March 21 and September 23. Winter Solstice Day in other nations

As you know, the Earth draws in its orbit around the Sun. For us, located on the surface of the earth of people, such an annual movement of the earth around the sun is noticeably in the form of an annual movement of the sun on the background of stars. As we already know, the path of the sun among the stars is a large circle of heaven and is called ecliptic. It means that Ecliptic is heavenly reflection of the Earth's orbits, so the plane of the Earth's orbits is also called the plane of the ecliptic. The axis of rotation of the Earth is not perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic, but deviates from the perpendicular to the angle. Due to this, the time of the year is shown on Earth (see Fig. 12). Accordingly, the plane of the earth's equator is tilted on the same angle to the plane of the ecliptic. The line of intersection of the plane of the earth equator and the plane of the ecliptic preserves (if not to take into account the precession) is unchanged position in space. One end of it indicates the point of spring equinox, the other is the point of the autumn equinox. These points are still relative to the stars (with an accuracy of precession movement!) And together with them participate in daily rotation. Near March 21 and September 23, the Earth is located relative to the Sun in such a way that the boundary of light and shadow on the surface of the earth passes through the poles. And since each point on the surface of the Earth makes a daily movement around earthly axis, exactly half of the day it will be on the lit part of the globe, and the second half - on the shaded. Thus, in these dates the day is night, and they are called respectively day of spring and autumn equinels. Earth at this time is on the line intersection of the planes of the equator and ecliptic, i.e. at the points of spring and autumn equinox, respectively. We highlight two more special points in the orbit of the Earth, which are called the dots of solstice, and the dates for which the Earth has to pass through these points, the days of solstice. At the point of summer solstice, in which the Earth happens near June 22 (day of summer solstice), north Pole The lands are directed towards the Sun, and most of the day any point of the northern hemisphere is lit by the Sun, that is, at this date the day is the longest per year. At the point of winter solstice, in which the Earth is near on December 22 (Winter Solstice Day), the North Pole of the Earth is directed away from the sun, and most of the day, any point of the northern hemisphere is in the shade, that is, at this date the night is the longest per year, and the day is the shortest. Due to the fact that the calendar year for duration does not coincide with the period of circulation of the Earth around the Sun, the days of equinoxies and the solstice in different years may have to have different days (one day from the title title). However, in the future, when solving problems, we will neglect this and assume that the days of equinoxies and the solstice always fall on the dates mentioned above.

  1. December 22 Winter sun Standing
    June 22 Summer Sun Standing Earth Failed to the Sun North Pole
    March 21 and September 23 Sun at noon in Zenith over the Equator
  2. 21 and 23 days of equinox
  3. And there something like the day of solstice, equilibrium or something else I do not remember
  4. i do not know how you but I do not know
  5. Most likely these are the days of solstice.
  6. March 21 - Spring Equinox Day; June 22 - Day Summer Solstice; 23 sends - day of autumn equinox; December 22 - Winter Solstice Day
  7. solesterstourism
  8. March 21 and September 23 - spring and autumnal equinox. June 22 and December 22 - Summer and Winter Solstice.
  9. days of solstice
  10. not properly
  11. equinox days.
  12. oo
  13. In my opinion, the days of the spring, summer and zone quarresting, if I'm not mistaken!
  14. Not for a little bolbe fool
  15. As you know, the Earth draws in its orbit around the Sun. For us, located on the surface of the earth of people, such an annual movement of the earth around the sun is noticeably in the form of an annual movement of the sun on the background of stars. As we already know, the path of the sun among the stars is a large circle of heaven and is called ecliptic. It means that Ecliptic is heavenly reflection of the Earth's orbits, so the plane of the Earth's orbits is also called the plane of the ecliptic. The axis of rotation of the Earth is not perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic, but deviates from the perpendicular to the angle. Due to this, the time of the year is shown on Earth (see Fig. 12). Accordingly, the plane of the earth's equator is inclined to the same angle to the plane of the ecliptic. The line of intersection of the plane of the earth equator and the plane of the ecliptic preserves (if not to take into account the precession) is unchanged position in space. One end of it indicates the point of spring equinox, the other is the point of the autumn equinox. These points are still relative to the stars (with an accuracy of precession movement!) And together with them participate in daily rotation.

    Near March 21 and September 23, the Earth is located relative to the Sun in such a way that the boundary of light and shadow on the surface of the earth passes through the poles. And since each point on the surface of the Earth makes a daily movement around the earth's axis, then exactly half of the day it will be on the lighted part of the globe, and the second half - on the shaded. Thus, in these dates the day is night, and they are called respectively day of spring and autumn equinels. Earth at this time is on the line intersection of the planes of the equator and ecliptic, i.e. at the points of spring and autumn equinox, respectively.

    We highlight two more special points in the orbit of the Earth, which are called the dots of solstice, and the dates for which the Earth has to pass through these points, the days of solstice.

    At the point of summer solstice, in which the Earth happens near June 22 (day of summer solstice), the North Pole of the Earth is directed towards the Sun, and most of the day any point of the northern hemisphere is lit by the sun, that is, at this date the day is the longest per year .

    At the point of winter solstice, in which the Earth is near on December 22 (Winter Solstice Day), the North Pole of the Earth is directed away from the sun, and most of the day, any point of the northern hemisphere is in the shade, that is, at this date the night is the longest per year, and the day is the shortest.

    Due to the fact that the calendar year for duration does not coincide with the period of circulation of the Earth around the Sun, the days of equinoxies and the solstice in different years may have to have different days (one day from the title title). However, in the future, when solving problems, we will neglect this and assume that the days of equinoxies and the solstice always fall on the dates mentioned above.

What are the names of March 21, June 22, September 23 and December 22? What is the duration of the day and night these days? Where and when the sun goes back and comes in these days? On which part of the earth's surface human Sun. Are these days in Zenith?


March 21 - Spring Equinox Day: Astronomical spring comes. At this time, on the whole northern hemisphere, except for areas located near the poles, the duration of the day and night is equal to 12 o'clock. The sun rises in 6 hours exactly in the East, and comes exactly in the West at 18 o'clock. At the Equator at noon on March 21, the Sun is in Zenith, that is, at a point located above the observer's head.

June 22 - Day Summer Solstice: Spring ends, the astronomical summer begins. On this day, the northern end of the earth's axis is tilted toward the sun, the sun at noon is in Zenith over the northern tropical (tropic of cancer). Tropics (Greek. - "Rotary Circle") Call an imaginary circumference on the surface of the Earth, located at the same distance north and south of the equator. On the day of the summer solstice, the sun does not go beyond the horizon north of the line, which is called the northern polar circle.

September 23 - the day of autumn equinox Astronomical summer ends and autumn begins. On the whole land, except for poles, the duration of the day and night is 12 hours. The sun rises in 6 hours in the East, and comes exactly in the West at 18 o'clock. At noon, the sun is in Zenith at the equator.

December 22 - Winter Solstice Day, Autumn ends and astronomical winter comes. On the day of the winter solstice, the northern end of the earth's axis is tilted from the sun, the sun rays fall on the line of the southern tropic (Capricorn tropic), and on the line of the southern polar circle the sun does not go beyond the horizon.

Solstice and equinoxes - Special dates in astronomy. They note the change of astronomical times of the year. During equinoxies, the Sun is in the heavenly equator and therefore evenly illuminates the North and South Hemisphere of the Earth. In these dates (at the end of March and September), the day is equal to the night. On the days of the solstice, our daylight reaches extreme points Its one-year path in the sky - in the summer it deviates 23.4 degrees to the north of the heavenly equator, in winter - by 23.4 degrees to the south. Therefore, in June, the Sun illuminates the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth - and at the time of the solstice, summer comes here - and at the end of December - South, and at this time it comes in winter (and summer in South Hemisphere).

So, figure it out!

The change of day and night on earth occurs continuously. But only 2 times a year - their duration on all latitudes is the same and is 12 hours - this day of spring (March 21) and the autumn (September 23) of equinox). It is these days that the Sun is in Zenith over the equator, and therefore the territory of the northern and southern hemispheres receive an equal amount of heat.

Also allocate the shortest night in the year and the longest day of the year. This is the day of the summer solstice. Which in the northern hemisphere falls on June 22, and in South on December 22. Thus, in the northern hemisphere on June 22, the day is longer than the night on all latitudes, while in the southern day shorter nights! At this time, a polar day and a polar night are observed on the poles!

At the Equator, the day is always equal to the night! The angle of falling the sun's rays and the duration of the day varies very little.

The resource clearly demonstrates the device of the teaching model "Magic Dome" based on the geometry of the heavenly sphere; shows the main elements of the celestial sphere studied in the school course of geography; On a specific example, introduces the work of the model and teaches the input of the variable parameters; Includes a simulator that contributes to memorizing the main elements of the model (heavenly sphere)

Model with variable parameters. The resource allows, changing model parameters, establish the relationship between the geographic latitude of the place, visible motion sun over the horizon, daily rotation and orbital movement of the Earth in the days of equinoxies and solstice; It makes it possible to visualize geography studied in school courses complex to understand the astronomical phenomena and processes and their consequences (the change of day and night, the change of the time of the year, etc.)

December 21 (the date is indicated for 2016) - the day of the winter solstice. Solstice is one of two days a year, when the height of the sun over the horizon at noon is minimal or maximum. In the year, two solstice - winter and summer. Solstice is one of two days a year, when the height of the sun over the horizon at noon is minimal or maximum. In the year, two solstice - winter and summer. On the day of the winter solstice, the sun rises to the smallest height above the horizon.

In the northern hemisphere, the winter solstice takes place on 21 or 22 December, and then there is the shortest day and the longest night. The moment of solstice is shifted annually, since the duration of the solar year does not coincide with the calendar time.

In 2016, the winter solstice day will happen on December 21 at 13.45 Moscow time

After the longest night of the year, the duration of which will be about 17 hours, the real astronomical winter will come. The sun sweats as much as much as possible in the southern hemisphere of the sky, that is, moving along the ecliptic, to reach her smallest decline. The longitude of the day in the latitude of Moscow will be 7 hours. The sun crosses 18 hours of meridian and begins to rise up by ecliptic. This means that after the intersection of the heavenly equator, the shine will begin the path to spring equinox.

During the winter solstice, the sun above the latitude of 66.5 degrees does not go away at all - only twilight in these latitudes say that it is somewhere under the horizon. In the North Pole of the Earth, not only the sun, but also twilight, and the location of the lap can only be recognized on constellations. On December 21, the Sun crosses 18 hours of meridian and begins to rise up by ecliptic, starting the way to spring equinox when it cross the heavenly equator.

Winter Solstice Day in the ancient Slavs

Winter Solstice Day was noticed since ancient times. So, the proverb: The sun is devoted to this day: the sun - for the summer, winter - on the frost. Now the day will gradually add, and the night - to shrink. In the winter solstice, they judged about the future harvest: frost on trees - to a rich grain harvest.

In the XVI century in Russia, an interesting rite was connected with the Day of Winter Solstice. The King on the bow came the belling elder of the Moscow Cathedral, who was responsible for the battle hours. He reported that from now on the sun turned for the summer, the day is added, and the night is reduced. For this joyful message, the king frightened the headman with money.

Ancient Slavs on the day of the winter solstice celebrated pagan New YearHe contacted the Divine Zada. The chief attribute of the festival was a bonfire, depicting and calling the light of the sun, which after the long night of the year should have risen higher and higher. Ritual New Year's cake - a loaf - on the form, too, resembled the sun.

The day of the pagan reading Karachun (the second name of the Black Bog) falls on the day of the winter solvent (celebrated depending on the year from December 19 to December 22) - the shortest day of the year and one of the coldest days of winter. It was believed that on this day the Terrible Karachun takes his power - the Death Deity, the underground God who commanded by frosts, an evil spirit. Ancient Slavs believed that he commanded in winter and frosts and shortens light time day.

The servants of Grozny Karachun - the beans-connecting rods, in which the tumans are turned around, and blizzard wolves. It was believed that on a bearish desire and winter student lasts: the bear will turn in his burgrole on the other side, it means that and the winter exactly half of the way to spring remains. Hence the saying: "A bear in Berlga turns from one side to another." In the people, the concept of "Karachun" in the sense of death, death is still used. They say, for example: "I came to Karachun", "Wait for Karachun", "Karachuna", "Crachun". On the other hand, the word "punish" can have the following values \u200b\u200b- to fall aside, crawl, "frozen" - scorching, drove. Perhaps Karachun was so called precisely because he, as it were, forced the daytime to go to reverse side, Put, crawling crawling, giving up the night.

Gradually, in the folk consciousness, Karachun became closer to the frost, which shouts the strurance, as if immersing it in mortal sleep. This is a more harmless image than harsh Karachun. Frost is just the Lord of Winter Colds.

Winter Solstice Day in other nations

In Europe, this days began a 12-day cycle of the pagan festivals dedicated to the winter solstice, which marked the beginning of a new life and renewal of nature.

On the day of the winter solstice in Scotland, there was a custom to run a solar wheel - "Full". The barrel was deceived by a burning resin and drooped down the street. The wheel is the symbol of the sun, the knuckles of the wheels reminded the rays, the rotation of the spokes when moving made the wheel alive and look like a shine.

Winter solstice before all other seasons was defined in China (in the Chinese calendar 24 of the season). IN ancient China It was believed that since this time the male power of nature rises and a new cycle begins. Winter Solstice Day was considered a happy day, worthy of celebration. On this day, everything - from the emperor to the commoner - went on vacation.

The army was brought to the state of waiting for orders, border fortresses and shopping beings were closed, people went to visit each other, gave each other gifts.

The Chinese brought sacrifices to the God of Heaven and ancestors, and also ate porridge from beans and sticky rice to protect themselves from evil spirits and diseases. Until now, the Day of the Winter Solstice is considered one of the traditional Chinese holidays.

In India, the Day of Winter Solstice - Sankranty - is celebrated in Hindu and Sikh communities, where fires are lit in the night before the celebration, the heat of which symbolizes the heat of the sun, begin to warm the land after winter cold.

Calendar of Russian People will take on December 21 (December 8 in the old style) - Anfisa Needlewoman

On this day, the Holy Anfisu Roman, who suffered for the Christian faith in the 5th century. Anfisa was the wife of the Roman dignitorn and confessed Christianity (according to legend, Her baptized the saint Amvrosy Mediolsky, whose memory is celebrated on the eve). Once the spouse of the city holder offered her to take the Arian baptism (the Arian teachings denied the unity of the god-father and Jesus Christ). The anfisa refused to the Women's naval, was burned at the fire.

On Anfisa, all girls in Russia had to do with needlework: springs, weave, sew, embroider. It was advisable to do it alone, and if it was not possible or did not want to leave - spend special rites from damage.

On Anfisa, the girl sews, but an extra eye while Sewing is on the evil eye, "our ancestors said and advised young needlewomen to crush the silk thread around the wrist, so as not to prick the fingers with a needle. The same rite was protected from sowing and Icotes.

The magical force had an embroidery itself, in which some symbols were often encrypted. So, the rhobs on the towels were fertility; Round outlets and cruciform figures on clothes guarded her owner from misfortunes. In traditional embroidery patterns, images of the sun, trees, birds personifying the vitality of nature are also found. Our ancestors believed in their strength, believing that they would bring prosperity and well-being.

Calendar of Russian people will take on December 22 (December 9 in the old style) - Anna Winter. Anna Dark. Conception of St. Anne.

The church celebrates not only birth, but also conception. From the holiday of the conception of Anna, winter hires: autumn ends, winter is hosted. The beginning of a real harsh winter. In the meantime (lace) on the trees on the conception of Anna to the crop. If the snow is applied down to the hedge - a bad summer, and if there is a gap - a frost. December 22 - the shortest day of the year, the day of the solstice.

To conceive Anna, pregnant women are strict post (on other days, pregnant days are freed from the post), avoid any quarrels and troubles, do not come across cripples and disabled people; It is impossible to light fire, knit, embroider and be accepted for any work in order to accidentally not harm the future child. People in these issues knowledgeable assure that the fire inflamed on this day can leave the red mark on the Baby's Taurus, the intricate threads twist his umbilical cord, and the poor, ugly, who seen his mother can pass their injury to his child. On conception, the wolves converge, and after baptism they run.

The memory of St. Anne, the parental of Mary, the future of Our Lady, celebrate twice a year: On August 7, Anna's Assumption Service is made in the churches, its death. December 22 - the day of winter equinox, in the south of Russia is considered the beginning of winter. It is noted in the weather: "The sun for the summer, winter - on the frost." In this morning, worship in churches is held solemn than in common daysFor December 22 - this is the day, "Faigantly conceived the Most Holy Virgin."

Equinox days and solstice 2017

  • spring equinox - March 2010: 29
  • summer Solstice - June 21 04:24
  • autumn equinox - September 22 20:02
  • winter Solstice - December 21 16:28

Equinox days and solstice 2018

  • spring equinox - March 20 16:15
  • summer solstice - June 21 10:07
  • autumn equinox - September 23 01:54
  • winter Solstice - December 21 22:23

Equinox days and solstice 2019

  • autumnal equinox - September 23 07:50
  • winter Solstice - December 22 04:19
  • spring equinox - March 20 21:58
  • summer Solstice - June 21 15:54

Equinox days and solstice 2020

  • spring equinox - March 20 03:50
  • summer Solstice - June 20 21:44
  • autumnal equinox - September 22 13:31
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