FGP description plan. Characteristics of the physico-geographical position of the mainland

Date: 30.11.2019


Africa is the second largest mainland after Eurasia. Sushi Square - 29.2 million km 2, with islands - 30.3 million km 2 (about 1/5 of the Sushi of the Globe).

The highest point over the sea level is Kilimanjaro (5895 m), the lowest - the Wpadine Assal (155 m).

Equator Africa crosses almost in the middle, its outskirts enter subtropical latitudes.

Africa is located in four hemispheres at the same time - North and South, Western and East.

The extreme points of the mainland:

  • north - cape Ras Engel (37 ° S.Sh., 10 ° V.D.),
  • south - cape Agullas (needle) (35 ° Yu.Sh., 20 ° V.D.),
  • western - cape Almadi (14 ° C. sh., 18 ° z. D.),
  • eastern - cape Rasha Hafun (11 ° C. sh., 52 ° C. d.).

The length of the north to the south is almost 8,000 km, the width in the north is 7,500 km (Cape Almadi - Cape Rasha Hafun).

Africa is washed by the Mediterranean and Red Seas, Indian and Atlantic Oceans. The mainland is connected to Asia narrow (120 km) with a skewer. From Europe, Africa is separated by the Gibraltar Strait (the smallest width of 13 km).

Coastline Africa cut slightly, the coast is often mountainous. The length of the coastline is 30,500 km, more than 1/5 remotely from the oceans and seas 1000-1500 km.

Large bays - Guinean and cider. There are few comfortable bays, the largest Somali Peninsula.

In Africa include islands: in the east Madagascar, Pomeranian, Mascaren, Amilant, Seychelles, Pemba, Mafia, Zanzibar, Socotra; In the west - Madeira, Canarsia, Green Cape, Annobon, San Tome, Prisional, and remote Islands: Ascension, Saint Helena, Tristan da Cunya.

History of research and development

Europeans start detailed study Africa S. XVin.

IN XVI B.. Portuguese during the search for the Persian journey to India investigated the outline of the coast of Africa.

Bartolome Diash - Portuguese navigator - in 1487 For the first time made swimming along the western coast of Africa, reached Cape Good Hope (1487-1488). Expedition Diash proved that the Indian Ocean is connected to the Atlantic and can be selected in India.

Expedition under the leadership of Vasco da Gama opened the sea route to India for Europeans ( 1499 ). Long, challenging journey had significant consequences - from the moment of opening sea Path And to the construction of the main trade of South and East Asia in 1869 Suez Canal.

IN XVII in. In the inner regions of Africa south of Equator, Perptoogal researchers opened Lake Tana ( 1613 ), Nyasa ( 1616 ), the origins of the blue Nile and the lowering of the Congo River were investigated, in the west of the mainland, the French expedition A. BERS examined the Senegal River.

IN XVIIIin. Due to the rapid development of industrial global trade, interests of the mainland, its resources are growing.

IN 1788 In London, "Association to promote the opening of the internal parts of Africa" \u200b\u200bwas organized, which 1830 Communicated and royal geographic Society. Expeditions organized by the Association: M. Park in 1796-1797 gg (Research Nile and Niger), Order, Denga, Clapperton in 1822-1824 gg (For the first time they crossed the Sahara to Lake Chad, through the r. Sokhoto reached Niger).

In the study of the Nile basin, the large role belongs to the French (the times of Napoleon's hike in Egypt).

IN 1835 E. Smith explored the Limpopo River.

IN 1847 - 1848 gg Expedition E. P. Kovalevsky began geographical and geological study of the Blue Nile basin.

IN 1848 -1849 gg German missionaries I. Krapf and I. Rebrmans opened the highest point of the mainland - Kilimanjaro volcano.

IN 1856 - 1869 The expedition of J. Okek and R. Berton opened Lake Tanganyika. It has established that Nile originates from Lake Victoria.

David Livingston opened the NGAM Lake, Victoria Waterfall ( 1855 ), crossed Africa from the west to the East, explored the Zambezi River pool, in 1867-1871 gg He studied the southern and western banks of Lake Tanganic, opened Lake Bangveulu. In Europe, the Livingston expedition was considered missing, and a journalist of Stanley was sent to her searches, which 1871 Meets with Livingston on Lake Tanganyika. Together they continued to study the northern part of the lake and found out that the lake is not connected with the Nile.

IN 1865-1867 gg The expedition of German researchers of Rolfs and the city of Natigal first of Europeans crossed the Sahara from the coast of the Mediterranean Sea (Tripoli city) to the Guinean Bay (Lagos City), reached the Wadai massif.

Russian traveler V. V. Juncker in 1876-1878 gg He conducted geographical and ethnographic studies of Central Africa, detailed the hydrography of the source of the White whole, investigated the Nile and Congo watershed.

So, K. eND XIX.in. Four large African rivers - Neil, Congo, Niger and Zambezi were investigated, early XX in. Explored large reserves of natural resources.


Relief, geological structure and natural resources

see also

BUT frick. Relief and geological structure, natural resources

General information about the mainland 1. The area of \u200b\u200bthe mainland -30 million square meters. km. 2. Africa - the second largest mainland after Eurasia. 3. The average height is 750 meters, which is significantly less than the height of Eurasia (960 m.). 4. Africa is the hottest mainland on Earth, here is the greatest desert of sugar.

The position of Africa with respect to the equator and climatic belts 1. Feature geographic location (GP) Africa is almost a symmetrical location in relation to the equator. 2. The extreme points of the mainland (see photo on the slide). 3. Seasons in the northern and southern parts of the continent are opposed to: when in the northern hemisphere summer, in South -Zima. 4. Africa is located in an equatorial, subequatorial, tropical and subtropical climatic belts. Therefore, air temperature is high all year round. Winter and summer differ not so much on the temperature regime as in terms of moisture: summer is always the rainy season, and the winter is a dry period.

The position in relation to the initial meridian of Zero Meridian so crosses the mainland, that it is almost completely in Eastern hemisphere and only a small part of it - in Western.

The situation relative to other continents of Africa was removed from other continents for a significant distance, with the exception of Eurasia, to which it adjacent to almost dense. In the north of the Mediterranean Sea and the narrow Gibraltar Strait separated Africa from Europe (the width of only 14 km). In Northeast, Africa is connected to Asia with a narrow strip of sushi - a Suez is a 120 km width. In the XIX century, a Suez Canal was built here, which connected the Mediterranean and Red Sea and had a reduction path from Europe to India, South Asia and Australia.

Oceans and the sea, Africa wash Africa, is washed: Ø in the West - Atlantic Ocean. Ø In the East - Indian Ocean. Ø In the north - Mediterranean Sea (atlantic pool). Ø In Northeast - Red Sea (pool Indian Ocean).

Oceans and the sea, washing Africa 1) Oceans and the sea have a significant impact on the climate of the continent, since they are partly associated with the direction of movement and the properties of the air masses forming the continental climate. Noticeable impact on the climate of the mainland ocean flows. Warm currents Protecting the formation of warm air masses, and cold cooled coastal areas of the African continent. 2) Very rich in the organic world of the seas and oceans. From time immemorial, they are marine fish and hunting fishery. For many coastal areas, fishery is one of the main types of sessions of the local population and the source of food.

Oceans and sea, wash Africa 3) Veliko transport value of the seas and oceans. Seaports Africa is located mainly in wide open bays and bays or on the open coast. Great importance For shipping, there is a Suez canal connecting the Indian and Atlantic Oceans.

The outlines of the shores of Africa are weakly dissected, and the mainland has a fairly simple outline. It is possible to distinguish only a few wide open in the oceans of the bays, the largest of which are Guinean in the West and Adenian in the East. A small number of peninsulas is also indicated about the weak dismemberment of the coastline. Somalia Peninsula on the east coast of the mainland is the largest of them.

The outlines of the shores towards Africa include a number of small islands, and many of them are removed for a significant distance from the mainland. Some of them have mainland, other volcanic. The most major island of Madagascar mainland, is about 400 km east of Africa. This is the fourth largest island of the globe (after Greenland, New Guinea and Kalimantan.

The outlines of the coast of the man has long been engaged in the shore. The coastal zone of Africa turned out to be more developed in both industrial and agricultural terms than the internal territories of the continent. On the shores and close to them big cities, plantations for the cultivation of many export citrus (peanuts, coffee, cotton, olives, citrus and t.).

Check yourself! 1. What features of the nature of Africa are determined by its geographical position (GP)? 2. Give the characteristic of the physico-geographical position of Africa according to plan using a hemisphey map: A. Position with respect to the equator and zero meridian, the extreme points of the mainland. B. Position in relation to other continents. Q. What are the oceans to wash mainland? Position in climatic belts. D. The influence of the geographical position (GP) of the mainland on its nature.

  • Physico-geographical position of the mainland.

  • Relief, tectonic structure, minerals.

  • Climate.

  • Inland waters.

  • Soil.

  • Natural zones. Flora and fauna.

  • Population. Economic activities.

  • States and capital.

"Geographical position of Africa. History of research. "

  • Theme lesson

Task lesson:

  • Introduce the plan of the characteristics of the mainland

  • Introduce the concept of the geographical position of the mainland

  • Remove the techniques for determining the geographical position of the mainland

  • Examine the features of the geographical position of Africa and their influence on the nature of the mainland.

Features of the mainland

  • In the sizes of Africa is inferior only to Eurasia its area is 29.2 million km2

  • About ½ of its territory occupy deserts and semi-deserts. Snow caps rose over the expanses of Savann.

  • In Africa, the very largest river of the Eastern Hemisphere Congo and the longest river of the world Nile.

  • Africa is the hottest mainland of the earth.

FGP Description Description Mainland

Geographical location of the mainland Africa

Determine how the mainland is located relative to the equator, tropics and zero meridian.

Determine the geographical coordinates of the extreme points of Africa.

  • 1 option.

  • Northern Point of Cance Benx

  • Southern point

  • Option 2

  • Western point of Cape Almadi

  • East point - Cape Ras Hawun

FGP Description Description Mainland

  • Determine how the mainland is located relative to the equator, tropics and zero meridian.

  • Find the coordinates of the extreme points of the mainland in degrees and the length of the mainland in kilometers from the north to the south and from the east to the west.

  • In which climatic belts is the mainland?

  • Determine which seas and oceans wash the mainland?

  • How is the mainland relative to other continents?

Physical map of Africa

Story Study Study

The opening and study of the mainland

David Livingston

  • English traveler in Africa. Livingston lived in Africa twenty-eight years as a missionary and researcher.

  • Opened areas of Zambezi and many parts of South and Central Africa

  • Motorized a modern map of "Black continent"

  • Opened Waterfall Victoria

  • He studied the upper shovel of the River Congo, Lake Nyasa

Kuruman city, in which D. Livingston lived eight years

Steamer, on which D. Livingston floated on Zambezi

D. Livingston and Nestley on Lake Tanganic

The natives are carried by the fever D. Livhingston.

Vasily Vasilyevich Junker

  • Russian researcher in Africa.

  • He studied Central and Eastern Africa

  • Conducted topographic work, meteorological and hydrological observations

The article contains information that explains the peculiarity of the geographical position of the Black Continent relative to other continents. The material indicates unique features that are peculiar only to this territory. Complements information from the course of geography for grade 7.

Geographical position of Africa

The black continent is recognized as the hottest mainland on the planet. This is due to the fact that it takes place on both sides of the equator. It conventionally cuts the continent in the center. A similar position of the land plot has become an objective reason that the territory receives a significant amount of solar energy required to maintain life. The size of the territory from north to south - 8 thousand km, from west to east in the northern tip - 7.5 thousand km.

The mainland is washed at once in two oceans and two seas - east End - Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, Western-Atlantic Ocean, and from the north - the waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

Mainland is distinguished from other features that concluded in its weak dismemberment in the vertical and horizontal plane. The geographical position of Africa is specific, since the continent is located symmetrically relative to the equator.

The location of the continent is that it is among the two tropics: the extreme northern tip 37 ° 20 "s. sh. - Cape El Abiad, extreme southern tip 34 ° 5 "Yu. sh. - Cape needle.

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It is surprising that the main part of the mainland territory runs in a hot belt. The entire area is regularly heated by sunlight.

The physico-geographical position of the mainland is that its northern region is much wider than South. The width of the southern part is about 3000 km., And the length of the western tip of the green cape to the eastern point of Ras Hafun is only 7, 5 thousand km.

Fig. 1. Card natural zones Africa.

Africa for other continents

Due to the extraordinary configuration of the mainland, the location of natural zones is different. But this is compensated by the transition to each other.

Fig. 2. Scheme of the transition of climatic zones.

The position of Africa relative to other continents is that it is almost in the center of the world map. Other continents are located on different sides of the world.

Fig. 3. Position of Africa on the map.

The characteristic feature of the continent is the ability to "mirror reflect" the entire completeness of its natural diversity. Due to the fact that the continental territory in the center cuts the equator, its natural zones, which are located in the northern part, reflect the zones that are located in the southern region from the equator. It turns out that, passing from Cape Town to Cairo, you can observe each of the natural zones of the African continent twice. None of the continents of the Earth is endowed with such a unique feature.

When drawing up a plan for describing the geographical position of Africa for the geography lesson, it is necessary to consider such items as:

  • The orientation of the continent relative to imaginary contours on the map: Equator, tropics, polar circles, land poles, zero meridian.
  • Accommodation in the hemispheres of the planet.
  • The names of the extreme maintenance tonsities and their coordinates.
  • The size of the territory from north to south in degrees and kilometers.
  • The magnitude of the territory from the west to the east in degrees and kilometers.
  • The orientation of the continent in the belts and climate areas.
  • The orientation of the mainland is comparatively seas and oceans that are washed.

What did we know?

We learned that thanks to the physico-geographical specific features of the continent, you can twice observe each of its natural zones. It was found out that the equator line literally divides Africa into two halves. They established the reason why this territory is recognized by the hottest part of sushi on Earth. Familiarized with the plan of detailed definition (through a description) of the geographical position of the mainland. Established differences in the natural zones of the black continent from each other.

Test on the topic

Report assessment

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Sections: Geography

Heart of Africa Pena Full and Druel,
And I know that if we see sometimes
Dreams who do not know how to name
This wind brings them, Africa, yours!

Objectives and objectives of the lesson:

  • introduce the physico-geographical position of Africa;
  • teach to give a characteristic FGP mainland;
  • show features of the mainland coastline;
  • continue forming the ability to work with cards.

Type of lesson: Combined lesson.

Equipment: Hemisphans and physical map of Africa, Atlas, contour, mental cards.


1. Organizational moment

Lesson plan

  1. Creating a paint image
  2. Practical work
  3. Fixing

Well, when the study of the mainland begins with a small, but bright and emotional story with a demonstration of slides, photographs, advanced tasks, etc., etc.

The word teacher

Guys, all of you since childhood remember the poem of the root of Chukovsky "Dr. Aibolit". Let's remember him ... So today we proceed to the study of Africa. Which of you can show Africa on a hemisphey map?

Record the number and theme of the lesson.

Among other continents, Africa takes a special place. The second in the area is 1/5 sushi our planet. Africa is the continent of contrasts. In geographical respect, Africa is not fully studied, the deep areas of tropical forests have yet to be studied.

Questions to class

Guys, tell Africa is part of the light or mainland? (and part of the light and mainland)

To which ancient mainland Belong Africa? (Gondwana)

The word teacher

"Africa is an indelible passion: inspire the dust of her red earth - Laterita, you will hear a multi-voiced battle fight, you will see in the reflections of the night fire

in some deaf village, the muscular bodies of dancers in fascinating masks, and it will be difficult to return from this mysterious world. Having met face to face with this unusual continent, sometimes you believe in the plausibility of implausible legends and legends, in the authenticity of fairy tales, since childhood who captured the imagination.

The aliens will seem truly amazing many customs and life of Africans ... "(V. Korochansev).

What do you know the poem about Africa? (examples)

And again think I became about you, my Africa
Motherland, the ancient hearth of Pharaohs,
Land of pyramids created by someone incomprehensible will.
Africa, Motherland, like the moon, you float, turning your sail.
But where?

I was sitting under the stars of the sky in thought,
And the moon over my head sailed
Calm and leisurely
Like a boat under sail, quietly sailed
Famous by taking submissive
Strained over the lot,
Not doubting anything
Not trying to change something
In his serene fate.

For students, the song from Telefilm A. Rybnikov for the words Yu. Mikhailov about the "Red Hat" sounds.

The word teacher

For you, the famous song is reserved.

She invites to kind and wonderful world.

We will go to Africa now,

But who will explain this strange name?

Where did the name "Africa" \u200b\u200btaken?

Find the answer in your books guys. (See tutorial page 110)

There is another explanation. There is still a pretty serious translation.

From the Latin "Africa" \u200b\u200b- smuggous, and on an ancient map of Eratosthen - Libya.

How do we get to the goal?

Are you ready? Corrected?

Short way to her, il great

We are waiting for a wonderful mainland

And on the way there are problems

Why is our topic?

We live in Eurasia, we live,

And Africa before others know.

(Children form an answer, the teacher summarizes: the hottest mainland; has the biggest desert; a variety of natural complexes; the largest arrays of equatorial forests; the longest river Nile; The river crossing the equator is twice - Congo, it is the most fulfillment; The habitat of large mammals - elephants, hippos, rhinos, giraffes ...; In the African continent, a completely fantastic find was found - bone remains of 130,000 years. ( look magazine "Knowledge is power". August 1989)

Well, now I have a proposal: talk about its geographical position. Determination of the geographical position of the mainland is the first task When studying it, and it is necessary to show ways to solve it.

Practical work

see the plan description of the geographical position of the mainland in the textbook page 311.

Reception of the determination of the geographical position of the mainland

Plan The composition of the reception Expected answer
1. Maintain mainland on a degree grid:

a) in relation to the equator and the initial meridian

b) Warning position and length from north to south.

c) Longitude and length from west to east.

2. The position of the mainland relative to other objects:

a) relative to other continents

b) regarding the oceans.

1. Determine the maintenance position on a degree grid:

a) position relative to the equator and zero meridian, in which hemisphere is and in which part of its part

b) between which degrees of latitude are located, the coordinates of the extreme northern and southern points, the length from the north to the south in degrees and kilometers.

c) between what degrees of longitude is located, the coordinates of the extreme western and eastern points, the length from the west to the east in degrees and kilometers.

2. Determine the situation relative to other objects:

a) What continents are located nearby, in what direction are how separated?

b) Oceans formed by their seas, bays and straits, washing the mainland, the nature of the coastline.

a) Equator crosses Africa in almost middle, therefore, the mainland is located in the northern and southern hemispheres. The initial meridian crosses Africa in the West, and most of it lies in the east, and the smaller - in Western hemispheres.

b) Africa is located between 37 o p. sh. and 35 o. Sh., intersects with the Northern and South Tropics. Extreme northern point - M. El-Abyad - 37 o p. sh.; Extreme southern point - m. needle - 35 o. sh. Length from north to south of 20 o c. D. is (32 o +35 o) x 111 km \u003d 3774 km; Approximately 2 times more, i.e. about 7500 km.

c) Africa is located between 17 o z. d., Extreme Western point - M. Almadi - 17 o z. d., extreme eastern point - m. Razhyun. - 51 oh. D. length from west to east by equator is (43 o - 9 o) x 111 km \u003d 34 oh x 111 km \u003d 3774 km; In the widest part along 20 o p. sh. approximately 2. times more, t. e. About 7500 km.

a) Africa is located very close to Eurasia, on the south-west of it, and is separated by a narrow Suezthume, which the Suez Canal is laid.

b) from the north of Africa is washed by the Mediterranean Sea and separated from Europe a very narrow Gibraltar Strait; From the West - the Atlantic Ocean, which forms in the Equatorial part of the Great Guinean Bay; From the east - the waters of the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea. The coastline of the mainland is weakly cut.

2. Oral work on the implementation of the second point of the plan can be combined with filling out the contour card or the continuity contour drawn in the notebook.

3. After all the descriptions of FGP mainland are done, you should sum up the work.

The discovery and study of the mainland.

Before the story about the history of the study of the mainland, the teacher asks students, what travelers in Africa do they know that they read about it?

1. The study of this item occurs on the basis of reports of pre-prepared students using additional material. For example:

Bartolome Diash

Portuguese navigator, who trained many of his companions to the art of navigation. His first name was mentioned in a brief official document in connection with the release of it from the payment of fees for elephant bone, brought from the shores of Guinea. In 1481, he commanded one of the courts sent to the Golden Coast. In this expedition, Christopher Columbus was also involved in this expedition. In 1487, he again went along the shores of Africa. Reached the Cape of Good Hope. But the team demanded to turn back, and Drash obeyed.

When preparing a new expedition to India, Diash led the construction of ships. The head of the expedition was appointed Vaska da Gama. Diash accompanied the courts of the Gama to the islands of the Green Cape.

Vasco da Gama

This person was fortunate enough to fulfill the dream of many navigators - reached distant India. And returned from there the glorified and rich one. He was a military and courteous not to a lesser extent than the navigator.

In the spring of 1494, Gama received an order four ships and 170 people sailed from Portugal to the shores of Africa. Four months later, he conceded Cape of Good Hope and came to the eastern shore of Africa. After 26 months with the load of goods and prisoners returned back. In 1524 he was invited to go as a vice king to India and restore the prosperity of Portuguese colonies there. But, having spent 3 months in India, yes Gama fell ill and died, leaving about himself the glory of an outstanding navigator, a wise leader and a good administrator.

2. Based on the text of the textbook, fill out a table (perform at home)


1. I propose a game: students finish offer.

Africa in the middle intersects ...

Zero Meridian crosses Africa with ...

Africa is washed oceans, their number ...

From the north, the mainland is washed ...

Eastern extreme point The mainland is considered ...

The Guinean Bay is located with ... mainland.

The biggest island near the shores of Africa ...

2. Geographical tasks

How to explain the origin of the geographical names of the west coast of Africa?

After a successful expedition, Bartolome Diash, the southern tip of Africa received the name of the Cape of Good Hope. What did B. Diash and his followers hoped?

All are well done! Worked nicely. Now go to your homework.

Homework: Paragraph number 24, answer questions at the end of the paragraph; Fill out a table; Tasks for k / k: sign the coastline objects.


  1. O. V. Krylova Geography Lessons. M., pr., 1990.
  2. N. A. Nikitina Purchant developments in geography Grade 7, M., 2005.
  3. O. V. Krylova continues and oceans. M., pr., 2002.
  4. V. A. Corinskaya, I. V. Doshain, V. A. Pheanov Geography of the continigs and oceans Grade 7, M., Frofa 2004.
  5. S. A. Ogurtsov Geographical names Omsk, 1961.
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