is explained by the influence of the warm north-Atlantic current, which takes place off the coast of Norway. The branch of this flow opens and the Barents Sea, and our northern port of Murmansk, which is therefore usually freezing.

The air temperature in all of the north of Europe depends on this flow. Thanks to the north-Atlantic flow, the average annual air temperature in England is 15 °, and in Norway 20-25 ° above the temperature for the corresponding latitudes on the other side of the ocean.

On the same latitudes, on the east coast of Canada, where the Cold East Greenland current passes, a lot of ice of the Northern Ocean is made.

In the north of the Pacific Ocean, the coast of the Soviet Union passes a cold course, which has a cooling effect on the climate of coastal areas. On the same latitudes in the Pacific part of Canada, significantly warmer.

Sea - Arena Labor Activities for millions.

To equip one sailor or fisherman in swimming, 20 people work on land and in ports: on shipbuilding plants, networks and cable factories and other enterprises.

More than 100 million people, inhabitants of coasts, one way or another are associated with the sea. Since the oldest times, the oceans and the sea are the road connecting different countries. And nowadays, sea transport plays a huge role in the economic and cultural life of peoples. More than 65% of world transport freight turnover falls on the sea fleet. Sea transport by 40% cheaper railway. Hasive tankers with displacement of 55-210 thousand tons. Replace 50-200 railway trains of 50 cars each.

With the development of technology, the speed of the marine fleet increases.

So, for example, ships on underwater wings develop speed at 100 kMat one o'clock.

In the time of the USSR, about 65% of all goods and more than 14 million passengers per year transports the sea fleet. Leningrad, Murmansk, Odessa, Vladivostok and many other cities quickly developed as ports connecting our country with the whole world.

The development of port cities in other countries is also associated with international transfer of goods and passengers. In New York, for example, the proprietary line for ships exceeds 900 km.

Ocean water is an inexhaustible storage of a variety of chemical mineral raw materials. It dissolves all chemical elements Periodic Mendeleev system, even gold and radioactive elements.

Water is an excellent solvent. On average in 1 T.seawater dissolved 35 kgdifferent salts, but minimize them are still relatively few. This is a matter of the future.

Many cooking salts are extracted from seawater in India, Italy, France, Spain, the United States. It is evaporated in special artificial evaporative basins, which for a while stopping the access of sea water. Already, a quarter of the world salt is produced from seawater. Stone salt reserves on land are great, but in the end they will still be exhausted.

An inexhamable source of cook salt will forever remain the world ocean. We can safely say that the danger to remain without salt does not threaten humanity.

In a number of countries, marine water becomes the main source of magnesium production. In the USA from sea water produce magnesium more than 250 thousand. T.per year, which is over 50% of the need for this metal.

In England, 4/5 magnesium needs are covered by the processing of seawater. Magnesium mining is also developed from the sea, in Italy, France, Tunisia and other countries.

The brom is practically unable to extract from minerals, so sea water is the only source of it. Although in 1. T.bromine seawater contains only 65 G.but it is 40 times more than the average content of it in earth Kore. BROM reserves in the world ocean reach 90 thousand billion. T.

World seawater bromine production is 100 thousand. T.And it increases as they demand. The first plant for obtaining bromine from sea water was built in our country in 1916; in Crimea.

Since then, the production of bromine has increased significantly. Sea Broma is obtained in the USA, Canada, Brazil, France, Japan, India and other countries.

The bromine is used for therapeutic purposes, it is part of many dyes, photocreparations, add it to fuel for internal combustion engines. Potassium is also extracted from sea water, which is used mainly like fertilizer.

His mining is developed in England, Japan and other countries.

The technology of obtaining nutrients from the ocean water is still. poorly designed. Minerals are very difficult to extract from seawater, and often you have to spend much more money than to produce them on land. But this is only "while" and "still." Methods of production are quickly improved. If the development of ocean waters is comprehensively, i.e., at the same time, to extract several beneficial substances from them, it is very low-cost production.

A person can then use huge reserves of substances that are dissolved in the waters of the world's ocean. Water that will be free from the chemical elements dissolved in it will go for irrigation of fields and for the supply of cities. According to the calculations of the All-Union Institute of Galurgia (Solve Institute) with the complex processing of sea water for every 10 thousand. T.food salt is obtained 1700 T.raw gypsum, 370 T.potash fertilizer, about 2000 T.magnesia, 26. T.bromine and other substances.

Some elements contained in seawater were first opened in the body of living beings and only then in seawater.

So, in England, the niobium element was found in the ancidium body, and then in the insignificant quantities in the water of Plymouth Bay, from the bottom of which these ascdis were taken. Sea animals have the ability to absorb and concentrate various rare substances in the body.

Mollusks, for example, absorb a lot of copper, ascdias - vanadium, radolaria - strontium, jellyfish - zinc, tin, lead, algae and sponges - iodine. Laminaria algae concentrates a lot of aluminum, some bacteria - sulfur, iron and other substances.

Over time, it may be possible to find "biological ways" of extracting rare substances from sea water.

Clear lagows will be artificially settled by organisms absorbing nickel, cobalt, cerium, cesium, uranium, thorium, vanadium, molybdenum, radium, and then from their bodies "concentrate" of one of these substances will be removed chemical methods on an industrial scale. Iodine has long been obtained from sea algae growing in shallow water near the shore.

The expeditions of the Soviet scientists at the "Vityaz" found in various parts of the ocean thousands of square miles of dNAs destroyed by iron-manganese concretions.

These are solid gaps of pea size to a cobblestone in two fists. In addition to manganese and iron, constituting the bulk of the nation, they contain copper, nickel, cobalt and many rare elements. The accumulation process of various substances in thections is definitely unknown, but it strives the scale of this phenomenon.

For example, cobalt reserves on continents are estimated at millions of tons, and in nodules at the bottom of the ocean of them thousands of times more.

In addition to the oceans, the nodules are especially many in the Kara Sea. They also have in the Baltic and Barents seas.

Common stocks of iron-manganese concretions are colossal: 200 billion T.In the Pacific Ocean - 100 billion T,and the rest in the Atlantic and Indian.

In the US, a plan for mining of iron-manganese nodules in the amount of 5 thousand T.per day. Specially equipped ships will be trawling them from the bottom at depths of 4-5 km.Then the ore will be delivered to the nearest ports where plants for processing this valuable raw materials will be built.

Sea subsoil contain many valuable substances, such as oil.

In our country, an increasing space of the coastal waters of the Caspian Sea is covered with overpass and platforms from which Buryat and produce oil from the depths of the seabed.

Some tows are located a lot of kilometers from the coast. Marine oil fisheries are widely developed on coastal marks in the Caribbean and in the Gulf of Mexico. Sea oil crafts near Venezuela shores were particularly fame.

The sea helps to use some of the Treasures of the Earth, scattered in its depths in small quantities. Waves, riding on the shore, destroy it, peat the chip material.

Riding, they are fascinated by pebbles, sand, il. At the same time, a heavier material is settled near the shore. In the chip material there are such valuable and rare elements like vanadium, titanium, as radioactive, etc.

For many millennia, sea waves make such work on the sorting of various particles, which the person cannot perform even with the help of perfect flushing sieves.

On the beaches and in coastal nanos, the masses of these valuables are concentrated.

In some places, for example, in the south of India, the concentration of radioactive substances in coastal sands is so great that they serve as raw materials for the nuclear industry.

The ocean contains huge stocks of fish, edible mollusks, crustaceans and algae.

Total world catch is 45 million in a year. T.(According to the UN). Of these, only 10% mined in fresh waters, the rest is in the seas and oceans. First place in the fisher

it occupy fish - 85%, then whales - 6%, mollusks and crustaceans - 8% and algae - 1%. Most of the fish is mined in the northern hemisphere. In the southern hemisphere, the richest fish areas are near the shores of Africa, South America, Indonesia, Australia.

The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans give 88% of world fishery, the southern part of the Arctic Ocean (Barents, Norwegian, Greenland Sea) - 7%, Indian Ocean - 5%.

In maritime fishing, herring (herring, sardines, anchovies) have important importance. More than 14 million is mined. T.in year. The second place is occupied by crackle - more than 5 million T,next, the skombid and tuna are more than 2 million. T,then camebal - more than 1 million. T.Salmon mining reaches 500 thousand. T.

Far Eastern salmon, Kets, Gorbushi, Chags, Red are especially mined.

This is a favorite food in China, Japan, India and other countries. Despite the perfection of modern fishing equipment - powerful vessels, a variety of networks, acoustic devices, with which they detect fish, the fishing can still be called a hunt - a person is looking for the seas and oceans of fish or whales, overtakes prey and catches it.

Among the sea inhabitants there are a lot of "intelligent", easy to train, such as dolphins that could "graze" fish shoals no worse than sheepaders on sheep pastures. Then the fishermen will lead the movement of fish flocks. It may be created electrical devices that limit the separation of fish flocks. With the help of acoustic devices, people will convene fish or whales. Yes, and the fish population will change in different areas. Already, Soviet scientists have accumulated experience in the acclimatization of fish.

But this is only the beginning of great work to improve and increase the wealth of fishing animals of the oceans and the seas. Need "useless" animals (starfish, sea hedgehog And other voracious creatures) use both feed birds and for fertilizer fields.

The ocean is in itself enormous energy reserves. As is well known, under the action of the attraction forces coming from the sun and the moon, marine tides arise on Earth.

Water twice or one day comes to the shore, flooding often extensive spaces.

The water level in separate places rises a few meters.

Such a regular movement of water pays huge energy reserves. Now this ocean energy is gradually begins to be used. In France, a tidal hydroelectric power station has already been built. They are designed in the USSR and in other countries. Large disadvantage of such power plants - unevenness in operation: they work at full capacity not around the clock. But they can be included in the energy system. In the USSR, several projects of tidal power plants are being developed: in the Lumbovskaya lip, on Murman, in the mouth of PP.

Mezheny and the lining and in the eastern part of the Mezen Bay, and then in the Penzhinsky Gulf of the Okhotsk Sea, where the tides reach 13 m.heights. The ocean is closely related to the surrounding continents and with the space extending over it, especially with the Sun and the Moon.

From the surface of the world ocean, 448 thousand evaporates annually. kM3 water. Of these, 107 thousand kM3 Holds above the land.

So the ocean moisturizes the land far from its shores. Heaven, green earth, ripen bread on the fields, vegetables in the gardens, fruits in the gardens. And no matter how far from the coast, there is a place where we live, everywhere we get the gifts of the ocean.

They lie on store shelves in the form of salt packages, barrels of fish, neat canned cans and many other products. You go down the street and admire the facing of houses: white limestone plates. Motherland Limestone - Marine Pace. A plane flies high in the sky. In the metal alloy, from which it is built, includes magnesium mined from sea water. Everywhere there are particles of the Great World Ocean.

A person has already enjoyed very many riches, but they do not make up the thousandth stake of what can be learned from its depths.

The time will come when a person armed with perfect technician will master all the wealth of the underwater world.

Underwater seafood

The pharmacy sells sea cabbage and candy-dragees, which include sea algae. In the grocery store you can buy canned food from vegetables with sea kale. Sea cabbage is one of the 70 species of seaweed, which are suitable for eating.

In one or another quantity of algae contain the same nutrients, vitamins and mineral salts that we find in vegetables. The inhabitants of the coast of the Irish Sea are used as seasonings to food arabic algae porphyra. Sea algae are the usual part of the food diet of the Chinese and the Japanese living near the sea shore.

In Japan, they are not satisfied with "wild-growing" algae and create underwater plantations.

They are grown and harvested algae. From one hectare you can collect algae 3-4 times more than hay with a good meadow. Most of the edible algae grows in cold waters. In some countries, acclimatization of cold-robber algae in warm waters is successfully produced. Sea algae mixed in feed and use as fertilizer. Algae processing products are widely used in the food industry, for example, in the manufacture of ice cream, creams and candies; In the textile industry - to fasten the color of the fabrics.

You can call more than a dozen substances obtained from algae and widely used in different industries. Not so long ago, special self-propelled mowers moved and successfully apply to the collection of "underwater crop", moving along the bottom, unfortunately because of their discharges they cause great damage to the ecology of the seas and oceans.

The role of the world's ocean in the life of the Earth. The effect of the ocean on the climate, the soil, the vegetable and animal world of sushi. The characteristic properties of water are salinity and temperature. Ice formation process. Features of the energy of waves, tidal and tidy movements of water, flows.

Cryosphere of the World Ocean

Characteristic and change of ice cover of the World Ocean.

Ice cover of the Northern and South Hemisphere. Properties of sea ice: salinity, porosity, density, heat capacity, heat transition heat, thermal conductivity. Varieties and drift ice.

course work, added 07/26/2015

World Ocean Resources and Prospects for Use

Brief description of the mineral resources of the oceans of the planet.

Causes of environmental problems. The efforts of the world community to prevent harmful effects On the water of the World Ocean. Energy of tides and sings. Glaciers Antarctic and Arctic.

course work, added 31.03.2014

World Ocean Resources

Liquid, gaseous, dissolved and solid mineral resources.

The largest oil and gas pools on the shelf Atlantic Ocean. Energy potential of ocean flows. Phytoplankton and zooplankton. Mastering the world's ocean resources.

abstract, added 04/16/2013

Mineral Ocean Resources

The main features of the Relief of the World Ocean.

World Ocean Resources. Continental shelf, slope, continental foot. Liquid ore. Storage room oceanic bottom. Deep-sea ore preciputes of hydrothermal origin. Nedra Sea DNA.

coursework, added 12/16/2015

Secrets of the oceans

Oceans, seas, mainland reservoirs and ice.

Water shell of the Earth. Different zones of the ocean bottom. The shelf zone and the mainland zone. Ocean Wealth, Sea Fish. Freshwater stocks and its consumption. Water level B. different parts Ocean.

presentation, added 26.02.2012

Oil and gas resources of the World Ocean

General characteristics, resources and trends in the development of the World Ocean.

Analysis of stocks, prices and economic significance of the largest oil and gas fields of the world, the prospects for their use. Types of pollution of the world's ocean and ways to combat them.

course work, added 07/22/2010

Indian Ocean. Nature features

Mastering and research history Indian Ocean. Basic features of the bottom of the ocean. Continental outskirts of the Indian Ocean.

Zonda island arc. Vegetable I. animal world.

Circulation of surface waters in the northern share of the Indian Ocean.

course work, added 07/10/2015

Water Circulation: Water in the Atmosphere

Evaporation as a process, as a result of which water from the ocean or from the surface of the Earth enters the atmosphere. Air saturation with water vapor, condensation process. The main types of clouds, their classification in the form, the content of water droplets and ice crystals.

abstract, added 05/13/2010

Comprehensive physico-geographical characteristics of the Pacific

Geological structure and relief of the Pacific Ocean.

Underwater edge of the mainland. Mid-ocean ridges and ocean beds. Water salinity distribution, climate and flow. Phytoplankton Pacific Ocean, his animal world, rich mineral deposits.

abstract, added 19.03.2016

Biological resources of the World Ocean

The main elements of the design of the bottom, the saline and the temperature of the waters of the world ocean.

Biological resources, volumes of use and geographical distribution across the oceans. The share of aquaculture in the production of fish and mollusks. Features of fishing fishery.

In the process of its evolution, a person learned not only to use the resources of the World Ocean, but also to exhaust them. The significance of the World Ocean for people is so great that it is very hard to understand this and appreciate the advantage. Each of us should think about the purity of the "Cradle of the World", and the next time, resting on the coast, do not clog it.


The world ocean is a huge battery. He is able to accumulate heat and give it when the cold time comes to warm the earthlings. In the summer, taking care of most solar radiationHe saves equatorial countries from burnout. Such ability is explained large content salts in a huge mass of water.

Fig. 1. Coral reef

Raw source

Recently, fish catch reached a dangerous limit. Starting from the 17th century, the number of seafood consumed steadiles steadily grew. Today, the numbers say that for each person the land accounts for 22 kg. Fish per year. A little more and the ocean will not be able to have time to renew their animal world.

The economic significance of the ocean is that it is a rich unexpected source of valuable fuel resources - gas and oil. Many expensive ores, whose disadvantage is felt on land, in the sea are in excess. This is a manganese, cobalt, nickel.

Power of water masses is a potential source of inexhaustible energy. While this sphere was mastered not enough, but this is a good analogue of nuclear power plants.

Fig. 2. The beauty of the ocean

Denote as the role of the ocean in the life of a person:

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  • Is a drive of sunlight;
  • Determines the weather and climate of the planet;
  • Supplier of fresh water in the hydrosphere;
  • Performs a filter function;
  • Cleans the air and supplies saturated oxygen into the atmosphere;
  • Seafood source;
  • Source of mineral resources;
  • Energy source;
  • Transport ally;
  • Center for recreational resources and tourism.

However, in addition to positive influence On the nature and man, the ocean performs negative and very dangerous work. It is the cause of the occurrence of devastating tsunami, storms and hurricanes.

The largest tsunami in the history of mankind occurred in 2014 on the shores of the Indian Ocean. Then the destructive power claimed the lives of 240,000 people. 14 countries were injured, and some of the islands were erased from the face of the Earth.

Fig. 3. Tsunami

World Ocean Problems and their decision

Of course, remembering the problems of the oceans, it is worth noting that indebid effect It affects primarily due to the overwhelming. Than more people - The greater the need. Moreover, it is necessary to extract raw materials, fish, the more the resources of the Earth are depleted. The person polluted the water so much that the ocean does not have time to recycle all the products of vital activity. Dangerous spills of oil or crawling tankers cause the risk of extincting underwater life.

In 1957, the International Oceanographic Commission for UNESCO was established. The main tasks:

  • Joint with all countries a safe study of sea depths;
  • Monitor the rational use of resources;
  • Protect the wealth of the World Ocean and maintain the purity of its waters.

What did we know?

The world ocean for nature and man plays a huge role. First of all, it is a powerful climate regulator and weather in our planet. It retains heat and affects the rains. The rational use of the resources of the World Ocean and solving the problem of its pollution is the key to the life of all mankind in the future.

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The planet on which we live, with great right, you can call the "planet ocean" than the "planet earth". After all, the area of \u200b\u200bthe World Ocean is more than 2 times the area of \u200b\u200ball sushi. If all continents cover the water of the World Ocean, then a layer of 9 is formed. kM! There are 1370 million in the oceans. kM 3 water! A lot of water on earth, and it affects all its nature. World Ocean - Earth Climate Regulator. He accumulates warmly in the summer and gives it in winter. The water of the surface layer of the World Ocean, heating in the tropical area, moves to the northern latitudes and south, to Antarctica, and in depths, cold water moves from high latitudes to the equator. If there were no such exchange with water masses between the tropics and high latitudes, then the tropical heat and polar cold would be so strong that the lives of most living creatures inhabiting in these latitudes would be impossible.

With sea currents are associated with the features of the climate of coastal countries. The flows cooled or sweep the climate. So, in Norway at 60 ° C. sh. The average annual air temperature is the same as in New York, which lies at 20 °, i.e. at 2160 kMsouth. This is explained by the influence of the warm north-Atlantic current, which takes place off the coast of Norway. The branch of this flow opens and the Barents Sea, and our northern port of Murmansk, which is therefore usually freezing. The air temperature in all of the north of Europe depends on this flow. Thanks to the north-Atlantic flow, the average annual air temperature in England is 15 °, and in Norway 20-25 ° above the temperature for the corresponding latitudes on the other side of the ocean.

On the same latitudes, on the east coast of Canada, where the Cold East Greenland current passes, a lot of ice of the Northern Ocean is made. In the north of the Pacific Ocean, the coast of the Soviet Union passes a cold course, which has a cooling effect on the climate of coastal areas. On the same latitudes in the Pacific part of Canada, significantly warmer.

Sea - Arena Labor Activities for millions. To equip one sailor or fisherman in swimming, 20 people work on land and in ports: on shipbuilding plants, networks and cable factories and other enterprises. More than 100 million people, inhabitants of coasts, one way or another are associated with the sea. Since the oldest times, the oceans and the sea are the road connecting different countries. And nowadays, sea transport plays a huge role in the economic and cultural life of peoples. More than 65% of world transport freight turnover falls on the sea fleet. Sea transport by 40% cheaper railway. Hasive tankers with displacement of 55-210 thousand tons. Replace 50-200 railway trains of 50 cars each.

With the development of technology, the speed of the marine fleet increases. So, for example, ships on underwater wings develop speed at 100 kMat one o'clock.

In the time of the USSR, about 65% of all goods and more than 14 million passengers per year transports the sea fleet. Leningrad, Murmansk, Odessa, Vladivostok and many other cities quickly developed as ports connecting our country with the whole world. The development of port cities in other countries is also associated with international transfer of goods and passengers. In New York, for example, the proprietary line for ships exceeds 900 km.

Ocean water is an inexhaustible storage of a variety of chemical mineral raw materials. It dissolves all chemical elements of the periodic Mendeleev system, even gold and radioactive elements. Water is an excellent solvent. On average in 1 T.seawater dissolved 35 kgdifferent salts, but minimize them are still relatively few. This is a matter of the future.

Many cooking salts are extracted from seawater in India, Italy, France, Spain, the United States. It is evaporated in special artificial evaporative basins, which for a while stopping the access of sea water. Already, a quarter of the world salt is produced from seawater. Stone salt reserves on land are great, but in the end they will still be exhausted. An inexhamable source of cook salt will forever remain the world ocean. We can safely say that the danger to remain without salt does not threaten humanity.

In a number of countries, marine water becomes the main source of magnesium production. In the USA from sea water produce magnesium more than 250 thousand. T.per year, which is over 50% of the need for this metal. In England, 4/5 magnesium needs are covered by seawater processing. Magnesium mining is also developed from the sea, in Italy, France, Tunisia and other countries. The brom is practically unable to extract from minerals, so sea water is the only source of it. Although in 1. T.bromine seawater contains only 65 G.But it is 40 times more than the average content of it in the earth's crust. BROM reserves in the world ocean reach 90 thousand billion. T.

World seawater bromine production is 100 thousand. T.And it increases as they demand. The first plant for obtaining bromine from sea water was built in our country in 1916; in Crimea. Since then, the production of bromine has increased significantly. Sea Broma is obtained in the USA, Canada, Brazil, France, Japan, India and other countries.

The bromine is used for therapeutic purposes, it is part of many dyes, photocreparations, add it to fuel for internal combustion engines. Potassium is also extracted from sea water, which is used mainly like fertilizer. His mining is developed in England, Japan and other countries.

The technology of obtaining nutrients from the ocean water is still. poorly designed. Minerals are very difficult to extract from seawater, and often you have to spend much more money than to produce them on land. But this is only "while" and "still." Methods of production are quickly improved. If the development of ocean waters is comprehensively, i.e., at the same time, to extract several beneficial substances from them, it is very low-cost production. A person can then use huge reserves of substances that are dissolved in the waters of the world's ocean. Water that will be free from the chemical elements dissolved in it will go for irrigation of fields and for the supply of cities. According to the calculations of the All-Union Institute of Galurgia (Solve Institute) with the complex processing of sea water for every 10 thousand. T.food salt is obtained 1700 T.raw gypsum, 370 T.potash fertilizer, about 2000 T.magnesia, 26. T.bromine and other substances.

Some elements contained in seawater were first opened in the body of living beings and only then in seawater. So, in England, the niobium element was found in the ancidium body, and then in the insignificant quantities in the water of Plymouth Bay, from the bottom of which these ascdis were taken. Sea animals have the ability to absorb and concentrate various rare substances in the body. Mollusks, for example, absorb a lot of copper, ascdias - vanadium, radolaria - strontium, jellyfish - zinc, tin, lead, algae and sponges - iodine. Laminaria algae concentrates a lot of aluminum, some bacteria - sulfur, iron and other substances.

Over time, it may be possible to find "biological ways" of extracting rare substances from sea water. Shallow lagows will be artificially incented with organisms absorbing nickel, cobalt, cerium, cesium, uranium, thorium, vanadium, molybdenum, radium, and then from their bodies "concentrate" of one of these substances will be removed by chemical methods on an industrial scale. Iodine has long been obtained from sea algae growing in shallow water near the shore.

The expeditions of the Soviet scientists at the "Vityaz" found in various parts of the ocean thousands of square miles of dNAs destroyed by iron-manganese concretions. These are solid gaps of pea size to a cobblestone in two fists. In addition to manganese and iron, constituting the bulk of the nation, they contain copper, nickel, cobalt and many rare elements. The accumulation process of various substances in thections is definitely unknown, but it strives the scale of this phenomenon. For example, cobalt reserves on continents are estimated at millions of tons, and in nodules at the bottom of the ocean of them thousands of times more.

In addition to the oceans, the nodules are especially many in the Kara Sea. They also have in the Baltic and Barents seas. Common stocks of iron-manganese concretions are colossal: 200 billion T.In the Pacific Ocean - 100 billion T,and the rest in the Atlantic and Indian. In the US, a plan for mining of iron-manganese nodules in the amount of 5 thousand T.per day. Specially equipped ships will be trawling them from the bottom at depths of 4-5 km.Then the ore will be delivered to the nearest ports where plants for processing this valuable raw materials will be built.

Sea subsoil contain many valuable substances, such as oil. In our country, an increasing space of the coastal waters of the Caspian Sea is covered with overpass and platforms from which Buryat and produce oil from the depths of the seabed. Some tows are located a lot of kilometers from the coast. Marine oil fisheries are widely developed on coastal marks in the Caribbean and in the Gulf of Mexico. Sea oil crafts near Venezuela shores were particularly fame.

The sea helps to use some of the Treasures of the Earth, scattered in its depths in small quantities. Waves, riding on the shore, destroy it, peat the chip material. Riding, they are fascinated by pebbles, sand, il. At the same time, a heavier material is settled near the shore. In the chip material there are such valuable and rare elements like vanadium, titanium, as radioactive, etc.

For many millennia, sea waves make such work on the sorting of various particles, which the person cannot perform even with the help of perfect flushing sieves. On the beaches and in coastal nanos, the masses of these valuables are concentrated.

In some places, for example, in the south of India, the concentration of radioactive substances in coastal sands is so great that they serve as raw materials for the nuclear industry.

The ocean contains huge stocks of fish, edible mollusks, crustaceans and algae. Total world catch is 45 million in a year. T.(According to the UN). Of these, only 10% mined in fresh waters, the rest is in the seas and oceans. First place in the fisher

it occupy fish - 85%, then whales - 6%, mollusks and crustaceans - 8% and algae - 1%. Most of the fish is mined in the northern hemisphere. In the southern hemisphere, the richest fish areas are near the shores of Africa, South America, Indonesia, Australia.

The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans give 88% of world fishery, the southern part of the Arctic Ocean (Barents, Norwegian, Greenland Sea) - 7%, Indian Ocean - 5%. In maritime fishing, herring (herring, sardines, anchovies) have important importance. More than 14 million is mined. T.in year. The second place is occupied by crackle - more than 5 million T,next, the skombid and tuna are more than 2 million. T,then camebal - more than 1 million. T.Salmon mining reaches 500 thousand. T.

Far Eastern salmon, Kets, Gorbushi, Chags, Red are especially mined. This is a favorite food in China, Japan, India and other countries. Despite the perfection of modern fishing equipment - powerful vessels, a variety of networks, acoustic devices, with which they detect fish, the fishing can still be called a hunt - a person is looking for the seas and oceans of fish or whales, overtakes prey and catches it. Among the sea inhabitants there are a lot of "intelligent", easy to train, such as dolphins that could "graze" fish shoals no worse than sheepaders on sheep pastures. Then the fishermen will lead the movement of fish flocks. It may be created electrical devices that limit the separation of fish flocks. With the help of acoustic devices, people will convene fish or whales. Yes, and the fish population will change in different areas. Already, Soviet scientists have accumulated experience in the acclimatization of fish. But this is only the beginning of great work to improve and increase the wealth of fishing animals of the oceans and the seas. It is necessary to "useless" animals (starfish, marine hedgehogs and other voracious creatures) to use both feed birds and for fertilizer fields.

The ocean is in itself enormous energy reserves. As is well known, under the action of the attraction forces coming from the sun and the moon, marine tides arise on Earth.

Water twice or one day comes to the shore, flooding often extensive spaces. The water level in separate places rises a few meters. Such a regular movement of water pays huge energy reserves. Now this ocean energy is gradually begins to be used. In France, a tidal hydroelectric power station has already been built. They are designed in the USSR and in other countries. Large disadvantage of such power plants - unevenness in operation: they work at full capacity not around the clock. But they can be included in the energy system. In the USSR, several projects of tidal power plants are being developed: in the Lumbovskaya lip, on Murman, in the mouth of PP. Mezheny and the lining and in the eastern part of the Mezen Bay, and then in the Penzhinsky Gulf of the Okhotsk Sea, where the tides reach 13 m.heights. The ocean is closely related to the surrounding continents and with the space extending over it, especially with the Sun and the Moon.

From the surface of the world ocean, 448 thousand evaporates annually. kM 3 water. Of these, 107 thousand kM 3 falls over land. So the ocean moisturizes the land far from its shores. Heaven, green earth, ripen bread on the fields, vegetables in the gardens, fruits in the gardens. And no matter how far from the coast, there is a place where we live, everywhere we get the gifts of the ocean. They lie on store shelves in the form of salt packages, barrels of fish, neat canned cans and many other products. You go down the street and admire the facing of houses: white limestone plates. Motherland Limestone - Marine Pace. A plane flies high in the sky. In the metal alloy, from which it is built, includes magnesium mined from sea water. Everywhere there are particles of the Great World Ocean.

A person has already enjoyed very many riches, but they do not make up the thousandth stake of what can be learned from its depths. The time will come when a person armed with perfect technician will master all the wealth of the underwater world.

Underwater seafood

The pharmacy sells sea cabbage and candy-dragees, which include sea algae. In the grocery store you can buy canned food from vegetables with sea kale. Sea cabbage is one of the 70 species of seaweed, which are suitable for eating. In one or another quantity of algae contain the same nutrients, vitamins and mineral salts that we find in vegetables. The inhabitants of the coast of the Irish Sea are used as seasonings to food arabic algae porphyra. Sea algae are the usual part of the food diet of the Chinese and the Japanese living near the sea shore.

In Japan, they are not satisfied with "wild-growing" algae and create underwater plantations. They are grown and harvested algae. From one hectare you can collect algae 3-4 times more than hay with a good meadow. Most of the edible algae grows in cold waters. In some countries, acclimatization of cold-robber algae in warm waters is successfully produced. Sea algae mixed in feed and use as fertilizer. Algae processing products are widely used in the food industry, for example, in the manufacture of ice cream, creams and candies; In the textile industry - to fasten the color of the fabrics. You can call more than a dozen substances obtained from algae and widely used in different industries. Not so long ago, special self-propelled mowers moved and successfully apply to the collection of "underwater crop", moving along the bottom, unfortunately because of their discharges they cause great damage to the ecology of the seas and oceans.

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