The Great Patriotic War. Pavlov Sergei Mikhailovich (Pavlov Sergei Mikhailovich) Pavlov Sergey Mikhailovich

Pavlov Sergey Mikhailovich was born on September 29, 1920 in the village. Glinka of the Istrinsky district of the Moscow region. Russian. Member of the WCP (b) from February 1942 graduated from 9th grade Istra high School named after A. P. Chekhov.

In 1938, early, the volunteer went to the Red Army and entered the Oryol armored school, which graduated from 1940. After graduation, Lieutenant Pavlov was appointed commander of the platoon of heavy tanks T-35 in the 19th TP 110th TD in the city of Zlochev Lviv region.

The Great Patriotic War met at 6 am on June 22, 1941. 11 days tankers kept on the border. Pavlov's platoon in these battles lost two cars. Commander of the battalion Zahar Slyusarenko (later twice the hero Soviet Union) ordered Lieutenant Pavlov to accept the duties of the boss boss of the battalion. The regiment went away with battles. Especially violent contractions were under Ternopil, Kiev, in the areas of Fastov and the White Church. We visited surrounded, but made their way, broke out. In the end, turned out to be under Tula.

Here, under Tula, tankers were waiting for large organizational changes. The 19th TP was transformed into 133-UTS. Tank brigade. Tanks T-35 began to replace on KV, and BT-7 cars - on T-34. From under Tula Brigade, in the composition of two tank and one motorized rifle battalions was transferred under Voronezh.

Now Pavlov was already an adjutant of the battalion headquarters, although in the soul he dreamed of getting into a combat unit again. And soon his dream came true, - he became the commander of the company, in which there were only tanks of the KV and T-34.

In the summer of 1942, the 133rd TBR was transferred to Stalingrad.

August 10, 1942. During the attack in the farm area No. 2 of the state farm named after Yurkin 3 tank, under the command of Pavlova, he broke through the reinforced defense of the enemy, supputed firepoints and entrenched at the turn, making a significant damage to the enemy.

On August 24, during the battle at the station Tingut Pavlov, he reflected the attack of thirty tanks at his chopitan tank, while tagged 5 and hit 2 enemy tanks, the rest turned into flight.

Only in battles for Stalingrad crew of the Commander Tank for the period from August 9 to September 4, 1942 destroyed 11 tanks, 4 guns, 3 tractors, 3 cars, 115 soldiers and opponent officers. And in general, the company, who was commanded by Captain Pavlov, during this time destroyed 47 tanks, 43 guns, 25 cars, 19 tractors, 14 machine guns, 13 mortars and over thousands of soldiers and officers.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 8, 1943 for the exemplary fulfillment of military assignments of the command at the front of the fight against the German invaders and the head of the head and heroism Sergey Mikhailovich Pavlov was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Golden Star Medal ( № 979).

On September 4, 1942, in battle, Sergey Pavlov, in the battle, Sergey Pavlov became heavy wounded. He was treated in the hospital in Engels. Foot failed to save ...

Found in the city of Sverdlovsk. There he was not commissioned, they were recognized as expected, - then the army treated every officer. I was discharged, went to the capital. In the Kremlin, Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin presented him with "Golden Star", Order of Lenin. In Moscow, sent him to form tank carriages for the front.

In 1943, S. M. Pavlov entered faculty of Engineering Academy of armored troops and successfully completed it. After the war, she worked as a designer, boss head, department of the design office. He received the title of Colonel. After a forty service - in May 1978, he quit into stock. He lived in Moscow.

After the resignation of S. M. Pavlov, he worked as Deputy Secretary of the Primary Parking of the enterprise. He was a member of the Presidium of the Council of Veterans of the 64th Army, and the permanent order of the Frunzensky District Military Commissariat of the city of Moscow. Large work on the military-patriotic education of young people.

January 30, 2002 at the request of the Istra District Youth public organization The "source" club at a joint meeting of the administration and the Council of Deputies of the Istra region decided to assign S. M. Pavlov the title of "Honorary Citizen of the Istra region".

Awarded the orders of Lenin, Patriotic War I Art., Red Star, Medals.

Honorary Citizen Pskov, participant in the Great Patriotic War

Sergey Mikhailovich Pavlov born on September 23, 1924 in the village of Sabezi Pskov district of the Pskov region. In Toroshinsky high school received a seven-year education. In 1941, from 16 years, he went to the partisans and was part of the 10th Leningrad partisan brigade. In the battles at the Pskovshchina was twice wounded. From February 23, 1944 he fought as part of the 42nd Army. In June 1944, he was abandoned to the city for conducting intelligence ... At dawn on July 22, 1944, the troops of the 42nd army took the offensive on Pskov and together with the divisions of the 128th rifle Division With battles entered the city. S.M. Pavlov participated in street battles in the city center, as well as on the night of July 23 - in the forcing the River Great. By morning the city was completely freed from the Nazis.

So I passed S.M. Pavlov with battles as part of the 42nd Army from Pskov to Riga. Under Riga was seriously injured. After treatment, he was sent to the 4th Ukrainian Front, fought in Poland, Germany and Czechoslovakia, finished the war in May 1945 under Prague. From there, the military unit was deployed in Mongolia. In the composition of the troops of the Trans-Baikal Front participated in hostilities against Kwantong japanese army, I freed Manchuria and reached Port Arthur. After demobilization in 1945 he arrived at home and worked in the collective farm. In 1948, on the recommendation of the Komsomol, aimed at work in the internal affairs bodies and until 1977 worked in different positions in the Department of Internal Affairs of the Pskov region. In 1960 he entered Pskovsky Pedagogical Institute them. S.M. Kirova at the Historical Faculty. After graduating, entered Higher school MIA in the city of Leningrad, and received the second higher education In 1969.

In 1977, he retired in the rank of colonel. For many years, time-free from public activity is engaged in carving wood.

From 1980 to 1987 he worked in the Society "Knowledge". He conducts greater patriotic work among the younger generation. Since 1990, he was elected chairman of the Council of Territorial Public Self-Government at Zealicye, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Veterans. Currently, the Council of Veterans G.Pskova is headed. He was awarded two orders of the Patriotic War I and II degree, the Order of Glory III, the Order of the Great Victory, the Medal of the "3A courage" and others.

On July 11, 1995, Sergey Mikhailovich Pavlov was awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of the city of Pskov".


About assigning the title "Honorary Citizen of the city of Pskov": Decree of the administration of Pskov: [including Pavlov S. M.] // Pskov News. - 1995. - July 18. - p. 1.

Leonidov, L. in seventeen boyish years: [S. M. Pavlov during the Great Patriotic War] / l. Leonidov // Pskov True. - 1998. - July 23. - P. 3.

Ronin, A. Does not raise a soul veteran: [Sergey Mikhailovich Pavlov -75 years old] / a. Ronin // Pskov News. - 1999. - 23 Saint. - P. 3: Photo.

Rusanova, L. from Pskov to Port Arthur / L. Rusanova // Pskovskaya Pravda. - 2000. - July 12. - P. 3.

Andreev, M. Liberators: [Today, in Pskov, there were only two people who participated in the operation to liberate the city in 1944 - S. M. Pavlov and N. I. Ruralchenko] / M. Andreev // Pskov True. - 2002. - July 23. - p.4.: Fot.

Ronin, A. City of Soldat Pavlova: a few episodes from the life of Sergei Pavlov - partisans, a private Red Army, Colonel Militia, Chairman of the Pskov Council of Veterans / a. Ronin // Pskov News. - 2004. - July 23. - P. 6, 19.

Father's dear: from the memories of S.M. Pavlova: [To the 80th anniversary of S. M. Pavlova] // Pskov News. - 2004. - 23 Saint. - P. 4.

Levin, N.F., Rusanova, L.F. In the ministry of Pskov: Honorary Citizens of Pskov: (Bibliographic collection) / n.F.levin, L.F. Rusanova. - Pskov: Ano Logos Publishing House, 2008. - P. 66 - 68: Fot. - (to the 1105th anniversary of the first mention of Pskov in the chronicle).

May 4, in Pskov, on ul. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 25 The solemn opening of the Memorial Plank of Sergey Mikhailovich Pavlov took place.

Sergey Mikhailovich Pavlov (September 29, 1920 - November 19, 2004) - Soviet officer, tanker-speakers, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union (1943). Only for one Stalingrad battle on the battle account of his crew - 11 baked and destroyed tanks and self-propelled artillery installations of the enemy.


early years

Born on September 29, 1920 in the village of Glinka of the Moscow province (now the Istrinsky district of the Moscow region). Russian. After graduating from grade 4, she continued his studies in the Istra secondary school number 1, where he graduated from the 9th grade. In the summer, together with the parents worked in the collective farm. Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming a tanker: "When I first saw this car here (shows a tank layout), she seemed to me so powerful that, I think, to manage such a car, as part of the crew - great confidence.

In 1938, the volunteer joined the ranks of the Red Army, enrolling in the Oryol armored school. After graduating from the school in September 1940, Lieutenant S. M. Pavlov was appointed commander of the platoon of heavy tanks T-35 in the 19th Tank Regiment of the 10th Tank Division of the 15th Mechanized Corps of the Kiev Special Military District (the city of Zolochye Lviv region). In the platoon of Lieutenant S. M. Pavlova, there were three five-bash T-35 tank, and there were 33 people in its subordination. Its tank part was located just 12 kilometers from the western border, near the city of Stry.

The beginning of the Great Patriotic War

Member of the Great Patriotic War from June 22, 1941. Tankists held defense at the border for 11 days, for which the platoon S. M. Pavlova lost two cars. By order of the battalion commander Z. K. Slyusarenko, Lieutenant S. M. Pavlov took the duties of the boss of the bond of the battalion. Then the regiment with battles went away, breaking out of the environment. Were under Ternopil, Kiev, in the areas of Fastov and the White Church, Yelets, Kursk, Eagle, and finally, were under Tula. According to the memories of S. M. Pavlov, "it was the most shameful time, we left our land, bread, villages and cities, but Nadezhda went to return here never left us."

In early October, under Tula, the remains of the 19th Tank Regiment were reformed in the 133rd separate tank brigade as part of two tank and one motorized rifle battalions. The brigade received the tanks of the KV-1. Lieutenant S. M. Pavlov performed the duties of the Adjutant of the battalion headquarters, then became the commander of the 2nd tank company of the 2nd tank battalion. The brigade took part in Tula defensive and offensive operations. Soon, from the area of \u200b\u200bTula Brigade was transferred to Kharkov, then there was a fighting under Voronezh.

Stalingrad battle

On July 19, 1942, the 133rd separate tank brigade was transferred to Stalingrad, where he took part in the Battle of Stalingrad. In early August, the brigade was transferred to the south-west direction, at the disposal of the commander of the 64th Army (General M. S. Shumilov). Together with the brigade, S. M. Pavlov participated in the battles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe "74th kilometer" driving area, farms No. 2 of the state farm named after Yurkin, Ferry Fighter, Tingut Stations and Abganevo.

On August 9-10, 1942, in battle in the area of \u200b\u200bthe "74th kilometer" crossing, one tank was burned together with its crew, three tanks and three long-range opponent's guns were shot. And the tankers of his company recorded 4 of the destroyed, 3 baked tanks and 6 long-range guns. On August 10, 1942, three KV-1 tank under the command of S. M. Pavlova took an attack in the farm district No. 2 of the Assistant named after Yurkina. Breaking through the reinforced enemy defense, they suppressed firepoints and secured at the turn, making significant damage german parts in this district.

On August 24, the Tingut station Ting S. M. Pavlova was shot down: the enemy shell fell into the caterpillar and broke the leading wheel. However, this did not prevent him from reflecting the attack of 30 enemy tanks, of which the crew is underway 5 and hit 2 cars, and the rest were forced to return to the starting positions. After the fight on the car counted 192. For this fight, the mechanic-driver S. Kolchanov, artilleryman I. Fedorchuk and Radist E. Mikhailov were awarded the Order of Lenin.

01/30/2002 By the decision of the Council of Deputies of the Istra region No. 7/17, the title "Honorary Citizen of the Istra region" was awarded. Hero of the Soviet Union. Native D. Glinka Istrinsky district. Voluntarily went to the army in 1938. He graduated from the Orlovsk armored school. Defended Lviv, Kiev, Moscow, Voronezh, Stalingrad. The commander talent of Captain Pavlova was especially revealed in battles near Stalingrad, where he fought as part of the 133rd tank brigade, commanded Tank Rota. In the account of the Commander Tank for the month of fighting under Stalingrad recorded: 11 enemy tanks were destroyed, 4 guns, 3 tractors, 3 cars, 115 soldiers and officers of the enemy, and in general, the company, who commanded Captain Pavlov destroyed: 47 tanks, 43 guns, 25 cars , 19 tractors, 14 machine guns, 13 mortars and more than a thousand soldiers and officers. It was hardly injured, but the army did not leave the army, then he was awarded the title of "Hero of the Soviet Union". After the exit to the well-deserved rest, there is an active work at the Moscow Council of Veterans, is a member of the club of the Heroes of the Soviet Union, meets with schoolchildren of Moscow, and his native school. A.P. Chekhov in the Istra region. At the initiative of S.M. Pavlova in his native village of Glinka was established a monument to its residents who died during the Great Patriotic War. Since 1984, active work in the "Istok" club began (the Istrin's amateur creative association of cointers), a local history magazine "Istok" appeared with the heading "History of the Great Patriotic War in the stories of its participants, eyewitnesses and followers." It provides tremendous help in finding memorials about the heroes of the Soviet Union to publish a collection of articles about our countrymen, heroes and full cavaliers of the Order of Glory. Awarded combat awards and medals.

Pavlov Sergey Mikhailovich.

Sergey Mikhailovich Pavlov
Date of Birth
Place of Birth

d. Glinka Moscow province, Russian Empire

Date of death
Place of death

USSR of the USSR

Type of army

tank forces

Years of service

110th Tank Division
133th separate tank brigade

Battle / War

The Great Patriotic War

  • Orlovsk-Bryansky defensive operation
  • Tula defensive operation
  • Tula offensive operation
  • Kharkiv Operation (1942)
  • Voronezh-Voroshilovgrad Operation (1942)
  • Stalingrad battle
Awards and Prize

Sergey Mikhailovich Pavlov (September 29, 1920 - November 19, 2004) - Soviet officer, tanker-speakers, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union (1943). Only for one Stalingrad battle on the battle account of his crew - 11 baked and destroyed tanks and self-propelled artillery installations of the enemy.


early years

Born on September 29, 1920 in the village of Glinka of the Moscow province (now the Istrinsky district of the Moscow region). Russian. After graduating from the 4th grade of the rural school, he continued his studies in the Istra secondary secondary school No. 1, where he graduated from the 9th grade. In the summer, together with the parents worked in the collective farm. Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming a tanker: "When I first saw this car here (shows a tank layout), she seemed to me so powerful that, I think, to manage such a car, as part of the crew - great confidence.

In 1938, the volunteer joined the ranks of the Red Army, enrolling in the Oryol armored school. After graduating from the school in September 1940, Lieutenant S. M. Pavlov was appointed commander of the platoon of heavy tanks T-35 in the 19th Tank Regiment of the 10th Tank Division of the 15th Mechanized Corps of the Kiev Special Military District (the city of Zlochevsky Lviv region). In the platoon of Lieutenant S. M. Pavlova, there were three five-bash T-35 tank, and there were 33 people in its subordination. Its tank part was located just 12 kilometers from the western border, near the city of Stry.

The beginning of the Great Patriotic War

Member of the Great Patriotic War from June 22, 1941. Tankists held defense at the border for 11 days, for which the platoon S. M. Pavlova lost two cars. By order of the battalion commander Z. K. Slyusarenko, Lieutenant S. M. Pavlov took the duties of the boss of the bond of the battalion. Then the regiment with battles went away, breaking out of the environment. Were under Ternopil, Kiev, in the areas of Fastov and the White Church, Yelets, Kursk, Eagle, and finally, were under Tula. According to the memories of S. M. Pavlov, "it was the most shameful time, we left our land, bread, villages and cities, but Nadezhda went to return here never left us."

In early October, under Tula, the remains of the 19th Tank Regiment were reformed in the 133rd separate tank brigade as part of two tank and one motorized rifle battalions. The brigade received the tanks of the KV-1. Lieutenant S. M. Pavlov performed the duties of the Adjutant of the battalion headquarters, then became the commander of the 2nd tank company of the 2nd tank battalion. The brigade took part in Tula defensive and offensive operations. Soon, from the area of \u200b\u200bTula Brigade was transferred to Kharkov, then there was fights under Voronezh.

Stalingrad battle

On July 19, 1942, the 133rd separate tank brigade was transferred to Stalingrad, where he took part in the Battle of Stalingrad. In early August, the brigade was transferred to the south-west direction, at the disposal of the commander of the 64th Army (General M. S. Shumilov). Together with the brigade, S. M. Pavlov participated in the battles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe "74th kilometer" driving area, farms No. 2 of the state farm named after Yurkin, Ferry Fighter, Tingut Stations and Abganevo.

On August 9-10, 1942, in battle in the area of \u200b\u200bthe "74th kilometer" crossing, one tank was burned together with its crew, three tanks and three long-range opponent's guns were shot. And the tankers of his company recorded 4 of the destroyed, 3 baked tanks and 6 long-range guns. On August 10, 1942, three KV-1 tank under the command of S. M. Pavlova took an attack in the farm district No. 2 of the Assistant named after Yurkina. By breaking through the reinforced enemy defense, they suppressed firepoints and secured at the turn, making significant damage to the German parts in the area.

On August 24, the Tingut station Ting S. M. Pavlova was shot down: the enemy shell fell into the caterpillar and broke the leading wheel. However, this did not prevent him from reflecting the attack of 30 enemy tanks, of which the crew is underway 5 and hit 2 cars, and the rest were forced to return to the starting positions. After the fight on the car counted 192. For this fight, the mechanic-driver S. Kolchanov, artilleryman I. Fedorchuk and Radist E. Mikhailov were awarded the Order of Lenin.

In total, from August 9 to September 4, 1942 during the Stalingrad battle, the crew S. M. Pavlova destroyed 11 tanks, 4 guns, 3 tractors, 3 cars, as well as 115 soldiers and opponent officers. And in general, the tank company commanded the captain S. M. Pavlova destroyed 47 tanks, 43 guns, 25 cars, 19 tractors, 14 machine guns, 13 mortars and over thousands of soldiers and officers. According to the commander of the 133rd Tank Brigade of Colonel N. M. Bubnova, Captain S. M. Pavlov "showed exceptional courage, heroism and courage and especially persistently defended the approaches to Stalingrad ... Preparing death, he continued to go into the enemy to the latter."

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 8, 1943 "For the exemplary fulfillment of military assignments of the command at the front of the fight against German invaders and the courage and heroism, Sergey Mikhailovich Pavlov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the" Golden Star "medal (№ 979). The same decree of the Hero Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded the company's commander - Senior Lieutenant I. I. Kolkov, on the battle account of which there were already 26 baked and destroyed tanks of the enemy and the commander of the Tank KV-1 of His company - Junior Lieutenant K. I. Savelyev, On the battle account of which during the same period there were already 23 baked and destroyed tanks.

According to the memories of S. M. Pavlov, "perhaps the most tragic for me was the day when I was wounded, he knocked me out of the gauge, because if I were not injured, I would come to Berlin. Surely! " On September 4, 1942, in the battle of the farm Yechhi (now does not exist) under Stalingrad S. M. Pavlov was heavily injured on his right leg, after which he was treated in the hospital in the city of Engels. But there the wound inflamed, Gangrena began, and the foot could not be saved. He continued treatment in EvicoPate No. 1071 in the city of Sverdlovsk, where two more operations have been transferred. In February, being in the hospital, I learned about the assignment of the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Member of WCP (b) from February 1942.

After injury

After cure, he was recognized as limited, and after discharge in May 1943 he arrived in Moscow. In the Kremlin, M. I. Kalinin handed him the medal "Golden Star" and Order of Lenin. In the main management of Persons, S. M. Pavlov received a direction to the study part in the area of \u200b\u200bPokrovskoye-Streshnevo (at that time the outskirts of Moscow), which was preparing tank crews and, together with the machines we sent them to the front.

In August 1943, S. M. Pavlov entered the engineering faculty of the Academy of Armored Troops, which successfully completed in 1948.

Post-war years

After the war, he worked as a designer to / h 42725, the head of the department, the department for improving armored equipment and the development of means of service. It has 3 inventions and more than 10 technical improvements.

In 1963, S. M. Pavlov moved to a railway 77969 air defense, where he worked as a senior warfold under the KB "Motor". For participation in the development and tests of S-200 SPC awarded the Order of the Red Star.

After a forty-year service, in May 1978, he quit the stock in the rank of colonel. 4 years worked as a designer in civil organizations.

He lived and worked in Moscow. Deputy Secretary of the Primary Parthoreganization of the enterprise, a member of the Presidium of the Council of Veterans of the 64th Army, a permanent entrvenance of the Frunzen district military commissariat of the city of Moscow. It was necessary to work on the military-patriotic education of young people, on his initiative in the village of Glinka, a monument was established a monument of 12 fellow villagers, who died during the war, performed in the youth club "Istork" of the city of Istra. He was fond of football, hockey, hunting, fishing, mastered agrotechnical in gardening and vegetable growing.

He died on November 19, 2004 in Moscow. He was buried on the cemetery from the native village of Glinka Istrinsky district of the Moscow region.

Awards and titles

Soviet state awards and ranks:

  • Hero of the Soviet Union (February 8, 1943, Medal "Golden Star" № 979)
  • order of Lenin (February 8, 1943)
  • order of the Patriotic War I degree
  • three Orders of the Red Star (September 30, 1942; 1964)
  • medals
A family

Father Mikhail Yakovlevich and mother Tatyana Titovna Pavlovy - farmers in many generations. According to the memories of S. M. Pavlov, "Our whole family worked in the collective farm, all my ancestors from the paternal and motherboard are the peasants. The family consisted of nine people, of us, children, was seven. " Brothers: Fedor (died in battles in the territory of Poland in 1944) and Victor, Sisters - Maria, Nina, Zoya - worked in Kolkhoz.

Spouse - Nina Semenovna Pavlova, who met during the war in the Sverdlovsk hospital, where she was one of the active donor. Son - Nikolai Sergeevich Pavlov. Grandson - Sergey; Grandmother - Ksenia.


In Moscow at home number 6, the building 4 on Kuusien Street, where S. M. Pavlov lived, a memorial plaque was installed.

On January 30, 2002, at the request of the Istra District Youth Public Organization, the "Istok" club S. M. Pavlov was awarded the title "Honorary Citizen of the Istra region".

On May 4, 2014, in the village of Glinka, in the homeland of the Hero of the Soviet Union S. M. Pavlova, he was installed bust (the author is the sculptor Denis Petrov).

  1. now the Istra district of the Moscow region
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Vorobyov V.P. Pavlov, Sergey Mikhailovich. Site "Heroes of the country".
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Pavlov, Sergey Mikhailovich on the website of the International United Biographical Center
  4. 1 2 Memories, documents, photos, 2006, Military school
  5. Memories, Documents, Photos, 2006, War
  6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Premium sheet S. M. Pavlova, with a submission to the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union in the electronic bank of documents "Feat of the People" (archival materials of TsAMO, F. 33, OP. 793756, d. 36, l. 234)
  7. 1 2 Award sheet S. M. Pavlova, with a submission to the Order of Lenin (awarded the Order of the Red Star) in the electronic bank of documents "feat of the people" (archival materials TsAMO, F. 33, OP. 682524, d. 996, l. 378)
  8. 1 2 Memories, Documents, Photography, 2006, Tingut Station
  9. According to the memories of S. M. Pavlov, German tanks were not 30, but 25.
  10. Award leaf I. I. Korolkova with a submission by the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union in the electronic bank of documents "feat of the people" (archival materials of TsAMO, F. 33, OP. 793756, d. 23, l. 232)
  11. Award sheet K. I. Savelyev with a submission to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union in the electronic bank of documents "feat of the people" (archival materials of TsAMO, F. 33, OP. 793756, d. 42, l. 236)
  12. Cossacks, 1982, p. 71.
  13. Memories, Documents, Photography, 2006, Work
  14. Memories, Documents, Photography, 2006, Academy
  15. 1 2 3 4 Lyudmila Derbushev. In the village of Glinka, in the homeland of the Hero of the Soviet Union Sergey Pavlova, a new monument appeared. Istra news (8.05.2014). Checked October 19, 2014.
  16. Information from the report on irrevocable losses in the electronic bank of documents of the "Memorial" documents (archival materials of TsAMO, F. 2058, OP. 86696, d. 1)
  17. Memories, Documents, Photography, 2006, Happiness
  • Pavlov Sergey Mikhailovich / Heroes of the Soviet Union: a brief biographical dictionary / pre. ed. College I. N. Droves. - m .: Milivdat, 1988. - T. 2 / Lyubov - Lushchuk. - 863 p. - 100,000 copies. - ISBN 5-203-00536-2.
  • Zhilin V. A., Gamys V. A., Saxon O., Chernogor V. Yu., Shirokov V. L. Stalingrad battle. Chronicle, Facts, People. - m .: Olma-Press, 2002. - T. 1. - P. 106-107. - 912 p. - (archive). - 5000 copies. - ISBN 5-224-03664-X, 5-224-03719-0.
  • Pavlov Sergey Mikhailovich. Memories, documents, photos. - Ista: Publishing Center of the "Istok" club, 2006.
  • Cossacks P. D. Deep trail. - m .: Milivdat, 1982. - 160 s.
  • I go to the ram. - Volgograd: Lower Volga Book Publishing House, 1978. - P. 148-150, 155.

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